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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1893)
iii iiiMMnimaiiMMimi i ii i mmHwmmmMn.' 'im'gt3'""$t,i .-UtWlr . u- jfr-w ff-f, i' i 'x JJTJfiKiKO OAVITAL JOVJtHAL, OTCJWXUV, ATtltL 18, 18M. W Can CAVE TOU MONET r. Our Spring tool of DRY GOODS I mw owplei. We hw th largest and beat let!on f FRENCH CHALLIES JCvw shown in Salem. Our French Flannels aro now arid attractive. Wo show an ologant lino of Cotton (Jhallics and Wash Goods from XO to .20 conts por yard. W Can SflUE Y00 MONEY !SSS On Shoes, thoy aro all (going The Palace, - 307 Commercial St. Mosey to loan. OafinproYed city or farm property, g. T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law. Cor. Court and Commercial. V SPRAY YOUR TREES, BarrAPefael have the bent pumps .la tbe market for the purpose. BARR A PETZELL, 214 Commercial Street. - IF - Tea art going' to build or make any kind of improvement, call on ths underlgued for 'autwW. We have a complete stook, and are ready to (apply any prepared contract, cower work, grading, etc. u Salem Improvement Co. (DA1LY WEATHER FORECAST. r Poktland, April, 17. Monday, ahowera, stationary, Tuesday fair, lightly warmer. U. 8. Weatiihr Skkviok. Blown fhom x Twain. A Burling Joa, la., special aaya: "John Sllngle, (Balem, Oregon, was blown from a 't platform oa train No, 6 of the U., 11. & ' Q. at Kirk wood, III., while thoatorm wm racing fiercely and the trnlti run ning broadside to the wind at a high "vateof speed. Bllugle had been acting qttesrly all tbe way from Chicago, Con duotor Ripley sending hi in Into the oin from off the platforms soverul timee. When tbe train arrived ut Bur Hngtoa the man was mlseed, and un In quiry was Instituted which resulted In '" finding the body near the Hide of the track a short distance from Klrkwood. The authorities at Balcm huvo boon un titled." The Balcm directories full to dNoM s "Bllngle," though thero night be several here for thut matter. . A Rahb Lkotuhk. Miss Mabel Jon- uess arrived on the 1:45 train this after- fteea and Is at the Hotel Willnmotlu. Ww lectures at the opera houso Tuesday (tonight) on tho "Healthful, Artistic and Beautiful In Dress and Carrlugo," UltMtrated by artlatlo and rich cos- tvwea, Mothers, young ladles and fashion's favorites can get now Ideas. Tiekets oh sale at Pattons', 5 ots. A. O, U. W. A full representation f Members Is desired ut Protection lodge Mo. 2, A. 0. U. O., Wednesday vewlBg, as our now districts deputy will oonfer the Junior workman degree e twelve new members. By order of workman, A. W. Dennis. FfNK Banquet. The members of the Masonlo fraternity banqueted their visiting friends last evening at tbe Ho tel Willamette, when some sixty plates were laid. Col, Wagner did tho hand some by tbom, and all say it was the Quest spread ever presented In tbe city. A grand good tlmo was bad by all par ticipants, and some superb toasts are reported. m A Lady Affair. At tbe lecture by Miss Jeuness at the opera house this evening several of Salem's popular young ladles will act as ushers, and others will servo In the capacity of doorkeepers. Tho gentlemen of the city aro Invited to be their guests for the evening, as It were, Prohibition Cluh. The regular weekly meeting of the Salem Prohibi tion club will be bold at tbe W. C. T. U. hall at 7:30 o'clock.t Rev. Blair of tho Cumberland Presbyterian church will address tho meeting. Everybody Is invited. woxKiMd run hoadh. A feWUon to Kara Ooht let And Otfc' er hibat form Utilld Road. There inn movement on foot to have the Unemployed labor at the asylum expended on the roads and streets lead' ltig to and from ttata Institutions, There are hundred of Idle men there being fed by the state who need work for their own benefit, These slate Institutions use our streets and roods a great deal, and out them up with heaving hauling and It Is only fair that they should help build them. Htate street, Asylum avenue, the Tur ner road to tho reform school, the roads to tho slate fair property aro all In a lamentable, bottomless, gutted, neck-breaking condition. The rains have tested them and hand labor could drain them, fill up tho holes, surface their roadbeds and ronder a great ser vice to those Institutions, the city and tbe county. All those main thoroug fares leading out to tho state Institu tions should be parked. Tjik Journal Is Informed that Bupt. Downing Is willing to work a number of his men if the stale authorities will allow him to do so. Bupt. Rowland has been building a great deal of road since he Is in cbargo and will undoubt edly do much more in this line tbe coming season. Au united eflort should now be mado to get tbe aid of these Institutions lu putting these roads In passable shape. 535SS?f?Sl M'OLEVELAND IN TROUBLE. The Mulatto Masher Hsld up Lilting a Lady's Watch. for At Squixkkl Him,. There will be box and ueok-tle supper at the school bevee, seven miles southeast of Baleui, Saturday eveulnlng, April UOtti. There will be preaching at the Buuuysldo ohool house the following Sunday. lteUMATM. The following dole nates) left tble Morning to atteud tho WlUaasette Valley Congregational as eelatlea at Corvallla; Mr. and Mrs. ir..i..- ruvu Mr. t i r. 'MM, K. E. Pentland, Mrs, I. L. Kim bar ad Joseph Cooke. De You Lovh Your Wikk? Theu ' estahls her to get up elegaut lunches , and buy her a set of those de- i Price's KatraoU and flavors sold ! at Van Katou'a family grocery, Ho! Fon the World's Fair. No world's fair ticket, no pianos, no gold watches, no houses and lots, nor any other presents given away at Osburn's Raoket store, but good shoes are sold enough cheaper to give you the hard coin to buy theso thlugs with. Beo our wondorful list of bargains before buy ing m Bphinq Suits.-It suits everybody to have spring, and makes everybody fuel llko getting right Into that now spring suit. F. T. Hart, the leading tailor, has a full lino of now spring suitings ami Is making tho latest stylo suits at reasonable prices. Mud Flies. Whon you send n Lookwood messougor with a message tho grass docs not grow under his wheel. assortment In MavtlMd China Just received at tho Ow ristCMR. A nice ivtlMd China J iUJCFKONT. i Dr. Oeatrle Mils teeth without pain. KELLER A SONS' CORNER. KeUerABet are e top with their syseUlaalslaeentecwliirtow. The fine M taW The have ho use for i PMHBants No careworn la tfce window, Only the fMte geotU Asm khm suukfUAj "- liflfssssl n --'- fjsssa sa sjsrsassj isssasp bb eBrTsT m sW sTWIsl Bit k their OWN MKf4Wr A ttoaa it ysatirOay'a sMa aaht la r A Mmm aaraat wIh4hw a ewketT i la MOa wltMlaw wIIIUmo s sywi i IlAi'i'V Homes. They are made by the hundreds by Johntton &, Bon. If you do uot bollove It cut out their ad. lu Saturday's Journal and go to their storo uuil you will g(.t a boy's suit for f30 that others ohargo 6.00 for. ' Sue New Ad. Balum boasts a de partment store where you can buy everything In ono block Willis Bros, You don't havo to run all over town to do your shopping. For Balk. Bet of falls, good blocks and ropes, swinging stage complete. Inquire Hawks A Lovar, 07 State St. 4-17 Ot Unitarian Bociaulk. Tho gentle men of Unity church will give au oya Ur supper In Chaiiulng Hull on Tues day night from 6 to 8 p. in. A literary and musical program from 8 to 8:45. Social amusement to 11 p. m. admission 25 cents. 4-17-2t e For Balk -Cheap, good upright piano, almost now, first clans parlor suit, heating aud one cook stove, good as new, sewing maohlne and other furniture, etc. Call at 301 Chemekela Bt. cor. 12th Bt. 4-16-tf Rbohoanikku. The Oregon Elec tric Light Co., owning tho plaut that lights the state Institutions, has boon reorgaulied and on Saturday night elected officers from among the stock holders, Messrs. Paxtou and Mitchell of Portland, McCoruack aud Anson of Balem, Do Yov1uvk Your Husband? Then have a nk sliced oraugo fur'hls breakfast ami use Prleea Extracts In preparing table delicacies. Ouly to be bad at Van Katou'a grocery. Nonk Deny It. That Jouea A lfcr. nanll's French Ice cream soda com (Mired with other makes, I like French ereaiu oaudlea ootnrrwi with Btale stlek eaudy. It U the ouly genuine, Not Akhaid.-Ih the face of all ooHijwtltloB, J, A. Van Katoo eoutlBuea to be tbe leader for eholtw fnuillv ttn. "" h utNiuquaneni ror teas, tefteea aad everything nlee, ... IhMlBeas wrresiwHiknea aud laaaual f dhKatloa, Just In, at IVarbora'a. Im ariMMt a4. hmu! frosa reajM, at Th (a, A mulatto waiter named J. R. Mo Cleveland well known at Balem In sev eral shudy affairs, left tho city of Eu gono Sunday morning, wanted by the officers hero for stealing a watch. Ho bad been in tho city but a few days but had made the acquaintance of a colored lady cook at tho Matthews boarding house, and Induced her to let him carry bor watch until the after noon, wbon he was to return it to her as they wore going out driving. In stead, howoyer, he left on tbe north bound local. His flight was discovered late In the afternoon and tho officers notified. Telegrams were sent and In formation disclosed that he was in Junction lato In the afternoon but has not been seen since. The watch waw worth perhaps $25 or $30. Ills reported that some clothing Is also missing from tho place where be worked aud It Is supposed that this wus stolen by him also. Deputy Croner telegraphed that the muu wanted left Junction Sunday nlitht on the freight train after tradlug off tho gold watch for a silver one and a few dollars. Later a dispatch received from Chief of Police Hunt, of Portland states that they havo captured the man. Deputy Sheriff Croner brought tho prisoner up ou tho overland last night. m The Unemployed. The unemployed of Sun Francisco, in WttiH . meeting assembled havo Issued tho following circular to worklngmeu of every trade and call lug: "Greeting Brothers; Do not be deceived by fttlso reports. The city of Han Iranolsco Is crowded with idle men. There are thousands of us tramp ing tho streets huugry. hopeless aud destitute. For God's sake keep away from this city. Advertisement for la- bororo, sailors or mechanics are false. Place no faith In Mum. There are ten men hero for every Job uow. By order of tho executive committee of Ban Frauclsco unemployed. W. M. Willky, chairman, L. C. Fry, Secretary. Pineapple water Ico 16 cents a dish, at Tho Spa today. Halibut -Davison's market. Hurrltt A Mclutyre will continue their closing out sale of crockery and glassware ror a eliort tlmo longer, Many deslrahlo nieces and sols still rmniii aud will be sold at a great sacrifice. Attention to tho dally habits of the young prevents suiiorlng. Take Sim mous Liver Regulator, tjm yjtuii anomwti pkoukam. TWO J)y'l gtttfeM At rlalstih TU8I' day an4 Wednesday. Attend (he Marlon County Kfull Grower's convention being held In Ihff city. All Balem people Interested should (urn out. These meetings ruo free, TODAY'S I'ltOdltAM, The order ot business of today's meeting in the Htnte Insurance build' log Is as follews: Oiwnlng address bv If. W. Cottlo, of Balem, Discussion. Talk by Judge J. J, Walton. AFTERNOON BWJ8I0N, Address by Prof. John M. Uloss, State Agricultural college. Discussion, Miss Margaret E. Bnell. professor of culinary science and hygiene, "HiiKges tlons on Fruit In tho Domestic Econ omy." I'ROORAM FOB "WEDNESDAY. The morning and afternoon program for tho meeting tomorrow Is given be lew: "How to Got Best Results Out of the Present Growing Crop," R. D. Allen, of Bllverton. Discussion. "Shipping Fruits," J. M. Wallace, Balem. AFTERNOON BESSION. "Small Fruits," E. Hofer, Balem. "Pruning," A. H. Carson, Grant's Pass. "Organization," J. E. Shepard,Zena. Routine business. A FLORAL ENTERTAINMENT. Tomorrow evening tho Salem Flori culture! club will glvo an entertain ment In connection with tbe Horticul tural society's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, for which the following ex cellent program has been prepared. Tbe admission Is free and all are wel come to attend: Music . . ...LustBplel Overture Lena Breyman and Eluia Welter. Address Pres. J. M. Bloes Vocal Solo An Old Garden Mr. Harris. Paper The Children Mrs. A. F. Hofer. Recitation Kisslug Cups, Race Miss Mario Vandersol. Vocal Solo .... She Woro a Wreath .... . of Roses Wm. Lund. To Oet at the Tacta Regarding Hood's Harsaparllla, ask the people who take this medlelue, or read the testimonials often published lu this paper. They will certainly souvluoo you that Hood's Barsnnarllla poMw unequalled merit, and that HOOD'S CURES. Hood's Pills euro constlnatlon liv r. storing tho perlslalla action of the ali mentary canal. They are the best fam ily caiuariio. THE MABION FRUIT MEN. Papers and Discussions Had on the Fruit Men. There was a large attendance at the State Insurance hall this morning v, hen President Cottlo called to order at 10:30, and read an address ou fruit culture. It was full of valuable suggestions and will probably npear In the published proceedings. He showed the Immense Interest lu tho fruit industry, and the superiority of Oregon fruits over those of California and Washington. Fruit growing was tho foundation of tho future prosperity of this valley, and underdraluing was tbe basis of It all. He recommended a commltteo on the fence question, calling attention to the present expensive plan of fencing other peoplo's 'stook out, In place of each man fencing his own stock in, as In Illluols or Iowa. Also a committee on legisla tion. Mr. Cottle's address was warmly re ceived aud several times applauded. Discussion followed, and Miss MoMoa tern a capable stenographer, Is present, who takes down all the discussions and they will be printed. The meetings are growing lu attendance. a Guaranteed kid gloves at $1.00 per pair. Every pair tried on at the count er. Tho latest shades In drabs and taus. Osburn's Racket Store.) Dr. Contrls fills teeth without pain. Chootlnc Wife, A correspondent declares that choosing n wifo is vory much liko ordonuga meal in a Paris restaurant whon you don't understand French. You may not got what you want, but you will got Bomo thing. Londoa Tit- iHia. A man named Borisson, chaplain of Trinity college, had only ono eye. Much merrimout was aroused whec ho advertised In a local paper for a "single resident pupil" The "weaker" box hi willing" to do a good half of the good work of a community. It often doea much more than that, but it cannot do all. Tve never any pity for conceited people, because I think theY carrv weir comiort about with tnem. George Eliot PflKHONAfi AMD lOOAh, U, W. JJotfg, of Drain, l lu Hie oUy ji J, Hlniyef Is In ltofl'Utir on a vl It. Represeiilnllvo Gulllxitii of mllltftiy fame was In Hie oily today. Judge J, J, Murphy linn gone lo Port' land, Mr, nud Mrs, A, ti. Hush nre vlsftlnac lu Rostburg for n tew days. Sheriff Knight went to the north end of the county this morning, Populist Pierce, attended by his man ager M, V. Roork, of Balem, took the train for Portland this morning. Tllmon Ford went lo Oregon Clly on legal business today. Farewell services of tho revivalists Bolle and Ante at the Salem First M. E. church, Herbert Butten, tho New York life man, Is in Hubbard. Copt. O'Brien of tho state printing odlce has finished his work of measur ing up, and gone to Portland. Misses Mlnnlo and Lottlo Sherman havo gone to Portland, Nothing equul to those extra cholco meats always kept by McCrow & Stcus lofl. S. W. Bard of AumBvlllo is In the city attending tho Fruit Growers meet ing. "Little Property," tho lady who wants a partner for life has several let ters In this office, no doubt containing proposuls. It pays to advertise. T. J. Kress and family aro comfort ably quartered In their new residence at the corner of Chemekela and 20th street. "Now Is the winter of our disconten ted mado glorlons summer" by the good things which the young ladles of tbe Baptist church will servo tonight at the "Fruit Social." Memorandum young man's diary "Tuesday night must go to the "Fruit Social" at tho Baptist parlors. Mrs, H. E. Chlpman, who has been too guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Moores, returned to Yaqulna today. Tho delegation of Knights Templsr from Albany and Eugene returned uumu iuih muruiog, aiier enjoying a pleasant fraternal visit lu the Bouquet Ulty. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, of Port land, who havo been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clay St.irr, relumed home this morning. FranK Davy, manager of the Oregon Keeley .Gold Cure institutes, is in tbe city, uoyou like bananos, oranges, etc, etc, etc. Well if you do come to the "Fruit Social" at tho Baptist churcli tonight. The county superintendent of schools has apportioned $10,021. 8o among the 122 school districts of this county ac cording to population. Brewster & White have the most complete stook of bay, feed and flour in the tho city. Court street. 4-18-3t Genuine French Ice cream soda the best made Jones & Borunrdl. Monkeys. Did wo descend from them? Hear Graut lecture on "Evolu tion." New flats, plaques, sunflowers, and line laces. Newest thlnin. In nhln ami leghorn, just arrived at Mrs. D. L. Fos ters opposite operu house. Don't forgot the "Fruit Social" to be given by the Baptist young people to night In tbe church parlors. Every body invited. Chinook salmon Davison's market. Seems incredible but true neverthe less A man Jumped ten feet in the air iuis morning at U:15 in front of Keller & Sons special salo corner win dow. The low price ou a sideboard did it. A dwoorsimmons Liver Regulator, akeu dally, will relievo and preveut Indigestion. ' 8ALEM NARKKTM. HAS TAKEN THE CAKE. OUR tJOY'S 3 PIECE SUITS AND BOY'S JOSIE SUITS WITH EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS ARE TAKING THE CAKE DAY AFTER DAY, THEY ARE HOME MADE AND ALL WOOL W00i VMiYi STORE For Sale. Ten acres on D street, three year old prune and pear orchard; ten aero tract, Bunnyside; choice resi dence half block with eight year old fruit trees, In Lincoln Park, South Sa lem. Enquire at Journal office, dwtf Odd Pieces. A nice assortment in Havllund China Just received at the BLUE FRONT. TUTT'S PILLS purge out malaria. deaths. COFFEY.-Atberhome In Mill City, April 10, 1893, of consumption, Mag gie Badger, wife of D. D. Cofley. Deceased was a daughter of Rev. E. Badger, who officiated at her wedding to tho assessor of Marion county March 20th last. This Is a severe affliction to Mr. Coffey, who thought to have se cured a wife for his homo and little family. UOEHRINGER.-April 10, 1893, at 8:30 p. m., at tbe home of John 8. Walton, Salem, Catherine Boebring er, aged 97 years, 5 months and 19 days. Tho funeral was held at the Evan gelical church at 2:30 this afternoon. WILSON.-At tbe home, April 17, 1893, from spinal meningitis, How ard, son of Mr. and MrB. Arthur Wil son, aged 7 months and 15 days. The funeral was held today at the residence at 2:30 p. in., and the remains Interred In Rural cemetery. GEERING. At nls home, four miles east or Salem, from cancer of the face, April 10, 1893, Hiram Geering, aged 73 years. Deceased leaves a wife and seven children. Funeral services were con ducted at the residence at 11:30 a. m., Monday, and remains Interred in Lee Mission cemetery. PORTER.-AI her home in 8!lveron hills, near Sliverton, April 10, 1893, Mrs. E. S. Porter, nged about 25. WE ARE CARRYING Wn mmrniiiv a bir load' Of Clo'h Hound bo. ks and hi-., nnxlous lo unload a nn mivim hie. Wfthivn I tken a mt-tu rd to do It quickly. We have dcclted io inaugurate a BIG BOOK SALE Our crlce will more than astonish you Now Is tbe time to All ud vour Horary wltb inese dooes wnne mey are cneap. Patton Bros., Boolcssllara and Stationers, 08 STATU BTKKKT. CALL AND HKTTLE All parlies knowing themselves Indebted to J. .1. Uurklm, tba horseshoer, will please call and settle wlih Obai. K. Kiely, at Hmall's clothing store. -14 Iw MILK COW. Klve grade Devons, young;, in gond condition, good milkers-Ynur dick iur ou j. Lieoycr, rurner poaiomcs larm. ouo-uaii mile eaai. 2-33-dlm. FOR SALE-At a bargoln. The street car barn In North Halem. on the company will build a car house In Mornluesldo. uuiro ub eiuw. 4-II-tT Kn- NKW ADVKUTiaEMKNTa I?OK8ALE- U ho "m.m67 netl' located lot, with Mill street south of WIllarriBtu UOllse. On Mill miromi .nnlh nr win..! ... U'llve ItV. frnrtArnia a .H totl,...i.. -i luqui-e it tws ems: va rr" Wheat- 67o per bushel. Oats 3540o per bushel. Folutoes--60G0o lH;r bushel. Hour f3.0o per bbl. Brau-(fctacked) f 18.00 per ton Hhorts-(Bncked) 20.00 per Un. Beans, white, 3a per lb. Eggs 10c per dozen. Chlokeus-8 to lOo per lb. Chopped I feed -(Sacked) 120.00. Ducks 12Jo per lb. Gee 7o per lb. Turkeys-lOo per lb. Lard-12lfto per lb. Hutter-2o80o per pound. Beef-712jo drewm!, Veal lu to 12JP, dressed. Pork-7(3n2JodivHt. Wool-16lSo per lb. Hope 14016 iter IK Strayed or Ono big bay gelding wllh two white hind feet.Bl.onna dark blown seldlne with J,: wnue nina mpi.each weighing about 1200 A MyLrWrtwWbal,ff &' the w5 of 4 .7 fll dW A.ylnm A vn ui JM,!' - ylnm Avenue. Balem, Oregon. BALEM MOTOR RAILWAY CO. WORK WANTED-By a competent gard euer. Prompt attention snd tenns rea sonable. Apply to L. R. bhanley, at 108 ( 'onrt Street, upstairs. ' -7-2w 31UI8 PAPER Is kept on file at E. O. Date's . AdvertWng grncy, 61 and 65 Merchants xchaDge.San Krancls o, California, where contraou for advertising can be made for It, ATTENTION.-Cash buttles. old Iron qi fL0,1"18" old Oourt HouKe, Halem 1-29-1J' 1. TOLK mnriflv nnlrl fa Mva b.ittles,pld iron and all kinds of metalil TOLPOLAB. CHRISTIAN BCIENOE-Llterature kinds on sale at 826 LI beriy street. of alt -ly Miss Mabel Jenness ARTISTIC DRESS, PHYSICAL CULTURE, GRACEFUL CARRIAGE. pure Raspberry FlaaU. Boughegau, Gregg, Cuthbert and Malabar, last Iwo ml strong plants. Several thousand, cull early, or dellv. (M free to auv irt of the oltv. at n. duwl rate. Iavo orders at Jlohu G. Wright's gnx-ery. II. W. Havaok. Market Gardner, Uakw. S-18-S-wd m Koh Rknt,-Owe good dwelling at io. it win street, opposite Cvttage, Call at Oabnra'8 Raekel'atore. IWehleg at any time l due te Indl aetha lotlt are cured by 8!mhhobs Liver KeguUter. DPRICE'S . oatsa Vkui1.b. rk .-.. ... " "T . . wM"f . NsAmmeaiasNoAlasE. Tuesday Evening, April 181b. ptfonw!!!!1 ,J.,Hn,"e!!"?ctur. .othe i"0 are weicoroe;." u.Vl 1SaS? V"'n r will b Hi,,., irvL.".?,.rr.lK- 1 be lv i -a- wiiii rirn svt iH. J-.".. iTSTtS g ? VS'iennSI.1?-.Tt Of herself,e,mJ1?n'.n! '."-. .he peo- POWER HOUSE Meat Market. Fresh and Salt meats of the best quality. Poultry and stock. Free delivery. DAVIS & WAYMIRE, Proprietors. HP. M. CARS. II p. m. Cars leave Hotel and Postoffice dally for Asylum, Penitentiary aud Cemetery on Capital City Railway. Car leaves 5 A. Ill . onnnnnt. "' " t -. yi- wgwm. Overland train, and ears leave Hotel every 20 minutes from :?o a in. to 11 Plnt maiMn..i'J ' Wfctoa without nr.iilni... . . idte-. fashionVhi woiSSr.iiK hf7 J0I" 2. "" isicryi;ar, 1 8KCH wu be .nunuaV;',?00"0' " "m. VriceS effto Meet PasscuSer Traii.8. lr.CeUU,WteetH wltlt U i Millil Hoiio VSIE StaSsji We offer this week all r n. Palmer Seersuckers and Dress Gingh At the extremely attractive price of ams ThMrfVk...u.... .:a.U1HcwlUay OPERA noUSECORXER, -o X IU. 6!ii:!;a