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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1893)
T-prr ' Av -? MU, .-,. .-l 1 out or 8fHT. T,,MfivrlJiiKf'mill r mow folly ,mJ l Km frtet ill! tli OlifrngO, tin Kino & Noflli Ww-eni linn ilfi-r lLJ VPTV IrnM niwuiNwuiiinnin in, hit Slid from mill IHJfc. Omnli.. G nfrriiintliiifl olitt. not only ilur I".'."'1'.....!,, file, lint nil 1 1 1,1 vt.,ii aa. " w SIX SPASMS A DAY. lit, Uile Xe.llcal Co., Jtlhfuirl, Xnl. (ItNiLEMEH ! I never low nn opportunity to recommend Dr. Miles' restorative Ntrvlne to any HAS t uiiui.iiiu tuu it mi iicrvuunruiuriiainM ' dl-aMMilrit them When our bovwnj .Mini wiu nwuruiico mni ii nm not .'.PIG!!! IOUI II " ! J1U iTUiniLJl'MCU W1LU T UBII . . . .i -v. i ........ .... .....:.. i(iirm. bometitotM ha would have tire or -, umjlnasliigledoy. Wcthud Msnv.axviit. rum wirriqur acncm; flnilly our dniirgisl nCUUlOlCIlUCa .b,b m f-a. pm m. Br, Mllct'lu- ixrall.e Ncr CJU R P D vll,e We tried , t, ttlc, onil " 6-" could eco that rew BCNcrtrrD komthc rinT doc. We uxl tl.rco Unties, and I anvhiWDv to esv the fWidiiu TMYlBfLV cnnrn Weusilno ciUr rrmeJj-, padhTu euro w complete. lie U SS THOUSANDS )y Ijcnltlij-. Yon are at liberty to uaemy name In teUNDINQ THE PRAIIE Of THIS WONOtafUI. iiatDY. a c. niAcox. -Agent Faclflo Express 09. t HuUrgt, Nebraaka,'AprU 6tn', 1692, Dr. Miles' Nervine, most cxxtajm ccaa fob HEADACHE, HEURALOIA, HEEVOUS 7B0S TEATION, DIZZINESS, BPABMB, BLEEPIXS8- SESS, DULLKESS, BLUES, and OPIUM HASH, SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CT& ! rjoin i,y u. J. Kry, arugiat,, buleuj WS& mm. Mil INJECTION I THEGEHTLEMAN'SFRIENn. OurFEnFnCTION BYIttKOKIrM with mrr tottU. Jiclnui. D.V. not STAIN, rBEVKNTS STRICTURE, Cure. OOVOIirtltfEA and CLEFT In Ok Ut t'ut itju A QUICK CUBS for J.EUCOltEIIUIA or WHITES. So!dlrlirmLT.nlSTS B.nttoiuirAlclrc.iforll JtAl.YDOU MAKWAirviuxu Co., IAJ.CAST: 3." "IO. JAPANESE? CURB A. new and coruDlete treatment, consisting of suppositories, ointment, In capsules, also u dox una pins; a positive cure ior external laternul, blind or bleeding. Itching, cbrtnlo rere tor ueredlta'y piles, and miny otbw ttlsnaseannd feinalo weaknesses, It Is h1wu great benefit to the gunenl healtU. The first discovery ot a medical euro ri-nderlnij an operation with the knlte unnecessary here niter. Thin lemedv has never been known ri full. SI per box, 0 for $5; sent by mall. Why mfjer from this terrible diseaso whnftwrll teu gimruutee Is ijlveu with 0 b izes, to refuad the monov If not cured, seud s urno. forfe simple. Ouoranioo Issued by WOODWAltU (H.A1UCK& Co , -wholesale uud retail drug cists, sole agents. Portland, or, llrooks I.eju agents for bulem, 168 State street.PattonV block. 6-2-ly-dw UNATTRACTIVE LADIES May be aa good as gold, but they have little Influence. Kvery lady can be good looking. It's her duty to be attiactlve. Beauty attracts. LOLA MONTEZ OREME, the SKIN, KOODand TI-WUK BUILUKU makes ladle" beauti ful. I'revents wrink les, withering, dry ing! aging of the skin keeping it In a healthy condition. Clayey Druggist, pells all ot Mrs Net- lie Harrison's world "liWi.tu( famed tonet articles Her HAIK VIOOIt J Tvftu.rt)ivtu cures all scalp bum- en, prevents hair falllBg out, keeping It flue and gloxsv. Do you want luxuriant growth, of hair? iler LiVKn Haari-ATOB cures torpid llvir, beadsche, nervous dlseuses, all female trouble", nil aft net Ions or I be bladder and klt oeys. Remember the place, IIHOOKS Si LKOO, Druggists, I'atton Block, Euleni, Oregon. For any ipecUl or complicated blemish of the face and form, write to MIW. NKTrlE 11 AHKISON, 2rt Ueary Ht,, Kan Francisco. Superfluous hair permanently romoved. RTifl yr(fm gSBW jp EE XS ' 5 Ai5T2 tLOALL &jnTJ N. K 1 S. J THE WILUAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Hates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between l'ortland aad Ban Francisco. Flrbt-clasa In all Its appointments. It tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Urown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. EX K.JHALL., Paper Hanger and Decorator; Offlt-c at Cha. Colert's Millinery store Wnlein.Orogou. II. W. Hmlth, postmaiter of LewlivlUe, and wJ. Murphy, uf Salem, have for sale abon 2.0U) sorts nrgonlfrmlB and su-ek lasd'hi the Lucklmnutir rmwtrr la VeUk" coiwrty I'rices range from 16 to 10 per acre. All good property, m-d on the market for tb flrt time. Great bargklea. Call on or addrrsa the above. dw J-lt-U Farm for 8Ie w Trade. Ou eay tmi, four telle et rf Hubllmlty, poatatBBglffaejea; wtU trade for ptiwrty o . " i . Mm yv t W BHtMlaa Bargains in Land. PMHM UU8T AT WOltltS, .11 I IH II II Tfmlr TtitnUitii Jrtfi-fr a,u .Wenlf ali.T,riifriTiiar hnn't tin, A tvointfi fit n liutol In UUohUvh wlro mi h troWo or n ruunwny howi M n riinoiHi, Biirr ru mvh ntui t'oiii wrmntiii uuitutmuint In Jr. ihUmUm itflor lior ttiuika como lit) limn a frmri could thliiri of In n wpok, Hlo wrllo linlr n ilozon loliDrn n Any. imlng llircHJ or four lioo(ti of tlio liokii imiKir in oncli oiio, mid (mil mm n lwll iioy to until oiioli oiio fioimmtoly, Hlio )llfl (ill HOI to Of llllilffrt In llio rlflfo, ntid no onu lillndn Unit inncli rut tlm thliiKH hIio dot'Hti't out tlicro, but fi iwrfoctly Biiro slio did, Of t'oiirno hIio flndrt thorn up Hlnlra undon tho pillow ntid npoIoKlzcw no jirottlltr one cflti't help but Ikj Kind nlio nindo tlio rrilfltnko iHhe uovornmkcm out nwnnh list, but ho ''kuowH" exactly wbnt nlio had, and ono pair hnmi't boon returned, Hhe koopH tho poiidoroiiH bell boy nronlonitding up and down ntnlra nil day with roucu and cnnln, pnrcoln and mcHHgetf and uoTer remembers to tip him, but It i good for hl dl goHtfon, mnkort him earn bin wagon and teachoK him tho philoHophy of lifo. Bho rtondfl down word to know Jiwt when tho S o'clock train goes out and what tin? tho 7 o'clock lim ited gets in, but hIio doetm't como homo reeling in nf tor tho play to find out who site is or whero nlio in at any way. Bho will tack up photo graphs on tho wall, but nlio doen't go to bed with her bootn on. She oxiKictfl tho chambermaid to clean hor gowns and pack her trunks, but riho doesn't set tho sheets on flro smoking in bed or break tho mirrors with her umbrella and play football with tho furniture, o'ven in her fun niest moods. She wants no end of extra towels, but sho doenn't polish her boots with them. Of oourso sho doesn't eat as much or drink as much or spend as much money as a man, but sho can mako things moro lively with her cards and callers, tho people Bho is "in" to and tbo peoplo she is "out" to, than a houso full of men. She wants to live all over tho houso, and why not? A pretty woman read ing in a parlor, or waiting on a hall seat or scribbling letters in her queer angular hand at tho writing table is ever so much mnro interesting an attraction than a barrel ot "brico break, "a potted palm or a jardiniero full of flowers. Ever since the days of tho garden eviction men have fol lowed where women havo led, and tholiotol where women most do con gregate is suro to have a generous following of men. Indeed it is a question if a pretty woman that will Bit around in a stained glass attitude and a handsome gown ought not to have special rates if Bho isn't paid a salary. There is one thing a woman will do every time, and that is insist that there is something wrong about her bill. Sho "knows" just what sho has bad and is sure there is a mistake, and you have charged her too much ; but, bless her heart, sho always pays. Sunshine isn't surer in Juno than a woman's honesty. Sho never is so "dead broke" at tho end of tho trip that she has to pawn her things or give security on her trunks. And if you do succeed in pleasing her. she will tell every one from hero to the Golden Gate that your hotel is the only decent placo in town. A drum mer working on commission and giv ing his whole time to it can't work up half tho custom that ono well suited womau will send you if you humor her little capi ices, servo her dainty little dishes of nothing sweet ened and tied up with bows and fix up her bill bo that you can afford to discount it a bit when sho leaves. New York Sun. A Dtislness VugobonU. A very dirty and bedraggled speci men of a tramp strolled into a gro cery storo in Park street tho other morning, and tho first man ho met was tho proprietor. "Can you gimme a dime?" asked the visitor meekly. "1 can, but I hardly think I shall," was tho cheerful response. "Why in thunder don't you go wash yourholfi" "1 can't afford to." whined tho tramp. "Can't you, indeed? Water's plen ty, and soap doesn't cost anything." "Don't iti" queried tho tramp. "No, it don't" The tramp edged over toward tho door. "Well," ho said, with his hand on the latch, "if it don't, I'd like for you to figure out for mo what your per cent of profit is on every bar you sell to your deluded customors," and with that ho dodged outsido and disap peared. Detroit Free Press. Distinctions la Fortune's Favor. Recent hibtory is full of curious contrasts in tho rewards won in the groat field of human endeavor, Hor ace Smith, who invented the-Smith & Wefetjon revolving firearms, died leaving an estate valued at $5,000,000. Orango Judd, who did more perhaps thau -any other man to teach the American farmer how to make agri culture profitable left a personal es tate valued at $150. Cincinnati Com muwhl Gazette. Hard to Understand. Few persons understand the cause ef their own failures. Judging other affairs as they do their own, they couldn't tell why a barrel to empty when it has a hole in the bottom, Century. Hrxmxa oawMj mtmtmmtm my i yt mmmmm mm him hhiiisUtU'iii'Mi tfn. M yrtu U in it, IaUit in iittnl6rttUi Afwl erven dwplwd by iuu may imotftt It l AbOTU lf, MM d,Wi tffrfH fiff t.riidKnry t wJilo) m nubmH in ordor tu Kot food I Ut whu him fowl, It in iimiuiil, Imrt no iiet (or wirUi ltil lio who hm not fn.t wrk or fioMwwIly Notli of tlictiffy lirtrrt I dlatlMtftllnll two UituU of MIm tlio who fir lnr,y nd l "ut wit labor wllli coinplrtliifiitf, H U ii, (lion, Ut ftwmtiMfflh tli dffC.lty Of work, How l ono Ut do It; y Hie fact that nil alioiild work without any exception Ifnvliiod'nltlwl llirtt work Ih a law of llfo, it I JmjKwilbto Ut find nny pnitoxt by wlilMi n nimi may' bo oxmnpt from It, H who will not lalKr In thrt riplrll of (.if mi promo law In condoniiKid UMixtlfiO' Hon, Ho will txirirth of Internal dlft citflo, conniirnod by lili iiriprlftoiiod onorglon, which Ijocoiiio trmiHfonnod Into nolnon. When tlicro In no movement, na ture cannot perform lior duty, mid m rustfl and corrupt.. Aro you doing nothing, young until? That ia enough, I would rathor hoar that you had tho cholora, bocmiHo that only klllw and contaminate tho body, Tlio dl enso of idleness prpying upon you will destroy tho wholo man. Yon aro not only infected yourwilf, Init you constituto a center of Inl eotion, In a well organized Aodcty ho wlio in convicted of an ovil uch a,yotir should bo condemned to dbnth n death of public infamy, a death by starvation. Tlio man who has bread in abundance and lives without work on tho labor of others, or ho who hat no bread, but idly begs it or steals, as may happen ho should know thoro is no placo for him in a world governed by tho law of labor and ot joint responsibility. Ho falls from tho troo like tho dead leaves. "Jot! nosso" Wagner. Htronc floom of a flank. A strong room in a bank is an apart ment upon tho construction of which a good deal of care and ingenuity aro expended. It is designed to'givo so curity against tiro, thieves and fall ing buildings. On tho outsido aro firebricks, in the inside a lining of steel half an inch in thickness, and between tho two aro 18 inches ot solid concrete in which tho iron ribs of tho structure aro imbedded. Tlio door is of groat thickness, but that in not its most remarkablo feature. Tho most ingenious cracksman would bo lucky if ho discovered within a week tho twists and turns by which it is mode to withdraw its numerous and heavy bolts. Then tho making of tho keys would probably ongago his'attontion anoth er week. Nor would this bo alb When he got tho door opened, ho would havo a no less difficult task in getting beyond tho ponderous steel bars which form an additional bar rior. But before ho accomplished this electric bells would havo announced his presence, and ero ho was aware of his danger ho would wish that ho had not attempted bo foolish an ex ploit. Exchange. Trapping Wolves In France. Among other contrivances thoro is ono that outwits tbo sagacity of the wolf with as little hardship as such a capture admits. Within a circlo of strong stakes not very closely plant ed a sheop or a gooso is confined, At a distance of 10 inches is an outer circlo of stakes having furcm trance 18 inches wido. Tho path 'bo tween tbo two circles is wolf beaten down. Tho dw ot tho outer ono, which folds back against the inn or, i& set invitingly open. In marches tho cautious wolf pur- sues tho path till ho comes to tho back of the open door, pushes against tho yielding obstacle, and by so do ing closes tho outranco against liim-i self. Tlio latch falls at the impact of tho door against tho doorpost, and ho is hopelessly fast, unublo to touch tho decoy animal of tho inner circlo or to leap over tho strongly planted poles of tbo outer ono. Thus inglo nously kidnaped, tho victim is noon dispatched. Blackwood's Magazino. Trading In I'atagoula. It is a lucky thing for tho natives of southern Patagonia that tho navi gation of the Straits of Magellan i, dangerous. Vessels often anchor in tho straits for tho night on this ac count, and this gives tho crooked legged natives a chance to come out in their canoes and trado with tho ship's company, Tho chief articles offered by tho natives aro furs of va rious kinds, especially of the sea ot ter. Theso thoy sell for a trifio, or moro often barter for the few things thoy need. Tho best otter skins are worth as much as f COO to 1700 when brought to civilized markets, but Patagonians offer only poor skins. Now York Bun. Couldn't Ilslp Winning. Papa Well, what did you think of tho groat skating race? Little Son Didn't amount to muck. "Everybody said it was wonder ful." "I didn't see nothin wonderful Iwut it The ono that winned couldn't help wiunin. He leaned over so far forward that he hd to go like a streak o' lightnin to keep from fallin on hie nose' Good News. ftfconM Re CatUAad, "I wish I wm a monkey," Mtid Chappie. "Well you're fot yowr vUk" re-. Unw4 MtiiPMfx' r. xdtihXAfn WMntitmAi, kmy.m, M wwii tin f ii ft M Hi lit Orr lit ijl JfMil dWOflrf lf H Wtltitt dlMfY'l'l in hWi llltf ttipf iflbtiml tif llrff flfifidrtr nf.oof (! nHrVfOidi fiflHfiM nn nttM h timmilf .HtMlfiM Mid tu ilf I.. by id tm (t i fii mt-M ilMtfti 'I llH fiMlMW flffl (bf llir. H(ft efol !,.(. (f itVf(fW ttlUtU b( iiif tMihm, Mid Ift tflMHrrtiWlt ItM ft fmlHof MutiMhK Ihd nMIArwt Utlami by iwfclriK ftf.ilofm tOot,! wlint fi hm drflwn. , Jfrtrtrltfilfiryil Ifl9 teittMilHtUiH bft crown mw ilfiidny, fYifioff Hffer Ihf kit ffi(rtyjd hiyk o( till ii6fi foynf twift wt, ft wM, "MiW, wfwl mw o( (Ik llillo folk ciiff tell mo ttlml flrf UV HotffMl rnlwd Ifrslf IwHid, Iml tliourf wrlfitfliidct'6-y( wftit fjti1d irf a Imtf follow Of i ll. frcf i ( Witt "Wf.ll, .fofififdo, yon fnny Ml, IVwidoflil'dl'tfiiolkfiftlffl M fcl tori, tli boy roriT.illlH1yAiid uliwiltd "A jiiifliialiiwil" MoMon ifotifml, AtvlVtfard Tlil lrft Your tlckolH whim it in raining out iddo, crowded insldo mid you Imvo tmnt away tlio cab. Scrltmer's Mngazino, III Mltle I'leee. The thin, fleecy cloud ictiirled ncrofin tlio ky, dimuiing at intorvnls tho light of tho moon, whoao pulo rnyHNhono upon a yopng man standing near tho corner of Jackson and Dearlwni strceU. His drcna wiifl )lnln, oven to iilmbbl nciis, Tho night air wax chill, and m he leaned agoiwit a IntnpiKt, with hi luindsin hinixjckotr), his hot rnilled down over bin eyes and his hcml drawn down as far as it would go inni.lo hi turned up coat collar, ho looked Hko a man to whom hope- and a wpmro rnenl had long been Htrangcni. Suddonly ho utraightcncd up. A now impulse, born of his ncccanlt.en and her alding, mayhap, tho dawning of n con viction that American manhood wan not a thing to Ikj surrendered even amid in justice, misfortune and neglect, hud ut pnrently taken pohecssloii of him, A foot step was heard approaching, and us if stirred by a latent feeling of sliamo that tho cyo of it follow being should rest upon hint in his dejected and forlorn as pect ho turnod down his coat collar, placed his hut wjtiurcly ou bin lioad and stepped out from under the street lump, '.'Mister," ho said plaintively, "would you bo so kind ntid obliging as to help mo a littlo I uin u hurd working man out of a job and I haven't had n mouthful to cat for thrco days and it's pretty tough luck and all I ask is a dimo if you would be so kind and obliging as to assist mo a littlo it's all I ask and when a man's down on his luck go to Halifax you darned high toned stuck up dudo you hain't got a darned cent nohow ("Chi cago Tribuno, Saved by a Club, "Hero's a gun that saved my lifo once," said tho big drummer at tho Russell Houso m bo displayed a G-shooter with a bore largo enough to shoot seed potatoes. Then ho told a thrilling .story of a bloody border encounter which sounded m though soino follow had inodo it up him self. "I never hod as closo n call an that," announced tho quiet drummer, "but a club saved my fortuno down in that country one time," "How' asked tho big knight of tho grip, "Clubs don't go among those fire eaters down tlicro," "I was sitting in a big gamoof poker," said the quiet ono, "I hud all my wealth ia a jack pot and held a bobtail flush. I drew another clubund was saved," De troit Free Press. Tender Hearted, Sho Havo you doctors any feedings? He Oh yes. When my own brother is sick I call in another physician, Doesn't that show it? She Yes. A man who has no com punctions about murder but avoids frat ricide, must bavo somo feelings. Lifo. Coriralfuclns;. "Well," remarked Fitzgoober smiling ly, "I am glad U seo that liazzoo is in a fair way U Ket well now." "Has he changed doctors?" "Ye." "Who's attending him now?" "No one,"Bunny Houth, Very If ard. Pendriver I can't trust the proof reader, you see, so 1 have to read every thing I write myself after it is in type. Sympathizer Have to read your own writings. Poor fellowl Your lot is in tod a bard ene. Boston Transcript Ho Accounting for Tastes, Upcreek Don't give we a room on the top Soor, When I wake up, I like to bear Mm birds sing. CMeago Hotel Clerk Just as you say, Soaw prefer bird awl omo angels, New York HerakL AnOKVtf, "U ytf hens layl?" asked the farww efMntfrigbbor. "Yes," w the dlxosol4e reply, "They're layfn oM." CUe later Oeea. if CT$ Aft Awftif mtrtf. 'HiMWfirfilhfWw iirtv-if l,HHmtU iim tm Mmui urn mMtitimtit M lfieriiii ft In ftof . (umMiliUtMtt m ft neffifiihrM limtm of m luuitii flffd miy wml, wlllfjlf MfihW HAUlMilW mlbilli fjOfflifri(fiM"J'"t mid will e((f ih jHhcI n A !. iiul IrPlMlt M titifi fiioiiy Ml 11(1 H for if win J MA .. i3 I if fsffflilttth .Tli0fl V m III MOW tummta Of (i6ff fefflnfH' rtMflflifA.IVrJ pfOhefllf fu Ki. WAlfrtfll l( niftkeM Iff Milfoil off ItM, rnji of totii Af tll (Mil6n itliMii nfjtlHhlrllf wftfl Aft sfMtrtfilff (flvlsl ftiiolll(y of Ids Mdheraof fifsddef, leiilftsM Ih flflsllt'rt dfseaX,(Ilt. MMssfiflcyniiim, Tfninfst t wo 'it eni ifl (4ffi(fit(h8tif(fnfii(6f M.6 ttnM (itnh,bH dotroy (fieff sir rt6tf re with m (fiMelirlaln(y sltiliiiliffymirifnp(lottdoTMTtliA(ei'()ihiriRS, ItMltUct'H flfoms'fi jflffeM li attoKMllelt dfilftMs, jifoifKfdiijf tfi tusUtHf ofthOsof Mf- without ovt-r HtetUtig f hf n, Mitt atrl ItMfllisdMdli' inaladlrs In which their innd llfi is Mpttibti Ut f iilmfftftfe, Tlis femfrval from ids biMid of hnpiirlllM wltleh the kid' riyslmiil(lltit do nrl, whsu Irisctlvs, a fffillsshmlierjlerifpeertt trffot ofthlsia otirriiftrl,l fnedleaKtf sHmtll'fll Stiddfpa rent, Tii9llftlM l, in all MiM.lMi.aflns rmtrrrstlvelTlgn and aid fOdlgMdeirl.rem dlM trialsrlaj imnfti, and tianlshei liver eornplaint Nhdooustlpnllorii mxxKKiirmimtXKXKXMBtjK) COMPLETE MANHOOD ANO HOW TO ATTAIIS? IT. A I fsl a m-djiAl vork that tells the eaniei, N ifoncrlt tlm ff sti, pninU .Mi rernwlr, , tun issrisnllScsllfpif matt vslnslile. artlillealff me nvni UtMUIIIUI, msiiiosi mriK inat n A.V.SE prMrnrfesrii wpi a hslf tone IliiittrstV , ittsrr pf besrlM trsiioii in lima, rrnniri nr i (if lh miliJMts IrtMnt Are Nerrost Pelillllf, Imi I.ficr, Blf llltf, iMrsloirment, Vsrlcocol, The UinUknii,thtii Intending nsrrlsge, ele. M KvrvM(tnuihnmuHknnvlhUrnnittrvtht, Ms 1'ltiinfnrt: Ih Ohl ntttttt nvl NiwIH tortrlfin Unlloil Mrnrt at npplltd to Hnf ttn I Aft , I'Art imM ntunt fur ptilt fullln woNiiriiYvt, Itrtlrs houli. .11 will l ee nt rrfo, iinnsr seal, while the edl (I'm Mm. If rotiTenlenteneloiri teneenls tu t pvitsge slon. Addreis the publlihori, ERIE MEDICAL CO., uvrrAw, M. Y. rrot P.tillllr. Iinno. fcaggarjtjEaonrxarxyjri i 1 1 t,mMMJtJf Dr. Powell Reeves & Co,, Tho Old rtollabloSpoolallsts, UU of Knw York lldsriltsls. Ornilitste with nigh Honors. Twenty rests' experience as I'rokMor, lrturer. Author and Hbeclalltt In C'liroiilo MUesMi, Catarrh, Uronohltts, Cough and DIlDoultyof Breathing Buoooesful ly troatcd withspeolf to remedies thoroughly tested and proved by the OLD DOCTOR Who is ono of nature's nobloraon, thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever ready to help tho offllotod, MERVOUS DEBILITY SUy&vlffi middle sxed men. The awful eflccts of esrlr In discretion, prodiieliig wenkncM, IX)aT MAN II OOO, night minimis, exliauetlng drslns, lMblulues, low of etiersy, weakness of both Lodr snd brain, unfitting one for study, business sud insrrlsKe, nested with never falling suocess. Oetciired sua bee man. BLOOD AND SKIN pM'sorofuls!'tuniorsj syphllltlo tslnt.rlieumstlstn, eruptions, eta, of elf kinds, blood (kiIsoii from any cause whatever cured promptly, leaving the system pur and healthful, ...... , , , KIDNEY AND URINARY WSSt der, sediment In urlno, hrlckdustor white) pain while urinating, frequency alt lirlglit's dltesee and all dlsea.nsof the blsdder of both sexes. , riTIDDU throat, lunKs,llver,dyspspsU,lndl bAlArirtn gestlou, and all diseases arTectlng the bowels, stomach, eto.j dlait hoea, dysentery, eto. Troubles of this character relieved at oucej cures erreeteu as soon as iioHiuie, dlsesses. gleet, gonorrhoea, f : n..ia.u njuriJTllv. TSlluuaio. hhjuviuh., f tf elllngs, weeklies ol organs, and piles, fistula, nintnra. nuhklv cured without auv naluor de lation from builness. UIUITD your troubles If living awar from the III ID fiity, Thousands cured at home by correspondence and rnedlclnee sent secure from obeervstlon. Kuolose 10 cents lu stamps or book ou Beaual Secrets. Address, DR.PnWELL REEVES CO., Now Lvcatfd at 21G Com'I SL, Sales. Money to Loan. tan will be made on Improved city or Uttn property by the LOMBARD INVJiSTMENT CO, Kor terms, ele,, apply Ut JOHN A. OAItSOW, Attorney at law, over flush's Hank, Salem, Or. Authorized Capital (00,000, CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon, W, A. CIHICK, Vit. W, W, MAIITIN, Vice Vtm, J. Jl. Al.tlKHT, Onhler. Htate, County aBd Olt Warrants bouslit 1 atl'ar. dw MONEY TO LOAf. On Improved Ileal Kslate, la arnotinls and time to suit. Mo delay In considering loans, FEAR & FORD, !or,tn 12, Hush Hank bloek, 6 IMw -WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAI'im STOCK, til kUttM, 200,091 Transact a yenerai Mnking buataeas mam I It branebea. m, Wll.MAMH..,. m I'; Hook MmAHrTZ...,,. ' I'reeteUat I'FaaJAest , ..Cashier, MKKOTOKi ll, WIMhiina, Vm. Jttu. fasdj'r. A. KteMrsU, J, W, Jfeetaee, J, liuk ibj aew Kiebasf Meek eta Oea""' tMeweea, ! MlitUtumtjfi ItM rtcfflfllff (tifrinf3 fat m .Miibntm miiumui , H wm flCfCf MfOWf tO ll!l If MHI ft frllf f firth Affd f lint U wfiy (ha ffin,i,!i(.ffH Miei BBvJv'BBaHsBBBrttK l m tmwM ttrr-n , n tt tmr.t.itf rf r r r,r .r J" SMPrTiTBbflTLBEBBBPTSF 2t sSBBBBBak, rfSiSBte. VrBBBSBBBVrLBBsVBBS ir UAbbHm mIBBHSjH Rry J SaiibBBBBBKHsr'M .'TrliaaA.i ma wBBT 7l BBllllHBfeMu-, -r JAMuAmAMuMT ...j KKUtKMmuumummSr Th Miiii in t!W Mbo W6td t4 httUf If he tsulj hays i lerrf Blackwell's Smoking Tobacco fot mfimriytfn.ytm Km M-Ukliird smoking loktco of (Ut wodi 1,dik MbikWopute? thii Ever. To fiavti a good amokd fltivlfmc and every lima It H only neumnh (fii fhill Durham, It k all food ami always good, MLACKWKLL'g DORrlArv! TOBACCO CO DUKlf AM, N. C, xar ite3 All Kftftri IiCHl to ChlrMfo. Wi MllfAUl I' LB ADS THE VAN. ExciirHlon Ratct to tlio Worlds fair. Hd. C. E8TAMLI8I1ED 1870. a,frBaaaaamaaaaaaaaaBaS m. Vre"isWWK-Vl WILLIAM NILES & CO., Los Angeles, California. BREEDERS AND EXI'ORTEIIS OF eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSliZ--?25!TM sKsllSsaaaBlrHl CLEAN. If you would lio clean and havo your clothes donVupin the neatost ntid dressiest manner, take thoin to the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY whore ull work is done by white manuor. uu I.KAVEB 8ALKM from IT. 1. Dock at A o'clock a. in. every Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. I.KAVBH I'OKTXiAND Irom the Central dock at foot ol Washington street every Tuesday, Thursday and Hunday, lloneernlng freight and poawnger bitalnea, call on the agent, AL.11EUHKN, CflflS. WOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN x MARKET south Commercial St., Bui em. All kind Kresh, nail and Hmoked Meats and Sausage. FHKB DKMVKKY. The only genuine Wienerwurst In the oily. Reslderjoe 882 Court Bt. J. T. MUTTON, Sip and Ilouse Painter, DKOOKATOK, KAIXOMINKK, AMU l'A- 1'KK HAMOKK. Iave orders at A. H. Iltiren a turn's furnl tare store or Srost A Oil, gro'-ers. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS 4 l'lArJTEilKRS. t4M.vaorderatUottll'arkhnrtblock,room U,Hale, Oregon. STATE STREET DRUG STORE I Mew CetHBt!, rerf uwee, and Kaee Waeh IXC1IBIYK HKF0S1T0KY. lUyi't Aifft'fl 8MHf. Mrs. Harrlfi'i CMHrr(lfl Artft. BMOOKMJt LXGO, Salem. T9 "Tlf- -Of "- tf' ' It Steamer Elwood M?rm t - m' -- - --, CotA tttiiti ef itki thOiUltifi Bull Durham .Li. in,.. n (S st. paijl mr Cross, HlioIcHciIo MBd Retail Denier in Fresli, Salt aiti Smoked McntH of all Hinds OS Court and 110 Mate Streets, INCORPORATED 1801 FINE CATTLE,- HUGS, MM. timmw Choice Meats. Berkshire & Poland-China Pigs a'Speeialty. Fancy Poultry, All Varieties. Eggs for Hatching! Incubators. Nile Pacific Coant Poultry and Stock, illustra ted, 60 rcnlH liv mull. -HEND FOR CIRCULARa.-f6 labor and in tho most prompt j-iUIN mj j. vuaxai:xju, Liberty Streot. , Hello, Jones) have yon seen anything of Jim Hnan'Z's llanket Wood Baw this eaorBlnrT No, but Inavq your urdsr at the Red Froat Auction House, 02 Htata Street. Smith Premier Typewriter. Holdn easy payments. JKor Rest. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. II.N.UUHl'KK.aoa'Ugent, 101, Third kK., Portland. Bend for catalogue. AMDIN'I ELI d BIG BELT lATESTPATEMTS WITH IlieTM BC8T thHflOVCMCHTS, MAfNiTM . wtrtiiMtr. Clllun WHL..I .iTHnksMS ! ...I.I.UfcM af ,.!. M,f . l,rHIIIHHM . ,ik.l .1....U... .!., ImHimiH . IlllWk UlHM. ,llaMWtaa, IM H.nWI,IW.H,l(IW I ,.ni,HiiijhUiMUuNi MMm..4Ii. . M,rwktl !., w wt lliU,w m4 w IIM4HI f Sl. TS.IIMS4. UVS I t.i.u la, fit. a W PaSVvaiM''a-S ' How Thev Met .SBfliSBBauSttBVttBBBBBlaBBC sJjTBBaaas ii iVjisnTTli ' 'BaJsanaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV I L laaBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnik. j'iaC3rw- al5l Wffiiiff iui, nr sswsaasr bkiaJeSyMl-toWe lews m waekMe. MHWfttlalMaV usm SHar an ne. asaaaaaa. wnai. bm w. " " ssa.-ss. mm wr ar ss- rrMi Iwmi iw dktt T--rJMTfaaaWl S..etaaa Vlsea. M4aBgVearamRH99elgHVBlBraaBBlB. ! i u YU 1 M '! '"! w r 7l !' l j .i si f" " all! II i--. -y. esS'ie'sai' lft'i gyyy- -