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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1893)
- i.-.uH'MWa":i ,- , .. Z,'t I JhjfrJ, -T.'"- - --' awtwwwwttJiiiii I'lajijiH uini to omul mmi fsVMMt A,V, tf0ftf HUrliMV, lkl TahUkg Company. AM(MN HMtrttttfl Mrtti . MPCfMlltOTHEflg, ' tilUth ' MM OMHWI'lllll 1 1 1 I i' 'I'"" '" k&ti ft mtifttptf months M W TIM WKKKbV JOIJK.VAI. All whd riv (ho Wkkkly (Javi At, JOVHUAU nrd HrRCll to book up iMf wHJiitr)l remit wl)t tbey owe m well m for the J ar Jftog, It Is our ftiM W mnkfl II wore UiorouKlily Mian wen popular family iiuwtiaier. More Mian ever will U wok to U1 tbo peopte loHfbt direction for good government ntottm, economy and huldliifc nil public uflUrlai (o rigid accountability to the people. ItH.teleK'oplilo reotl will lie More complete, than ever before, m ev r Wnoe TlIK JoUKNAfc ban been uudei 1(4 preeeut tiMiiHKemunt, the Oregon tou'a monopoly of furuUlitog the peo fi new tow been broken, and tbo pco pi we uo leiiger forced to receive all MMtalBforsMilou through that mono leotaauriel. Our weekly lUtn art- tn very Jarco fur a Halem paper. AdrrUere are welcome to call nud In pMt wtr weekly IIhIn. lleoolvlng an ttUrrly Independcut and complete for. 9ko and domttttlonuwH service through the Associated Press, we pledge out ,Mdera toglve Ihcm the best wecklj for the moneytho cbenpeat weekly newspaper in Oregon. Circulate the JouhnalJ Wo want an agent and local representative al every poatofflce in Oregou. Bend In the local news. Bend us new 8Ub0cr.ll era. We allow liberal cash commltwion. Sample copiea to circulate free to any address. Tiioho who hnvo read the Journals month, a year, or going on ;four years under prevent management, o& speak for It and any whether It lint been true to tbo people, Intelligent, Jaltbful, or not. We would like oyery fender to feel that ho has a common In tercet In making this paper and the Mw It represents a success. Wo need your support and counsel. Wrltous for encouragement, counsel, or correc tion. The latter will be especially valu able. We want to live and let live; to live and learn. , , AH AN ADVKKTI8ING MEDIUM. a Thk Jouhnal Imtll right. Nothing cttn bo advertised In It with My degree of Intolllguucu uud remain undiscovered. ' The people find It out. The Mabel Jenncss lecture wasnd- vertked In uo other way than through TH H JouitNAL. The people saw It was "a good thing. Bliu hud u large nud fashionable audlonco. f Advertise In Tits Jouunaij. Whether you wish to marry, lecture, or do any thlUK,but bust up In buslne, .tell, the people nil about It in these eolutnu. And you will succeed. FROM AUBURN. ' " lbe Arbor day exorcises of thu Au I'bHra school, situated In llnmdvn Turk, 'Met of Baleiu were very Interesting. ' Several tree were planted. Four were dedicated to four of thu groat nud ' Jd men of our country. Two by tbo G. A. It. and their wives to Lbeoln aud OaiftoW. Oae by thecHUetis to Oouorul Logan. One by the teacher aud scholura to Om. WJblugton, the father of our wintry. The memorial address by Mrs. Wands, on the lives of Lincoln nud Garfield was luteusely Interesting and tKofiouuoed good, by all who listened tf'lt. The following young ladles also took M eetlve part In the exercises: Misses UlaDuttoo, Nettle llandull, Maggie Daniels, Laura Fleming. , The little folka also contributed their Imm to the days' enjoyment, 'And hut but not least was the very i Me Arbor Day address, by Comrade sjunaeraoo, or Balem, wuo very ktiuiiy lOapONded to the invitation extended to MM by theeowmlttee of arrangement. rHOM WILLARD. Your eorrespouueut here Is not ns i aud would not be surprised to bo i, but bad roads aud thu k about the only topic to wrtt about Owraokool under MoBteluer'a gold- mo ta dotwr very well, The school Is Mtriy too Urge for the building about iM aahokM WlHg oh the roll, TM attsudsaae of the Sunday suhool HaJaoluonMMilog. Aa.oMUHalMHWHt trf the Y, P. U, & , la poolpoBod till the weHther U Ut Tho abave MHy Is ihe outcome of oar aWwday aehool, ami U Htade very IptttroMsuc fer Ute young iwsmle Ikfwttftti' GlMsoVea, i M awe prustoeui mim yrpua Mis Koto Pooler oaHie hoot from a i to oor pmn. rrom wwhsmwim, km aiMi la' aUottdliHt t4te normal MTW AftUU. HtSCHCTKH! TMK AfcW VMM1M Vttm (M Kin Atttt tint tltni, Mntett, imi, HnttUl. Mm V.. hi ttHit A Hktl All xefclxK add frtftttrial In (lie klfH iitttcH are (lie timet MHun tot (ho Inner development of the ehlld Tke kludtrfMrteti AwtoeMou of MlfiHfHiMilk Alltm., wllloimn anew kliidofgatleii In (fie nun partlMii W (it Ti Mi Jlulldlig, Wliion Will be prac tically free '1 lie eilllil in iiBpjiitwv wiioii euiyinycut hut hl employment must be within hi capacity and lead to tangible re nulls if ho Is to regard Industry as n pleasure, and acuulro Industrious habits, The ehlld 6f over thrle years low a powerful educational mllueiieo If do prIVtMl of the comimriloiwlilp of his equals, and the wisejHother will place him In a kludergartenif there Is one near uer. The scIkxiIs must Instill- Into the coming generations a greater refine ment, keener discrimination between gtKid nnd bad, and an ability to appre ciate worth uot represnnted In caili valuo, Child Garden Is tlio popular per iodicals of Child literature; and tho Inst number Is even better than those num. bers which caused subscriptions to pour In to the publishers ut tho rate of one thousand u month. Columbus also enjoyed a brief visit from Miss Amallo Hofer,and tho many here, who only know her through her writings, will hereafter read with the iincompndyliig memory ot her anlma ted face and wonderful voice. "X liavo wutcued chlluron as an as tronomer watches tho heavens, or a botnnlHt tho earth, nud I believe that multitudes of men nud women who tre, ruined had their doom flzcd'nt eight or tou years of ago." Mrs. Bcud dor, Tho mother should never uso words thoughtlessly with her buby; every word she sings or speaks to him, even at an early ago, ought to present a sound to which ho may fasten a thought as soon us he Is able to think. Kroebol says, "The Imprcrelons of early childhood uro tho root fibres of later development." Miss Amallo Hofer, editor of the Kindergarten Mngazlno, was tendered a reception by tho kludorgartucra of Grand Rapids, Mloh., during her re cent visit there. A most enjoyable time was spent. Miss Hofer lectured In Grand Ituplds, on tho Educational Congress to bo conducted at tho world's fair In July. Thcro Is a story told of a man whose blind eyes had been oponod and wlio went about proclaiming tho discovery nfunowsun. Btlll It was tho eamo old huh that had been shining for cen turies. Even so it Is whou our eyes arc opened to the clearer light of truth that have been shining down through the ages. They seem llko tho discovery of now truths till wo realize that they ulways have been, "only wo have not stood upon a pluno high euough to see them. "Tho kindergarten takes tho chil dren before bud habits uro formed, keeps them out of tho street, tenches them how to play, to work, to think, to boolean, orderly, economical, honest, truthful and unselfish. This early training more than doubles tho value of the public school course whleh fol lows It." The above Is an extract from tho annual report of tho superintend ent of tho publtu schools of thu city of Albany. N. Y., and It shows in n gen eral way the benefits derived rem the mnlutouuuoe of a kindergarten school. Asa corrective to many prevailing erroneous Ideas of the kindergarten, wo reverently wrlto what thu master him self has said of It. "In tho kludeVgar tun tho bodily ami mental powers are to bo awakened uud developed, ways and means for their oxerolso Indicated aud provided, uud assistants trained; so that every child, uo matter of what rank or condition, may hero be nblo to workout and faithfully express his real nature, character aud true vocation In life; educating hlmelf as being educa ted." "Little children, especially thoe uu dcrrchool age, ought not to boschttoled nud taught, they need merely to bo de veloped. It Is thu presslug need of our ago and only thu Idea of u garden can show us symbolically but accurately also thu proper children." ThU Idea lies In the very name of a kindergarten (ohlld-garten) which Is destined to ful fill tho need uf truo ohlldwaul iure would It were umveirnlly ackuo wleiiged and adopted! From Mrs. lleury WardBeecher. MO Qrnugo Bt., HuooKlAW, N. Y., ftto. II, 1MM. "I have, used AlUHtck'a Plaster fir some years for myself and family, slid, as far as able, tV.r tho many nulterer who iiitiio to us for Hwltauiv,aud liuvo found them a ueuulue relief for most of the aeht and tutlos whleh llh U lielrttv 1 have invd Alleock' nhwtora ror an kiuimoi Mmeiisa ami acute miih, aud, by frequent exeilmeuts, And that they can u-Mitrol many weaHoi Hotletnl Ih your etreuhtra. "ThHatHive U the only testimonial I hvt evr given lu favor of aHy (vUster, OHd If my uamo has tn-ei uel to rvc owHMMid a uy otkorlti without my outuurlty or tMHethw " Mm. illtMHV WAKI) ItltMCMHK. jflViMkU (UPi'ML '111-1 li-lTKH mtwumti' vamtjs i jH-Mimsji1 umwiaai COMMON MdHOOIi tMATltmOti, Murlerl County's' A)tporllomofit io Districts. ollewltig slatlsllcsnresuriplkd from the office of (he county superintendent showing the apportionment of seljoof moiioya among the 108 school districts In this county Escli district receive W), and in addition $1.8- for each per son between the ages ol and 20 years In the dlitrlot. The table below shows the dlstrlbu lion based on school population tut tout years! No. J'cr Ami. Year, Pupils Capita. Appor. 1800 7.1)18 8.88 81.811.80 1801 8 888 4.20 40,017.10 1803 0,181 AM 40,021.86 About four thousand dollars delln rUent remains to bo apportioned whon collected. DIHTllMlhTION iiv uisTittcrm, No. or MHtns of IVwtU Amt, JJUirlct. Clerk. orilce Anpir. 1 Ciins.Lembeck.liuttevillef 'A)7 0-5 2 W M Case, Champoeg 237 06 311 Walker, Salem 201 00 4 M Baulfe, Hllverton 1,421 60 6-CJ) Abbott, Balem 184 85 0-O U Cornelius, Turner... 180 20 7 J Ledgerwood, Bubllmity 600 76 8-J V Etcs, Balem 293 60 0 W A Taylor, Mucleuy 471 05 10-It D Allen, Silverton...- 464 65 11 TLJJall, Aumsvllle 877 16 12-E Belgmund, Klumb.-.. 182 66 18 Bcott Jones. Gervnls 245 75 14 It N Longworth,Je(Ierson 808 25 16 AlbertJordun, Hubbard.. 080 45 1011 Henner, Wlilteaker... 210 05 18 J Vorhle, Wood burn 308 00 20 J W Wlnslow, Marion.. 880 60 21 W H BimpsHii, Bulem 830 8o 21-W J Turnldge, Galea. 107 65 23 J II Miller, Aurora 390 05 24 W Holmes, Balem 10,707 60 26 G HlmmoDB, Turner 227 80 20-F It Durette, Fairfield 150 05 27 J H Looiley, Jellerson .... 228 35 20-it E Downing, Sublimity. 245 76 30 K L Hlbbard, Wlllard 378 60 31 E M Havage, Brooks 502 40 82 V E Osborne, Champoeg. 210 80 84 OLeutheruinn, Wootlbura 210 76 85 -F P Lewis, Lewlsburg 243 80 80 W G Evans, Jlrooks 278 55 87 C W Pulmer, Bulem 210 16 3811 D Waldo, Aurora 304 05 40 F W Durbln, Howoll 424 10 41 Ward Hicks, Bllverton 254 45 42 W A White, Whltaker 800 05 43 It P Phillips, Bubllmity- 170 16 45 It E Kirk, St. Paul 680 70 48 A D Pettyjohn, Bulem. 316 40 60 W H Hughes, Bulem 207 05 61 J M Culsforth, Gervals 454 66 62 E B Porter, Bllverton 137 00 61 John A Hunt, Clvmer... 202 60 60 -W E MuKee, MoKee 328 40 67 A H Cone, Hutteville 853 86 68 J A Hiirsey, Turner 328 40 CO David Gregolr, Gervals... 855 00 00 M J Euan, Drunks 170 16 01-H D Coudlt, Ale 445 20 03 (J I) Uiiwen Bllverton 824 05 05 B D.ivls, Howell 341 45 07 C 11 Osterhuudt, Mnr- . llam 358 ft5 OS John Johnson, Gervals-. 310 70 00-W W Culver, Balem. 210 ft) 70-J It White, Mt. Angel 300 05 71 J M Lawrence, Itosedole 403 70 72 R O Moore, Ankney 207 05 711-Jus Drodle, Boon Mills... 103. 10 71 J iW Ekw, Mehama 415 40 76 Geo M Morly, Bllverton. 104 a 70 F A. Mongold, Gervls 703 85 77 W II Hobson, Slayton . 1,107 05 78 -M B Fuller, Balem 180 6(1 70 M Howe, Turner 037 25 80 Eva Keeuo, Bhaw 254 65 81 Frank Hurling, Btuyton. 120 35 HI L I) Bmlth, Gervals 315 35 83-W II 'I'ate, Bubllmity.... IBO'fcO 84 J I, Cook, Bt Paul 271 20 a5-B Dniwn, Argent! 281 00 80-Peter- Gutknecht, Bllver ton 170 60 87 Aiithluti Wood, Turner 07 8 88 -CW Purrlsh. Bulem -.. 437 15 80 T EHerreu, Turner 180 20 00 F M Taylor, Mehama ... 1G0 10 1)1 John Dutch, Mt Angel.. 672 00 02--H L Eborbard, Champoeg 271 86 03 P tleusnii, Bllverton 101 15 04 Clms Dooth, Bllverton... 175 85 05-U W Davis, Bllverton. 02 R5 1)0 II D Havugo, Balem. 207 60 07 O W MeCown.Bllvertou. 160 05 08-A II Wright, Mehama 110 00 00 J H Dyruo. Balem 270 20 100-T T Geer, Maoleav 210 05 101 Joseph Hutshy, Mehama 110 00 102 Leon Glrml. Drooks . 180 60 103 J E Day, Woodburu 1,772 00 101 A Hayhurwt, Woodburu. 8S9 30 103 Willi Dunagau,Kllverto. 170 16 100-Eltn IliNithby, Mill Cltv. 03 60 107 -M A VauG.mler Hullt- 100 65 108-M llogan, Mill City 314 50 109 -John WllUUndepeudence 211 40 110-II P Hicks, Bllverton. 160 05 111 E W ltoss, Bllverton 137 00 1 12-W Doerller, Bubllmity 180 60 113-8 11 lOn lor, Balem .. 445 83 114 LnbanMauldlng.Sllvertoii 103 10 116-W I) Morehouse.Mlli City 160 40 llll-W II Adair. Balem 184 85 117 J H Myers, Niagara 230 06 118-11 E Wand, Balem 281 00 1 10 V A Manning. Gervals 237 05 120-PACorrell.Green Doslu 121 70 121-J B Neal, Mlnto W) 25 122-Jnoob Lelsy, Drooks 158 76 Molnt, districts, Two Stepping Stones to consumption are nllmenta we often deem trivial a oold uud a cough. Consumption thus no quired is rightly termed "Con sumption from neglect." Scott's Emulsion not only stops n cold but it is re tnarkably successful where the cough has become deep seated. Swt's Emulsim is the richtst fai-fmls jW tk easiest ftf3d to afo It arrests tmste hhJ iuiJs w MmUky fltsh. ritwlkf ( Hm,K.Y. AttjMMU. J .lOtiliKAli, WjaMttteiAtt AlJitiL iO, lM Masti fitiflit oven ftiant. A Ulf mlsil MhkitiH Hltti thst iwl' In laillntlHN rt Hsril ttf, A good abrjf afxtit n Urdornuy oilier Hiilifial In doubly Intoroatltitf If the reader wtti be sure timt It le Hot only true ouWaullfllly, hot hs not beotl tlreeaed ost Iry tho writor'fl ItriftgluaUort, Buch A atory Is tho fol lowing, told by Mr, William Urow eter, ouo of tho bent known of American ornithologist. Ho was standing sotno weeks at tho little vlllngo of Bt. Mary's on tho const of Georgia. Mocking birds were nbtin datit, and being prote-ctcd by ovory ono won half domesticated, build Ing their nosbi in tho shrublicry thnt BUiTOiindcd tho hotlscfl and hopping alwiit llko robinn mwn tho grruw plota nnd gravoliKl walks. An ornngo trco In front of tho window was np preprinted by n particularly fino singer. Ills ropcrU;ry Included tho notes of nearly all tho birds In tho sur rounding region, besides ninny of tho characteristic vlllago sounds, and most of tbo imitations wcro simply perfect. Moruovor, ho was continu ally adding to his accomplishments. An instanco of this occurred ono afternoon when noveral of us wore pitting on the veranda, A greater yellow legs (a well known game bird of tho snipo and sandpiper family) passing over tho town waa attracted by my answer ing whlstlo and circled Boveral times above tho house reiterating his mel low call. Tho mocking bird up to this time had been ringing almost uninterrupt edly, but at tbo sound of these strango notes he relapsed into silence and retreated into tho thickest foli age of bis favorite tree. Then wo heard him trying them in nn under tone. Tho first note camo pretty readily, but tho falling inflection of tho suc ceeding threo troubled him. When ever I ventured to prompt, ho would listen attentively, and at tbo next at tempt Bhow an evident improve ment. Finally ho abandoned tho task, as we thought, in dospair, and at sunset that evening, for tho first and only timo during my stay, his voice was missing in the general chorus. But at daylight the next morning tho garden rang with a perfect imitation of the yellow leg's whistle. Ho had mastered it during the night, and ever afterward it was his favorite part. Tho discomforturo of tho rival males in tho neighborhood was as amusing as it was unmistakable. Each in turn tried tho now song, but not one succeeded. Hurry ISilwurtU unri UU Specimen. Tho lato Harry Edwards waa nn enthusiastic amateur botanist. On ono occasion ho was accompanied by Mrs. Edwards and a friend of hers upon a short excursion into tho coun try. As they wero waiting at tho station for tho returning train, tho two women lounging back in relaxed attitudes of utter fatiguo, tho actor strolled away for a little walk. Pros ontly ho camo rushing back, his face full of excitement. "Soo horol" ho cried, holding up to viowa littlo wilt ing plant, JTvo looked for this from Maine to Florida. It's an extremely rare Bpochnon of tho" etc. Tho ladies turned thoir heads lan guidly iu his direction. Mrs. Edwai-ds said nothing. Tho other drawled, "It soems to mo a vory common weed." Tho extinguished botanist stared in blunk anger for a momont Then ho turned on his heel. All his rising fury could soizo upon was a loudly uttered opithot. "You're two cads I" ho flung back over his shoul der. Now York Times. A Woraiui', llHtulkercliler. A woman's handkerchief is bo close ly identified with hor that it Booms n part of her presonco. and both in fact aud fiction, particularly fiction, It frequently figures among tho keep sakes of tho anient lovor. Wo have all thrilled at its discovery upon tho breast of tho wounded hero. It ia simply indispensablo to ovory condition uf woman. If she is norv ous, eho toys with it; enthusiastic. sho applauds with it; tearful, It is nor friend indeed. Moreover, in Beck ing either to stop a streetcar or beck on hor lovor, it is hor signal. In tho latter capacity it contributed largely toward bringing about ouo of tho most renowned tragedies of our own times. Philadelphia Times. lilt roithumou Furtlflcallon. Stephen Luugford, a wealthy fann er of Madison county, Ky., has just had completed for him here a stone coffin. It weighs about 1.500 nouuda and ia nuulo of Koutucky limwitono i quarried from Langford's. farm. Uo " ia SO yeara old, but ia aiiparoutly in tho beat of health. Mr. Langford says that tho couutry around his I homo ia overrun with polecat, minks I and groundhogs, and he believe the ' only way to keep them from devour ing his body is to have it buried iu a stoueeoftln. Cor.Pittsburg Dispatch. 111 0r, Tho prisoner was a tramp arnwted for chasing a watchdog all ever the , back yard and kicking kbs kto a lup. Guilty or not rUtyr wked JOskM fttWRlV. "I -km only nwkisg tk growlw, 'Sixty rtiw, r. NEW MILLINERY STORE OI'KMA iOOfiM HMit'lt. 103 COtltT BT, Mrs. B, F. rhrntgani ADAMS SHAVING Mil iO'J iHrtle 8trt att'KUSA TlttAL T. .f.KIHMS. 1IOUBE PAINTING, PAPEll HANGING, Natural Wood f inlihing, Oor, rth and Clietnelet Street. Undertaking ' Embalming. llcxtfaclllllMln tlieclly. A.M.OU)U(HI, - IMHtiilflBl. THE DRUM. Oh, the drumt There Is emtio Intonation In thj-crtim Slonotonjr or uttoiancc that utrlkc tho eplrlt iinmti. As we hear Throuith tho clear And unclouded atmmphcro Tliy palpltatlim ayllahles roll In upon tho ear. There'a n part Or tho art Of thy miulr thrnbhlnB (""art That thrllU u eotnethlnK In us that awakens with a ttart. And In rhymo With tho chlmo And ezactltudo of time Goes marchlnc on to glory to thy melody sub- llrao. And the truest Of the brt'ust That thv rolllns roba of rest In a 'patriotic spirit an a Continental dressed. And ho looms From tho glooms Of accntury of tombs. And the blood ho npllled at Lexington In llrtoc beauty blooms. And his u) es Wear tho ruIo Of o. purpose pure and wise, Aa tbo lovoof them la Ufted to a something In tho skies That is bright lied anil whlto With a blurr of starry light, As it laughs in silken ripples to tho breezes day and night. Thero are deep Hushes creep O'er tho pulses as they leap. Asthy tumult, fainter growing, on the silence falls asleep. While tho prayer Rises there With tho sen and earth nnd air As a heritage to freedom's sons and daughters everywhere. James Wliltcomb Itlloy Clitttnpafjne owes its quality to the Boil, a mixttiro of chalk, silica, light clay nnd oxide of iron, and to tho great care and delicate manipulation iu manu facture HoocFs Cures Mrs. F. o. Stono Geneva, Ohio. Consumption, Hopeless Case Bad Cough, Short Breath, In tho Sldo. Pain Restored to Perfect Jlcalth by I Hooil'a SarsaiHirtllii. " For the comfort and health of the human family I write unsolicited to tell ot tho wonderful benefit Hood's Barsaparllla has dono mo nnd how highly I prize it, I w as In very poor health for four years, limine a terrible ialn and swelling in my lett side, one plosli'lan pronounced my nttUctiou neuralgia. I kept getting worse. Another doctor treated me for Consumption. I becamo very weak and poor In flosh iiiad a cough nil the time, nnd sometimes I could uot lie down for I was so'r.t, hort ( fan-nth. I consulted seven phjMclans, and the c-oucluMou was that I certainly had consumption and My Caso Was Hopoloss. Ono physlehn advltod me to go either south or to 1 could not llro In tha nortfi. My hutbamt was in the drug busl- Sd'lull u? to u!Uto 8 BWa bUt a Wena Hood's Sarsaparilla I did gli e It a trial, and found so much v Irtua tn It that 1 continued with IL 1 cannot tell how much thU medlclno has helped me, I bare luiiroirr.l miildly iu Itrnlih ever sine I began with It, and am now ablo to do sy own work. .Nothing I luva ever Uken equals Hood's Rjmparllla. 1 feel like a new person." Miu.1', IXhroxE, lienea,Ohlo. Hoorl'a,Pllls t easily, yet prompUy aademclcntly, and thu liver and bowels. ' HOWARD, T The House Mover. 451 MaiH Strict. JltJt.tornoTlM and ml,. u. .-. .. i iivM..; .." "" raif. HISKIM HrHill tnr.nnrl. . ... advre Nlen. Or? Wij,deat ..ruy Ur,., or DISSOLUTION. JJJ-' 'SLi'ilTiT'Tt-.t JWS- I VOTH'K U WIt eiyrB .ihUtt alK bMn will britrr u ..iSJLrr JI V Mr n at k.tti , U ,, , .11 I,1,r,7 I IMS Hf blin.Kml kin, M..t ".."k V . vbii mt n ilia.. stti jii ii DAMON, &,BUJfc'MU-LJI-JI-,J 3ty MUiirjm Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOltfit flAhfcM. Take It Carpenters and Builders, Bhop 05 BUl itreel. StoroPIltlnKa hSpoclalty J. L. ASH BY. Meat Market, 20S Coinimrolnl Street. Good tnr-att, Prompt delivery. Oalt JoenUa Any delivered al your door. 0, Horseshoeing. BLAOKflMlTHING. State Btreot, - - Balem. l'ltOKKSSlONAIi AND nUBINKKBCAUDB. P. II ll'AKCV. OKO. 0. IllMAM. D'AKOY & BINGHAM. Attorneys at Law. 1, 2 and 8, D'Arcy IJulldine. Ml luite street. Bpeciat attention given to busi ness In the supreme and circuit courts of the suite. a Rl UOldK. Attormy at law. Balem, Ore , eon. Olllce iffl Commercial street. rillLMON FoKO, Attorney at law, Balem, JL Oregon. oniceupstAtrsIn l'atton block K. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Mur , puy block. HJ. BiGaKn.Attoineyailawjaleni,Ore , gem, ofllce over busn's bank. I J.8HAW.M.W.UUNT. atlAWAHUNT J. Attorneys at law. OUlre over Capital ullouiil bank, Balem, Oregon. ,J T. HICUrtllDdON, Attorney at law Of O. lice upstairs In front rojms of new Bush uiuck, corner Commercial and Court utrcots, iiuem, uregon. JOHN A. UAltiON, Attorney al law, rooms Hand 4, liush bank building, Halem.Or. U. r.UONUAM. W.U. HOLMLB. BOMIAM & HOLMES, Attorneys at law. Olllce lu Hush blocit, between titateand uurt, ou Commercial street. 111. wrllest Best equlppeU typewriting of- s r H. IflOIIR. Htflnnpninhpr nnd Tiw. iKu but one In Oregon over Bush's bank, -aiein,uiegon. 'iELI.A. HHKUMAN, Typewriting and O vominerclalslenograptiy, mom 11, Oray uiuek. lr8t-cla,.B work. Itates reasonable. Dtt.-A. I. (jlLiLla.specIallstlu dUeases of I lie eye, ear, nose and throat, Itoom 10 inisli Imnk biuldiug, -ulem. -U.T O HMini, Dentist. 82 Slate street, XJ Salem, Oregon, hiulshtd dental opera- nuns or every description, painless opera tions a specialty. Wl. I'UUIl, Architect, plans, speclflca . lions and superintendence 'for all cliiM-is ol buildings. Olllce W0 Commercial street, up stulrs. 0. A. HOUEHT, Archlicct, room 421, Mai. quain building, inland, Oregon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a. Specialty. Huop 45 Btate stnet. T)HOTKOTION LODQE NO. 2 A.O. U. W. i , neeis in ineir nan in Btate insurance uuuaing, every Wednesday evening. A. VV.DENNia, M. W, J. A. SELWOOD, Recorder. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION BUREAD SALEM, ... Oragon, Office removed to 211 Commercial nt. Kntes reasonable, le. Public and private work O. B. CLKMENT, Manager. done. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOHMAKEK, 2ISWCommerclISt,, - Salem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Spectaoles, and repairing Clocks. WatchoH and Jewelry. WISCOSiN CENTRAL LINES. (Northern Pacific R. R, Co., Lejiee.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Trains Daily. laHpm l:Wpni Iftlftuni 1 ftipti 7 15.un ii23pml . Minn. a 7:Spm I .Ktlaul.a USpin I.. Duluthu T-'-'Pin I . Ahland. 8:45am 4:15pm 8.30am SMIlnm 11.40am tlMpm 8'J!am 3;wpm 6.47pm10i5pm -llll..l'hlCMg()..M trgXran'du't'n ' " uen. 1'ass. and Tku Agt. chiS'Vu ONLY LINE RUNNING 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M. Ql DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St, Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Ouicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN ard TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. er'addlS: " BU. oaU o mm !ufo g-ii - - -y11 i S?RM"!f 1 1 mm k m, CAtiDttM, Fruit mid Cigars, K. T.illMirHKDVH, Olffar and Tobncco. lIlMilAM) 1'AHLOK, UAQ Ootit'l Strt. HnlA f, W. THORNBURG, TlioiUpholstcrcr, Itemodcln, ro-cover nnd rcpnlrg uiitiolnKTfd ruriilturo. rirnv clRdi work. UhemeketA ilreet, Mule jDnurnnro iikwk. East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE f th Southern Pacific! Company. CALirOHNIA IxrilKSa TRAIN ItUN DA1I.T BB TWBKN HOKTl.AND AND H. F. huuih. r m nil. 7.-W p. in. 9:18 p. m. 8:15 a.m. forlluuu Hulem Han Frnn. Ar. I 7:dou. iu l.v. I 6:2fl a. in bv. I 7:(m p. m Lv. Ar. Above trulUH stop oul at loliuwing Mttious north of Koseburg.linst l'ortlundOr;gon City, Woodburu, Halom, Albnuy Tangent, dbedds, JInlscy, Harrlsburj, JunctlonClty.lrvlug and Eugene. ItrwKliWIlfl MAM HAMY 8:30 a. in. I i.v. 11:17 a. m 1 i.v 6:50 p. ro. I Ar. I'ortluua Halem Hot-eburar Ar. I Lv. Lv. i:.u i, in. 1:10 p. m. 7.-00 ii. m Albany I.iichI, Uully l.xrrpl nuniluv. 6 1X1 p. m. 7.52 p.m. 9.0(1 p. ra. Lv. Lv: Ar. linluuu aleni Aliiuuy Ar. I lu:;iou,u). Lv. 1 7:3 1 a. m I a-. I H:30 . m. Dining Cars on Option ISoute PDLLMAN BUFFET SLBBPfiUS AND Second Class Slueping Cars- Attached to all through tniTne. vest Side Division, Between Portland anil Cervallis: KAII.V- (EXCKPT SUNDAY). 1:m ix. in. 12:10 p. m. iv. Ar. I'ortlanu florvallls Al. I I.V. 12:fiS p. PP. At Albany and Corvallis connect trains of Oregon 1'iwlflo Itnllronil. wltb KXVItfn IKAIN (UiMIT nm H'lf :iu p. m. 7:25 p. m. I'UI'.IJIIll Wi-Mlmivllln Ai. , I v c;.uu. in Ar. To all points In the Kutmi mhW-h. t'onadav and Europe can be obtuima ut 1. v.i8t mteft lrom w W. 6KINMJK, Agent, Milein. E.P.ROUEKS, AMit.ti. ) ui.u lUbb.Ag'l K. KOK1I1.KH, MniiHi-er. The Yaquina Route. 11 11 And Oregon llovelopment company's steam blp line. 'J23 miles shorter, '.0 liourn iesa nmninun ny any otn r loutf, KJrt elus Ibrough passenger uud lieli'lit lino fioni Portlaid nnd all joints lu the VliliuntUo valley to and from ian FraucNce. T1MK BOUKDULK, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany 1 00 p m Lv Ooi vullls 1:40 p m Ar p in Lv Ynquiuu B:!1- a in Lv Corvallis 10:65 am Ar Albany U:J0am 0.4 0. trains connect at Albuurand Cor vallis. 'ihe above trains connect at Vuquina with the Oregon Devehpment Co. line of bteam 6S between Yaquina und Han Fmniltco J?ii!r:Ka8Sen,k!fr8 f,om I''-"lurid nud all Willamette ulley polnucan ii.ukocloho con nect on with the trnlns or the Yaquina Routo at Albany or Corvullls and if dotlutd t hnn Kranclswj shouldnrranetounivimt Yuqulna the evening before dateof sullli g. "" ies.eDgiSr .nd, K'tlgbt KuU-. alwns Ihe imiti 5 V 'rt-lght and 'licket Agents 200and20JKrontBircH. l'ortlnud.Or., or 0. O. -UOI.UK, Ao't lien') Ft. a Pais. Agt ., r h iilmvM i C,K-" I'orvHllii., Or. C. H. UASWbLL. Jr.. Gtn'l KrelKhl i.nd Pass. Agt. Ore DeieiopineutCo., bOl Jloiitfeoincry nt. From Terminal or Interior Points the Is the line to tuke To all Points East and South. dtl?rVa?M!ff ST. PAUL AND CUICAGO (No chance nf mm m?,?'nim?carsunburPHs,ed. . v.,utiuk iixun nceiiers .01 lutt-Bt equipment TOURIST . Sleeping Cars.' ammodaMl?.confct1Uc(1 nd ' Wcli ELEGANT DAY COACHES. J n coni,nnot 'Ine coniiottine win. nil cui1,lnanadAri-TVS,,0nK M the road. aaT,,l -.tu nay agent olft lnttrica'tnV Rn5 n'n a ! purchased.'! ,eJaf.dva!a(J Er n U purcnaseuatany Mexican War torcasejf fyml Undsr Ami a t ' ! 1 i ; "..' t"i. wud 1 Nortliern Pacific Ra O'CSUIRMAK', "utjrt,HlJeTt. llw - -"-- - i - r -- jrikCL a-ja.