V4 PVPMTN'f xjlJL X X xjlJL J J KJ JJ. xVJLf minmiijii"i MMMdWMMUHMhMMM r int- nfc'iiiwwi in niriaf nmmmmmmmmm ggg'atf VOL. 0. "ftfJXM JMeOl'hU'B tVJM6ie rtAUOM, 0IH2M0tf 'nitTT)AV. iCMnittTAIir u IBJIII. "TO-DAVW IfJGWH TO-UY," HARD TIMES IB IT? J Will, If you nro miming "storo itocoMito" wo do not wonder. 3 luvo you over tried buying for O J0L 191 3SE oniyt It win surprise You tol"mHow Cheaply '"" "'"' Live Well! BchUIch itm't it ttlmitrcenbto to hum the cottcctor mwr after you tttoa tarrtbto "itluhtimtro V " Try tho C3 J&L, E3 jE3C ayalom for a muiith mid you'll not return to tho old wny, Tho iigjjjg pp(JDjf know- all about Ihio, It g for Q only and j for Q only. 15 to 30 por cont, saved by buying at tho BLUE FRONT. Our hundreds of customers pay so and you'll say so too alter a fair trial. 335 Commercial Street j. f. wjirn, DAMON BROS., Saati and. Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compote . with tho lowest. Only tho best material used NISWTON TANK1SH. White & Tanner's Livery, (ducceiore to Kill A Whitley.) Mvry, hack Mid feed aIaIiIo A lull eunrlvf linrws and bngiilrxi on hand MorfM Ixwrdcd by Uy, w.-ck or month. Oillad nt Uutilo, Commercial and lrmln AttcPte, south nf wtllnmeltw hot! ' C.N. CHURCHILL T S. BURROUGHS CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of flee State St.. onnoslte Ha em Iron works. Draya and trucks may bo found throughout the dav a' tho corner of State and Commercial streets. Salem Track ft Dray Co. F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT tailer: 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE weoing Capi :;il oooa tD. C. mi8t wee f ii?a SZ-jyrTr tw-3Bi"i iawn?vv rtl Cross, leak Wholesale anil Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt iiihI Jsmoketl Aleuts ot'ullltiiuls OS Court and 110 State Streets. -IT HAS- All th.e News And dcea not pervert, disguise or cover up what tho Tvihlin. in intfirfist.p.d to know. At the same tirao it does not resort to sensationalism. If you want A Live, Clean Newspaper At the time of day when eyeryone has the most liesure to read, have the JOURNAL left at your door. Only 2 Gents a Day. mm a ran 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Sup plies, Mecl fCutigcs, J'aiior If caters in all Styles a Spe cialty. Residence 382 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE PALSTEK, Decorator, Kulsomluor and Pa per Hunger. Leave orders at A. R. Huren Bon'a Fur nit in o more or Broul & Olio, Uioiur. I'ltnCMtlnNAI, AHI iH'fliNIVtl AM Rl, IIOMK, Aftt.r rr n hw, nlofr), , iifttroii. oinrdrtiivitinin. pifti't. MIILMON I'OMM, nllornoy nt In. flAlwft, I itrrioii. OilUfl iif lnlM in I'mion Mock. I K0ONV, Attorney t liiw. room 1. j, ty iiim'K. I .. IHUMtilt, Ai(.ffnir At Iaw, III Oft'Kim, Utlf.oovnr lHt1d A imtiK. lln.liV vi'tr r ,I.MllAVf il. W. llUNr. MIIAW A V, HU.NT.rttloftlfjrui.t law nill(if t npilm .Nnlioiiril lniiK,Hnl;in, Orrrf'tii. Lj T. HiriUtilHdN, Allofftny aJ Iaw Q, oincpii .iiiirxlii front rtinm of M iTiinli tiiiick, cirnof t.'oimiierclitl anil uonr ittH'ln, rutl(1iil(()fi-!()ll, IOHN A. OAltxON, Attorney nt Iaw O ItOOMII IJUIIll t, Ulllll A DlHll'd 1)1 Ilk uiiilitihK, Kflloni, (isflii m I lyr It, K. IKINIIA.M. V. II. IIUl.MKM BUMitAtt it llul.MM, Altomuf Hi llOT Oillce In IIumi'a dlocK, iiptwfun Kua. hiiiI CVitirt, en ( mn'MI. MK. IIHJUK, ftonomplier (iml TyiB , wrltlU II.mI h( iliipuil lyirliiiK iini.o hut tiiie, la Outrun, uvur lulil . IIiikIi' luiitk, fl ilulu, Urvrfuli. I) II. IIKAlMll.VW,lltYrtlGlAN ANI. J.), huihumi, hiiIpiii, tJrvgdii. ntllou Hi luili-IlM i nmu Ihick, utiuUtii. lUitlttuiu'i iHiriiorfUitimtnlB, K cofiiur Inter ulii'ut, DU. W. H. Mori', tihyxlfllnti and nut Kbuu. Uitli'o In l'ldrldite llloon, tii iijiii, Uri'ni, uillcu liuurM 10 to Uit, m MIi, in, I IL T. li."MM 1 riLT)mitliit.W Ht4to Mtreut. U t-utttllu, Ur. Ulllnlll'll (k'lllMl Dporit- iiuim nruvuiyUuHurlpiiuu IKM1HH HpuUlltliy. 1'iiluliws opera- Wit. l'UUll, Arcliltecl, 1'iu.iM, S ool , llciitiulin HIKI (Hlpurllili'iKloiR'B Ml ill cfiM.-M uf l)iilUllin;. (Jlllco 'AM Cum .UtfLlllI St., Up HUUrs, ftr 0, A. HOHKUT, Architect, rooml, Mm qimiii ihuiuIiik. fortlinid, urt'Kou. DW TOWNslCNU, Civil EDKltKoruni, . fiirvoor. uuloe with Oivtsou Luua K.U , rfjlum, UlC'ltllll, Li J, l.AltSKN A CO,, Mnnumcturo of ul , Klmlnol vuliiulfM. Uupitlriiitt uHpuoim ' nlmp hMjiIh Mircet. 1)U .TKrnONU)l)GKNOa.A.O U.W. Mi'cls lii then hull In stutu liiHiirunui uul.dlut;, uvery vV.Unuiaay uvuiiIiik. rl. A. Mot AUUtiM, M W. J. A Hi:tivVOOU, Kocoider IMI'UOVKU OKDKil OF IlKD MUN. 1. Kuiulukuu IrllioMo. t), Malem. llol commit ovory 1'unriituy evuului;, ut 7MU. lewiuu lu alnle iiiHiiruuco litul, K. O. U vKEll, 1'roptiet. K1UNK (1. ATKIW. luut it HimhiI, The Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau. SALKM, - Orcon. C. B CLEM' NT, Minagor. Oillueiooui 3. U y liiuclc. Hates lo.bunalUo. i'ubllo uud private work done. EDUCATIONAL. t' L Ten acr-s of coort itardeu Inmt neirBa. lein. Apply at ouce to ititFK't nil" , J uhkai. oilleo CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WAFDERS WirThe best'oa earth, cull. Give us a . 10:8lf. w cm L -:- i Oil u Will bo found laboring earnestly for practical relorms in city, county, state, and national government. It believes ia making tho burdens of taxation upon tho people as light as possible. It does not believe in rings, bosses or political machines monopolizing tho political powers that belong solely to the people. The disinterested and patri ti cith3i r ji jpyi mding THE JGT7HNAL, W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardncrand Grceral Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's 260 commercial street. J. H. HAAS, TI1E "WATCHMAKER, 2I5K Commercial St., fcilem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Hpeclalty of Bpoctacles, and repairing Clocks. Watched and Jewelry. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 por Day The best hotel between Portland andHin Kraocuco. Flrst-ehus In all lU npnolut ments. its tables are served with U Choicest Fruits Grown lu the Willamette Valley, A. I. WAGNER. Prop. For Rent. New house of 4 rooms. North Hnlcm.on car line, two btocli't north nt foliool 57.(0 u month lu advance. Ueo. Ecuhbiruth. 12 2Mm. !5 XI mm Good RnrilPn lnnd three mllM pontlient of i ho penitentiary on Miicieiiy rowl FJ50 douuHUd tia nn'-confi to lu ) cms time. Or trade for olty property. D. A. Iliinln. Halein. KWtf MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Ileal Etat. In amouiiis a d time to suit. Xxo delay lu tou Iderlnt' loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom U, Bush Bank block. A I'Jdu Go to the Ret. Tho plare lor yoiinc ladles and gentle. iiiuii to -ecuroii thorough edueauou Is the old, hut ever new. WILLAMETTE ONIYERSuT. lAing and Rtlll tho leading Institution ol tho North Wen l. Itetter than ever! Nw o.ursH of ItiHinu'tton In Orutory, i'hmlojo and I'ott'tlriuluitted. 1 UD1K-. Norma .llunlnebH.Academy, College, and l,nw coiirofa grciilly cnliirtd and Impiovi'd, FurultleH lin leased and lmp'ovpd. For 'iiliil.iviiool CollcKUot Law write i)oau rt T HlidiaUM)ii Esij , Hiilem, Or iMircuuiluxnoot colltKO ol Medical and I'liurmiiiiy wi lie Dunn Uluhmond Kully,M. U i'tinii.iiri.or. Foi ct'iiuiiil Ciilfiloiiio wille llov. Geo. WluUiker, D. D., l'ie'ddnt,Halem, Ur. 7-lmdw Authorized Capital 500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W. A. OUHIOK, Pres. 'W. W. MARTIN, Vice I'res J. H. AUlhllT, Cashier. Btate, Countyiaud City Warrants boiiKbl at Pur. dw Notice of Dissolution. rnUE Bincery firm of H. Karrar Arc. is X U1 d-O' ulsoived by muluul ounseut, -imire l-rrar leltrlUK Iiom auld biiitlneiH, mid John A. Vuu Jul on continuing th bu.lu ut l he same pUo-. Ail ieisu owing taid firm can ct'le ihttraco uuts vlih cllhkr Jin.ro Fuirar or J A. Van Eoton, a iulem, Oregon, Jan, 7, ITOL l.lU-31 ti. K.iIlltAIlACO. Our Little Men fend Women. kok 1ad3 Is made expies.ly tor (he younKfr oy aud if rl, who euU their uugutlue at homo audio chiol hery uuintxr will eontaln Ujrle, pir. lied piclilit. iuuik,vcnu and Jlusluud iilece to kpuk lu K)h"0 " ite.ldesll ee there will le tlin f-illoWiug wrlul.: Ihreo Utile Oold-UlKUwrs. tij Uilvu Hur pr Allatxiutttiereutarkubleadrei turM utaom.'bllurvn who satleU around Cujxi Horn U OiltforaU. TbaUouM WelJva In. By lvlula H. Ooaln AU about our "head, bands, and the reit ol u;" pat Use studyhg r AyUi feOolBMblaa araBpp. By (J r ta prya r. . 1 Ut story boy who ai hlm.eif truly worthy nt bis aww . . , fumlnM., Hgulrty wli ttouiu ihi WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business lu all its branches. GEO. WJhUAMH President Wm. EN GLAND... .. Vice Preslden UUGHMONAHV Collie . DIUEOTOIIB: Geo. Wllllams.Wm, En -lund.Dr. I, A, Klcliurdbon, J, W, iloduoi . J, A linker. Bank In new Exchange block on Com merrhtl strcot. B:13-ll White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEBT THUCK, Now ready for business. (Jareful work a ipeciaiiy, j.r, wuii r. FRIENDS POLYTEGUMG INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Bcpt. H, IStfJ. DlleiH'liH uioMt pntcllcul o.i.rresof stud', i uuy kiho 'I in th Hintc. viz: Mi clianu-jtl Ki'Khiftrnig, U vll Eo,luciitiig, Kio'irlciil Kugimeilug, Aniilnmlc ind Grummnr si hool conii.es HtudeutH practice dally In wood shop, mucliLo bliop, aud labora tories. Tuition mid iloard per Year, 81SO. iprll Indurpmenls to a f"W young men h ho wish to work for their bourd uud Wi lli udurliK van. t Ions KorproHpeetusiind further tufni inatlou, uddress EUW1.N .MUHIlIrt )N, M H, PreNdeut.HHli'm, Or, MLiss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. rilIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptemuer lttth, at Kin dergarten Hull, oppoklto opera house. Children received at th en years of age audott-r. a com ectlng o'asK wll be lull I'lied lor H'lvMiict'd uluderir'irten pit. Pilx ami ilne bfglntiiug prlmsry work. Only I lie best inodiTii Kliiderg'irteu n.olh. od employed. IritnifV nHlfin ol drawing ipil oimr woik I lriMlnri School T.tx Notice The school tax of dlslrlot No A for th y-arlf.i-j u now due una p.j'iiiiio ul the ollliwo Y lie A. Jtoorerf. dl trhl ilifi. h,io,No 2CJ7 omuurc ulstrtel, Huh ill, Oregon, 'l'bo niuie will be iWe m 1 lnli qutm uulcipa.d bti'no vturuli a 8 "J, WVLIKA. JI.-HI: , 17-dW-Jw Dl.llktCltJik. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYIVIEN. South ofWIlUmstt Howl, JL.J.KJt ... OHKOCM M,T. RINEMAN SUffe id liny buttitt, ENGINE AND BOILER Ijnit sale, ThTIoller Is hii K-lmrM) up ; right in ul.ir lam! the engine a U-h r nunr. ml I Itn'n iitn In good condition, and ot I 00 when new Api.li to A. II, ' ltTNEH & tO.opp site 1'Vst Autlou.l Buuk. mi; Mi'im mush mSmSSmmiJBB iioftn Bfioriitfis, fdllere rw , mi ,, niiisimfi'.iij'ma'iuymjuuuti' 1'WIII.WIIKIIIfAH.Y.KXOKITrlUHIIAI ur Tttft Ciptlitl Journal PublliMng Company (InMirpornted.) OinOnrninsroUIHtrFfl, In !'.( ItiiiMliM ".titered nt iho t'Ostomf ul ffll(iitt,Or,, MttiPtlrm it nit r. rAPANBSi M. tmmmmmmmmt CURB .iliUM rfudd implele irtMliurUi, muiik. Ii of kiippualU.riw, ointment lu tupauie. io 4 Ixj. iu.d pliUj p.kdllo t ure tur vx tiM-nal, nittroai, blind or bJimllng, I telling, ohrouic. reurui or herwliUtry I'lla, una HiMtiy other atsuukfcs uud lemule Wu.ik. Htm.; II llwaysk gruil Uiuetll to Hie guTKl titvitn j he jiit aiMjuvtsry oi a utrdil eurw teuuertng au opialiou wiib lu snli uuunoMr) ticitwittr, '4 hi rvmtMi) iw uvtr bun kuuwu u full, il uiriwiMiiu; wut by tualt, Wbyutf Jmm uu.Wrrti.Mf moM. wltvn u wriiuo. jMMIMlNf Wglvvu Willi bO Ik, lU IWAlllU BUWllilWMIIM MWItU OIIKAI'KH HCIIOOI, HOOKS MVMQ, Tho nltlo rrport nf llio Mnto MiKir liileiiilt'titor (Mllillt) Instrilnlloii for IHOII mIhiwh moiiio r,ioiH lliiit Ijcnr an the text liiititt tUf"tloti. Oil mgt itiO it to kIvi-ii In cituclso form (do ml vniitiigm of free text hotikn In pultllu saliiMili, Hupl. MuKlroy who hm. given tnoro iiticutloti lu our pulillo sdhotil nyHlem tlniti any nmu In tlic 4tii( rt'eiMiimolids (lint llioctstto but hoIiooI btMtlts ul wlioleitnlo, irovl(lr county (IuhwI lories imtl ttuiiply tliom t reluci(l irlco to pntroiis of tint .tuliook Our utttto flitiierluteiitluiit roitllztfl (lie n&CL'Mlty of olienttcr juliool hooks tm part of our pultllt -ohool MyHtem. HIh report for 1802 hIiowh i huIiooI popttlutlou of 111,770, unrolled for uttemlitticu 76,flMltictuul iiverugo dnlly titteiitlniice C2,71. I' uijone will look over tho lou untl expciiBlVu Hut of text bookti now au tliorlzt'tl by stutu law they will real- iKd why lens thutt one-hulf of Ore i,. -.-i . . , .. .. i 4una Huiiooi nnpiiiuuoil aiteiltlh rtohool uud why nearly rtfty percent of those enrolled do uot utteud. Il Ih time the children of tho poorer i'Iiihh of people got u chttuco to utleiul Hchool. It will bo urffued that ohenp luhool books would uot eecuro to itiuh children the best klud of tin t-ducittloii. It will bo fluid Unit ulii-up hooka will result lu cheup edueutliiu. This is ti mistake. Al pri'setit onoof thoKreatest evils ol ur publio schools Is high priced fext books aud low-priced touchers Finely illttntruteil text books uud multiplicity of them Is substituted for well equipped teachers. Origin al eilort on tho part of the child h- uot demanded uud the element f personal liillueuce lu the teacher h tlmost illinlinvti'd. In tho duj when this country produced Its Websters, Colhouus, Clays untl Lincoln, the school teacher hurl Jut two text books a speller aud a render. lu'iho works of eminent writer? we read that tho Bnvior himseli probably never got more educutiot thuu could be olitulned from what we now call u second reader. Ut neard others rend untl speak aud his intellect was equal to all the subtleties of the highly educated ictlbes uud all tho casuistries of the learned lawyers. The families of men who are open lug little farms on tho slopes of tht mouutulus uud in tho newer parte of Iho state need the little ten ceui text books. Let those who can af ford it, buy high-priced text books If they wish. But let uot thou sands of innocent children h. Ui'pl out of school by tho high priced text books uny louger. Wo need not make laws to suit the tastes of thoso ul reudy educatetl. Wo need to help the poor uud Ignorant. There Is a disposition on the purl of some members of this assembly to ridicule the clulms of the poor mau, Tho uiorulity of such u dis position is despicable .o Ray tin least. Tho other duy a loglslutoi referred to a certain measure us a bill to help the poor man. It Is bills to help tho poor man that ure entitled to consideration, II uny. The rich man does not need I ho assistance ofspeciul legislation, iilthougii us u matter of fact ho geU the benefit of nearly ull, No true American citizen should ever sneer at uttempted legislation for tho poor mau. 'I'lutrn lu ri unliftnl linils titll linftiru the legislature under which a few primary text books sullli'lent to sup ply the wants of tho childrou of un lumily for u common school educu lion, en 1 1 lie supplied by thutttuteal u cost of not over 10 cents apiece. At present such booris cost from ttitriy to Huvonty-llvu cents apiece and ure u terrible obstacle to attend ance upon our ubllo schools. There ure tnuiiy poor families of laboring people who cannot meet this ex- I It'll HO. DECISIVE Baking Powder 7 The United States Oi lnvrmf ierftriMU nf Hitrltirr T'i(il.n m,( t.. C6nyrcfn, In the DcKirtmcnt of Agriculture Wi ton, D, C, furnislicti the highest mHltorfiitUvi U tlon an to which powder U the beat, Th QffcH Shows the ROYAL to bt cream of tartar baking pa dcr, superior to all others tnTfnrc rrsv t v llf HtP'fa Atria WWY ' AJlt l'-'v v Puitiiw rj,y, j0 taxing nf mortgage ever wn, tf our laws went so nuiondetl (hat nil taxes could ho pnlil nt Olio I line and lu one p nee, capitalism would uot object r.o much to taxation of mortgages. An It Id now they nre itiojected In great exwnsu In keep lug up tho tuxes on luortgagid.wlien tho morlgngee fulls to pay. - FUHD'ri Dili FOUIt. IteprcBO'ilfttlveFord'sldeaflon tnx atlou may he summed upas follews: I. Allow no deduction fur Indent td nests. II. Retain tho mortgage (ax law. III. Qlvo poor people a liberal amount exempt from taxation. IV. Make tho Individual nnd iho property pay tho luxes. TAXATION UEF0UM. Tho hoiifco In committee of the whole bus perfected (he Lawsou tux bill. I.s principal provlslous ure the repeal of iudebleduewi deduc tions uud tho uiortgugo tux law Over both these questions there wut much able debute uud decisive inu jorltiiu were glveu for rejteul of both pruiHwltlous, The house went further uud re ferred to give au ulllruiutlou vole lu favor of tuxiijg jiiorigugvB 'rom the rteord us t dlstluctivo proposition, Uhjii ls owu uturlls. There mmuu (u be uit opjKirlaulty now to mnv Home reform In luxation, ft Ufiktt m IboiUli lb MMMttlbtkli HOaSE BILL 04. A Bill to incroaso tho For Dlora of Jurors, in Oortaln OasoB. Editor Jeuiinal: Tlu above hill was presented to the houte of tho legislative assembly, some two weeks since, and passed tho first and second reading, wus printed and re ferred to the judiciary committee, where It rcmulus, perhaps, to sleep its long sleep. Tho provisions of such bill aro as IOIIOWB, lO-Wltl Every Juror summoned to appear before a Jus'tioo of the peace, a city recorder ucting as ex-olllclo, Justice if the peuco or a coroner, to examlue the cuuso of tho death of uny per son, who said coroner muy desire to examine or auy court tliut Is not a court of record, shall bo entitled to the sum of $2,00 per day for each day lu actuul service, und mileage at tho rate of 10 cents per mile, from his said residence, to tho placo of holding court and returning home; ind any Juror who may bo regularly summoned and makes un appear nice, who shall be rejected for cause or otherwise, shall bo entitled to one day's service and mileage, as above, The reasons that will Justify a legislative body In passing such a measure aro as follews: Tbn preseut luw as it stands in our "Code," only illowsu Juror ono dollar, for tho trial of u case, no matter bow fur said Juror may have to nomo to at tend said court, or how many days he may bo employed In tho trial of said case. He can collect only one dollar for his service, and no mile age boforou Justice of the peace or city recorder. This Is tho law as it now stands, and there Is no way to avoid its effects no mutter how nurd Us provisions muy uppeur. This luw wus passed muny years when a Justice of the peuco ouly hau Jurisdiction over a precinct, but at tho lust sesslou of tho legislature "uu act" was passed authorizing the county courts to district their counties, which has boon done, und there wus elected In each county u Justice of tho peaco for each of said llstriets, who has us much power lu his said district to compel utteud inco on his court, as u county Judge has to compel utteiiduuco lu the county court. In order to show how redlculous this old luw Is uud what its ellccts are, I will lustuuee u cuse. A and li get Into trouble, uud tho result Is A sues It lu a Justice court, uud tho Justice sends out his sum mons for a Jury, some of whom have to 'Mime 0 or 8 miles uud consequent ly have to bring their owu convey ances. The case Is commenced and turua out to bo a long, tedious one, and lusts some two ur three days. The Juryman has to pay his board and that of Ills animal or animal during the whole time of the trial, uud when he gets through the cam he walks up to (ho justice and re ceives for all his time aud expense, oue duller. Is till fair dwillug (o cause that Juryman to leave his home and uusJhmm aud booouipelhkl to appear before said court, when his rvea way be needed at the plow, or the drill or way be harves ter, or tbreeber, aud all for oue dot Uft "tfveb laws are a Jewel," I tuerWow hope tke uew taw May be Jwmc. Wi-, to, lh Vmr W U h mart tfxtmfimi Ui umllo rt look iirfriiri Must a tiirtti HjHhl hmt front h mirror, m ii hlrtlinnd, If Jiinlinfnh Itxdf (which, if iJ k UMially iliKwrrtJr A vra bo h ulavt. to n 1'tirllnjf nm pmrttoK)tiojjjmfbfn can't j?" "Ut into iuitHff iiitio uiatcii or wwtry, , hiiiiffing hi lior ay. A1 and ilneM. ' Wlio niiTH what twtii$wki foot 1mi NnhoiH. Dtlt k WtMlUL i miittor wlmt mIzo mIu fct, jkim Hflf.! imvo it root hlKgr than ff, ft p.i tho Mimo wuy wftli glor, ik tm&" uced not wear Iovch nxeeft Jm a p portnnt tttiil fornutl i)vmUfaim H woman must wear liiwti of pfpM ICIHVtl. VOl pl'OpIO IhlgjOf 1 ity of tlip wxm, Ah to wouinn catinut (ly Into ii moil can, uiul low) no HUttMtigj by. ilon run go into IimmT und holt thttlr food nnd, art J but womon cnirt. Tlny I privllcgia.- WiwbiiigUitt'l I'lnely TnwslistikJtJ Bomo yvam imo n kindorgartuor wiwthr tbrotigh u dirty ullcyi m ly vixitH tii tho children Ah hIio lliifrerotl onuier rocoiving tho laHtfohtitl weary woman' lutart, i loud but not iiufHouilh from iiu tippoi' wintlov bouHo jum rottiKl the vm "Clour thlngrtotit'frotn i poaU'tl tho volco in Hto contH. "Tho toacbor 6', Gtiaiilb Ih cumin dpwu tie i Tho "Chiltlion'ri Citmrtto" purity ami iifiioruncel Wu gant tmiiHlutioii luw yot Imm to runilor tho Gommn Void Buch fuithfulnoMH untl H "Cblldrou'H RigbtH," OrotrliiK Onoil Vrt, "An ovidoiifo to nW mWMi ecrvaut morchnnt rceootJy, "m l growing irooa tiusto in 'tw nity Ih tho tonditncy I wm now through Hovural bolieW apt of a diHpoHition to buy the beet l cr thun tbo mtwt fur tli tttim pernled. Tlio richi buy 'mtijH qtUHito and vuiuutije twup l than thoy iikthI to, nnd tinmat cruto Incomu wunt mum. tliingH rather than hIiowt aol I for-littlo cuiH!tH. MwelMtfp undoubtedly recognised W4 roctly ut IciiHt. for ywtr hf $04 Burnt or ucMirauio trtnen imi Now YorkTuniwi, Plenty of Itaist I Uf Tho lont work, buwwrw ahvayn uiothtxlicnl amnueki of timely rewt uud of rm&bit tion, untl tho full ret'OKUijlMl fact ik u inoru iiieHtlo - itr which wo bono to m$ more- widuly atlinittod M Londou lauct. Tlio roador of tninb. ta I of Holldityautl long latr troj'H hlnihoir ofton by al pucker hotwi'oti tin biowM ing tho volumo iieni' itwi Hudditnly btu'oiiiu tioai A leading utitboHty of Btato ngrifiiltiiiKl d WiiHliingtoii Ih rwjxitmilwl bcrtion that tiioro xIjouHj 60,(M)0 unyltnviniiK to fortilo farm lantl. fulth Hlwpllelly. Kciupcn, a town in lower Rhine (the htrtH? a Keutpls), u it favorite I pie with small incomes. tlon or these Dutchmen ited as their income, j droll stories that are told 1 At one time a tire broke damage was doue beceoee were out of rewalr. Tbe and after uiueu uruoKn tlmt on the eve preceding town officers moum the engines, punrrw, eto. One of the greatest pr4ti was ttie toll exacted at to eoancil wished to lucre and iuetead of Uuirmif) tht. voted to tumble (be number t This aauie cotmell siso Wndtal to be take 'from kooee cowutou aud ulatied where it would be yotsrie weather. - ', But of ail the Queer toUafKeufwi and its tuUktt-UuHftmimp-urrurH ftr lbdtM4MlMM tew si.