mi iii i ir i.Wii "" & ttmttm S9S CLEARANCE SALES Storm Serges, Boucles, Henriettas, Plaids, Flannel Suitings, La dies' Cloths, Repellants, Fine Pattern Suits, and French Flannels. If you want to buy at wholesale prices, call and pet these bargains. We also will soil Farcjo's $2.50 Kid ishoes at $2.00 for a short time. The; Palace, HIE CAPITAL JOURNAL. MONDAY JAN. 23. 1803. GILBERT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. GEO. D. GOODHUE. K. CAIIILL. WOOD AND COAL. It la au acknowledged fact that Geo. D. Goodhue sells more Wood and Coal than all other dealers com bined. If you wdtit fuel see him, olllco State street. Goodhue & Caiiill. Improvements. Arrangements are nearly completed for several changes and we hope Improvements on The Journal that will result m the near future, aud which will give the people of Oregon a metropolitan evening daily, with a largely in. creased associated pre33 report. The circulation of the Daily Journal has grown so that we are priutlug about all that our press will stand, and after the present contemplated additions of new type, obauge ot form, aud make-up are complete, we shall begin to Increase the press facilities. Proud of It. One thing Salem cau be proud of the fact that she has a restaurant that canuot be ex celled by Portland and that it Strong's, Westacott & Irwin, pro prietors. m The Leading House. The re tail and wholesale confectionery ol JoneB & Bernard! next door to tht Dush bank has parsed solely into the hands of Silas Jones, who will conduct, as in the past the lead.ng house in this line in the city. This house will continue to make a specialty of manufacturing all the finest goods in tne market and ships to all parts of the valley. When you want fine confectionery remember that Jones is head quarters . Proud oe It. One thing Salem can be proud of -the fact that she has a restaurant that cannot be ex celled by Portland and that is Strong's, Westacott & Irwin, pro prietors. Remodeled. The Mrs. Wheeler store, lu the new bank hlock, wnich is occupied by Wm. Sargent, has been supplied with a broad gallery, and Is put Into modern shape to ac commodate Mr. Sargeant's growing furniture business. He also has a heavy stock of wall paper, and pro poses to lead in his line. To accom modate his growing business he will close out his entire stock of notions, etc., at nctual cost. Look him up. tf Proud op It. One thing Salem can be proud of the fact that she has a restaurant that cannot be ex celled by Portland aud that Is Strong's, Westacott & Irwin, pro prietors. A Steady Thing. One of our advertisers who studies the use of newspapers very closely aud Is a very successful business man said, as he handed In his copy this morn mern ing: "It pays me to change my advertisement frequently. Ifl.fall to get my ad. in a single day I notice a falling oil In sales the next." It Is a fact that regular Journal advertisers are doiug a constantly Increasing business. There are no failures among them. m Proud op It.- Oue thing Salem can be proud of the fact that she has a restauraut that cannotjbe ex celled by Portland and that Is Strong's, Westacott it Irwin, pro prietors, Tiiosb Clerks. A lady who has read about bo many clerkships being given to'those already rich, lu order to live at Salem In Idleness aud draw mouey from the state, seuds the Journal a broverb which ceeui Jngly has failed to be verified in this present ago. It is 'He that oppresseth the poor to lucreaso his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want." ProudofIt. One IhluK Salem cau bo proud of the fact that she has a restaurant that cannot be ex celled by Portland and that is 8trong's, Weefaeott & Irwin, pro prietors, m Nbw Bridge Street eemmla nhMtw Culver Is building lb other iMJ lKblMv. -Still continuo in- DRY Bio Dinner. Invitations are out, from tho board of trustees of Wlllametteuniverslty, wherein many aro cordially Invited to be present and participate in a social gather ing ot the business men of Salem, including the judges of the supreme court, state officials and invited guests from abroad, at a dinner to be glveu at tho Willamette hotel, on Tuesday, Januarv 24th, at 8:30 p. m., on which occasion the present and future relations of Willamette university will be presented, to gether with a general interchange of opinions and views, donations aud subscriptions will not be, solicited. There will be a fine attendance aud result in good to the Institution. Y. M. C. A. Item. General Sec retary Wetherbee left this morning for his home In Vermont, being called there on urgent business. The work has been left In charge of the assistant, H. A. Glrod, who with Will Babcock, and the co-operation of all Interested will try to keep the rooms as they have been In tho past, an attraction to all our young men. The gymnasium work will be in charge of able class leaders, all classes continued with the exception of the ladles' class, which cauuol be resumed until Mr. Wetherbee's ie- turn which can be expected In about a mouth. New City Hall. Wed nesduy at 2 p. m. will be opened, bids, by the committee, of which A. Klein is chairman, on property of the two enulue houses on State street, and proposals of property for site of a new city hall will be received up to noon of same day. There Is a sug gestion to buy more ground at rear of Tiger engine house and put the city hall there. There will probably be several proposals. Pestology. The Governor 1b no' a believer in advertising the hoitl cultural interests of this state as givfen over to pests. He says that the state paid a man 11500 to go about the state and flud pests, wheu he was not aware of pests In his own orchard until he had his attention called to It. Such oveisight from one who would Instruct the public is unpardonable. Dance Surprised. At Thomas White's place on W. T. Itamsdeu's farm on Howell prairie, there was a surprise aud dancing party Friday night. Twenty-five couples partici pated, and a nice lunch was enjoyed by those present. It was given out that a dancing club would be organ ized at Maoleay next Friday even lug. Has Married. Fred SteuslofT and bride have returned from Pen dleton. Mr. Bteuslofl is the popular young business partner of Mr. Mc- Crow In the down town meat mar ket. His many friends in Salem will wish him great joy and success in his matrimonial career. Mrs. SteuslofT was au accomplished young lady of Pendleton. Killed a Pet. Tho White Eng lish bull terrier hitch, shown with her puppies at the late pet stock show, was killed by being run overby Capital Engine No. 1, when the Are arlarm was given today. She was owned by Capt. Price, tho driver, and was considered quite valuable. The pups are orphaus now. False Alarm. Early this aftBr noon a fire alarm was turned in which seut out both engines, and hose carts. It proved to be a chltu ney burning on tho properly of the late L. Hlrsch on Cottage street. Buried. The fuueral of tho late Mrs. C. Hnowden was held from the resldeucant 2 o'clock Monday after noon. The services were couducted by Rev. Blair, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Burial took place in the Lee Mission cemetery. Pauloned. The Governor Issued a purdnu to W. H. Street, convicted of adultry from Multnomah couuty, Dec 1800, and fined $250. Gospel Meetings During this Week at 7:30 at the Evangelical church, Come aud welcome, says Rev. Bowersox. m REAL ESTATE TKAN8PEKS. Wm. P. Smith to J. II. Cook I 3 bl 1 Preswall & Smith Add. to Sa lem, $150. Hamlin F. Smith to Salem Mo tor Ity, Co. 30.85 a, $8132. F It, Smith and wife io same 70.12 acre. t782 8Q. Waktbu A WMtii ww 84 year GOODS and SHOE STORE, 307 Commercial Street WILLAMETTE NOTES. On Friday evening, Feb. 24. '03, the PhllodosianM will debate the question "Resolved that Inventions are detrimental to the interests of the laboring classes," with the Phll- omatheaus, the latter taking tho af firmative. We hu vo had tho pleasure of much compauy this week; Miss Van Wiukleof Halsey; Miss Hepburn, Miss Nlckelson, of Portland and Miss Proctor, the assistant of Mrs. A. R. Rlggs of tho W. O. T. U. also of Portland. Rev. Thos. Brown of the Zlon A. M. E. church of Portland conducted chapel exercises Tuesday. Prof. Purvin gives a musical re cital by the conservatory to the Legislature and invited friends, on Wednesday eveulng, Jan. 25, '03. Term examinations will be held this week frofn Tuesday to Friday. Two examinations will bo held each day at 8:30 to 11:30 a. m. and 1 to 3 p. m. The good papers will be sent to the' world's fair. Prof. Seriber gives a public re cital, on Wednesday eve, Feb. 1, Ll893, for the benefit of the furniture fund of the Young Ladies' Literary society. Hou. and Mrs. J. N. Brown of Heppner, both old students, and Mrs. Parviu were at chapel, Tues day. Thursday Miss Emily Henry read a good descriptive essay of "Ply mouth, Mass." Judge aud Mrs. Henry and Mr. De Mart came to chapel, Thursday. Nev Btudents aro continually be ing added to all departments of the University. Pres. Eld. Jno. Parsons add Prof. S. A. Starr came to wish us well, Friday. The third term will begin Jan. 30, 1803. SUPREME COURT. Salem, Jan. 23, '03. Motion for rehearing overrulled u the following cases: A. E. Carrie vs, S. P. R. R. Co.; J. E. Roach vs. City of Eugene; and Willis vs. Mill er et al. Time granted for filing motions for rehearing In Burnett vs. Mark ley, et al; Feb. 10th State vs. S. P. R R. Co. Feb. 16. Joseph A finches, respondent, vs. Edward Holman, appellant; appeal from Multnomah Co. argued and submitted. A. F. Sears atty. for app. F. A. E. Starr and D. H. Murphy atty. for resp. Today. Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the bead in the medicine worm, au mir ed in prosperity and envied in merit by tuousanus or wouiu-ue compein- ors. it lias a larger saie man any other medlclue. Such success could not be won without positive merit. Hood's Pills cure constipation hv restoring the peristaltic action of the allmentry canal, 'ruey are tne Desi family cathatic. HOTEL ARRIVALS. WILLAMETTE. Joe Misch, D. E. Dunben, Henry Gray, C. O. Barker, H. A. Smith, W. P. Smith, Portland. Q Gllillard, Fred E. Lehners, C. II. Gray, Sau Francisco. B. Harnell, Cottage Grove. P. R. Kelly, Albany. J. N. Fill, E. L. Bradley, Mal heur. Miss Trulllnger, Mrs. E. Todd, Astoria. W. L. Bradshaw, Bart Stow, The The Dalles. W. G. Hunter, Island City. J. L. Laird, J. S. Cornwall, Philadelphia. A. C. Woodcock, Eugene. Conjugal Wisdom. "She who ue'er answer till her husband CO 4, Or, If alio rules blm, never show she ruiM " , Is a type of wife happily becoming common lu these duya when women may have good health, cheerful dis positions, Mioug nerves aud clear minds, simply through the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorle Preicrlpilou. Before the reputation and use of this rem ulu liwumtt world. wide. Irritable. oros-i, nurvuus, debilitated women, nuliering wiiu uupiacenienw, oj leria, aud every female dlseaswere the rule rather thuB the exception, The "Favorite Prcnptlou" has proven to lie the key to a long aud nappy life the key which effect ually locks out that old array of ut erine disorders, perodiaai pains, weak baok, proJapiw. inflammation, ulceration, nervous exhaustion and general deWlltV, tfe printed guar antee on wrapper. Money rruudel If itUxn'Jglv aatWaetiou lu every LUOAb A.SD PK80NAI.. Mrs. 55. M. I'wrvlu and daughter are In Portland. Geo. Hooyu Is in attendance upon the Portland conveutlou of deputy district grand masters, Kulghts of Pythlns. Jeflerson Review Saturday: Hon. Geo. IT. Burnett, Orlu Barker und other promlueut Odd Fellows will bo present this eveulng. Slugers and public speakers find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Invaluable. It never falls to clean e tho throat aud strengthen the voice. E. J. MeCausllatid wont to Har rlsburg today on n business trip. Bestlodldes and vgelable altera tive make Ayei's Sarsaparilla the best blood medicine. Senator Cogg-well says there will bo no excitement in tho legislature this weokj, Attorney Sears of Portland'Is In at tendance upon Supreme Court. Bowels Irregular aud constipated, result iu piles, avoid it by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. This week Keller & Marsh have a special sale on parlor rockers. If you wish to get the beuellt of low prices buy your rockers this week, and commence today. Tho assort ment Is grand.1 Jellersou Is to have streets lighted. Salem grange at an open meet ing Saturday Is reported as dt elding against a jute mill. The A. O. U. W. lodge of Jefler son holds installation Friday, Jau. 27. Fifteen bundled bales of hops went from the Aurora neiuhbor bood the past week at 18 cts. a pound. Don't forget that the Now York Racket has the cheapest Hue ol meu's and boy's hatH lu Salem. No doctor's bills presented to the families wlao use SiuimoiiH Llvei Regulator. The people at the Spa did not at tend the false alarm lire beciU;t they were too busy making chouo late creams. 114 State street. Good fetock and low price ou boot and shoes of all kinds, at tho New York Racket. Call aud save mouey. Simmons Liver Regulator nevi i fails to relieve the woist case ot iu digtstiou. Nestucca cheese tho best In Ore gonand sold only by Clark A Eppley. Both houses of the legislature con vened at 2 p. m. today. The after noon will be spent on second read ing of bills. M. E. Pogue left for Portland thh morning to ttke the testimony be fore the railroad commissioners with reference to the killing of Mr. Swartz by the Northern Pacific railroad. Another consignment of that fine "Kalamazoo Celery" recieved toda at Sroat & Gile's. "Kalamazoo Celery" bleached clear to the top a new lot iu toda at Sroat & Gile's, - "Kalamazoo Celery" wholesale aud retail, Sroat & Glle. Tho railroad commission went U Portland today to inquire into tin accident by which Earl Swarts lost his life some weeus ago. It wil take them two days. The mau who kept up the me chanical end of the Stay tun Times is In town looking for a job. Any country printer needing helpshould address "Piinter," this olllco. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Covall have arrived lu the city from Chicago and will make their future home here. Mr. Covall is connected with tin Oregon Hedge compauy, which will soon opeu extensive business opera tions here. J, B.Stump, of Salem, who had been to Monmouth to attend the fun eral of Piof. T. F. Campbell, and iu Benton county looking after busi ness interests, visited Fairmouut grange installation yesterday, stag ing Iu the city last evening, ami will return home this morning. .Albany Herald, 22 DKATUS, At the home of hU daughter, iu Yew Park, Suuday morning, Jan. 22, 1803, of old age, Vm. P. Brown, aged 81 yeais. Deceased was born in Kentucky, iu 1812, aud emigrated to Oregon from Indiana iu 1877, buttling iu Salem, wherfi ho lived up to the lime of his death. He leaves four children, Mrs. J. M. Deupis, of Falls City, Mrs. Lou. Wheeler mid Henri Brown of datum, and F. M, Brown, of Slater, Mo. The fuueral will be held at the United Bretheru church at Macleay, Tuesday, at noon. He has long heeii a member of this church. Katuiday eveulm;, Jan. 21, at his home lu Pok county, of heart dls ease, Augelo'Perry A. Fragler, agtd 20yearu. Deceased was one of a family of 22 children. DSPRICE'S Kfe. .JtXll iWlKjB?vufi6 "Thick and Glossy." 'THE PRODUCTION of an abundant l growth ot hair, wt a ullk-llko toxtnro nml of tho original color, often results from tlio use, by tlioso who have becomo ti.iUl or gray, of Ayer's Hair Vigor I " I was rapidly becoming grny and l1d j but after using two or threo bottles, of Ayer's Hnlr Vigor my hair prow thick anil glossy ana the origi nal color was restori-d." M. Aldrlcli, Caiman Coutro, N. II. " A trial of Ayer's Hnlr Vigor 1ms con vinced mo of Its merits. Its nso has not only caused tho hnlr of my wife and daughter to bo nbumlant and glossy, but it has given my rather stunted mus tnelio a respectable length and appear alien." It. Urltton, Oakland, Ohio. "I have used Ayer's Hnlr Vigor for tho past four or flvo years and tlnd Itn most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all that I could desire, being harm less, causing tho hnlr to retain Kb natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render tho hnlr easy to ar rnnjio." Mrs. M. A. Dalloy, 0 Charlos at., Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rnErAitED by Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by Druggltts and Perfumers. John Newsome was a passenger this morning for Eugene. Many representatives nnd senators and several hundred clerks, mem bers of the third house, arrived to day. ALL FROM A POKER CHIP. Wliy a Man About Tuwn Was Made to Feel Down lu tlm Mouth. Tho other day n gentleman well known about town caino down tho street look ing very much out of sorts. Ho carried so much gloom in his usually cheerful face lliat his friends wero almost afraid to ask him what tho matter was. There ire bouio of our dear follow creatures who in this respect aro as transparent as 'jlufis. Thoy go around with a sign hang ing out, "I'm out of sorts this moraingj" or "I'm just feeling bully: got my deal through;" or "Tho devil's to pay tip at my house; I'll diuo out today suroj" or "If I catch that fellow I'll lick himj" or "I've got a noto to pay today," or some thing of that soi;t. Of this niercuriSl kind was this partio- ulnr gentleman. Ho had tho "noto due" sign out to such an extent that you couldn't liavo distinguished it from "death in tho family." "Tho truth is," said ho, when pressed a littlo more sympathetically than usual, "I've had it hot this morning up at hone. You know I used to play cards somo bo foro I was married, aud I got in'x) a pretty bad hole afterward nnd sworo off after a row with my wife. Sho lias kopt a pretty stiff watch on mo since. Sho is always afraid I'll get to gambling again. During tho campaign I was out a good deal, and I'vo been short of money over 3inco tho election." . Thoro was a touch of sadness in the admission that would havo gono straight ,o tho heart of my friend, Colonel Swords, but which drew only a derisivo smile irom tho speaker's auditors. "Vv'liilo out vcst tho other day I found a red poker chip on tho floor of my room and thoughtlessly put it in my pockot. Well, that confounded chip fell out this morning just after I had boon compolled to refuse my wifo somo money. I had forgotten nil about it. " 'What's that?' she screamed, pounc ing upon it liko a rat terrior on a mouse. 'There's whero your money goesl' she cried. And if I didn't catch itl Sho wouldn't listen to n word. Sho wouldn't boliovo a word. Sho acted liko a crazy woman, I tell you. Then eho wound up with hysterics and fears. I finally had tomakoa clean brcabt of the election business to get out of tho other hole. Now, my wifo is a redhot Democrat, and when sho found I'd lost my money on Harrison sho braced up right away. Sho behoved that. " 'It served yon right,' Baid sho. 'But you'ro a bigger fool than I took you to he.' "There it is all from picking up a poker chip I I'll shudder whenever I boo ono hereafter, hut I'll novor touch it, you betl" New York Horald. Tho Iiijuhtlcn of tho Ilullut Lair. "Tho Australian ballot law went into effect in tho Texas cities at tho lato elec tion, nnd it puzzled Bonio of tho sover eigns a good deal," said Dick Gwyun, a woolen goods pilgrim now putting up ut tho Lacledo. "I was in Houston on elec tion day and hired an old colored man, who drives a dray week days and preaches on Sunday, to move a trunk for mo. 'Havo you voted, unclcV I asked. 'Naw, sah, I hnin't dun voted, snli,' ho said. 'How's that? What's tho matter with your patriotism? 'Hain't nothln mattah wif my pratcrnistn, sah. Mypraternism is all right, nah, but they jes' dun sprcssi fied do objeckHhun as how dish yeah olo niggah can't voto, sah, cos as how ho didn't : eddish.' "I was coino timo finding thokoy to this lingual combination, but finally un derstood that ho had neglected to register. 'Who did you want to voto fori" I oskod. 'Vote foh!' said tho ancient Senagombion with tho 'pratcraimn,' Tzo wanted to voto foil do president, sail, au do guboners, sah, an do miuistah prolapenitontiary, sail, hut doy jea turned dia yero poll man down cos how ho didn't reddish.' "St. Louis GIobo-Domocrat. An i:netlvo Climax. Tho climax of a recent theatrical tiro- duction is a grand review of tho troops in wusmngton. Tlio scene showed somo funilV Iookinir llOUWJ. with n few miners on tho stage, who looked liko street cleaners without shovels, A score of sojdteru walked in, nnd tho star was go Jm; to daub hv on a black clianrur. lie got half way across tho stago when some ono in mo wings lapped a noli ror tne curlain signal. At this tho hlock charger 6t01)l)Cd short. The audionca lnutliad. Tho star was astride of a car horse, Now York Sun. WJt k mat m JtC JjgyTSRJ''JTv C IT Do Yoti Os? Tablets.? IF YOU DO YOU A PATTON & Book Store, 98 State Street, Salem: PICTURESQUE. GOLDEN ELEECE. GLAZED BOND. MAGNOLIA. COURIER. Our Norpariel Pencil Tablet Will Be Closed Out at T. McF. PATTON & SONS. C. G. Ladies' Dongola Kid Goodyear Welt " Oil Grain, button " Kid Slippers " Rubber Boots Misses' Dongola Kid Blue Ribbon School Shoes See our goods and for cash. Next door to Lamport s big horse. THE SONG THE KETTLE 8ING8. Sweet are tho songs by lovors aaur As they tlio old, old story tell, , Aud sweet the coon of boos anionic The clover blossoms and asphodel, And Kind tho notes tho skylarks trill At dawn upon their buoyant wings, Iiut d( nrcr, softer, butter still The low, sweet souk tho kettlo sinus How stransely come to us again The pleoiiant scenes of other days; The hnppy koUIlii moments when We went our simple childish ways When nil llfo's journey lay beforo And yajly beckoned us with smiles, Ere o Imd left our father's door To go tho uiuny weary tnllesl Tii fro liy tho broad, deep fireplace sit The Utftd ones with silvered bain AcroKS each face the flashes flit And failed chcuks irrow flushed and fair, Aud stranuvly mluidu smile and tear As memory lu fondness brinies Tho old, old days the while they hear Tho low, sweet soni; the kettlo tings. Tho embers throw their ruddy uleam On childish (Inures blithe and free That watch tlio chuncliitf glow, and dream Of wondrous things that aro to be. Tho futui o one glad chime of bells Of golden bells, hope ever rings, And through their muslo strangely wells Tho low, sweet soug the kettle slogs. Oh, all tho joys my heart has known And ltd the hopes of those to bo Withlu the kettle's gentle tone On gracious wings are borne to me, And gtadnebs which my care beguiles Comes bubbling up from youthful springs. And whispers from tho peaceful Isles Aro In the, song the kettle sings. Would you become a youth again hack in that dear old home once morel1 Trade all the wisdom sorry men May have for childhood's happy tore? Oh, would you feel the morning dew Of rest upon llfo's tired wugsT Then dream with me and listen to The low, sweet song the kettle sings, -Niton Waterman In Youth's Companion. A society was organized in Now York city nearly 160 yearn ago for the eacourageraont of American woolen. The- ruled of tho uociety forbade oating lamb or mutton or th"e edaugbtar of abeep. The world U at once very muoh more keen wittod and very raueh more etujild than we think. Lawrence. Kan., it staied to con. tain aeveral girl who iowgina (liey at ao nrkty tb Isssw a Afraid OLD SITTING Cmight quickly on to man' vicou, but his virtues until it was too lato. Howovor, it's not too extra-sized GREY BLAN: A special lino we aro f CAN GET THESE LEADING BRANDS NOTICE THIS OLD FLAX. GRECIAN PARCHMENT. COLUMBIA. IRISH LINEN. MONARCH. SEASIDE. ORIENTAL. RED STAR. IRNIC. LEADER. GIVEN Beats Them All. BARGAINS TT . T I 7-i T -r y jLiXj csrurjvcs. -5 $2 50 worttt 8 00 " from bo convinced. Wo can save C. G. Baby criod, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Cutorla Ueuman ItEroiiMKO. Cupltal and Marl on.; bundiiy service 11 a, rn.;Hunluy school 10 a. m.; prayer meeting Wednesduy 7:S0 p. in, itev, J. Muellbaupt, pastor. Osr rCRFECTION BTHISO I h- with mrr tottlt. Jl.lMA. DouDotSTAiy. l'BEVENTtf STIUtTimH Cum OONOnnilOCA Mid OLKBT In 0 ta Ym iUji. A QUICK CUnK lor I.EUCOIIIUIOU ir Wll ITro. MJ brill DHUaoiSTH. S.nttoMirAUnMbilk lui.TDoaMnfT.cinin.ico. LANCAerca-oiiio. 1 " I ' ' From Terminal or Interior Points the Is the Hue to take To all Points East and South, It Is the dining oar route. Itruns tlirougb Vestibule trolus; every day lutbeytaric ST. PAUL AND (No change of ears.) Composed of dining oars unsurpassed, 1'ullmau drawing room sleeper ;ofiatt equlpineni TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Hest that can be constructed and la wblcb aeeutainodaMoaa are both Ire and fur. nUbed for Loleen of first aad seooad-eha tlekels.andi KLEQAMT DAY COACHEa. Aoofitlnuots lis oasJMMlBg with sjj lln.eaordlBi dimt Had uBttUrmi! serviee. ruuausMin - .iiruMMs MM. Mr4 1b a4yt .jut" , ay l al Through Uekt ta nail from aU po4Ht w Asasnsa, Btigkuid Mtd Kuroiw wu in HilttbaMMa4ay ttokeioflto l till oomu Mur. . roil IsforauUos eoaaaratuir rat, Uit uWeliMwtMaudttaMr4MdUJsWsftr3 oarHalkaUat jHLtf to lato to get pit offering at $5, wonjlk i , , 4r-i SON .. H 14 m LIST. POSTAL. KNICKERBO j- JAPANESE B0N& OPAL BONNY U PLATE FINISH., X, If. - v 1- - rtt 4' ' 1 75 1 25 1 50 2 00 1 25 a 1 to I Ml you money on au p GIVEN. . ("1 i. VI (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., U LATEST JTIME CAW. Two Through TraltHDaty. 4 12:nptn l:T0)in Iftiiutn 1 &Tliii 7.1Sum l.M'nn. a 7:16pm 1 ISpm 7!Bpm I.HUiiul-a IDulntbM I Ahl'd.a IChlosgo Tickets sold nnd hnsjBM! at through to all poluis la lsDiMt4 i und Canada. (;ioo connection made la Qlisfat all trains going KutuudfiU. Kor lullliifiiriiiutlon awl ia yuorj est ticket agent or , JMatOI ueu. i'uss.andlkt.AAo Salary or Commis To agents to handle tfea IMMs '1 Ink Urimiug 1'fiull. TM M W novel invention or tM sm. thfii-fitiulilv In l.nti fffifiaani iiihMo. 2uuto6Werees4,jMM. muklng tCOporweek. VtlHi itriilageul tiituku chant 1 MM npiiolut sub aventa, A Mv muku son'o mopty. wntl polnfnor enulng. Mow to., X10W, La Cruise, Wis. For Salo aUJ A good tea aera I'm It A rare bargain, aud Ml 4 tOJ0Ul.NAi,Oe. LKAVH8 aUUssf frota U. 1'. IltMk at Monday, W64ut4yi I.KAVW (few tbaC'MlMl Ka tea a vfiry TusssW. ItHtlMkriililtt AMight at4 , new, oatloHlbeaceat, i E.M.-WaiteRri isstssML Steamer