f -jfv tmnmimmrMwmm3m.Dmv.Ji J"1"' 1 " iO DOCTOR POWELL REEVES . HVtoNlUO t3AVMft mttiHAfj, aA'tftffliU MAilOif HS, idtf fti WMtir WMMI 1 lH if li IHMSJSMaewMSi illta 10 ComitifetrunJ street s( j-irTii Wonderful Power, '''""' 'WW Vf i!!!Sr 'iW'ttSlRM """ "" www uf'ifwiHutmt l .Z ''i ",""' " winn nimoBi mifRcniotis euro iifl iim Tiftfiof meu WM iWKIfli wr f Irty wfrtftf wf mIam f,ifr,f iiuot tiMt; lltii utatifd foeftf w? tfittUt(i touso ihtlf hanwti mm tuiet! ittoughl by llito medic! Offlofiftcl nhcl ftWyMi mw too imljwuu Mi , ntui toiMiMmt ffiffighlift ',":7 ' V i'OT2"i "Mrlif iwl, JMaa fp-feM.frt(l0 cullod nl'l.lfl efeKflnt milted .., H,o'i i m-iiio rtvofiiiB, mm imar mi'IIMIMih tiirtcf, vl Id llitf dwlof pfoflfcf bod U r wi I'wiwiim m Iffll AMPS IMOH iwinn conmmllon witnm1 ''tiiieUfi w!im r yon mtlteiiiti "in unman. ill MMo aim Held efjo v fM!(lri li (l ilfr,. fs..H.. i. fff,i I" llitf M HfrtcJ, wMM llitf dodof pfoflfcfl w ! tiftwly dwi ; (tJ lot guttering htttimhllyAtttonHbUt -ooplo, and the 7.. .!., .J . . -. ....WT . ...v. .,. miK iin biinuf tviiiiu niu uyriur uruflLTiuiJu lor n Rrura ur ir.or mu MAfti Wen Hi wnlltnl. that IUU huImU tt,Hi,i ,d i(fli ' bpoe yon enm hetel " t Ui the Hi. r.. .:......;.'. r" .' ''- ' r.jni.j iwmuni iNirKciiiuiiH enroll 7:LTi?rr'K7,M:r',',',ftK'!',fl Nhichj n ifii-j mini i rffriirnrripriirpniv nriHrrt m itwinutuc f 1 0 t' If ' mW. tinner w intuemm rctoilm vmllUMiort ltt mptlaiiv esn, I fchhw f.f.f !.(. hni iTlTft -i i"" !! '0"rt,!',, '' ' 'f"'T,?' 6"'ff HiMlmhd !(, fnofe dlfflcdlt case iKK5ttW r"rt "" "p,y My,tt ,"flea ty ",y,'el, u,fll 1 ,,Tb!5n '' Yo r a ic(iffft fflfiMf, 1 fiwtlttHi." i . . i0',?"'" 7l'Vmtu, 'i'MMS lwi'f" & ie Jf, Tlie ftfe fofn tbo befit medlcat foj' IfW' l ImuU Nw liyel ,h Tcoh Mil bhm a better w tnote mfctessitil ecord among bit !! jy'1' XW" "jwlal TOiir ff fAefltfrflt, d6dof 7 " rll('iliK who mwilt e flf J6t lif((5l over to n tumtexit tAted etibglfttite, as In tho caoe A iany Jilli'W;UH(nj((lBfiftrle or fBil(nlf,bil eceJve wy own K'fsMial care and attention mm no nwreury or other UurUim drtt&i, ConsttKalfon lwfl ttte.'' ' v you ninth of un Intetinr fttite or country ittaclkel" " Yon wouUl thhik m Uyou mtUI tea my dully mall, Here k a batch of letters I received tHlty twin Hit nwtUim Willi ottlvr Ur itmtne. All Hint U ueemmry tor a person from a illAtMiiro Ui (o in to diwrllut their trouble ki mo by letter, and 1 mail tbern effective medlcirif e, Uti trmi lrivllii, Uj any pari o tho cmtnlry. In my treatment ot disease for a euro in a Mil! Jfttwl tlwif. or n wtlaUi tw, U tho period of cure should ran much longer than I anticipated, I rnakrt no additional vhnryfl." "l vtmnnn ymmo tunny etll'te of imre aifecled?" ii tr ii. i . m .. m t i . -' -.. " MiiiuiudNoi uiohi, i(j j consider it nfrsry, o wrwUwl imn and womanhood comnlptlv trUrttA in njwj'lal wxirwi of troitlmoiit f trcnt nervous diseases of every kind and name raptures, scalp and akin AmwiH, hemorrhoid, liila, blow! dleFes of every description, dlseasea of tho lungs, throat and ctmt, nUnnnch, liver and spleen, diseases of women, and private diseases. All I want In a fair trial to mnvUiea tho most skeptical." iM cut at tlio licml of tin article Is mi excellent portrait of this noted sneclallst. He is an witn GiOUK man ralld on a leading and highly rejnitablo Pacific Avenue drug firm, where the doctor's IWd 1 consider it necessary, 1 coidd publish almost numberless cases Health and enjoymont of life through my affable and cultured Ktletnan, of commanding presence, and immediately impresses one w his candor and wonderful healing glfto. In order to corroborate some of tho above matter, i Qimittmn railed on a leading and highly repuf able Pacific Avenue drug firm, where the dock prccriponH.Bro lined, in resjxiiMi Ui tlie general miery concerning his standing and the extent h '" praciico, ew., a. tneinmr oi uio nmi said i " Wo Hare known Dr. Powell Reeves quite while Bml Iwiere him to Iw an honorable, skilled physician, who would not stoop to an illegiti mate act In hia profwlon. Judging from the ntimW of prescriptions we fill for him his practice niuot be larger than that of any other physician or specialist in the city. There's another point in his favor, showinu intwritv anil fair ituMtu wllli hl tiatlnnfa. w ar nnt rroi.. L.. gists. Jle recel vea no dlacount from us. and Ills patlonte e Just what their prescription call for ; whereas, tho doctor nifgiit realize a handsome sum by dealing win a percentage firm, even though His pat e nt did liavo to suffer lor It In a lew effective or a more deadly dose of cheaper medi cine. 'J Ills important act may account in great measure for tho healing virtue of his treatment" to suffer for It In a leas' effective or a more deadh A tlioroiJuh diaincwbt of dfwiwso. coupled with eminent skill In hand hie them, and the admin- .. "' . t a . . m .. . . - . zrr . v - )tration of pure medicines In their treatment are evidently the doctor's forte. We regard him an a conrcientloiifl, meritorious physician, Merit will tell In tho long run, and we are glad to p him rising, pliojiiix-llke, from unjust persecution and ostracism, by reason of the foolish, to the high plane of eminent, lucrative and deserved success. Wuring the reporter's visit lo the doctor's sanctum, he wan Invited to witness a difficult surgical ojwrallon In a varicocele case of long standing, In which tho patient waahandled in the most Kkfllful and ucIentJflc manner, and with but little pain. Tho doctor, after the operation, guar- i linn iivnrci i;urij, wim tmv jnofwr caro on jus pari, in irom one to two weeks, and cited in the city In which ho bail performed absolute cures In far more aggravated cases, wldcb inmtfgafcd and found to t as staled, JVrort the Tacorna Morning Globe. unU'cA Mm a cages yrere THIS DOCTOR Will POSITIVELY CURE YOU. $11 IN GOLD! For nny case undertaken that ho cannot permanently cure. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE Have been saved from a premature grave by consulting THIS OLD DOCTOR, who la de voting Ilia declining yearn tp the benefit of poor suffering humanity. ATjTj TTil?ROlSrft who regret their former follies and suffer In mind and body Xk-UXJ XXJAtWVXIW ff0m t7)cJr cfrejt- g,lon,d nJt at ona th qM y,tmi PmctlUoMr, wlio has no equal on tho Pacific Coast in the pennament care of all Eye, Iiungs, Skin, Ear, Heart, and Head, Stomach, Kidneys. Throat, Liver, Are rejuvenated and restored to Health by this Doctor's Now Method of Treatment. Worn out business men, call for advise; especially you Diseases of the Broken Down Constitutions who euffer from failing power of endurance. LADIES PILES Who suffer from Apathy, Indifference, Nervous DeWIIty, or diseases peculiar to women, can con- ault this old surgeon In perfect confidence. Ha testimonials published. nmnn niOraoro cured In the shortest space of tlmo by Vegetable Remedies, No Iodide DLUUU UlULflOCO of Potash or Mercury nsed. and all DISEASES OF THE KECTUM permanently cured by a perfectly painless operation. THE OLD DOCTOR I a skillful and experienced surgeon. Ills surgery embraces many diseases heretofore considered hopeless, or mm belonging to the domain of medicine, Jtenronj AffectiOM of the Heart, ttiltftf, . THm tmt, PerahJ&at Ka4ache, Dllllcidfy of Bretthlag, DyiMpsia, ComUmUoi, etc., are completely tad fnaanently cured by Scientific Surgery as jrformed by the world's benefactor. Young Men will find this old doctor their friend & adviser flflU'T DC nlQPflllDlPCn no matter how many doctors have failed to cure you, thU UUH I DC UIOuUUnAllLUf old doctor will give you the benefit of his ripe expedwoe, aoi UU ytftptutir what yacr dlaa t, and if he can cure yea. Ifcsldenc MS Court Bt, J. T. MUTTON, Sip and House fainter, UKUOKATOK, KtMiOMIKKK, Al I'A FKB IMMUKH. lAvcordfrsai A V, antra a turn' farnU tort Ur or trout A (Jil, nt(rrt. Stealer Elwood. LKAVm HM.VM irwaV. Y.&Mk at 6nttU n.m.tfrj Hot say, WMttiur wuum, LXAVKH VOKTUAVU Mml very T4W,TMW4gr B4huu4r, sasMatMMMNMMa A bfiUUMft mb 66ULff firlAW tit 6iMlt HmUimm Aft tjfUA Ltd frf (UfiiU A AhUiMi, htltUli(( ftifriftiKteM ftfrj fotf bHbii fl Hitf fticfcy of fr!- t'llf3fii6fiifltid "MM" 'titl'tlShtS MttM Hibhl' i fVi (V lifi fff ffGMttdv'fc bitt lu df ! i'inV I Hf4 MW ttt 6H6ft(A 'thrj tvfUpf fveif rMrrffri(rtTT Wl triRlfitifcS 6f Mr , wrfiff f ff flit! (totifWJ 6f ft Visit tf A fffpnrf livinv Iff ft lift (lint h&f Ixi Mllwl UfitthWliitf, nw iiogt lifimittiMi if ffifillfliih liittC litf Wnrf rt fnombor' bt t elulrfclf hitltdltia t'Omrnftlco, And 6fi6 6V6filfftf IlO bptftfwl (0 bo 6JtcttWx1 Irt 6fdoi lutxiimid rt tfjinmHtcfJ tnfcel ln, A gtcAi K6W York riU'hi(octwfli ttrrnititf iOMiirttilt pAM for Iho horf cluiroli. My host foturnod hoine1 dH lighfd wldi (lid ttoW Yofltor1. "fVrf rt flfifj follow." Pnld hiV hosi "foil should iionf lilnl (nlk, Ho Into' tho btilldffig ft( IiIb finger oiidd And DticfikfT 6 ttio Hinnl!(wt dotnil hi Ihoiigh ho l6Vod It. Such tiridoubiod Ability I Suoli tnnstoryi JUo una plitnnod n churtli Hint will bo tho gem of tho city, And nftoi looking t his drAwlngfl otio enn Undorstnnd ono rory striking rormtrk ho mndo." "Whrtt wrw thAtl" "Oh, ho fluid It had boon tho dream of his lifo to build a church liko thAt tho dream of his lifo. I liko to soo a man so earnest find enthusiastic 1 Am going to voto for him, and so aro more than half of tho rest of tho oommltteo."1 Bo tho enthusiastic architect was chosen, It was only vhon it was found that tho lowest builder's osti mato that could bo obtained for tho building of tho church was 80 per cent more than tho architect's esti mate, and also that after tho work had been begun very important changes In construction had to bo re sorted to in order to mako tho build ing eafo that this genius begun to bo worshiped with a lesrt adoring hom age Moreover, tho church was found to look very much less impos ing in reality than it had in tho drawings, in which advantage had been takon of every trick of drafts manship and shading to prodaco ef fective tout onsomble. Two years later tho writer was in vitod to pay a visit to a relative at, we will say, Grandejou. Strangely enough, his host upon this occasion was also a member of a church build ing committee. Ho, too, was absent ono evening at a committee meeting, and on his return the writer was sur prised to find that the identical New York architect before mentioned had been interviewing tho committee. "Well, does tho architect meet your views?" said the visitor. 'Exactly. Ho is a very fine fellow. Really a remarkable man," said the host impressively. "Indeed?" "Yes. Such mastery of his sub ject. You should hear him I He is a thorough genius. Ho says it has boon tho dream of his lifo to build a church like the ono ho proposes, but he has never had tho opportunity until now." Ho had cjuito taken tho committeo captive by his pretty drawings and his eloquent talk. Ho was, in fact, a clover drummer who could draw. Ho understood next to nothing of scientific construction, rarely made e calculation as to strains and stresses put in deep shadows in his drawings where there was no varied outlino in tho profile of tho building itself tc justify it, and drew attractive figures in tho foreground which, by thoii ridiculously small comparative size elevated tho fictitious edifice on pa per into grand proportions. When ho got hold of a building committee, he conquered them by his clover readiness and flattered them in a way that his exquisite perception of char acter rendered possible Engineer ing Magazine DR. CONTRIS FITI.S TKKTII WITHOUT PAIN, By the "Male eineH. a ,.,.....,.,, i.., ,(,u (.aw,, irf-en matin concerning this method, aa it is j m in ra a. u in 1 1 v iiiiiuiiiiii t w . --- - - itrarallvely new lu the feode of thbi country. For the connmru siding In the country and neighboring towns, benefit of those re who are unfamiliar with the J!l Talnto iiu-MimI at filling lrfh, the following explanation Is given: TUia method was discovered by Dr. Hale, of Hi. Paul, about a year and a half aKo. It U one of the greatest discoveries lo the history of dentistry; doing away wltu the torturt formerly experienced In having teeth excavated and filled. The .i..i.. ...i., ..i ir.,1.. ,.(- ft. haa ln lntroniicel In ALT, I tie 7ru vZVltt rt'Je and Is king u.hI dally by the most eminent member, of tlw Irrsliif, Jfandrwlaof lliouwDjIaorUfrtliarei lji annua iiy. wuy i "lltinum fi(,1 don't need their teeth, Is It beeau. they IndlfrereBt and III Inkthey have no value, Is It t-nit, they could get falaa teeth that w ouM to m MtMacUiry In every way? or la It the expense of having Ihe work done that "M1".. .:'";. 'J...S..t i n it i Jrrif.lv txxianwi the iwD usually ex- rtl7VVj,7fVt'ycf;alr IsddVddy every one, and'.sDeei.lly 'ifaM. !. - it llw,Z or delicate In heallh. The reHiedree are apjdled foeally and w. boJ lnlrloi l Ihe iwth strucmre, The Hale metliol is a uwi-eena o wi SWffl.7M,HKd7f 1 "7Mho7og.dy Wped tedoad U"" "ttZ&&i&;nffi , State a! IJSr all. aa i, i liliM it I iiKl.nMLfc. mw' mm HaaK. IHaKaA I m'lftv. isbbbbbbsbbbbbbV W"fS7fit j'fr. ihrv HwMUkb, WAihAtnikhd fnd htteblttf hi liirjbftUldfcf Mriclojowloo, KM k6pt tWO yfcrlrrf Ifl Hid itlVjrjd 6f &l Pdbtebititi, and, fttiilits(lrd ty CVKf 1'rttit I. Wonf first ib England, th6hed lu ifoly HM thtSti lo iMrls, iiofO hd fllrttek gfdiit ffiehdslili with Ihfi 6liitf- d'AffnlfM 6f thy 8wlJ fenflofAH6fi, At dd Mlmtt, And BtiAliy Vetit to llVd llio Inst ycntu bt jifa lifo Iff hi ft-iofid'd hottso at So lefrff whetd hef dl1 6n tho lfilli of Octobef, iBlt Tho fioatt of tho hen rotnalfiod fff tfid potsscsslbti of Krs clttsko'd goddaughter, Mllo. do 25olfc hot, And oti her rnarrlngo with Count Moroslnl jMiosed Into1 tho Hooping- of that family. Tho deacendAiito of thbso Ahlong' wliom tho great Polish patriot passed Awa protest lri6st nnxlottslv, and ori tlldbcst atttliority, Against tho hhrrieo AttHblited to Kosciusko when f Ailing wonfidcd oil Ills las battlefield, ' 'Finis PolOnlrol" This exclamation was nov or Uttered by Kosciusko, wlo him self rotated tho legend, saying In his last days, ''Thcso aro tho words of A solf conceited braggart, and A3 far from my heart as thoy Aro from my rn-mrw." London Eaturdav Review. yJTtTcaS3ryaufc3m3CTr--r-r-;a"l -H 1- LUiB COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. 1. I... . ..fl! wnrV (ht trill the Ctl, denerlt theeffeotn, polnH tho nmetlr. Tblt ih mmi hmiiilful. medical book tbt bu p- At tut mwtlcut work hilL,J5.?.c,Jr"A a half tono lllaitrallon In tint. Bjjme of tho subject treated aro Nerroni Oeli llty, Irnpo ttner, strllltr. perolopmyit. Varloocelo, Tbo Huaband. Tbono Intendlns Marrlago, eto. Ki'trv Man vha rovlfl now in unnoi "" la rtntn Fad. Old SrcrtU and NewDU cortrlf of Mfdlenl Brttnc a$ appUtdtoXnr- rttn lAfr, wno VOVHI iiiim. JW jnw V1 nn'l itnUMan pltfallx. Humid writ! for wotmnntvi. LITTLK book. . olllf 'or thU It win tM nni fr. under urn!, while tho edi tion lantfu If conTenlentencloao ten cent to pay pottago alone. Addreu tho publliberi, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. HnTTTTT m--mrM Salem Soap AND CHEMICAL WORKS. JOS. KUEliTON, My'r. All Kinds of Soap. LAUNDRY AND TOILET. Highest Price paid for TALLOW and LARD. TRY OUR FRUIT PEST EMULSION SOAP For Spraying, Warranted to Kill All Insect Life. 50 Cts, Per Gallon. Located Near Salem Woolen Mills. Ofuce lfl Commercial strcol, in Willamette Hotel building, nearly opposite tbe postolllce. Office Hours from 8 a, m. to 5 p. m. All orders for water or other l)Ulncu will receive prompt attention at tbo oflloo. Bills for water are payable tbe lnt ot each tnontb. It In desired that as many consumers as possible pay tbi Ir bills at the oltlce. J. M. WALLACE, President. J. M. MAIITIN, Superintendent. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOHMAKEB, 2I5H CommercUl St., - Sslm, Ortgon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ot Spectacles, and repairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. i if 4W UN FA1 IBL Ukm k L. ,Jt siiiiiiii. iiH liH sV JHH H fmt ,tnirUmnti Qhlldrt n . i "C'.OTi is so weli .liptd to chlklren that I rfcommend i t as superior to any presertptton known to me." It. A. Archer, It. D., Ill BoOxttrdet, Brooklyn, N, Y. , 'The m of'Casforla'h (WJunlTersat and Its merits so well known Hint It seems n work of supererogation to endorse It. Few ate tlie intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Cantos MAnTW, D, I) . ... New York City. Late Fastof DIoomlDcJalo Reformed Church,- m-virt ft m Oastorl etirefl Cot!?, Cowrtlpatl'W, Bour fitpmacfa Dlnrrhtoa, Eructation, Kills Worms, glrea sioep, and prom Without Injurious medlcadoa. proBKriefl A For sererat years T hatn recommended your Castorla. and shall always continue to ult Invariably produoeel benefletal Edwin V, Pardw. M. D., The) 'Wlnlnrop," iseth fitreet and Tth Ato., Sew York City. TrtM OtMTjiun CpiirjKr, 77 Murray Stnuw, Haw Yomc Cjl X3XT 1893 All HoadB Load to Chicago. n ft ST. PAUL RT I A. D. PALMER'S Neu) M?al Market IN COTTLE 11I.OCK. Tbe best goods, tbo best HervlcpJ and the loweat prices. !! tf LEADS THE yAN. Excursion Hates to tho World's Fair. Ed. C. Cross, imv, face leak TfjSftiSRrcSEiMiv f BWSsSBst) SsBBBBBl9VDIKi m f a IT i WBIMwPWHrwT' " i , ii, i i I r i - ' i i j i - Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and SmokedlK eats of allKinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. ESTABLISHED 1870. INCORPORATED 1881 WILLIAM NILES & CO., Los Angules, California. AND EXTORTERS OF FINE CATTLE. HOGS, POULTRY. Berkshire & Poland-China Pigs a Specially. Fancy Poultry, All Varieties. Fffgs for Hatching. Incubators, Nllea Prtolilo Coast Poultry and Stock, Illustra ted, 60 cents by mull. 8STHEND FOR CIRCULARH.- ssssssssslAsssssssVstfisssHssssssssssssssssH IrsHsssssssssssssssssssfHssssssssssssssssssssssssssW CLEAN. If you would bo clean and havo your clothes done up in the neatest and dressiest mannor, tako them to tho SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all work is done by white labor and in tho most prompt manner. COLONEL J. 'OLMSTED, Liberty Streqt. SASH Tho best class tho lowest. AND DOOR FACTORY, Front Street, Salem, Oregon. of work in our lino at prices to compoto with Only tho best material used. MEKT WEYAR YOU WSJiJS:? !ELT LECTRIC LOOM D. VAMOEIIYEItE, Am of tt kaova tetUsst men In CUe0) Mfmettttn efttgrtt BrtdsUtst Co. HEADACHE, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS rMOSTRATtOW. Vr. Mitts M4ta Co., Mtkart, ifef. Geotlemen t J tk ptessarp In InforBatnyoa of tb Terr benofleUU remits whlcb bare followed tbeuMof Dm. Macs' RtfTosarive Ncrvink In tho ea w otmjttu ma wire, not .year i aj subiect to ft dLlrettlng palu at tbe base of tbe brals tad opDer rjortloa of tbe somal oonl. I em ICloH Besb snd was greatlr dlRKlJ troubled with sleeplrts. WWllCalYonr Xenrino was blgblr Meesmended to ma. Mr rase bd J en so oUil sate tbat I bad do confidence In tho i fflcacr of ar medicine. Yetss a lt resort I conxntedio i Clre It atrial. Much lomysurprie.l experienced saftMeo Lenenii my nwpwiw uwpii"i y headacbo ws resiOTed t y splriu and geuena ifSTHOUSANDS UMf TWf MTY MUHD. lt TMIi OCCURNKSJ UoUiSresula. Umh. Vaxbuvsys. TBY M. WLES' MOS, M MSES 25 CTS. olt by D. J. Fry, druggWrt, Bstfeui HP. CAN DEN SF ?trF WEAK MEN mmA fws&)mik kMmv&LwwM iitrnkWm mmm "kmMS&zzm2z wuwt v3SiiieyraiK mw mszmmmmmi "miw ymar a relief and cure A sm, liV zjm m -- .TaC a wXfM 'isnwiMaw -i mom tplY hare r your ignorance ot eiiecti nd vitality wfaich la we Qn your fi 'anc svstem tbe elements thus strength and vigor will foU cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden'a Electric after all other treatments testify, aad from many of WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUFFERING from Nervous Debility! Seminal wfak- NESSuLoSSESlDRAINS.IMPOTENCY or, Lost Manhood, Rheumatism, Lame . KidneV Troubles. Nervousness ' EPLESSNES5.FO0RMEM0RV& GENERAL IllHeALTH the effects of abaiei, ezceates, worry and expowr. Tor tuch suifer ia our marveloua Invention, which requires but a trial to convince the aet wmii. or by excesses, or exposure, you may have usduly dralaed your irate " -.i.t -.l iu... -.,.., ...,, u.o.L-r.! nr l-irle nf fnrre. If VOU reDUCe IntO VOUI , A..t.A kf-i. mrm Vnnlr.4 inr vUnrnn atrencth. vou will remove the cause, n4 health, wmtntmm, wwvh .w w ,.ft. ..--. ---.- - . . fc i . '.. i natural way, i nis is our jiwu nu nv"i -"--ited Pamphleti, free; sent by all, sealed. 4 law at one and in a T-tx 'fUoil ffu" our Illustrated FamDhlets. ?5: - " 7 . - ... ... .t..- ti.t, -.l ..l. Si Belt Is no experiment, as we have restored tnousanas to roouw wi. u ,.,.,, failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this btate, who wouia rii; whom wo have strong letters bearlne testimony' to their recovery after using or ilflt. whom we have strong letters bearing testimony DR. SHNDBN ELECTRIC tub wmxt' nR. rttndbn t3Ltrt i iv joj-i ll ft cemplet galvanic battery, made Into a bek so i.ii. .. loat.ntlv felt throueUout all weak, parts, .... t .(.. .u.-.l- man. anrt warrant it to cure anV hoHey TKnkU. They are gfadd la streagth to eet all sUges of wealcae. is. yoang, the worst cases W two or iuisb pw "-"T" . "W Mmm , . . ABi AUr ABVrViy so as to be eaIly worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothlw, prolonged ewwM ts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Iawpya WtrU NmHCTiM rrant It to cure any of the above weakneaes, and to enlarge shronkwa llwbs, P"iJ ... .. .w ., nt,t U.avril or old men. and wlH twm iaiddlfagcd or old men, aad wW i i mi t - i 1 m n n n ! K i, I I. 'ir? or J VI ' Z-t'rm ai i -. m. m ill fa M M t iCi I i u I'fl I tit 5 r. . AjUA. 'V? 4T -i.-4lJi f.. tf jifaa W-K..-..J -,. j . firg. '