WF'HrT vlLJLJ UVfl 11 1 vL4 mI IUJUm MUll wifi(.liltfl Iff -.. Storm Sorgcs, Bouctos, llentfoltas, Plaids, Flannol fJultlr gs, La dles' Clothe Ropollanls, I4 no Pattern Suits, and French Flannels, if yim wind la buy flfc wlifllowdo mIam, pwII mhI rH flieao Kror 4&0O 1(1(1 Mlifiort fttll,0 for -. 1D 1-1 B l IWWWWMlWiwWlWIWM lllli ftll'MI, JOUIiiM. -a fcfifiMy ,Aft. f, KM l!lt! ft U'ffl ii j lmiuviu ll I I II 11 Mil Doitfars (n Groceries, Crockery Olas&wirei ('flints, Oils, Varnfdhos lirusliog, Wlndovglasg Etc. Solo AgoiiU for Epfcuro Tea and Big Cm Baking Powder UMt, li, UMtmUUi It, (ikitUAu WOOD AND GOAL. J( is nil nek flow ledged fact Hint (Jen, li, (joorilitfo ells more Wood nnd Coiil limn nil other deuloM com blnt'd, If yoti want fuel eco lilm, ofHcoMBtnto street, Uootntvn & OAUit.ii. A KBUMTBD OHUItOH, flitccoflsful Labors of Hov. R. M. Thompson of Kentucky- A mollli ugo Rev. R, M, Thotnp Hon cnliio to Malum nud begun n work of the most dlfllcuR diameter Hint of cofinolldatliiK nud solidify lug tlio scattered forces of the First Congregational church. Wo under stand that ho Iiuh practically sue ceeded In bringing about n reconcili ation that will reunite the factious and close up the ranks of this pow erful society. Thin Is u result In which the public as well us the rnemberu of the church arelnterestcd. It Is but Just to say that Mr. Thump aou's lino abilities us u pulpit orator and bis good tact us a gentleman, but more than all his true Cbriutluu spirit was largely Instrumental lu bringing this about. We under stand ho will continue to preacb here until the building of a new church is well uudei way and u regulur pastor is culled. His work hero bus been tiuly blessed by re Htorlng a higher degree of harmony and spiritual power in the work of thin society. m Commissionku's Investigation. An order bus been served on G. V. Colvlg, chairman of the rullway commUslon ordering the board to enquire into the cause of the death ofEurlBwarlz who was run over uud killed by a Northern Puclilo train at the North Pacific mills lu West Portland on Decwuber 10th. This case hud never come to the uo llceof the board. The Investigation will be held at Portlaud on Monday next. Tim Oswtao Whkoic The board of railroad commissioners on Tuesday aad Wednesday took the testimony lb tbo matter of the wrecking of a wood train on Sun day which caused the death of the Uremau and a laborer. The testi mony was reduced to writing and a finding will bo made by the board ut its regular meeting in February. Litkhatuhk. Persons who de sire information about the workings of the Keelov Institute at Forest Grove for euro of liquor, tobucco uud opium hublt can obtuln a plentiful supply of Interesting Uterutureat tbo W. 0. T. U. rooms and Y. M. 0. A. ufcsoclatlon hall. Personal references of those cured can be had In this city. Mimtauy. It is said In tho course of a few days the following military appointments of tbo gov ernor will bo sent to the legislature for continuatien: Geu. Compsou, brigadier general commanding Ot N. a.jt'ol. It. W. Mitchell, adjutant general; MuJ. E. II. Perry, assistant adjulant-generuf; Col. Jeff Myers, ald-de-cump. -FoitA Wkkk. The specialty at Clark & Epploy'n will bo superior teas and coffees'. They have the choicest of each, and can satisfy tbo most exacllug taste. If you would have your palate Mactly suited in this line be sure to try Clark & Eppley. AUVKUTI8KMKNT. Remember the "Evening with Longfellow" this evening, Friday, Jan. 20th at the M. E. church, and do not forget to take h cup of tea In ye old library. Ad- mle-ilou 36 cents. m THAT bl'KCiAL. Ttib special car that eame down from Albany last evening brought about twenty eeaple to attend the swell party and returned during the "wee mw'' bears tbie eaornleg. Twk ef erery 4eeflH4 tot sale ailMvIeea' Market, MCewtMreet. Tfce WewYork Jtaeket eelte irt Ue HMUrwwM' for UM, fU, w fciMtaw 4 ry Uw prUm. Kx- DtiY A'ma JmjUf VaV JW J THAT IIOHIIMLK 111111 H-MfMMto-M SliflrfflWtai mill JJX'Mei' Warren Airlvo. MtTI'll, 1WIVK fllOU JIMICH, 'Jfo lo llofurtioil mid Hung Mnislial Jlliito Howard, Thero began to bo consldorablo anxiety lest tho slierlfl and Jailer who were coming from Lawrence county, Missouri, to Inko charge of Carter, Alias Rose, n fugitive from Justice, would never arrive. Tho morning overland brought tho gentlemen, fully armed and equipped with all the powersoflu'w, to take the murderer buck to be hung, WHOTilEY AHK. J. 8. Wilson, couuty sheriff of Ml. Vernon, Lawrence county Mls sourl, and Chus. Warren, ex-Jallei of that county reached the city at 5:32 a. m.. and were found at the city recorder's oillco by a Jouunai, writer at uu early hour. They had como by wuy of Hncrumento, leav ing homo last Saturday. They aro both flue-looking men and seem capable of handling theli prisoner and lauding him sufely lu custody where bo belongs and where a. well-merited death sentence awaits lilm. SherKI Wilson never, saw Carter, but knows all about hl crime and knows his brothers there. Ills deputy, Mr. Warren, bears a memento in shupe of a bullet wound through his neck that will enable him to recognize Carter auywhtre on this earth. TIIR CRIME for which Carter Is wanted, wob, ac cording to the ofllclal documents in the sberlll's posesslon, commit bd February 24, 1885, by Tuos. W. Kel ton and C. R. Carter near Mt". Ver non, Mo., upon the person of Robert Crocket, by beating nls brains oui with stones, giving him Ave lethal wounds on the head, fracturing hit skull, lu short committing a most horrible Caln-IIke murder, for which they were iudlcted by the grand jury then In setsiou.for murder, and upon trial found guilty or that crime In the first degree, May 8, 1837, und sentenced to be hanged July 1, 18S7. Tho supremo court affirmed the death sentence. ins ESCAPE from Jail was mude In June, 1883, but a few days before he was to be hung, he lying in the county jail for quite a long time while his law yers fought the case in the highest courts of the state. In some way he secured a rovolver, shot the Jailer and escaped. Greut search wus made for him In Missouri aud other states. Once tho authorities thought they bad him In Florida, but a trip to that state failed to identify him. He was never cauuht until recognized at Salem, and ap prehended us bo was leavlug hit borne; at Mt Tabor by Chlbf of Po lice Mlnto aud Detectivo Simmons of Portland. It Is evldeut that he was prepared for flight and was captured not a moment too soon. He has played bis part well ever since he woa put under arrest and it Is not certain that Mr. Carter will bang until the trap is sprung, as be Is a desperate, cool, wily, nervy, mnn. un to all the tricks of Jul! breaking, resisting otllcera and shedding blood to secure his liberty No officers' life is worth the snap of bis finger if Curler getB a drop on him. hecoqnjzed. At 10 o'clock the officers, accom panied by Chief of police Mluto, visited the county Jail and Bherifl Knight gavo themaequare look at Carter. He was easily aud Imme diately recognized by Warren as R. C. Carter, the man who imperiled bis life with a pistol shot Intended to be fatal. Curler had nothing to say. He maintained his expression of blank astonlshment.uud ludlfler euce, as though bo were a persecuted individual entirely oblivious of au connection with bis only too evl deut past history. The otllcera will next wall on the governor, to com plete the record and procure their warrant fur the person of Carter. THE CASK faae been fought in the courts of S4leffi,and there are big bills ef costs for the state aeeumulated. They eH be eriketed out of Carter' prop erty at Mt- Tabor, or out of I be IMMMiry of the Ut of Mkeouri. HberitT WJtwMi U ared will a Ue brMf . iuitf grwMr a r a -vi 40II goods Mif&fioe stone, 30 Coifitoordril SffA0t In mttmi tmt Ui (ho niilliorlKtrf of (lint r(h(c, M(X) by (ho nMo nml $100 by (he county, Oitflof fm kIvcm (ha ptlblld oflt elrtto it k fen I ohflxo from Florida lu Oregon, nlid hritf Only ft PiUnll loop, holt fof eienpo left lilm. lla got Ittlu very light q tin flora when ho foil lulu Mnfsfinl MiiiIo'h Imdds, who linfl never yet loat n lunti Iki ofi'jo fn(oiied onto. Wan elected on the Democratic ticket In n Republican county limt Novem ber, Ho HityitJ "Thin Is my first (mao of liHUgltig, nnd 1 mn not keen for it. Rut I will try to ninko a good Job of it, Wo expect to bo In Salem several days, lo get rested up, and I shall not tako the prisoner until I am dead certain that my pnnors are In proper order, so there will bo no chanco to contest tho proceedings in court." Supt. Rowland Protest. Superintendent Rowland hna written letter addressed to Dr. Curll, chairman of the Investigation com mittee, and a protest to tho board It self. In his letter ho culls attention to tho fact that, though he was per sonally assured by Dr. Curll tlint ho would have tho privilege, by his representative, of seeing the, testi mony taken at the investigation, of -ec tiling tho witnesses for cross ex amination, and of Introducing such other lestlmouey as ho might desire, yet this privilege was denied to him, aud us u mutter of fact the manage ment of tho nnylum, pending the examination, was prejudiced, and that the alleged consequent findings in the case were published in ad vance. As Superintendent Row luud was declined this privilege he tsks that his letter be published In (he proceedings of the board. The juperintendeut in his protest says; " In view of the fact that you. have chosen to conduct your investi gation in secret session, prosecuted by the aid of an attorney, and with ut allowing me triTSo represented, which, allow me to suggest, I be lieve to be at variance with evory rule of jurisprudence, and deprives me of every opportunity of defend ing myself agnlust unjust charges. hereby request that you extend to the management of this institution the same privileges which you have issumed to "yourselves in this Inves tigation, viz. : That after your re search Is completed, you will allow me tho same prlveledges In my de fense you assumed lu tbo prosecu tion; that 1b, that you continue in session and consider your report in complete until I, with the aid of my attorney, appear before you and eross-examiuo these same witnesses In ray own behalf, and thut I may inroduce such additional testimony as I may desire, that- the whole matter may be thoroughly investigated in accordance with the most fair and candid proceedings." STREET IMPROVEMENTS. More Street Work Needed Plenty of Men to do It. Salem's new council has been busily engaged up to the present time revising Its charter preparatory to having it amended by tho present le"glslature. It Is geneially conceded that under the charter as It now reads It is impossible to do street work and colleot pay off tho abut ting proporty, lienco It is denlrablp to liavo It cbunged at the earliest possible date. Much work Is needed in this Hue, and It is the disposition of the new council to linvo it done. One strong reason why some publlo work should be started up at once Is that Salem has at present an un usual number of unemployed men. Many of these are laborers who came here the past year to take ad vuutoge of the public work being done and aro now permanent resi dents of tho city. Imftfrtlns, Wo Mho will ft siioM llfitt, They have families to support, t)e CUH0 wjn, (jIihs. E. Kchllllng's aud as there Is no building going on nilnstielH, who npta-ar ut tho optru during the winter mouths these jj0lIge timlght. Theahow U entirely people are hurd up and many in , new and one continual surprise from need. If Bomo public work could bo Btart to flUiB,, Tlio flmt part Is ordered ut once it would prove i wltlinut exception tho grandest blest. Ing to this class of citizens. It Bpt,ctaclo ever presented on the mln will take only a short time to nave &lroBiUii0 and tho entire perform- he charter amended after the coun-1 ell concludes what is wanted, and It is believed that all the points are now settled ready for action. This being the case it would be not only an act of charity but a good stroke of business polley to proceed with ome publie work at oaee. Today. nood'a 8amprilla tand at the liMtd Ih the mwilelne world, admir ed In fHroaperlty and envied in merit by tbotMMUHJ of would-be eoietit orn. It lw a Irer aale lbB any othef iiiHKIne. Hcb weeiN mW not U; wim w.UmhK Uya mmit. I1 PUI I! ftwtoM0riM..if6iM ff ih mirtii tf tffw f-"ifnf (fr MtHHnMl MiHMifif Ml Win. firjfiiltyiniMteifiMiffOrtlldilifiwJHdinf - ftr Ym w fiMntiy fiitnitmt mm W6lini?nfi(fifffl Uiltmi willlm ffhtif at ififf fralildfifG flf U. fr. ((tiller. fflffiFfftf'f'f (Iff flit fWlilfllnM AllWf, Bififfdilvf Jiift. Bif J8!i;i. nt 7 p, m,, thm 'iM 6i(t!lt rm? (flf wmu a it, MUM. hlW,W AAU fMMMli. fit. O4M1V alltoUW H'n?o In ffl tlttf Ml 9, iiarlitli liUlufiMMii fHiiftftt (fif fiiufllflrt ffdlll Onllfdffilit. flVd III llttf Hy tfllrf moffllUg-. Ofto lif. At T- AfAfolf wnrt filled Inslfilfiht f1tv6ti ftlltl hho lirtlf days fof feclcllfffiff wllliwil llcchst', 11, tt, iiOOMoy, of JflfrMott, lin Biilain visitor, .f lidgd nlid Afffl. id B iionti have Kblttl (0 Jifogeiio Ut spend n taW days In llio old home. The blooil-olentisliijf qtlnllllen'Rf Avpr's MrtrnHtmrilln will render it Invaluable: in skin disorder! Fine poultry at Davison's market 01 Court slreot, "Kafatnnzoo celery" blenched clear to tho top the finest ever brought to BalcMiit Sroat A Gilo's. Charley Wolz, the butcher, Is again running tho "German" mnr ket on Commercial street. He cau't keep out of business. Mrs. Colonel J. Olmsted started this morning for Green Rushi to visit friends for a short tlmo. J, M. Wallace rot lined today from Portland. Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents the Imlr from falllmr uud restores uruv linir to Its original color. Ayer' h Almanac, nt your drug-jlsts. The finest In the city tbnt "Kul- utnnzoo celery" at Sroat & Gilo's. The mail who kept up tho me chanical end of tho Staytou Times Is in town lookTng'for u Job. Any country printer needing helpshould address "Prluter," this office. "Kulamazoo celery" ul wholesale and retail at Sroat & Gllo's,177 Com mercial street. Neatucca cheese tho best In Ore gon and sold ouly by Clark i Eppley. The New York Racket buys for cash uud sells for cash uud cuu and does sell ut very low prices. Call aud see them. l-10-2t A lurge delegation of legislators and other dlgultarles of tho city have gone down to Portland where they will enjoy the hospitality of the Oregon uational guard tonight. J. '. Vessee of Texas Is lu the city to buy a borne. Salem real estate men report quite a sprinkling of emigrants coming in from the east. Uncle D.ivo Guthrie says wo nre to have another spell of cold weather A goodly representation of Port land yonng people were up to at tend tho Entro Nous party last evening, returning home today. Rev. T. Brown, of Zion M. E. church ofPortlaud,lsin the city look Inc after some amendments to the constitution und to the laws of this state which aro obsolete and should bo stricken of! tho books. Schilling's minstrels maden grand parade at 11:45. They are a' fine up pearing body of men und play well. Lymnu Savage was n passenger for Portland this afternoou. W. J. Irwin, of "Strong's," went dowu to Portland this afternoon to attend tho military banquet this evening. T. O. Andrews went to Portland today, where he expects to meet Mrs. Leach, who will ncuin make her home in Salem. Cols.Lovell and Blumenrother und Capts. Ormsby und Sherman, were among the host who went to Port land this afternoon to attend the military spread this evening. Surveyor Geuerul Rynrs of Port land is in the city, Thos. Hoi man is in Portland. A marriage license baa been Issued to Misd Belle Moyer and Geo. J. Harms, both of Sulem. Geese and Duck feathers for sale ut 04 Court street, Davidson's market. Schilling's Minstrels Boinothlng Nov, Usually when the bill boards of the city udvertlso tho coming of a minstrel company.everybody knows lust what Is comliifr, but suuh Is not ance brilliant in specialties und new novel features. DPRICES !SK Hhf&tkt TRoliot i MMfilly Affafiffif ilfcf.f ftfitf ii I'MtirjiitU, ii im m m AfWi wftt rwtariUi I'.miff M ntt fltw. .t-t". I't flllrtf inllnhllllnflnllr fif nil M peMfMlif, to PIMM! nfid lirlftrfnrtn Hid mttrtK, fid titffttfriflulf lirtf lid itinf "fttl tfiniff ( NififfrfMf-if A Het-H r-tlf, Willi It, l fllMIP(I.MpOllff I't)- Minn qtilfn 'tfrtflnilM I r! ttillfll tir.itlifr-'l with Jinrtf-.Pfjp-M (Hid liftiMil,l li-rlMMnn. Aflef If.tllitf trtfltilM jilCili. f IfiM ifltliodf tellrtl. 1 (U list HlfilifUed a fmtMfi p AjPttt VMttf 1'eMtrfnl. Off liiklflif IliU infillrlitft. fti-t? mtiiijlt tmnl iinwt iiniiiMtinimf, flint ljnV6 lipmi rMl flvcf; tnfP."r-itftv 'thtifaiw if. jwn ijvrr kiih'I'. r IV tt'JV"t WW If(tlM"lt OtittWtrHI y: r nil ipureeiiviiioijiat. M.13. 1 tlMlmfll. fnllll. " Mj iiifillipf wftf IMt ihm VMi rttiii PVf 'fT IHW Willi llfflHMIIIH W twMiijf wonlil ni lif(t IjPf, Olid bi ittf rtlKiIll Ayer'il;tli6ff.-' led If, fm4 Mhl plftlit rlcfliH fold iiiri reMnfal. 8I1 IrtjfflM. find oifiM, niiu 11 now weii."x. 11. Ui Ctirtinbff Inlli, llfllllmofe, Md, liar's Glierry Poctoml) 1'-. J, 0, Ay of A Co,, Lowell, rVbtli, eoMlyitlliriil'(tl, VtktiU tU fcottlt,i( rlnircli l)li4cc(or K'AJ4acf,toi.-()oftitf of fitbsr'y and Wnter ntfeeW, Hiimlny ncrtlees iO-.'M a. m. uud VM p, 111 , finurtHy nehool 13 111., Y. I'.ti, 0. K, 0:) p. m. I'mof inwillngThuriKls-', MX)i. nt. J, Ikmcrnox, paster, residence 137 f.lbotiy nfreot. 1'iiMiiifTKitf AM.-Clniroti utrpol, between ClieinekolAniul Outer, l'rencltltifj morn iiignii(lcvriiiiiK) Pitbbndi nelioelat l'J nt.) Y. I1, H. C, li, ni u.uo t, in.) prayer mcetlug rinirsdiiy at 7; (Up, in, Iter, K, it. Uyynne, I), l) jiuiitor. ftoOTir hlAt.RM-M. 11. chilrcb, Preach Iuk every Miilid.iy 11 1 1WW a, in, and 7 p. In. Huiiday goliool nt 3 p. in. I'mycr itiectltiK Tlairoduy nt 7 p. m, Kpworth Lvugue, Friday at 7 p. in, ltev. Chas, 11, lA.e, Oastor. Uu.MiiKiti.AND l'jiKsnYTieniAN. Bnloni, oreguu, ltov. J. lu Ulalr, l'nulor. Hiiuduy oliool every Hmumy, 10 a. p. Prenchlog every ounuay, 11 it, in. nud 7:30 p. 111. Ohuruli l'ouao 011 lllgli street, between Jlarluu aud Unlou, Everybody welcome. U.mtkd llitK.rilKiiN, Two blocks BOlUb- west of puSHeiuer dejMit. (tervlcus every Mtbb.tthnt 11 o'clock, wud at 7:30, BaDbulli suliuol ul 1U .i. 111. 1'ruyer meeting every MiUnUy ulgbt at7;a0. Everybody curdlaly iuvlled. l'.uv. J 8. Jeuulngs, 1'itslor. AlKTiiODlSTKi'mcDrAi.. Uervlcca onHnb ljutli ul lOiuO and 7:30. Hunday Bohool at li; Kpwurtli Li-agues atG-.lC; l'rnyer meet ing every Tluiradny eveulug. ltev. C. li. Ivcllerinitu, pastor, UT. JOSEl'H'S CATHOLIC CllUltClt. ChO- uickuUi uud Cottiiue. Uundny Kervlces: Low intuit 7:30 a. in.; lilyli mans 10:30; suuduy nuhool U p. in.; vespers 7.0J; week days, low muss 7 a. in. ltov. J, H. Wlilte, pustor, CoNauhOATioNAl.. Corner Center and Uoc-tty bervleesuuduy nt lO.UOa.m.and 7 p. in ; Sunday bchool 12 in., Y. 1. B. O. K. at li :J) p. in.; pmyer meeting 7:o0p.m.Thurs day. LvASQBlilCAi. JtissioN.; Corner Cho nieliclauud 17th streets. Borvico In linn ilsli oveiy huuduy evening at 7;30; Bunday chool ut a.!10 p in.; prayer mectiug every Wtduesduy evening ut 7;J0. St. 1'aui. Kritscoi'Aii Ci'Ukcu. Cornor Cburuh und Cliemtkeia. Bt-i vices 10:30 a. in. aud 7 p. m.jHunday school 11:45 a. m.; crvlce Thursduy 7i80 ji. m. ltev. W. Lund, icctor, FntsT Baitist. Liberty nnd Marlon, riervlces 10:30 n. m. nud 7:00 p. m.; Bunday cbool 12 in.; young people's meeting at 0 p. in.; iirnyer meeting 7:30 Thursday, ltev. llobeit WiilUkkcr, pastor. Kiikk JlLTiiomsT. ltov. B. l' Bmalley pastor. Services Bunday morning and ureiilng, Bunday school at 10 a in.; prayer ineetlug Friday night. Church opposite North Salem school. KitiKNDH. At Highland park on car line. HervlccH 10:30 a. m. nud 7:80 p. in.; Bunday school 121U.; Christian Endenvor 0 p. in.: prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. in. Rev, V. 11. Ueorgo, pastor. The Church of God holds regular ser vlco lu the Uerraun llaptlst cbnrch, ou Nor.hCottngo stieet. rrcachlng Sunday nt 2:30 p. in. l'rayer meeting ovory Thuw day evening nt 7: Wp in, ltev. , TA.Glllet, pastor. Okukan Uaitist. Services In Gorman Unptlit church north ot Cottage street. Sunday fcchool at 10 n. m. l'renchlng at 11 a.m. Evening orvlcout7;30. ltov. John Kechtor, pastor. CHiusTlAN 80IENCK. Services In Uni tarian null at 10:U n.m.and 7:30p, m.; 6ab bath school 12 ui,; llible study Thursday ovfiilnir. UwiTAniAN-Cor. ChemekcUv and lllgh strtct. huuduy tcrvkes 10:: 0 and 7:M). Juiuny school nt 12, T. w. Haven, tor. pas- CiinisTiAN. High and Center. Sunday school 12 in.; preaching 10:30 a. in.; young people's toclety 0:30 p. rn.; preaching 7:10 p. in. ltev. VV. It. Williams, pastor. Ubuman ltEKOUMKn. Capital and Marl nn.;huiidny service II u, m.;Hunday bcuooI 10 a. m.; priiyer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. in, ltev. .1. Muellhuupt, pastor, Kvasgkmcai. Corner or Liberty and Center stieets. German service overy first und third lundays. J, li. l'Uhor, pastor. TtviutMAN Lutiiekan. North ColtajoBt, riervlccK on 1st uud 3d Monday or each month ut 2 p.m. ltev. O.U.Meyer.paslor. TKSirKUAKCE. Union Lodge ol Good Templurs, No, ivu meets evury Krldty mtlHal Urano Hull. Travelling mem oir are cordially Invited. Hollne-s uud Divine ilcallng.nt 115 High street, vvory ounduy afieruoou at 8 o'clock. Ciiiiiktian KOiBCK Kegulur services nt I WW o'clock oveiyunduy,ut 820 Liberty street. How's This Wo ofler One Hundred Dollars Rewurd for any case ol Catarrh that can not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, i J. Cheney & Co, Props,, Toledo Ohio. Wo the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheny for the last 15 years, und bt'lleve him perfectly honorable lu ul! buMnem transactions und lln uuclully uble to curry out nny obll gtitlnnw mudo by their firm. Went & Truux, WlioIenale Druggists Toledo, O., Wuldlnir, Klnnan & Co. Wlmlexalu Druggists Toledo, Ohio. llull'ri Cuturrh (.'tire Is taken In ternally, uullug directly upon the blood und mucous suriaces of the I system. 1'rlce 75o. tier twttle. Kola !. nil nmilu(u 'IViallmriiilu Teetlmoulals free. VJ till iVIUKnn( t WHft'iJrlbJrk ll WW 1 mm? u ftuumniiiii.iii..iii nijiMi ijj .j j 2JJJILg'y,'ll-u--U Do Yog Os? Tablets? W YOU DO YOU PA1TTON & Book Store, 98 State Street, Salenv rf$h 'jy PICTURESQUE. GOLDEN FLEECE. GLAZED BOND. MAGNOLIA. COURIER. Our Norpariel Pencil Tablet Will Be Closed Out afc T. McF. Ladies' Dongola Kid " Goodyear Welt " Oil Giwn, button "'" jiijiViio. " Rubber Boots Misses' Donpjola Kid Blue Ribbon School Shoos from . . . See our goods and be convinced. We can savo for cash. Noxt door to Lamport's bier horse. MA Hit I ED. At the homo of J". S. Moyer, in this city, Thursday, January 10, 1803, Miss Belle Moyer nnd George J, Harms, Rev. J. Jlowcrsox ofilclut Ing. DKATUM. At his homo on Broadway street, North Salem, Thursduy, Jauuary 10, 1803. Mr. Ramsey. The funeral will bo conducted Saturday by the O. A. R. To insure a hearty appetito and increased digestion take Simmons lilver Regulator. Wantkd A woman over 24 years to represent us. If energetic and capable good position guaranteed. V. Capital Journal office. Found Abu uch of keys. Apply at 101 Commercial street, provo prop erty and pay for this notice In all derangmentH of the liver a cure is certain if you tako Simmons Liver Regulator. J, M. Brown of Bllverton has re turned home after utteudlug a few days on tho legislature. Railroad commlsslonor Colvlg la In the city. To prevent fevers, keep the llvor active aud bowels regular with Sim mons Liver Regulator. - Kature's Barest Ally, II nature did not struggle against dU ,veam weakly eooititntlous, wlit lodeed would be the oour of a malady to J u fetal termination, While nature thus strutHlee let us, lest worse betelhi us, aid '.lerUwltb Judietous raedletaal help. KxperlMee aaurt be our guide la ImMIm with dla, aud that 'luip to our fifV' fndtetitee eWUi's MU-weelt Mitten M a MuiebtoodlMiiiMYeUd With MUt, If the bitwMn ud sioiuaeh are Ihh-MIvh. if the kMaey toil Wiiii liiapuriUee M wblmi Ui-y re th aa'ural outlet, a course ol tbe HitUrsU tMwmi r4UuoeofUM u Rarer, one. moreover. Hurtle MutothHieel hr pro- esitoei ww sawn " w r ToTnn Uy All Ofllltt lllgli fflfig Wiifil7M,ti nmm.Fl il,J "u7'"u. wmjiuuiuiB, Mts foiiiul 1 oue 11 11 lit AT 'UiE cm Woolen Ml OAK OET Tl.(ESEv(LEAJ3INa BRANDS i 1TOTICE THIS OLD FLAX. GRECIAN PARCHMENT. COLUMBIA. IRISH LINEN. MONARCH. SEASIDE. ORIENTAL. RED SIVR. IRNIC. LEADER. PATTON C. G. GIVEN Beats Them All. BARGAINS INjSHOES. $2 8 l 75 C. G. Best quality of shoes of all kinds at tho New York Racket, at very low prices. A good per cont. is saved by buying from them. l-10-2t Wood. Wood. Plenty of It sawed and ready for delivery. Leave your orders at Ryan's stable, Ferry and Liberty. corner or dlO-lOtf To My Patrons. All accounts duo mo must be set tled ut once uh I shall pluce all that are not paid for collection on Feb. 1st, 1083. I carry a large stock uud must have tlio money. All work and goods lu my lino at reasonable prices aud satisfaction guaranteed. M its, D. L. FlESTistt. 1-2-lm The Court street milliner. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed 1 Costorla REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Friday Evening, January 20, Chan, JS, So7ilUhiff' MINSTRBLSI The most complete organisation before the public, latrodu&lng for the first lime TUB NKW ORANU HPKOTACLK F1H8T I'AKT, The Pirates of Penzance, The most Ruataeest pro4aetle ef wad era mtaetreisy. Mverythfaf eatlrely sew. Mew aad forgeewe seeoery, Kw aud beauMhtt wMustM. Xew h4 woaOerful i am mn A J ft(rW tftlfl Hn.u l.iA., ii-,.! ' xnu uiuy real r. : 1: LIST, id '.f POSTAL. V KNICKERBOCK kJArAiN JJjOI Bjmi4 OPAL bonny;; ) PLATE FINISH fe & SONS; - r - IK 50 worth 00 -m zrxr , . x iiiJ X 50 2 00 l 25 you money on GIVEN, 8ALKM MARKET. Wheat- Olo per buIiel. . Oats 8540o per bushel. ' Potatoes 6000o per bwhJ, Flour-? 1.00 per bbl, V ;, Bran (dacked) f 17.50 per tfl-'' Bliorts-(Saoked) WMfA Eggs 85o per dozen. ' ChIokoiiH-8 to 10c per Mm Chopped fecd-(3aokd)$lt Dtieka 121o nerlb. i Geese 7o per lb. ' Turkeys Ida per lbj Lard 12116o nerlb. ' Buttor-303J5o per pivf Beef-7121odreseed, Z Vcal-10 to 12Jo, drejp4 Pork 7121o dressed i J" y Wool lC18operIb. ..) Hops lC18Jopcr.lK .,t X (Northern Pacific M. R. Ce ( LATEST TIME Two Through Tratni I 12:11pm lilXliiru 10-IAutii 1 GMllll 7.15miu afflnm I.Mna.a 7;i.iMii i.HtruUif. IDuluthii)' I'lOpill 7 'Jjprn VilMm I AUI'U. It'hienao Tloketi sold ami through to all poluie la und Canada. ' Ulota aoutieetUm iodf 11 iraiBsuoiug rjwtaiMi Kor mu itifuruutwoa eettleket agent or Ueu, I'um. asdTkt. ,-. jn Salary or Comr Ta ageuls lo handle the num ale BhuIuit Paiuill. The MMa Ink wove lavenuua w in ttwroughly lu Iwa WUll euu SWflil.M HUtSlHC IH I ilMeer week, weejeai eeiU MAeeit to take viMueje el IH epwrtfatsub aeeateTja Wf isu so'i oiouvy. WeM sDeaditaa ot entsluc IMaMei to.. X HW, Im L raete, WW. r , , nwmmmmmmmm W SON nu 1 r Vr tH ;lf all purii 1 7 (jV