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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1893)
- 4- i V '""' rtJ p. ir. t I? THE CAPITAL JHBML rUBUHKI) DAILY, KXCKIT HUWIIAY, arms Capital Journal Publishing Company. Fort Mm H'eek.Comutsretel IUnV n.iny i ff vii v HOf ER BROTHERS, Editors, tartly-, by carrier, pr month,..., etfy,t pases, tieryrsr..... .. :HS IN TUB Ol'IMDN UP UK. JUNKS. Permit nn old Aclioolmcuiter to con gratulate you on your stroke o enter ftrleeto RlvlHg your waders their clidlco fcf.ewefe a wliok-BOKiv colleotlun of flu ta u you offer lu your (Saturday's Ihuo. Among other to be beneflttecf thereby I trust our school board may maV"Tbe Kvolutlou of DaM." As an oM MhoolsHwter. I was gratified to see that In the recentclvllervice examina tions forp)jfewiita .under the portal service all had to paw a modlcat exam 'iBatton. UnolvHam wnnla bla portal .employe to be physically sound. Tiieyruust not only bo able to read the addresses on letters but deliver tbetn, He wants no dudo with a bod breath standing at his delivery windows, nor wheezing carriers with pulmonary diffi culties crawling over their routes. I have ever contended, that anyone to teach school snould ba sound In body, as well m in mind und morals, and J suggest every board of education adopt some test similar to that of the raall department. It was evidently tbMund business eviiso of John Won amaker that led him to the conclusion that the peoplu wcro entitled to have what they paid for in one branch of the publlo service at least. Thy were not to have half won or quarter men put o(I on the mall service to draw the full men's pay. They were not to have fMirsons with ono lung gone and the Other In an advanced stage of decompo sition palmed oil on them for a person with the full usoofanoundpalrof lungs. We were to have alt tho lung wo bar gained for. Under tho new law I am told tho school board have some power to pass upon the qualifications of teachers, and surety the physical ability to fulfil their contracts should be the first qualifica tion of those who would earn public money. Continuity of service and er sonal contact with the clilldrou aro tho . prime requisites of successful teaching. Aiteaober that cannot serve a school year through In the grade employed to t taught ought not to bo hired. I will i Hot enlarge upon the disqualifications of defective lungs, cracked voices, or tinawRMiicai or caiarruui anocllous. 1 iwouiu as soon have one as the other teach my children and sooner have tuesn remain untaught. Hullloo it to say, ho other occupation so completely . demands full possession of all the vital faculties as teaching, The forces thul are trlveti out In standing beforoa room .full of children all day are tremendous. When the one standing lu place ofu teeeber has the forces not to give out It lis simply a fraud. It pullsdowu many ef the children to tho low-splrlted, (lifeless, dragging exlstuuce of a person JtryJugtocarryaloaU for which they 4MKHUINU itaimua eascniial to aueoees, CHv us healthy (eachers. Lopp off the IHnaxmics, Msllunatles, liysterlcs, and dyspeptics If there are any. Cease hir ing a supply teacher, or else let us es tablish a hospital lu connection with our schools where wo may havo public- treatment and proper care for the de fectives, As the school board Is likely to have to borrow the money unon tbelr Individual uoto to pay teachers. It bos occurred to tue they might receive these suggestions and ct for the pub llojust as though they were looking after their owu business. Another matter: If we are to have a Ity superintendent, r believe In giving that person some authority. That per son should be responsible tn the board rutgwu wum in -uun room, xi a (.teacher Is not doiug good work thu faet should be reported ami a removal t M qult m the dropping of a sno wtlake ,Mtttld take place. This thing of having a eHiy.auperiHteuaeat with little or uo , Mttbertty to order chaugee, and thus teroiBg the board to enter Into all the flieagreeeble coutruverslee ofleu ratted , a change In teachers, U what Make the offloe undesirable, and .hamper good men lu doing their duty ,.m& they are elected. I have ol served our publlo schools grow from a swreowoablH to costly 1aM aud aaiiim Iwueiwe revenues aiiuuelly to (sssessi laws. Have added some ftbta m to a already able and eon- MsMtlotH seheol board. Hut we are no tltager a village and oaa uo longer ur M Village method. It UnoloBger qttatkm of getting my daughter ,r JNHHP dawghter a Job until she emu Mrry, JUeedmtian the people pay W Mid have a right te have. Thepeo- fM wtM nave abllJitw to edueate out. UMaaber tkweewba have daughters to IwirabMdrW teeeblug. Tboee who tajr wkisiil taaea bave sh rights kmu i t shea who want to draw the thottld avever aUfAAaldkJiyryJJ yisAAa feUalaWaJLatl I IllLLdLai sfcat I liitsTiHV MMa-ldU sail u'" gus iMaftsI aAuMbN-bsbI aW AJfeLttlisVVaatJ -t- a I ttf UaeHsf JUssVUIV aaaaal .Hilsn,aiii jaUaVJMUMBt,TilJ,..J ,J.,!JJ paid our money long srioiigh Ui Unn leaoliers up to their htfslriees, it after let hs exjwnrl our Mmy ihi teaeners wio -are here with prjf evuenoeor twining or are already trained by experience here, and we will bless the board sWordlHgly, OW, VV, Johuh, MILLIONAIKKS IN fAVQH WITH Tlltf NKW AhHlHHfRUHX. Milwaukee geullnel; It logins look very much as If the war h Willi lonalre is over, JJefore the last election, (or some months the Demoorallo stump orator and the Democratic orgaM wto imII Ingthem In such a fWoclotiD matiner that It wasreasonsWe to jMippose, In ease of Mr, Clevekwd'iahxtlon, that they would be expeMedfroHi the ryu. try, at least, alSd-ttfelry property cotifls cated for the maest Impoverished and reduced to starvation andVisge by the wlokcd McKlnley Jaw, Hut all thle apparently unapjxjasable rage ceaaed a soon as tho votes yvvrn counted. Tho millionaire Is no longer held up to public execration, It begins to look as If the millionaire were in coming quite a reectable sort of per son. Ho is now not only tolerated, but apparently loved even In strictly "re form" circles, Indeed, one of the first things done by our Democratic legislature was to elect a mulii-mlllionalro to tho United dtatea senate. And it is beginning to leak out that the millionaires furnished the big campaign fund out of which the orators and writers who were carrying on tho hot pre-election campaign against tho millionaires wore paid for their services. The Louisville Courier Journal's own Washington correspondent writes to that paper: "There are few men who havo visited Washington during the present inauguration who can.say they navo contributed f 100,000 to tho Dem ocratic campaign fund, and James J. IIIII, of Minneapolis, Is reported to be ono of them. Mr. Hill has had n re markable career, and Is at present one of the leading railroad magnates of tho Northwest, lie being tho president of the Great Northern railroad, which now extends to the I'aclllc coast, ami Is the only i'aclfla railroad which was not built as a Jaud-uraut line, ills wealth is estimated at 120(000,000. lie Is a strong Democrat, a personal friend of Mr. Cleveland, and while hero visited the president, being one of the (ow callers who were not soliciting oxecullvo favor and office." No, Jim Hill wauts no office. He imvo hu $100,000 to help elect Grover Cleveland out of puro sympathy for the down trodden masses and inexorable bostll ity to monopolies. KVttHJHU VAI'WAh ii tiim''jmyrriiiivwwjwin not to Hoorrn mum, fUfWy flv4fplng riUni't lawn, MM, r Mo NATIVE SQNS OF OREGON. An Effort Being Made to Reorganize tho Society in This State. An oruauhuttion of tho native sous of Oregon was formed several years ago, uui ior some reason, probably csrele-n-iiees, It was allowed to die away, or ruther go to slumtar from which It has not awakened. The original purpose was to hand together the children born of pioneers In this elate on thu same plan as the "Native None of the Golden West," for social aud beneficial Inter et, but all sonsni in Oregon wcro entitled to membership, An cirbrt Is now being made to re vive tho organization aud put it ou a permanent basis. Hon. K. C. llaker, siato primer, who-lias been lnCallfor ills for several weeks, took occasion to visit some of the parlors of tho Native Sous and found them to be In a healthy and flourishing condition and he Is Uiereroro fired with a deelrn to revive the society In this state. Mr. O. N. Walte Is also taking an active and prom- inetii paruu tliosame direction. Judge W II A.I...... . . . . ... .." ,, . ... nuii,B ttiui pnwiueni or till tin- live Bous aud V. C. llf.ker secretary. aud a request la made that all who are interested eomtuuoleatn with th mi. retary with a view of reerHanlrtng. llaker Democrat. rXOK MARION. The Hoard of Directors has employed Elisabeth Morris to teach the spring term of school coHiuienelug April 3rd. 1W. ' K. M. MeCaun drive J. N. Lauet's team again now. Kd. Is a gnod hand with a team aud Mr, Lance Is aware of It. Mr. WlMtuaa, the may who was talking of a tannery at Marion, has ar. rived with bis family aud two ohr families with him, also the material to .!. . ...... . . . . . "viu iiiv laiiHorjr at one. The re quired ebwk lias been subcrllrd aud the tannery will soon be iu operation. They also talk ofstaitlug aaboe sboy and a harneM shop. Dr. Goldeu dTHalem. has bought a Urge traet of ttwWr laad of the Kd gar estate near MsrWt and Inteads to put a steam saw mill mi It la the near ruture to m up the tlwWr. Auna J. WlBskiw reiurHs.1 frw lWilaud Mwiday, where she bM a sweoia-Ail sfrl., of ttteetlav. yititaaaitrr Kara ham ree4vd. a vtry owpHatentry letter from the retiring t. M. Gen. J4 hhvd twi IrtMH g-ruW the stumps wtti Me lot at thav Mr, If win nwl fmnlly um Ibslr nw limivt ysrtsfdsy, iUiy, i. II, DdukIm im lmm Hit imtfm4ttlmrHthklthnHtt bis fsfiilly will woiipy vnhtln llil( lmm 11 fig liilll, Mr, llnmmimd, (it 1,9 O'rml, limn, went bowe (Ills wwk wild Hi pfow lil of returning: wm nut! iutiUittn the fl'Mflng mill and Um wUir pwr saw mill, inUn Hrown, ylio in nmuiuK lli StWIII MW llllllf went U) Voilfouti this week to pMrolm fletrfed tmtn mid additional MNAiilnery for ii, The r penUrrs ant nrglng tl mill and Mr, Hrown expocls in a hwihynUt havo it running at Its full Mfmolly, Our Landlord, Mr, Oig, lias ien kept busy tor wveral lnyH bnullng household goods and itomifflf from Downs, Our liotol lifts U-Bfi wll mUmim since It was ofwnwl, Wltli only a farni house for a hotel Mr, Oiifi, our landlord, has lodged ss high as 21 men lu one night, Tho following porwins with tbolr families have lately moved to our town; A. W, ItetK, O, A. Hennett, Mr, Irwlw, V. K. Common. Mr, Nordyku and Mr, Coovcr. in nddltlon t th-w the following young men, batchelors and widowers pro tern fro Jiving beres Mcwrs. Tliomas, Colemon, Kartls, Lamb, Mills, Vuutrefts, Thomas, Doug. las and Jtceco, Harvey Commons and Newton Commons with their fumlllts uro ex peeled today, It. H. and Thomas Hcott exx-ct to dispose of their )cnonal property aoon at public sule, preparatory to moving to Woodburn. Uncle Hob arid Uncle Tom will be missed In the community. Their hospitality and readiness to help all those In need have won for them u warm place lu the Jiearts of their neighbors. Dr. II. J. Mlnthorn and J, 11, Cook are In theeustln the Interests of the Oregon Land Co, During tho absence of Dr, Mlnthorn. H. H. Cook, of the Oregon Land Co,, is here much of tho time superintending the uflulrs of the Colony, Last Bundoy our resident minister Itev. Jv II. Douglas, held religious ser vice in Mr. Oug's bouse. Over 200 acres of land have been sold aud considerable more bargained for since the organization of our Colony, Mr. Parry, a practical saw-mill man from the Hound, arrived today, and expects to inuke tils home with us, VMKXM' OHl'.ION COfJNV, Tho property known as Bcott's Mills, located 83 miles south of Portland, and consisting of litsoo ocrr-s of land, a flour ing mill, with a dally capacity of 00 barrels, two saw mills, a fruit dryer, a large warehouse, soveral dwelling houses and liurna u llmiin ,..... and plenty of good timber, has been bought and will form the medium for a fruit growing colony. Ilutte creek, a beautiful mountain stream, well stocked with sjecklcd trout, runs through this tract and furriUtics Immense water power. A town site has Iteen laved out on a part of this laud, and the remainder divided Into fruit lots of from live acres to nrteen acres esch. All traffic lu Intoxicating liquors will Ihi prohibited by means of a clause, n tlm deeds to the properly. All buildings lu the town site are to be painted and made attract ive. Tho owners will expend $17,000 In Improvements Including a Friends' church 12, 000; school bouse II.!)- al . - - ,,,,.-, iwtei, eiecirio light aud wolcr works, JOintfiAf,, 'nJIWDAY, MAliail Mi S!rii'iyiwByyy-wat iii jii-iiiiiiii Mi iij I imi (fldj, safe! to Oil U,uH ImhHiy hMtiHUiK ftfitu I Mll'W W hot HU t't M liUil l,Ul, 'firt.Mf.Ma bfWm. Umum Mi M tmmirtmi iy hU Uin H) mrinvtty au limn nl UU uwi A ImSUM l.,il,.I.Aff ,. l.iWliA lA JlfM I ii,i- ..i ., i.. .,.i.,i..i..i.,....il3', imins p!i ,;in 1,1 no iirrKnouniiRni, r (His Mr sgu tli (M HlM wtuM Mtlltiml H4 kiMiwluuljt wh ws Aioho UitliNti fib tin UHK oul ImH, lit', litiil nw MhU, imy Ufiiti Kot l( lflf, Iteury VatUif, WUhI, tfotby, Von lititun nuil uiUttn, mi fXneeu my set tlfg nut IfeM M Ibelf plflCM, WolnrKlAsisb(jUgiiliiiiM'ffni'lrtfi(1 (torn Mr, Uhtlt, mtjaUtinK iim tUo. Hi ilHnuiU building h ttMn liofcl, Al firnMiillw in lwpovlng tl gfoiMrt by Mltliiff oul Irtv, 'I'oii limb muil fitA iitol roml-y (JiHfl nmiU inn otiimUletMi gffHt blcs Ing, II wrnluru ilnimn only Imd nitnl rfy nmiU fn othtr wouU, Ote&m mmU it would b tlit,nVsl country on eartl, We cannot llvn wlllioulfnud, any man or woman who did not make mud pics In childhood don't Amount to much, The last Karmns legislature did not bays the projwr mud training, all their young Ii ves were spent In fight Ing for mud puddles becatiio there wai not enough murl to go around, until their nature was spoiled, and flghtlng now comes natural to them, tho result was seen In the Isst legislature, All great men wcro mud plo makers In their youth, Ornnl, Hhermon and Hherldan rolled In mud, Hut Kllz John Porter never made n mud plo In his life, and tile result was ho thought tho mud was too deep to move his army, and the second Hull Hun disas ter was the result, it has been wills pered by some that our governor never made any mud pies. Without mud no country can bo prosperous, no family can tm properly trained, no child cm tm happy. rwrn-nasrs , iiffrrrnrntf miWflil tlVlifa I n ill f ,TT.TTfi i. fiTt- MM tBrtlllrtllilli iHsitiimfiMfhti to,, Unci ihm ffME CAflO, fm fli'fliili ffsln (Ml f i i ii fMS-W-'S"''1 ftp. Mil. n. 11 NfJU.lM, iw i, $ n.fiii a irAtvimw. ni mmismmrmii'n f.H.JTA I i'MWY A M mt. ifir itlCiH, Uf. rt llMtifl mm i" mJ&4ttt iajfA4. V WW rmi in 0 im rglnrii, s ,JHI AllllSOil s , MTf lf( itfm 'rimif Mil m rsilHriisift ih 'I'tf TilXpil)H'Si (Hptti r(f I'BI jiff) ehMKM. llifntiin Ulil Hi II tBHi H1 term WW BOl'BI nip (MlflM'fl rnr inn i f'OW;fl'16fl0rMfil(IS 1(1 d Vn.l A,l t,.tlf,f M.'imlKiM SMil fO t'rtir fl1fl tiet tm m. . .. t . ft- .'"' urn i'nfi fllirfTkt Atl n, HlMlnlMsnUt.'flrisns i uriiMio wi in ttiiif t IHII, VMMVI, fll Mttitb wltli ii -1Ht AllHIhH At Mrf. -KlMrl. '(lltflllfillMlill'rittnil bltfla UI' UtMfi.AUo;ntBl M,& , fart finl-iflifoirllrierelfflfli VWW'Mfo ill 7li0 Kit. MtoiUf siTrTfehi,7Jie J J, oii UMlcsore iiiuii'ii brtiiM UAW.M.W.IWHt. miAWAtiiJNf Utttiti H firefif tlifti in I hs intpijttn t( Mnrl'trt (yilfify. f list 'lifl iW ffillflh llf "f III UI T I ruril.l'rCPIliri lur hip. nn- llM0f Nuitilf taiiM li-ii liren tftfttt MM 1,1 ll.fl la. I fl.lnfll,a wfl lll ItKlK HT'CI Mifi'MllCflllf SH ihxct nrp S'Shrusr fffiiiirei tmii si tiii Hfftti oirifo thA omilr fiiirl liotie Id unlem, snii.lhe lio'Jf wlil not visit Id, reeift'li W .fl" tld or nolle, JuliU KWIOIir. liflIMsfiim0o,Oft rfibtfatf ,!, DttlMlllo 111 1( H in w, nm in, ijirnn,ipr oi tii p, nnn W , I', Murjiliy, nl Siiifiri, lisvfi for nlp nbout 2.(XX)flCfc" (iftK.(l flrilfii(Mli() nlccK lurid In the ltifkliiiniiin Minnlrr In I'olK counly. I'rlees rHriirn nom Ifl (o 1.0 iir were, All kco property, hi tl on tlm irmrkoi lot irm rimt limn. Omit bnrcnliii,. Dull on fir nildfi'i.. llisnltor,), dvr 3-15-ir Farm far Htilt! or 'Initio. On pfi-j' If rirm, four rrillcn r iM ef Knbllmll ritilHlii iik 1 17 ncrt-j will trmle for tirorierl In or iirnr Smtiii. II, (, liOVE. frMw Hiitilliiilty.Or, ELICTIIC LI GUTS Sunt cm. On Meter TO CONHUMKJttJ: Tile Hnlpm l.llditnnd I'ower IVintmnv nl srest rxpr-ri'M Iimvo equipped llielr Klcctrlc l.lKlitpliiHt Willi Ilium. nt inodorti iipp,irniu und nr tiowiililolMiirur th publlo it ImlUr ,ii,v nn fm"iii mm in u rnio lower mmi ny ciiy on mo annv, Arc and Incandescent Lightinff, Electric Motors for all pur poseswhere power is required llMldriirr ran ie wired for nn rnnriy IleliU i ii i . ' "IB f""ll,"rn puy for ouly riicIi IlKlitn m r ii'id. iij an JuecmoMetf r. lliln'ialnir rcilntcriii IfMJCO 179 Commercial Street. Mrs, Ed, Swan Uuricsurllle, HI. Sick Headache s of Suffering Knded Uottloof Hood's HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 .llaiii Slrcct. "r'"0'. V,,cll,,IM.'''rinovluK n"l rnl. l(lrcMnl(3iii,()r'ioii "'. ""', wvo nrders nl i.rnv Hr,.. ... 21 Years of Suffering Knded by Ofll! Uottloof misery of thoe who TIic Intense urer with sick Jicadachc, Is beyond OMcrlptlon. The wonderful success of Hood's Sarsjparllia In curing this trouble warrants us In urging all who are afflicted by sick headache lo give this medicine a trial. Head these ft?'""', void from a well known IlUnoltladyi ' Vtw jKop luferrd ai mneh . I 1.ti with tick lirfMli0, I have had It liy tpiu tor Jt jri( sorMtlmcs s often as Three Times a Week. I would grt up with II, suffer all day, i t! with JurMl liars It all night. I tried ereryllilns Hut was recommended, but aster was eurnl until sbout a yesrsco.whea My Mothor-in-Law OAK And Fir Wood. Tli Hnlom Track and I)ry Co. can deliver flrt-cla wood on eliort notice. John Savage, Jr. f ! faxlUni -X (fornpM At lw. (iftlfp met I'diiliil loiml fifiiiK, Hulern, Ormurr. y'f. Iflr'KtttlHUf?, AtioNiSrtllnw Of , rtcpiip'tniM In front mjiiih el netf.fiu'ti uiuck, eofiie (JuuiinMclnl and Lonrl nirreln. Jrtlmf OiPK'iii, JOHN A.OAiliOrtrAllV'riifr; ,tt luvr, roums 0 stid if Huh bituit bmidiiitf, niiii!i,ur( j ION HAM AliOlMMi Alloriit nt law, J ) 0111 In Hush hlpcs, eetteu Hlnteniid uiiri,oii txifiitiierclnl Html, t K, tVUUIS, Myograph t i.ud Tjpe- iiii wrlteit ru nut one In Oregon, nnioin, uregon i)et eiittliined ty newritlns of. ,i....r. -.-. -., ... i -f .. urer hubii nuns, IKLI,A MIIKhMAN-Tyiewrltld! slid comrtipfclsleienoarsphy, fiim II, Orny t irt-c'ftM work, ItiifM t eiwouatiie, 8 block Dl(, A, 11, 011,l,lH(pnlHlltiii dUeases of l!ieeje,eHf,no.oniid tliroat, lioora 10 Imi-Ii bunk building, -nlein, I V'7 MOfT I'uy.lclan and 8urgeon, A J Onlca lit Kldrldgo block, Hslein, Oregon, otilce fjuitrs lOtoliiB,iii,sndatol,p m, U am, Oregon, Flnlthed donlsl opera' lion of every deicrlptlon, l'alnlees operii llonapeolnliy, v KJ b.l'tfUII, Archliecl. plain, -peclflai- , , , ..y,n auu hu puriMieillirilie WF R, ciH-u'l ol bulidloga, sireei, upnunri, Ufllce wo Commercial ( A, llOUKHT, Archill ct, room 121, Alur V. 'I'""" biilldlng, I', rtland, Oregon, P. J. LAJEtSEN & CO., Mnntifucturer of Wagons, Uar rlnges, elc, Hmpalrtnu a Qpoolnlty. . nnup 45 Btato street. plWTKrjrfONUlIJaKNO. 2 A.O.U. W. 4r.ii..V'!ta,nlh,,.lll' In Htnto lneurance uuiiuiuk, every weuaetuny evening. J.A.SEI.W001J,HcUKE1H,M'W' THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION BUREAU BAL1SM, - - . Or-Kon. umco removed to 211 Commercial at. lo, I'ubllo and orlvate work 0. H. CLKMKNlVManaJe?. Hates reiMonablo, u.iue. Itt-sldonce 382 CourtBt. J. T. MUTTON, Sign and House Painter, UliOOIlATOIt, KALHOMINER, AND l'A 1'KIt UANOEIt. t-ive orderH nt A II. Uuren a nn. f.,i tnro .Uire or Hroat A oile grocere. fUnl1' TUB WATOEMAXEB, .-...,.,,., 0,,( . fcilem, Oregon, (Next door to KlelnVi ' 8 ' Peotalty, and replrln. dock,. f74Sl4- H LU A O . cusi unu ooilttl VM-- THE SHASTA ROUTE (if tflU Soiillififrf htM Cwpihy, bAUfSilittA ftjffttfSa fiiAfff-ritfN hAill . t iVtsff foltf f.Afffr Arfl 4, p. 5-..rntr-T " nuiiiu, i fpt." " I'orfTuiid Af, by, Hnlom i,v. p. in. p. in. a.m. Af. 1'oriTinid' , Hnlom Mnti Krnn, Afiov nortli. vo Irnfns ioi OMTTiTrroiHiviiiiK hr l(oiir)hiirtftiraftf .fin,,,, ,..? Wnndbilrii, Hnlem, Alhriiiy Tnngei t auW Ar-rtBT i-v 'i fKJ5 inlionf 8in uil; 'I :p.aT, Kugene. HiMmitmnMAi.iiiMii r S.iWji, in, I liv, i'liriliuid At, i llilf a, M 1 ly. Siiiern Lv, 6:60 p, in, I Ar. Hrwebtlrrf il7ri' illimiiy r,ufal", Taify Kiioipt siiikoT- 5"0ii p) ,n, j ,, i'orllaiid A?, , IKiTrr TM p, rn, liTl onloin Lv rut's! m v, m,At. . Albany ,V, tm 5- Oliiliii iti'H oil Wgtlfju itoufo PULLMAN mm SLBBPfiRS -AND Socond Class Slooping Cars Attached lo nil through train, iVest Side Division, Between Portland and Corvallisi nAn,y. (kxcrit hunoay). 7:i, ill, 12:10 p, tn. JjV. Ar. i'ortiuiiu CorvulllH Al. IiV. At Albany and iXirvnllls ronnect trains nrorfirnii I'linlflr ttallrnnd. :.j p, in. wnn Kl IIKhtI II1AIN (IMII. KXIIKI-I ML IN MA I V,M p, in, I 7:25 p. tn. I i,v. Ar. 1'orllnliU MrMlntivlllo A r, I t: ai u, m Lv. I 'vM,ia TiiROUoi. ii ;i(i;i, To all points In ttie KHutprn htalt's, Canadt and Kuropn can be olilalnid nt lowest rsu ironi w. W. BKIN.Ni:it, Agent, balem. KP. HOUKltfl, Asl. U. K una l-usu.Aii'l 11. KOKIILKll, Manager. "" The Yaquina Route, OREGON PACIFIC II 1 And Oregon Dovelopraent company's steam elilp line. 225 miles sborter, 20 hours leas tlmolbunhy any other route, First clasi Itirougu passeniter nnd Irolnht Hue from Portland and all jolnta lu tho VVlllamelte valley lo and from nan Krunclsco. T1MK BCUhDULE, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany 1:00 p m Ar Yaaulna..6:)to p m LvCorvallls.lO:rfoam A. D, PALMER'S NeD M?af Market 1 eurrLK UIJOCK. perreadtd ma lo try ons U.ttle d( Hood's m, asdl lur km UU htmamtUm partus, u tu ooas me a treat dal oi Birds ef PJMf IletweeH tblsund the other stileof tbe unu uauue, in t tie ausim of loorUls. aimmerclal travelers and marliisrs. Keots;'otitlie road,' steaiiioonl catn Ulns. ship a surgeoiuHud oij j,,, ,d ooudltloiis" of traveler, .mimni u...i Bewseltlen arprecial ami trstlfy u t lepreveutativeatiil remedial proiier. lies of llustetler'e Htomaeh Jtltten In emalckiirM, uaua, malarial and rheu matle trouble, and all ilUir.t.,. ,.t n. ,"'m,i " ami iMiweis. AksIuiI lite nreJudlelal lMlluir r iiu,... eruitely eooknl or UHaeemtomrd diet ml Impure water. It Is it sovemlirn ajtfetUrd, and has been so r mrdel tfy tbe UaveUnir pubiw for over a third of a Matury. No form T malalal fover. fro the ealentura f the 1'aeiHa miri tbe broVj-M bone rv,r ( tbe MlWlppl, to Us milder Ivi-m., cii rrstst tbe cura tive aetl.m ef this l,nlu,. .,-l.7. and mtitref of health. a vriL.i,i iw-u. !"r.n,::",.fet,u we t Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures SaUVS IW&22V& B. K. HALL, Paper Hanger and Decorator, Calert's Millinery etore, Ofllra t.t l'h. Hlm Of-ifnn Mexican War Soldiers ONLY LINE RUNNING 2 HOOO' PlLLfcyr'.,ilnc,t,ltr DR. GUNN& wno-fuD LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC Increase of Pensions!. Under Art ol Jsnusry M3,are enttIe, tolncrrane. Apply to I. r.HHKIIMA.V, KOO'7,,,0r."r' 1Uotk ta,'n Attorney, Uberty 81. Mulein, Ore. t,xl,' THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M, 3, 7:30 P. M, 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to Sk p,..i 01 U. n.. i. . V.'UU, MouiSVuicKerto umcago. 40 Hours Ouickor to Omaha and Kansas City, ruuMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR Kor S' ? -CARS. oraddrew. " mrormatlon call on From Terminal orloierior Points (he Northern Paciiic Ra YOUNG WIVES ryumrm4fwkUKUr rH4,tmvnutnttTtUM "MOTHER'S FRIEND" art A C fg Jstr mW ONE PILL FOH A DOSE. Sm i Ui':iT.tE"f..?'' Bold by lU.hKl fc VanHlyt. Steamer Elwood. "ornxAWD. uhc!io. II Is the line to tnke To all Points East and South. flr.Sf.rTJSo ST, ML AND CHICAGO (No change or cars.) Lompased or dining cars unsurpassed, 1 ullman drawing room Bleeners .01 latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. om-lloaaS.fna in which nlnhed ror holSersoriirS H"a ,u tlokeu.andt V Bni nnd "econd-clafis ELEQAMT DAY COACHES. ItaAe?Ki!5LiW with all ecrvlee. " .. auu unmterruntcd cjftd ?n "flKrr''w-'2n can bo - InAmeXtna0 S5 Sm M Plnt" Purchased! atany ul ?9J:ut0P e cn be pany. "UBVUny llcet oflice oithls com- onln?,rSa0nndmC,n,i, ra,C8. on ?ollcatlon toDadny ar'en t or Xuralsbed AaslsUnt 0 pCdAKLTON, aad.ores-nn ' 00r' Waghlngtonj l'ort- BUAW A DOWNING, Apentu PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHARD CO. -u LOT FRUIT TRACTS AND :FARMS. .00 I'eriVnrn rorihfln.t 'll(ttO'iHAniinih.ei,r7 XONTKC BROS., Ie lomiaticUI street. HOEYE & Mill .9. PORCELAIN HATH 8 SHAVING loC. Vxn,Ht.tHtUai0r I:!1 I -fcrhar Wfart.-!.. '" iai, tino. n.. i iPmwi and Builders, hopWUUtrML LBAVM MUM OUHK PAINTING. Al'EH IIANQINO, Cot, Mb asel Cbm.u stvrt. V, Wmmtmf 4 Wai4l, IXAVM rMXAIIB srs.1 & i v -' Undertaking " Embalming, !'Bpwsimh, I 9 CENTS A DAY, Ev&nlng Journal. J. E. HfTTlrnirv . . TII r. o . J- L BBXNE1T & SON. Bnck and Tile Yard, uTJi SALtM, Take It EVENING JOURNAL """i. CANDIES, frnit and Cigars, O. Bloolc. R. T. HUMPHREYS. Clgmxm Bd Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, 8 Oom'J Str..t. T. W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer. Lv CorvnlllH 1:40 p m Lv Yiifjulnu (US am Ar Albany 11:10a in v 111 lralns nncct nt Albuuyand Cor- The above trains connect at Vuqutna with theOregon IJevel' pmont Co.'g lino of Bteam ei j between Ynqulna nnd Wnn KrHncUco ui , -Kasse?;trH fro'" I'ortlund nnd aU Willamette valley polnta enn mnke cloe con nect on with tho trulns of the Yuqulna Itoute at Albany or Corvullls nnd if detained to Han FrnnCUCO. Rhnillrlnrrnn r.lAn,.tir..n. vnn..lnn theevcnlUK berore dntuof buIIIijb. lnJirj,,enr B?d, F' elBht Itate nlwnys the 20oinrtQ5wVKrt,Knt nntl T'ckot Agentl ri n hi wri,?i.l".rcr1' 'rtl"nd, Or., or aO.UOOUK.Ao'tUeu'lFt i Puss. Agt., C. II. HASWfcLL , Jr. oin'l KrelKht and 1 n8. Agt. Ore Uerolopmont Co., i'01 Montgomery t. '! tahl biui --' ''- .-. w.n. ninu, iHfWir JTr stisM a4 uMifraJr Horseshoeintr. ALS.H A.-.CU)UH, . lK ! T.TewW)earf BLACK8MITHINO. &WS7W "WWIHt, - - WSSiStj; " r b&umatm"" J-44,iii!..4li-.. "IWM"J esessseJMea,t"v, .. W have