- i i WI.WW - lovjciraa rrsss'umwj iV-u;n. rr OAVWAJj .TOTOATi, TOJWDAV, MimANT 86, lMg; " ;'" nun ii J" rr" NOW IS THE TIME I gPECIAL SAL K; -ON- lyVoolen Underwear, Hosiery and Umbrellas for a short time. rAlo kcop in mind tho Gold Watch which will Boon bo given away. ;The Palace Dry Goods & Shoe Co. 307 COMMERCIAL ST. Money to Loan. On Improved city or farm property, 8.T. WOIIAHDBON, Altornoy at law. Cor. Court and Commercial. HO0KUA1.H SociAl- Tlio home o Mr. and Mm. W. Ii. Mo Whlrter nour Jlosedaie was tho scene of a happy social gathering Friday uveulng, Feb. 24, tub being Mm. MuWhlrter'a birth day anniversary. A liirgo company of their friends and ntlKhbors provided with welt filled baskets happened la on them. Tho parlor door was 4, thrown opou ana Boon n clieerrui lire iu the fireplace. Tho present rocelved , was a large family record In a lovely frume. The evening was spent In ho olal chat, games, recitations and music. ,, Miss Loujtacro and Miss Myra Murphy I' sang and Miss Ethel MoWhlrtor fa vored with a very IniercstUigrccltatlon. ' Every one seemed in the best of spirits and at n lute hour every one wont their way rejoicing, thinking this was an evening well scut. M.T.It. K BOHOOt. Dikkotok, The following named gentlemen are being talked of M candidates for school director. Judge L. P. Henry, l B. Knight, Naixilonii TIvU. M. r,. tfhnmtiurlitlii. Hnnlt. Hi). ""-! ' " ---- F sorth, E. C. MuCoruack, David Bluip MB, , M. Walte, D. 0. Bhermati, J, H. Albert. In Portland, geutleniuu like, W. H. Ladd, D. P. Thompson, uud en of the class who will not take or dluary political olllces, uro pluced iu charge of tho boIiooIh. Let men of IIiIh elasii who are a little nbovo tho selllsh Interest, who have good educational principles and will carry their prlucl pies Into the publla butliuwu Ikj uoml Bated. SOME SOLID GROWTH. A Salem Firm Double its Capacity by Legitimate Methods. Four years ago when T. Hoi verso n opened a dry goods storo In Salem, It was a rather Impretontious buslness.and employed only ouo clerk. Today the firm of T. Ilolverson & Co. employs live regular I)o1hth aside from the special clerks In busy seasons. They liuvo also Just moved Into the largo ad dition recently built onto their store, uud now have the lurgest store of -the kind In the city. The stock has been correspondingly increased, and they uro now the acknowledged leaders on dress goods and cloaks. In ladles' kid gloves and corsets this firm carries the largest stock In Oregon outside of Port land, Iu fact It Is tho ono place In 8a lem whero patrons know tboy can at all times find Just what they want, In every department, and that at prices to suit. It Is growing to bo the popu lar placo of tho city. M. T. It. FIND TIio 1'rlHflii HHicrln(ciiit(!it oneroid Kx- FROM THE CHARGE OF SLANDER igalmit Mra. Tilllo Bnlom, Do Leon of M. T. R. Wu.i. Not Cou.Mrr. Tho sectlou of the code requiring sherllls to go about the county collecting tuxes, putting Iu f ess day iu each precinct, hus been re. pealed by tho Cross bill that went Into fleet Monday. All (axes will here After have to be paid at the court house Md everybody In Marlon ooutify must prepare to see the sherlll at tho court bouse. The law was not discovered MHtll yesterday and tho shorlfl hus potted notices und plnoed advertise ment uuder the old law. M. T. R. , StalmoN Show. On Saturday, 'Feb, lk5th, will be held tho thirteenth Mutual stallion show Iu Huloiu. Messrs, IHuiw, lteckwlth and Tanner nre hi eharge, and propose tlmt It shall boa eveeeat. There Is always room for Im provemeut In horseilekh, and this or ganisation is doing good work along that hue. It should beenoouragul In very possible way. M. T. R. ' THE 01R0UIT COURT. Docket of Proceedings on Monday and Tuosday. 1JOCICKT KNTIIIK8. Btayton Hull Co. vs. Grunt Lake et al., action for money, continued. T. 0. Patterson vs. Mary J. Uoyd, action for money Judgment on plead ings us demuuded In answer. A new case is that of Q. F. Dltmur vs. Mury 12. Ditmur, action for divorce. TUKHDAY PKII. 128. Colylg vs. Abraham for damages, Judgment for defendant, notion dis missed. I. T. TallM.t vs. 8. P. Co., nonsuited on motion of defendant. Do Leon vs. Downing, occupied Jury all forenoon. M, T. R. Hit IIakh. 11. Mumphlctte, a va jpftttt printer, paid a Hue of ten dollars We Kiorulug, and left the city for Mo Mlattvllle upou a telephone inwwmgo ifcftt his father was dying. That Is twieehlt bard the same day and our ayttpathy la with the vagrant. M. T. R. ' MWRKT AS BuoAK,Cholco home lMd bawl and bacoa, the best for iMMlijr use, at illuudell tuarkct, opposite i Insurance omoe, 40. s A Good Company. "Kdgewood KolkB" Is a very pleasing, simple story, prettily told. It Is an easy, natural and singularly faithful picture of, home life iu u quiet out'or-theway New Ku glnnd vllllge. Tom Dllioway (Alba Hoywood) Is tho ceutrul figure, but the other characters are very truthful life pictures (some of them very quaint) and they are, without oxoeptloii except ion, well taken by tho company. An ordinary good comedian will often suc ceed In evoking loud and prolonged upplauso, hut actors are very rarely met with whoso drolleries are so thoroughly funny that tho listeners forget to cheer and allow laughter to nliuost wholly supersede applause. Alba I ley wood Is ono of IhiMu few comedians who can make au audience forget to applaud, Indeed, they have tin time to do no till after he has left tho stage, and then conies thunders of applause for the pur pose of calling him back. As long as ho is on the stage no one thinks of any thing but laughing, ami no one can do anything but laugh. At Reed's Wed nesday evening. OucANMi Ui The recorder's onice eity all have been thoroughly aerubtwd and fumigated, by Id ebartre, J TT .Ft. OKM, TAXBM MtW llK EfMlBUMHit Mareb 3, IHW. 1 4 VC JC C Hwall's. IVy at SSTflt Paint Youk Uouhk.-This Is the lime or year to Invest a few dollars Iu (taint. A Pomona, Cl man, tells that he had a house for sale for three years at f 1800, and never so much as a nibble at the nrmwriy. I constructed a lawn about tho house, and soma iiaiut- lug at a total expense of fat. The place looked so much liunroved that thn eflect was magical. Ho sold the house ten days ago for Itt0. He says that a little paint added the extra price to tho property, M. T. It, The Jury wero out Just sevpn mln ules, ThocasflofMfs. Tlille Do Iicon vs. Oeo. 8. Downing, In a suit for damages for slander in tho sum of f 10,000, was given to Jury at 12 o'clock sharp. Able arguments wero made for near ly three hours by opposing counsel. Holmes and Jlotiham, Ford and Cham berialii spoko on oposlto sides. It was entirely a question of facto, and there was a good deal of uncalled for talk about au alleged newspaper mac, when In reality no such person ap peared In the cose. TI1K TKBTIMONY taken on the trial was In substance as follews: Downing and Drown had a conver sation In which Drown claims that Downing told hltn thut ho had a letter which stated that Blmon had been criminally Intimate with De Leon's wife, and that at the request of Down ing ho went to Blmon and told him that Downing hud such a letter, and which lie (Drown) had seen, that Brown Immediately told Bimon this, and Bimon told Mr. Do Loon. Downing claims thut he had received a letter from ono McNally, stating thut Blmon had been maligning the charac ter of Mrs. De Leon, and that Drown suggested that ho would tell Blmon, und perhups Blmon would let up nag- glug Downing In the legislative Inves tigation of the management of tho penitentiary. Later Drown, De Leon and Down ing met on Btate street, and Downing cluimed he had said uotliiugabnutMrs. De Leon, and disclaimed having any lettor Concerning her reputation, but said ho had received a letter stating that Bimon had been maligning the character of Mrs. De Leon. Do Leon and Downing agree that at the conver sation Drown acknowledged that ho had lied, but Drown says lie admitted that he had pervurlcuted as to the mut ter of having seen such n letter. Not one word wuh said during the trial detrimental to the churacter of Mrs. De Leon, and it seems from tho testimony thut De Leon and Downing had settled the matter ull up between themselves, for us soon us they had freed themselves of tho com puny of Mr. Drown, they went Into a promi nent drug storo and took a drink to gether, but there was some conlllot In the testimony as to which one paid for tho drinks. The whole matter seems to have arisen from u misunderstanding be tween Drown and Downing In their conversation, and from the animosity existing between Blmon and Downing. McNally took tho stand and testified that ho had written a letter to Down mg, which stated thut Blmon hud been tulking about Mrs, Do Leon, THK VKItUICT of the Jury wus as follews: Wo the Jury, find for defendant. THE Hl'KKClllH. Attorney Geuerul Chamberlain dis cussed tho legal points involved in a clear manner and opened the way for Tllmon Ford's masterly effort, In which ho reviewed tho testimony In a forcible maimer, showing tho lncousist- ency of tho evidence for tho plalutlfl, and that the explanation of Mr. Down ing us to what language he used was the more reasonable of tho two. He discussed Blmon and Drown "without gloves" showing up the latter's testi mony and so far forgot himself as to sit down Iu the witness's chair while rehearsing Drown's Btory of the mat ter nearly verbatim, a performance, which connected with his manner and actions, showing Intense earnestness, carried oonvlotlon with ull who heard It. Holmes aud Donham must also bo credited with having made veay earn est and able speeches. Mr. Sehlbrcde acted as Mr. Downlng's legal adviser and Mr. Richardson as counsel, voMiiioroH, von onmoti. WJmt HtMtit JlfAcktrian Weill'i f-lke ion. ftefiator illflckrriftii olfrMerii Oregon Is In tho olly( closing tip his work on the committee to revise tho Jotifmls of the Assembly, iU lis Always been au Influential member, but at the Isst sloti developed abilities In entirely new and ii ii looked for fields, Jfowasone of tho iiitnoflsl eleven senators who stood firm Hnlnt All cor portion Influences and voted for the porlago railway bill. Betiator Mack man says ho cannot sco why when Knglnnd and Germany are siiding millions to build porlago railways In Western Africa, to secure a llttlo trade in Ivory and glass beads, why tho in land empire should not have open rlyor to tho sea. HIS MEABUJIKfl. Senutor Dlackman Introduced n school book bill, which became u luw, that reduces tho prlco but makes no change In text books ncsessary. Ho is the father of tho valued policy law, to make Insurance companies live up to their policies. He got the $05,000 wagon road fund bill through tho sen ate, and was a champion of tho deaf- mute appropriation bill which has be come a law. He was a broad and lib eral legislator for every Just interest of the state. A CANDIDATE. . Senator Dlackman Is an active and leading candidate for collector of the internal revenue for Oregon. He is a good business man, and If President Cleveland appoints any Democrats at all in this state he cannot Ignore the claims of Mr. Dlackman upon tho party. As an Independent Republican paper, The Jouhnal has no heultaucy in endorsing his candidacy. M. T. R. Bevies' market addrwwM Court Bt. TIm Spa Urn ewam U always the Uet. rat pW ssWMKgri)s,e vWI wwlnl ! IHWMf atefibM tabe mmmmmm Idr Haaylslnr bbjbjbbbbbj saw wwwwww aee ww eTVnpjWOTWi Ooino KABT.-At the meeting of 6a. lent teachers yesterday they wereeu tertalned with a lecture by Dr. Cuslck. Mrs, a O, G ruble euHouncvd that she had been given leave ef atswBce for two mouths to vWt the eohooU of priBeipal Ka4era elllee and will probably depart tt Batuiday. M. T. Jt M. T, IU CoRHEcrtoN. Mr. Downlng's law yers ask us to correct the statement that they objected to Jurors who had read the Jouhnau They say It was the other side that objected. As It Is so common to object to Jurymen who wad a newspaper that prints all the uews, It makes little difference. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Rev. Cllne lain the city. Miss Annie Thornton returned this morning from u short Portland visit. Mrs. u. Li. Hester went down to Portland this morning. Albany has hnd its first game of base ball. Prohi. club meets this Tuesdny even lug, 7:30. Mrs. W. II. Dyurs nud daughter Vera are In tho city visiting old time friends. Mrs. Q. Ii. Thompson arrived from Albany toduy, und will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Arbogust, for a week. E. P. Purkhurst and F. N. Derbv. of tho Motor company, ure In Portland. Gen. W. H. Dyurs returned to Port land this afternoon. Mr. and Airs. E. M. Wnllo returned from Portland thh morning, nfter spendlug a few days with relatives aud friends. Fresh Herring, Davison's market. Mrs. T. MoF. Pattou, Miss Dlanche Albert aud little Ruth Wullaco left this morning for Newport, to be ubsent some days. The Salkm Jouknal comes to us this week much improved In mechun lad nppearnnco and Is n better puper thuu before. It rellects a credit ou tho proprietors oud the capital city. Stay- ion 'limes. Cupt. IU II. Price and his sou-ln-law Nowtou H. Hales start tomorrow morn ing to attend sale ofau estate of Mr. Hales father at Atlienn, Umatilla county. They will bo gone about three weeks. Fresh Herring, Davison's market. Rev. H. M. Waller, of tho Christlau church, died at his home iu Albany Saturday night, of heart dlseuso, ut tho ago of "5 years. Complaints coino from several persons that cattle are allowed to desecrate the graves In Leo Mission cemetery. As a toilet luxury, Ayer's Hair Vigor ttuaitHi. ins Highly per- scalp clean and cannot be fumed, aud kcea the cool. Mrs. John Krauze arrived from Eu gene today. Mr. Kraiuwo will come down tho latter part of tho week, when they will make their homo on Oak street, near A. Klelu's waldence. The 8i Ice cream Is always the best. Try It. resti Herrlug, Davlsou'a market. The Paruaisus club will not meet un. til Tuesday, March. 7, Members please take uotlce. GrTeai Belief ffl infliitly AffofuVd dtiffereM front JJfftWliHH, If tlie m o 7"B ( lift ry reetornii bio as sn mio itthp, lo Alisy liillflttiiiistlon, M MM' etjfftii, (o loosen nnil wing" awb tuo iniieiK, lids jifefalloii line no eqtish "Lsl wltifcf t Mm'fMled a Mteffl ifoiil.lcl with hoarsen nnt btoittl'lal rrllsllon. After Ijylflit "''? ffJl Hnes. without rollef, I at Isst t.tifcliaweil h Initio of Ayer s I'Ury I'ecln si. On Inking tl.ls inedlelne, my almosl Imwieillately, ffid J '" J'.? well ever slnre'r-Hev Thomas II. jl.issell, Bwrrtwy '.p,1,.l0j!,e5?Ba0 smt 1' K. of th Oreenvlllo Olsl. M. K u Joiicihofo,Tenn. "Mr mother wm slrk three, years nnrt very low with l.fonrhllls. Wo feared nothing would cine her. Ono of my ff lends told me nhotit Ayer's Chetry I'ertoral. fiho tried It, has used fight Inittles, and Is now well.' T. II. l Chamberlain, Ualtlmorc, Md. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rnirinxo bt Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mais. Bold by ll DroirgliU. Trie !;! bottlf i, As there Is no longer a fixed levy In mills for school purposes, the school finances will depend in a large meas ure upon the men elected at tho March meeting. Madam De Dacus Millinery trimmer for Mrs. B. C. Reed arrived form Chi cago last night. Supt. McElroy has completed a his tory of the department of publlo in struction from the archives of his office. Mrs A. E. Mellen returned this morultiL' from a. week's visit at Inde pendence. Lnylug Hens, Davison's market Nobody can have dyspepsia or 1)11- ioustifWH if ilif take Simmons Liver Regulator. o AN ISSUE OF (JUL!) BONDS. AniMiio of national bonds bearing Interest seems to have been agreed up on by the out-going uud in-co riling ad ministration. This shows that on fi nances there te little or no difference between Democrats and Republicans Iu our humble judgment we cannot justify this. Tlie people generally can not understand this. The bondhold er's government cannot always stand. Tills nation has resources, credit and intelligence suiucieni to maintain a stable and adequate monetary system without continually resorting to the flctiou of gold bonds. our government suouiu return to a less complicated scheme. The present accumulation of financial legislation is a rello of war times not suited to an era of peace. Tho people should not any loneer bo taxed to pay interest on bonds to the sliylocks of Wall street. The money-changers who dominate iu the temple of our country's govern ment should bo driven out of it, and a sufficient volume of par legal tender currency Issued direct to the people without interference or inter vention of bankers, gold bonds, Wall street or anyone. Van Eaton is tho man, Aud his grocery shows That when ho talks about good goods, no tens you what he knows. Successor to Squire Furrar Co.'s. Fresh Herring, Davison's market. iNroHi'OKATioNS. The Dalles. Dur. fur, Klngsley, Tygh Valley and Wamie Telephone Co., of Wamie. Or., stock $1400, und tho Llttlo Auaconda Mining Co., of Portlaud, have tiled articles of incorporation. M. T. R. Oard of Thanks. We deslro to thank the friends who so kindly helped us In our trouble ou the occasion of the death of Mrs. E. ltalP- E Ralph and Family. To Get at the Facts Regarding Hood's Sarsaparllla, ask the people who take this medicine, or read the testimonials often published Iu this paper. They will certainly convince you that Hood's Sarsaparllla possesses unequalled merit, aud that HOOD'S CUItKS. Hood's Pills cure constipation by re- """"s "o pensiuiio actlou of uiimemary canal. They family cathartic. M. T. IU HOW THEY LOOK. llio session is over and Is liow llio lleiircscnlalivcs arc looking and feeling. Not so willi us, wo arc up and com ing, confident tlial our efforts to sell our HOME MADE WOOLEN being appreciated, ii) 299 Commercial Street. Thk New Rate. E. F. Osburu's Racket Store has just received several gross of tho famous H. and 8. Corsets, and has this day reduced tho prices 20 per cent, on all numbers. This makes the lowest prices ever known on these standard goods, M. T. U. Nobody can be troubled with consti pation or piles If they take Simmons Liver Regulator. The Bpa ice cream Is nlways the best. Try it. Strong's restaurant continues at all seasons to be THE popular place. Onion sets, and garden seeds in bulk aud packages, a large invoice of the freshest in tho market ut Clark & Ep pley's. Satisfy All. The Balem Art com pany is doing as good work as can be turned out. Visit their gallery on Lib erty street. tf l Wednesday. March 1st. IPLEflSflNT ANTICIPATIONS rtro now in Rtnra Tnr iha M.,l loving people of Sslem, as we hove am iu u rnrce stonk or Arm. n nnnk. etc., Folios by the hundreds. Sheet Music 10c. Patton Bros., Booksellers and Stur,,. 08 STATE SrRKET. NEW ADVEnTIHEllENTS. roes. metals. 4S&WK l'",W KVAN i CO., Prop. ESBSs THE VERSATILE COMEDIAN, Rib a Heywood, AS JMMLOWAX. WILL PR CSC NT DY PERMISSION OP Sol. Smith Russell. THE BEST AND rUNNICSTOP ALLHI9 SUCCESSES New RdHBwood Folks SUPPORTED DV A CAPABLE COMPANY OF PLIERS, UNDER THE MANAGEMENT 0 i O. W. HEYWOOD. Beats on sale at Patton'H. STALLION SHOW rTBJT:M'Mr tJghl Brahuias. rear nlr "HIAM. l?OH 8ALV. OUEAR-aTZTT" L' upright piano. Uallat i i'i, ear,J' new corner 12m streeU ta'uudsl uemeneinbt. "w AT.VA,Sfe-ai! w or umcurap uoKnr la o.;i7, ' i lO De ""uUerniJ.E.chSh 22Wt. The Thirteenth Annual Stal lion Show of Fine Horses will take place at SALEM, OREGON, Saturday, March 25, 1893, at 1 p. ra. "S5iirSfiS0aMe,yw,,ero hav,n stal- CESM-atBIa, A DtimtlPf rf . ... . and buyers will TV2 T'AJl8 0(reret for sale Eetthdha.. 'v " " are the the best . - MiOTAnLEsaileni Is Justly fa. mous for them aud I have arranged for the best supplies in all this territory morning, J, a. Vau rrwn everv Katou. M. T. It, NothuiK equals Ayer's BArssparllla for purifying the blood, and as a sprluir medicine, ' 8lmo eg DivlsoaV market. Tue 8p lee cream l alwavs the hot. Try It. Nobotly aril suiter froj lanifUw and mjuchely If they Uke HlmmoM LU vk Kgktor. hvU of FW, DavUhmj's mrkcl. M. T. K, iffmm THEGENTLFIIiireromm A orirrrZT.T?.L"EI10iu r.r.d itkri,i.'li,KKnt"''UITE. Jra?5SftJ UAIr lTClTTvn.-. YOU Bunura, .SS&ig0 m. .' opportUDlly to Iltele Valley Horse J.T ilKUKWITn, 2 27-awtd J.A.TANNKK. -uiniuuieo. And OAK Fir Wood. n,as?rdr.r ic- - de- John Savage, Jr. SMITH BROS., PILES &FHSSS CNTBCTKS FLAnsBBBa.' DPRICE'S . QaflKSGf 8old h n..w.. . ..-"tK rf " ACU ffi Va g T-.r.. -- .i"T;T."'":riaiiioit R-i.t,i ... . Mum.n- "'auraioiocit,: vviWS BROTHERS opera house conxEn, . RS We room & CO. BAT,-P.r rnr,r,n- are now hn-i unJluun ".uS our new line of The fi . KW ne or Spring Jackets, ihevervUiwt .!.. . tSRKfJ2 K! " wWbTZ SSl?.?'"? d mack, Tn vu u . LadlM . -1"., '.'.' raeta. t Ladles ces rang- u rnr2 BmffKS ft?. ?. Q. Cerasl. K-. .- .. ttre eoMy luvltA -"u tung, now dWLvM ,H ine wld. dphiyed, A newitock of Carpets, Oil