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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1893)
wt-tt .-7p, wmi - - i rT ! i ii JmiT7t1 ? ft . . r n AM,OFHKAW MOt INTEWIKTI f HI 9U- AYOFTHAfOCALT't. tht ymi naT)4(MHi a hoy3tE7rt i hhA the Tvel Wwn4 AmI jHperHH'wA1it 1-Ahil Th& fit tni th lint- :i , J Ml- 2. Dr. Talmtme re- mh M(ftrn tour or iffecli' tMtariM for ln daw iti Ken- TfcuWmnui; 'AlMinmR, Qcorfdn Gftrollrm, anil rwumoil I1I.1 MnaotM on Ood everywhere. wtwd 011 "Th AMronoJiiy or or, kA Among the Stars'," lolofcy of tint Bible! or, God turks" "TlwOrsKLology or, God 'Among the Bird, ka of "Tlw Precl&u Stone i or, Gkl Anion the Ame- . Ottbloct, "The Wall of Heftven."' BtvalAtton xx, ID, "Tfae fotindn Ot tkt -wall of tlw city Were gar- Wtth all mitinr of precious 'IBm& I b frank and tell yoa what aro MitM on you today? They nro to yo bomwlck for heaven: to con yo ooncemliig your dr-pjtrtttj &ML frtends by giving you flomo ot tf brilliancy of the hcciics In tL8y now cemmingle: to glvo nil ! ttw Lrd a more olovatoil idea Wr they are tcoinu to tuns tho ot the yars of their existence, arid Mt all tlw Indifferent and noylccUsl Svlfr m ana immeuiaio prurwrfliion. t tbr may hayo it likewise, 'ok, it in to induce many of oar young to study a volume of God that tvw open, hut without Botne ac- 1 with which it is imtiOHfiiblu ttktawituKl the Bible I mean tho etouee. their arysteiMzntioiif powers of refrsctlontliclrclt arage, fracture, their luster, their ihos- , their transparency, t:ielr in- of color tid ahape, and wh it they to do with tho welfare and doom of And the destiny of natiomi aye, positive revelation thoy make of Gel ' text standi tut in tho presence of tat stupendous oplondor of tho unl find that in the wall of heaven, -WU& aAya of it fouudntions that thoy MW frnlh&l with all nmimor of pro- anaajNoeea. Ail tho ancient cities mm iMtft far.Wety, arid heaven lias a wall -rlliig safety. You miy nay pailtVll, wade np,of nil manner of jptiaiotMl stones is figurative, but you , tjtmnat Hnderstand tho forco and Mjjnlfl mm of tl'.o ftguro unlcoi yon know HjWUMlJHy about the real structure nnd trajsWand yaluoof tho precious stones MMiftQfieu, Kow, I propose this morning, so far as flit Lord may help mo, to attempt to gttasW not the wall of heaven, but tho jfcttndfttlong of tho wall, and I ask you to jot me in tho attempt to scale somo ot tb heights. Wo ahull only get part ot ttw way up, but bettor that than to toy down on tho stupid lovol whore tho JMMt ot W have all our lives been stand- , Hip We begin clear down at tho Lot " mm (ad where the wall begins. ", TM8 JAfll'HK WAIX. Wkiflktk layer of the foundation, ftMpf frfl around tho city and for ttjMnpHles, U a layer of jasper. Indwd mm to wore of jasper in tho wall of tbiwi of any other brilliant, bo not only composes a part of tho 1, but inukes,up tho chief part mrmituro, 'ifio jiisper is a of many colors. It is t, it to yellow, it is greou, it is vor t, it to red, it is purplo, it is black, i to so striped with colors tliat much 1 to sailed ribbon j'siwr. U tofound in Siberia und Egypt, but 'W nsre in most i.iihu and or great , for it is so hard tho ordinary uroo- mtm oHot break it off from the places TBr It Has leeii deposited. Tho work 'MM bore holt into tho rock of jasper, Htm driye into thoso holes sticks of dry Mrofa woodland then saturate tho sticks fist keep them saturated until they bwoII aswiujrh to split tho rock, and tho frag liiwU are'bronKht out nnd polished and twmsportel aud out into eainws and put Mdad the, glass doors of museums. 1 The norteitUs of ltomnu emirarors voro jattMt-i It, 'Tin finest intaglio over Been il In the Variean tuusenm, tho head of Mhnryu it jasper. By divinu arrange- MtMitlqprHdorued tho breastpluto of Htt mk priest in tho ancient temple. kiKhtTw-XTWire first ch.,Her of Kerdatlon without go- S lmMMH Tlw Hebrews tlwHght.lngn to some of tlw particular of the tffc&j, '.Bt&wPRPto 1 iHI'5ffP m hw -HsLaSVstsMsMBs1sMn4ffl BBsifldslilM mmti iK5 f St fflSsP . MtlSiW1 tES -& mm let mast signlflottut iiositiou iswhero M gtows, wtd burns and darkens and ltiitlH tWfl preaohes from tho lowest sjInstUH of.the wall of heaven. Glud am I Mast ttte very first row of stone in tho wall of heaven to Jusiwr of many colors, VyotM purple u la purjuo, and yum mm brown it is brown, and if Nh gwtM It W green, nnd ir you ksjMr yellow it is ochur yellow, and yen Usm venullion it is vermilion, nnd M$m Mm bkok It is black. It suggests MM tkftt heaven to a place of all colors a 1 irtww of Vplulon. colors of creed, col mot Mm, eelors of taste. t WW lll.UK BAVrtlUUL Bat W want pa up In this inspection m wsmaauoaa or tlm great wall of and after leaving the jasper the ktkiaaifiiMfttoiie reached to aamthlro. mtBULWJumy WW"' the city 1,600 mile. sree in saymg tliat the the Bible, to what wo now call Job speaks with emotion pbtoe of sapphires," and God 0 MtMriiof this iwecioivs stoio H to) the breastplate of the .-oowma41ng, "Tho second tw mm ettMtraUl, a sapphire and 9 to blue, but varies from todeejtevt ultramarine. It MkbMm the rivers of Cey sjssiwlisrii in compact masses. IWiMtamt iMirwMii and New mi Korth OanHina iiwd IU Wue eye to wen of the Khiae, Alter a ftf YtaftM it UAst ilIWll J 1W e s im es) in IbmtoH twewwwetito ejrtittttort. IPeVTV eP"lsJplj Tvasi IWWiBlSSVn blsUI V Isisril VexstSLsi Fat all lorerj) of Kcins it to subject of a4irUon and suggMtlvenoas. Ves, the word amethyst means a prevention of drunkenness. Long before the Now Testament made reference to tho ame thyst in the wall of heaven the Tertians thought that cups made out of amethyst would hinder Any kind of liquor con felnedthereitf from becoming intoxicat ing. Tint 6f all the amothystlno cups 'from which tho ancients drank not one had any sueh result of prevention. For thousands of years tho world has been looking bi rain for such a prevent ive amethystine cnp. Staggering Noah could nofflnd it. Convivial Ahosucms driving Vashtl from tho gates could not find it, TJabal breaking tho heart of beautiful Abigail could not find it. Bd shazzar, tho kingly rovoler, on the night tliat tho Chaldeans took Babylon conld not find Jt. Not ono of tho millions of inebriates whoso skulls pave the conti nents and pavo the deptlis of tho sea could find it. There is no such cup. Strong drink from hollowed nmothyst imbrutcs tho satno as strong drink from pewter mug. It Is not tho stylo of cup wo drink out df, but that which tho cup contains, which decides tho helpful or damning result of tho bovcrago. All around tho world last night nnd today, out of cups costlier than nmo thyBt,rnon nnd women havo been drink ing their own doom nnd tho doom of their chlldron for this Ufo and tho next. All, it is tho amothystino cupq that do tho wildest and worst slaughterl Tho smash of tho filthy goblots of tho rum merics would long ago havo taken place by law, but tho amethystine chalices prevent tho chalices out of which leg islatures and congresses drink boforonnd after thoy mako tho laws, Amethys tlno chalices havo been tho friends of in toxication instead of its foes. Ovor tho fiery lips of tho nraethystlno chalices is thrust tho tongiio of that which biteth llko a serpent and stingeth llko an adder. Drunkcnuoss is a combination of apo plexy and domontla. Tho 400,000,000 victims of oplnm corao out to meet tho 100,000,000 victlmB of alcohol, and tho two agents tako tho contract for tum bling tho human raco into perdition, but whether thoy will succcod in fulfilling tho contract depoudd on tho action of tho amethystine cups, tho amethystino demijohns, tho amethystino alo pitchers, tho amothystino flagons, tho amothystino wino collars. Oh, Persians! Oh, Assyr ians! Oh, Greeks! Oh, Egyptians! you were wrong in thinking tliat n cup of amethyst would prevent inobriation. TIIK IIKIIREW BUraiOTmON. But standing on tho top of this ame thystino layer of tho foundation of tho wall of heaven I bothink myself of tho mlutako that many of tho ancient no brows mado when they thought that the amethyst was a producer of pleasant dreams, Just wear a plcco of amethyst over your heart or put it under your pillow, nnd you would hnvo your dreams filled with everything beautiful nnd en trancing. No, no. Tho stylo of pillow will not decido tho churacter of tho dream. Tho only recipo for pleasant dreams is to do right and think right when you nro wldo awake. Conditions of phys ical disease mny give a good man night mare, but iv man physically well, if he behnvo himself aright, will not bo trou bled with bad dreams. Nobuchadnezzar, with eaglo's down under his head and Tyrian purplo over it, struggled with a bad dream that made Win shriek out for tho soothsayers and astrologers to como and interpret it. Pharaoh, amid tho marblo palaces of Memphis, was confoundod by a dream in which lean cows nto up tho fat cows and tho small ears of corn dovoured the Bovcn largo ears, and awful famino was prefigured. Pilate's wife, amid clouds of richest upholstery, had n startling dream, beeauso of which sho sent a mes sage in hot hasto to a courtroom to keep her husband rrom enacting a judicial outrage. Unt Jacob, at Bethel, with a pillow of mountain rock, had a blissful dream of tho ladder angel blossoming. Bunynn, with his head on a hard plank of Bedford jail, saw tho gates of tho celestial city. St. John, on tho bar renest island of tho JCgcnu sea, in his dream heard trumpets and saw cavalry men on whlto horses and a now heaven and n new earth. No amount of rough pillow can disturb tho night vMon of n saint, and no amount of amethystino charm can deleetato tho dream of n mis creant. But, somo ono will say, why havo you brought us to this amethyst, tho top row of tho foundation of tho heavenly wall, if you nro not nblo to accept tho theory of tho ancient Greeks, who said that tho amolhyst wns a charm against intoxica tion, or If you nro not willing to accept tho theory of tho Ancient Hebrews that the amethytt wus a producer of pleasant dreams? My answer is, I havo brought you to tho top row, tho twelfth layer of tho foundation of tho heavenly wall of 1,800 miles of circling amethyst, to put you in a position w hero yon can get a now idea of heaven; to let you eo that after yon havo climbed up twelve strata of glory yon tire only at tho Iumj of the eternal grandeurs; to let you, with en chantment of soul, look fur down and look far up. nnd to force upon you tho conclusion that ir alt our climbing lias only shown us tho foundations of the wall, whttt must tho wall itself bo; nnd if this is tho outside of heaven, whnt must tho Insldo bo; and if all this is fig urative, what mutt tho reality be? mmc d wmmimimmmmmmmmmmn 1 - r -- - . J .- . da " ii Mim. m tWMNilNrtW.JMiri J-RFi"-" r, ,' Ln-ayw of that Uwntjr- . & si k. a a. .! a MiiAii um unnnn wl ii iiim mxii inuvi mi -- " . .. orr 1-Jnv, wia mpimin. n -,.r. ... , 'Y" r," ".r lt.t. j-- . foumfettoti of the wsll or ttearen. 11 Mm a stmncr nUma (ot the fotiwlstion for it to the hardest of all minerals e ftMit Itw iitofti(md. Bwh!re liawtl on Jasjier, a blue sky over a fiery stfneet. St. John iKHnto to it in Revelstfoa and ssys,"Tlie second, sapphire " this suggest to me that themgh or mrth and all Its furniture of monntalne and seas and atmospheres n Ut follapse and vanish wi Will througii' ot all eternity havo in eiHo way kept the most bfantifnl of earthly npiwar ancoo, whether j ou tako Into sapphire of the second layer as litcralrflgnrative. Tho deep blno of our skies nnd the ilodp blue of onr seas must not, will not, bo forgotten. If a thousand years after thd wnrli! li.'ii) trnnn to ashes vou or I want to recall how tho earthly slcielookcd i:f a summer noon or tho mldocean ma calm, we will havo only to look at tho second row of the foundation or tno wall of heaven. Oh. I am so rdad that St. John told us abontit! Thosecond.sapphiror Whllo wo nro living in sight of that wall spirits who havo como from other worlds anu who never saw our earth will visit us, And wo will visit them, and somo timo wo will bo in convoreo nlwut this earth when it was yet alloat and aswing, und Wfe jhall want to tell them about how it looked at certain times, and then it will jk n great objocfc lesson foi-nil eternity, jnd wo will sayHo our visitor from somo other world, as wo point toward tho wall of heaven, "It looked llko that stratum of foundotion next to tho lowest." John, twonty-flrst chapter nnd nine teenth verso, "Tho second sapphire." CHAI-CEDONT AND KMERAM). A step higher and you como to chal cedony, another layer In tho foundation of tho wall nnd running 1,500 miles around tho heavenly clty.Clmlcedonyl Translucent. A divine mixturo of agates end opals and cornelians. 'Strlpodwith wliito and gray. Dashed of pallor blush ing into red nnd darkening into purplo. Iceland nnd tho Hebrides hold forth beautiful specimens otclinlcodony. But now wo must mako a swift nsccnt to tljo top of tho foundation wall, for wo cannot minutely oxarnlno all tho layers, and so, ptitting ono foot on tho chalco dony of which wo havo boon speaking, wo spring to tho emerald, and wo aro ono-third of tho way to tho top of tho foundation, for tho fourth row is emer ald. That, I would jndgo, is God's favor ite anionu Kerns, becauso it holds whnt seems evident Is hla favorito color oh earth, tho green, slnco tliat la tho color most wldoly diffused nci out all tho earth's continents tho grass, tho follngo, tho everyday dress of naluro. Tho emerald! Kings used It as n seal to stomp pronnn- clnmontos. Tho rainbow around tho throno of God is by St. John compared to it. Conquerors huvo considered it tho greatest prizo to capture. What ruth lossness when tho soldiers of Pizarro pounded it with their hammers! Emer alds havo had much to do with tho des tiny of Mexico. Five of them woro pre sented by Cortex to his biide, ono of thorn cut Into tho nhapo of a roso, anoth er Into tho shape of a trumiet, another into tho shapo of n boll, with tongue of pearl, nnd this presentation aroused tho jeulousy of tho throno and caused the consequent downfall of Corte. Bnt tho doptlirf of tho sea were decorated with those emeralds, for in a shipwreck thoy went down off tho coast of Barbary. Napoleon woro nn emerald at Austcrlltz. In tho Kremlin museum at Moscow thoro nro drowns and scepters nnd out spread miracles of emerald. Ireland-is called tho Emerald Islo not becauso of Its vcrduro, but becauso It was presented tcf Henry II of England with nu emerald ring. Neio had n magnifying ghifcs of emerald through which ho looked at the gladiatorial contests at Home. But hero nro 1,M)0 miles of omornld sweeping around tho heavenly city In ono layer. B.UUXfVX AND KAIUIIOT. But upward still and you put your foot on 11 stratum of sardonyx, white und roil, n reaming commingling of snow and lire, tho snow cooling tho lire, tho firo molting tho snow. Another climb and you reach tho stir dins, untried after tho city of Bardius. Another climb und you reach tho chryso lite,, A specimen of this, Iwlongl.ig to Epiphdnns, in tho Fourth century, was said to Ik) so bi llllant that whatever was put over to conceal it wus shone through, and tho empororof China has h specimen that Is described us having bucIi cue trutlng radiaueo that it makes tho nli;ht as bright as tho duy. A higher climb and you reach tho lieryl. Two thousand years ago tho Greeks used this precious stono for en graving purposes. It was accounted among tho royal treasures of Tyro. Tho hilt of Mural sword was adorned with it. It glows In tho imperial crown of Great Britain, Luther thought thotieryl of tho heavenly wall was turquoise, Knlisch thought it was chrysolite. Jose phus thought It u golden colored jewel. Tho wheels of Ezekiel's lsiou tlumod with Iwryl and were a revolving lire. Iho beryl apixnirs in m sided prisms, Arid is bet in seals and intaglios, In ueok lae and coronets. It was tho joy of undent jewelry. It ornamented tho af fluent with eardrops. Churleuiagno pre sented it to his favorites. Beautiful beryll Exquisitely aluiped boryll Di vinely colored beryll It seem llko con gealed eor. It looks llko frozen flro, But stop not hero. Climb higher and you como to topaz, u lovvlldenueut of beauty nnd iuiuhh! after an island of the lied Climb higher ami you eomo to chryson rasus, of greetibh goUlt'n hue and liarvl us tllut. Climb higher and you reachtho Jacinth. iwmM after the (lower liyncluth and of reddish blue. thk 'Aut of ttuu AnniTO. Tako one mora step and ou reach tho top, not of tho wall, but tlio top of the itHiwituwwi 01 uio wuii. aua t. Joku earta ami waven iiasiuM lutu thM m.i.. ..-.i... . v,UUMv cries out. "Tho tvwlfth in uinHiv!!- twlv-u nm-t n( Awu,liiim -n a 11 i ... ,.V " lJ"-neyears a rec- Thte pwcUiw Hone when found in As- tlt. mark yon, onl,- typical of tlio ph -Her rStal f Tie wi, xtSnHtM' traltow iHdtoor Rtirora stands In eel- itual glories that roll over heaven like tewtnNework Times. VMM m1 pyramid. For color it to a the AtUtto muI llflo ctau swtmg Two txmeatfil n-r -.-. .-.. . rUWWwskUw Virile ptoy inwieWtlew. " hSivSV llhjht,ferk4Wys4erkH,efcgr; Do m thaj ft whtrtU, SiSSoMSl its dripping colors, and running your eye along somo of Its wondrous crystal llzatlona, ana examining noma vi frozen light In its turquoise, and feeling wllh your own finger tho hardness of its sapphire, ami shielding your oyes against the shimmering brilllanco in its beryl, and studying tho 1,600 miles of cmera.d without a flaw? Vet all tills only tho out lido of heaven, nnd tho poorest part of tho outside; not tho wall itself, but only tho foot of tho wall, for my text says,"The foundations of tho wall of tho city were garnished with all ronnncr of precious stones." Oh, get down your harp if you can play onel Get down a palm branch if you can reach oue I Why, it makes us all feel llko crying out with James Mont Ment Mont eomery: Wlitn iliull (liew eyes thr hesrtn built walls And posrly gates behold? Oh, my soul! If my text shows ua only tho outside, what must tho insido be? Whllo riding last summer through tho emperor's park, near St. Petersburg, 1 was captivated with the groves, trans planted from all zones, and tho flower bods miles this way and miles tliat way incarnadined with beauty, and the fountains bounding in such revel with tho sunlight as nowhere clso is seen, I said: "This is beautiful. I novcr saw anything liko thia before." But when I entered tho palacoand saw the pictured walls, and tho long lino of statuary, and aquariums afloat with all bright scale1?, nnd aviaries a-cliant with bird voices, and tho inner doora of tho palaco wero swung bark by the cham berlain, and I saw tho emperor and em press nnd princes and princesses, and they greeted me with a cordiality of old acquaintanceship, I forget all tho groves and floral bowitchment I had seen ont sido beforo entrance. And now I ask, if tho outsido of heaven attracts our soula today, how much moro will bo tho up lifting when wo get insido nndseo the King in hia beauty nnd all tho princes and princesses of tho palaces of ame thyst? Aro you not glad that wo did not stop in our ascent this morning until we got to tho top round of tho foundation wall of heaven, tho twelfth row, tlio ame thyst? Perhaps the ancient Hebrews wero not, after all, so far out of tho way when they thought that tho touch of tho amethyst gavo pleasant dreams, for tho touch of it this hour gives me a very pleasant dream. Standing on this ame thyst I dream a dream. I close my eyes and I bco it nil. Wo aro thero. This is heavon! Not tho outsido, but tho insido of heaven. With what warmth of welcome our long ago departed loved ones havo kissed us. My I now they havo changed in looks! Thoy wero so sick when they went nway, and now they nro so well. Look! Yonder is tho palaco of our Lord tho king. Not kept a moment outsido wo nro usherod into tho throncroom. Stretching out hia scarred hand ho says, "I havo loved thco with an everlasting love," nnd wo respond, "Whom havo I in heaven but thee?" CHILDREN IN HEAVEN. But, look! Yonder is tho playground of tho children. Children do not wanta throno. A throno would not fit a child. Thoro thoy aro on tho playgrounds of heaven tho children. Out of tho sick cradlo of earth thoy camo into this romping mirth of tho eternal play grounds. I clap my hands to cheer them in tho gleo. Yonder aro tho palaces of tho martyrs, and beforo their doorway tho flowers, crimson as tho bloody mar tyrdoms through which they waded up into glory. Yonder is Apostolic row, and tho highest turret is over tho homo of Paul. Hero is Evangelist place. Yon der nro tho concert halls in which tho musicians of eartli nnd heaven nro tak ing part Handel with organ, and David with harp, nnd Gabriel with trumpet, and four and twenty ciders with voices. And nn angel of God says: "Whero shall I tako yon? On what street of heaven would you llko to live? What cclestiul habitation would you liko to occupy?" And I answer: "Now that 1 havo got insido tho wall mado up of all manner of precious stones I do not caro whoro you put 1110. Just show mo whero my departed loved ones nro. I havo seen tho Lord, and next I want to seo them. "But hero aro thoo with whom I toiled in tho kingdom of God on earth. Thoy uro from my old parishes at Bollovillo and Syracuse nnd Philadelphia and Brooklyn, and from many places on both sides tho sea whero I havo been jcr mltted to work with them and for them. Givo them tho best places yon can find. i win uoip steady tnem as thoy mount tho thrones. I will help you burnish their coronets. "Tako these, my old friends, to ns good rooms as you can get for them in tho houso of many mansions, nnd with win dows looking out upon tho palace of tho great Kiug. As for myself, anywhere in heaVon Is good enough for me. Hallo luiah to tho Lamb that was slain." But I awake. In tho ecstasy of tho moment my foot slipped from tho layer of nme thybt, that ho called producer of dreams, and in the effort to catch myself the vision vanished. And, lo, it wns but a dreamt Au Iiiti-mtlng Silver M'rtMliig, Ten days ago a woman in this city cel ebrutcdher silver wedding anniversary in homo rather remarkable circum- ctntiiw Clin .... i. .1 1 11 1, " u,w ureM wreaui, veil and slinners of tlm inini .... rr l. ..- . ' ""T """ --. -"' vu, uioimr aiso appeared in tho same n,u ,,ni .,.. ... mia .i... .. .:." ..ri.w iu mo game cos- . v II1MIMIIIMV11UV V iLIU I11YLV IIl1liVTirttlt fl..n ..Jll. ... 7.. ! - I'MS IMW Ulll'L IIM enly wall! Ob, this eternity of decora tlonl Oh, this opaleecent, tlorescent, prismatic miracle of nrohlteeturot What pntlimnuiiMit nf h11 .,.lal A ...I.. ..I:.... Of tlio blue of s,kle, and the surf of was, mint TnA flouncedwhich had d-aced h.i. ,in,... Ur's marriage twenty flvo jenrs ago, ner four bridesmaids nnd four grooms men were all present. Her two sons came homo from Yale for ,.. .ii,,. wy-- "-. -T .......... ,,,.. iiiiimuu exception 01 tho death of n lK)Uteryofiuitumnalfowts,anathfire young Infant in her early married Ufo of August lunwu. All the, splendors of there had Kxn no break in ,".fi..., to? r l UUt. Yo oumwt Jo ftMolkr in a MftMftt)hiMtU company. Caii ami jd f vW gwaat4 mix ymr. Mr. IL G. Coltow, Gwt'l Apmt of the Mawachw. iMMHttita4 LifiIiuwnMiM omfmay, ia U Umi 4ty anU if you aw UOakiug of tmrry. Drm.lm - thslr lllllt. I wili' kM (t rtrwawnkor of tnwl JottMimJtitlaw mnWnjf It obi K JS on rich imoplfl, to tmy their dobtotoiwrnoiMwlio Imvo to work for a llv liiB Tho fnnbloiinblo woin in who Hvcb In imlnc nnd ha. ovcry luxury Hint money ma bi J Bcluom.lf cvcr.gJvcHa tbcntgbt to tho nticwlUc. of Uioso who work for her Tho modest bill whh'b im? companies tho now dra a r tho olnb orato laundry work whiph alio hits or dcrcd Is thrown cnielessly to one sido nnd probably forgotten In n fiw mlnutca. Yet thnt negltvtcil bill may mean much to tho iwrnon to whom tho money Is duo. It may mean tho Iosh of food nnd wnrtntli to an entire fumily. Take my own caso for instance. I have n good trado and a liberal class of cits toracrs. but 1 began without any capital, and my earnings have been tho bolo dependence of a family of four, and ono an invnhd. But 1 havo been forced to turn and twist, to economize and pinch myself, mm ply becauso somo of my customors insist on taking from ono to six months' credit. It seems wrong that thoso rich peoplo should forco mo to carry them along on my meager earnings, and yet I am afraid to ro- monstrato tor iear mm 1 wm iotj their trado altogether." New York Times. Or One Mind. Young Do Boro (hunting for some thing to say) I wish I had lived in tho knightly days of old. Weary Beauty So do I. New York Weekly. lilflL. For over 35 Yean Sji I W Bull Durban? j SnoKiosi Tobacco JHB flf has been rccoijnlcd ns the stotidafd Jvk J I If of tobacco perfection. This Is why rfj I y ?kjj Smoking Tobacco In Hie world. It , mmmmmm. WmS has a fragrance and flavor of r"" T I I ffmP llar cxccllflcc' Ghe " " trla1, 3B !f p blackwelldurham JfsSiuil Kjy TOBACCO CO., , yg hr! J H. F. BROFR, 32! IISII 1 ill I III I II I III -TT-TT- r-- f - l vK5L WBkm HC-K"n jffayfni JAC5ES R. WaiTE, Mtnirrt of Walte'i Qelelratea Oonody Oo. t romlum Sana uid Otcbestra. thr. Miles Medical Co., Elhhart, Init. You will remember the condltlonl wis In flvo ywiri ago, when 1 was afflicted Uh a combina tion of diseases, and thought there was no help roRMt ItricdallUndaofmcdiclnes.andrcorcs of eminent physician. MytierTe?wereprogtritel prnduclng Olrzincn, heart trouble, und all the ilU that mako Ufa miserable. I commenced to talcs DR. MILES' NERVINE and In three monthj Was PtsrreTiv cuto. In my travelaeocu ear, when 1 nee ihsihouMiiiu of physical wrecks, suffering from nervous pros I j. - tratloa, taking prescriptions bora W l J lucalphysiclanswhohavenoknowl- " , edw of tbelrcase, and whose death Is certain, I feel llko going to them and saying, "oct on. Mace NcnviNc and bc cukcd la my profession, . .nrarx whero there are so many su CI J R ! D ffets from oerwork,mcn ' tal probtra tion and nervous exhaustion, brought on by tho character of the business engaged In, I would SSthousands a a euro euro for all suffering from these causes, James r. Warn. ' BOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS. 50 DOSES 25 CTS. old by D. J. Fry, diug :!., Salem T C3Ev Wmi V x&mwn XMMH Dr. Powell Reeves & Co. The Old Reliable Specialists, L",h?,kI5?w Vork Hospitals. Ornduate with High Honors Twenty jears' experience as I'mfessor, lecturer, Author aud Socclaltst lu Chronic Diseases. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Cough and Difficulty of Breathing Successful ly treated withspeolf lo remedies thoroughly tested and provedby the OLD DOCTOR Who Is onn of Tintnvo thoroughly devoted to his profession and ovor roady to help tho afflicted NERVOUS DEBILITY ;U?,?a - m.dd.e a8ed me,, The .fflstaWi discretion, tireluclut: weakmss. lost iv bodyaud EriinTunnUlurfA. U, 7, Zy,& t BLOOD AND &K1N SSwiKKV,"ffi,-p,m- alf kinds, blent polwn trom any wuio whateVer n,ernhurl'mpU,, lCUng ,h PU ia KlDJiEY'AND URINARY S&X'1" der.scJ.mem in urine, Mckdunr.e'-ln CATARRH fc-SKKa etc Trouble, otihi;ChsferKS',JilJS! PR1YATE nXCv.ehocf;n,PM,1J' X rillon Irbm builui. uu " W ot H. F. BROFR, Proprietor of the- DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All House-finishing Material made to order at tho lowest Portland prices. Bee us before you buy. AKCI1IE S1AS0X. A. B. SMITH General - Contractors, Street Work, Hewering, Excavating, Concrete nudjMason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, v OREGON. CLEAN! h you would be clean and haye your clothes done up m the neatest and chewiest manner, takethein to the SAliEU STEAM LAUNDRY where all work h done by white labor and in the most urompt manner. . COLONEL J. OLMSTED. l.iWtv 'Irpet EAST AND SOUTH fUl PH. Un uapiuu wtj luaiillllMl THE SHASTA ROUTE or the Southern Pacific Company, CALlrORNIA KXPRKSH TRAIN-BUN TJA1M BETWEEN PORTLAND AND 8. F. HuutU. 7M Ii. ui. 9.1b p. m. 8.15 a.m. 1j. Porllaud Lv. Siilem Ar. Ban Kran. Ar. Lv. f.'urtu. 7 ii a. d 6 a h. n 7rtX)p.n Above trains stop only at followlnests ju v ,,7,n- . ,rvi'n.yn"n:",fuanf noaauuKQ mali. daily,"" " JU u. til. 11:17 a. ru j 5J p. uv, Lv. Lv Ar. Portland Salem lloseburz Ar. no p. nu Lv. I HO p. w Lv. 7.00 a. n Vlbauy Local, Daily Exceit Sundnyi tLlkl II. Ill 7.3.2 p.m. nx) p.m. Lv. Lv: Ar. 1'ortlRnrl sal era Altiiny Ar. Lv. Lv, 10 Warn 7 tiH)a. ni. Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meal at All Hours o! tfaeDaj -snmLT.1"16 ,nbr tra ' ' lu "'' .!ass't)deUb'tail,lal tteal tort in flr' fv euty-flve cents per meal KBtl 1JT W r j rr- fJwri rtrt, btlrtten t.pua ijouw aur Miuto'a I.Ivaiv CD ,I A M wnled. ilr.tiV ltruneut place ApdIv V"'.' -.!"" "". u nmstry stiu-b'nn hkii." Rnlnrv ., . etmaneut plaae a ie.'"S- Pro tit .... . ' TV jit. a. -7. " r'.y "uimtv- ni)cij on hnMl rirticiv.setaya"u,,",R.?j. . .H.r.?y. va II III J . '." --J- "1IUII .1 Illll S I 1 - im . Mbt Nurt erymeu, Chicago. OO Hinliig Cars on Ogdcu Koute PDLLMAN BDFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars. Attached to all through trains. iVest Side DhisiiiirBetween Portland and Comllls! PAILY- (MCEPT agNDAYl. Jfr mmm 7.& a. in. U10 p. in. :.tll n ni j"0 P. m A8MSSu gEgWTiuiSnBTrf.T-Tn,nS. Xii p. m. I Lv. reTTaTd Ar TTr fiTr-r write j:,t"ljrv,,w, ,h oriu.tev-A UR.PnwELL REEVES & CO. ELEtjlTRIG BELT kSilU TllROUUll TICKETS Tf Ail l-u-ltii. I .. ilannrf k. .;.?." '"B.r 'ril Mates. ("nn. l Trom " '" oeu,bVilllf ?, .at 'nwt a ... ..;.. kii, "sitin. lSP SflMrVS ifti: likV UTKTMTOIIS tr MBVlSVTVBt.lTx. ftV7 u - . .. -wiis :" tim. Kr. E.P. ItOflElH. Ami o v . V'JJi Kl'wn. From Terminal or Interior Poinfs tb T Jt r. . .. .Noruicrn raciHc Kai! 1 the line to take To all Points Eist and Sinlb. ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ''o'kAni.eorcaro .uitaieeWpa!en, TOURIST Sleeping Cars. SggpawaKSg LEOAKTDAYCOACHT,,, Ssa??fte.s --MWfTUpU4 " Cestui., 7 Msie4 2 ONLY LINE RUiNNIlfG THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A.M, 3- 7:30 P. M. 3. DAYS TO S CHICAGO 7 Hours OlilrkortA Ct d...i 23 Hours Onirknr nw. ' 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and phi. mam ?nsas Uity. PULLMAN .and TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS niiiuin ."n,n sasswa. O on call w.u.aunLauKT,AHtlQ.pAi " " "inglon St., """, OllEdo THE YAnuiNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD CD o 3" ssslMsl I CO Aid Orcvnn 'in,U '""utue SO SffiKKf.r. zzmmmi rs--r CD ve Albany tiiv." ?.?' MVlAM IniIHlSH .1. 7H!1 9n "IS. ' WOP J. 1:)I3I ." A Id IUOaS and counecw, 1,;UB ?f.B.W?. Ata K,wiUi .VA KuiTTii. ." trlr . CD CO SB mf itmutUMsi fa wUI bi $md to m ytm. UU at Ut Witkw4to HoWorat Uh ! Wi SSSSKSSSftS sg?aasgas . ,, nuilsiikB.... r"!!!.-'!! CJl l" "WII f traiih 1 ' u IHMks1fes A tvJ!,'' ".7vr.