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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1893)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. YOL, 0 "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." BAIiEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1893. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." S9I T IT IS NOT ALL OVER WITH! Tho holiday rush at OSB URN'S KACKET STORE this year was never before equalled, in fact their very low prices brought scores of new buyors evoryVlay. WHAT IS To FOLLOW. Since this great holiday rush is oAer all goods in the store are being pushed off at lower prices than was ever known in Salem. SPECIAL CUT on Albums, Dolls, and all tho remaining holiday stock. jj p OSBURN " m Commercia street- Sash. and. Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. C. N. CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Ageflts for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa. Street. Salem Tract & Dray em Iron works. Drays and traofca tno corner er ntate ana commercial F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE p evening Li -IT All the Capita And does not pervert, disguise or cover up what the public is interested to know. At tho same time it does not resort to sensationalism. If you want A Live, Clean Newspaper At the time of day when eyeryone has the most lie'sure to read, have the JOUBNAL left at your door. Only 2 Cents a Day. CAT Will bo found laboring earnestly for practical reforms in city, county, state, and national government. It believes in making the burdens of taxation upon tho people as light as poseible. It does not believe in rings, bosses or political machines monopolizing the political powers that moBg.solfly o tha peopl. -Tlw diBU9ted and patri- T S. BURROUGHS Co. I DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. ana , ueiiver wooa, coal and lumber. Of fice State St., opposite Sa- may be found throughout the dav a streets. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. HAS - News -.- u Journa in dm NEWTON TANNER. White & Tanner's Livery, (Successor!! to Ellis A Whitley.) Livery, hack and feed stable A. lull supply of horses and bujreles on hand. Horpes bisrded by day, week or month. Office at stable, Cocnmental und trade streets, south of Willamette hotel Ed. C. & 130 STATE BTREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Sup plies, fetcel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS BfiTThe best on earth. Give us a call. . 10:3tf. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specialty, J. F. WH1TK. For Rent, New house of 4 rooms. North Halem. on car line, two blocks north of school. $7.00 a month In advance. Geo. Kschstruth, 12-29-lm. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. , South of Wtllmtt HoUl, aA,IlfeI ... ORBOOM WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wm. EN GLAND Vice Preslden ULTQHMcNAlLY Cannier. DIRECTORS: Geo. William. Wm. Ens- lana.ur. I. a. iticnarason. J. w. .uoason J. A linker. Bank in new Exchange block on Com mercial street. &U-U 1. H. HAAS, THE WATOHMAOB, 21iH Ccmmtrclll St., Stltm, Or(os, (Next door to Klein's.) HptoUlty ot Spectacle, sad repairing GSoeJu. Watohen and Jewelry. E. K. HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. OAo at Ctuu. OUyrt'f:MUIlenf7 trtore. HalMia.Oreifoa. M. T, R1NEMAN J. F. WHITE. Cross Choi s. Wholesale nntl Ilctnil Dcnlcr in Fresli, Salt ami Smoked Meals of allliinds OS Court and 110 State Streets. FOR RENT. Ten acres of (rood garden land neur 8a. 1cm. Apply at once to HOFKKHRms, Juuknai. office. W. Taylor, House Gleaner, Gardner and Giccral Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING A.ND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY, Leave orders at Tbomni Johnson's 260 comnieiclal street. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OliMGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland and But Francisco. First-class In all Its appoint ments. Its tables are served with th Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A, I. WAGNER. Prop. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real Estat". In amounts a d time to suit. No delay In considering loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom II, Bush Bank block. 6 12lv Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balein, Oregon. W.A.CUMCK, l'res. 'W. VV. MARTIN, Vice Fres. J. U. ALllKHI', Cashier. State, Countyland City Warrants bought hi riir. aw Residence 882 Church Bt. J. J. MUTTON, SICN AND HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Kalsomluer and Pa per Hunger. Leave orders at A. II. Uiiren & Bon's Fur niture store or Sroatdc Glle, Grocers. Good garden land threo miles soutbenst of the peultentisry on Mscleuy road TW down und ba'anpe on 6 to io years time, fir irAdd fornllv nmnprtv. 1). A. Hants. 19.1 Iff 1S-U tf Notice of Dissolution. THE grocery firm of H. Karrar 4('o. Is tbl day uUsolved by mutual consont, Kiulre Furrar letirlng fioiu Mild biilncss, audJobuA. Van Ka on coutluulug tin business at the same plac. All persons owing said firm can settle tuHracctiinta with either Hqulre Farrar or J. A. Van Eaton. halem, Orvgou, Jan. 7, ISOl MtWt H, FARRAR A CO, fur liittlc Men and Women. FOR I8D3 Is mads expressly tor the younger boys and girls, who ead their inagaxlne at home and in tebool Uvery number will eonlaln stories, spir ited pictures, poems, v(rM and Jlnge,aud 'pleeM to pmk In Mbo ." <m all brae thera will ( the following erlal: Three LRU Gold-DtMer. 0 Olive Har. bht. All about the reiaarkableadrei ture ol some children who U4 around Caps KUtU U UMIJUTUI. TUe Hoium We Live In, Hy Lavlala H. Ooedwla All about our "h4. hand. tbe Ti H i;" mH Ilka swdylug nmtulosar. ,. A LMU OlijlWn QrHf 1 ACRES PROFESSIONAL AND IHJ8INE88 ADS rntLMON KOlll), attorney at law. 8alem, 1 Oregon. Oulce uptalrs In l'alton's F. CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, , .uurpuy uiock. HJ. I1IOGUR, Attornoy at law, Salem, . Oregon, OmuooverLadd & Rush's uhuk. aur. J J. Hit AW, At. W. HUNT. SHAW A . HUM, attorneys at law. Offlceover capital xsutlonal bank, Halem, Oregon. Q T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law, Q. oillce up stairs In front rooms of new Hush block, corner Commercial and Court Btieis, Dmuui,irrr.juu. IOHN A. CARSON. Attorney at law. O Rooms 3 aud 4, Lada A Rush's bank building, Salem, uregen, 8 1 lyr . F. HON HAM. W. H. HOLMES. Bonjiam & Holmes. Attorneys at taw. Oillce In Rush's block, between State uuu imn, no uiaiiuu ME. I'OQUE, Stenographer and Type , wrltlst. Rest equipped typewriting ouuu. but one. In Un-nou. Over Ladd at Rush's bank, Salem, Oregon. BH. URAD3HAW, PHYSICIAN AND , Surgeon, .-vilem, Oregon. Utllco In mh-Urei muu block, upstulrs Residence corner suueaua a. c corner w inier Bireet. DR. XV. 8. MO IT, physician and sur geon. OlUte In Eldrldge Block, Sa lem, yregun. OUlce hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2tiH). in. DR. T. C, KM1TU, Dentist, in atate street, Malem. Or. Finished dental unera- nous of every det-rlpllou. Painless opera tions u specially. WD. I'UUH, Architect, Plans, Specl . ncutluuo and superintendence lor nil classes of buildings. Office !ftK Com mercial bt., up HUilrs, CA. ROBERr, Architect, room 421, Mar . quani building, fortluud, Oregon. DW.TOWNSEND. Civil Engineer aud . -urvej or. Otnce with Oregon Land v o , Salem, Oregon, J, LARSEN CO,, Manufacture of all , klndsof vehicles. Repairing a special bhop 45 Mini e street. PR iTEOTIONLODaKNOa,A.O U.W. Meets In their hall In otate Insurance uuhdlug, every Wednesday evening. H. A. Met ADD&N, M. W. J. A MEL WOOD, Recorder. IMPROVED ORDER OK RED'tMKN. I Kaiulakun IrlbeNo. 8, Halem. llokU iiouucll every T hurnday evening, at 7.S0. vVlgwum In btate Insurunce hall, K. O. BAKER, Prophot, FRNK C. v ATKR8, .hlef of Records The Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau, SALEM, ... Oregon. C. B. CLEMENT, Manager. Office room i). Gray Block. Rates reasonable. Public and private work done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The place' lor young! Indies and gentle. men io rtocure aiiuorougu;euueauou is me oId,butcennew. in Long and still the leading Institution of the North West, Rctter than ever I New course of Instruction lu Oratory, Theology and I'osUGrudualed. HTUULK. Norma .Business, Academy, College, und Law courses greatly enlarged aurt lmpioved. Faculties Increased and Improved. For Catnloxue ot Uollego of Law write Dean H T. Klctiurdhon. Esq , Halem, Or. For Catalogue ot Collego of Medical and Pharmacy write Dean Richmond Kelly,M. I)., Portland, Or. For general Catalogue write Rev. Geo. Whltaktr, D. D.. President, Balem. Or. FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will bo opened to Btudents Bept. 18, 1892. tllleis the most practical courses of studv ot any school in the State, viz: Mechanical Kngliieeriiig, Civil Englnterlng, Electrical Kiifjliicerlng, Aindemlo and Grammar s hool courses Btudvuts practice dally In wood shop, machine shop, aud labora tories. Tuition and Hoard per Yeur, (ISO, Pdnl Inducements to a few young men who wish to work for their board und tul. lion during vaouluns. For prospectus and further inlonnatlon, address EDWIN MORRISON, M 8, Presdent, Halem, Or, iVliss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptemuer Wtli, at Kin dergarten Hull, nppoelto opera house. Children received at three years of age and over. A connecting c'ass will be es tablished tor ad VAiiced Kindergarten pu pils and those beginning primary work. Only the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. I'ruug's system ot drawing and color work Introduced, ENGINE AND BOILER F'tR Hale. The boiler Is an K-liome up right tubular, land the engine a tt-hnise Horn ntl. Until are In good condition, aud ont $700 when new. FORSTNEK A (X.ippo. site First National Rank. JAPANESE riTRi? .. . ....i ......... I........ . . .... log of suppositories, ointment la eapsules, also box aud pills; m poslttiveura forsx. tarsal. Internal, blind or blaedlnf , Railing, eliroule. recent or baredltarr nias, M many other dlseasas and amakt wssvk bswsm; It Is always a areat basiaAt to the pmiM HTCtlll, (li. JJIW tStVOTT IH m mam mil fvwuariiNi sxi ufwrauMSK WliSi ajuy unnsBisisry bataaltar. (ZMifii T MWS THE CAPITAL JODUUL H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. PUBLISHED DAILY.EXCEiTBUNDAY, BY THB! Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Htreet, in P. O. Building Entered at the postoffloe at Balem, Or., as setond-clnis matter. U0W LITTLE THE PEOPLE KNOW Of the manner in which their governmont la carried on Is best eeen at a sesslou of the legislature. How much there is doue iu the name of reform that is only a device to cover up abuses; how many in vestigations are conducted to cover up wrongs; how many politicians pose bb political purists only to cover up their crookedness and rotten news to tho core these are the things that people do not see. Few persons realize how nearly our country would come to ruunlug without legislature, courts or state otHclals, or even collection of taxes. It would be necessary to have jus tlcesof tho peace iu the couutry, u few policemea iu the cities aud a small Btaudlng army to keep order. Government is a closed book to the average citizen, except as he be comes aware of its pheuomeua through the newspapers. Even the spectator upon a legislative body does uot see What is going on. Here arises a legislator calling for creation of a special committee to promote the welfare of the people when per hupsall he wishes to ai rive at Is the chance .to hire a committee clerk and Becure a companion during the session to be paid out of the shite treasury. Another honorable mem Iter proposes a joint committee of tho house and senate to visit some state institution and investigate ex travagant expenditures or corrup tion, when he is probably the very man who as chairman of that com mittee la already pledged to cover up all that may bo discovered or is the beneficiary himself of all the stealing that has been done. These are some of the commonest occur rences iu legislatures iu other states and it 1 presumed there have been such instances iu Oregon. TI1EY MUST DE EMPLOYED. It seems funny that the state Insane asylum is capable of carrying on farmintr operatlous on so large u scale 80 acre wheat Held, 135 acrej in oitta, 70 acres in garden, 04 acre of land grubbed, presumably with meadow enough to make altogtlier 1025 acres in cultivation. Forcruzy people this seems like successful management. Yet it Is a result con trary to what outsiders usually ex pect. On tho outside a demented man Is counted a cipher when pro ducers are enumerated. But then this Is only another example of what, can be doue by iutell!et organiza tion. Hlllsboro Independent. Dr. Rowland in bis report as superintendent of the asylum make-, the suggestion that out-door labor Is the best mediclno (or tho lusane. While there can be no objection to the state Institutions growing their own products for their own con sumption it is jnot good policy to have such institutions enter tho market with their products. STATE I'ATKKNALISM. A correspondent suggests, as a means of keeping convicts busy while serving out their time, und also as an economical measure, that they do their ownslnugteniig of the beeves they eat, then tan the hides and manufacture their own shoes. We bellevo this proposition is in a wrong direction. The economy that Is secured by dlstroying tho legitimate occupation of law-abiding citizens, by substituting tho labor and products of tho defective classes is not economy. If there were only enough criminals aud they could be organized and set to work with labor-saving machinery, and baoked by the capital of tho state, they could dress ueat and make shoes for all the rest of the population. Rut It would not be Just. It is rank Injustice to tax the shoemuKers aud butchers to convict the criminal and main tain the prisons, and then place them In direct competition with the butchers and shoemakers to drive them out of business with this cheap labor aud state capital. NUT A JUDICIAL UODY. In IU report to the governor the state board of charities and correc tions refers to Itself as a judicial body and as conducting Judicial investi gations, This is plaluly a mistake, The board may have some udvltory or luqulsltorlal powers but it has, uo judicial functions. Aud (o prove the above It 1 only uecery to refer to the fact that la conducting IU Investigation t the asylum the eeuimlttee of the; board did uot follow Judicial pro oaedure. Dr, Rowlttad wm sot al lowed to be uMeeai ei Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest IT. S GWt ABSOLUTELY PUKE THE QUESTION OF LADY ULEKKS. Beuator Willis' bill to exclude ladles from tho public service is a serious mutter if it ia seriously in teuded. And there is no evidence that the honorable senator Intends it otherwise. He seriously proposes that women bo not employed in any clerical capacity in either branch of the legislature. The eilect of his measure if adopted by the legislature would be construed to close all branches of public service to women In Washington, California and nearly all other states the houses ol the legislature never so far forget their obligations to the fair sex as to uot elect them to somo of the most ImportautotUucs, There will scarco ly be found a legislature lu session lu our country today where one or more women are not occupy lug po sitions of honor and trust lu the secretary's desks before the speaker, to say nothing of filling clerkships lu all the departments at Washlntr ton, on the world's fair commission, and exerting a salutary iuflueuco on the public Bervico wherever they ap pear. Senator Willis' bill to further exclude them lu Oregon Is an un gracious joke at best, or the embodi ment of mossbaoklsm at most. Hit measure assumes that women arr Incompetent or that they would ex ercise an injurious influence upon the publio service, both of which po sitions are untenable. The work of the legislature could hardly be per formed iu its closing sesslona but for the fair round handwriting of a score or more of very competent lady clerks who are called into the service of the state. INCREASED TAXES. The secretary of state has compiled the total taxable property of the state at $180,092,300; luerenso since 1801, H771.088; s equalled by the stato board (100,203,040. Marlon county as returned f7,073,110; as equalized $0,801,087;lnorease (1,388,831. These figures are probably approximately correct. Many able lawyers sustain the position of this journal that the state board has no power to make horizontal raises of property over all tho state; that it cannot exercise tho functions of equalizing valuations und creating now valuations, or vir tually making an after assessment at same time. The theory of tho state board that by Increasing valuations, counties will lovy less In uot good practice. In Marlon county the levy is in creased. When it is considered that in Oregon all levies are by tho mill aud school treasuries arooverilowing the outrage ot a fifteen per cent in ciease in values is apparent to any taxpayers. Leaf by leaf th roses fall; une by ono our dear ours die, O, to keep them with us still! Loving hearts sand up the cry. Wile and mother, O h w (tejr. Fading like a mist awuy Father let us kern them here, 'tear fully to God wo pray, Many a wife and mother, who seems doomed to die because she sullurs from diseases peculiar to women, which suns her life uwav like a vampire, and batllps the skill of the family physlclaii,can be saved oy employing the proper remedy. This remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription, tho greatest boon ever conferred by mau on weak, nuf. ferlng, despairing women. It is a speclflo for all phases of female weakness, no matter what their name. To My Patrons, All accounts due me must be set tled at once us I shall place all that are not puld tor collection on Feb. 1st, 1083. I carry u large stock and must have the money. All work and goods lu my lino ut reasonable prices und satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. I). L. Fikstku. 1-2-lm Tho Court street milliner. Simmons Liver Regulator is In valuable iu the nurwory. It U a gou. tie laxative, and liurmleM. m i HALKM MAHKKT.S. Wheat- 00c per htuhol. Oats 3640o per bushel. I'otutoes 4050o per bushel. F!our-$4.U0 per bbl. Bran (Hacked) (17.50 per ton Bhorts (Sacked) (19.50 per.ton. Kggs 85o per down. Uhlckeus 7 per lb. Chopped feed-(Saeked) (19,00, Duoks lOo per lb. Geese 7o per lb. Turkeys llo per lb. Lard J2Jaioprlb. Uulter Ma per pound. Vel-10 to !), Bakii Powdt r ODDS AND Eft. Raw oysters aro cood far 1 Talma, tho actor, was a rkutltfai Bellows wero invonto8 by . in fWtMn IX O KfiO rfW . WM.M, .. V. WW. , S A thousand children are tatt,$kj aon worKhousos yearly; Mendelssohn, tho Jewiak waa tho son of a pawnbroker. vaiuaoio discoveries of obj porteu trom tindgowater; y Somo womon will sacrifiM thing sooner than their lofe of mico. ,?, IIo that riseth lato ranst trot; ; and shall scarce overtake ha l night. Queensland is believed too est national dobt per capita 1 a head. It is not without interest 'to note Htmt not u fowpeoplo living have double rowsf oi natural tectn. , s. Five Cherryfiold (Mo.) caanhnredaib $ 111 .. .A A,., nir 1, f. uBiiinuiuu imt up $o,vuu worm or, onMr.a berries last year, Tho electrophone was invouted Wright in 1801 and was descrilsed foro an art society. Naturalists Bay that otor 800 of insects and 183 of plants have, preserved in umber. A Brooklyn minister named 1 swallowed n cork and died from the suits of tho accident. In politics the vanquished got tho "spoils" that is, the thisge 1 aro uo longer of any use. Tho United States nnd Canada already dispatched 400.000'barreU of I pics to Liverpool and London thtt son. v Whon you are hesitating ,1 breaking a woman s bones end her fcolings, remember that borne bo mended. b BothweHW Peoplo who volunteer more then tbf&m. contract fpr'genorally find that whi5w extended as a favor will soon be de u . 4 mantled as a right. I Not very long ago the whoro thoy mond your shoe wUkfOQ wait was n novelty, but now, there ft nunibor of such places in New.Yotfceiay. Tho English court of queen's benoMW . decided that grocers may weigh payer With coffco, sugar, tea, ete., write being guilty of fraud npon.tbe " chaser. ,, A "Ila!ldoKH CaU. f Mule footed hogs, "wonderrel Ja4 jg formed sheep," livo lrtaetoootw serpents tiro an thrown in the i tho reports which como from IrelaaMfl a "bulldog" or "droson" oftlf. II.' creaturo is tho offspring of al-yvenpMrl Jorsoy holf or belonging to Colonel Pood, I of Marcus Landing. A front view of tat monstrosity, whon its body is fiom sight, instantly BUggeetetbean enco of n good sized bulldog. It htt th drooping rod lips, the cropped eM Mi bony head in perfection. Tbefowfcei seem to ho a cross botween claws, pWW and hoofs. Tho hind ones are calf haatt all right enough, but thoy are turned ti ; wrong way, tho result being thftfCM creaturo appears to ltavo the tail oa tkf . wrong end. A sido viow of tho head, etfefitffr when tho calfs mouth is held or utowol nnnn rimilmla nnn nf lin rdfltnfkaa r Ubi ? -- -..- -w .- ... old oriental dragons, the euotmom, Mm less, staring eyes adding to we bianco. Somo accounts of the hmk that it has tho "wool of a dofM forequartcrs and tho regulaetot J hair bolund." Thoro la no difforenco in either tho color er of tho beast's hairy covering. Oa 4 thing is a doublo row of whet am i to bo "real dragon scales" holly. St. Louts Ropublio. v ' Is I'lre a neueStf During his connection with Thel do Deux Monucs, tho late Itonan, published an intereetsMI tho mvth of Promotheus. whielh to East Indian legend, where BJt tion of ilro is ascribed to the i cunning demon. "Is it quite certain," aslu X, I "that tho undents regaruee. Hk tho inventivo Titan as at a dobating club of scholars ahoakf - cusa tho question wlietber fire haV tho whole, been a benefit to IM nX raco it might surprise tlw imM strong n cose could be made eJtiJ negativo side," Tho progress of clvilimtiatilte inseparable from the nee of I tho problem wuetlter the of combustion, iu its variovj i lions, uas been a biosaise; curso is a very different might be impartially the interest of IndiyiduaJs centuries, yes; as to result of a series of Frsaoisc o CurowleU, , ,, i-JJVI- fsMssMthai tltaasralit 1P!lwm. ISWHsO)! h ' ,jM