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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1893)
ETjfc.-.SM e7 . iTn W 1 .,,, -.JX 11 11 - I i ? A'? f, i I i SSVmmfG CAPITAL JOTJIlNALTniniSDAT, MjYUCnS2, I893' 'CHE CAPITAL JOURNAL PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCE1T BUNDAY, BTTHK Capital Journal Publishing Company. Post Office H'o-jk.-Commerclttl Street. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. iMlly, by currier, per mouth,..-... JMUjr, vr man, pr jrar...... Weely,8 pages, per year........... 0 fltt) 1.W TIIESKNAlBUhMOUKATIC. Tlio election ofn Democratic United Hluten Beontor In North Dakota defi nitely Bettlea It tLmt the DemocrnU will have a clean mujorliy In the United Htntca Minute. It who lnulily probuble that tuey would control the senate even though the North Dikotu Icglwla turc, which wan Republican, hud chosen a Renubllcuti rieuutor, but Its action removes any doubt. It Is really a fortunate result. It would not have been profitable, under the circum stances, Tor the Republicans to liavo a slender mnjority In the seuute, or that there should be nu antMlepubllcuii majority composed of both Democratic and Populist seuutors. It would ob scure party responsibility. The result of the late election wub to bring Mr. Cleveland into power by phenomenal popular majorities and a house of re presentatives overwhelmingly Demo cratic. The Democratic party won on definite pledges of public policy. It also made definite complaints agalnHt the record of the Republican party on the score of finance, economy and the tariff. Tho election was a verdict gainst Republican policies and In fa vor of the policies which tho Democrat ic party pledged Itwir to carry out If it should got Into power, It Is well, there fore, that tho Democratic party should dlstluotly have control of tho senate a well as tho Iioumi and tho executive It gives to that party absolute power over legislation and makes clear and Indisputable Us rcHponslblllty. A Re publican majority In the senate, or a balance of power In the bauds of the Populists, might l)e ground for oxrupo that tho Democratic party could not carry out Its pledges that the way of reform had been obstructed, Rut now no such excuse cau tie made. There Is absolutely nothing to prevent tho De mocratic party from making good Its promises of reform. It mtiHt have all the credit or all the blame for the rec ord, since it has complete power over the record. Tills In a government by parties, and at last we have a situation In which party responsibility cannot he obscured, Tho Republican party Iiiih not been so lucky. Much of the time luce tho war there has been an adverse majority In the house, and the Repub lican party has nctuully hud its IiuimIh tied. The way Is now cleur for genu ine polities . WIIT DID UK AlTOI.NT (MKHIIAM? pect. They believe that these particul ar regions would bo highly important additions to the national domain, and the sooner their people come under the stars and stripes tho belter for them and for us. Nobody wants to organize any filibustering expedition to capt ure either locality. Nothing in the shape of coercion is favored or would be resorted to, but when Canada decides, by a majority of her people, to ask for admission into tho Union, the Union Is going to let her la. When ever tho United States finds she can purchase Cuba on any sort of reasonable terms tho purchase ought to be made, and undoubtedly will be made. The "race problems" connected with Hawaiian, Canadian or Cuban annexation which are talked about so glibly ure bugaboos; phantoms of the Imagination. In Hawaii the natives are rapidly dying out, and the Increase in tho white element of the population which annexation will bring will soon put them so far in the minority that they will not offer tho slightest dis turbance in tho social economy. The "French problem" in Canada, if there oo any sucti prouiem in a dozen or a score of years hence when the annexa tion question enters Into practical poli tics, will yield quickly to the same kind of treatment. Bo would tho race difficulty in Cuba. Fifteen or twenty years after the absorption of Cuba the Cuban of Hpaulfth or Spanish-India lineage would become an Insignificant element lu the population of the Island, "Tho negro problem," somebody says, "Is all that wo can conveniently attend to now." The negro problem is virtually settled already. It won't bother us any more. Th other problems we could manage easier and dispose of quicker. St. Louis Globe Democrat. Tho quosttou lias boon asked by many persons, besides Democrats, why Cleveland placed (Jrcshaiu In tho po sition of honor In hla cabinet. Waiv ing the president's private motives, ttie correct answer is a matter of profound 1 merest. We may assumo that It was not to ills own political disadvantage! rather to the contrary. Nor was it to reoog bIzo the mugwumps, for Mr, Qresuam has uo reputation for belonging to that class. Htlll leas was it done to placate Republicans, or becauso thojudgolsa life-long Republican, Why, then? Bltuply because GrcBham Is of all publlu mon the most acceptable to tho Populists. They tendered him the aoiulnatlou for tho presidency on their tlokeU They regarded him as the one mau holiest and lucorrupllblu In this country . They repoaed their trust in him as the only man outside of their party worthy of such an expression of political ooufldonce, Greahaut is placed where he has little or uo patronage at his disposal, lie Is put where he cauiiot advance Populist reforms a hair's breadth, lie can have notblug to say about lluauco or uorpor ations, lie la put where ho oau tie of taut help to himself or tho people, and at the moat poaidblo help to Cleveland. The appointment ot Ureslmiu Is tin toubtedly the eotisumatluu of a deal wade by Cleveland's managers, whero- ly tuey were euanled to make tho fu ton electoral combine which they so awseeMfully carried out In a number of JWpubllcau states last November. There is considerable method In Mr. Cleveland's maduees, which seems to lead rather to the upbuilding or him. elf and the downfall of his party, lie evidently apimluted Urvslmm secretary eetate out of consideration purely po Utfctl to himself. SUU.L...LU...,. 1 1 II KEEP SO PETS. Pcoplo who keep pets usually do so at their own expense. They are a lux ury. Monkeys, poodles, canaries nnd fieacocka have their place but not in tho public service. Tho people want uo pots in oirico, at public expense. They area luxury not compatible with a Republican form of government. It Is the growing ruiiho of the age that there should be more direct repre Mentation of the ixiople and more direct responsibility to them by those In office, whether It be executive, Judicial or leg islativecrossroads poHtmuster or presi dent of the United States. Pets aro a growing evil, Tho clerk of the legislature who never draws a peu but draws (o a day; the senator who is absent from Ills post for half a session, but drajvs tOUOO u year; members of uougrcHS who mIi two hoursout of twen ty four, at $5000 a year; a commission with a clerk at an expense of $10,000 a year, that does not meet but mice or twice a month all such are pets that should be dropped, They are the nest lings of corruption, tho petty forerun ners of an aristocratic brood of Idlers, living otr the people, and tho curse of every free government. THR ANNEXATION QUESTION. i ef the oppooeuU of the Hawai ian ftHwexatloH ay that If this scheme feeeftwwe a foot there are persons here 4w will want to anuex Canada and dri the wit thing. The point U M tftki. There are teak of thou. MtVt t pretty level-headed people lu Mi NiNtry who think the annexation W ttui iWtt lAAAlliUM UAllUttl will rt.aA i "bssf w vww vw W'Wwwwww phi ww hi the net vty dlttanl future, and Mm? i ri wei vt all kmt at the bam THE HEIlMlIliA OP THE PACIFIC. Tho Hon. Ashbel P. Fitch, n Demo cratic member of congress from this city, cxprctkMul the situation In regard to Hawaii in pointed and pithy lan guage when he said: I think It Is a golden opprotuuity for this country. Our Interest Is such that there should uo hesitancy In taking poMsesslou of the Inlands and securing them for all future time. The trouble wo had during the blockade lu tho civ il war, owing to England's occupation of llermuda, is a warning to us not to aiiow mis opportunity to go by, Hawaii is ttie llermuda of the Pacific, with tho tremendous growth of the Pacific- Btate It Is as important to American commerce ami American In terests generally that a foreign enemy should not have an opportunity toau noy us from Hawaii as It la that a for eign enemy should uot control llerniu. da. English ownership of llermuda cannot for tho prevent bo helped; al though we all know what It meant, not only during tho lato war, but dur ing tho wars directly carried on with Great Rrltalu, What would lie thought of an Amer ican Beuate that would not Immediate ly adopt a treaty annexing llermuda If it could lie annexed peacefully? Yet tho iHMsosslon of Hawaii U as Impor tant, and lu some rtsnetita more Impor tant, to tho welfare of this couutry, than tho posseaslou of llermuda. CHRIST'S MOTHER'S WEDDING RING. A Marrrloos Account or How III Genu ineness ' I'roted to All. Ono of tho famous "Myths of tho Middle Ages," the account of which, by tho way, Baring-Oould neglected to incorporate into Iris valuablo work of tho abovo quoted title, was tho etory of tho "Miraculous Ring," sup posed and believed to have been tho identical circlet used in tho marriage ceremonies which mado tho Virgin Mary nnd Joseph, tho carpenter, man and wife. This wonder worker was n homely littlo onyx or ame thyst jowel, having a carved repre sentation of tho budding rod on tho signet. It was discovered in tho year 090 in this manner: Judith, tho wife of Hu go, marquis of Etruria, being a great lover of jowels, employed one Rano rius, n skilled lapidary of Clusium, to go to Romoand make some purchases for her. While there ho became ac quainted with n jeweler who had just arrived from Jerusalem. This man soon became greatly at tached to our friend Ranerius, and when tho latter was on tho ovo of departure presented him with a very common looking finger ring. Rano- rius at flint declined such a vnluelcss gift, but upon being pressed to take it only consented after listening to a marvelous story of tho ring's history, which wound up with tho declara tion that it was the wedding ring of Joseph and Mary. Ranerius, still careless of what tho other said, throw it in a chest, whore it remained ten years. During this timo Ranerius' only son, ton years of nge, died. While tho child was boing carried out for burial ho suddonly roso from his cof fin and ordered tho bearers to stop. Then calling to his father ho told that individual a wondorful story of his trip to hen von and how Borrow ful tho Virgin Mary was becauso ho (Ranerius) had allowed her precious jowel to lay neglected for ten long years. Tho resurrected boy had never heard of tho ring before, but when tho chest of trinkets was brought soon selected tho holy relic. After performing this miraclo tho child died again and was buried. But tho ring became tho relic of relics nnd was constantly surrounded by dov otecs nnd thoso who desired to hnvo it applied to blind eyes, crippled limbs, ttU. It was tho graatust mir aclo worker of tho times. Besides healing loprosy, curing blindness, sciatica nnd other ills, it reconciled entangled married pcoplo, drove out dovila nnd performed many minor sorvices. For ninny years it was at Clusium, but was finally Htolen by ono Win thema and canned to Perugn. A long disputo nroso over this, which which was at last decided by Car dinal Piccoloininaous, who adjudged it to tho last named plnco. St. Louis Republic. James Wliltcomb Itlley. James Wliltcomb Riley owns up to being thirty-eight years old. Ho says ho was a painter by trado nnd worked at sign writing a long timo. Ho served nn apprenticeship also ns a houso mintor, but was never strong enough to follow tho occupa tion steadily. Tho greatest drawback in lifo ns a writer ho has found to bo tho lack of an education, for ho did not oven hnvo a common school trnining. Ho says, "Thoro is not a nilo of grammar that is familiar to mo, nnd I wouldn't know a nom inativo if I wns to meet it on tho street" Ho likes his serious bettor than his humorous vereo, and looks upon "Bereaved" as his most satisfactory work. Ho derives his best profits from England. Tho publishers over thoro have got out oight editions of his iooiiis, nud pay him by mero courtesy a larger roynlty than ho gets at homo, whoro ho is protected by copyright, Detroit Freo Press. The Oae-Hou Shay. The peculiar feature of tho one-hoss shay," was, that It was "built In such a wouderful way" that it lud "no "weakest part.' The "weakest part" of or woman U Invariably her back, and "female weakueeW are oulv t.m wmmou, Willi me ue of Or, Pierce's havorlle Prescription., this may tie avoided, and women may U compara tively as strong their brother. Pro. aus,iuiuuiii;aiioiiluicertlou,iH)rliH. cal jlns, leueorrhea, dragglug-dowu seuwUlou. debllliy, nvrvousutwe, sleep I ei net, dennondeucv. Km nnlv fv of the syiuntouw of weakii, ,t iii female organs which the Favorite Pre scription" Is wrruud to remove. nbycrW, Mother Ushetl, )pnerHe4l Xy (lonerul llutlfr Kriunl the Trnjcr. I was Bitting in tho state houso near tho governor whon ho took tho oath of ofilco. Ho not only hns to tnko it, but to sign his nnnio in n lit tlo leather bound book, where lots of hia predecessors hnvo put thoir nuto gnipha. Ho called my attention to ono page. It wns whoro tho solitary signature of "Benj, F. Butler" nj pears. In tho oath tho words "Soholpme, God," were stricken out I). F. did it himself. I asked tho reason why. Ono of tho officials standing by told mo that Governor Butler remarked 03 ho crossed out tho words, "Tho constitution of this state has uo ref erence to God. ss. Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo, "I liiuiAH (Viuvrv. i Frank J. Chenev makes an oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney fe Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and tbiit-il'l fl m will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ca-e of Catakrii that cannot ;be cured by the use of Hall's Catakkh Cuke. Frank J. Cheney, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A, W. Gleason, Notary Public. A. D., 1880. j SEAL Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous aurfaces Jof the Isystem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. JSSTSoId druggists, 75c. SALEM MARKETS. Wheat- 58c per bushel. Oats 3540c per bushel. Potatoes 5060c per bushel. Flour $3.00 per bbl. Bran (Sacked) $18.00 per ton Shorfs (Sacked) $20.00 per.ton. Eggs 20c per dozen. Chickens 8 to 10c per lb. Chopped feed -(Sacked) $20.00. Ducks 12jc per lb. Geese 7c per lb. Turkeys 10c per lb. Lard 12J16c perlb. Butter 2o30c per pound, Beef 712jc dressed, Veal 10 to 12jc, dressed. Pork 712Jo dressed . Wool 1618c per lb. Hop3 1618Jc per lb. Swinging Around the Circle Ol the diseases to which It 11 adapted wtthlhe best renullH, Hostel tcr'n Htomnch Blttera. n minlly medicine, comprehensive In its scope. uoouo, ci vtxu lurusi upun puDiic attention yEv n tho Ktiiseofa universal panacea of bodll the proprietors of ills. This ululm, dally arrogated In the co uinns oi me aally press by medicines lar Inferior to It us specifics, lias In a thousand Instances disgusted tho publlo In uannce by its absurdity, nnd the prospeclsof "",o imiicmcB ui nuperi'T quaimes nave been handicapped by the pretentions or their worthless predecessors. Hut the American people know, because they have verified tho fact by the most trying tests, that the Hitters iai;i mo vinuesoia ra gpecllloln atsesol malarial and liver disorder, constipation, .... u-, luruiimui;, HuiiuHcu anu Ktuuey trouble. but It docs Itdoestuoroiwhly.and mainly for this reason It is Indorsed and rec ommended by hosts of respectable medical men STALLION SHOW 3Bsfiss,HEaeW' Tho Thirteenth Annual Stal lion Show of Fine Horses will take place at SALEM, OREGON, Saturday, Mnrch 25, 1893, at 1 p. in. .All persons from everywhere having stal lions will please attend. Farmers, brliuc your marcs and colts. f his promises to betuolargestand best Stal lion Hliowct held. A number of horses will be offered for sale aud buyers will have a tine opportunity to Ket tho best. lly order of the Willamette Valley Horse Breeder's unsoclutloti. T.U.HIIAW. J.T HECK WITH, 3-27-awtd Committee. K. K. HALL, Paper Hanger and Decorator. Calvert's Mllllonery store, Ofneoat Phu. tWlem, Oregon. IT Tlrtni ii'i ii'inn 1. . 1 On Meter Sistem. TO CONSUMERS: The Haiem I.Uhtaud l"ower Company at great exiuo have equipped their Klectrio i.ixhtplaut with them.isi modern apparatus and artt now able to otTor the public i belter "iiSrisrsj ul u m,e lower Arc and Incandescent Lighting, Electric Motors for all pur poseswhere powerisrequired IteatdencM ran wired lor as many light as desired uud the euuiuniers pay fTr July such lights a are uieiU I his being re.lttcred by an Klectrio ileter. omco ."" 179 Commercial Street. Annual School Meeting. N0ri!,J'i,rt,.r.,lvJ.n ,SlneJ1 Tho general, howover, hinxsolf ia'jJf;i,?;?0.a'.,?,th" "" noi meeting . . A .. .v a . - va uiiiiir, will ttmt iiniii ki n f.v - i .. a uuvoicu iiiomoor or tuo P. E. church.--lkwton Kocorvl. for said district win u held at heed's oyera house io besin at ,ue hour or 7;40 p Du oa lht K.'iiS "tTS: a.'"V,, W V! A. .ui.iumiui viiru .or ine pur' WtrW f I'tauir lu Hlj Furests. Tlio Uiotintaiuivrs of our southern A11.u)innii lnn -.. H... .....!. t. ' IheUmO i it ii ,., ""uwurusu ox other bu.l,e usual at such mVeitngs. iHsrioilically to "keep up tho nuiuo" ... hm-waitk, w ll.-l J.. - .. . r tllUIA.lllslUks - U.1MU. peol uomlnaUng threw director to serve for v J"". lo Jr lha rrxiru nf the directors - i.,, w iwikisi lursrnoui puriHieand uihwlilug the dlrrrtr to borrow money ou the Umds of tue district and the tiaosactlon that w, promoto tho growth of gnuwes anil wanago to keen tho tiro urnlor control by scraping tho leave away all around thoir hoi stwula, lu flr wootls, however, ij dally Uurtng the nrovolenco of gale, uek ivcaution often become unavailing, aud in 1691, when the hills arouuU the tributaries! of Uie usquwiasiut xvKut(M uio appear- . MtjUkM. llt.lrlrt I'Urk &ALKM, February 3, ls. ;halrman ol Hoard .Is! For Locatimr Mines. ace of bwatng -olcauotH, Uie rlamea SidJelrEii MwUo ii . oaJtag .-. 1 J-. . 1 . - ..""" "'"Mira r M.s0SkllHsl rXu,i!t8iW.'l.5 BO,,r " WI tbeaaU or UsrhtU' Uectru Musetk: isOs Sir fln.iia. iHIUYsrsliustsmsu vpara U,, Mlui" ,S5,,?"R.'.,".I " WKllvee Twhjp tn?el spaoM of mow ;aNBSr!lu,Mjar,''"or S y - DR. H. SMITH. I'KOKfaSlONAL AND HUSINKS8CAHDS. P. 11. B'AKCV. OtO.O.MJtOIUM. D'AUCY & IlINailAM, Attorneys nt Low. lloomsl, 2 and , D'Arcy building. 141 btnte street. Special atteutlon given to busi ness lu tho supreme and clicult courts of the state. 3 U fl.1. UUISE. Attorniy at law. balera. Ore- ron Office iff! commercial street. rnlLMON KOKIJ, Attorney at law, Balcm, JL Oregon. Udlce up stairs In Patton bloclc LF.CUNN, Attorney at law, room 7, ilur , pby block. SOUTH. EAST AND -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE of tho Southern Pacific Company, OAMFOltNIA KXrilESH TKAIN KUN Tjahi BKTWKBN POItTLAND AMD 8. F. NwtLT : a. m amitli. H. J. UlQUtlt, Altoi ney ai luw.Halem, Ore gon, umce over uusu s bauK. 7:a' p. tn. D.-18 p. m. 8:16 a.m. L.V. tV. Ar. 1'ortland Hnlom Han Kruu. Ar. L-v. L.V. 8UAW4UUNT Attorneys at law. OOIre over Capital national bank, Halem, Oregon. T J.SUAW.M.W.UUNT. O ' Mr. tlcrman Jltcka Of Bochester.N. Y. Deaf foT a Year Caused by Catarrh in the Head Catarrh being a Constitutional dis ease, requires a Constitutional Rem edy like Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure it: "Three years ago, as a result oi caiarro, I entirely lost my hearing and was deaf for more than a year. I tried various tilings to cure It, and had physicians, but no improve was apparent I conld distinRuish no sound. I was intending putting mj self un der tho care of a specialist, when some ono suggested that Hood's Sarsaparilla .might do mo some good. I began taking It without tho expectation of any lasting help. To my snrpriso nnd rtcii Joy I found when I had taken three bottles that .my bating rrn. returning. I kept on till I had taken three more. It is now over a year and I can henr perfectly well. I am troubled but very littlo v. ith tho catarrh. I consider this a rcmnrknhlo case, and recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all u !io have catarrh." Herman Hicks, 30 Cart r btrcct, Itoehester. X. Y. HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dlnnet Hlli, ntslst dlReitlon, prevent eon.tlpatlon. Q T. IHCUAKDdUN, Attorney at law. Of ij. flee up Btalrslu front rooms ol new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Halem, Oregon. JOHN A. CARBON, Attorney at law, rooms 8 and 4, Bush bank building, Halem, Or, B. r.BONUAM. W.U. HOLMES. BON HAM & HOLMES, Altornejs at law. Office In Bush block, between State and Luiirt, on Commercial street. TT K. PoeUE, Htenograpber and Tjpe- XI JL. wnmsi. nest equippea lypewniing oi- iluo but one In Oregon. oaiem, uregon, over Bush's bank, Dlt. A. B. 01LL18, specialist In dUeases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, Boom 10 Bush bank building, Halem. Dlt. MOIT, Physician aud Burgeon. OlQce in Kldrldge block, Halem, Oregon, uillce hours 1 0 to 12 a, m. and 3 lo 4. p m. "TmB. T. O. HMITH. llentlst. 82 Btate street. XJ Balem, Oregon. Finished dental opera tions of every description. uons a specially, Painless opera. T D.PUUU, Architect, plans, speciflca- II . iiuus anu superintendence lor an o:'h n. m 7:00 p. m Abovo trains stop only ul loliowlui? il tlons north of Itoscbuig, Enst PortlanS Oregon City. Woodburn, Halem, AlbSSv Tangent, Hhedds, Ilalsey, llarrlkbiir Junction City, Irving nnd Eugenie. KOBEDUllO MAXL DAILY, 8:J0 a. in. 11:17 a. m 6:50 p. in. hv. Lv. Ar. Portland Halem ltoseburg Ar.l L,v. ( LV. M p. d 1:40 p. nt 7.00 a. ra Albany Local, Dally .Except Sunday, 5 0U p. in. 7:52 p.m. 9:00 p.m. LV. Lv: Ar. Portlund Bulcm Albany Ar. Lv. Lv, 10:J0a.m. 7:M a. m. fl:30 a. ni. Dluiug Cut's ou Ogdcii Kouto PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS Second Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains. Vest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: PAILY--(EXCEIT S0NDAY). T.M a. in. 1Z-10 p. m. rCvT Ar. Portlund tJorvallls rT Lv. "6150 p. m. 12:5S i. m. classes ol buildings. Bireei, up stairs, Ofllce 290 Commercial Smith Premier Typewriter.' Sl SSI IS K?tfe!il3fiSStiSj CX. ROBERT, Architect, room m, Mar , quam building, Purtland, Oregon. DW.TOWN8KND. Civil Engineer A riur . veyor. Office with Oregon Land Co,, bait-m, Oregon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a Specialty. Huop 45 State street. PHOl EC HON LODGE NO. 2 A.O. U. W. Meets In their hall In Htate Insurance uunuiug, every weanesaay evening. A. W. DENMS, M. W. J. A. 8ELWO0D, Recorder. """ At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Paciflo Hallroad. EXVKESaTHAIW (DAILY EXCKKTBUNDAY 4:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. b:20 a. m 5:45 a. m TUKOUUli TICHIvTS To all points In the Knctorii state, i.:ana- ua ana curopo can ue ouutiuea ui lowest rates Irom W. W. MClNMilt. Agent, Halem. E.P. ROGERS, AhrUG. K. una 1'nss.Ag'i B. KOKHLEIt, Manager. From Terminal or Interior Points the Sold on easy paymeuts. Rented. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. H.N. BURPEE, Gen'l Agent, 101 Third BU, Portland. Hend for catalogue. sTiTTffiti 2 ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, II u 31 8:45 A- M. 7:30 P. M. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St, Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Ouicker to Omaha and Kansas City, PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. For rates and general Information call on or address, " W. 11. HURLBITRT, Asst, G. P. A. 2M Washington St., Portion n. Outdo. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION BUREAU SALKM, - - - OrBon. Office removed to 214 Commercial rit. Rates reasonable. Public and private work O. B. CLEMENT, Manager. dane. MISS BALLOU'S KINDERGARTEN THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, September 19th, at Kinder- ... ;U uuii, oppusue opera nouse. Children received at three years of age and over. nlno n,iiiT,..TSr-?3 w?.d?ncedlnderarten PUP8 and those beglunlng primary work. r()nly the best Kindergarten methods employed. PraneV ducedT orj lnlr0' Fop Renl. nac.resofKxl irarden land near Salem Apply at once to Hofer Bros, Journal OfflS.' Mexican War Soldi ers Increase of Pensions! Under Act ol January 5,1KB, are entitled to Increase. .Apply to 1). C. SHERMAN, Room II, amy's Block, claim Attorney. Liberty Bt. Salem, Ore. iin, Seiner & Btaor, 130 8TATE STREET TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Supplies, Steel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all styles a specialty. CLOTHES WRIKGEItSAXD WASHERS iJS-Thebestoneaith us a call. Give Is the line to take To all Points East and South, It Is the dining car route. Itruns through vestibule trains, every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed of dlulngiars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers ;01 latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both tree and lur nlshed for holders of first and becond-class ucKeu,ano,i ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnupts line oonnsitlng with nil service "rrt unlnlerruptd i"?an ..8l "wmttloiig can be se the road. CC tr05u "" a8ent "' Throug'lJ tlclieu to and from nil points In America, England and Europe cjin bo purchased at any ticket office ot this com. Full information concerning rates, time Snl?'ro.,,es.,tU(lotuertletaIlsfiiruIshed on hpolication to any agent or 2kw JS1 "f ser Ageut, No. Und.oregon ' '' WaBulc8tou! ' 8HAW A DOWNING, Aueuta . THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PAcTfTc RAILROAD And Oregon Development coimmnv's KJR ,neV, ml'es borteCr aiPhouyrs Class thmni'h by Bny tUe' ,OUte- ' from Porti. Pass,enRer and tleiSht line lamette vallevito and Irom Bun Francisco ITIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays;. Leave Albany i.nniiu Leave Corvallis . . KS Arrive Yaqulna - - . . . . . wpm feMa - .W5AM ;ieave con'allis . .... in. a ai Arrive Albany - iSwaSI CorViji tra,nS connect at Albany and WlTthethe30er,e8r?0nnect at YAOUINA jratMtl6,on development CVb Un KrindSo tolwel1 oulnn and Ha arSntolt?.Sftn "clsco, should beto?e8datleaorf 1s?liangYUqUlna the eveulBK HuSan r lfwmatTon apply tn jflossrs' o Front bi., Portland, OrJ "w. Agu, Oregon PaurioR.R. Co., O H. iiahu.'1t , ,. Corvnlllg, Or 11., MM MOLltiMiniftri at PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHARD CO. fUK TOWN LOTS: $2.00 IVrdoien forthe finest Onlihed PHOTOQUAPHrtlnth.clty. MONTEE BROS., IS Commerelal street. T. J. KKESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAVER HANGING, Nitural Wood Finithinr, CoT.WhandChmtUusuUu Undertaking '" Embalming. IT TRACTS AND -FARMS. HUtYEA MILIS. PORCELAIN BATH 8 SHAVING 150. JOHN IRVIN; Carpenter and Builder, 8nop6BSUUsti, O CENTS A DAY, J. E. MURPHY. T'le for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, UUTH BALhM, TaVce Itj J. L BBXNBIT 4 SON. CANDIES, ruit and Ci p. o o' Bloolc. JOURNAL K. T. ItlJirilKKYS, W ad Tobacco. BILLIARD PAHLOR, scoW'iatr..fc T- W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer, tvemng Journal. rrtitTou Dee,, Horseshoeing, IWMilOntMb A.CLOUQH, . mil,J -rsL ssSiMs: "uauuuutHIKG. Laika saSB JfflLi i-fi. trr iBTV SP1 -i 9 CktmM.