Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 27, 1893, Image 4

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sfr . 4- mO
l H;
now prepared' to show you tha nevraat rtlties of tho
season in
Pattern suits.
Plaid In silk and woo!.
Plaids In velvet.
Illuminated serges.
Cbangcablo serges.
Whip cords In black and colors.
Brocaded all wool.
Brocaded sateens.
French flannels.
French cballics, etc
Newest Styles in Spring Wraps,
P. S. The 15th of April is drawing near, when tho fine
gold wateh will bo given away. Don't forget our great Shoe
Meno)' (o Loan.
On Improved city or farm property,
Attorney at lav.
Cor. Court and Commercial.
Brilliant SbitieMctol Polish
Forcleaulngand polishing Show Cases.
Brass, Conner, Zinc, Hcales, Household
Utensils, Silverware, etc.
214 Court Htrect.
- IF -
You are tologto build or make any Hod of
Improvement, call on the undenlgned for
Material. We have a complete stock, and are
rsadjr to euppljr any prcpaied contract, sower
work, grading, eto.
Salem Improvement Co,
Pohtland, March 27. Monday
fair followed by rain. Tutsday ruin,
U. 8. Wkatjikk Bkkvick.
Thh dkoohativh Aim It Is by no
weans a truism that every paper
banger Is a decorator and combine the
varlotu colors and shades so that tbey
art attractive and beautiful. But with
tbe elegant stock and good tnstoof
Hawks & Lovar, 07 Btale street tbe pub
llobaabeeu more than satisfied and tbe
liberal patronage thoy have received al
ready shows that they bad In their lino
of business. Before you make flual ar
rangements for work of this character
call and examine their stock and prices
and you will save money by so doing
besides getting your work done In a
manner which wilt not full of meeting
your expectation aud approval.
Thh ItioiiT TiTiiK, A young lady
writes to tho sportlug editor or tho
Journal as to what Is the proper term
la which to addrcsi a parout. Hhouuya
a number of her young Imly friends re
fer to their elders as "paw," and
"maw." Others call them "pap," aud
"mam." Auother stylo Is "poppa" and
aad "momma." Btlll others call tholr
progenitors "pappy," aud "mammy,"
If you would say It right, dear young
friend, use the French accent, aud any
"pa-pa," aud "ma-ma," accent on last
syllable. It would be perfectly proper
to oall them father aud mother.
Tub Cannery. As Is well known
tho Balem Canning Co. plant Is a part
of tbe Wallace estate, tho late R. B.
Wallace having put about $00,000 In it.
Hie estate can not operate tbe factory,
and so far no sale could bo made, al
though representatives of Chicago cap
ital aro at present making up a com
pany to try and handle It. Mr. Kile,
who has been superintendent says he Is
satisfied It can bo made a profitable In
vestment and has confldnnco It cau yet
bo sold. Mr. Wallace has mado the
farmers of this country an ofTer to fur
nish tho capital If they would furnish
tbe fruit and vegetables and divide tbe
proceeds of tho output. It seems as
though our citizens were neglecting a
great Industry, both our farmers and
Salem capitalists, to not tako hold of
this cannery add put It in shape to
bundle the crop of 1803. Tho products
of tbe Balem cannery have done morn
to advertise Oregon as a fruit state than
any other export from thu state, and
would do still more In the future. It Is
an enterprise that ought not and will
not bo abandoned.
Tjik Btovh Wohks. The uow.faun
dry and stove works In Dopot addition
la searing completion. Howard tho
kouee-uover and boss crootlonlst Is to
day putting In position the cupola and
a-uokestaok. What Howard cannot
erect with safety In tho way or tall
towers aud dangerously high struo
urea of wood or Iron uo ouo else need
tiuuertuke. The plucky managers of
tbe stove works when they could uot
get a subsidy they went right ahead
aud put In their plant on their own
strength aud resources, Wlu or fall
tfaejr will be respected for It and such
men usually do uot fall.
No Manufactures. Mr. Eldridcre
of Portland has been In tboclty several
days, representing Mr. Myers or the
world's fair commission, trying to pro
euro exhibits for an exhibit for Oregon.
He did uot succeed In getting anything.
At Portland out of suveuty manufac
turers only ono responded with an of-
for, that of a stained glass firm to fur
nish a window for an Oregon building
ou the grounqs which tboy knew very
well would not bo ereotod. Oregon
will rely mainly upon her line arts,
fisheries agriculture aud education.
At WoounuiiN. The popular booh,
aud stationary linn of Baleiu la doing
Huob a large business that It Is branch
ing out, and one of the Arm, In connec
tion with Mr. Cruise contemplate open
ing a book store la Woodburu In the
neur future. These gentlemen aro woll
known In UiIh city; Mr. Crulso having
worked lu tho Capital City Bindery tho
past whiter, and E. C. Puttou Is one of
the well known firm or Pat ton Bros.,
formerly Puttou A Bous. Woodburu Is
to bo congratulated.
Bon Over by a Girt and His Head
Gashed Open.
A nine year old son or Richard Camp
bell, carpenter, residing at corner Lee
anu Kerry streets, was run over
by a dog cart Sunday evening, between
5 and G o'clock, cutting his head severe
ly. Dr. Jeesup was called and by 7
o'clock had dressed the wound, taking
thirteen stitches, tbe cut extending
nearly from ear to ear, and being seven
and one-half inches long across the
middle of tbe forehead. The wound
was opened two inches wide at the
Two boys were playing with a cart,
and pulling tbe other down a hill when
the accident happened. Tho boy hurt
was riding and fell ofl, tbe wheel strik
ing him, and glancing ofl. The little
fellow stood tbe operation bravely and
is resting well.
Rkkd'b Oi'EBA House Thursday
March 30th, John F. Sherldau. This
celebrated comedian, who Is the only
one upon the stage that has traveled
and performed in all countries of the
globe that are habitable, Is now mak
ing a tour of tho United States after
an absence of several years. Mr. Sberl
don will be seen in his fumous charac
ter of Widow O'Brien In that sterling
and ongluul farce comedy, "A Night
on tbe Bristol." Mr. Sherldnn is sup
ported by an exceedingly large com
pany of players, Including artists of
raro reputation from Euglaud, Aus
tralia and this country as well. Among
them will bo noticed Mile. Blanche
Slcgrlst, the famous Parisian vocalist
and danseuse; Miss Gracio Wbiteford,
the queen of soubrettesj Miss Fannie
Liddlard, optic prima douua; Messrs.
Marlon and Post, eccentric and grot
esque dancers; tho Yum-KI-Poo troupe
or Japanese- dancers; also numerous
specialties by members or this largo
and talented company.
Take a Paper. A newspaper in
publlo pluses has become In a way pub
lic property. Copies found In reading
rooms, publlo libraries, publlo offices
and burner shops are to be read by any
uuu ui win. .nut wnen persons go
Habitually to sponge their reading of a
dally paper, It Is little better than petty
larceny. It Is meaner, Tor tho petty
tblor usually steals becuuso or actual
want, but tho nowspapor swlper who
steals his reading does it to save five
cents a day at somo other man's ex
ponse. Ho alwnys takes a paper as tbe
highwayman takes up a collection.
Tonioht.Tuniuht.-A grand Worn
aa'a Relief Corps social this Monday
vetting at 7:30 at Uruud Army hall.
Meeeef. Wcnjer aud Kundret will
lag, a will Mbwee Knight, Hutton
a4 Layeo. Bupper aud dance with
MMeelletit program, Admission
TiiuitsuAV, Mahoic SO. That I. tho
date set for tbe great sacrifice In house
hold goods to bo sold at auotlon, at -120
Commercial street. Becretaryaud book
caio comblnod, upholstered and com
mon furniture, ono flue mirror and
uiautle, plotures, carpets, stove, cur
tains aud laco curtulns, aud other use
ful articles. Kale to commence at 10
o'clock, Thursday, March 30th.
Tiiky Have Ahkivku. Tho first
Installment of The Journal's great
Btandurd book distribution has arrived
aud Is displayed 6n our counters. Call
aud see what n flue collection or mod
ern literature Is contained In thu list.
It Is only the first, Installment ofn
thousand volumes ordered.
Always With Ya. John Btar,
fernwly of Balem, writes to tbe Jouk
WAL fmti lMee, Idaho, that theie are
iHMwIretla of men lu, that place who
wmM be glad. to work for their board.
Titer are aeaMef thoee people Id Ore-1 morula the Jargon of Mougolf
fs neap nao gin."
World's Fair. Nearly a car load
of world's fair jwoplo Includlug Becre
tary Irviue, Commlealoner McKlroy
and ladlee, Superintendent Bavage,
Commissi mer Eldrldge aud others
weutto Portland this inornlug to at
tend a seMlon of the executive commit-
t, at call of President Myers,
Uncle George Left. Pendleton
Tribune: Hon. George W. Webb ex
pected to accompany tho governor
anu party from La Grande to Elgin
Monday, but only got as far as Island
City. When tho train stopped at the
latter station Undo George alighted
and entered tho depot, whero ho re
mained scarcely a minute. When he
again returned to the plutrorm he was
amazed to seo tho train nearly hair a
mile away. It Is very seldom that the
ox-stato treasurer gets left, but this
time wus nn exception.
Very III. Daytou Herald: Mrs.
Dr. B. F. Bwlck on Wednesdov. re-
calved a telegram from her sister, Mrs.
uearuorn of Salem, containing tho in-
formation that A. R. Flint, their fath
er was muoh worse, and requesting
uirn, mviuK w go to oaiom. Sbo went
upon tho bout Thursday. It will be
remembered Mr. Flint was puralyzed
Bovorul wcoka bIiico, from tho eflects of
which ho Is now suflerlng.
New Family. Bllvorton Appeal:
Jacob Baur, an old resldeut of this
neighborhood has sold his farm on
Drift oreok and will move his family
to Salem this week, whero they will
stay until tho weather settles when they
will visit tholr children and frleudu In
California and tho East, returning to
urvgou in tho rail.
Did Not Suhscribb. Jim Cheuuy,
we ceieeiiai, received a uotlce yesteM
uity hall. A oltlreu says: There
Is undoubtedly a scheme on foot to
work oil u f 100,000 city hull ou Salem
..,,.,, Kir, wiiiuu mey nave no more
need or than of wlugs to lly. All cities
find the city hall schemes a fruitful
source ofcorruptlon." In twenty years
Salem will have fifty thousaud people
aud such a hall Is not too big.
ENLAROE.-We whh to announce
to all, that wo have greatly enlarged
our stock or carpets aud flue rurnlture
uu ....U(u w very mucu pleased to
havo them Inspected while the assort-
meut Is large. Hurra . Sou.
Program of the Great July Meeting
at This Oity.
The directors or the Oregon Breed
ing and Speed association, held a meet
ing Saturday evening to complete ar
rangements for tbe July races. A
committee was appointed to solicit sub
scriptions for additional stock.
Tbe report of tbe committee on pro
gram, Messrs. Mlnto, Looney and Clag-
gett, as finally amended is as folies:
Running mile dash, purse ?200.
Pony race, 400 yards, 2. best In 3,
ponies not to exceed 13 hands high,
purse (100.
Trotting 2:45 class, 2 in 3, ?230.
Trotting, 2-year-olds, mile dash, (150.
Pacing, 2:i6 class, 2 in 3, 1250.
Running, bulf mile, 2-year-olds, (150.
Running, hair mile and repeat, (200.
Trotting, 2:35 class, 2 in 3, (250.
Trotting, 2:24 class, 2 mile dash, (200.
Running, J mile dash, (100.
Running, mile dash, (250.
Trotting, 2:29 class, 2 In 3, (300.
Pacing, 2-year-olds, mile dash, (150.
Running, mile dash, (100.
Gentlemen's roadster race, horses
without record, owners to drive, 2 in 3,
Pace and trot, free for all, 3 In 5,(500.
Novelty race, 10 miles, puree (200.
This race is for ladies, entrance free.
tuey can cnange Dorses as oiten as
tbey wish.
In all other races tho entrance fee
will be 10 per cent, or purse, live to en
ter and three to start; premiums to ho
70 per cent, to first, 20 to second aud 10
to third. Horses to be named by June
1st. entrance fee to bo paid the night
before tho race.
the horse shows.
At 3 p. m. the annual meeting of the
Willamette Vulley Horse Breeders
association was held at the ofllee or
White & Tanner's barn. Officers were
elected for the ensuing year as follews:
Judge T. C. Shaw, president: W. E.
8lmeral, secretary: Henry Fletcher,
treusurer: J. T. Beckwlth, J. A. Tanner
and T. C. Shaw, executive committee
E. 8. Judd was chosen assistant secre
tary. It was decided to hold a colt show at
8alem ou Saturday, May 27th. Judges
will be selected to pass upon the animals
exhibited In tbe respective departments
There will be a set of Judges for each de
partment aud tho catalogue of tbe state
fair has been adopted for the classifica
tion. These Judges are to be selected
by tbe officers of the association at a
meeting to be held on Saturday, Muy
6th, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp.
Willson's Avenue. Park Commis
sioner Skiff Is again at work with a
man, trimming up tho trees In this
handsome park. Last year's work im
proved It greatly, and It Is gratifying to
know that the good work Is to be con
tinued, A fow dollars snent here from
year to year will add not a little to the
beauty or tho Bouquet City.
Sunday's Harvest. It was light
A solitary poor drunk put In an appear
ance this morning before Recorder
Edes and got five days on tho street, If
ho does not pay ouu
Did "iou SAY-That you like the
most delicious tea? Well, try Clark A
Eppley's various brands.
Desires to Bear Testimony.
wenrv TUorne, Traveling Secretary
or the Y. M. C. A., writes from Exeter
. Strand, London, February 2d,
"I desire to bear my testimony to
the value of Allcock's porous plasters.
I havo used them for pal us lu the back
and sldo arising rrom rheumatla aud
other causes nover without deriving
benefit rrom their application. They
are easily applied and very comforting.
Those engaged as I am lu publlo work
which Involves exposure to sudden
obauges or temperature, will do well to
keep a supply or Allcock's porous plu8
ters In their portmauteaus. I
Is Life
Worth Living?
That depends npon tho
Liver. If tho Liver ia
inactive tho whole sys
tem is out of order tho
breath is bad, digestion
poor, head dull or aching,
energy and hopefulness
gone, tho spirit is do
pressed, a heavy weight
exists after eating, with
general despondency and
tho blues. The Liver is
the housekeeper of tho
health; and a harmless,
simple remedy that acta
like Nature, does not
constipate afterwards or
require constant taking,
does not interfere with
business or pleasure dur
ing its use, makes Sim
mons Liver Regulator a
medical perfection.
I have tested Its virtues personally, am?
know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and
Throbbing Headache, it is tho best medi
cine tho world ever saw. Hao tried forty
other remedies before Simmons Liver
Regulator, and none of them gave moro
than temporary relief, but tho Regulator
not only relieved but cured.
II. II. Jones, Macon, Qtt
ons Tilings Come
Out of tie I
First Installment Arrived and Can
Now Be Seen at "The Journal"
Several hundred volumes or our
grand frcn distribution of premium
books arrived direct from the publish
era this morning. Come and see them.
They are in beautiful bindings, finely
Illustrated, from 200 to 400 pages, In
good type and on good paper, the best
25 cent book made In the world.
They are given away to holders of
live coupons of diflerent numbers of
Saturday' Journal see terras of
coupon aud catalogue of two hundred
diflerent works in Satukday's Jour
1 lie beat people in Salem are saving
the Journal booh coupons.
The offer is open to all regular sub
scribers of the daily Capital Journal
and purchasers of Saturday's ls9Ue.
whether of newsboys, at news count
ers nr at this office.
We are enabled to gie Daily Jour-
nal readers from (2.50 to (3 00 worth
of standard literature a je.ir by pur
chasing tlie works direct of the largest
publishing houses in one thousand
volume lots, and wo expect to place ten
thousand works of modern fiction,
travel, sketches, adventures, biography
in short the best books the world's
best writers and the world's best presses
can produce.
Remember, Journal subscribers get
these books, absolutely free, after an
expense of only one cent a week to pay
postage and package.
We guarautee the books firRt-class as
to quality of literature-oil carefully se
lected and suited to all taBtes and free
from all objections to much of the cheap
literature. See Saturday's .Inm.vi,
for coupon aud catalogue.
A Sensiiile Move. The farmers in
the vicinity tf Turner met this after
noon for tho purpose of formiug a joint
stock company to engage in the mauu
fucture or Hour. Thoy propose to pur
chase the Red Star mills and convert
their entire wheat crop into Hour and
leeu, whereby it Is flirured that h,
will realize au additional profit of about
one fourth the market value of wheat.
But more marvelous
still are the Immense
bargains in our HOME
and see them at the
m$$ &Mi STORi,
A feast in store for thn iwinln nt Hal Am
and vicinity who like the j
To avail VOUrself (it thfi nnnnrtnntrv nJ
rjreadlng the latest book jou should call at
pfl DAmmA,Tln mjttOT. .mm..h
anuao JDUU& al'UKxi
nd look over their large stock of this lltera
lure. We have Just received
by the leading authors, and have arranged1
lor others, so that we will receive new ones
hL'5- Si8 latest of everything always on
hand, when vnu nppd onvhin u ki.
Inann....!" " 6 ." vu.o
aww luiueuiwci
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationary
The following list of late publications
are on sale at Patton Bros, 98 blate St.
m. ProdiBal Daughter 25c.
The Social Evil gc
Foiled by Love 05,,'
Confederate Kpy Z2fo.
World Almanac 25c
Society as I Left It lZ".25c
Jrhe Spanish Decameron 25c
ivuLMjju, mom 25c,
Thursday Evening, March 30lh.
The Original WIDOW O'BRIEN, or
Largo Company of
auciuaing me uejeunuea amjshiuan
Beats on sale at Patton's.
Wednecday Evening, April 12th.
Assisted by Prof. Henry Bettman,
concert violinist of Portland ; also Miss
Grace Scriber and Master Earl Sharp,
the wonderful child sinner. TtRneilt nf
Imng's Sketch Book, cioth 25c exPense fuud oft"e Willamette
Oliver Twist, cloth r..25c Umyer8lty- Admission 50c. Gallery
25. Reserved seals wiHw.nf win
Compressed yeast Clark & Eppley.
Ico cream soda today at Tho 8pa.
Miss May WiLKi.N8.-FashIonable
dressmaker, parlors lu room 2 new
Hughes block. Cutting aud fitting a
specialty. Agent for the New York
tailor system.
Dr. Contris fills teeth without pain.
To enjoy life use TUTT'S PILLd.
School shoes, such as will suit you'
lower than ever, at the Columbia, lis
State street.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, 1
Lucas County, res
r wV' ,pHENEY mokes an oath
ilm r nis rtue 8enior Parmer of the
'ri'. doing
o.wi . i " ",o vvnjf oi loieao, county
w 8tate.fforc8a,d' nnd that said firm
nniW il,aefuni of 0NE HUNDRED
n. . eac" au1 every case of
?se rfHi1 r,,H2t,?,nn01 be cu"d ie
use or hall's Catarrh nm.t.
Q Frank J. Cheney
n,v n?In t0 he!?T,e me and subscribed in
M llso6' thi8 6th day of December"
A. W. Gleason,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Purn I- i. i... ..
m act. UlScU, Tto bldS
charge at Patton Bros.
j seal I
-nave you seen tbe
ladles foot u-p,.r t i.
shoe store, 118 State street
elegant line of
new Columhln
"n a T7fr t i-i rr
"MlftC.r, jiirv ITS2
h )h Met
tiiIeo'i' JoDC6' Jiavn you seen nnvtlilnc of
n'A" ?,"?"? W.d Haw tlSrnif g
a?i VKi,T22?:."H: be IUd ont
"" woo, vi, ouuh sireei.
X 1i0. W.O Dibble, an Kiout, St. 2o-iI-3t,
QUlrea?H i?;fy,ura ave- Junction. In
quire at II iTechtel'g store. i-21-d.iru
JM" e8.?W iron nnd a kinds nr motnV
"ohldes, at old Court House, Halem
1 2"'y I. TOLI'C
School District Election Notice.
Dr. Contris mi, teeth wltlmnt ,,ain
Incorporation. ti.a r,,iti
day from tbe uatloual prohibition ron. ' tlletl articles tedav: Wootlblue CVme
mlttee asklug Mm to pay $10 be bad tery comnauv! Columhlfi .n.... n
anK....II,u.l 1 1I...I- v....l .. . ... . ,. Z . .. I "
v.v,, u IIICII ,UIIlI, Jlu 0, wunw gouiau I'ocMiioutaa'ltltw No. 1. Wivtl
knew uotblng of the matter, aud In. wen, Jaoksonvlllej Church of tho
..mi uio uiinirmau, auuiiig further Wplrlt, Pertland: Va) Fruit Co,
Jim capital flO.tXXl, The Dalle.
a righteous
The public
to the
rr v -s - w - & . v -. -. v - . - . I n " " u
iUftCJUAX -A.XNJLI VVJiJJJIMliSOA V, TurapbamadeofabtyewM
.-. 'by them. AIUkiiuIi m, ;.i.. .. .J?l
iPkrak 28th and 29th, ftfternoona nnd veninoi. Ladios and ktt u di- after death, the .ui.u
i M . A. ' -" "" Mltd UMA I A Hnrf..i I ... t 1 - fc .... ."' I
fMtfcftMNi inyitd to the faindaoniMi stock over in Salon,, w". TwTOui B j l"Afc ilS
109 Court Street Si.i:ilwty Mnt9 -
Insank. Alfretl Elvlng. aired
years, of Klamath wuuty, aud Ja. F,
Ktbrldge, agil S7, of Claokamas coun-
ty, are tbe latet commltmenu
Embalmlee a Sueeftu.
A Klem underUklnj? Hra bav hd
..n..uii iue pioiure vraa
lavs after ditailv Um...
. r . r " -- - ... vu.at
Baking: Powders
Before Congress.-
The Pure Food bill before Congress would be
measure for the people, and should become a law
want pure food, and in order to protect themselves must know
..- -uuueratca. au adulterated preparations should be so
Au" TKnC,Urdinff ,Baking PWdCrS COntalnlne A or
Alum. Then if people want to dose themselves with "Absolutely
Pure Ammonia or Alum, they will do it knowingly The
public have been looking up the composition of Ammonia and
Alum and they don't like the idea of eating either in their hot
Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder
Js a Pure Cream of Tartar Powder; free from Ammonia, Alum
Lime or other adulteration. And eyery investigation, whelr
mthebboratorvorktrhn. confirn,r,n u.. . ner
' - ""FJUSlZeS US SUDtfrinr.
.i. ., ,.'". m me res iipn
Or R.,n.i pare?U In Wonmoutb;
"', bunday evening, the "Riu in.7
Miss Cordelia Barzel tn p t , ,nst'
of Fair Haven S t0 F L Jone8.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
w. J. 8plllman, Rev. Dr, Dot ' anri
wife, Mr. and Mrs I a Bin , f
Miss Vletori. n.-.. ? BlD?leton,
Hewitt Mr. Eiferd" Barz.: aS
Portland. . resiae
XTMTIrT.! i ..
IN "m, Sf Til JPVTS S. tbat at a .ebool
i-e.-.."0?.0' the qimlltled vnfpra r Bni.i
j-1 ujeeung oi school District No 24 dr Mn.
HouoT l1nl,yh,B0r,?K0,V to be beW at the Opera
Th.VieA l.h.eey o.Waleiii.ln said distrltton
ueiu m me upera
school dlsirini n.T J.unea volers of snld
the'div ofmnL11 fiI LW Precedlne
properly nhsw-Bort tn.iT IT. ',ula " lnx UP0U
question of Mnii?ilhenJ.,n'",la "strlet the
for t "c "SuriSS ?S "?!, bonded debtor 815,Ca)
IneandiSfnUhlnn0.8 DB a Blu aDd cct
in? at soniennim'iJJ0 e'lui room school build
twtSffSgS5S'ntff,3 dUtrlet east ofiwta
lum avenue thrvntT,urKnerv.roa.d nnd a8y
which shaii'hn ih J .te ? be bJ" ba' t upon
o'clock nmnnH Na . Polls to be open at 1
p.m. p,m-'and remain open until i o'clock
Dufricrt Notboef HKS L of dlors of School
Dated fhliliVL'" M? y. Oregon.
- " ""icu, a. xi. imm.
District Clerk.
1803,LoammlgUGDabuT' " .
" came t0 OreWn iu ISfit S'
member and .J?, ".. Ho"
Ul Br.thern .church. '" th
School District T!iontin vn
N0SStinVjf.r,lb E,ven tbat at a scLo'l
Hon '"itrlct Waf. oSfC Mt
ra&M ?S 'n sa,dBld'l
o m.ltn1.n.!h.e..?er last preced nl"
assessed to thm in c'.5la.avaxuIK,u Property
oi tontractlni 'fhS.SS.l? dltrlct.th8 question
inn iV-.,r"?f.a.b"ndeldebtofFinP?. Thnn.
he onera
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snd Dollars 7tis wni El re01 or r "teeu
lou an Elehi !Ji iri? tor 'J16 purpose of
nea?th. 5ti 'SI .I?1? bor building
debt of Fifteen Thou.
tha vivKA.
?hl ,K w'UT 1 l w r,u,l,' ' ciccfc
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"wrineslte of h nrrr' "i"""1"."" ur
on block three rainih.,,,7 cnooi Duuuings
umy and stie thi .C,.t7 S' aIem, In safd
SWcbSbB.?i'a,fh.,,lX3; 2 be by ba.pt upon
tuo Words "Hnnrt. v ,i .. "uuu" Jf, UUU
O'clock p. M and r.mlL r0"S ,0 be Pn l
p. m. ana "niain open until 4 o'clock
Dutc?Nro,h0efdn0f 'eotoof Pchool
I)airf il., MMailpn countr. reenn.
' ,u y Jiur.vb. a. in.
8td lUK a MtiOKtjf
I lMr'ci tkrt.
ity in eyery way.
5 v
We a-e now showluR handsome lines of
SIui,pOSKliS?- JSSffi
'l.. I. Velvet, R.bh.,SLrJS!1TIN&HANQtA
"uttonsletc'S'Heicules Braids, P.nrl
OfrERAIinn, A "C1S &
oi. tAJHXEi
I fetRbe;1J
te world,
JMMfcayihlMl ifMilif lii'iM A
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ais-,juut iw.ii