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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1893)
.,- -4 - fjt - .T' " 4 I Is- I P , MK9HHmRtwnnn VSHMRMMMM 1 1" "H in I Ml IIWWIIMWI I Ill III llll H, S, BELLE A, B, H, LEABO!A I'onmND WI'1TALIST smKS- IflVJEKlKO OAPITAIr JOVJUfALi TUESDAY, MAHOU 28, 1800. AT- m: THE PALACE) Art bow prprd to ho you th nwi Talkie ( tha jwwwn in DRESS GOODS, Pattern eulU, Plaids in silk and wool, Plaid In silk. PWdi In velvet. Illuminated serge. Changeable serges. Whip cord In black and colon. IJrocaded all wool. Brocaded saloons, French flannel. French cballles, eta Ilcgardd Hnkm m & Uty of Great Future. PUNS FOR NEW MOTOR RAILROADS. Balem to ?io Connected With Sercr al Near-by Clues Boon. Newest Styles in Spring Wraps. P-S. Tho 15th of April is drawing near, when the fine rum waren will DO envon awav. Uonl iorrret our rmmf. Mhn tele. Money to Loan. Ob Improved city or farm property, S. T. RICHARDSON, .... Attorney at law. Cor. Court and Commercial. BrJIliaat Shine Metal Pollsk For cleaning and polishing Show Cam, lira, Copper, Zlno, Hcalea, Household Utentlla. Silverware, etc. llAHH PETZELL, Agts, 214 Court Btreet. - IF - You are going to build or nuke any triad of improvement, call on ttie undersigned for material. We have a com plete stock, and are ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer work, trading, etc Salem Improvement Co. BALIM BOAKD A Large OP TKAD. and Well Attended Meet lag. DAILY WEATHER FORECAST. Portland, March 27. Monday falrfollowod by ruin. Tuesday rain, U. B. Wkatiijch Skhvick. TookmoPapjcb. Moetmenln mis fortune have the sympathy of tho pub Ho; but L. B. Bklnuer, the Polk county farmer buncoed out off 2600, l general ly treated aa deserving tho lose for be ing so green, In these enlightened days such men deserve having a guar dian. Will the Balem papers pleaso as- ubtmiu wneuier nainner miles a news paper. Albany Democrat. AJouknal reporter hasasoertalned Hint Mr. Bkln uer took no newspaper. A religious Journal came to his address, but of course aeallng largely with tho world to come, gave him no pointers on the ways of the wily bunco steerer. A good attendance last night at the Willamette hotel shows the Interest taken In the Board of Trade is not dy ing out but growing. The communication of W. A. Btory relative to prospectus of Oregon at worm's rair was read but could not be acted upon because the advertising una isexnaustcd. J. M. Wallace was elected a member of the board. The secretary was authorized to pre pare a resolution requesting that the presout administration appoint some Oregon man to be governor of Alaska, owing to our close commercial and le gal relations with that territory. On rnoHon of J. H. Albert tho secre tary, was authorized to receive exhibits and co-operate with the world' fair commission In enlarging tho Oreoon exhibit. The advertising pamphlet prepared by P. B. Knight, description of Balem and the Central Willamette valley, was auopicu uy mo board. Tho board has Just closed a six month's contract for Eastern advertis ing In all prominent newspapers. i Good Lucie Remember the "Good LUCk" SOOlablo at Ilia Unitarian church next Friday eveulng. Those who attend will bo convinced that not " "" u"K"& oriinnai lucas aro ceiveuin uio heads of Mm ' folks." con- grown Almost Thkiie. According to the Oregonlan's Washington dlrpatohes or the JMth the early appointment of Hon. T. J, Black of Halsey as collector of emtoma at Portland may bo looked for. This appointment would glvo almost universal satisfaction to tho bualneaa element of tho stalo, as well as that of Die own party aud would bo lu keeping with the president's well known desire to appoint none but good won to nil the various federal portions. No man la the Democratic party lu Oregon vnas uigner ibau T. J. Hlaok, A Brutk. Considerable ludlgnatlon has figured In many minds a day or two past regarding the heartless action of a butcher employe who while at tho slaughter house got lu a rage at the abeep he was haudllug and gouged out the eyes and tongues of several or the animals while alive. Witnesses de scribed the act aa brutally cruel, Tho ease will probably bo referred to tho grand lury.-Oorvallls Gazette. BU.VKH Mkdai. Contest. The first Silver Medal Dcmorcst contest will bo held at tho Bouth Balem M, E. church about April 10th, under tho auspices of tho Balem W. C. T. U. Evorybody Is cordially Invited. A Cuanqk OK KlitM. The loan aseii. oy of Fear A Hamilton has been dis solved, Mr. Hamilton withdrawing ne win ronresent anmn FWtni. in.n companies on this coast. The old; busl uess will be continued by Mr. Fear. Kanbas GALLKKV.-Montee Bros, have left the town and their gallery south of tho postofflco Is now occupied by II. 8. Mullt. First class nhmna from 12.00 to 13.00 per dozen. 8-28 lot Tiik UKST.-MoCrow A Btensloft are oHerlng the people of Balem absolutely the best quality of meats ever sold lu the city. They thoroughly uuderstaud mo buying and handling, as well as selling of all market supplies. Hon, O. F. Paxton, secretary of the Balem Light and Power Co., arrived In tho city last night to look after matters connected with the electrical works here. Ho was a member of the recent legislature and spoke veiy cheerfully of tho outlook at Balem In general. He said: "Outsldo of tho great Willamette Falls plant at Oregon City and one at Bpokano Falls there Is not such an elec tric lighting and power plant In tho northwest us yours. Any resident of Balem who Is doubtful as to the future of tho Capital City can have his ver tebra stiffened up by going down and taking a look at our capacity which is already equal to a city of twenty-flye thousand population. Ho can have bis confidence fully restored by considering bow much money outsiders are Invest ing In Balem. "Ladles and gentlemen who aro in terested in beautiful machinery would flud It easy to pass a pleasant hour visiting our plant any Sunday. "Balem will always hold ber place as the second city in Oregon, being a sort of gateway and distributing point to tho Willamette valley proper and West ern Oregon in general. Tho compan ies which I represent have some plaus for tho future which we hope to put into execution very shortly, which will result In a very considerable develop ment to tho city of Balem, If Salem could bo connected with several lead ing surrounding towns it would doublo your population every (ew years. Ba lem peoplo hardly realize tho growth that Is now going ou, or that will take placo hero when tho natural resources of the country tributary to you, that is anxious to have direct communication. are oponcd up, as they soon will be." "I would like to call your attention to tho first class work our company has bcon doing In Its polo and Hue exten sions. It la as good as the best mater ial and the best workmanship can make It. We are going right ahead In creasing our plant." Mr. Paxton has Home of tho heaviest monieu men or Portland associated wltii him in his enterprises: It would do the hearts of our slow coaches good to feel tho pulse of these Portland capitalists who have Invested a quarter of a milllou lu Salem, Al though we aro not authorized to say It at proton t, they aro roully preparing to do what will make Salem a motor lino center second to nono on tho Pacific coast. The rich couutry surrounding us will lu no far distant day undoubt edly bo connected with electric lines ana nelp to inako a city of a hundred thousand hero Inside of twenty years. Boat Ratns, Al. Ilerreu of the steamer Klwood line, was seen this wotnlng In regard to tho cut rates. Ho aaldt "A boat carrying a hundred tew of freight from Ifrtlaud makes 50 at of It, while Us runulug expetweala f. Hoaiaruuutugataooeutratoare fer some other purpose than legitimate toftMo, We will do business for our M rates, at which we are prepared to any freight not only now but for the Jala." XeeuHt Was Kuix. The friends of D. D. Xecter, who keep the horse ea outer and Front streets the story Haturdav that i i ran." Of eearee tale m MVMl vv MM laMHt - tlame Liver Regulator has never keea known to fall to cure all liver dh- Vr. Oeatrle glla teeth without palu, I GKKATACUUTY. TheooniorHm.Li. and tumblers on the street show great auuviiy, uui noue) can equal a Lock- wood messenger for speed. VAN KATON.-Bee here, house wives, those of you who have not tried our Java-Mocha brand of com, ahnnhi do so at once. It has been a aUiul.i.v m mo un Housekeepers since years. Bavr Youh FKUiT.-Wm. Wright has a good spraying outfit, aud Is prw tntivu o ajHay tamiiy oreDardson short notice- Prleee reasonable. The fruit saved on one tm will more than pay the expense of orlu for fifty trees. Leave word with Gray Bros. tf NI.AHaKD,-Wo Wish to inmmiM to an, mat we have greatly enlarged ourstoekofoarpstaand flae furniture aud would be very mueh pleased to have them Inspected while the assort wt Is large, Buren A. Boa. Comp4eesedyeMt-Clark A Eppley. "US-casa" DR. DORCHESTER INTERVIEWED Ohemawa Indian School-Chances of Office Seekers Slim. Bupt. of Indluu Schools Daniel Dor chester, who visits all tho 200 govern ment Iudlan schools lu the Unltw! States, Is In tho city and was seen this morning. In a pleasant chat ho said ho had been here two years ago, and thought Salem growing. His wife Is wltii lilmaud also looks afterlndlanpu nil's intereata In tlm dri'iiio..,...!........ 'eHMSsaBHsasBassMMessaamj-.J n i PERSONAL AND LOCAL. B, F. Wiley, of Collate Grove, is In tho city for a few days. Manager Anson, of the Capital clfy railway, Is In Portland. Mrs. Geo, II, Burnett left today for MoMlnnvllIe, where the Judge Is hold ing court. Dr. Powell Reeves It In Woodburn for the day. Mrs. Peyton Is In Portland on world's fair business. C. W. Thomas, J. W. Thomas and J. R. Miller, of Stay ton, were Balem visi tors today. F. P. Clark of Zena, was In the city this morning. Bupt MoElroy went over to Corvollla today to attend a county Institute. Rev. Driver was In fhe city yester day returning to Eugene this morning. Senator Dodson, of Baker City, Is In tho city today. Bam'l Alolpb relurnod today from Moscow, Idaho. J. A. Van Eaton, the erocer. Is dolnc business at Portland. John G. Wright, the pioneer grocer, Is at the metropolis today. Thoa. Howe, the great sporting farm er of Mt, Angel, was In the city today. A communication on rifle clubs will appear Saturday. Ex-County Poor Com'r J. H. Mc Cormlok Is out after a week's illness. Messrs. Patton and Cruse are at Woodburn today opening out their stock of books aud stationery. Tho World's Fair Commission Rust ler Billy Savago Is hustling at Portland today. Dan'l Dorchester, superintendent of tho Indian schools, of tho United States, Is In tho city, and will Inspect tbo Cbemawa school beforo returning. J. A. Goodhue, manager of the Ore gon Hedge company, returned this morning from a business visit at Salt Lake City. City Recorder Edes has his quarterly report for three months ending April 1st nearly completed. Druggist G. W. Putnam has material on tho ground for bis new cottage on Marlon street. Roy. R. J. Campbell, of Roaeburg, will address the prohibitionists at the W. C. T. U. rooms tonight. Tho Kansas Gallery Is south of the postofliceat Montee's old stand. First class work and honest treatment. Give us a call. 3-28-10t The Astorlon has n typesetting ma chine aud an original poll. It is nuite a rich paper to afford two luxuries like that, Mrs. and Mrs. John Arnold, who have been visiting tho family of John Savage, Jr., left today for their home in Nebraska. Miss Editha Shrlver, of tho Salem SUam Laundry, Is visiting friends at woodburn today. Judge Calvert, of Ne Whatcom, Wu., returns to his homo today. He expects to bring his family to Salem to live this fall. .anjamuxiMgwu THE ELECTRIC SYSTEM. Something That Confounds the Best Philosophic Experts. The Sick Cured and the Skeptics left to Wonder. Denutv Sheriff Roberts' card sneaks volumes for Dr. Darrln and his peculiar system of treatment by electricity. Air. Roberts Is well and favorably known In this city and his word should go fur to convince tho skeptics as to the skill of Ut, Damn. MK. ROUERTB' CAHD. For Iho past six years I suflered losi ofcarliiK. which gradually Increased until I became totally deaf lu one ear wltii ringing noises and severe pains in the back of my head uud neck, the last year of my trouble. All efforts were fruitless until I called ou Dr. Darrln, who cured rne radically of all my trou bles with his method of electric treat ment. I can hear now as u ell as ever In my life. J. M. Rodkhts, 362 Stark street, Portland. DR. DARRIN'S PLACE OF BUSINESS Drs. Darrln can be consulted free ,a 310 Commercial street, Salem, Or., office hours 10 to 5 daily, evening 7 to 8. Sunduy 10 to 12. They treat all curable nervous, chro' 1c, acute and private dis eases, and make a specialty of all dis eases of eye, ear, nose and throat, ca tarrh and deafness, loss of manhood loss of desire or sexual power in man or woman. All peculiar female troubles, irregularities, etc., are confidently and successfully treated. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctor's otlice. Inquiries answered. Circulars and question blankssent free. Drs. Darrln charge at the low rate of f6 per month; or In that proportion as the case may require with medical or electrical treatment. This applies to each and every disease except surgical and special complicated cases. SUPREME COURT. Sam m, March 28, 1893. Elizabeth Loyejoy, resp. vs. W. S. Chapman, app.; appeal from Wultno mab county; judgment of the lower court affirmed. Opinion by Moore J. Portland and Fulrvlew Ry. Co., app. vs. Thomas Bpillmaun, resp.; appeal from Multuomah Co ; judgment of affirmed $9000 fl MONTH Is whatthe WOOLEN MILL is paying out regularly for ma terial and labor. If y0u bought your clothing of thorn in 5 years time it would pay out $50,000 a month. Patro nize them and build up our HOME INDUSTRY. TO0il HUU ST0R FEAST IN STORE . Opinion bj pll'a Interests In the girl's detriment. Dr. Dorchc8tersaystlio8alem Iudlan -.muling scuooi now ranks asoueof tno largest In tho United Btaten, only surpass! by Carlisle Institute, and Chenowa. Ho had never seen Bupt. Waason of Cbemawa, but said he stood' well with the department at Washluir- iou. mo ouo bad any power to re move him except for cause, aud thin applied to tho matrou. teachers and physician. Even the president could not select his successor. Thrwi mn who have passed examinations are recommended In case of a vacancy anil from them tho Indlau commissioner electa ono. There Is uochauce forout side applicants. Dr. Dorchester doee noi expect to remain In the service arter ula time Is out. After Wislev, Sheriff James Mc Namera, of Stephenson Co., HI., ar rived In the city on tho 11:17 train and nt onco proceeded to secure a warrant. upon requisition of the governor of Illinois, for tho person of Perry Wllsey, a fugitive from Justice detained at the county all. Ho was arrested at Salem recently by Chief of Police Minto, who found him worklug In a nursery under an assumed name. He Is under In dictment for forging several notes on a bank there, for sums In all of f500. Hheritf MoNamara will return with mm tomorrow. the lower court Beau J. Geo. W. Hahn resp. vs. Guardian Assurance Co. app.; appeal from Mult nomah co.; judgment reversed and the Cause renmuded to tlie court below for such furtber proceeding as are not in consistent with this opinion. Opinion by Lord C. J. L. W. Nelson app vs. S. W. Blaisdell et al. resp. The motion fnr Mm ...iifl cation of the decree herein in tho court below Is overruled aud denied. Held that tho modification suggested would probably effect parties to tbo decree not orougnt before this court on appeal and cannot therefore be made. Joseph Hughes, resp., vs. Edward Holmaii, app. The mandate lu this cause and for the modifications nf m,0 Judgment as to tho allowance of costs to the respondent is allowed upon the authority of tho judgment of this court in me case or wood vs. Fitzgerald-3, Or. 508, while the court feels bound to respect the decision in that case as the law of tho present case Its correctness is doubted and when a question Is prop erly presented and brought here upon appeal, it will bo re-examined. A feast In Store fiir thn iwinln nf Rolnrr, uu TiuunjrwuuuKe me LATEST IN NOVELS. To avail yourself of the opportunity ot rataing me latest book rou should call at1 I PATTON'S BOOK STORE jnd look over their large stock of this litera nuts, ne utivejusi received 200 FREsH NOVELS by the leading authors, and have arranged' laii0ihe; 8? t.ha.t w,e wl" recelve new ones hol" ,he Iate4t of everything always on .'E2m"5S?.7OB need anvtllln8 n this' Patton Bros., Boolcoellers and Statlanor. 08 STATE BfREKT. Raspberry Plants. Soughegan, Gregg, Cuthbert and Malabar, last two red-Btrong plants several thousand, call early, or deny, ered free to any part of the city, at re-',c,e(Lratea- Leave ordera at John G Kl n 8,rocery,-, H' W- Savage Market Gardner, Salem. 8-18 6-wd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'S SPECIAL ATTRACTION. Thursday Evening, March 301b. J. F. SHERIDAN, The Original WIDOW O'BItlEN, or A NIGDT on Ik BRISTOL, -Large Company of TfttNS-ATLANTIC COMEDIANS, Including the Celebrated AMEHICAN DANOI.NG KINQd, MARION & POST. Seats on sale at Patton's. GRAND CONCERT Wedneeday Evening, April 12th. BY Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria For the Poor of the City. Tl, rll !.. . .. -."c.uiiuwiiigisine program of the charity entertainment which will be e.uereu tonight at the Congregational church. 0) Grand ealon lirlltinnf (b) Selected -Rolling Solo remove tirMi0nB.Liver egnlator to SVdlKtehsetiobn,r'C,ear theh6ad andr Dr. Contris fills teeth without pain "Cream" Assisted by Prof. Henry Bettman, concert violinist of Portland; also Miss Grace Scriber and Master Earl Sharp, the wonderful child sincer. TConpfit. nf the expense fund of the Willamette University. Admission 50c. Gallery 25. Reserved seats without extra charge at Patton Bios. Bow Tkv M Misses nreyman and Weller. Selected Selected ailSS PINKITAM'S GRAND MILLINERY OPENING TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MwA 28th aad 2lh, ftrftoom utd wmW JUaie. and ftfttlwRMtt iHyiUd U w the featt(koMt stook ever in Salem. 109 Court Strwt IMI-OKTANT OltANOK.-Th0 Well known furniture house of Keller A Marsh baa again chauml Ita name back to Keller A. Bona, Mr. Marsh hav Ing sold out his Interest to H. P. .mi V a. . . i: nener, who were former part ner. ThO bUslnew Will bo ronllnnl In the best of st vie. aud Mr. w.r.h u w iinuerstooi!, will continue to make his home lu the city. i Nkyv Motok Co, Kugeue Hreyman, Werner Ilreymau. J. Mrn, p I' U...llt. m -.... "" ' w.u..,tu, n, i, uiiucri ami D. F. Wagner of thla dtv have rl!t .mi. loriueorporatlou of the Silver Creek rai rower and Improvement Co., tee I li.GOO. They propose o operate w iwwera, uu; ettetrle ththU aud faetutlee. Will thk Schools Cube?-It is rumored on tho street that If the school bonds aro vottd for at tho comlug elec tion, the directors will bo unable to borrow mouey to continue tho schools, nuu mat mey will close them at our. We shall try to obtain something de flnate for tomorrow. That Nkw Asylum. The governor aud treasurer are busy today hearing representatives of various localities who have sites to ofler for locatlUK the now i--asteru Oregon asylum for the lusaue, Nkw lNfX)KPouATio.s. The South Umpqua Mlulug Co. stock $150,000: tha . - i vrrgouraper HoxCc, stock 110,000; the Stuart A Thompson Book and 8ta tlonery Co., 150,000, all of Portlaud have filed article with the secretary of state. Recltation.Iln.!,!.!?.,ly. Miss Watkina Male quartette ljfi Glle' $,mat' Kw "and Lynn Recltatlon....T he IppiwI nf ir.Tli"..- m . i M,a Oracle Suiter. 7 . 7 IV" SrTe-khTrM0 vuiuci BOlO IJORN. To the wife Of J. T Wll!..- ttry evening, March uaoiug well but "Bird." 20th, 1893. DKATUs. Recitation Willis E. MoElroy. Selected Mla,M.rt-Tr,"S,.,2'nPn 80l0 .-uurmoi. , V, v- Selected TfiBmViier: G'dbeCk "wiiKD.-MeM CooIedgeA Mc Clalu orsilverton run an attachment on the Oregon Milling Co. mill t Tur ner yesterday. Dm You Havti,. Eppley's various brands. most delicious tea? W;,,' v ftMbl . w .,, a No pill or UiiHsatio!: lotion i.,, ta - -w SMITir ...... Deceased leaves fnn.. , ... . .' nTe;Jyi t or cook Laud Co! ---th, of the Oregon theFir!!,f!r:rUib.e M- m o'eWb : " "u,uu veuesday, at 10 State op Ohio, City op Toledo 1 Lucas County ",DOt es. "rmof F. j, chevey Plrt,er of the business in th rii,.15ln, 9-d olDR and state aforesaid nH .i . Co"oty Catahuii tbatrcanSo1ileVerse of "se of HALL'sCATAte y the 161 in Trinocl !,- A&Uon1oISerfflUtS?S4et.the " F'Dt x. 17U. W. C. Dibble, 13 Front Ht. 25-d 3t, nttln ... ii V.-V."''1"" ve, -...VMfru. x-rrcniei'i. fcinro Junction. Jn- 1 lil-d-lm it, i?,ittlcs'0,It lrn and all kit aphides, at old Court Holife, paid for rags, us, nds of metu . HfllPTn. 1. aOLPOLAR, ocnooi District Election Noti. ihsshs anrsdJyMareBSitw thVSi,?.dlstr,ct'on Bcaooi aistrlct or In thi Vr ; m saia the dav at ,;.a.i'nJ ,,e. Ja JH precedlne -j vf a iiirni ntv oniiii in. .. ---. - properly assessed tnThJJJ .7 0 P.".111 a 'ax upon question of Wracnnen,o5iaJ.1Hd.,s,rlot e for tue rurnnl. A? "DMl,Pndel debtol 15.CvO ing and-fSrnlshln-an elBht ?J? slte J"'d ertct mg at somn ,..'5n e.1?"? 'OO'n school build- street and between tliT,, "ct eHet tUiib lum avenueTmTvme UhDerJoatl "nd asy- AV"S8"ondNo Poir, ,"" ".'"f ?:rn7 v-m-ana aJa opa until So'ckJ. DSarm! clock oj"","" w airectors of Hahool Bated thuVth da; 'nr tiZm ""&? U7V ..," - " S-9-td W XlulK A. MOORKS. district Clerk. Dr. Coutris nils teeth without pain. wSiirr ' of - ft.rn.tur. 1 Buuejj & Bon. tATAHRir nimn Rtr .- l. KANK J. ClIRurv yjTBassssBsai; A. W. Gleason, ,ufy i ubiic. &4stf&&i h(ieA 1 ..' -L'-KVU. U Ifl llftlrt Monday, a SoT?I?i.strict Election Notice. school nf Ma- Ksy.'i'minMidViarrt?rs . ..-l- --,' o, loua. Itlro n.1.1 t l ",;.I7 Vf'ucuorilie oiialifiort .,.' "onuuruiuen district as In the $-uJolen of 8ud school ofm.ii-T.Vi'H8.yearIst nrernlln t, ho WVLWti&wwpW .'in'Pnea bondP.iV.K:'V.,2" u"on ?"" uoiari ills Kft frZ 7" "l uieeu i uou nifanKleht Si rSm L.tlPuJ'xe "t prect n"r thesis of thrffi10?' building on or on bock three nil Jlresnt 'chonl buildings uniy and?ta W Rife f i Mem, ih iafd reasonably ,M at Catarrh r ....... . and aet Hi.:r"H"loon internaiiw Dr. Contria mi. i...i. ... nmcoua anrr.n :. .n ,oe blood anfi -..-.:, w ,iout pa, f iMiimT' ;,".." i ,ne system, s Bv order nr.K.n P jlpSSvS?;. 1 PteV."offf"''"9'Echo pain, for testimonials. ree. tB7!u??.o.i wnirh shall ho Th. ""i" " " y ha lot upon the words "SondS SSr,.CUond Ym " o'clock p. m andim r"8 ,0 Pn at 1 p. in. v ' "na remain open until inviivk railways, D" PRICE'S ""ESS GOODS Wm " J! Z? V W WIIB We now ah( (SPffi Sited ffiil.ofi!SSl .coVnon j, " jiarcn. A. V. 1803. ijutt, a. aiuoitiui. JJUtrict Clerk. W-td WHIP ,, 11 0W 8h0W'K handsome line, . .IK, Trltumlng, ln Vat ,. . SILKa. ftAVr!rv,V.HANGfc.At NOVELTY IIEN'IIT. HLE . "ssJljjgaKB, Ore" To enjoy ea Braids, Pearl w. HM iwMnCrrfSKr' No Alum, '40 Yews the Standard & CO. 8ALM, OREGON, fee-' ajaaMaswNWiwrJtiMMHfw?J'' - y4" it&'.'sjti4fu,jjr k-v -t fAiy.i - -. rr -i: iiza iitJ ! ""j-v V- J& S 'BJ