Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 18, 1893, Image 4

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ania uNDEn-LQCKAWkEy
m ""r 'v,mte!baimLmXi3f
ii'sKw Patent Umbrella
It ! b
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Usltii BUtet ,
OrMt Brluln,
and Csnad
tortjue'i Patent Frame hare no rlrcta tu
Wtak. AnyclilMranmkoltnpnrtand
jiut It together in half xaiaule,
mapi Br
We still bavo a fow pieces
of choico
GOODS which wo offer at
Balo priccfl. '
Bo sure and take advantage
of tliis sale.
The Palace
307 Commercial Street,
Death Bv Poison. Word eumo to
tbo city lust evening that Daniel Dur
ulu, at his liomu mi Howell prairie had
drank a cup of carbolic mild, supposing
It wan water, until too lute. Ho wiih
thrown Into Intense agony, nod ex
pi red before medical assistance reached
him. Ho was an old risldout ubuul
CO years of ugi.
Oonm II im. Thu larger share of
tlio legislator, thoro relations, the
house at a body, liiiiumurublii lot s
ami gout'em tu elurltH, less ill hi u hun
dred oiuil 1iUm fur II It. commission
er, a host of bums nud Heveral private
citizens liuvo today takuu their depart
ure for homo.
WlTIt U AOA1N. Mnny will ro
metubur with dullght Salem's uncial
favorite of last season. HIiu Is with iih
again, dispensing Joy supreme. AH
oan RiicnH tbu imtiit. It In French Ice
cream soda, miido and nerved only '.it
Jones A Bernard I's. '
A Flno Wcddlng-Soclal and
Wild Kniou D.ivImdii'h market.
Y.M. C. A.-Prof. W. 0. Hawley
Will address the Young .Mens Christian
Association tomoriow, ut 4 n'cloeU,
Come and hoar count rousing singing
and a ood talk. BtruiiKiirH are in
dlally Welcotuud.
Raimioai) Commissi on. Tlio ncu
oommlcHlon met today and uluMed Mr
Mrtorum, preHliltmt. Kuveral balloih
Were taken for ulerk but no oholco vwm
bad. Tbu board adjourned to meet
Tuesday at 2 p. in.
Fleuty of Bulnion DuvIkoii'h markul.
A. M. K. CltuitOK. -North Hul-ni,
ervltHHtit II a. in, and Hiiuday be,h..i
at 1 p. tu. No evening Burvleo. (). V
White, pastor.
Ol'KN 'lH)Mimittiv. Thu L-ookwood
nKH)ii(or ovrvlvu In on duty Huudu.
aud eveiytl.ty, tjalum pvoplo could
not Bl alonn without It.
loo Oleum Hoda
eAitoii at tbo 81'A.
tliu tlrut of the
Tlio cIomIuk out Halo of orookery and
glawwaroat Harrltt A MoIiitru'H I
certalnly u hucvmu. Many lino bar
galuiarohad tbure.
1 i
Nw QootU arnvliiK overy fiv tlay
at tho Now York It tuket. A iiww lot
noelvcd thla day, containing a line lot
of laou ourtaltiH and oounleipauet.
turaUh towels, napkin, Ium, en
VIom, pajwr, porfuuiea eto. Call and
them. .
A thorouu blued brown
aookHrvlDavlwoii'M mat kit.
Crvaui Huda (be
icon at tbo Kl'A,
llrtit of the
Kzperlunctt pnivm that untiling el.
V) ur-ly detroys ttorofula, m AyviV
Mallard duck DavlMiu'ii tunrkvt.
FncU fruit and nut citaut dlpa tmla,
tJoneaA IKruartU'a.
Jo Cn'aiii 8oda-tho flmt of tin
mwh at tho Bl'A,
Thoe 3 lb tablo jK'ani at 10 conU
cuah KoluBfustat itaut .ttJIloV
Ifyouarwdull and mupld 3011 an
MllloUAHiid nmU touiOi 'ltKo blm
Wr Jtej;u!lor,
WlulowVntitM 'Viro, two caim An
M ettt, at Chtrk A Kpplt
DavUouUutarket addn-.O! Court Ht
Im CnwtH 8MlAth tlrt of tin
MMM) BMli 1A,
ttyMfrWMMiul Ita attendant UUar,
vjiy vwrvu vywunuouaMviu; itejju
um fHMMuM eUM, th Mm
U ImWui, at C'laik A
Tho wcildlnt; of Mr. Hiy Gilbert, sni
of A. N. Oilburt, poHluiattur of thb
eliy, to MlrHGiirttav Hlelwer, took plaii
al tho realdenen of tbo lirlilu'n pantoU
ftl'I hlberty htret't, Weduemlay even
litL'. Promptly at 8::w tbo wddln)
maioh wiw played by Mre. Jewd,
Lioney Jones of Portland, aud tin
lirldal pirty entered tbo ucautlfull.t
decorated parlorx and took polilou !i
front of (bo bay window, wblon wu
ileu'trated wiih llovveiluir iliui tr, and
frmii tbo center of whloh Iiiiii a bemi
tifol boreHlioo eomposud ofoitlla IIIIIih
ailiotaloiH and onuiuo IIohlth
Tbb Ih xupiKHt'd to Insure Him lu
lu re koch I luck and proxporlty lo
Hut ointiiiuliiiK purHt'H. 'I'hu wed
dliii( purly eoimlHteil of four tweet lllll)
brldeKiii'diU, Ml-i Mario Kleiweraod
AK'it . (lllbert in tbu lead who were ex
oeeduiKly prutty in Hoft whllo hill
mullo KOW04, then followed Mint Itub
Cornell and IIi-lou Kleiwer, ouo ii'
pink the ntuer In bliio ullk miille. Af
tor llieui eauiu iih liexl man T. A. Gil
bert of Porlland, aud as maid ol houoi
MlrM llilrltt G.dneH (uraiMl-diiulitei
of Hx-Gov, Ualiu)iif Corxallla. MI
Gaiuea wiih tieaiitiful In a oreiuo Hllk
on-po kowii. Tim Kroom appealed ver
haudHome, (Im luldo queenly. The
I11I1I0 waa arrayed In rleli erenm Iiuim
douueHlIk madu en tralno with wat
lean plait at tlio bauk. Bhu eurried 11
fragrant boipiel of .Mureebal Niel rimcc
and leal oiaue bloi-Mimn.
Taken alt.ijotlier it was ono of tin
haiulmmii'xt weddbiK paftles Unit lue
ever been In rialom. The eoreinoiij
wim performed by Hev.Krl M. Wiltmi
of Portland aeeordlnjr to tho beautiful
and luipreA-lvo rlto of thu Unitarian
Churoh. Iiniiivdlatcly after tho eer-
moiiy Prof. Iionney of Portland, read a
ploy llttlo piHUit very appropon to tin
Hv.'.tloii. After tbo iioiiKratulatloint til
frleudii a lively manih mum played b
M iv. . I, men. the dlulni: room dmira were
thrown open and all partook of unui
elejjani refrtstiiuonta. Muduaud datit1
lutr. uere Indulged In until a lau hour
I'tio preHtniH wero ntiiuuroiit and
lHaiitirul, Tlio newly married couple
icprceeni two or n.dttm'ri olde.nl and
imut rc-iH'Cted f.iiiilllws. Tlieru wetc
ixly Ktieala puvent, thouuh tbu Invito
(loiiH wero very few outaldoof relative
last ov Tin: wii.i.A.Mt:ni:&.
I.CKhorn "The la-t ball beforo lent" wan ulveu
1V the W'li'am, He Hoelal club ami lit.
friend, la.t Wt dm nday evenliiK. Tin
atlcudaneo was lare, tho hotel aptrt
iHi-iim erv ill un. Wa(,'Uei'a mmtl
n.uiiitM htyic, and I tie dancer i
mtiuwi in iiuir tiappit-Mt mood. The
ircltwtra iHmUted of tlvo tif Pirn-mV
tavt plaor. which, with outs of Wnale
A Pnrd'a superior plamu, mado the
Uiutdo Mlmply dellclou," an one tif Hit
vUIUK ladle oNpnetl (I, The i.
lauicttc club titlet haw all Uv 11 tie
cldi-d hiwai mm, but It Mt'iiia nvory
think' oouHidrvtl to utHkM tbU lnt ttlort
out'lilato all oihvrn. Many Ktu"gi frm,
iUrwul wvro In atietutaiKV, Utldth tUc
llto ir tstlvin aoolety. It.kiw I.
Avvn t Hid ttf tlliK. prciit;
"jenatorand Me. ( V 1'ultci., ririm
tor nud Mr, lit, HirwUi, Senator ami
Mra IUUy, brtiamr ami Mr 0. N.
Denny, Mr. mI Mr A. Itiejtnan, of
Portland, Mr. and Mrm Urcvmou,
lr. uml Mr. V. llrvmuu. Mr. ami
Mr. Ii M, yw, Mr. ami Mi. A. Ii
"Strang Mr. and Mr J l.HutbciUml,
Mr A N Hiub. Mix tX U NVJUU, f
Port land. Mr. Ritd Mw Chas tlrai.
Mr. and M i I) at.rUUon. i.
uu4 Hut, A. M. WW, Mr, aud Mi. ut cun.
(J. H. ItiPly, Mr ami Mm. E. Lifore,
Mr. uudMrK F. A. Turner. Mr. and
Mr. F. L. Wlllinan, LVut. am) Mrs
Hancock, Mr. ami Mrs. 0. A. Monell,
Mr.andMrB.lt. B. HeudiiK, Mr. and
Mr A. I. Wanner, Mrs. MeClure, of
Portland, Mil". J. K. Vner, Misses
Burkhardt, Lwr, MeuadorhVr, Wll
IIiiiih, Gullixson, of Portland; Mioses
Mat? Dolce, Iina Breyman, Anna Brey
maii, Ada Breyman, Ethel Cunlck,
Jusle Brown, Mtud Hirsch, Lulu
Hirccli, Kate Daliyiiipl(,CarrfH Moorec,
Lltcblield, Athby, Glltner, Crelgbloti,
Mitvca Amelia, Julia mid Anna Mel-Hi-hail,
M. Crook, Mao Carpenter, N.
Gardner, Hon. Pliil. Melrclmti, Dr.
Kinley, Dr. J. C. OrlllHIi, Dr. K. Grif
llth, Dr. J. M Keene, Dr. V. W. Con
iris, Lieut. Cloiiiiiu, K. 8. Dearborn, F.
Meredith, 11. a. JnrdHii, It Henell, H.
A. Brewer, C. B. Mooree, If. Craven,
II. Willi-, F. HuKhe-s B Breyman, J.
I. Eddj, F K Lovell, E. Oiltner. Ly
lell Baker, F. Crow, W. J. D'Aroy. P
II. D'Arey, Bieveus, of Porlland,
Mendetitmll, II. II. Tbommou, G.:o
It iuvrf, E. Warner, Ituuhtel, ('. Chance,
S. A.tiaufurd, ChiiH. Nickel, and others.
A ycry fluu audience listened to a
Very Hue entertainment by the Ladles'
Aid Siciely, of tlio Flint ( ongreitllon
il churi'h Tuerd ty eveiiliiL'. Mis-
"eriber Interpreted Tennyson's dream
neuutlfully. the tiard work of plan
ning aud carrying out tho entertain
oieiit was done by Mrs. Holverauu,
Mrs. Dodd, aud Mis-) Luna Breymao.
Cljdo Cook was ueiiKlal assistant to
.lie ladles. Mrs. Dr. B.) rd helped drill
the children, and all the details were
iMirldl out luHpleudidhliape. The fairy
teeiietij t lie children "A Fairy Grotto,"
iu''i'anelful co-itumeH, was a great suc
cess in (he ecsofall. Several mem
uers oil tile program had to tie dropped
v ing to home persons not being aide
10 tio present. Miss Purrish sang bev
eral pieces with Iter old-time sweetness.
Mr, Harris also sane well. Tlioso who
look part ill thu tableaux Wert-: '1 lit
Juilginciil ol Pails: (.'lureiico Bibliop,
llses Parkhiiisi, Wallace aud amitli.
ileleu of 'I'roj : Mi.ises Mi-tscliau,
Stciuer, Belle, ciioiv ell, Kirk ami Mrs.
Ituri'ougliH. Cleepatra: .Misses 11 ne
at, Moody, llirscli. Lowusdale, Hyid,
nut .Mrs. Itraslleld, Jt-ptlut's Datigli-
ler: Mih. llurroiiglis ami Brof. Aiidt.1
sou. Fair ltos.tmeiid: Miss Jill, lueth
llolvcisou, .Ml-s L iill-ti lliiL'lut. Jean
fAie: Mis. GaloiilCooha. Eleanor;
drs. (;iius, lively, Vilnius rilaplelou,
Allien and Cu.ipmm, .Mr. Spiunliug,
i'Jiliel Kulglii and It lib G.ttirielsoo
p'tge.-,. Mr Ford had 10 Oo uui of the
city 011 busintss and could mil take
purl as ilu had Iuiuuded. 1'uu rLceijits
Acre il.itl, and ibu ladles feci very much
laiilled over the reniui. Tuey have
ilher eiiterpilses of a similar ple.miug
character, .in foot, ami hope to present
them as marked IV.uiiks of the com
ing entertainment season.
Last H ttutilu t-vtmiog u low of Mr.
tint Mis. V, II. Biglej'a friends inei
,t lliilr liomu on Colin Hi,-t(, ilm uc-
eii-dun lielug the f.iuitli anniversary of
heir weiltlllig. i'luie Hew lapldly in-
tersivred with social luielcouree,
aalius aud a (Il-Iichu repast. Miss
.Mlitlred. (.tie pet ol ilm boon) eoier
laliutl ah with lu-r ctllu speecues aud
oii);s. IIiobu pri-beni were .Mr. and
Mr. J. II. Drunks, .Mr. and .Mis. II. C.
tiploj, Hon. ami Mis. J. N. Blown,
.Mis. a. 11. Dtalil, Mis. A. 11. l,plery,
Mr. aud Mrs. A E I'.irKer, Mr. O. B
CyillB, Miss lloaooil, Miss Itciyiioltls,
.Mia. E. E Peullnnd, Mr. Wm. Bajjley,
Iiiist evening Mine llnsi aud Mad-
tine Wagner, ot thu Willamette, enlei
lullletl a It w gutets uml Irienda al thu
nolel apailmtuis. Cloud mualu Was
oad, and dancing una Indulged In uo
ill tlio "Wio bina' liouio." About
twenty cotiplts Hcie pieint, all 01
whom ciJo)id tho occissitm in thu
lUllcsl. Iv Was ttlu lust social tealllle
of the legislative scwUou, aud ouo to be
toug rciuelubeu-d.
Have Iti the p.nt given buvetal free eu
teiltiinmeutsai CMtk m upon their an
uiveibury day. 'llu navo nlwit.
beeli wj btn.ctsj.lul. 'Huh itur ihey
liaVe tmttle 111010 eiuUiiale appropria
nous ami 011 .Monduy evenlui; next
give a CAiuudy ulusiiaiiug Hie uirh ot
tlio aucieut nttiut. As tlio older HmII
is very sluing 10 miou, omiduis ho
gt-l in must piovilru licbta culy.
A. t. U.
Proteclloii Uidgo l at prcMuit work.
Illg lutlU.VIIoUsij III Ut-Hsj Nkoil,.
.Muitur WurkiiMii A, W, D.unia i
growing Into u goutl pmiding villa r,
ami u Ueepiug up gwiil tiucul. too
lodge. Is taMug ui m.w uieutuuu all ihc
kiiuc, uml is i.t a mit lujiornui am
W. It. tt J.U0IAU
tjttU'wlok 001 ta iivvMs inoio fmd m
ouriji uii lt uii.irttulnu Mora, uuil win
givuttiHitiwrjoiat t ttisir halt AtMif
tlay usmilug I'vU. 2Tu, 'nir.u Uuu
mm doing a hI wurut aud klwuni U.
ATbT. X'AUL'a.
Ist MomUy owiituy uu eutertalu
tnvut vi.k iit:u b,) thu E,.i.c,p-i
vhUlvh. A Uovl plolall. MUIOuOvltU
to to WkU lltltM laiu, iwiuuiu u lo
1.. li- 1........ I. . . .. .
-''"" vimu, a, Hiimuj
Conc'urtett from "econd Tate
ture cannot change the laws by a nhn
pie resolution.
The resolution was adopted. 43 to 7
Paxton moved to reconsider the vole
by which the report of the committee
on salaries aud mileage relating to tue
compensation of clerks wa9 adopted;
the motion was adopted Paxton then
moved tiu amendment lixlng the com
peiHationofslnrtlund clerktat$3 per
day, chief clerks of enrolling and en
grossing committees io er day, and
all other clerks SI per day. Onnsby
moved that pay of pages be $3 50 per
day. Kith motions adopted.
Tho report was then adopted, 34 to 17
Brown of Morrow, offered a concur
rent resolution for a committee to ex
amine into th condition of the portage
railway, aud report at the next session
of thu legislature; motion adopted.
Senate bill to repeal the act establish
ing the state board of churiiies, wa
takeu up aud passed, 39 to 12.
To providu for the Inspection aud
measurement of logs, etc., was taken
up, and failed to pass.
The special order for 11 o'clock being
senate coucurreut resolution, for the
free coinage r silver, the same wat
taken up. and Its consideration post
poned to 11:65.
To provide for the propagation of
salmon in the Sluslaw river; passed.
Paxtou o fie red house joint resolution
No. Io, authorizing the board having
charge of the stove works at the pern
teulteutlary to purchase the same, il
deemed necessary; adopted.
To provide for the protection of gome,
fl-di and wild fowl; passed.
To II x lime of holding court in the
sixth Judicial district; passed.
Senate bill No. 0 was Indefinitely
To amend act regulating the prac
lice of pharmacy; Indefinitely post
Senate bill providing for apport'on
meiit of statu t-euatorr.; jeas 38, nay
none; not u quorum voting.
Thu free coinage resolution waa then
Indefinitely postponed,
Semite Joint resolution No. 5 failed
for want of a quorum.
Ford offered J dot resolutlou No. 10
relative to upnoriioumeut of senators
and representatives.
Under a resolution of tho house tin
speaker, with two members appointed
tiy liiiu, will examine and correct the
journals; the speaker appointed Merrill
mil Miller.
Adjuurned till 0:30 tomorrow.
At 5 o'clock 1 be senate and home
went Into j ilm caucus for tbu purpose
of electing men to (111 the otllces In the
gift of thu legislature. Tho following
were chesen:
Kaiho.nl commlsilouers II. B
Compsou (Dem.oi), I. A. Macriim,
(Itep. S'J). The others who received
Votes weie: Kllppel 32, Wheeler 31
Sibley 28,Colvigo, Steel 2, Sellers 4.
Fish commUslouer Geo. T. Myers,
Geo. Obihtln, Allen Parker, W. J.
Itiley, Josc h Packet.
Pilot comniissioners J. A. Brown,
John Fox, B. F. Packard. '
State bbrailaii J. It, Putnam.
Food uml dairy commlusioner
CliHrles Ho tu in.
Game protectot Levey Ilenshaw.
Boatman E. F. Mradford.
Iieusi: Vi B, 18, 10 A. M.
Roll call.
Reading of journal was dlspeused
R-port of committee to visit jetties
at Astoria, Newport aud Locks of Co
lumbia; adopted.
Report of committee- ou books and
accounts of secretary of stale; udopUd
It-solution by givernor, compliment.
Ing Speaker Kenly on his fairness and
Impartiality; adopted.
Rcfoluilon by Foul, that chief and
Journal clerk Iki allowed uot to exceed
tlUeen dajs' time for completion of
reooidsof huut.e; adopted
Riorlof commlitfooii penltentlarv.
$20,533 sbuwn duo state on lab r,
charges against Superintendent Down-
tilm.,f.iund not sustain I ited; adopted.
Resolution b Demneratio uxtubeis.
thanking seaker for hU courtesy aud
fainies; adopted.
KeprttHMitallve Uptou also thanked
tho Speaker for his Invariable ftlriieaa
to the members of tho Poople'j prij ;
Nortl.up rMd urtlcla from I'ortland
Telegram i&tl'j Ing the lower house.
T8 tlin testimony of Dr George E.
1 Walle'. of Martiiisllle, Va., in
reference to Ayer's Tills. Dr. J. T.
Teller, of Cliltteiiango, N. Y., says :
"Ayer's rills are highly appreciated.
Tliey are perfect in form anil coating,
and their effects are all that the inos
careful nlijsiclan could desire. Tliey
have supplemented all tlio pills former
ly popular here, nnd I think it must ,1m
lone before any other can he inaile that
v iir nt all compare, with tlictn. Tlioso
ho buy Ayer's Pills get full value."
"I regard Ayer's Tills as one of tlio
most reliable general remedies of our
times. They bate been in line in my
family for arinus affections requiring a
purgatlie medicine, and limo given un
varying satisfaction. Wo hae found
tiiem an excellent reincilv for colds and
liclit fevers." W. 11. Woodson, Fort
Worth, Texas.
"I prescribe- Ayer's Pills In my prac
tice, and Ibid them excellent. I nru'o
tlicir general use in families." Johu
V: Brown, M. 1)., Oceaiia, W. Va.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer Ic Co., Lowell, Mass-
Bold by all Drugckl' ""' Icalcri la Medicine
mooirt p
To WoiiIdb? Coer
Is the prices we are
making on our
liouio Made Men Goods,
But no bugbear to our many
fsiends and patrons.
By Hobhs, thanking reporters for fair
treatment and courtes ; adopted.
By Miller, on part , f Democrats,
tliankitig Republicaus for fair treat
ment; adopted.
Concurrent reso'ution by Belknap,
to authorize payment f r Investigation
of peniteutiaiy; adopted.
R port of committee to Investigate
books and accounts of stale treasurei,
Report of committee on chemical
qualities of springs at Sodaville;
Resolutions by Miller, thanking offi
cers of house for faithful performance
of duty.
By majority, thanking minority for
gallant spirit manifested.
By Coon, ti resolution of ridiculi
aiuitd at Upton was read, but bt
turned It oft pleasantly.
Bill by Upton providing for farn
warden to prosecute any ono who eu
gages in agriculture, dairyiug and hei
farming without a diploma from soun
agi (cultural college in good standing.
Tlie speaker anuouiictd that ever
senate aud houst; bill thai indeed hut
oeeu properl.v enrolled.
Joint resolution was adoptid ap
pointing committee of one from eacl
'muse. Adopted. Chair appoiuiei
MllliT of Linu on pirt house.
House concurred in senate resolulim
authMriziugtccretaiy of state to bell oh
Paxton oilered resolutions compli
iiientlug speaker for his fairness, kind
ness, p'il leuee, etc. Adopted.
Bishop was usKed to address mem
ners in coueliisioii and made a veij
feeling address.
Coucurreut rebolution adopted b
unanimous rl-lng votu thanking Geo.
W. Molliidu for his uuvariing kind-uu-s
and ulierful assistance to mem
bers, uml expressing the hope that In
.voold soon recover his health.
Upton was called lo platform and ex
pressed himself Willi great feeling. Ht
was warmly cheered and applauded.
Paxton th.tuked the lueinheis for the
treatment the Multnomah delegation
had leceived at tills hts-ion.
Trulltnger spoke in similar ve.u for
the Clatsop d legation.
v iiklusiiu. the youngest member of
Ibu house, ex -Speaker T. T. G er, and
Speaker Ke uly made close remarks.
Heexpre.-std profounil appreciation of
ilie friendship and good will shown
him on all occasions.
Resolution by Gicr of Marion, com
plimenting Colonel Robert Miller as
canoidtte for appointment to Le minis
ter of Turkey. Adopted uuuulmously
raxion moved reconsideration of
L II . - ,
euro h resoiuuon 10 allow clerks of
house only 15 days to make up Jour
nals. Upton opposed. Lost.
Resolution allow lug reading clerk
$2.50 a day for 40 days additional com
penstilou. Upton opiMwed. Lost.
The bouse then adjourned.
SK.NATK -0 A. M , FLU. 18.
Reading of J inriiai dlspeused with.
Loouey and Blackiu tu were appoint
ed as committee to examine the j mr
Veatch introduced a resolution that
all ilm senators may have their desks
aud spittoons packed and shipped lo
their ivsK'oilvo homes, adopted.
Weatherford pre-ented a protest
against ihu signing of house bill 275.
II also ooucurrent resolution adopted
thttt S-crttury of Slate may Isiue war
rants to pay expanses incurred In the
299 Commercial Street.
All Other Baking Powders
Leave traces of Ammonia, Alum,
Alkali or Acid in the Food.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
Is the only Baking Powder that is free from any taint ot
adulteration or defect.
Dr. Prk's is indispensable when perfect work and whole
some food are desired.
Its high raking power and marvelous purity make it
W9 ttonofftjcij Ou any otjw,
InvestLat'on of the warden of the pen
itentiary. Report of Penitentiary committee
read, and adopted. The report ignores
all tbe charges against G. 8. Downing,
be Superintendent, they being ground
less aud without foundation in fact.
Raley offered resolution that a com
m'ttee be appointed to uotify the gov
ernor that the legislature is about to adjourn.
Bancroft offered resolution that sec
ret iry of state be authorized to sell old
carpet and furulture and purchase new
hi llou thereof. Failed.
Htyes oilered a resolution that secre
tiry of state he authorized to sell all old
ud useless furniture in tbe capilol;
President Fulton at 10:20 o'clock
tinted that the time for final adjourn
uent had arrived. He spoke in a ftel
iug manner of tbe courteous treatment
ne received from every member, and
wsured all that he entertains none but
tludest sentiment towards all. He re-
erred lo tbe friendships that had been
funned in a sad strain, pirticularly
vheu he spoke of the separation.
The seriate dissolved at 10:30 a. m.
The Old Man Would Have His Joke
ftS Ifcli"!!'. 'JutfJ ?'.:l.q ",,S B"O.H e'lt.
iiiaiuj ,S meel-lll 'its imtB
The Uds prospered, and they and
lih-fuiMi;.J.ltl,e very best
i-allh. Dr. Piece's Pleahaui Pellets
erealway8fouudin their intdicine
ellest tllH llll V ,.,,i,i,... .. . ..
. ii i ii . v ' "",,c -oie nir ti I ous
.' sckh vaii u,id hl ,
on, iidimtion, aud nil disorder, of
..w ""r.s uuu siouiaeh. Stricklv
egelalile, snmll, 8uar: only ,, e , I
lidml for a doae, u.,d their acio.s
Dr. Coiiins tills kel, whout pa
Three lbs English waluuta-23 ctb
-at Sroat A uile's.
"WPS PILLS require no change of
WfAN I'KI). t ULhln.l' .
u-o3. co LKSla.
. -i-i-iiti-
u te:gcntleani.fhin. 1
QcicrcBio,uvwru ,n0.r',c,'1"rt
!:.mP0!LLkj1For A DOSE
' i om,r rinid SW' Bher riSiL'"
- --m 4-eiivi
And Fir Wood.
The Snlc.n Truck and Dray Co. can deliver
flret-class wood on short notice
John Savage, Jr.
The North s.hm Meat Market has not
Jolncrttlio combine, but sells tlrst-clRss me U
lroui5 lolOicuts per pouutl, as It always has.
Pitchford & Long,
at Hunt's o'.d shop, opposite W. L. Wade'B
Bargains in M
u11;.: Sm!'1', pTtma'ter ot I.cwIsvIUp. nnd
inlil:. lurlliy, .iisi'ein lnveinr s.le shout
UWIIlCr, 8 Of LlMXl fill IMll,., ,..! tl. lr l...l In
II. I.. I.I...T. ......,. n.. ,.,,,,, ,i.
..u H.i-iiinii-1 muillrv 111 t'oilc
I rices range liom JO is () per ncie.
liTOiierty, m d ti)0 m.irno for
IL . c"1 3'B-lus. Call
U'ltii ty.
All good
ti)H rtrsl
or add 1 1-88
tltv 2-tMf
r j MT,irt mi?,0.,,nk ,llvcr u',,to1' chain, not
rd. l,etvt ,U)uus. Xli tlt,.B.H -.l7 3t
LOHI a go'd Uia-,et 'ln.ttay cvHiilrir
Mailer p , u,e jc. L, lu '-Tao t-alace'' nud
eculverpwunl. '".Vg".,
AT!,K,o'fIl'T,'n-11 """"'J- P'dd)
!(' 'I1RS,
1. Ti t,l'iiLU.
' tirilirccsi
. Sllllll 111 fli,uu,i..u ,.r..nn
w,.,..ii,.i.,..r """' v ""
Capiu. . I.y l&rwZ "."' n '; orad.r.
City IVarnints.
OAS o s(A$r
raim.'iet. ThiW-r4" "-""apleiio, il,.T"l"'"
---. ,i xf 'f-uuenu.
IN eim.en ,?,ftTrv,'n, " whom tt W
o piieibi. u I' ,'i I i ' ,"u l" '"J- " no-. funds,,
"iitliun i, p y'e, KTXln '" aw.ww-ui-r
Opera flota?
- 'Frbruary,
'Dl.le1ahoUu':,'11,!"d wHl be worth
mum ri.,,,, II,on'-'dean'auon,s. IJeseived
Smith Prmiier Typewriter.
Choicest .....
A-1- WAGNER, pf
W. I.STAItV .. .
,i ngent. balem.
101 Third -Bt.
for ca'ulKne,
OD. u N. nuitPEP n
- rl for ea i, !.,....
.VTT r " "AT
WIT T rc
& CO.
Y -a
every va-