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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1893)
ii ii i iiiotTjuhhii"!! Hi BiW' MiCUlSXi(iill)vnMjuulluiUwlinIMllaiaiKu. wWPxa-ff,'''i.w'5p!T jiffl' 'wfRft'l.'' IPW'"'' The doiiraal Is read by nil classes of people. MORS SOLD Than any other Pally Paper at the Capital City. ADVERTISERS. Get the Best for Your Money. THE BEST IS THIS OHEAPEST, Circulation opon to the public JOURNAL 7jiLr 1 .1 J.1j VOL. 6. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." riAIiEM, OKEGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1893. "TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY." NO. 51. . a- - The underlying CASH. Cash up. 'Tis this ting BLUE FRONT to undersell all competitors. Have you 335 Commercial Street. Offlce 190 Commercial street, In Willamette hotel building, nearly opposite the postofllce. Office Hours fron 8 a. m, to 5 p. m. All orders for water or other business will receive prompt attention at the otflco. Bills for water are payable the 1st ol each month. It Is desired that as many consumers as possible pay thtlr bills at the omce. J. M. WALLACE, President. J. M. MARTIN, Superintendent. E. M. Waite Printing Co. Largest establishment In the city. OVER BUSH'S BANK, SAIkBPvI, ... OREGON. DO YOUR BANKING BUSINESS WITH THE OLD BANK OF LADD & BUSH, SALEM, OREGON. 2-11-dw-lm WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business in all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President wi. PNni.ANn v"w .rresiaem Cashier. HUGHMoNARY. DIRECTORS: Geo. Williams, Wm. Enff land.Dr. I. A. Richardson, J. W. Hodson.J. A. llaker. Bank In new Exchange block on Commer cial street. 8:13-M Authorized Capital 1500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W. A. CUBICK, Pres. W. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALBERT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate. In amounts and lime to suit. No delay In considering loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Room 12, Bosh Bank block. 6 12dw J. H. HAAS, THE WATOHMAKEB, 2t5X Commercial St., Salem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. NOT IN IT I The North Ralem Meat Market has not joined the combine, but sells flrst-clasi meiti from 5 to 10 cents per pound, aa It always has. Pitchford & Long, at Hunt's old shop, atore. r opposite W. I Wade's Steamer Bwooi. LEAVES SALEM from U. 1 Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. every Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. LEAVES PORTLAND from tbeCentral dock at foot o( Waahlation ,lfJt tvtry Tuesday, Thursday andbqnday, concerning freight and paaaeager business, Uoatb.ea$eat7 aLThKKRKN, PrincipleThe unmatchable Power- of our. Business is is the lever that moves the world. Kings bow down, to it. Manufacturers doff their hats and drop in their prices like the "sensitive plant," when touched with the all potent CASH for Cash and Selling Damon Bros. Yoii Cannof Realize The convenience of a perfect FLAT OPENING ACCOUNT BOOK, until you have tried one. It is our desire to persuade ALL merchants to give our patent back books a trial. You will use no other. Manufactured by CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Book Binders, Lithographer, Printers and Publishers. 3A.LSIV1, OREGON NEWTON TANNER. White & Tanner's Livery. (Successor to Ellis A Whitley.) Livery, hack and feed stable. A full supply of horses and buggies on hand. Horses boarded by day. week or month Office at stable, Commercial and Trade streets, south of Willamette hotel. (MS. WOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN x MARKET South Commercial St., Salem. All kinds Fresh, bait and Smoked Meats and Sausages. -FREE DELIVERY.- The only genuine Wienerwurst In theclty. A. D. PALMER'S Neu) M?af Market IN COTTLE BLOCK. The best golds, the best service and the lowest prices. 1-31-tf WISC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. (Northern Pacific R. R, Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD, Two Through Trains Daily. 12:45pm 1:30pm 1015am 180pm 7.15am 6 25pm 7:15pm 4'15nm I Minn al fc45am 4:15pm I StI'aul a tUOam 8 40pm 1 Dulutb a llJOam 660pm 1. Anhland. a 820ara 3 30pm 1. .Chicago.. M I 5 47pm 1 10 45pm 7.25pm 0 9.un Ticket! sold and baggage checked through to all points in the Untied States and Canada. Close connection made In Chicago with all trains going East and Bouth. For lull Information apply to your nearest ticket agent or J AS. O. FONI, Uen. Pass, and Tkt. AgU, Chicago, III To Taxpayers. NOTICE is hereby given to the taxpayers of Marlon county, that Ihe iaw requiring tne sheriff to vlit each precinct for tue col lection of county taxes has been repealed by act of the laU legislature, which took euect February 27. IE9J, consequently all taxes are required to be paid at the slierlH's office in the ounty court house in Halem, and the sherlll will not visit the precincts im adver tised by notices. JOHN KNIGHT, Sherlll Marion Co.. Or. February J8, 1893. W-W d w SMITH BROS. CONTRACTORS & PLASTEHERS. Leaveorders atCotUe-Parkhurstblock,room 15, Salem, Oregon. DR. GUHN'S ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE Bold by Baekett & VanSlype. W5 C wjf i t ipkl YiasTt-BT .U vV offer. 'Tis this grand principle upon which the business of the BLUE FRONT has been built for Cash that enables the tried us? If not, why not? J. F. WHITE. Mongolian Camels. The popular idea regarding "the ship of the desert" is completely at fault if applied to the camels of Mongolia and Pechili. Juvenile nat ural histories talk of the soft padded foot for which the animal is so dis tinguished, as if a "sandy bottom" were the only surface upon which ho could walk with comfort. But the greater part of all mercantile trans port in north China is performed by camels, and except in tho immedi ate neighborhood of Peking sand is an unknown luxury to this much enduring beast. How vast is the number of camels thus employed may be guessed from tho fact that during our day's journey we passed more than 800 wending their dilatory way from the Tatar steppes to tho plains of Chi-Li. They chiefly carried Boda soap, a kind of animal alkali or lye found on the borders of Mongolia, and cut into blocks each weighing about 260 pounds. At no time is tho camel a prepossessing object, but here na ture provides him with so shaggy a covering that his ungainly form bo comes even more hideous. 1ST. B. Donnys in Century. GUNN'S zxraovzD LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. a morament of the bowels sua dar,ianeaaarr for health. Thesa pills supply whet tbs imtm Uoke to make It regular. Cure Keadaohe. brifhtaa the Ere and olear the Complexion better than toametlea. They act mildly, neither STipe nor ilcken aa other pllla do. To oonvlnoe you ofthetr tierlts we mf 11 aamplea free, or full box OSo. Bold ITerywbere. Eoeanio Xed.Co, Philadelphia, Pa. Bold by Baskett & VanSlype. M I of Salem! To save yon the trouble and expense of send IngtoSanFranclsco.we have bouglitaoomplete line of MRS. NJJTTIK UARKIriUN'rJ world famed TOILET AHTICLE8. Every lady can positively bave health and beauty by using them. LOLAMONREZCREME. Ihe SKIN FOOD and TIBSUK J1UILUKK preserves and Im proves tbe complex ion. Prepents wrin kles, withering, dry. tng.aglng of theskln. Her FACE KLKACH lemovttifreoklea.tau, motb patcbes.yeilow new.ytllowtiain, Her HAIll VIOOl abao lutly prevents balr falling out, makes It fine and glosy,cu res all scalp humor. Mrs. UAUltlBON'rJ LIV- UUMtU TuSartaa rK UKOtlLATOK cuks toipld liver, malaria, headache, nervous disease costlveneas, a 1 female troubles. Only genuine vegetable remedy. Buy today, HKOOKM LKGO, UruggUt', I'attou Illock, Ealeru, Oregon. For any special or complicated blemlsbnf tbe face and form, write to M1W. HKTflE li AilKIBON, Geary Hu, Han Franeisoo. Huperfluous hair peraaneatly rsmoTed. AfemeDfi C ' t L- I .- uJCf DROWNED AT OREGON CITY. Cleveland's Inauguration Draw ing Crowds. OPENING THE CHEROKEE STRIP. Other Important Telegraphic News of tho Day. Drowned at Oregon City. Oregon 011 Ore., Mar. 5!. This morning Geo. T. Millmore was drowned while coming from his work at the pa per mill. Millmore, Wm. Bbeeham and Fred Patterson were crossing the river in a skiff, which capsized near the middle of the stream. Bheeban alone could swim, and be rescued Pat terson, but Millmore, though holding an oar, was fwept away by the rapid current and drowned. The other two were carried down stream clinging to tbe boat several blocks, before a boat from the shore could reach them. When taken from the water both were nearly exhauted. On to Washington. Lakewoou, N. J., March 2, train bearing the president and left for Washington shortly after -The party noon today. Philadelphia, Penn., Mar. ! The Cleveland train passed here at 3:10 p. m. Chicago, 111., Mar. 2. The Cook C6unty Democratic marching club, 450 strong, took the train this morning for Washington. To Inaugurate. New York, March 2. Eight special trains left Jersey City this morning for Washington, having on board mem bers of Tammanyhall, going to Wash ington to tbe inaugural. The total number was estimated at 3,400. Flower to be There. Albany, N. T., March 2. Governor Flower and party left this morning for Washington to be present al the inaug uration ceremonies. Has Troops of Friends. Atlanta, Ga Mar. 2. Hon. Hoke Smith, the coming secretary of the In terior, left for Washington at noon, with a large party of friends. To See Qrovor In. Columbia, 8. C, March 2. Govern or Tilman and staff, with a large party, left for Washington yesterday to take part in inaugural parade. Cherokee Utrip. Arkansas Citv, Kan., March 2. The Traveler has courier advices from the Pawnee agenoy, saying that set tlers have made a raid on that part of the Cherokee Strip Saturday and Sun day, and now every quarter section along Blackberry Creek has a settler on it. In faot all good claims are al ready taken up. Will Appoint a Senator. Helena, Mont.. March 2. The last ballot for United States senator stoed: Mantle 24, Clark 32, Dixon 11, Carter 1. No choice. Governor Rickards wllli appoint a senator. Treasurer Short. Comanche, Texas, Mar. 2 There is a shortage of two thousand dollars and forged voucher? aggregating ten thou sand dollars in the accounts of ex County Treasurer A. J. Cafrey, who has disappeared. The shortage is se cured by his bonds. A College Burned. Little Rock, Ark., Mar. 2. Iucon. diary fire early this morning destroyed the colored Babtlst college hero. Twen ty of the itudents were compelled to jump from the windows. Six were severely hurt and twoprobubly fatally. The financial loss Is about $8,000; par tially insured. To Be Hanged for Murder. Columbia, 8 0., March 2. South Carolina's record was almost broken to day, when John and James Atkinson were convicted of murdering J. H. Clamp on the 28th oflast month, only 30 days elapsing between the commis sion of their crime and the conclusion of their trial, which lusted four days. They will be hunged June 0. Both are white, as was their victim. "Allen or Nobody." Olvsipia, Mur, 2. Several caucuses have been held to bring about the elec tion of a senator, and break up the "Al len or uobody" combine. Mac's Little Daughter. Paris, March 2. MitM May, a daughter of General Geo. B. McClel Ian to soon to become aUomanCatholic. JUDGES IN LIMBO. Tho United States Court Refuses to Liberate Them. Kansas City, Mar. 2. Judgo Phil lips, of tho United States court ren dered a decision in tho noted case of the St. Clair Judges who applied for a release from imprisonment on write of habeas corpus. The judge refused to grant a release, The judges are imprisoned for contempt of court for refusing to Issue a special tax levy to pay bonds for the purpose of building a railroad that was never constructed. A BUILDING COLLAPSES, And Carries Four Men Down Into the Ruins. Probably Dead. Indianoplis, March2. A three story brick building at 23 Washington street, which had Just been vacated, fell this afternoon and carried a num ber of workmen down. It is reported that four are in the ruins. Fifteeu men were on the roof at tho time engaged in tearing tho building down. The fire department is digging for the men in the ruins. It is believed that some if not all four are dead. Three workmen have been taken from tho ruins all badly hurt. Another still in the ruins has called for help. SOUTHERN FLOODS. Six Villages Swept Away and Hun dreds of Inhabitants Drowned. Panama, March 2. Campldan Val ley, Guatamala, has been Hooded. Six vllloges are swept away and hundreds arerepoited drowned. Held for Murder. Chicago, Mar. 2. The grand Jury returned an indictment for murder against Chas. D. Law, general super intendent of the Fort Wayne road. The Indictment Is the result of an ac cident on that road and 47th street some days ago, in which the street car was run down and four passengers were killed. The charge Is not bailable. Veteran Burned. Bbiqqs, Cal., March 2. This morn ing a barn of bay 3 miles northeast of town was burned. A man was found in the ruins, supposed to be Sam Clark, aged 50. He was single and an ex- soldier. In Congress. Washington, March 2. Tho senate passed tho post-office appropriation bill. Tho house passed tbe Alabama court bill over tho president's veto. Washington's Senator. Olympia, Wn., March 2. Allen 47, Turner 23, Griirgs 25, Vanpatton 0. To See Cleveland. New YoRK,Maroh 2. Princess Kalan laul, ueice of the deposed Queen LIU uokalanl, of Hawaiian Islands, arrived yesterday on the steamer Teutonic, With her were Theophilus Davies and Mrs. Davies, English guardians of the princess. She bad come to tho United States, sho said, more for tho purpose of learning and ascertaining for herself of the people who had been asked to control her country, than to mako for mal petition for her crown. "That" sho' said, "Is rightfully mine, and If Americans are tho noble-minded people as I bavo learned to regard them, ihey will not bo a party to tho outrage by which I have lost my birthright." In a short talk, Davies said he was de lighted to learn that the question of an nexation of Hawaii had taken a turn in the senate, and Ih practically laid ov er for tbe consideration of tho next ad ministration. ''We do not mean to get a hearing with President Cleveland, In any official capacity," said he, "but simply as private individuals, What his decision is will scarcely bo aiiected by our visit. The princess felt, In the face of the threatened annexation of Hawaii by the United States, sheought to come here, where she could learn directly what Is the true sentiment of the people. Wo will remain until af ter March 4th. From here wo proceed to Washington, where we expect to see Mr. Cleveland. Painted Him Green Baltimore, March 2. A band of masked men went to the house of one Hudson in the village of Hampden Just on th) outskirts of this city at night and gave him a coat of green paint as a reminder that his conduct was not in keeping with their idea of morals. Hudson Is charged with Improper con duct toward young girls of the village. He was taken to the woods In his night clothes, and there ordered to strip. One of the band was provided with a huge whitewash brush aud a bucket of green paint. He paiuted Hudson from head to heels. After the decoration Hudson wm rolled In the snow, Highest of all in Leavening Rcy&l ABSOLUTELY PURE FRENCH CANAL SCANDAL. Germany Would not Give np sace-Loraine. Al- WOULD SHED HER LAST DROP OF BLOOD. Will not Drink the Rinsings tho Gup. of London, March 2. A morning paper publishes an interview with Henri Rochofort concerning Ferry's election to tho presldenoy of tho senate and tho Panama scandal. "Ferry's election," said Roohefort, "had no political Im portance, as tho history of the conquest of fouquln would always prevent him from posing as tho possible savior of France. I possess documents which bear directly upon this Tonquin scan dal. They would amaze the publlo If published. Tho wholo campaign was a business speculation in tho Interests of a financial syndicate. I seo many thiuk wo have reached tho end of the Panama scandal. That is a mistake. The royalists undoubtedly have Im portant documents, which will bo pub lished before election. I hopo Charles do Lesseps will take my advlco aud make a clean breast of the whole mut ter. If ho does this, the consequence will be terrible. Tho government has been forced to suppress part of the scandal, because a certain ex-minister of finance Is Implicated, and the threat ened expose of the demands made by the government upon financial houses for funds in election time. Ouo large house paid 6,000,000 francs to tho gov ernment for a certain ministerial de cree." Would Not Give Up. Berlin, March 2. The question of International arbitration came up in the relchstog through a question asked by Dr. Barth, leader of tho Frelsinlge party, who desired to know If the gov ernment would Join Great Britain and tbe United States in an effort to estab lish arbitration as a method of Bottling International disputes. Blebcrstelu, min ister for foreign affairs, replied that tho imperial government was entirely will ing to accept arbitration In b pedal cases. Bebol, socialist, democrat, suggested tho future nationality of Alsace-Lorraine should bo submlttod to Internat ional arbitration, Chancellor von Cap rlvi declared that If that question was submitted to arbitration, and arbitrat ors decided that Germany should sur render Alsace-Lorraine, tho nation would refuse to acquiesce in tho decis ion. Rather than give up that country, the Germans would prefer to shed tho last drop of their blood. Tho chancel lor's statement was greeted with pa triotic cheers. Bishop and Curate at Outs. Toronto, Ont March 2. Tho Rev. H. P. Hobson, curate of Christ church, Vancouver, has gotten Into peculiar trouble with his bishop, and threatens to carry the caso to tho archbishop of Canterbury for settlement. Mr, Hob son went from Toronto to Vancouver four years ago to talio charge of a church, The congregation decided to build a now edlflce,but found they could not pay for the laud. Tho former owner of the lot asked that It be surrendered, uud the bishop said that if tho church surrendered tho lot ho would revoke the Rev, Mr. Hobsou's license. Judgment was obtained for tho eurrouder of the lot, and the bishop took away tho curate's llconso. There was other trouble between Mr. Hobson and tho bishop, Tho latter Is ritualistic In his views, wlillo Mr. Hobson is a low churuhmuu. The bishop Informed him that com- inuniouwaa not reverentlyadmitilstered unless the cup, after being used, wus rinsed and tho rinsing drank by the ofllclatlug minister. Mr. Hobson said this was repugnant to tho evangelical principles held by him aud his congre gation and refused to comply. The case la tho talk of church circles here. Mr. Hobson arrived lu Toronto yesterday, and if he cannot get satisfaction from the bishop ho wilt appeal (9 tho pri mate of lingluud, Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report Baking Powder THE LEBANON SHOOTING. Wassom in Jail. DetailB loon Murder. of the Sa- Albany, March 2. Morg Wassom was brought to Albany and placed in the county Jail, having waived exami nation before the Justice at Lebanon, being held without bail for the grand Jury. Tho evidence before tho coroner was substantially as telegraphed which though, gave two names wrong. Tho liquor drummer pretont at the shoot ing wasW. H.Carroll, of San Fran cisco, and not Smead Wallls, who, though, was In Lebanon at the time, and Wassom had been drinking at the saloon of J. C. Mayer Instead of W. H. Guy's. During the shooting Mosshold- er and Carroll were sitting by a stovo in tho rear of tho saloon, after having drank with Wassom and Grubbe as stated. Wassom drew his revolver while Grubbe was at tbo end of his bar, and the latter followed Wassom to tho door, endeavoring (o take it from him. When Justout8ldo tho door, Wassom fired, hitting Grubbe near the nipple, severing the aorta artery, and the dy ing man only gasped once or twice, aud was dead when Mossholder and Carroll reached the door. They did not see tho shot fired. A reporter called on Mr. Wasnom at tbe Jail. Sinco the affair he has been sick at his stomach, and not only looks bad, but dejected. Ho said he would make no statement at all. Tho sen timent at Lebanon Is against him. At tho same time, Grubbe's record is not the best, .which, though, whatever it is, has little to do with this case. When It happened he was unarmed. The case will oxclte general attention. Rofusod a New Trial. Pittsburg, Pa., March 2. In tho criminal court Judgo Btowo refused a new trial lu tho case of Master Work man H. F. Dempsey, recently convicted of complicity in an attempt to poison Homestead uonunlou workmen. Sen tence was deferred until Saturday in order that attorneys for the defense may havo time to prepare their appeal to tho supremo court. Beatty, Galla ghor and Davidson were remanded to Jail in order that sentense may be passed upon all at tho samo time. Soveu participators In tbe Duquesno riot were today sentenced to the work house for terms ranging from two to six months. A Cyclone in Mississippi. Natoiikz, Miss,, March 2. Meager details aro learned of a cyclone that passed 12miles south ofbereat4o'clook yesterday afternoon. Several hoiises wero blown down and others damaged. A negro woman wus killed aud several other colored pooplo badly Injured, A boy was picked up and lodged in a tree 100 yards away. As frr as learned tho storm did not cover a very large area. A Crub 1 lint Climbs Trees. "As awkward as a crab" docs not apply on somo of tho South Sea is lands, for a crab is found thoro that not only runs as fast as an avorago man, but climbs trees with tho easo of a schoolboy. Sports Afiold. Tlia Kuropaaii Situation. Hicks I boo by tho papers that tho monarchs aro all desirous ol preserv ing tho pcat'o of Europe Mrs. Hicks Yes, but I think somo want to prosorvo largor pieces than others. Exchange Tho harp, besides making sweet music, f urnishes a vohiclo for grace ful picturosquonesa in poso and dress that must mako any woman with r fino figure an enthusiastic votary of, tho art. Tho nativo word for India rubber (caoutchouc) sounds much like a snoozoaud Is pronounced as if spelled kco cliook, with tho accent strong ou tho first Byllablo. Mohammed, hearing one of his sol diorssay, "I'll turn mycamol Ioom and trust him to God," said to him, "Tie your camel, and then trust him to God." " ... " -swas l-iAtf- '-U h 1 a. Jhr . Jii4a aij.'.'At'uAc a.talfct v x