ifci in1il'i- tr rrrr.'Twn b Br. ,!r!XXSi X 'X-'4P 11 9 Jom nJlr ft DB. L. L. OABMER, Stricken Down with Hoart Disoaco. Dr. lilies Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Gentlemen I feci It my duty, as veil as ft pleasure, to publish, unsolicited, to tho world the benefit received from pn. Milts' Rcstorativc runcDitn. I was stricken down with Heart jjlm use nndlts complications, ampld pulso vary ing from 00 to 140 beats perralnutc.a choking or burulug sensation In tho wind, pipe, oppression THOUSANDSffiS Eton of tho heart and below lower rib, pain in tho arms, ihortncjs of breath, ilccplcssnc s, weakness and penerol debility. Tho arteries In my neck would throb violently, tho throbbing of my heart could bo heard across a large room and would shake my whole body. I was so nervous that I could not hold my hand steady. J. have been under the treatment of eminent phurtetane, and have taken gallons of Patent MedMne without the trait benefit. A friend recom mended your remedies. She was cured by Dr. Miles' remedies Ihavotaken - . m r- i tnreo bottles of your New CUntU Heart Cure and two bottles 7 f "" Nervine. My pulse Is normal, I have no more violent throbbing of the heart, 1 am a.wcll man. I sincerely recommend every ono with symptoms of Heart Disease to take Dr. Mile-' llcttora Ue Jlemedtet and be cured. Gypsum City, Kans. L. L. Ca&uzb. SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. edit oy D. J. Kry, druggist, Salem JAPANESE A new and oomnlete treatment, consimlne of suppositories, ointment In capsules, nlBO u box and pills; a positive euro for external, Internal, blind or bleeding, Itching, chronic, rece tor heredtta.y piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses, It 1h always a great benellt to the geuenil health. The Hi st discovery ot a medical cure rendering an oration with tho knlio unnecessary here after. This remedy has never been known to fall. 81 per box, 0 for S5; sent by mall. Why sutler from this terrible disease when a writ ten guarantee IsgUen wltn li b xes, to refund the money If not cured. Hend Biamn lor free sample. Guarantee Issued by WOODWAHU, CLA.UKEA Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, dole agents. Portland, Or. Brooks i'' Eg agents for Salem, 160 ritate street. Patton's block. 6-3-ly-dw Residence 382 Court St. J. T. MUTTON, Sign and Bouse Painter, DKCOKATOH, K VLSOMlNKIt, AND PA PER HANGER, Iavo orders al A. B. Buren t Bon's furni ture store or Broat A Qlle, grocers. r Elwoot. LEAVES SALEM from U. 1. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. every Mon day, Wednesday ana Saturday, LEAVES PORTLAND lrom tho Central dock at foot ot Washington atreet every Tuesday, Thursday and Hunday, Concerning freight and passenger business, call on the agent, AL HEUUEN. FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. Opened to Students September 13, 1892. This Institution oflers tho most practical course of tudy of any school In the state, viz: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Knglneering. Academic and Urara mar reboot courses. Htudents praotlce dally in wood ship, mechanic shop, and laborato ries. Tuition and Board per Tear, $100. Special inducements to a few young men who wish to work for their board and tuition during vacations. For prospectus and turther Information address EDWIN MORRISON, M. 8., President Salem, Or. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OBEQOK. Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland and San Francisco. First-class In all its appointments. Its tables are Berved with the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley, A. I. WAGNER, Prop. P CURB Steame SMITH BROS., , CONTRACTORS & PLA8TERER8. Leaveorders atCottle-l'urkUurstblock,room U,Ualem, Oregon, EX K.JHEAIvL, Paper Hanger and Decorator. Offleo at Chas. Calvert's MUllnery store, Halem. Oregon. Baled Straw. Good baled straw for aile on Prospect hill rort, six miles south ol Falem. Price at barn HOQpertoa. 1 Wiw W. W. CULYER. Wtfr-fit-i j---'' J4k&t& u ".... i "" ' - ""ii i ' ii twrmnwmv i"iwi i STAGE GLINTS. Jolo Sutherland, tho sonbretto, litis Joft ItoWt Ouylor's "Sport McAllister" company. Mum. lutti will return to Etiftlnnd from the Itlvlrru nearly it tiiontli nnrllor tlutti had iiren arranged, John K. ttrunnan of UIHp AkerHtrom'a company will star next neason in it new Irish play called "Tiin tho Tinker." Tho proposed starring tour of George W. Wilson and Mario .lumen him been ttbandonel, Mr, Wiloou will remain in Boston. On tho evening of Friday, March 28, Tony Pastor will ce'lebrnto tho twenty eighth unuiversary of his New York iniwi ugement. W, J. Forgunon will loavo Richard MansfieldV company at Chicago April 15. his threo years' contract expiring at that date. Sadio Husson has brought suit in the supreme court of Now York looking to the restoration of her rights in "A Ken tucky Girl." Martba Morton's original comedy, "Brother John," will shortly bo produced by William H. Crane nt the Star theater. New York city. The manugers ot tho Theater of Arts and Letters aro reported to bo negotiate ing for tho permanent use of Herrmann's theater, Now York. According to the Boston Herald, that city in 101 years has had 49 theaters and amusement resorts, of which but eight have been destroyed by flro. Edmund Gerson, who is now in Paris, offered Yvette Gilbert, tho celobrated chanteuse excentriquo, $r),000 and all her expenses paid for a month's engage ment in New York. The offer was de clined. ODDS AND ENDS. Tho origin of tho geysors at Sonoma, Cal., is supposed to bo a volcanic crater filled by u landslide. Dr. Gatling's newest gun fires 2,000 bullets u minuto. It throws out the balls faster than two men can shovel them into tho magazine. Tho channel of tho Columbia river at its month, which is constantly shifting, is now almost exactly where it wus at its discovery, 100 years ago. Theosophists favor cremation for two reasens: it is tho common Hindoo method of disposing of tho dead, and it is a convenient and expeditious way of lotting loose tho astral body. The number of languages spoken by mankind at present is estimated at 3,000. The Bible has been translated into 200 only, but these 200 are spoken by about two-thirds of tho whole population of the globo. An Egyptian scythe dug up on the banks of tho Nile in 1800 and said to be on old as Moses is exhibited in a Lon don museum. Tho shaft of tho instru ment is of wood, set with a row of fine flint saws, which aro securely cemented in a groove. Every man in Russia must bo provided with a passport, wliich must bo annually renewed through the authorities of his village. When the commune refuses to forward the documents, the absentee, who may earning a good livelihood away from his village, is obliged immediately to return to avoid arrest for the crim inal offense, of having no legal status. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. Tho net earnings of tho Canadian Pa cific for the year 1802 were $6,430,847. The total surplus was $8,023,031. An immigration and land department has been established by tho Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific. J. C. Bonnell has assumed the management. Work has been commenced on the Portland. Monterey and Gulf railway in tho town of Portland, Tex., which is one of the seaboard terminals of tho San An tonio and Aransas Pass road. A rapid transit road is building be tween Vienna and Buda-Peath, and an electric locomotivo is being constructed which will cover tho distance between the two cities at a speed of 125 miles r hour. An electric railroad is projected be tween Paris and Brussels, a distance of 102 miles, which will bo traversed in 80 minutes, or at the speed of nearly 160 miles an hour, and trains will be run ning within two or three months. The latest brain racking dovice for sale on railroad trains is tho "4 and 4" puz slo. It is tho Invention of William Car 'tor, a passenger conductor on the'. Erie railroad, who is very ingenious absolv ing mathematical problems and puzzles. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Mrs. A. M. Curtis of Chicago has.been appointed to tho secretaryship of colored interests at the World's fair. Owing to the curtailment of the space expected, the Illinois Steel company and Carnegie, Phipps & Co., two of the great est steel works in America, will make no exhibit at the World's fair. The British woman's committee will exhibit at tho exposition original manu scripts from the writings of Elizuoeth Harriet, Harriet Martineaa, Mary'Som erville, Hannah Mojeand Miss Younge. Tho Michigan World's fair boardwill make an exhibition of its newspapers. The first pae of every newspaper or magazine published In tho state will b mounted on a wood veneer leaf, var Bished and hung on leaf standards. Miss Halttead, sister of ex-SecreUry Noble's wife, has been engaged to write an article on "The Social Life of Wash ington From the Earliest Administration to the Present Day" for a souvenir vol Bny prepared by women for the World'i kk. EVENING OAPITtfup JOTONAIi, FBIDAT, j EXTINOTION OF THE KISS. Buntlnry Aelrnc tntnttlrij; the ' Rsrrnt Itfitlm of hmiiuiitln flout linrnt. Tlio klfH of nffoctioii niid romnntlc tovtf ia colobrntcd in tlio song and Btory of nil ngo. Sacred litoraturo jtiHtlfk'rt mid honors tho holy kiss of religious Byjnimthy ntid fellowship. Tlio mooting of tho lips has always been with our rnco tho univcrwtl and natural' and spontaneous c.vMVomuu of tlio most tender Bontiment. Now sanitary seienco pushct itself forward to degrade tho kiss to tho lovol of sower gns and tho many agencies by which noxious and infec tious diseaeo is propagated. It is de manding the abolition of tho practico as a ronmant of barbarous ignoranco of tho laws of health, It would subor dinate romantic sentiment to cautious prudonco and forbid tho lover to em braco his sweetheart, oven as a seal of tboir betrothal, until they aro ablo to produce medical certificates that they aro free from tho transmissible germs of disease. For several years past prudent par ents, under tho instruction of their physicians, have guarded their young children jealously against the indis criminate kissing which was onco in vogue, leBt those poisonous germs' be transmitted to the babies. It is a reasonable precaution, for undoubted ly the danger exists, and as the germ theory of disease is more generally accepted peril of such contact is ap predated the more intelligently. If, then, there is a serious risk for children in careless kissing, say tho preachers of Banitary science, it is a risk which older people must avoid also. Even tho cherry red and pout ing lips of beauty may convey mate rial poison along with the rapture of love they express bo romantically. The most ardent manifestation of masculine devotion may bo the means of planting the seeds of dis ease which will bring forth a fruit ful crop of maladies sent down through goneration. So says science. Accordingly the secretary of tho Ohio board of health has been urging the Pastors' union of Sandusky to use their influence to put a stop to tho practice of unscientific kissing or kissing which is not carefully re strained by Banitary laws. He also warns them of tho danger of using the same wine cup in administering the rite of the holy communion to different persons. Ho would not let women kiss each other after the pre vailing fashion, and of course he dis countenances the kissing of babies by every chance comer, and he would prevent kissing among the babies themselves. Thus cold and prudential science is invading the realm of tender and ro mantic, poetic and religious senti ment and destroying as a pesthouso the very temple in which the love of all ages has offered up its worship. It is an appalling revolution. New York Sun. Spelling In Dreams. That incorrect spelling may be said to be inherent in the understanding seems to be proved by the faot that when bad spellers see inscriptions or written sentences in their dreams the words are misspelled as they would misspell them. A notoriously bad speller once related that he had seen in a dream a great black cat with a collar round his neck bear ing the inscription, "King Solomon's Cat." "That is very interesting," said a friend, who was curious to boo if by any chance correct orthography had been revealed to tho dreamer along with his vision. "Won't you please write that sentence down for me, just as you saw it on tho cat's collar!" The dreamer took a pencil and wrote, "King Solaman's Catte." Youth's Companion. What a Newsboy Thought. Two dirty, ragged, wicked little newsboys sat up in tho gods' gallery. Tho play was ' 'Hamlet. " The ourtain fell on the lost act Hamlet had killed tho falso Claudius; tho Queen is dy ing by poison, Laertes writhed at tho feet of the princely Dane, him self dying of secret hurts. Neither boy bad spoken nor moved from his position, clutching the grimy railing with grimier hands. Tho crowd about them rose noisily. It was timo to go. Then tho younger of the two spoke, his oyes big with excitements "Golly 1 Wouldn't that make a bully extry to hollerl" Koto Field's Washington. now Tress Bstrlot Winds. There aro pines so lofty that they resemble cathedral towers, and roots of a pino tree are peculiar and resem ble tho claws of birds. They cling to the light, sandy Boil of the south with an animal-like grasp that defies tho wildest winds to shako them from thoir hold. The oak is always mado stronger by the wintry winds which causo its roots to striKo snu deeper Into tho soil until tho bold is bo (Treat that nothing can uproot it or cause it to lose its hold. uoston Transcnpu A Girl at m Matinee. "Oh, dear," a girl was overheard saying nH tho curtain went siowjy down on tho thrilling climax of tho down third ird act, "im crying line a oaoy. only the lights wouldn't be turned If right ' onl" They were, Uiougn, piu , and the only consolation tho r woman nrobablv found was lewsly, young tbat other eyes were streaming and r noses (thislM m well M her otheri isrw er imm, Uhni ts tloit Hind utr This looks like n very singular, not to say foolish, question, and yotsoino chemists aro beginning to doubt whether iron is really a chemical cletnont. They think that instead of being an elementary substanco it may bo u highly complex compound, and thnt eventually moans may bo found of separating or isolating tho bodies, or oleinpntn. of which iron is mado up, Different substances aro ordinarily combined eithor by simplo inter mixture, as oxygen and nitrogen aro intermixed in tho air, or by solution, or by chemical combination. But it has of late boon BUggcsted that thoro may bo a fourth Btftto of combination still moro intimate than that which is implied by the usual expression, "chemical union." Tho combination of yet unrecoguized ele ments which mako what wo call iron would bo an examplo of this fourth state. What this conception necessitates may bo judged from tho fact that it seems to do away with tho atom db tho smallest elomentary particle of matter. In other words, it has been suggested that "atoms may bo smashed." "Smashing" tho atoms of iron would, according to this idea, be a method of discovering tho elemen tary substances that composo it Youth's Companion. A Young- Shakespearean. In a certain Back Bay family an illustrated edition of Shakespeare, somewhat tho worseforwear, is some times given to the children in order that they may enjoy the pleasure of looking at the pictures, of which they aro very fond. The other day Mrs. H. was entertaining in her draw ing room a caller from Gotham, who cares much moro fqr social than for literary pursuits. His amazement was sublime when Elaine, aged 6, tho baby of tho household, appeared in tho doorway, somewhat tho worso for a Bkirmish in the nursery, and in quired in a plaintive tene: "Mamma, can I have Shakespeare?" This same small Elaine sat one day on her mamma's lap, turning over tho pages of her beloved book, when she came upon a picture of King Lear, thrust out, with tho hand of his daughter just showing within the lintel of the door. "What a beautiful hand, mamma; and what does, the picture mean" ', the child exclaimed. Mrs. H. told the Btory. Elaine lis tened attentively, and at tho close, after another long look at the pic ture, remarked: "The hand does not look so beauti ful now, mamma." Boston Herald. The Pleasure of Rooks. How to read a book is an art, in credible as it may seem. Recently when a bright woman was gushing over a story sho had just finished she amused her hearers by being unable, when questioned, to give tho name of tho author. Scipio was wont to say he was never loss alone than when alone and never leas at leisure than when at leisure, surrounded as ho was by tho Bilent companionship of writers and his own hopes and fears. But "this regular giddy swirl of frivolous dissipation," as tho Bos ton girl calls it, does not lend itself easily to cozy evenings by an open grate fire with ono's favorite authors. It is quite a question if tho rush of lectures, talks and readings which is arranged to satisfy tho intellectual cravings of society at all atones for tlio loss of that culture which comes from quiet and persistent study of tho best writers. This explains why so often in small country towns, where there seems to bo a dearth of social doings, wo will meet bo many cultivated women who aro abreast of the times on many thoughtful questions. They road. New York (-Evening Sun. A Dog at Rehearsal. "Our orchestra," Julius Eichberg relates, "was not a very good one. At the somo stand with my teacher, who was concert master, an old gentleman played. Ho was not less than 80 years old, and could, under no circumstances, bo mado to play on timo. Ho also hod an unhappy ma nia of imitating the chirping of littlo birds upon his violin. Our first oboo player had a littlo dog Fido by name which generally accompanied its master to rehearsals, and bad been trainod to give tho A when it was required. As tho director asked tho oboeist one day to sound A, this little dog incited, I suppose, by some wag among tlio musicians gave it In a shrill whino that convulsed the or chestra and caused Fido's expulsion from tho hall." Boston Journal. Oysters In Louisiana. Although native oysters aro oaten all the year round in Louisiana, tho industry of cultivating and gathering thorn is yet in an undeveloped state there. . Tho beds are said to be enor mous, and many of them remain un touched. Wido, shallow bays, with fresh water streams flowing into them and containing abundant or ganic matter for the fattening of shellfish, run up everywhere into the coast. Among the sheets of water favorable for tho breeding of oysters are Lakes Pontchartraiu and Borgne, Chandelour and Isle au Breton sounds, and the bays of Barataria, Timbalier, Torre Bonne, Atcbafalaya, St Bernard, Cote Blanche ad Ver-milion.-Chkafs Tribune, . ' MAitOH 24, 1808. Wanted to Send a Sample. Now ond thonBomo ncatlittlofltory turns up in a telegraph office. Of courso ovory ono is familiar with that of tho lady who wrote a messago to hor sister in a faraway city to tlio ef fect that sho could not match a certain shado of bluo Bilk, pinned a Bamplo to tho blank, added tho words, "This is tho nearest I can como to it," and requested that Bamplo, messago and all bo sent at onco by wire. When tho operator mildly suggest ed that ho was unablo to transmit tho samplo, sho of courso becamo an gry and promptly donounced tho man and Professor Morso's invention as a Bnoro and a delusion. New York Herald. A Slcn and an Omen. When a man goes into a "rapid transit" lunchroom, solccts a scat and leaves his hat in it as a notico that ho has Btakod out his claim, and then returns with a cup of coffeo in one hand and a ham sandwich in the other and sits down on tho hat, it is a sign that ho is careless of his per sonal appearance and regardless of matters of dress. It is also a good omen for tho hatter. Exchansra COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At Ust medical work that tells th; caujef, describe the effect, poluti tue rcmedr. This l scientifically the mot valuable, artlstlcaUr the moit boautlful. medical book that has ap peared forycans M page, ercry pago bearing a halftone Illustration In tint. Some ot the nhlMH iMalul Mm Nffrvmis nlillltv. ImM. tnnv. KUHHtv. TxreloDment. Varicocele. Tho N Huatiand. Those Intending Marriage, eto. mvru man vna itomm urnnie i urniwi iruint, the Main wts. the Old Secref and New DU coverlet of Med teal Science at applied toitar. nea lAje. wno woiim moiu jor jwwi juturw and avoid fttture pllfalU.ihmtld icrltt fur thlt woxdkrfutj Uttlk BOOK. It will bo ent free, under seal, while the edi tion last. If convenient enclose ten cents to par postage alone. Address the publisher, ERIE MEDICAL CO., llOTTAtO, N. T. "" - - - ' r w-r-mnr a . M Dp. Powell Reeyes & Co.. The Old Reliable Specialists, Late of Now York Hospitals. Graduate with Ulgh Honors. Twenty yoars' experience as Professor, lecturer, Author and BcsclslUt In Chroma Diseases. Catarrh, Bronohitio, Cough and Diflloultyof Breathing Successful ly treated with specif ic remedies thoroughly tested and proved by the OLD DOCTOR "Who is one of nature's noblemen, thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever ready to help the afllloted, RERYOUS DEBILITY &M 88 nilddleagod men. The awful effects of early In. discretion, producing weakness, LOST MAN HOOD, night emissions, exhausting drains, bashfulncsa, loss of cnorgy, weakness of both body and brain, unfitting one for study, business and marriage, treated with never falling success, dot cured and be a man. BLOOD AND SKIM STLffllrtiSSS; syphllltlo taint, rheumatism, eruptions, etc., of all kinds, blood poison from any cause whatever, cured promptly, leaving the system puro and healthful. ..... . , , KIDNEY AND URINARY 7iS$:J$8& der, sediment In urine, brickdustor wbltei pain whlls urinating, frequency of; llrlght's disease and all diseases of the bladder of both sexca. PITIDDU throat, lungs, liver dyspepsia, lndl UalAnltO gestlon, and all diseases affecting the bowels, stomach, etc.; dlairhoca, dysentery, eta Trouble of tblsoharactcrrclleveaatonce; cures effected as soon as possible. DDIU1TP diseases. Rleet, gonorrhoea, syphilis, rflilAlD bydrocole, variocelo. tenderness, swellings, weakness of organs, and piles, fistula, rupture, quickly cured without any pain or do tation from business. U7DITL7 your troubles If living away from the nnilu olty. Thousands cured at home by correspondence and medicines sent secure from observation. Enclose 10 cents in stamps lor book on Sexual Secrets. Address, DR.PnWELL REEVES & CO.. Now Located at 216 Com'. St, Salem. Salem Soap AND CHEMICAL WORKS. JOS. KVERTON, Mff'r. All Kinds of Boap. LAUNDRY AND TOILET, Highest Price paid for TALLOW and LAUD, THY OUll FRUIT PEST EMULSION SOAP For Bpraylnif, Warranted to Kill All Insect Life. 60 Cts, Per Gallon. Located Near Salem Woolen Mills. Office IM Commercial street, in Willamette noiei uuuuiug, nearly opposue ins posivtuce. Office Hours' from 8 a. id. to 5 p. in. All urdera tar water or other bullosa will receive prompt attention at the ottiot. HI1U for water are payable the 1st ot each month. IV is oesirea mai aa inanr consumera possible pay thtlr bills at the otooe. J. M. WALLACK, President. J, M. MARTIN, Superintendent. J. H. HAAS, TI1E WATOIIMAK.EB, 215X Comsitfc-ltl 8t.( t Ui OrtfM. (Ksxt doer to KM'.) fatteUlty ol jasotMl . and rayatflai Closto, I WMrtkWMMJsnralrx, T flsaaaO 5rj3buciwtuTA H bbbbbbW U C v Blackwell's Bull Durham Has been the recognized standard of Smoking Tobacco (or over as years. Uniformly Good ahJ uniformly first. Bright, sweet and fragant wc Invite the most fastidious to test Its rcculiar excellence. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. All Roads Lead ) IMAGO LEADS THE VAN. , Excursion Itiitcs to the World's Fair. Ed. C. ESTABLISHED 1870. tj5XaiyksisaiBstf8saBssMiKr TFaVXsasalBsssV tPrVVl I .Sasssl VI ssssssssi.iVi VI l?9flHsalssssssssssssssssssf BVCajHaH'!ssBssrjaKVsHK''l7lP) sf"" XlsnHssssttsr WILLIAM NILES & CO., Los Angeles, California. BREEDERS AND EXPORTERS OF Berkshire CIvEXAK. If vou would bo clean and have vour clothes dono up in the neatest and dressiest jnnnnor, SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all work is dono by white labor and in tho most prompt maimer. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY? Front Street, Salem, Oregon. Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to competo with the lowest. Only tho beBt material used; ' H. F. BROER, Proprlotor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. Sri All boUBG-flnlsblnRrrjuterlul made to order at the lowest Portland, prices. Bco ub before you buy. AKDEK'O ELIURI6 BELT lATESTPATENTS WITH EIEOTRO EST NmWVEMEtm. MACNETI0 SUSPENSORY, WUlsirt WltUit iltiMt. Ii "it miHlos frsas TmsU .t srftl. ti.rt . frcMssMs r Uurf tta, s sJ siksstU. SrsUi. !. ? om dsbllltr sltrp humi, Uair, ikMuia, slSssf, llf ir ll14.r MBltJtU,Ua MI, ltt, MiSIlM, itasul 111 sunt, ti.TH Mtr sell taUla TMrfal Ib"1! wr JIMssrf.uSiliM ssrrMittsi I Isiusll fill r 1st, ntinirn forfeit tl.txw. ssSwIH nt. tiwr IbtsUrs iIhwi r Mf . Tktwatl. k ! ft ft J UU f Imi UfMtloV nr H Mttr rsatrttn fiius, uln Im ksaarsSj IkMuqSaisM l wis issftuw. wtas sh.m.'Ihiu nnraarvaw ws iXaTwi bIstsbd U si us um flvOSUi fusttltls, lull, kMM, fn. Aitiut rX33BST SXtVCTKZO oo No. 178 Flft St.'.PORTLAWO, OKI. A. D. PALMER'S NeuJ M?at Market IK OOITLK MJQCK, i Vhal tsAsmt vatSdlM. th littat rV. MUd the l(MMt rts. ! sV"ntlw'MjpVvr ksTv' tsrSfUrf? ornet wonLo's rAtn Sept. IS. 1S9) BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C Gentlemen : We have Smoked up all the Tobacco ot the World's Fair, and have unanimously awarded the Gold Medd for Smoldng Tobacco to BLACKWELL'S Bull Durham Congratulating you on your success, we remain Yours truly, COMMITTEE. to Chicago. .V (6 ST. PAUL RT Cross c Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fresh, Salt and SmokedMcats or allKlnds OS Court and 110 State Streets.'' INCORPORATED 18913 FINE CATTLE, HOGS; WULTRV & Poland-China Pigs a Special, i C30Ca IT1 -AiT- H I DURHAM 1 1 ids. Fancy Poultry, All Varieties; Eggs for' Hutching. , ' Incubators. Nlles Paclllo Coast Poultry aud Block, Illustra ted. 50 ceulB hv mall. STHEND FOR CIRCULARS." take them to tho Liberty Street. STALLION SHOW Tho Tli.rtooi.th AnnualStal- ilion Show of FjhyHorM "will take, place fairj' SALEM, OREGON, Saturday, Marek 96, 18fN), at 1 f. m. All pwwni from ovefywbtro haYlaf. lions will pleas attend. farmers, brlas; your mars and eolU. ., , , flit prouilsMio be lbs larg aHaad bsatMal Hun rltiuvf yei ttsld. A number ot liors will be offered for sU and buyers will have a flue opportunity to ret I be best, By order ot ttas Willamette Vallfjr Hrae BreedsMVto-. jjgU,. a-w-awtd ' BMBias 1 6 I m k di II ill 41 VA - f i t l n - l