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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1893)
mmmmm je &im w& own BookCoupon fj A pTHP A 1 , JOURNAL BookCoui HMVitoAX, vox, e. TUJfl I'JfiOl'IK'fl l'AX'Mt," HAJUlfiltl, OlimOT, Wtil)N.mi)AY, AVUlh 10, 18011. "TO-DAY', JtfJittV8 TO-IXAAV' NO, , ili l Ml HiliaMi t& WWWIHiMim i ftv&r i19l4!ipyitwn0ti JL THIS IS LADIES' KID SHOES LADIES' PEBBLE AND Children's School Shoes from the Cheapest to the Best. INFANTS SHOES 25C, AND UP. CASH -:- STORK. - J. 297 Commercial Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts kept it PERFECT books, such are The Frcy Patent Flat Opening Books. Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of ficials of the State of Oregon, aud the greater portion of the tnerchaiitile men of the State, are surely derservlng of a trial by everyone. Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors ot THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to the Slate of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon 500,000 OSWEGO - FALL. 1892. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, t our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class it every resrect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, g8Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon. Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons BROOKS & SALISBURY, (SUCCESSORS TO BROOK.S AND HARRITT.) Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting and Athletic Goods. Bise Ball Good?. Flags and FirtWorks BOXING GLOVES, LAWN TEN NIS SETS, CROQUET BETS KNIVES, RAZORS, SCISSORS, DOLLS, T0Y8, NOTIONS LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS. SALEM, - J. W. TflORNBURG, HIE UPHOLSTERER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out 11 rat-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street. A. N. HALES, Proprietor. R. H. PRICE, Manager. A. N. HALES' LIVERY. (Successor to It. B. Ryan,) Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses and Buggie on band. Horses boarded by day, week or month. OQIce at stable, corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. H. F. BROER, -Proprietor DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. All house-finishing material made to order at the lowest Portland prices. See us before you buy. CHURCHILL SB BURROUGHS Diigan Bros. F. T. HART, OUR SHOE WEEK ! GLOVE GRAIN W. THOMAS. Successor to B. Forstner & Co. St., TREES I NURSERIES. SPRING, 1893. OREGON. of the- Spraying (Mite, 106 State Street. SEE Future Copies. LEADING MER0HAN1 TAILOR. 25 to $8 50 to 1 50 75 Salem, Or. FROM BROOKS. M. L. Jones went to Salem Friday. M. A. Collard Is able to be out again. Remember the concert on the 20th. Rsv. Myers preached here Sunday morning. Miss lone McClard went to Portland, Monday. Willie Jonea tended R. R. business. Saturday. 8. A. Jones and Geo. Sturgis were in Salem, Saturday. Mrs. Sturgis and Mrs. Ramp drovo to Gervais, Monday. E. M, Savage and family drove to Salem Saturday. Mr. 8. A. Jones' little mule sports i new saddle this week. Frankie McClard visited in Salem the past few days. Looney brothers were visiting in Brooks, Sunday. E. K. Shaw drove over to Lafayette Sunday, returning Monday. Miss Fannie Norwood was the suest f Rev. Myers last week. Mrs. Frank Cooper, of Salem, was canvassing here last week. E. K. Shaw was a passenger on the 7:30 for Salem, Friday night. E. M. Savage wont to Portland rbureday and returned Friday. E. K. Shaw and M. L. Jones went to Portland on business, Thursday. Miss Ermine Busbnell went home Friday evening, and returned Sunday. Mrs. Ramp spent a couple of days vvith her parents at Fairfield, last week. Ottee McClard came home Friday, after a week's stay with her aunt In Salem. lhe easter concert given by the Sun day school scholars Sunday evening, was a very good entertainment. The new organ for the Cathollo church arrived last week. Tbey are now prepared to hold services every Sunday. P. Byrne and family of Salem Prai rie visited with the Evan's family Sun day. Mr. Byrne will quit farming af ter this season, and move to town, very likely to Brooks, A number of young ladles surprised the Shaw brothers last Friday evening, by coming with smiling faces to chase the buffalo, and thus was the evening spent. Come again girls. The oyster supper given by the ladles of the M. E. church, was quite a suc cess. Tnere was a large crowd in at tendance, and a pleasant time enjoyed by all. They realized $17.65. The A class from the Brooks school, composed of the Misses Chapman, Barendrlck, MoClard, Norwood, Bruoe, Jones aud Elltou Shaw, took In the sights of the capital, Saturday. Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing between J. C. Robertson and F. S. Bar- zee at Turner has been disolved by mu tual consent. J. C. RoberUon will re ceipt for alimonies paid on account due said firm and pay all outstanding debt. 4-18-4W 7 an Tor I' I am imtT-eea mrs eld and have hid nyso renewed I but twenty yews & of Swill's Sractfc Mr foot Je to spy. BCC am far twa vtara. aafl M J tax could not M cures, aimt m"w ttieis.s.s.iaenu yeamHb have a new was es Mm. VfHl CttM to 1st alt uflerers fatow 0Wad.rf.lMr. Tlg$Vkr. IS A WONDERFUL REMEDY' - l-U- fff WfaSUsB FPv tfaa free. ', . .$1 $1 25, 1 wnrr arcnic com-ahy. IHssfr a. VIOLENT DEATHS AT PORTLAND Wtf li Acclilunf, Murder er .Suicide? $10,500 FOR BREACH OF PROMISE May (toman Goto a Verdict Against Winters. WASIT8UI0IDK? Portland, April 10. At tb morguo today there aro tho bodies of two per sons who canio to violent deaths. One Is that of William Malcolm, of Wood stock, who was found in a barn early this morning with tils throat cut. It Is believed to be a case of suicide, as Malcolm has lately shown" signs of mental abberratlon. THE OTHER BODY was that of a stranger, who was run over and killed this morning at Union depot by the Southern Pacific train. A railroad ticket was found on bis body signed by A. Benin. It is thought that Is the dead man's name. Witness es to the fatality bclleyo that Borans In tentionally threw himself under the train. His body was horribly mangled He had just arrived from San Francis co this morning. FOR BltEACH OF PROMISE. In the Osmun-vVlnters breaoh of promise suit the jury awarded the plaintiff, May Osmun, $10,500. The amount sued for was $50,000. A PLUMBbR ASPHYXIATED. Dan Sherrltt, a plumber, while mak ing connections with a gas main on Sixth and Washington Btreets today waa overcome with gas. His life was saved only by prompt and effective work. Murderer Lynched. Morrillton, April 10. The grand jury having Indicted Flanuigan Thorn ton, the murderer of Constable Pate, in the 'second degree, a mob, disap pointed at the result, took him out at midnight and strung bim up in Main street. To Bust the Trust. Albany, N. Y., April 19. A bill to prohibit combinations to advance the price of necessities of life passed the assembly today. It goes to Governor Flower for approval. Two Murderers Identified. Dubuque, Ib., April 10. L. W. Heatlyand Hugh Rcbbardl, arrested at Greeley, la., Sunday, on suspicion of being the murderers of Policemen Freth and Talcott, were brought here late at night. An excited crowd of several hundred surrounded the Jail all morning, swearing vengeance on the prisoners. Tbey have been positively Identified by the persons held up and robbed the night of the murder and by Engineer Luther as the men he saw running away from the car Immedi ately after the shots were fired. The excitement Is subsiding. The crowd is disappearing, and no further trouble is feared. MARKETS. Portland, April 18. Wheat valley fll2.Jl.l5. Walla Walla, $1.05. 1.00J. San Francisco, April 18. Wheat, May $1,263. Chicago, April 18. Wheat .74 On the Threshold. BUndlng at womanhood's door Is .she Clad In ner virginal purity, A creature air aa tho lllle fie. And, like the lilies, alas, how frail; Tbey are berne to earth when the storms pre vail. And their life goes out la tbe summer rale When we see a frail and lovely creat ure, standing on the threshold between girlhood aud womanhood, we shiver with a fear of what may be, because we have seen so many succumb at this cri tical period of life. What Is needed at this time isatonlo and luvlgorant something that will promote proper functional action of the female organs. Tbe only remedy to be depended upon 8 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription!. This unequalled medicine, which cures diseases peculiar to women, is especial ly valuable at the period when the etrl crosses tbe threshold of womanhood. Used at such a time, it never falls to produce a most beneficial result, and many a fragile girl lias been tided over one of life's most trying periods by it. THE LATEST. Dtlaarte corsets and waists, McCabe corsets aud walata, Hygela combination shoulder brace, coreets aud waists, Electric corset and waists, proiierly adjusted free of charge. Orange llloa eoaM. Eglantine &faJt-8K,Cri-aiu Bloom of Roses, Luugtry Lotion, at Mrs. Frank Coopers, 2e0 Commercial street, up stairway next Van Eatons More. Haitm 4 15 d8i Dr. Oatrk fllU teeth without pais. LABOR TROUBLES AND FINANCE. Strikers' Grievance Cemmftleo Meeffl fer ah UIHwaluw, TWO MICHIGAN BANKS CLOSB UP. Tho Aim Arbor Btrlko Arbitrate and Oft. No Change at Omaha. Omaha, April 10. There Is no change In tho Union Paclflo strike. No men wont out today, only three or four of those out returned. Thestrlk era claim, however, that tbey will be joined by a large number of moulders, apprentices and gang bosses tomorrow. The Ann Arbor Strike. Toledo, Ohio, April 10. Negotia tions for a settlement of the Ann Arbor strlko are practically concluded, and It is expected the striko will be formally declared off tomorrow morn ing. Old meu are to bo taken back as fast as needed, but none of the new men will be discharged. Ultimatum Wanted. Topeka, Kas., April 18. A joint grievance committee, representing all the laborers organized on tho Santa Fe road will meet hero today to frame an ultimatum to bo submitted to the off! cials of the road. Unless an agreement is reached soon a general strike of all tho union men on the road seems inev itable. Two Closed Banks. Lansing, Mich., April 10. Owing to an uneasiness created by financial difficulties, tbe Lansing lumber com pany and Lansing engine works, a run was precipitated on tbe Ingham county savings bank this morning. The doors of tbe bank have been besieged all morning. Finally the management decided to avail themselves of the legal provision allowing them to require 00 days notice do1 savings deposits. Thta gave decided relief. Tbe Central Michigan savings bank which closed vesterday will, It Is said, have ample funds to meet all demands. Their de posits aggregate half a million. No Silver Payments. New York, April 10. Assistant Treasurer Mublemau said be bad re ceived no orders from Washington relative to paying out silver for treas ury notes. Belmont & Co. are quoted as saying they have Information from tbe highest source that Secretar Car lisle will issue no such order. Bank President Oanght. Omaha, Neb., April 10. C. W. Mosber, president of tbe wrecked Capi tal National bank of Lincoln, was brought here this morning by a U. S. marshal, and his friends are trying to get ball for blm, He was released on ball at tbe time of the failure, and dis appeared. He returned yesterday and was re-arrested, on indictment, charg ing embezzlement. Big Judgment. Union, April 10, Judge Fee today rendered a decision In tho suit between Fred Nodlne and J. Q. SblrJy. It gives Nodlne judgment for seventeen thousand, three hundred and fifty dollars and sixty cents and costs. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tbey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitu tional disease, and in order to cure it you must take Internal remedies. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the bestphysicatiBln this country for years, and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such won derful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky & Co,, Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75a SALEM MAKKKTH. Wheat- 57o per bushel. OaU S640o!per bushel. Potatoes o000o per bushel. Flour-f8.60 per bbl. Bran (Hacked) 118.00 per ton Kborts-(Hacked) $20.00 per ton. Beans, white, So per Ib. Eggs 10c per dozen. Chickeus-8 to 10c per lb. Chopped feed-(Hacked) 120.00. Ducks 12)a per lb. Geese 7c per lb. Turkey 10o per lb. Lard 12jffll5o per lb. Duller 264680a per pound lieef 7&12jo dressed, Veal 10 to 12Je, d rawed. Pk-712Je ttattsiad . Highest 6f ll In Lcnvcnlntf MM &&s ABSOLUTELY PURE TOE LABOR REVOLUTION It BelgliM t be Cam premised. A PECULIAR SUFFRAGE SCIIEMB. Palace of tho Hohoiissollorus De stroyed by Flumes. SITUATION IN UKUSSKI.S. Biiubsbi.8, April 10. In view of the action of tbo deputies, tho labor leaders resolved at a meeting to advise the abandonment of the general strike. At the same time tbey decided to Issue to tho people a manifesto agnlnst tho Nys- sen bill, which proposes a combination of plural voting and universal suffrage. The leaders will urge the people to fol low up the victory by agitating unceas ingly for universal suffrage, pure aud simple. The police and worklngmen bad sev eral encounters and six rioters were seriously Injured. Nevertheless, tbe end of tho riots Is believed to ho near. The decision of tbe leaders to abandon tbe strike has produced n general feel ing of relief. Tbe police have worked ulght and day, and are completely ex hausted, Were the strike and riots to continue for a few days more, the pres ervation of order would be left eutlrely to tbejnllltary, m the police could not endure tbe strain forty-eight hours longer. Many arrests are reported from tbe provinces. At a meeting of the strikers in and around Gbent last evening resolutions in favor of resuming work today were passed. Two men injured in the Mons riot died last evening. Altogether seven men nave died in Mons of in juries received. A SUFFRAGE SOIIEMK. In Belgium tbey are struggling with the problem of universal suffrage, Ed ward Van Hoffman, a member of the chamber of deputies of the Netherlands, has devised a scheme that has a great deal of merit. He does not stop at a simple qualification, such as reading aud writing. Instead of that Van Hoffman proposes to give a man one vole when be reaches the age of 21, two when he Is 85, and three when ho Is 63, on tbe theory that wisdom comes with years. At the samo time a married man will cast two votes ono we sup pose for his wife and an additional vote Is given for military service. To men of letters and learning an addi tional vote will be given on tho theory that they are more competent to cast a wise ballot. Under tho Vaa.Hofl'man plan it would bo possible for a mati to cast as many as a dozen votes, OTHER FOHEION AFFAIRS. Rome, April 10. Monslgnore Chap elle, oo-adjutor bishop at Santa Fe, N. M., has received assurances that Pope Leo will reply to tho reports of the American bishops on tbo school ques tion in a special documont, settling tbe matter with the utmost clearness. Berlin, April 10. Fire In the Hob enzollern palace at Signiagrlngen on tbe Danube destroyed the part known as tbe Fuerstenbati, entailing an Im mense loss and tbe destruction of many priceless works of art. WiNNU'Ea, April 10. All alarm here on account of the smallpox has sub sided. Three hundred aud ninety-three Immigrants from the steamer Vancou ver, In quarantine, are guarded by a strong cordon of police. There Is only one veritable case and two suspect, Washington, April 10, Assistant Secretary Suaulding has telegraphed tbe collector of customs at Port Town send, Wash., that there was no author' Ity for tsklnga bond for the depcta tlon of Chinese claiming to be return ing merchants. If the Chinese aie un able to prove to the satisfaction of the eolleetor of euetoBsa that tbey are of tbe exeaapted class they mutt not be permitted to land nor be transferred to other vessel la harbor pendlogcx aaaiaatluH, Washinoton, April 19. A eable ( long expeeted from Minister 223SH fcwur. - " Latest l.S Gov't Xeprt Baking1 Powder Egav, as to lhe nature of tbe orlw committed by tho refugees who sougH asylum In the United States legal at Santiago, Chill, has been received the state department. Its conteal were not made public, but there k growing belief that Minister Bgaai not sustained in granting tbe right sw asylum to refugees under his proteetfesM on tho ground that they were not llttoal oilnnders. PAins,Apill 10. Cholera has broke! out ngitlii In the lunatlo asylum Is Qulmper In tho department of Finltl tnrn. VI vn nattntilu liion lln1 -t -I , , . Vancouver, B. O., April 10, Anx iety for tbo safety of the ship Morav sblre Is increasing. She Is now 17W days out from Samarang with a cargo! or sugar tor the refinery here and naT never been reported on tho voyage. All Quiet In Belgium. Brussels, April 10. Yesterday action by tuo chamber of representa tives In granting universal suffrage has completely allayed the Industrial up rising, xne strikers here, at Antwerp, ana older places generally, resumed work this morning. N-j further trouble is anticipated. To Get at the Facta Regarding Hood's Sarsaparllla, ask tb peupie who tane tins meaicine, or read the testimonials often published in tbla paper. They will certainly sonvloe you that Hood's Sarsaparllla posseasw unequalled merit, and that HOOD'S UUilttB. Hood's Pills cure constipation by ; storing the perlstullo action oftbeaU mentary canal. Thoy are the beat raa iiy catnartic. Before Going to the Wo; Id's Enauira Abont Tho Limited Express trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukeo & St. Paul Railway between St. Paul and Chicago ana Oiiiabu and Chicago. These trains are vestibuled, electric llithted and steam heated, with th fln. est Dlulng and Sleeping Car Service In luu wont, Tho Electric reading light in each berth is tbe successful novelty of this progressive age, and Is highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons or this line. We wish others to know its merits, aa tbe Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way Is the only lino In the west enjoy up wv uiuubivv unts ui mis patent. For further information apply nearest coupon ticket agent, or addi t a u. J. uddy, General Agent, J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf PERSONAL G08SIP. Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobl has been elected chairman of tho section on neu rology at tho Now York Academy of Medicine. David B, Smith, son of the Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, has been an in tnato of tho asylum for tho insane at Elgin for 17 years. Mrs. Lidu Blckam Lair of Dayton. O., conducts tho woman's department of The Farmor's Home, of which her son, B, W. Lair, is managing editor. Count Poverl, who has made pets of lions for 25 years past, usually break fasts with ono or two of the animals In his dining room, which, otherwise, he has till to himself. One of 'tho great glaciers of north Greenland has been named after Mr. George W. Chllds. Tho name was given it by Professor Hoilprin, the loader of the Peary relief expedition last year. A hairdresser visits Mrs. W. K. Vaa derbilt every day. Among other ladiea who dopend upon professional aid In thta line are Mrs. Frank Abbott, Mrs, d Peyster, Mrs. Stokes and Mrs. Pierpont Morgan. General Zebulon M. Pike, the fataoM "Western explorer, is to be honored with a statuo at Manitou City, Colo., the gift of Colonel Jeromo B. Wheeler, an officer who served during the war oa the ataa. of General Doyens. Mrs. Louise J. Barney, wife of tb millionaire. E. E. Barnev. who owaa two large estates on the James ri?er, has Driven to the Association for ttut 1,1 Preservation of Virginia Antiquities that part of Jamestown island on whlah aw located the, eld ehuruh, graveyard a4 other historic landmarks. ' Borne persons prefcas to he aUa to . gaesa approximately froaa what parte! Italy a woman eoates ty the leagth at' her earring Italian arriae loaatsna as one goes southward, and in iaa trene south of Italy the arriaM at tW yi(mi reach altaott to the ahoiMew., lf iu 1 M XI fe m J 947 COMMERCIAL iTRKST, -m