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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1893)
h $ ,. ' e-i Jr.' 0 Mi th ouAd. kaMHU. awKSI JUMaSC 1HH CATIHQ. XlM-f JWTI WI u-mmim ilutlttMlttcfMHtHtrofnf f Mrtwtf. .toH4 (nlof IkAt Mfmrtltl IM mUffl . if.... .1 .. ...aulj " ulll U U.M ftj I.. ,.....,, .1.. I..1.. . Llyl iHWMW-'MiiVBnriMr nrcnw "" " "' Mm fwim wtw w iiaimr win "i"" S erwmtml iffU'Jnt llw ollitr WMilrw, "I ttwvo In Ilin Ht:hl ihtcdhm. If tlm wt tAOUHUSOME OHMTI. PniHniMiHl IVffHrttntifM f Ha Mlftrt in l'tl. tly mmon Iwm lt otwnwl In tto fttio d In 8onnHre. rbyttM Mine company of fHrit h mtm m iwrronimnccs in n locality Iwit wittier or IjV n Tim nucKtlon remains mi for fevwi th BplritnAllW who iMttuklfttf (friim with tlio iwrlo hut no Ixfcllr Imvd Ik-cm iimlilo to hr cotttfl to mi Hii(lcTtnnlintf With a jftowU that luno been piyln Mnfc.ilm.tul MM HI I H Mb1.t tU. 1'OIH ,i,.u ....., j u...... .iiiuluiu.1 IaabiI l IllirfW lt "' f-" -- . . . m '1 Ml I MUM ITHB III L. 1 1 " tVTTI .", I , "fl '-.I....... i.,.f ..! wini Vdlfllltf tltllMllflOI ... ..: rftwlM-n ilwnccBMry IrKHIumm.wliwMwiML dtJtfw of h uiriiibof of eonjuwiftriuoii- Ollfr CYimtwHI lorml ml nwuwiwl Morel, to look Into tlil nmtWr lr- with urwHtw, ftUKhly ntiil In which to fortivnhtto ft Tliu peacock ami (wan weT8(nmmtoll rwnwiy. Aim unwiicwi ui u' "'""" uertHHii UHimiM. In IccIaikI codflwi lti to a fwwdtf ro tiJ it brrwt Bnlnimi war formerly tailored to pro mote (lriinketincM. Tlio fiuhlon of wrvltiK llti fili Woro (Jlntr-d U ior1injtt ilio went eltiniUy nnl MtiPiwIVfly iiianuwi or nny ouut www timwln tlwworhl. TliU l limlnly Ix ennw It In rt (jrowlh flml bcoaiiw It n lx- ln Milftml to tuny nmi irrfnfn,ni" . ihonhlcrd fvrry now nnd then. Ulw- T& JWwfliiit i 4bnSIr mntiM thrmtcWcn In exneth Hwmmim WAym tlio others who upnet Kb mrri of n qtllct family loot winter rlli IhU dlffcrencct that tho now not immaAng tlmt they do not belong to imyrtlnK company) appear toronflno (Mr miMcs iiHndplly to tho kitchen. Tfey have a eculinr likinK or hatred iter all oooking uteiullH, for nny witito- or frj'Ing rn that may bo InnKinK tnj wall la Btiro to do puiieti on 9 twlMM thrown on tho ground. Ttiero 111 miOfing for h cook to do in Mich n MMmii but to lament or oxecrnte. Tho WatMng of tho iwiiicoimnn, tho frying fttul gridiron at night nan imjoiiboiiio- utiflpftkuby infcnial, for theso when tney jump eff tuclr nails do WH rwRuuti whoro tlioy fall, but got up n 4mmw Mid keep it going witli n diLrcgard t propriety qulto bacchanalian. At lnjfth the ghonta (tho ghostly thoory k Admitted in ilofnult of a better one), Mlw their gumo with tho cooking W&tnm rather alow olthough tbii wn Wt Mm Irnpresslon of other p'oplo iHnwd their nttontion to clam nnd crock' try, and either throw itntononno'her or it from lovo of mischief and deviltry. .Tho night on which thin rime woh too much for tho norves M Mm peoplo who occupied tho lodgings. Mjr descried their rooms nnd look rnf 1lwith a nelghlwr, Tho policolmvo Twrted the premises prepared to drhw tip procoa verbal against tho ghortsif Km iwenomonii wero rojicated in their prMMtice, but whllo they wero thoro tho pofai mid pans nnd broken crockery rc md cjulot. Tills Is whathappenod M m tlmo of tho provious outbreaks of ttw U()4niaturnl, Xot h ghost can bo found that will JM form in tho presence of a pollco ofll Mf. Tills in sufllciMit proof that tho aplrite who nro musing ro much troublo aalri nro French: it is evident that tho national reject for uniforms clings to 1wfin even wlicu tliey Inivo left tlio llcmi. Prk,Cor. St. James Qazotto. Ik( nmi wiinnllcntwl avidem of U ' mnats began In I WW., krciHng that wero tiMlmpa nil right fifty j ThrOreeks l-xcelle! In awectmenU and tlio iiotnnuN in soiki (iinnen. unit fish. tHirk nnd lecr worn 'dilution breakfast of Henry Villi rio, high Jlnksln Parity during (. ' fltrV mntise themwlvcs In esnctlj "c ffl". ff ". '!" K '. '1 V "."! ' "'''" Tliiitn Cnllur lliitloni. Tk most nggresslvo of all of llfo's mi Mr evils if n man's collar button. It is tb iot olusivo of things when sought lor al tlwtnost obtrusivo when in place. Svery sort and stylo seems to luivo lieon farMed to ubnto Its trj'ing (ualltles, bttt .It still romains an obstlnato fact, MMl apeoiully obStitmto nnd uncomfort Wj,wlii on tho back of a man's neck WBWnj? nnd irritating tho sensitiro flesh. And wlwn that collar button serves dou m duty nnd holds down tho collnr, and jNgng an ungainly lozengo shnpod m' inm holds down tho necktlo, then la its tirvsenco folt most nufortu- iMy. "1frrr4jle bolls havo times unnumherod nMH oecasioiied by theso ungainly inutal fWw " n man's ueck, and their toiora H(A'for bo long n time is n matter or tPWpiUr, especially when tho matter Is so WMrtly rtHtuHlicd. Ouo needs to go only WtrdM the way to find tho remedy, nnd JfrfKtbtai On many of tho newest collars IImmw la tho necessary central buttonholo : lm Vw back, which fastens over on ordi nary pearl button which Is sowed on tho dtrt' Oil either side tho buttonholo two mtaU flaps nro stitched. Tho flap Is Mtofcgd to tho collar nnd Is jiiBt its own wfcttb front tho lower edge of tho collnr. s limn ftapa nro of threo or four ply linen, ; nnd whi lnundered nro as stiff as tho 1 AIr IMf. Tho uecktio Is sllnped tin - iaf . tH, ns with tho oblong button, jMl nexorcise, bo it over so violent, OTH,kttMtt It from Its coulluemotit and 1ft H "! tho collnr, us it has always had H tmMioy heretofore to do. Now York J& it An lUtruvBgnitt I'nlr. k not gtitiurally known that tho n wntirew, In snlto of her manv aaftllwtU iiuallties, Is very oxtravagant, m& wM largu sums of money to tho BatUn trAdeamaii, ouo llrtn nlouo hnvlng bill of 800.000 marks, or 100,000, fhtt kr majesty. Tho empress never W' KUr B dress, a mautlo or a bou Mt a Aood tluifl In public, and every- raft Wtt alio buys Is of tho very leat. k a4J Ui mure surprising when It la INMtWotod iow extremely ainiplo hrr KWQiiuiHiyw woro bforo her mnrriago It Jhfam wllMtn of lriisla, and oven liar kar Marriage, until her husband aama4 M the empire. thtt pmmw Is also very largely In ja MM or (no nanusome pnent l la kM huh spring by the nmpress who aitvauftM mm 1,300,000 DoHcy of irovenunent bureaus to mag nlfy t'icir own business and of every potty chirf to increase his own duties. Tills tendency runs nil through thode-, purtmentnl rcrvleo nnd tho result has been to mnko a Cltlncso puzzle of the en tiro service, "Tho whole thing should Iw looked Into In a thorough manner and u new system doviiicd. It should bo simplified, and tho rules of modern business life applied to governmental affairs. Why, don't you know nolsxly knows how the treas ury department stand? No two financial exitcrlscan understand tho treasury sys tem of bookkeeping. The monthly debt statement defies even the ptofcunioiml statisticians, nnd ns for the method of transacting any kind of government business, it is so ridiculously complicated that tlio only thing that can lie said for It Is that it furnishes proportionately to desired results more places for salarwl officials than nny other system over de vised, Tuowholo tiling needs revision, but Is this to bo accomplished in two years?" Now York Herald. niching by the Queen. Arpmantlo story is being circulated anent tho discovery by a Dublin art dealer of a collection of etchings execut ed by tho queen. Tho doalor in question purchased at tho sale of books and pic tures of tho lato Earl of Cliarletr.ont two old portfolios. Tlioy wero knocked down for n few shillings as containing only unfinished sketches of no value and cut tings from illustrated papers. When tho dealer emptied tho contents of one of the portfolios carolessly on tho floor in his room ho camo upon something hard at tho bottom, which turned out to bo a packet of etchings by tho queen. They boro, in writing which lias been recog nized as at any rate very like tho writ ing of her majesty, tho inHcriptoit "Drawn by Albert etched by Victoria. Presented to Lady Charlomoiit by Vic toria." Tho etchings wero no doubt given to tho CounteHS of Charlemont as a memento of tho queen's visit lo Ireland. TJiero are a number of tho etchings, and tlioy are mostly done on biiioII sheets of paper If tho find turn out lo bo as represented, it will havo a double valuo as represent ing tho combined art work of the queen and the prince consort. Tho difficulty willbotoestabliHlithoautlienticityoftho etchings. This can only lie done proper ly by submitting them to her majesty If sho recognizes them ua her work, the owner will find liiniiwlf in tho possession of a small fortune of unearned Incre ment. London Cor. Ulrmingham Ua zotto. A I'rrxli Hnrlnl lilnu. A novel nnd felicitous plan for choos ing partners was recently practiced at a Calais whist party. Finally albums hud been r.msackud and photographs of all the gentlemen, nt ngea ranging front nix months to twenty years, in dresses, lu kilts nnd in tho "first pair," wore gath cred together in a hat fiom which the ladles drew. Some bien had retained their baby looks longenough to be easily recognized, aouio wero complete onlg mas, while tho others wero moro or lean plain lu spito of additional hair on lipa and cheeks and "subtractional hair" on heads. 1 ho gentlemen wero not in the secret oiiglnally, and their aumzemeut when the pictures wore lot out of the bag was ouo of tho funniest parts of the run, iiowtston Journal. A favorlto dainty In Naples In 1000 was a goose plucked nnd roasted nllvo. Tho Interior of n Itoutsn roast pig con tained thrushes, ortolans and small fish, Drillnt-anvarln snld a deswrt without cheese was like a woman without nn oyo. In 1(107 the Cnglish had potatoes, tulip roots, radishes, pumpkins, artichokes, colewort. cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, parsnips, turnips, boots, nspnragus. on ions, lettuce and cnwi. A pio served to Charles II was mndo of sparrows, jxitiitoes, eryngoea, lettneo. chestnuts, oysters, citron, artichokes, eggs, lemons, lmrlerriea. peper.nutincg, cloves, mace currants, sugar and wino. St. Louis Olobu-Douiocrat. WHISPEnS ABOUT WOMEN. Mrs. Robert Winthrop. of Now York. la worth over $10,000,000. Huldah I'riedrichs lias the honor of being the first lady taken on tho regular stuff of a London paper. Aliss Uertie O. Unrn. of Anburndalo. Mass.. who navod two girls front drown ing' last summer, baa buun presented with a medal. Mrs. Orme Wllwil. of New York. Is nothing if not English. All her enter tainments nro modeled after thoso of our British cousins Mrs. Htovenson. mother of tho vice president elect, is eighty-three years of ngo and one of tho best authorities on the early history of Kentucky, Dr. Kuto Campbell Ilnnl is medical director of the Uryn Muwr school, near Philadelphia. She is the daughter of a physician, and has studied extensively abroad. Miss Paulino Whitney, of New York, one of tho debutante of thii scrkuu, is certain to be a belle. That she is u great lielress goes without wiymg, for sho is not only tlu daughter but the grand daughter of a millionaire. Mrs. Cho.ite. president of tho Now York Woman's exchange, laa tall, grace ful woman, with gray blnecyennnd hair slightly tinged with gray. She is always kind and sympathetic, and listens pa tiently to niiMiy a tale of woe. Miss Oertrudo 1. Darrett. danghter of Rev. li. F. Iiartt'tt, of Philadelphia, has been made general manager of tho Swedeuborg Publishing association since the deeciwo of her father, who was for many years president of tho association. AMKlmettt. IticldVMlAlljr It sIkn! tl dim, tfllloif tlffht tiK)tl thrt KlH who Ml oil WW Hde of tho cettlrr labia and tho fellow who larrltd upjKsdln, film apttired lo bo suffering with an titiKuthflod ambition, "You wrro speaking" Ills rokfl was tlks that of on whcsifl aonl Is inttcli dlotrmiitht. "of old adages." "Olii yes, I think" Sho raised her hand to protect her am from tho scathing heat of tho coal stove. "many IrlU) sayings nro without truth. Tor Instance" Sho shot a coy glance, across tho table. "tho ono which says distance lond enchantment," When another hour had elapsed tho lamp was still emitting It orfume, but tho center table was no longer between tlio fellow nnl tho girl. DotroltTrlbnno. I niMT lUril t'mhrd. "I wonder if that master of mine thinks I nm another Nancy Ilanks?" Jubilco Lifo. FASHION'S MIRROR. A l yaJii'ty undertook tho greater 4K tm exjHHiwa Incurred nt tho IamMvaI at Wlttoitlwrg, Tho law, unfortuimtely, uot tho t4a of money, and scatters It Urt, to tho groat homir of a rayal ljct, Ctnclmutl ArllU Ml m rtr. MAMfe ooiifort" U what ttack- aa at some rvcvtfUra wero ll v1h iiikge include a jmir of ItoriMatt wool, n lw uei-kcr- haft wck4h cloth, a ickatt of i a ptm, soW quk'kly, as iwny radily 4ck out among MM HHATMt or ar ' mAHHW, AilvlaliiB i Writllliy Mau. Cleorge J. Oould. since the death of his father, U said to havo received nu average of four letters of advtco dally All of the crunks lu tho country, forget ful of tho facts that young Mr, Unuld was associated with his rather in bind uess for twelvs years, and that ho had aluuwt etitiro coiitrol or afl'aira for the last twoyenrs, nro eager to tell the young man how to inanago tho vast ttaUt In his charge, A goodly iinipnrtion if tlnw would bo advisers are anxious to havo n sliaroof thetlould millions diverted Into religious mid charitable channels. One writer advises the Uonld children to build tho largest HiulliiieHtvlmrch in the world as it memorial of their fathvr. Nevv York Times, Oil? A UlcHliltd lluii(tif. Mile. PoLiiro sanir nt-entlv the composition or a well known sjiortmtinn lit laris, and wheu tho song was Mulshed a floral ottering of untune dwigu was presented to her by tho compear, not lit tho form of a nosegay- to carry lu the hand or wear tn her boMitu, but Ixmquet ill tho idmpo of a life nUed hurt, idl or rows, which, profiled by a tlguro in slvlo, walko.1 out iqwit tho stago and put Ita nose in her hand. This rather iir passes Attalle Clalru'a full hlxwl nwLinu. oliair. which so dlsturbtnl ,'in ralr Lillian lat winter In Uoston. -Paris Letter. A Nururjr Stt, Thoftittoof Urvsran li.isthlrtv.ais niii riL coveritvr I.S70 acria ami i-tintuin lug about 0.000.000 vomit? tnsM. .n.,1 .r. clunllnts havo upwanl of 100.000 acres oi growitig trvxw, Green, gray, brown and baize aro now Tory popular for wimiIi-iih. For velvot gowns and cloaks dark gPHn, red and black will bo most em ployed. Satins have won their way back to popular favor, and now "anything that is satiu" is in Htylo. Tills season will see many glaring rod gowns. Red ami black will l,e a hpo clally favott I combination Pansy el vet and bishop purple aro Parisian f.ivorttca. mid will lw neon in both costume's and millinery. A new stj lo in all wool volvpts Is a uright ground In colors covered with it soft down of long white hairs. The Russian velvets now In favor nro only those of tho richer grades. The Hues are a thin cord of silk over a dark woolen background Bonnets aro of all possiblo shade!, and their garniture is often most original. There will surely lw a return of flowers to favor. Already tho later impc.rtntioiis of Paris bonnets show flowers, laconnd fur lu close combination. A wide formless Back coat of seal In half length shows only two scums. Tho front parts elooo by buttons, which roach to tho blgli Stuart collar, under which is a long hood falling down to tho waist Tho wide sleeves are narrow ut the wrists and have novuffa. - Philadelphia Record CHATS A0OUT MEN. Franklin W. Smith, of Boston, is still agitating the establishment of a national gallery or history and art lu Washington to cost ultimately $10,000,000 Edwin Oould hat ordered from a press clipping bureau "all the comments and acounta about" his father which have appeared or will appear In "all tha news paper of the world." Franco has discovered that the young est living mayor in that country is M. Degravo, mayor of Dernnceuillette, who who wus bom May 7, lfc7. and who was elected eight day nrter reaching the law ful ugo. Vtco PrtMldetit Morton's chief enjoy, went Is found lu aoeUI pliwurrs. Hi give a great many dinner parties and tvecptious, and during tho winter at tends a great many entertainments, u,. doa not euro for Hold sport. Senator David B, Hill combine tuuj ness with pleasure, as a rule, for his thief pieasuro ts tn tsilltlc. But ha doe Heal How Do filept. Tlio hotol clerk was talking to tho drummer. "You boo n good many funny things in your travels," ho said, "and occasion ally I seo ouo or two and stay at home. Day beforo yesterday wo had a country dudo stopping with ns over night. Eto had on Btoro clothes nnd a bluo necktie, and what ho didn't know wasn't worth knowing. When ho started up to Ids room nt night I told him there was a folding bed in it, and If ho wished tho bell boy would show him how It worked. But not much; ho didn't want to bo shown anything. IIo know a thing or two about tlio city, ho did, ovon if ho did livo in tho country. So I let him go, and next morning ho paid his bill without a word and went away. "About noon I hnppencd to bo on that floor, und a chambermaid called mo to take a look in his room. And what a sight met my eyes! Tho bottom drawer or tho bureau was pulled out ns far ns It would come, and in it wero all the rugs in tho room, with a towel spread over ono end for a pillow. Evidently he had tried to sleep thoro, for pinned up on tlio glass was a sarcastic little legend reading: "'Ool dcrn yoro foldin beds! Why don't you mnko 'era longer and put more kivvcrs onto urn? Mebbe you expect a man to stand up and sleep in your durned old cubbcrd." " Tho drummer laughed. "Tho 'durned old cubberd,' " resumed tho clerk, "was ono of our best ward robe folding beds.'. And then they both laughed. Detroit Frco Press. N. A rurtkU. Tlio Court Prisoner, havo you any friends? Tho Prisoner No, your honor, I havo contracted tho habit of giving advice to every ono I meet. Tho CourtNo wonder you aro charged with vagrancy. Ninoty days. Chicago nowH-iiccoru. A Sprinkle of Splco. "There's tho most imaginative man I over heard of." "How so?" "IIo can rido in a Buffalo street cor and think ho's warm." Buffalo Express, Juit What Ua Wanted. "Snpposo Columbus hadn't discovered America. Willie, would you havo liked that?" "You bet? It would V cut jogrophy down ono-half." Harper's Bazar. butccptlble, Parker Nesbit Is awfully credulous, It seems to me, Duston What makes yon think so? Parker Why, even his pictures flatter him. Chicago Inter Ocean. Nut rr orr. Tho boy who quoted in ids composi tion, "Sweat nro tho uses of adversity," was not so far out of tho way. Poverty and perspiration aro frequent compan ions. Lowell Courier. i nm wws uue-nnii or una aero- awv wti..iw. ,. u ......... .. i. ..... ., is in prune, ono-fourth in atmW ! ....i L .... 't',Z? T'T" ""f""' ,-, ....!. i.. .. v . """ j vriuun kwu luinsirvi tuow. vwumm i niincvia aim ma rcinuuuir rery fond of a irood minstrel aboi. witr, koTte. NhiiiIiic the luby. Wo kvarrhed the list from tint to last To Anil n name appropriate To ero n our curly liraileil ty, Wo wantwl mtovthtriK Uron ami artAt. Flrt l.Knanl Mrm k ua llonliko A Kttxlly nmr; nliul nj when Th tiwntr rwu ! iun' rtt, ll'll Ihuixler itoru oU tlnui as UD, Phllaiider tmublwl ut whll J"or nun iliouUl lov hi fellewruan: Hut 'tit Mimy to U'ltruit Toctuuiiuin Phil, wre uovtrcan. Jow ItotWrlc U rich In fame, N e will: e won't. TwUI nevrr do To vUt our lu) benvath th lut Ot common Uod Ida life all through. A rharaiius nane wa Ijtncvlol Or Valvutlne, Ausu.tua, all; Si L"" ml v' anJ U1 r not Th nautra ww antcil foU. to Uwt Then l)ivtantti. and lWrtram a,one, llut tn and tWrt dIJu't like. And hl t ray cut rroot Saul; It n4 a uame wl tinr strike. ..v!.' rrud the north ttroB. ti - u .wm U IM,d r?vul,u ' 'a Tba lUt Hllh name (hat ahould beloan Of courn ah rUIra could never wta! The Ubjr srewr and found hU toame. And wt our fanclea to hk wtlL Ad xUedoe.a ulaht, with boyUh dla. Vo oS th roof and call 4 Hair W BttwUutnaGovornmautBond.liigherrntteofinUriMt, indemnity in old riw ortJdUi. YouwtnnotlowR'dolUrmRMamoluwetU compny, Cah nnd paid yp vdwwi urMttMl welt yw. Mr. H. G, Coltos, Gn'l Aj?wt of tlio raswwhu 4UKutul lihwurtMi oompMy, U in Ut oity nd if you aw thinking of orry. kiaftiMot 1m wiU 1 gk4 t yo. CmJI t Ui WilkwU Ho4 or at Uw off A unn rsfSfll , wiiftttoc tiimiiir ; k , J5; Immbto M"' w""1 Ul,!i W1" UIOOKfl HKO lliniinn .."" "" : foot or( ngniiii mi-" "'" ' .. i lm (. km inv aiirfiit'O of Billirpliltil .i. ...i.iiIil.. ilin I mi file. tlcHlilld ill .lrvclly n fcrltj ORCtllom tiiroiiBiiom iii ."- world.-l'lltlotl iuicgrnpii. Clilncs Nftttnns nt Celttf. Tito plilloMitiliy Of CIiImpso lOtlPO minting l truly ctirlfjiw. thotitfli r iiiii4 tho itilunfit wlilcli ntlru'liw lo lliirt fllllijwt H"M inoro in tiiorcm.iu tloim Itmxxnl ix'l t'o wil" I'1 nntl linmli than In tho frco Mrrvlw of ft dororittlvo art, for nmoiijf Co lcfltlnla nrt It emltioiitly utllilnrlnti. Wo enjoy our colors i tlioCliineuo tmt theirs to work Moro. In liottso taint Ing grcoii nnd red nro, m to npcnk, do rigueuri other colore would 1j tin propltloiifl. unlucky, III omened. And oven If tho nvrrngo Chlnnmnn (bnl nncing himself tw best ho can ujion tho BUiKirstitiouM nnd practices of ngca) is Ignorant of tho prociso grounds of his belief, ho ndhorca nono tho loss rigidly to tho ennon. As Pythngoraa taught that music was tho first cnuso of tlio universe, 80 tho Chincso havo pinned their faith to tho nbsoluto efficacy of color, en dowing it with powers qulto beyond tho laws of chemistry or physics. In deed, ioor John may bo said to livo and dio by tho color scnlo. Henry B McDowell in Uiirjx.'r'B. for infanta nntl Children. i'CnflaltMwrtU'lrtlcWMfrt' f f feomwiwl Um tnft lor lo V. tlltlo Miwnloln" It A AftfHfa, I li.j III Bo, Oifonl El., I)reokln, H. T, j . . A lt-l. !.. la M ltA(Mlt A till It. imim wflfknow.. tint t iwmj wyrt lnWlfr.cnt fimlllM wl'O keep CrtK" - awfK Ule Tailor ntootnliiiplale ltofonneJ Cliurch. Ca.lMla nirr(MIS tbnfT tfn, pour Biomaeii, Mrrlij ''"W''., a wJlwit Injur Ion innllerttloa, "For otffftl TMM I '"!" reointnfn.W illi m m It liM liiMtlitbl iiroduewl ltiedclal "The Mi Inlhnip," laSUi Blrwt and Tth Arn. New Yotk City. Ttta CitwAon CoMMai, M Mcbhat firnrnr, Na Yoait. ima&t zS H. F. BROER, rroprletor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All House-finlsliltiR Material mndo to order tit the lowest Portland prices. B-o us before you buy. j m h - br. l. T.. rtAnnrriL Stricken Down with Heart Disoaso. Hr, J!Ie STedteal Co., JZhhart, Ind. Oevtiemeu: I feci it ray duty, ps well Q3 o gleasuro, topubllsh, unwllcUcd, to tho world tho enetlt recehed from dr. Mitrs- ntsToPATivs Rcmcoics. 1 was etrlcltcn duwn wiih Heart JjUratn and tti complications, arupld pulso vary IngfromCp to HO beats jr minute, a choLinBor hurnius sensation in tho wk.d pipe, oppression THOUSANDSg1S glon of tho heart and below lower rib, paia In tho arms. Khortne-n of brcaih. ilret,!pi.ivcR upnLnpiL uum ii.iuu v.u.viiii, tug ujiuuuiugoi my ucurt could be heard ocros a largo room and would lhako my whole body. I Mas ra ncrvona that I ihil iimiii mv nn.,,, .Tnn.iv m now. rmt inrifihM ImwiImhI nf kiImm,! , m and have takrn gatUm of Patent MetUHnn wltlm'iK the lrnt bmrflt. A friend recom mended your remedies Hbo was cured by Dr. lilies' remedies Ibavotiken -i . - threo bottles of your NewTI Imp M Heart rure and two bottles vwnt.1 Nervine. My pulse Is normal, I have no moro violent throbbing of the heart, i am wen mn I sincerely recommend every one with symptoms of Heart Disease to take lir. iliU' lltttora aiA ItrnxfittfB and bo cured. Gypsum City, Kans. L. I CiRMEa. BOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. Kohl by D. J. Pry, drnguUt, Sale n Dr. Powell Reeves & Co. Tho Old Reliable Specialists, Ut?ftIJfw York Hospitals. Oraduato with High Honors. Tweuty yenrs' experience as l'rofetsor, Lecturer, Author and 8Deciallt in Chronic piseases. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Cough and Difficulty of Breathing Successful ly treated with specif, lo remedies thoroughly i tested and proved by ino OLD DOCTOR Who 4ft ono nf nti- ii .. . w. "utga uuuiezaexia thoroughly devoted to his profession and ever ready to help the afflicted NERYOUS DEBILITY &$ .w njlddle art .,, lh. aifuM.WrtiS dlMiirctluii. prodiicluK weakness, LOST ViVv. 11001) ulglt emlwlons. ejW,.nuV drsfn. bahfulncs, los of energy, wriVi,,.., (H body and brain, uuniilna f.ui lor study, bml.s and niarrlaie. treats fth uerUIUoKsucMia Cleteiirnlundbeaman. m.iess. BLOOD AND bKIN ;,.!r,a,1e,rZVpp.,,'plm' sypbllltlo Ulut.rheun'utl.'.n.'efSp1 "uu,;e,t,cUOo'f M kinds. bhKHl poison trum r ciuU . ,45uhiai,,lpUx K'vllii ,he ,J,,m p is KIDMEY AND URINARY ra? in der, .edlmciit In urine, brlik, .tln m'.L'.1? while urluattng, IreuMtfex o l rthi-.",Vl ,"ln and all dlMwent ii?. i.:..i. iJI'W l" CATARRH SSSaN u,r.eKiS cur etlectut soimi as potsible W! PR1V1TR, KleU.Kuui.rih.. ...v.,,.. r.!Wm ffiflS? .teitv t WHITE f'Si!, "jy-'.vir 'I1 ooux ou Sexual btcivts. a.(,.." "l lot ARCHIE JIASOX. A. II. SMITH mason ssbccxi? jb: General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete atidjlMnson Work, Tiling, Ac. All wtirk promptly done. SALEM, OREGON. cir:iiviijtjgsaarrij;ij.jLg CLEAN! Ii you would ho clean and haye your clothes done up in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the &ILF.M STLAill LAIIKDRY where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt manner COLONEL J. 03 MST ED l.iWlv Sl.ri'nt 7sf rS0UTHWa 0ly W, THE SHASTA ROUTE of the Southern Pacific Company. CALIFORNIA EXPIIE8.H TKAIN-HON DAIM BETWSEN POKTIUND AND a. F. 73X p. lu. .ls p. m. K:15 a.m. ti. Portland I.V. Halem Ar. Kan Fran. 7:35 u. m 5.'2t a. in 7:00 p. n Auose trains stop ouly at follow i nr cto TiwnCeaTTaaAte '10I1DI1 Cltv. l',,- """' Vil II. ill 11-17 a .r. 5:53 p.'m. KoaKuunu mall daii7v7" l.v. Ar. I'orlliinil Kalem Koseburg Ar., Lv. I 1:40 p. in, Lv. 7.0) a. n tlbany Loral, Kxcent Sunday. a tn ii. in 7.5J p.m ai n.m l.v. Ar. P. in I ii ml salera Albany Ar. 10..0au Lv.l7.Jiuin l.v. I .ai . ni Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WaraiMat Ml Hours oi Maj MWlthbntWta Iab0r Cmpl07a ,n thl" oly1eSUbt"antIal fflealc ftedinflnt 'IVenty-fl ve cents per meal RED Bunuip tt,-rt strwt, between Operi ilouse ai '"U"'" 1-ilVOIJ 1 T WnnfffH Uoi 11 A 1 Permanent ,la?e Apnfynnw oufy powers of uu.Very ftocCon bno, AMiMlcaii and Canadian sP? Hv va -u w Kbt Nursery ...en, cibicago;" Dining Cars on Ogilcu Uoutu POLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND- Second Class Sleeping Cars- "'"VUV(4 iV "' luroutn trains. fast Side Division, Between PortlaDi and Cervallis: PAILY. (EXUE1T BIMDAT). l;1,t rn. I l.v. lTjilm.."i I i i. ' -!JlLwJjirollunvUle f.y. FES TIIKOIH,.! TK'KPTc 5afi33Wfta - wVmci.v;i7' "ii fvtlnii. 2 E.P. HOTER At n u A gB"'t Mtltm, From Terminal or Interior Points the will Pacific Rii OR.PnrtELL REEVES & CO. ftw'i'Mri glSjWjjt. Liu. i mi Mil .. t&P' wSmSm u-TittCu ViR TAsiaV UTUTMTHTt i WMwwira SfiV ITH tUCTlfr II. .. ""1 WsiMJ. . "7 . uum ua 1 tbe ttne to iak To all Poiiils Eist and South. v!b!Sf,--Stru?.thronsu nm jcario l- AKD CHICAGO -r.ednJ'H.'h,n,or ') Pi!S'l,?un.ufDlfc, TOURIST SleeDins; Cars. zssRjSSseg" I-.ww ELEGANT DAY COACHES llBAaifii lool.... ' BSWlSBWifft ONLY LINE RUlNNItfG THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M. " 7.9n d m J- DAYS TO U CHICAGO 7 Hours Ouirkor ta C D...I 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago! 40 Hours Quicker to OmahJ and PutoSuSsleepers r CAR SGCARCSHA'R Mr ts ... """"RUiUIlT,AMtlGp . w-gtf;p-A- "hTLANI., Okic!,o . THE YAnuiNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD iuett;,r,,.u".'"l all PoiBi. '.!'?' n. liTJ? .iulna . . 1:pS torratli. u,n eonnaci .. ... T"bOT.t.. f an,s i i rt.rtMt Wtii.rrfirto. . nrtEn ferpolnu S.;Ull, 1 all rsuitMiiav-iA I I t fn'J" i &o oo CT5 CD So" o CD I go CD t MITCOUCLL LUNN, & & &E '. sussissa Tr'-,-w, t u. i'h a ti -ttiii nilt- tt.l Mooi. . . "" rort,,Orj I JZtOmZVrH.