v A 15 VERT iQlSfliS. Ge( tde Besi for Your Monsjr 'ftrttt BB9T IS A Ti-Itt OMSAPaST. Circulation oprn (o the public. !Tbe Jotimal U mA All f Imh df jrl"' CAPITAL J U JCvlAI jl JLi Mcmrfi &JLo Timn any mt mll Vntt Hi (rtpllnl City- VOL. 6. iMSJUMUl'llilblUIIIMe mm j, n ijiimhwii. MMf" IP ff He Buys for IN WITNESS WHEREOF : Men's Suits $5. Never sold for less that $7.50. .Mon's Suits Double breasted square cut $9, worth $13.50. Youth's Good Suits $4.50, worth $G ovorywhere. Youth's Fmo Suits $5, always sold for $7.50. Boys' Joies $1.50, cheap at $2.50. Boys' Kast Iron Suits (with two pair pants) Never Kip, Only $5, absolutely worth $7.50. o , Tho above eoods ore nil clean stock, just arrived, and are absolutely the best bargain ever K'jen In Oregon Casb buysgd8l We want CASH Trade OnTy, and make Inducements that cannot be met elsewhere. J. W. THOMAS, flt tb? Old Forsiner Store. fflTB Ofllco IDA Commercial street, In Willamette hotel building, nearly opposite tho postofllce. Office Hours from 8 a. in, to 5 p, m. All order for water.or other bminesn will receive prompt attentihn at the offlco. Bills for water are payable the 1st ol each month. It Is desired that as many consumers as possible pay thtlr bills at the olllce. J. M. WALtAGE, President. J. M. MARTIN, Superintendent. WILLIAMS ,& ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,009 Transact a general banking business in all its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wm. ENGLAND Vice President HUGH MCNARY Cashier. DIRECTORS: Goo. Williams, Wm. Eng land,Dr. I. A. Richardson, J. W. Hodson.J. a xiaker Bank in new Exchange block on Com men dial street. 8:18-M DO YOUR BANKING BUSINESS WITH THE OLD BANK OF LADD & BUSH, SALEM, OREGON. 2-11-dw-lm Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W. A. CU8ICK, Pies. W. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALBERT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate. In amounts and time to suit. No delay In considering loans. FEAR & HAMILTON Room 12, Bush Bank block. 6 12dw SALEM I J. H. HAAS, I THE WATCH MAKE B, 2t5X Commercial St., - Silem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Watcbea and Jewelry, A. D. PALMER'S NeuJ M?ai Market -IN COTTLE BLOCK. The best goods, the best service lowest prices and the 1-31-tf STALLION SHOW Thirteenth lion Show of Fine Horses will take place at HrldiaiaiaiaiaiaflHtiaViaH SALEM, OREGON, Saturday, March 25, 1893, at 1 p. m. All rwnons from everywhere having stal lions will please atteud. ,, Farmers, bring your mare and colU. This promises to bothe largestand beat Bul lion Hbow yet held. . ....... A number of horses will be offered for tale and buyers will have a fine opportunity to By rrder of the Willamette Valley- Horse Breeder's aoelatlon. J.U.JJHAW J. A. TANNER, 2-27-awtd Oosamlttee. "'MM I'JfiOl'Xilfl'H 1'AIMM." jaii.ai'iiwumuza.mffiiiJiiJit miiMjuBWMwiw J. W. THOMAS (Successor to 1), Forstnor & Co,) SELLS FOR Cash. -:- He Yoii Cannot Realize The convenience of a perfect FLAT OPENING ACCOUNT BOOK, until you have tried one. It is our desire to persuade ALL merchants to give our patent back books a trial. You will use no other. Manufactured by CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Book Binders, Lithographers, Printers and Publishers. 8AMM, - . - - - - ORBtOS 500,000 OSWEGO - FALL 1892. We would call the attention of dealers, awit?arge and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees'Snd Small Fruits, Ornamental, Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in every resrect. Send for catalogue aud price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, flgMention this paper. Oswego, Oregon. NEWTON TANNER. J F WIITE White & Tanner's Livery. (Successors to Ellis & Whitley.) L1bTr0 J. W. TflORNBORG, Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade enableVme to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State'Insurance block, Chemeketa street. (MS. wolz; Proprietor of the GERMAN' :-: MARKET South Commercial St., Salem. AH kinds Fresh, bait and Bmoked MeaU and Sausages. FREE DELIVERY. Tbe'only genuine Wienerwurst in the lty. NOT IN IT ! The North Hnlem Meat Market has not joined I the, combine, but m"- " Pitchford & Long, at Hunt's old shop, oppoJte W. L. Wade's store. ladies I nf Salem! T.AWR8 U1 JtUClIl. jo save you iuo inraum "" -k-.- -, r. InetoSanFrancIseo.we have boughtacomplete IneofMlS NJOTtlK HARIUHONW world. . .-- tunkla AnH n.niAni Hpnfi positively have health and beauty by using tnem. LOLA MONTEZ CREME. 'jnertn-in ruuw""" TISHUE UUlLDbll preserves and Im proves the complex ion. Prevents wrln klo", withering, dry lng.ai?lngoftbeskln. removeafre!kles,tau, moth patches.yellow. uess.ycll'iwskla. Her HAIR VIOOR abso. lutHy prevents balr sr lulling uui. iuawm i. One and glossy, cures all sculp humor. Mm. HARRISON'S LIV vii IlKniII.ATOIt i C"-'ilL ,w6toAaAM n TUKa. rua- cures torpid liver. rnalrrU. beadaebe, nervous BROOKS 1.BUU, w.ukto... , ... . o i. tpffin. w.PUI o' napl.ce.ed blemUhof UWiirtaM blrpeTantaUy removed. vrr' ci .i C-ir-inn 1 ? CASH! Saves You Cash. TREES i NURSERIES, ' SPRING, 1893. THE UPHOLSTERER. OAK And Fir Wood. The Salem Truck and Dray Co. can deliver flrst-clasa wood on short notice. John Savage, Jr. MARKETS. Portland, Mar. 11. Wheat valley $1.12. Walla Walla, $1.05. San Francisco, Mar. 11. wheat, May $1.25. Chicago, Mar. 11. Wheat, 72c. HORN. iAi?'.T.TrV At. thn famllv home. Friday, March 10, 1893," to the wife of Willis E. McElroy.a 10 pound son, This makes State Superintendent E. B, McElroy and Hon. G. W. Johnson, each grandfather for the first lime, while the Hon. T. N. McFadden is made a great grandfather for the first and Squire H. A. Johnson for the Oth time. "The Blood is tho Life," Runs the old saying, and everything that ever makes part of any organ of the body must reach its place therein through the blood. Therefore, if the blood Is purified and kept in good con dition by the use ot Hood's Sarsaparllla nnPMMnrllv follows that the benefit of thfi medkfne Is imparled to every orgau of the body. Can anything be simpler than the method by which this eiellent medicine gives good health to all who will try it rainy ana paueuuy, Tt.-Mn1rnnnMu.nnfl a. nravlncr forllnuor banished by a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator. Dr. Contrla fills teeth without pain. Miss May Wilklns, agent for theNew York Ullor system, room 2, new Hugbea-D'Aroy block, on Btate street. 1-2 6t rtna AnUar a. cur will cover voupdoc- tor's bill if you take Bimmosa Liver Regalator. J ,uMBMMBWWMMpWMWW " HALM, OICBGlOft BAWIIDAY MAttOH 11, 1898, .ugiam'i'i'JH JBUJ.1 llgg BflHOHrWr THE KANSAS LEGISLATURE. Winding np Willi a Very Smell. Bad MALODOROUS MALCONTENTS MAKE LAWS Tho Democrats Got Shot.. a Farting Tho Kansas Strike, Topeka, March 11. The house last night passed tho senate legislative ap propriations bllt. It provlde9 for pay ment of the late Dunsmore alliance house employes. Twenty-tbree Re publicans voted for the bill with the Populists. Tho senate announced that unless the house passed that bill no further appropriations of any character would bo passed. The Australian bal lot bill, as amended by the house, passed the senate today. The amend ment la particularly objectionable to the Democrats as It practically pro hibits Detnacrata from acting on elec tion boords at the election. CLEVELAND'S PLAN. na .., Hawaii to Be Ours Under a Conditions. New YoW, March 11.- A morning paper says that the Hawaiian matter will be taken up immediately by Gres flam and that a message transmitting n tre'atv will bo sent to the Senate dur- inc the present special session. Treaty Is to be on annexation lines, although radically different In Its terms from the Harrison treaty. Features would be added, he stated to leave no possible chance for a sugar syndicate to reap any benefit, aud which will relieve the United States from any financial re Bnonsibllitv for support of the islands. BURGLARS KILL A POLICEMAN. But Two Are Laid Low in Return. Oakland, Cal., Marei. n -. i.- o'clock this morning special oracers William Cashln and George Ely dis covered three burglars in Kuhmle's saloon on Seventh street. The offi cers ordered the burglare to surrender, when the latter opened fire, shooting Cashln through the stomach and prob ably fatally wounding him. Ely re turned the burglars' fire, shot one dead and wounded another. The third man got away. I A Rotten Affair. Guthrie, O. T., March ll.-The territorial legislature closed yesterday amid scenes disgraceful in the extreme. During the sixty days session the prin cipal occupation engaged in by the leg lators has been to quarrel. During the passage of the aDtl-gambling bill yes terday pandemonium reigned supreme. Members called eaoh other liars and at times almost came to blows. Charges of bribery wero openly made and euougb disclosed, it is assorted, to show that certain members had openly sold their votes. Judge Impeached. Nashville, Tenn., March 11. Im peachment proceedings were institut ed in the house of representatives this moruing against Julius J. Dubose, Judge of Shelby .county criminal Court, at Memphis. The- charge is negligence In enforcing laws against gambling and geueral malfeasance In office. Official Corruption. Kahsab City. Mo March 11. The grand Jury which was in session at In dependence the past week has made a report disclosing tue wet mat noi oniy were Justices of tho peace delinquent, but ex-county officials whose salaries reached $10,000 are yet in arrears with the county. The Terror of the Air. Mkriman. Miss,. Marob 11. Col. W.G. Stevenson, who has Just returned from a trip over the cyclone devasted country of Marlon and Toomubaand counties, says it is tho most destructive storm Imaginable. It will bo months before order is rtbtored. The Pish Dealer Oases. Portland, March 11. The floh dealer, arrested yesterday for selling aalmon out of season wero fined fifty dollars each in a Justice court today. For Mayoress. Kanbab City, Mo., March 11. Mm. Anna Potter, wife of prominent insur ance man, has aunounceu uerten can didate for mayor of Kauwu City, FB.IJHUUJi-J.UL-Ull SENATE FOR TREE SILVER. A North Dakotan Imprisoned at Hon duras. WABHlNCiTOtf, Marob 11. Tho Post publishes the follewing: "Tho work of arranging tho senate committee chairmanships has eo far progressed that nearly all have been selected. The most Interesting devel opment Is the fact that free-silver men propose to run tho senate their own way and are recasting the flnanco com mittee bo as to leave no doubt of t'10 stand which tho committee will take upon any coinage bills before it. The Democrats on the committee, up to the 4th of March, wero Voorhecs, MoPher son, Harris and Vance. Voorhees will bo obairman. Harris and Vance are both outspoken free-silver men and will remain. McPherson will step aside to take the chairmanship of tho com mittee on naval aflalrs. Other Demo crats on the finance committee will be Coke and Vest, both avowedly on tho free-coinage platform. It will bo seen that no matter what (Jloveland desires the personnel of the finance committee is such as to make It almost impossible for him to dominate the financial pol ocy to be followed by the senate. All the antl-sllver men, such as Vilas, Mc Pherson and others, have been purpose ly kept off the committee. Morgan will be chairman of the committee on foreign relations, Cockroll of approprla- UODS, HHITIB Ol lUO uwuiun ui uuiuiu- bla, Gorman of printing, MUIb of libra ry, Palmer of military affairs." COUNTY LOCAL NEWS. FROM MARION. Mrs. Susan Edgar died near here March 10, 1893, ago 80. She was a pioneer of 1847, coming to Oregon across the plains with ber hus band and settling on thq old donation land claim near where she died. She Is the mother of Mrs. Marion Cook, of Turner; Mrs. M. Simmons, of Jefferson; Mrs. Maria Watson, of Eastern Oregon; and George, Day Id, Leonard and Sam uel J. Edgar. Burial Saturday at 10 a. m. NORTH HOWELL PRAIRIE. Mrs. L. D. Roberts has been visiting relatives at Woodburu for some time. H. Bobbins and family have moved to Sllverton where they will reside in the future. We are informed that W. Kester in tends to move to Howell soou. T.J. Clark had the misfortune of cuttlnc his foot pretty severely while cutting brush for B. F. Fletcher. Rev. Myers conducted a series of re vival meetings at the M. E. church not long since. At our school meeting W. Jeffersoc was elected as director and J.Cutsforth clerk. Prof. Luse was engaged to teach the spring term of school. The Hazel Doll publlo school closed on March 1st and in the evening a free entertainment wai given by the pupils at whioh there was a large and appreci ative attendance both in the district and from other places. The pupils de serve great credit for their zeal and ef forts to make' it an enjoyable affair, AFTER HER HUSBAND. A Salem woman started after ber husband late last night, in the dark, wind and rain. He had been at tho sportsmen's convention and banquet and departed perfectly sober, though alter bis usual hours. His better-half felt sure be had been sandbagged. Tho conscience-smitten swain started homo about tho same time. They met on the bridge at mid night. "Are'n't you a little out of season?" she suggested. "I was on the committee on consti tution," be pleaded. "You're a pretty sight to talk about the constitution." "I had to help draft the by-laws." 'You bad belter have a little more wholesome respect for the laws of mar ried life." As they disappeared from the view of the reporter be had bis nose on the trail for borne, going on a quick trot, while bird-shot wu flying about bis ears with an Incessant rattle. Strongly Endorsod. rrii arivflr(tMlti(r of Hood's aarsanarllla anneals to the sober, common sense of thinking people, because It Is true; and It Is always luuy Buiwtauuuieu uy cu .tnruomonra wlilnli In the financial world would bo accepted without a moments hesitation. They tell the story-IIOOD'B CURES, Hood's Pilla cure liver ills, Jaundice, bllllousuesf, vluk headache, constipa tion, For perfect PILLB. digestion use TUTT'S "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE fcGREAT FIRE IN BOSNTO. Loss Sustained of Nearly Millions. Five LATESTESTIMATE OF LOSS AND DEATU Thrilling Story of a Chief Engin eer's Escape. TloaTON. March 11. One of the most destructive fires in the history of Boston broke out shortlv after 4 o'clock Frldav afternoon, and before it was placed un der control, three hours later, it burned over more than a quarter of the square, reducing to asnes several magniuceut new buildings recently completed on tho territory burned over three vud a half years ago. It consumed property valued by conservative estimate at four and one-halt million dollars, and was attended by scenes of panic and distress never before equaled here, ulstroyeu several, perhaps many, human lives, and mangled or mained at least thirty persons, some or wuom win uie irom their Injuries. The principal buildings burned, aud the occupants thereof are as follews: Ames buildintr. occupied bv Woou- socket Rubber company, Barbour Bros, thread, Amazumo maculne company; Consolidated glass company, Merrick thread company, A. Packard & Co.. R W. Appleton. Hanover Shoo company, .Lariat Manufacturing Co., Ululllu Jjh- robe & Co., U. S. Rubber company, Redpath Bros., boots and shoes; S. B. Thing t Co., Jacqulta Rubber Co., Tapley machlno company, Horace Partridge & Co., Hathaway Soule & Harrison, Cape Cod Glass company, American Wlno company, and many others. Lincoln building, five stories, opposite, occupied by Singer manufac turing company and many other con cerns. Ludlow building, Essox street; Brown Durrell building seven stories, Essex and Kingston streets. All con cerns In these two buildings were burned out, also the fivo story building, Columbia and Esse and Kingston streets. All concerns in tbeso two buildings were burned out, also the five story building, Columbia and Es sex streelB, occupied by Walter B. Bar- los, paper and box manufacturer ana others , Tho flames broko out in tho toy de partment of Horaco Partridge & Co., who occupied the fifth and sixth floors of the seven-story building at the corn er of Essex and Lincoln streets, owned by F. L. Ames. The cause at presont Ib unknown, but tho story, as described by those nearest to it, resembled tho bursting of a hugo flre-cruoker. Tho flames spread with lnoredlblo rapidity, and Irj n vory few minutes tho interior of the building was burning. There were many employes at the tlmo, and other floors of tho building weie sprinkled with human beings.,. The usual avenues of escape wero at once cut oil, and then began a struggle for life, which sickened tho beholders. The panic-stricken Inmates lieu to the windows and roefs: some escaped by sliding down telegraph poles, others by leaping Into blankets. Boverai jumpou to the pavemont, from six or eight stories, and wero terribly mangled, and others, how many cannot now bo told, fell back Into the cauldron of flames or wero overcome by the dense bluok smoke which Bufiocuted All who did not speedily escape. An intensely exciting scene which attracted tho most attention, was that of a man appearing in the eighth story of the Durrell building when the fire was at its hlght, who seized a largo In sulated cablo and proceeded across to the opposite building, baud over haud amid intense and breathless suspense on the part of tho spectators. He soon weakened, however, and threw both lega over the cable and thus worked his way tediously, while life-saving nets were held under blm by the police aud firemen and speotrtora shouted to tho imperilled man to drop, He reached oldwav between the two bulldlnit. aud tia the smoke cleared away, hutwulte NO. C9. Baking Powder face was recognized as Chief John Fa gan, out for the first time slnco suffer ing the fracture of a collar bone. A squad of men quickly mounted the building for which he was heading and loosening the cable, gradually lowered it till a hook and ladder company res cued tho man and carried him to a place of safety. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Col. Sam Lovell is in the city. Thos. Kay Is in Portland on business. F. K. Lovell, of the state house force, is spending the day in Portland. Mrs. A. A. Barker, who has been the Kuest of Mrs. R. A. Edes, returned to Portland this afternoon. Prof. M. V. Rork is reported back from Umatilla county, where he has been organizing alliances. Try tho Columbia Shoe Store, 118 State street. President Whlttaker. of Willamette. has gono to Portland to be absent over Sunday. .Attorney Tllmon Ford wont to the metropolis this afternoon. Prof. Campbell, of tho Monmouth Normal sohool, is a Salem visitor to day. Cumberland Presbyterian church. Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 and 7:30. Everybody invited and wel come. J. E. Blair, pastor. Best lines of ladles foot wear at the ColvmblaShoe Store 118 State street. Miss. Jennie oHaii - nRiuuiug tne winter In the city, guest ut the home of Eugene Breymau, leaves on Monday for Helena, .Mont. Tho best sohool shoes in tho market at tho Columbia Shoo Store, 118 State street. Prepare to attend your sohool election next Monday and select tho best men .for directors. They go in for fivo years. A school director should know a good school and u good teacher, and also have a good business Instinct. Wm. Mlcbaelson, of Astoria, was to day committed to tho asylum, aged 34 years, Onion sots, and garden seeds in bulk and packages, a lurgo invoice of tho freshest In tho raarkot at Clark & Ep pley's. Perfection. These perfect spring days tho inner man craves fresh veg etables, nice fruit and clean whole some groceries, Juicy bacon, aromatic ham and tho best fruits only to bo had at J. A. Van Eaton's, Appreciative The publlo is show ing its appreciation for a good thing by buying crockery and glass waro at theHarritt & Mclntyre closing out sale Nearly 60 per cent saved, and Boroe good selections left. i..-.i..ej fi i Twentv Ykars. Israel Gregg was today brought up from Astoria, by Sheriff Smith to servo a 20 years sen tence In the poultentlary for rape. Lahokst Ykt. The largest sale yei offered In Salem is tho Shoe Sale at The Paluce. Wholo stock of new goods at cost. Windsor Tibs and Veilings. A new lot of the choicest patterns at Oaburn's Racket store. Housk For Bale. Howard, the bousfcuiover has two nouses for sale. Late nouna. Remember tho Lock wood messcugora can be called as late as 10 o'clock any evening. WITHDRAWAL. To the voter of school district No. 21: After duo consideration, and while fully appreciating the kindness of friends who have uamed mo for the office of school director, I deem it beat for all concerned to withdraw my name. This decision is positive and final. P. B. Knioht. Salem, Oregon, March 11, 1863. It Is to bo regretted that this gen. tlemau will not run. He baa mauy of the nualltlea that go to make au Ideal ' school director. jjaftr-Tr &rfW"