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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1893)
,j. , J' I i injm ni)i'i'jy!fy BW SPASMS A DAY. Jlr, illlft JUtitteat Co., Jtthharl, ruf, QcHHuirMi t nerof loro nti opMtinnltf to teeowraendf-, Mllis' He.toratlvo Nervine to any it a r' "!alIllPledMrlthticrrwiaftiin6lalnu f8 A22"H ,h0 jWtifaiiceiliat l ttlll not i ns(i. (.rw,(ni ihitn When our br.y m I'hfoontaor dheifntattickcd with violent h fim. Kotn'jtimoi ho wmitd Intra five of Hi fumaltiAiliigiMclitr wctnita iMfiv.rMYii. mini without atntriri finally our ilniKglat r ainftiendcil -. . , nf. JlllrVJir- orutivo Nc;nyRED "' We tried a h .tile, and a ' totlM (00 ,hM iowai nrNrritro tnoumt rnt oost, We t sod tlirco buttles, and I am happy to my the child m ENTIRELY CURED, Wa wed no (rhcr remedy, andhls cure Is complete. Ho is BSTHOUSANDS ly healthy. You are at liberty to use my nana In BOUNDING TMI rAISi Of THIS WOHDIBfUl tltUZDV, ft 0. HlACOX, Agent Paclflo Express Oe Hastings, Hebraaka, April Otb, 1892. Dr. Miles Nervine, MOST CXItTAIN CCKS JOB HEADACHE, HETJBAIOIA, KEBV0U3 PEOfl- TRATION, DIZZINESS, 8PASMB, BLEEPLE88- HESS, DULLNESS, BLTJES, and OPIUM HABIT, BOLD ON A "OBITIVC OUARANTCK. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CT8. eold hv D. J. Fry, drujirUt, Salem OAPANESB JPJJUE CURB A. new und complete treatment, consistng of suppositories, ointment In capsules, ulsu hoi und pills; a positive cure for external lutornitl, blind orbleedlng, itching, chronic, reco'it or hereditary piles, nnd many othei diseases nnd feinalo weaknesses, It la alwny a great benefit to the general heilth. The first discovery ot a medical euro rendering an cratlon with the Knife unnecessary here after. This remedy has never been known to fall. Si per box, 0 forj 85: sent by mall. Why softer from this terrible disease whnn a writ ten guarantee la clven.wlth (I boxes, to refund the money If hot cured. Hend stamp for free sample. Guarantee Issued by WOODWARD, vbAittui a ia.. wnoiesaie una man arug- fists, sole agents, Portland, Or. Brooks t '"gg agents forHalem, 106 State street, PattonY block. o-2-U -dw CflflS. WOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN :-: MARKET South Commercial Bt., S il( m. All kinds Fresh, oalt and Smoked Meats and Saubuges. FKEB DELIVER. The only genuine Wienerwurst In the city. NOT IN IT ! The North Halem Meat Market has not Joined the combine, but sells first-class moati irom 5 to 10 cents per pound, as It always has. Pitchford & Long, at Hunt's old shop, opposite W. L. Wade's a tore. WILLIAMS ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,001' Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAM8 President Wm. ENGLAND Vice President HUGH MONAUY Cashier. DIRECTORS: Geo. Williams, Wm. Eni land, Or. I. A. Richardson, J. W, Hodson.J. a. uaner. Bank In new Exchange block on Commcr OUI Rtl-AAt. &13-t' Authorized-Capital $600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W. A. OU8ICK, Pres. W. W. MARTJN, Vice rrcs. j . xi, jVLiucuu , uasmer. State, County and Olty Warrants bought at Par. dw MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate, In amounts and time to sulU No delay in considering loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 12. Bnsh Bank block. 6 12dv Money to Loan. Loans will bs made on Improved city or form property by the LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO Ftr terms, etc., apply to JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law, over Bush's Bank, Salem, Or, J Offloe 1P8 Commercial street, In WlllamelU hotel building, nearly opposite the potomce Office Hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m All orders for water or other builneaa will receive prompt attention at the otfico. Bill, for water are payable tbe 1st ot each month It !a desired tbnt as many consumers at possible pay th Ir bills at the otttce. J, M. WAIXAOR, President J H, MARTIN, Buperlntendent. HAVE YOU GOT PLES ZTCHCro riLSS known r molatuw Ilka panplraUoa. mum UUih Itohlu vbw wirm. Thla form and SLIA13 vLSxDlXli or fkOTHUBtHO Ut T1ELBATOKCETO M. BO-SAN-KO-S PILE REMEDY. whl& aots dlraoilr cm pana asTaetal abaar ba) boater, allara ttablaa'.affaotdu aiMnaaaaSHotu. Trip sea. DrsActaU raus. gr. nnsa,rklliiriptila,a. Bold by Bwkftt Vu Blypf. A miuni, (lfrftn(fif In hi hfoddelotli grt To- MM Ihd Wft'i Brthfltf pro.. U I 1H Ah4 Wffnori Mf (hrrnif(h nliln(1hhp1llnf tritt of tKic, rof fief dnfiu'fom doelflfia fan Frotn Parson Total ) khow his ran. Arid celuiff his ialvadoft ur lie polijd (lis thoMl wllli a snort), Wherertt, wllfi ideaU. All (he irlrls Do ahaltn (lielf fowa of dAholhg enrla. letA la (he flame ot roanir rotruvnea Oft hour lhd by A atibtlu lahee, And Cttpld llfta beneftth the res Of Dame Theology Ihe fosa ThAl itilrera on Clnrlnda'A heart lleapohslre (o (ho looks that dart, Whetioe Collin, tlfed of" parable, The herdsmen's: qttafrel at the wells, Contents him with the lotely shape That slancea thrmtptti Clf Inda'a cape. Among the hoys some bench Is cut, Or one easajra the traitor nut That popsj whereat, with checks aflame, The kernel's fumbled In hl shame, And rolling underneath a pew la out of reach, hut still In view. And through the marble, nut and knife Lot'a wife, and yet again Lot's wife. Outside his tal the blackbird spins. The tributary thrush begins To pralso the blue audaciously With daring turns of melody. And now the parson ends his prose, The hymn Is sung, grandfather goes Serenely home, and quite assured Hn profited and no ver snored. And thumps the turfy path apace Bays, Sleep In church Is sheer disgrace. Now Collin, free of-clrcumstance, Pursues Clarlnda with romance. Forgiving all the herdsmen's strife. Lot's wife, and yet again Lot's wife. Norman Gale. , Jlintliig Leopards In India. Mr. Simsou says that ho has hunt ed leopards with dogs, and has been at several such hunts with other peo ple's dogs. But dogs aro either too timid or too plucky, and the plucky ones that go at tho loopard get killed. Still the dogs help to find tho leop ard, and it Beems that they might have been used with more advantage in seeking for tho man eating leop ard. But to uso dogs effectually the sportsman must bo on foot. There is no chance of a good com bination of dogs with elephants, for the latter hate the dogs and. will run away from them, and tho dogs mis trust the elephants and decline to hunt. Finally, no uso seems to have been mode of trackers, or of seeking for tho leopard by its footprints on the mud after rain. Professional trackers are almost unknown in Ben gal, but an Englishman fond of sport soon teaches himsolf how to track, and can impart tho knowledge to one or more of his own native servants. Chambers' Journal. Waklnir Up Freezing Sleepers. One of the principal duties of the Russian policeman is to awaken those unfortunates who havo fallen asleep in tho streets during a hard frost These are usually eithor tho isvoschik in his sledge, waiting for a faro and dozing off ere that faro comes Into the sleep of lotho, or drunken men who have tripped and fallen on ,tho pavement and havo not the energy to get up again. The orthodox method of awaken ing such Bleepers is to rub their ears violently backward and forward a plan specially to be recommended, because it not only rouses the Blum berer, but also puts him into such a rage that he is for too angry af ter-J ward to fall asleep again. Temple Bar. Stnpld Circassian Beanty. The Circassians, who know noth ing and aro rather stupid than excep tionally intelligent, are physically a faultless race, far moro so than the Germans, who, though the best trained people in tho world, display a marked commonness of feature, as if the great sculptor, Nature, had used good clay, but taken no trouble about the modeling. Some of the very ablest among them belong to the flat nosed, puffy cheeked, loose lipped variety. Million. Knew Too Much. Woman Got any dried currants i Cultured Youth (from Boston) We have very small, sweet dried grapes or raisins from Corinth, Greece, formerly called "Corinths," but since corrupted to "currants." Woman (switching out) I don't want any corrupted goods. Good News, The most eminent English and American physicians have declared that no boy under 24 is ablo to stand tho enormous drafts made upon his vitality by excessive training or "spurts" in athletic sports without risk of impairing his strength for life. Variations in tho size of raindrops are attributed to atmosphoric dis turbances and to tho height from which they fall, those from a high altitudo being much the smaller. Unless thowearingand the coming out of mourning apparel can be ac complished with decency, it would show far more respect to the dead if it wero uover donned at all. Over 60,000 Parisians, it la Bald, earn a living by picking up and mak ing use of what other people throw away rags, bones, metal and Buch refuse. It is far easier, if not more natural. for a man to love all womankind than to be nermansetlv devoted aad. loyal to a stogie wpjaajfL j QAV1WASJ LJLSJJilJLL-U-l-J-IJi! WAfflNU rUM UtiAU MENd HOE9. Tftf (Iflrri intelligent ((nunployed Mn Ar fctef fn HaiIa tri fcitff, "Jlitiiiiy tMUy'i loil Ills Jobl" taiil ft ftimiOti loohiritt roiiiirf limn In ft rttstr twn jrtcltct ftfltl ft Lltto flntitiol shirt nfl he entered ft milroml ofllcinf A offleo In Jer sey CHy on one of tho coldest ruowImI tlrtys, "And I'd Hko la le.tro tny nnttie fof tno jou o' brnkiti in liis place, tit," "Lost Ids job? How's tlmtr "Jlst got Jellied up In the ynrd!" re plied tho yottntj tnnti in tho pen jacket, Tho rnlirond ofllclnl promised to hold tho Application tindef consideration, and tho mon went out, evidently well plrnsod, "Thoro Is no cnllliitr," snld tho officer, "so beset with dnngors nnd hardship as that of ft rnlirond brnkomnn, especially on ft freight or cortl train, nnd yot were 00 hrnkomon killed on this or nny othor road today thoro wotild bo nn enger and anxious nppllcnut for eneh twin's plnce ns soon ns tho nows of his donth becnnie known. Tho tnnn who was In horo jnst now evidently saw Brakeman tidily killed, bocaiiso it couldn't havo happened long before ho came In, as I havo ro coived no ofllclnl notico of tho nccidont yot, and reports of that kind como in very promptly. That man witnessed Rollly's donth, but whatever impression it mado upon him was lost In tho fact that the doad man had left a placo to bo filled by some ono el so. That prompted him to net at once, and ho lost not n sec ond in securing whatever of advantage ho bolloved priority of claim for the placo might give him. "Every railroad has a small army of these anxious and waiting applicants for chances to stop into dead men's shoes hanging around its yards and stations. Thoy aro chiefly men who havo followed railroading all their lives nnd havo lost their jobs in some way. You see, rail roading is n good deal like politics. If a man goes into it once, ho isn't worth a snap for anything olso, and so if ho gets out of it ho is perpetually on tho lookout for tho opportunity that must como for him to get in again, Thero isn't ono of tho mon I refer to who does not feel a genuine sorrow when a railroader is killed, and few of them would hesitate to risk thoir own lives in an effort to save that of any trainman in danger, although they might know that tho death of that mah would placo thorn in tho best position they could hopo over to fill, yet thoy haunt tho tracks and tho station yards 'day after day watching tho switch ing and tho coming and going of trainB, knowing that some ono of tho trainbands or switchmen is sure to bo killed now and then. "When tho fellows of the man who camo hero in such haste to bespeak poor Reilly's place hear of Reilly'a death, they will bemoan tho hard fate that prevented them from being present when ho was killed and robbed them of a chance to reach my ear first. It isn't at all likely that this enterprising young man will be hired in Reilly's place, although he may be. If ho isn't, it will not shake his faith, nor that of any of tho others, in tho importance of having early intelli gence of fatal accidents to trainmen, and being early to my office with the news and an application; or, if the acci dent occurs at a distance, to tho offlco of tho ono having authority at that point. Thero is ono of these men who has brought me tho first nows of seven dif ferent men ho has seen killed, and he is now, I havo no doubt, watching for an other accident with the hopo that ho will got tho dead man's job." New York Sun. Departed Grandenr For Sale. In old St. Stephen's, famous in song and story, a parish of Berkeley county, on tho banks of tho tawny Santee, some 60 miles in a straight line from tho shores of tho Atlantic, is a great landed estate whoso broad acres, level river bottom and rolling highland, cultivated fields. tanglod swamp, stately pine grovo, groups of live oak, with here and there a bit of virgin forest, form a domain fit for a prince. On it havo lived and died a long succession of Carolina planters, all princes in their day, to whom, while slavery lasted, snowy fields of cotton and waving crops of Indian corn and smaller grain furnished a princely revenue. And tho cattle, if not of a thousand hills, of a thousand canebrakes, was theirs, and droves of wild hogs, that throve in the thickets of the swamps, and blood horses wero thoir pride. All that Is gone by now. Tho lordly life of tho planter has passed away for ever; slavery has been abolished, and tho owner of tho land, wearied of the struggle with demoralized freedmon, would fain givo up the fight and offers his patrimony for sale for a song, for barely enough to support him comfort ably for the decade of lifo that may yet romaln to him. Thero aro 0,000 acres in that estate, which is offored to any taker at very little over $3 an ocro. Of that 0,000 acres there is arable land capable of producing a bale of cotton to the acre, 20 to 80 bushels of corn, over 70 bushels of oate, to nay nothing of the possibilities of fruits and vegetables and of horse, cattle- and hog raising. Charleston News and Courier. The Origin of Coat. Tho origin of tho "Spencer" coat is curious. Mr. Spencer, an Englishman particular in hia dress, once remarked in company that no fashion was so ri diculous but would be adopted if worn by a person of sufficient importance. This was dissented from, whereupon Mr. Spencer offered to bet that if he cut off the skirts of his coat and walked out with merely the body and sleeves he would bo imitated. Tho bet was ac cepted, the coat prepared and took the fancy of a well known tailor. The "Spen cer" soon after came into general use. London Tit-Bits. An Explanation of "That Tired reeling." A man weighs less when the barome ter is high, notwithstanding the fact that the atiaoepherio pressure on bun is more than when the barometer is low. As the pressure of air on aa ordinary I sized man u kdoui jo tons, tae rwo ot the mereary from 99 to 81 taehe add about ose tea to the ie4 be baetoeav rr.-Beetoa Qlofct, j ttimmm r- tfQVnWAtj, 'WtmHVJW, MAKOI1 asUco i sum mini wuhi'iul. awlfjiMia'Ju!'Liijj OfetW AUb fMD9. dtttri (;fltnphof keep Oil hifiths, AmtlAofrtunl to children Ia lllto rnlfi (rt flower WiiotMorod ferireation comitier evil thoughts, l7 ytrtt Are fretting: wvakkneed, take n look nb KHJaIi. Tho coming tnnn will fiy when tlif coining broom Is nftr liltn, Fortune does not chnngo.tnetii 11 only tminnaks them. lllccobotil, Most frtopld ftrd willing to do nwnj with vices of othor people, Tho first llvor coin wnA mndo by Phi don, king of Argus, 809 D, O. In 1800 Voltft mndo tho first voltole pile of disks of vino nnd silver. You ftlwnys loso your bathing sho' just boforo you tread on the clamshell, If all our wishes could bo gratified ovory beggar would bo a pasha. In tho British kingdom eomo 80 square mlloe of land Aro uevotod to burial pur posoa. Thoro nro times when ono f oola that in vontors, liko immigrants, should be re stricted. If Sponsor wero tho princo of poets In his own age; Bhnkospearo was tho prince of poots of all time. A gmmblor who has lived to bo DP years old, has decided that it's hardly worth whilo after all. ' Molioro was tho son of an uphotyerer, who tried in vain to teach him tho rudl montd of the business. In Germany married mon wear wed ding rings, a custom which many wrltorn have advocated in this country. Persons who suffer from gout or rheumatism seem most liablo to bad ef fects from eating lobsters or crabs. Peoplo of sense manago to dress with out going to oxtremes in cither tho direc tion of too littlo or too much black. Cassius fell by his own dagger after tho battlo of Philippi, tho same .dagger, it is said, with which ho, stabbed Crcsar. A silver spoon which was lost by Hor ace Woodward of Dayull, Conn., who is now 80 years of age, when ho was 0 years old has beon restored to him, he claims. It was found at tho bottom of n well which was cleaned out. The Use of Revolvers by Cavalry. Few soldiors over understood the se cret of handling squadrons better than did Shoriden, Custer or Stuart Natu rally enough, when there wero no tradi tions to go upon and not much time for training, men turned instinctively to the weapon thoy were most accustomed to and rarely used their sabers until thoy hod exhausted their supply of cartridges. A charge carried through with, decision swept opposition away by its rush and volume. Riders were unhorsed and chargers knocked over without the aid of sword cute, and men who had learned to shoot on horseback mado good prac tice with carbines or revolvers when their foos had given way r.nd wero fly ing boforo them. An American might, in fact, be trusted to look after himsolf uncommonly woll in his own fashion. It was Qnantrell especially who showed how much might be done in this way and how completely a cavalryman might dispense with his traditional armamont. That daring leader, the Turcoman of tho southern states, equipped each of his fol lowers with at loast two revolvers and taught them to shoot as skillfully with the left as with tho right hand. A good swordsman would bo as much at a dis count in an oncounter with such oppo nents as tho bravest Afghan or Zulu at tho muzzle of a Martini. But tho suc cess of tho revolver in this particular in stance affords no solid foundation for theories as to its value for horsemen less acoustomod to its use. London Saturday Review. Ravenous Crows. "As much as I have studied the habits of the American crow," said Columbus C. Everett at tho Lindell, "Inoyer found anything disagreeable about him. I have often wondered whero a crow gets its wonderful vision and power of scenting danger. They aro queer birds, always looking down on ono with an ominous eye that bodos no friendship. Inover realized what awful and evil intelligence theoo birds havo until I studied another typo of them, tho raven of India. When I traveled in India three years ago, I mado many journeys on pack animals through long, dreary sections of terri tory. It was then that I porceived their wisdom. "On moro than ono occasion our little, party was followed for hours and days by ravens, a hungry swarm that kept a certain distance, but never lost sight of us. I began to wonder why we wero shadowed by thoso hungry birds. Some of tho natives said that thoy were watch ing for aomo of us to fall by tho wayside. As an experiment I shot a dog and left it lying, These miserable vultures at tacked it at onco, within a stono's throw of us. I should wonder littlo but that the American crow has tho earao tend encies and only waits a scarcity of K-ain to show them." St. Louis Globe emocrat. Pies and Tarts. All tarts aro pies, though all pies are not tarts. Pastry is a generio term for all culinary preparations that are served on layers or in cases, opened or closed, of farinaceous paste, and ''pie" is the contraction of thin generic term. "Tart,'' though, is paste twisted torta into fancy shapes. A pie, open or closed, may be called a tart when any portion of its paste bos been twisted or fanci fully manipulated by the maker. S3 that pies may consist of flesh or fiih and yet be tarts, and tarts may be of fruit aad yet be pies. notes and Queries. An Expensive UooMbold, The sultan's harem costs f 15,000,000 yearly. About 100 women leave every year to marry, ana eocn has fs7,oog dowry, Yet the number never falls be low 800. every official struggles tq get hk daughter in. for each has 10 servants. a earriage and four and a possibility tjsiialng latamoe ever e' e.liak IaW feMf SMrti-eL tU.tOV.tKM UOttdJi , 'to Hio PubJIel One of liio t)r iMr fill of Portland ImvifiK ooii eluded to oticn n fitemntietit olllco hi Bnltm, through the Ufgent request of many of their pntleufa hi this city ntitl ntlr rotitidltitf country, Offlco nnd rooinn hi Exchange or Chcrrlugtan block; No, 810 Commercial Blrecti opposite First National Bniik, Snletrt, Oregon, Uodfn The Dm, will treat (be -poor1 free from 0 to 10 n. in, daily and those who nrtJ hbio to pay, will fecelvo medical or electrical troatmoiit at $5 n month for encli disease or In Hint proportion ns tho cases may Heed surgical nnd speclnt dlsenfles excepted, Consultation free. Charges reason able, Nd cases tnkotl if not deemed ournbto or Improvable. Oillce hours from 10 to fi tlnllvi even ings. 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. Al! ctirablo chronic diseases loss of man hood, blood taints, oyplilllls, gleet, gon orrhoea, stricture, spermatorrhoea, seminal weekuess or lo&s of dcslro or sexual power in man or woman, ca tarrh and deafness are confidentially and successfully treated. Circular sent free. Meet cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctor's nflloe. nrrxriirrTTTwxn COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN .T. At last a nedtcal work that tells the eauaes, deicrtboa the effects, points the. remedy. This Ii sctentlAcallr the moil valuable, arttttloally tbe moit beautiful, medical book that has ap peared for 'tarsi M page, eerjr pago bearing a half tone Illustration la tints. Some ot the subjects, treated are Nerrous Debility, Impo tency, Sterility, Dsrelopment, Varicocele, The flmband. Those Intending Marriage, eto. Svtry Mnnwtio irmtllknnwthe Orantt 7Vufha, the Vlaln iyirt$. the Old Secrete nnd New lite coivrlM nf ttedlent ftctrnre ae nppllrd to Har ried Life, icho would atone for poet folllee and amtd future pltfatlt.ehmild write for tktt It will be sent free, under tent, while the edi tion lfiita. If convenient enclose ten crntsito pay postage alone. Address tho publishers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. T. ju iill Jn . .---. J) Dr. Powell Reeves & Co., The Old Reliable Specialists, Late of New York Hospitals. Graduate with High Honors. Twenty years' experience as Professor, Lecturer, Author and Specialist in Chronic Diseases. Catarrh, Bronohitis, Cough and Diifioultyof Breathing Successful ly treated withspeoif io remedies thoroughly tested and proved by the OLD DOCTOR Who is one of nature's noblemen, thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever roady to help tho afflioted. NERVOUS DEBILITY cUi?SuV8S middle aged men. The awful offeots of early in discretion, producing weakness, LOST MAN HOOD, night emissions, exhausting drains, basbfulness, loss ot energy, weakness 31 botn body and brain, unfitting ono for study, business and marriage, treated with nevor failing success. Oct cured and be a man. BLOOD AND SKIN dPnrIupo,,u,mpor.: syphilitic taint, rheumatism, eruptions, etc., of alf kinds, blood poison from any cause whatever, oured promptly, leaving the system pure ant healthful. ... . . KIDNEY AND URINARY Mfi&.uM dor, sediment In urine, brick dust or white: pain while urinating, frequency of; Ilrlght's disease and all dlscasos ot the bladder of both sexes. f ITI DD U throat, lungs, liver. dyspepsia, Indl If A 1 Anita gestlon, and all diseases affccUug the bowels, stomach, etc.; diarrhoea, dysentery, eto. Troubles of thlscbaracterreUeycaatonee; Cures effected as soon aa possible. DRIV1TR diseases, gleet, gonorrhoea, syphilis, lAlinlu hydrocele, varlocelo, tenderness, swellings, weakness ot organs, and plies, fistula, rupture, quickly cured without any pain or de flation from business, . , U7R1TR your troubles If living away from the nlUlD city. Thousands cured at borne by correspondence and medicines scut secure from observation. Enclose 10 cents In stamps lor book on Sexual Secret. Address, OR.PnWELL REEVES & CO.. Now Located at 216 Com'I St, Salem. ANOEH'S ELaMRiC BELT UTEST PATENTS WITH ELECTflO- MACNETI0 SUSPENSORY. BEST WfKOVEMENTS. Will rs VJlln. .ITn.ilaMs rtnlllsf from er.rus.U.n .f brsts, nrr. .r U4lMrtil.a, a. Mama) su, Us, dr.Uf, Imim, sarinu S.bllltr, sl.rp kHini, U(.r, rb.sB.iUB, HJr, llnr ..4 .a.l.lau.laai. bMk. I.b.f fall.. ca.rl 111 b.slib. .t.TbU tlMirlt b.ll o.t.laf rT.Srral lar.,.ts v.r all as4 sl'w a .arrtal Ibtl Is luu.tlr Ml by lb. iniirnn f.rftll SI,00O, .d4 fll tr. all.r tk..b.f. alio... r My. Tk..M4. b bate m4 by itltiur Ut.dU.0 artr all aib.r rim.dlts ftii4f a.s v.. glr. af UaUn.o!.!s la tbla and eitty .tbar sll. dirrianfli uraurtD tui-iaic siat-sasoav, u. EwiMi booa a,ar s.ia w..k B.a.ra WITH ILL SSLTS Mllkaa4Tls.r.satrHitbUUaaiSTKSOIaSauai.ys. Sasa r.r, tuUet, fxUi, In. AUtue i r kxjibo z wo oo No. 172 Flrat St.. PORTLAND, OKI. Salem Soap AND CHEMICAL W0KKS. JOB. KUEJtTON, Mgr. All Kinds of Soap, LAUNDRY AND TOILET, Highest l'rlce paid for TALLOW nd LAUD. TKY OUK i FRUIT PEST EMULSION SOAP For Bpraylng, Warranted to Kill All Insect Life. f?0 CA fib Por fi11rn. L4Ktw nm wm Wfolw MUM, vllK 3S$ SSfJKSKt . 'L 'f VH asssL" i . I m i W .foMnfrtf "CasterU Is so well adapted to children t&at I recommend It AS superior to any prescription known tomo." It. A. Ancntn, ltp., til Bo. Oxford 6t, Brooklyn, H, T. "The u eC'Caatorla'ta no universal and Its merits so well known that It seeitM a work ot supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep .Castorla within easyreacH." Casxoa MAnTTiv, D. D . ... Nw York City. ' Lata raster Btootntngdalo Reformed Church. i Baby Carriages, Bicycles, ItLcy.cJes.elo.cipedesJoysWagoin BROOKS & SALISBURY,- u (8UC0E8S0RaTOBROOKHAND'HAHmTT.) Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting and Athletic .Goods. JJjse.BalljGoiiik Flags anlFireWorks BOXING GLOVES, LAWNTEN Ntd 8ETB, CKOQUET 8ET3 KNIVES, HAZORS, 80MSOP.S, DOLLS, TOYS, NOTIONS. leather and plush goods. Salem, X.JST 1893 All Ifoitls lead to Chicago. ; t . ' WM, MILWAUKEE . & ST.-BUL. .RT LEADS THE VAN. Excursion Rates to tho World's -Fair. Ed. C. ESTABLISHED 1870. WILLIAM NILES jfjfi Choice Meats. Wmmsm 2WrWBBW'" Los Angeles, California. BREEDERS AND EXPORTERS OF Berkshire If you would bo clean and havo your clothes done up in the neatest and dressiest mannor, take them o tho SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY whero all work is done by white labor and in tho most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTQRY. All houBO-flnishitiK material made to order at (be lowest Portland prices. See us boforo you buy. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, Front Street Salcin, Oregon. Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compoto with tho lowest, Only tho beBt material used. NEWTON TANNER. White Tanner's Livery. ' i (HueeoitICUUWhltteyO ? ,;,-, Ll LWery, hMk and fe4 aUble. A Ailt wpplyof hersee aaa bufclea oa fcaad; HeeaWfcawa by day, week or mouth, OJMce al stable, Commercial aad Trade streets, soutb ' of Wlltatneite betel. J. W. TfiORNBORG, tmi DraeLSTitaaa. !. -n,1 rJra tinhntaiail furniture. LrflMF EZMTlaMSa Id tM t I eusWss To turn out first-class work. t mu-mom. mfiontM , " ' r i" 'in inn i i ii tJMfflSh. gour B otnacb, Ulartbcca. lbueteSen, KUIa Worms, give sleep, aad imnfrtetj A WlJSout Injurious medleaUoa, ffV?1. rear. X have reeo was ended r ' Oastpria, and shall always eeaMSue to om It has Invariably produoi laeaeAetal roue' Do sol rloblypi results," Edwin F. tUnon, K, D., MJXa Wlnthrop," lath street and Tth Are Hew York CH-, TB1" QmJ?0'Virt H KenaAT, Btow,HwwT1 . OREGON. Wholesale and' Retail Dealer In Fresh, Salt aai SmokcdtSfeats of AllKUttU OS Court anil 110 State Streets, INCORPORATED.1801 & CO., , FINE CATCLE, HOGS, POUtlM 4 Poland-China Pigs a Specialty, HP ' Lisissssssssssssssssssssssl Cross; Fancy Poultry, All Varieties, Eggs for Hatching. Incubators. Nllea Paolflo Coast Poultry and Htook.lllustra tcd, 60 cents by mall.' ' JWrTHEND FOR OlROULARS.-fisl J. F. "WHIT!'. Sanpiss of eovwlBM. Na trW k ummwm(, 1 : i tt nm K d I la U.1 t ' ,jir !!' k- lw ;!ba m VI M J 1 r