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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1893)
iiSlMililll: kffiftfi tort r.'j " ffcrttfttl' WrtWAM. I HUM It Wi bt HWnfM lWrtH. t iimm .aw .AM nf Hi wrirltar Mil HM4 tWtlf tflsM. Tfc iff All M Tt r4 Md ww Mftti ww'f ww Hfrtrt . UlJMlttWHWN,Wto4 t . M Wm4 Mirir fc4ftM rtM, fatti cat hi tfffc ( rtJ 4. atiafcA mimam, IW Wf fcVM ttfrf tut M, l( ft irm wlw mm, MMf jiJM th tMww to drx l4valiiNMtaitrtl1rfelt tfent wtalllbrwtgti Mw4 eblAk h MM :' Miff irfrtwM m W, AM rw ' 11 rm hm n new w wmnimr, 1 ninninn i.n.. Ml, klf iWiflhw thf, f4tf In bM HMf 1 A ttrtlfHf ! flf rlMrm) wars M (mi for tb li Modern dars. i MiioMihlM yvbkb to It m lnlwetlrr-bc, m foi mulrtet. running flwt wd tt nltti )il rf, "! ' He'll nmttli door, Ho lure. and mors folMI th roM corn ear In "tore. 4 Mil the uuulera man to lear ,Wlwata downl will scamper titer. flMiitnll rrd tnan.aiuK'j'.lllm, 1 ( plaw wftf nuil for Mm. -uiarauoijr imio. : IHfit rosHd In New Zealand. Mlg iMOW ZA'HIUtHl mitlH IIIO 1 tt brewn night bird, alxiut tin- k Kulneft fowl, witb n loug v. curved ixmk, with wiiicu 11 the jrround to witwfy ItM up iWHU WUI1I1B HUM KIUIWI. II Ul. 1 ..!.,. Il Aim, long, pointud fuathorn, of i uvt MorlH mako roatitur niiw '.iNivlng', thorn togotlicr with tlhAd. Tho knkatHi rcHoiu rft.UrttebriKhttfreonimtTot and f'yery uanJlKomo. TJiewlUu. or ken, is tuo most common ami 1 MKttlldftt. Tlio kiwi, or npUjryx. Wr (east uovolopou wing and xm raout cloHoly to tuo now t mom, or dinornU, of which 'jui 'dme (lno koloton Hjiopi to the inuBoutnH, Thwj ut clMu-fch nhi to a liolirht of ifwi teat, but lack tho rudimou ' wlnir bono. In Duncdin tnuro w Attnohod, and n beautiful ton w to bo booh in tho .Natural jrv museum in Loudon. Nino- itb CwiUiry. A Weird Story. 1 k said to bo a facti An .Atrhl- roman lout her mother by death lWAM too sick to attend tho fu Every' night for a month uft- rurd shp 'wtw- awnkoned by hor rtt voice moanlntr, "Oh, my , my hAndHl" Oneo a pnir of tly Uhbui apiwarod to hor that 1 iliHitttdfWiM if trying to wrench Ivn Hpftrc tuo womau wan that bIio tiiHlMtou on Ker mbthor'B romalnw dlnln and foimd the handa woro kotether with awhito ribbon. kill ribbou was cut tho vMUt- L.and noiseii ceased. Atuhiitou iipv&lobe. -'in A yaoer llitiiuiilnr- feWilliBKH Ah I came down Btroot k BilllngH today wo met it nurwo .'ku iwby in a pentmuuiator. foiinHt In qui to pretty. -UilUiitm lialwl llobaHU't l made you think it wan fUlijiWlyi when wo stopped ijteto Uie street to lot them go by FW't twy a wonl about thiukiug 1 ought to bo a law to keep baby off tho eldowalkii. .Now Peokly. Hobby 1U Way. -Bo you co to BCliool. do i.Bobby? AlllV YiM. Bit. PLwt me hear bow you spoil broad." MMMl, febeter spells it with au a. ftm. diti but vott didn't ak mo r4W4ter Hiwllrt it you naked me UT I iM)eil it" Exchango. ni Katy fur Hutlnca. ,Tii (Italy) doctor luw tho fol- otlce Hituwi to ma poruu, Rlcca Tho naid ProftMwr will iwe for making hU nalvw ttM and large Hertteuut, wol voh, wtmkeyu, marmota, wmuvIh otliur kimlB or wtlil 1 alive and in good condition." MMMMWMnMMWnaM el tlte famoua wlilto oaka of mtejuw in U10 rrtMby ityard at Uakiug Htdge. li foot 4 inchcM in clr at five feet hhrh. while :im ahade a ulivlo of II & iwertky fvaiWUoa to daftir to llHtUOM IH OtlOM com KmXBg tmm ana yarvw ilMwi tut Khali win tho iuI and pmUe of each iuor of your watclt (MMt-twettlieth cvf a grain Om wlW of Nuuh witv wuob lw Uiua a half HI MftNMftQhtl. iaaeM to U tke lomrwt m ftHr awl un- llaWnirUi, IP tr freabenlitg awi pre- MMIHHMWfHW aalM, M WMMft MM SO ii m v iHttfar-J ST vfcpwt itmm & WP Y 4 fffl"" ' I5 uL MMlMf vvrMM ftrW 0 r PW r li m & I jJ:i. J i - ! Aw frWfrWI iZTfriW look m &, m WW W JTOTT cortnirnwiM rj-r " - mm imf tmmgn n!!?"" T6trt IraWftUHngr ""I " r "K lXffi-Y, cMl( old fcl- 5,ti-.Wliy, WfMti ctrald Its jHy JedlVklHat (wlH" A book eHt "Mow to Mako n Trip to itrei o 0W," Imt-btit It didn't mf hew to tfet lik.-Jlllllon. tuklMtf for Worlu Fanner's Wife Why don't yon go tc work? Trntnp I would if I had tho tools. Fnnncr'a Wifo-iWlutt sort of tool? do you want? Tramp Knlfo and fork. Tciaa Sitt ings. Til Trial Too Great. Bho felt that alio had not sufficiently' tested his lovo for hor in making him wait thirty-eoven minutes whilo slid ad Justco hor hat. When bIio took hor sent Iwsido him In tho cnrrlngo thcro carao over her an aw ful doubt lest his heart was not all hers. Bho resolved to try Ids affection. "PlnntugoneC Bho throw her soul into tho words. "aro yon prepared to make a Bac riflco for tacT Ho instinctively Bothered tho reins in ono'hand and turned a startled fnco uioii hor. J'An anything" For sorao reason ho faltered percep tibly. "you want, my darling." "Would" Bho looked pleadingly into his eyes. "you dio for mei" IIo breathes freer. "Willingly," ho declared. "Then" Bho nestled still closer to his siilo. "norhatM you will lot mo drivo a little way," Gently, hut firmly, ho told her it would bo impoBsihlo. Detroit Tribuno. All That Ho Wanted. Ho had looked ovor tho sample of tho various goods in stock, and finally tho tailor asked: "Can't I mako you a nico dress suit?" "Naw," said tho young man languidly, "Naw, 1 think not. I novah got my dross suits this fitdo of tho watahl" "Wo hnvo sonio very fino imported broadcloth," persisted tho tailor. "Of'cou'uo, but I' prefer a London maker. "Wo havo a London tailor's tag that by Hpeclid permission, wo put on our goods when dosired," explained tho tailor "Yn-au, hut uo ono Bees tho tag, you know." "Well, wo havo a special caso for pack ing and 'carrying our drosa suits when traveling that lias a London tailor's naino on it. Very handsomely gotten up, with tho naino in gold letters, and below it tho inscription, 'Siooial Tailor to tho Dukoof Wlldoatu.'" "Wcallyr "Ortalnly. Special arrangement, you know." "Aw, well, I don't need tho suit, hut I'll aw tako tho case," Detroit Freo Press. Arrnlil to IIUU It. Tho clerk had jimt got his week's sal ary from tho ciiHhlor. "If it's all tho sumo to you," ho said, turning tho money over inhls hand, "I'd a little rather havo u llvo dollar bill in placo of this gold piece." "What'a tho mattor with it? asked tho cashier, , "Nothing, only I don't want to ask tho street car conductor to chango a gold piece." "Why notr "1 don't like to to looked nt suspicious ly, o'ven by u ktreot car conductor." "Would ho look ut you suspiciously if you handed him that llvo dollar gold coin?" "Of course ho would." "Why?" "llocuuso I've got nu old overcoat on." Chicago Tribune. Tli force r llault. On tho day before tho e-xeeution tho kpopcr informs u doomtnl man that a vWtor wUIim to teo him. "Do you kuow who ho is?" asked tho doomed uuuu "No." "Well, just ask him if ho want to collect u bill, and If ho docs tell him to call ufter tomorrow." Texas Blftiuga. A Uvll of Tlui. "Now, Johnny, suppose tho clock should ittriko sixteen, wlvat tiiuo would It be?" "llmt voald deiwnd." "On whatr "On wlwt tlmo it was avIipu the clock struck ftUtatti." Harpcr'n Doxar. A Ttt of I'otcrly,' Corkton 0 Ate Aw -ou rwdly so hard up? TnuMp Hani up? Why, boas, If suits m' dotltt wux Mdlln at u cut apWco I wouMat luvo eaouKh to buy the arui ke) af is, vtl Trata, MaihifM Hefur l'Uur. H U' too bad our llttlo suHituor rc tuaaee couldat go ou fotvrer, Uw't it? Skv V, Jack. Ut then 1'vo got to Kt WMUTiM mhm Hwv, you teow, CU ew suworo. BfUcttu & Govimmwtt Bend, hightr rate of internet, indomnity in old agu r 4 UiV'. You otumoto a dollar in a Mi wachuwttH company. Cash and paid j vim fputttd woli yar. Mr. II, G. CoKou, Geu'l Agent f the Maw chu- Uh Ivmrum ewnpuiy. w m ii. - vs' J!"-5' ALUMINIUM fl6W(N6 SHULLd. 01I fclfil l"'n '"' li "' liiail IrfHl.HA lloat. IMW J, UftlatiJgh( tho Ililladetphirt JBoattmtfdtr, is cornrtrrfcting the first Skjatt-d racing' shell ever built from linnlNlMtii irietab It Is-lhlcnded for tif mi of tho Cornell college1 crew and will bo finished tlw Inttof part of March. Oaluwwgli Is tho first boat builder to ex periment wltlf alninfitlum in tho con struction of racing shells. IIU first ef fort was on a single scull shell for the nso of tieorgo W. BUtzell cwnmwloro of tho Ochnylkill navy and ox-champion ginglo sculltr of tho Schuylkill river. It is provwl tdboa very strong boat and loma four ponnds lighter than thooeon tructed from any other material hith erto used. Tho (.hell wni loaned to an oarsman who was entered at Newark, N. J., re jatti, and there Charles K. Courtney, tho Cornell trainer, saw it. IIo was much token with tho new stylo of shell and urged its adoption so strongly and so persistently Hint tho Cornell boating authorities finally appointed n com mittee to go to Philadelphia and inter view tho maker. Galanaugh folt so positlvo that he could build a shell at least ten seconds faster tlwn tho ono jonBtructcd of either paper or cedar that !io agreed to tako tho risk of building an eight at his own expense, and if it docs not prove ten seconds-faster than any other shell tho crow can get they need not tako it. Tho keel and tho gunwale aro now laid In his nhop on tho banka of tho Schuylkill. Tho boat will lw 0) feet in length over all, 23 inches beam amid ships, 8 inches deep amidships, 0 inches deep forward and 0 inches deep aft. Tho shell will ho composed entirely of aluminium, with tho exception of the washbox, which will bo of wood and tho outriggers, which will ho of steel tubing, cold drawn. Tho shell will weigh 175 pounds, all told. Ordinary paper and cedar shells weigh about 225 pounds, and Waters, tho famous shell builder, of Troy, N. Y., claims that a 200-pound 8-oared shell Is au exceedingly light ono Tho nluminlum shell will bo built in two pieces, being divided foro and aft and then joined together umidships. It if designed to carry an average weight ut 17f. Tiniiniln nor tnnn. Tho aluminium from which this shell is lutnf undo In nno-twontieth of an inch thick and wclglia about sovon ounces to tho equaro foot. Galanaugh's contract calls for tho completion of tho boat oy tho latter part of March, when tho Cor nell crow will come to rnilauelplini to trv tlui ulinll on tlm Rchiivlldll. If it is satisfactory Golanangh will reccivoiJ-'OO. Tho fact of Cornell's ordering this shell has cnuficd considerable comment in col lego boating circles, and Harvard; iuteiiua hnvlntr nun iim kooii ns nossiblu. A num ber of oarsmen from that collego visited rutluuclpnta Saturday, tno result or which wnt tho ordering of an aluminium shell for tho Harvard crow. Galanaugh haa orders now for twelve aluminium bouts two four oared, two eights, one doublo and seven singlo shells. Ono of tho fours is for a Portland (Or.) club, and ono of tho blnglca goes to tho Narra gansott club, of Providence. Philadel phia Record. A Hello of Itobonlerrc. Tho Dihlothequo Nutionulo in Paris has just coma into possession of a docu ment in tho handwriting of Robespierre. A workman in u paper mill was engaged In sorting out boiiio papers that woro to be reduced to pulp, when Ids attention was urrodtcd by boiuo paper yellow with ago and covered with writing in rather fuded ink. On examining it ho found it to constat of u number of cheota of an os eay on tho responsibility of parents for tho crimes of thoir children; which was presented to tho Academy of Amiens in 1783. Accompanying it waa a lettor con eluding ns follews: "I am far from con sidering that I havo tulonts; never thelebd 1 havo ventured to present you with my contribution. It is from a do sire to bo of use; it is from a lovo of hit inanity that I offer It to you. Robe spierre." lu 178 Robespierre was a young provincial lawyer toslding at Ar rush. Tho essay was rewarded by the Amiens uculomy with nu honorable mention. Loudon News. Tlio Kins of hweilva. King 0car of Sweden celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary us a doctor of philosophy laid month. As Duko of Oatgothland tho university of Lund con ferred that degree upon him n quarter of n century ago in recognition of bis serv iced to literature und science. Ills majesty sjKut tho day ut tho university and ullowod tho bishop of Fleusburg to place again a wreath of laurel upon his brow. Tho university is" naturally proud of Ita adopted alumnus, na tho Ling is a man of learning, ublo to couverw in telligently upon almost uuy topic and u poet of uo mean parts, IIU majctty to tho tallest monarch in Europe, overlapping even tho czar of Rula by etverul luehea. A fine fchock of Ivalr covers hU head, aiul a long, heavy beard adds dignity to hU face, lu hU rolcs of stato ho looks thu ideal king. Clilcago I'iiu-s. Au Idea fur C'liurxb IVklr. Ono of tho ladle in charge of thu Ivtxar lu Chicago for tho benefit of the Chil. drt'n'n Home building of tho expotsition Itaa hit 011 tho derlcv of sonilitut dUtiu- gulilied author several copiwof their works, requesting them to put their au tograph within. ThU of course enluiucva the vlu of tho Uxtks, auj ho iutemU to Mil thn for doublo their original cot. The idra U not a Iwd ono for other fair and bazar, and then it laerwue the author' obvady hautUoie lucerne and tU him up with Ids paulkW. Uartferd Coaraat. Uj oity aiH. if yw ar, thiukiug IMKrftlBU aiAmo 1 1 KNOW. inn mi ii .'. Tim ChMelrt iitntttl by Old Writer Jof lit All Tru io tiff. Somo of tho older norelista in (leal lug with old ftomo, tlio feiidnl tlnya III Frahed, Gcrinfliiy or Englnnd, or with pioneer Hfo, mako thoir charac ter belong to another titno In tho Now World, Instead of to another l-aco nud world of their own. In en donVoring to reproduco sconoa and Bocial conditions which hnvo passed nwny immy historical novelists con fuso tile conditions nnd perennial human nature They lnbel their characters according to their r,odnl station and confuso these Bocit.1 dis tinctions With tho qualities or tno spirit They give us men and women whom God would fiil recognize, but whom the critics, more acute, readily hail ns models and types for all other students of human nature. Their, characters are nearly all mounted on , stilts, they aro animated oy motives nnd considerations which aro quite Impossible nnd they talk as human Itnlnrra nnffin- tnlW-ll itl this World. They deal not with tho exceptional, which is possible ana artistic, out with tho impossible, which is carica turo. Their old Romans nnd barons and highwaymen, etc., stalk through tho unnnu tnmiMiinir nltttitudcfl and "6Cn- tlmntitx " wlmrann WO mav bo QUitO certain that thoy occupied themselves chiefly with cheating, lying, cring ing, stealing, scheming, diuing, drink ing, dissipating, working, gossiping, gaining and talking slang, just as men nro doing in tlio streets, marts, pub lic officea, theaters, etc., of Paris, London and New York today. And beneath all this action thoro was al ways a crude philosophy classifying and analyzing both motives nnd ac tions. Ono would imagine from the ro mantic representations of these phases of life that tliis reflective habit of mankind was an invention of yesterday, and did not really date Ixjyond the decline of the Roman empire to- tho philosophy and civili zation of Greece. Tlieso same virtues and vices exist today, and never will bo entirely eradicated, no matter how high the tido of civilization rues; but except in tho very lowest piano of human hfo, whero tho relation to humanity is scarcoly more than that of tho human form, men in all age3 hnvo sought for a solution of tho rid dio of oxistenco, and henco havo, in a moro or loss crude fashion, reflected upon notion. Now England llaga zino. ' HujIliK a Treclou Stone. A good story is told of ono of tho Vaudorbilts. Whilo abroad recently ho was visited by a rich Berlin jowelor, who, without waiting the usual formalities incident to gaining an audience, marched in on Mr. Van derbilt unannounced. Tho intruder wna an elderly man with an intelligent face and attired in faultless evening dres, the fash ion prescribed by European otiquetto for visits to potentates, embassadors and other high dignitaries, irrespect ivo of tho hour or season. Sir. Vaudorbilt was surprised but not overwhelmed by tho jeweler's evident attempt at continental com plaisance. Ho listened to his tale of the "greatest ruby on earth," which tho dealer was willing to dispose of at a bttcriilco, with n courteous air, and then offered him one-tenth of the pi ico demanded. "1 havo five stones of exactly the same dimensions nnd coloring," said ho, "and 1 am willing to eompleto tho half dozen at n fair figure. You may send mo your answer within two hours. Good morning." Tho answer arrived eighty min utes befoio tho pi escribed time had elapsed. It was in tho nfllrmativo. Cincinnati Ihiquiror. rrociirlug Tortulio Mirll. Tlio Society for the Prevention of Ciuelty to Animals would find a wido Held for its operations if it would bend iui ngent to tho Woht India is lands, whine the tortoise shell is ob tained. Tlio natives do uot generally kill tho tortoise to gets its bhell, but fasten it to tho ground by tying its head nnd foot to jwgs, then lay hot coals on its kick. Tho scales aro thus loosened and eonio off very easily, und the turtle Ls turned out to grow another supply. Tho process is un epenknbly cruel, ond tho ladies who object to wearing bird plumugo in their hats ought to nlo reject tor toise bhell combs, St, Louis Globe Democrat. Vulumu of the llulf Mniaui. Tho enormous volume of the Onlf Stream has long been a subject ef curious m vestigntion. The latest cal culations 011 the "great omiu river" inform s us th.i .it least IK), 000,000,000 tons of water lussCapo Honda ovory hour. If this ouormous tunouut of beu water could bo uvnporuted the residua would bo a quantity of im pure salt so largo, that all tho ocean vessels now would only bo equul to the task of carrying tlio one hundredth ivirt of it And all this vast ntuouut is held in suspension and pa&M u given point iuasuiglo hour.- St. Louis Republic, A homeulr ooa Collector. A western traveler has a largo col lection of bouvemr spoons which ho secured m u peculiar manner. At every hotel and restautaut he btopjKxl at ho baa uiado it a point to "hook" a spooa. Philadelphia Ledger. of ciUTy- Wl.ll Fote. A Vancouver fdrricr was exhibit; mg fl short time ago what ho claimed to bo tno peireoi "u"'"ir: "a1 Tlio man Is nu expert naturalist, and ban been dealing in furs in tho northwest for forty years. Hosaya these aro the first whlto foxes ho ovor benitl of. but ho la absolutely euro the pelts aro genuine foxsWns. The conformation has been carefully preserved, und tho big brush ia of course attached. Tlio fur is snow white, spotless nnd beautifully soft. Tho furrier bought them from a seal hunter, who caught tho foxes nt tho last station to the north of eastern Siberia, several hundred miles north of Potropanlovsky. Rochester Her ald. Snro nnd Sound. "So you are really engaged to old Miss Flypp, aro you, Charley?" "I suppose bo." "How tho dickens did you happen to got tied up liko that?" "Oh, I was too blamed smart. I thought the comot was going to wipo ns all out and proposed just for fun. The comot didn't wipe, and I'm land ed. Buffalo Express." Tow Ecllptee In London. Therohaa been but one total eclipso of tho sun at London since tho year 1140-that of 171G, and, according to Professor Holden, there will not be another until after tho opening of tho Twenty-first century. St. Louis Republic. w - s.. .i3Jvi.. MRS. ELMIRA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. MUta Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Diar Sua: For 20 years I was troubled with heart dlnease. Would frequently have fulling pells and smothering at lilKtit. Had to elt up or ert out of bed to breathe. Ilod pain In my left tide and back most ef tho time ; at hut I became dropsical. I was very rcrrous and nearly worn out the least excitement would cause mo to THOUSANDS B?B with fluttering. For tho last Ortecn yeara I could not deep on my leftside or back until began taking your Art" II 'art Cure. 1 had not taken ltTCry long until I felt mnch better, and I can now ileep on either ride or back without tbe least discom fort I havo uo pain, smothering, dropsy, no wind on stomach or other disagreeable symptoms. I am able to do all my own housework without any trouble and consider my si If cured. V llr hurt. Ind.. 1XRR. Mas. ELM1R1 lUTCTl. it la nnw fnur Years slnre I bave taken anr medicine Am In better health lhau I have been In to yean, i noncstiy do- a . rl l ! lieyethat Dr. SI He,' Hew CURED and made me a well woman. I am now 02 yean X . .I .An rjA Aa'a ur.k May 29th, 1892. Ubs Elmiba. Uatce. SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. fold by D. J. Kry, drUKKUt, Bulem Dr. Powell Reeves & Co., Tho Old Rollablo Specialists, Late of New York Hospitals. Ortiduato with High Honors. (Twenty jcars' experience as I'rolcur, TA'Ciurer, Author and Specialist lu Chroulo Diseases. Catarrh, Bronohitis, Couch and Difficulty of iireathmg Successful ly treated with specif ic romedics thoroughly tested and provedby tho OLD DOCTOR Who is ono of nature's noblemen, thoroughly devotod to his profession and over roady to holp the afflicted. NKRVfl K RKR I.TY ?.'."?: nildde aged men. TheanlulenVctsol early In HOOD, uiglit emUstlous, exbanntlng drains, bAshtultiew, lo of energy, tekues ol Kith body and bmlu.untUtlug one (or study, busluen and marrlatie. treul ttth never fulliug success. uet onrtM alia w u man. BLOOD AND bKIN arrKKV'iEl syphilitic taint, rbeuL-iatUin, eruptions, eto.,o( all kinds, bUxxl jlon from any c tue nateier, eureit promptly, Uavlng the ) stein puro and healthful KIDNEY AND URINARY Xifoc,Ve&!,n uvr. aciiuicuk in ucuti-, iiii.iiuiur wnjie; lim while urinating, Irvo, jeucy of, lutght's dl ease anil an iiiarrnoi lav maimer oi Oiltl K-'ls. fllTARRH tnnwt.luui!,iir dspep.,indl Vilinnilll gvttloii, aud all dU-ares atlertll t the bowels, iiomacli, etc , iilirh(.o,ih teuton, etc Troubles o( tbischtrartcrrvlteedatouce; cures cOrcled assoou as piunble. PRIVITR t'WiKtct.piiiiirthoa, syphilis, rilliniQ hdnct.le. lariocele, tiinl-tuc, swellings, weskuet ul orgaus, and pile,, risiuls, -npiuiv, nm i7 ruivu nuiiuui auy pain or ue t.ntlon (mm business. stfHITK jouriroub-eill Ihlng away (rom the ........ my, iiiuiniikii curwi at nome by nurotvunlruoe and medicines mmu n.. imm obseriatliiu. tncbuiu lu ivnts u (tamps for OR.PniYELL REEVES & CO.. Now Locilcd at 216 Gom'I St., Salcin, ELEbi'RIGBELl UTnTMTtmsiigSWjTH nrm.. 1. Mmrnmm WtewS Vl , ,, iijjn wmm w ?ivv5ri f " ""' : s&Z- v". J'J7v HI ?i aa' A"ral f m LaLLaLaLaHaiKltlaaaiSaP .MfMMiMtiTs. M$$fe svsfusesy itlilaiMNiNin im tsl U t.,-, t.," . 2' "Brrt""??!: tr- ? " ','Ar'L" lAMENSELVjlprjLAFC WWEIX'S J0rEVERY.WHERE. Bull Durham BULL Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet and clean. The Ideal of Fine tobacco. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., juUKniivi, Ed. C. m& mMi llfe$ ??sSirf" n Tir TTfrifrrrii sjmtf&Trrrtsrmx. U. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All House-fiuishlDg Material made to order at the lowest Portland prices. Bee us before you buy. AKCHIE MASON. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEr, OREGON. CLEAN! Ii you would be clean and in the neatest and dressiest manner, take the m to tho SALEM STKAM LAUKDRY where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED I .cSvrt v St.nW l T Wanted. Salary and expenses d In. 1 Permanent pluce. Apply now. inly .rowers of nursery stock on both merlc;iu nud Cnnadmn i-miN Hnrdy vu rirtles our sHclulty. HUOW.N llltos CO., U-12-d-Ub b-JOt furseryiuen, Chicago. ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving.Portland, 8:45 - M, " " 7:30 P, M. 3SL DAYS TO j3 CHICAGO 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLnUN and TUURIbf SLEEFERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. $? .enerul.luforwntlon ca 1 Jloise & Barker, SO Ootuinerclal .tret, Salem. Or Or W.iH, UUItUlURTsst, O. rl A. VA Wjuhlugtoa 6L, 'O'lTlAXll. Uhkohx. THE YAnuiNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD -. ku rraocisc- HWE SCHEDULE. (UiPt hanoajsj. ru tnUlU Couaec Altar and Tt abOr Iruln. ... . . jassas VHuSrJt1? m l-ortland and .1 wsa ViiE'lh. JUl1av, closi ffBwk SMOKIINU TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming 5 In the place of business; or at home, It always fills that niche of com-fort-a good smoke. Put up In handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty 5 it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. DURHAM . w. Cross, ,te Meats. Wholesale nntl Retail ir!itor in Fresh. Halt and Smoked Stents ofallKimta nx nnti vt. ntiil UO Htute Streets. A. 15. SMIT11 hayo your clot) ies done up Capital City Marat Jas. Batcheior, Prop'r. Warm Mcah at All Hours oiiheDaj None hut whlto lalxjr emp.oyua in thu ntabiuhtaeau A. good substantial raeal o.okcd itit'rst Liis style Tweuty.flve ccnta per meal, RSD UROKT Vmrt atreot botwi en Opera .Hnuin au- ilnU)'s l.lerr T. ,Tf n ;crf of good, enrden lauti near Pa. leru. Apply at one Ui HOFbH HIWW, Jouiisal office, EAST AND SOUTH VIA SouthernPacifi(; Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA KXPRK TRAIK-RDN DAIM BKTWKKN POUTUIND AND 8. T. Pfll.LMAV RnPCCTCIPPnnnn Second Class Sleeping Cars. roraoximmodkuonol J. .,' M Site DivisisD, Between Portland vd rmiifo. PA11.T. (KXCMT BPjtnivf tela H.m.Ar. CfM, Lv. rf'-5 .SrK? eZ'LEa15? OrK-oii riiv wr.i0 lrB tMil Portland il!lill2aiMlkdtVn?. urj tKcjiiAi.ir5AiiYr Sfi'i.'S 1 :;TeliI5FrF PAn,T' (XXCKT BP?PATV iSiPllRr - tr-"'-l Ar.MrMlr.T.jTi.r?lP?r3 i i r7! CD .30 CD O CD CD CO O o " fc 00 so Through Tickets W will U gld to you. Call at Ut W'illwuwite UoUl or at U oOe iSHLSrSL-!!'1!..'- m .-. --. "-"- - m ; i.ik..i --: t " " - - IMT a. - q"""""H.Ti wJFmumm ) j - U 1 r. r . mmm .,."