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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1893)
MMKmi LA" Lvr L rv ir ,,!' r St mm .. J. ' ,i,MiJ ' MPVWP BW , "t 'J-" .-- - riPiN-PM - lM.mftMfm,m HHBf - ' ' 1lin ni i i imiii" W-, , '!""""""'" ' " J - - - - .-.g-a-r- --. - , t TIB B-UIBtt Mrs! UgbWur l : I s , WWW Wim IwhI WjHlht lmhfYtMt. rmmu, Jan. U.Twi flvt Uwri In rtiililv Imll Hy4Hy. Al 1 'l"flK "' 'MMik Iki rival npmUMn M fertttw ini)V eouM lw ''' Airing tlw Bight nod t3nkt lw lux prewired, iuy Jy Jw '"' b)y ud il)t tlie rest of (Ite liluJif HMkr eotufBOfi protection of II fefcfa, (Mtier member wore hIjIIknI ,te pMt tip wltla elialra, tlio w Mid to IrieoHvenleliew lu lieu of bed". iM4wleliMii(lcotti wcro wrveii mber thl raornliiK I" Hu ' Hath, Ihmmm were cllcd to ordw taMlUHCOtiflly at 10 o'clock by Hit rind epeekeri), Governor Lie wily !;, the attorney general and tin 9nfl tenatore held a caucu, and dtoldcd uot to recoKuIze cltlici Wm, In view of tbe double an t whk la leKl U either. Bo aftei MettHg tbe MBute at once adjourn d to afiernooa. Both boue m wpreentativeaare still In mmIoi, teat JuIhk aothlDK. OIirRAL BUTLER DEAD. One ef the Most Noted Men American History. Id WAumNOTON, Jan. 11 General ,BeuJamln F. Butler, lawyer, Mate man, politician and mllllonaln waaufacturer, died at, hie Wahlii' ton residence, 12!0 Now JerBt'i .wanna Rnlll liwil.k. at ll.'tO tllU morning. The general hud been In , tbla city much of the time thle win. ter watching a caae In which ho wn latereeted In the eupieme court. ' Mb death created au Immenae aur V, Jerk, aa it waa.not even known he '' waa ailing. The announcement ol 'Mia death from heart failure created kiteoee aatouhhment. ea after 1 o'clock thle moruluK tbe general was attacked with a in of eoughlug, which awakened the man aervant who alwaya occtiploo th adjoining room. Jto at once hastened to tho geuoral'H bedlde, and aaked hliu what waa tho matter. The general meanwhllu had gone to the bathroom adjoining, whither the valet hastened ami ollerud aaaUt aoce. The general mentioned that bla expectoration waa discolored with blood. Ho dtd not appear to think aerioualy of tho matter, how eyw.and after the valet had assisted him to bed he tald: "That' all, Weet, you need uot do anything more," aud apparently went to kep. Senator Dead. Washington, D, 0., Jan. 11. ft Hat or John K.Kenna,of West Vlr- glala, died at thrve thla niornlug of heart disease, of which ho has Urn for eowe yearaan ticulo, siitforor. Kanaa was only 45 years df age, Mug the youngest inun lu the sen ate, Banged. Hrinklky, Ark., Jan. 11. Paul tlerUM and Henry Allen, who Bat urday night inurdvml, robUnl aud rewated Rube Atkinson, hlshouM keener ami daughter, near Cotton Want, were taken from Jail there by A meb hut ulght and hangl aud , t death, Haine'a Oendltlen. WavhinotuNi Jan. 11, At ltWHe'a maHkiou thla morning the tut atatea that the patient hhM durlug the ulght aud mua. Wetter, Attemey Arretted. ih ' AttMtiANU. WU , Jan. 11, L. M. an AettHinu attorney, was hi IsVattl. ou chftrge of e will atat (irobably toanewerfer eeverat eharges ,sTiml)elemeHt. Mmf YtMMC. X. Y Jan. ll.-Xu W Usla Uartter aiitee the great TWnpp ftwwrff amfoet' w the We In the femr. sms) aee wsaWe U get eet (HI Kfw mWPw mWBH1 w n A ffnv IMm me khety te he v. a al mum TWM't Mr tOH TMif MMfe wi jthMv l WHMt KlH (M, Wf.k, Twenly'' wlwM ww killed. Oli HWf the UHlMHM ' mHit, KvMMilly ih vlof fin " kill.) oMlrfKht ' fKipl "' fannpM NiweleM I' Hw '''"i '" A.i.liVkUiml by Urn dwwlly t-, (I..H-. wr found Id nil wfl'i' Korilr.ln pillion Only eleven f tllDMl flfp ff""l.ot)le. WlM.f 10 MKW llrJH.-ThMf bid ld men. "'I iH'"Crl'i ki( Lirk llllyetl, f Kilelie, J. J Duly, of Ball, Mid iUiikef IHefl f HrtlwyiiiJl Uim Job on h Briii" iirnlln ortlonnl and li'l bimliel l run, iwi ulKlii "t Hold WlllaiiMdli. riii-y fent him a iifiHiil note bj ono of the bell b. that ll wMild Iw pleaned to meet him In tin wrrldor. The wloi-l, who will no tfllly Iw laid In the elmdo when I i-ointa to Kiilluijt conduct In allaln of arum or llinb-MaaiiKiiltmry con qUL-la of tlio ontle x, Imnii'dlat. ly oiiiohed a reply In the moat ! xant uillltiiry lntJKUM((, mid In formed bcrludyahlp that ho wouli 'kj InleiiMly ileed to Hiwl hf' The bell lwy, who wiuld hnrdl; 4p n atralht face carried the mb Ivototbelniuuliiary friiwlo, whlli thu colonel awaited rwiulte In a IowIdk franin of mind. (,'(iuntv Couht In matter ' tiilleullon of laxea duo from thu On 41111 l'ncUlu ltallroadCo,to Muiloi county, It waa ordefod by tho coun hat tho mailer bo placed In tb lianda of George G. Bingham o al tiirney for Marlou courty, to collet thosamo by acllon or otherwlso... AHjltlonl beforn tho court fun .,( IwducHii tho Hall furry urn Independence road and tho Bub-ii tml (Jlenn mill road ...Tho annua report of Block Inapeolor Blmera a approved. Tho Block through nit tho county Is reported generally u being lu good condition. Hon. Lurk Bllyeu, it member 01 1 ho lust board of tcjualluitlou, la ol the opinion that tho present atult hoard made a mistake In ussnmliiK to have power to make horizontal mid sweeping rakea of valuation. lie aaya If tho state buurd to make tho tax lovy would levy ou tho val uatlon of lands from the rolls as re turned hv tho counties no one would rulso nn objection. TUK8I)AY, FkHIIUAIIY H. Tills Is tho duto tot for the eutertaliimeul to ho given by tho ladles society of the Cougregatlnnal church entitled Dream of Fair Women. Tho euicr latumt'ut will bo ut tho opera Iioum und no oxpvnso will bo spared to mako It n grand suecvM. A NKW B-niliK. KraiiSKO Bros, huvo rented tho building of Fleiu lug's shoo store, and on Feb. 1st will remove their stouk down from Eugene Tho new sloro will ix conducted hy John Kraucee, Thanks. I wlh to thautc the many friends who so kindly assisted me lu securing tho position as pie of tho houso. Clyde Brook, Found. A rubber coat and blouse. Call nt JoUHNAt. odlco. LOCAL AND fKltKUNAL, Salem Y.M.O. A. has enrolled forty-two new membora. The convention of tho Oregon Btuto Kecular union will bo held at the opera house for (hrwt days, be ginning al 10 n. in, today, Thert will be morning, afternoon and evening eMou dally, except that there will bo 110 evening semdou to day. Bulk oysters, GO cents a quart, Davison & White, 01 Btatu street. Tho result of tho house ilDpuhllcau caucus oil thespeakvrhlp was ICe.tdy -Jl voles, doer 15, uud Wright of Marlon, 1. Kurd voted for Wright of Marlou. Ouo vagrant, aud one drunk wore sentenced to live days apiece In the city Jail by Judge Kdrs this morn ing. J. B. Bmall of the Baker City Democrat Is a candidate for receiver of the I Grande laud onlco. He has been for years a faithful worker ou lh DtfiuooMllo press, Etector Vlvrve returned to his home today, Ford of Marlou tuadea practical hit on reform In nrweitenoo thla mornlHg when he said: "lit the olerk read the title we I, ami the tiedy of the bill exHHlitlouly. On dnat pajbNtgu. Idlls shoidd 00 read frtrvfully. Thai U the rule la most ether Mat," It should be the Hae(leeothU legUUture a well Kellr A Marh earry three UitrVr. ent MyM ef kltehn hoiwwhoJd trwuHirve. Hear rrer, KewanV wm at (be Charity eeaeert Wednesday night. 177 CoMiuereUl ttre4-H. A (I, Kohm aud Waidl)r(H4aM for UauUitt pefHMiKM. gs, at the Krfhy UeanUwg Ueew, WT Misrb , bfoek fruw 4eet)k ear Wise, w .the eetttml h ef iWHt A A MAT rww4 JinA n tM IMrt Juimn mi Hitnh Motor wli i.m lu WoMh rialM fofa fcw ..i,il,.. ihil kHtwnti AH lha "Of N9H Uml Vi,' Yw ftin," mU ,.t A.I.HI, tnf H (WrtHHWllSit lHef iflnifiNrniiow miMhtot lb ' .. il.hlr ,u VlMlki Wild WSS I'll and found dead In lli ifimlnl" " lioMhwl of Kilgsiis, fisaf IsaWli wM-rehlspurerllAfiow llv On Kflday moriiliigi Den. Wd, he alBfledolit III fHMt of gnm. ID" nioHier remarked In him inni in -.lioiild not go up I" hn mountain mi that day as the snow waa lotr ,Ipi.i, He Mid he wouldn't n the riihr was ! stormy, and with oulle hndepafU'd, leaving the lni ,irraslon that Im would be baok lac fofodlmisf. But he did not come .Vlglit appfoaohrd but there wn no lgna of Frank. His parent Iw -aino nty uneasy, as It rained hard ,ll that night "d tbe llt,xt ,Ih'' Hut they were hoping that lie hud oue lo some house for shelter till iliualorm should icaso. On Hnlur lay noon, hi brother Allen started .ut lu s-arch, but returned at ulght, sdihout any trace of tho missing Holder, ihough still hoping thut he wusnll right. On Christina morning, before lay, Allen alerted out In search itpdu, hut returned lalo lu tho even uiu. having no trace of him what .ver. Mr, BrloUcr waa unwell al Aw time, still that ulght ho mate tged Ut Inform the neighbors. Early ,11 Monday morning u general seurch OUUII. I ho company started out for the iiouululus und they soon struck hi trucks In tho snow, which thej iiuld eoally follow, tho snow being Ixiut tweuty luchca deep. They followed his trail about six miles, mil ut half past one o'clock p, in. hey found hlfii, dead, lying lu the mow. From all upiwarauces ho died the first night ho wus ouL The ixirpio wus brought home lato Moil lay oveulug tohls already dlstructed urente, who hud scarcely eaten or dept during his abHcuco. Tho boy evidently had became be wildered. It seeuiH that Wliull he siurled home ho came lu ou the head of Wolf creek, and lustead of luklug his buck truck, lo followed down tho stream to avoid the deep mow. But there belug so maoy logs and trees ulong tho creek, lie dually turned oil' up the mountulu, at which time It la supposed that It wus about dark. Ho struck his old trull about (wo miles above the pluce where he llrsf went Into the moun taliiB.aud had he turned to the right and taken his back truck, ho no doubt would have mado his wuy nit. But ho turned to tho left uud went quite n ways, It seems, before ho discovered his mlstuko. Then he circled around ugaln, lu which time ho became very tired. They found no place where be had Sat down to rest. It seems that ho had been Melzud with u terror and Just went aa long us ho had strength. Tney huw whero he had fallen several times lu the snow, und thut he hud iixi'd hla gun for a stall. He dropped his gun uud walked about thirty pkIh, wbeu he fell to rlso 110 more. It was not freezing cold, and one would not think thut ho should pcrlidi so soon. But ho Jut wore himself out, as they could seo where ho hud dragged hla feet through the snow, hla steps growing Bhorter aud shorter to the last. He looked perfectly natural, us though having only dropped down to sleep, the poaltlon of his hands Indicating that he died without A struggle. Frank wus a good, quiet boy, uud his untimely death has brought much grief upon his fumily und tie-qualutuuit-s. OOUNOIL PR00EEDIN03. Council met lu udjourued session ut 7 . in. Mayor Oatch In chair. Atdermau Hunt, Crow, I.afore, Olmstead, Hinltli, Albert, Gray and Klt-in. Becorder 1-Mes rend minutes and s.une approved, HKIMIIT8 OK l-UMMirt KKH. Hunt asked for lime until next moetlug to report for Com. ou Ways and Means. Klein reported for Com. on Blreels an opening of Mill and Court streets that City Kugiuter hsd been In. structed to nmUe surveys for opeu lug s si'.e ktul t'( st to be aM-Ned to projisjrty Intercstwl. Cross of Com, on Fire and Water reKrted a purchase of property and erection of a elty.hall and iUar(er for city hail ami tire department; that bid bo asked by aitvertUmetit la dally papers; aud auk amendment to charter to allow city to find iU-xl-lug debt of city and Is sure f 10,000 bauds, which with Mleof prviwot pioperty would erect a lira building, IWpott adopted. Com. on BtreeU aud Publia Property were appointed a such committee. KLKOriO.NS. Huat Moved In elect four te)tee mm. (?arrUl. KWIh moveil to eK prwwit tt. Messrs. Dllly, tattturttte, Jaitea and tilbMH were 4eetot by (taatulawi vet. Iire u)urd (ImI tha vity cmih wM )HUird t 4t eity atUxtwy ad mlmai iflUiuiLaKiiur UesMI MSOlMMI QfK 0, IMttttttW M't4Jtl-f- fntf Aftd tf (rrflesMttVlNf ffMt WW af-H" lfjtUifiir-Nfiit wjiiw MnmmtM Uithmitt. CsfrH. . (UM Ihilillrerf nfiftHl Kim M fft.lll Cll CfA " HHi nftil Oli WfMNrtrMU. rirl slfret rmlMre ffoner lwlfHN I" Uk ("'' ' . M'lVsdllmlfrrtofdsf rtfid Pll l lofliay Mini He III collect " nieiil on (Viiiimsretol ! lm (.fofsoisnM. ('anted. Klein moved Hint iiMlrtaiw ' lalluglnsale of 5W,Wrt rlly Im1 1. ......I third lima. It WSlll OVff In next nieellUK. Mayor aiip'iliiled wmimllleo on aimrier (lrise, liaforc, Diini. Hifiltf Kd UId Hil CsillI (Illy railway had paM Imlahte of tW due (HI bridge. Ooiiti'ill fldjoiltneil. TilM WUDMIIUDAV UVBHWU. Kot Next Wednesday or LmI Wednesday or Any Other mi. Following Is the program to be rendered at tho opera house till (Wednesday) evening, tinder tho auspice of tho HmImii board of char Hies for the benefit of the deserving (MMir. n,i .......Helected Quarlello - ..-..-..Helected Messrs Ito, Ford, Kundret, Blelner Uocltatlnn Myrllo Marsh Holo ,--; . l'layiuatea Johnnie 1'oley , , , Bolo... Bclected J II. Hon Drama Tho living statue Larkspar I). A. Dlnsinoro, Troller, (hi man Dlnsinoro. Troller, (hi man l), H. Marlln, Dr. Htonecroft, dltlley, Mrs. Filter, Mrs. C. i-y, Kale (ritouecrofl'a niece), ervuui lllolian . Illlev iiu. 1..1111I11 ttiuitli Bolo ------Belenled Chas. 1-oru I'AKT n. A solccllon, by tho 2nd regiment band , . riolo .....Bclected Alls. M. Graco Bonner Itecltutlon, Bent Hack by the Angels MIsb M. Vandersol Bolo Selected I'rof. Sewurd Quartette, The Farmer uud His Boy Messrs Broat, Bwallord, Wiggins und Cooke MM Peurl Bcott kindly assists as .ippfimnanlat for tho evening. The -2nd regiment band and orcbestrn hIho tendered their services In this most worthy undertaking Let tho nooplo of Salem tunmnit en luasae und thereby show their appreciations of our homo talent as well us helping to replenish the treasury of tho Bulein board of obur llles. General admission 26 cents. Be served seats ut Fattnu's, 60 ceuts. Doors opeu nt 7.30. Concert to begin ut 8 o'clock sharp. Fiioit OnowKiw. There will be u meeting of thu Marlon county fruit growers association In Balem, Tuesday. Jun. 17, for tho election of olllcers. und to change the lime for holding tho regulur meetings, uud euoh other budluessas may tome up. Btatk vs. C'AKTKlt Tho refugee from Justice was tried before Becord er Kdt-a. C. W. Bears for defence and District Atty. McCain, and Geo. G. Btiighuni for state, weio the lawyers. Continued to ouo p. m. Thurwluy. i. -.- N'otick 'W Patkons Balkm Btkam Launduv. Wo will bo uu ablo to do any work this week after Ou. in. Friday, on account of chang ing our dry Iioubo. Colonel J. Olm sted. 1-10-n I.N8ANK. Chas. Blap, of Coos, aged SO years, wus today c mmltted to the nsvlum, for excessive use of alcohol aud tohuu'o. Oannh In tho Head Is undoubtedly n disease of the blood, und aa such only u reliable mood puriuer can ellect a nerrect cure. Hood Bursaparllla Is the bestbliKxl purllier, and It hascuied many very severe of catarrh. It gives an apjieiltu and builds up mo wuoio)iiiem. HimmI'm pills act especially upon the liver, rnuMnir It from torpldiiy to lis natural duties, cure cotistlpa tlou and usUt tllgi'stlou, Hulk o) liters, Oil ivnls a quart, Davlaon & White, Ot Court street. If fatlhfully used, Ayer's B.rsa parlltu will remove scrofula lu what ever form II exUts. The Hrtml of Charity Concert cswls only Vt cents. At iqwra houss Wednesday night. A lluo program Is otlered. 177 Commercial street 8. A CI. The 11 uud of Churlty Concert cost only 25 cento. At opera houso WediHvday ulght. A Hue program Is ollered, tadh' writing desks, the very latest dcnlgii, now on exhibition nt Keller A March's, full early. 177 Commercial street -8. & (I. The Hoard of Charity Coucert VMS only 21 cents. At opera houso WrslnrUy night. A tlue program U ollcrnl. Ayer's Oulhartlo Pills stimulate Uie ajuwtlte sud regulate the boweU, try tuem. Have )m Ma Ayer'a mw itnyi Ifjouwaat nlcw ebeap plaea ta sp w 11 ii in tho city go round and rHaeetHMat tk isanmiHt loda-luv Uwmi OhH ttlnt.MwMu Com. JW"jBshHi 'wikwB Jiff, dm B' VitDh ol fit. JofiMliiiryi Vt LIko a Waterfall (ImI BnffrinaJ Aftor tho Grip Tr-firi endow ifonrliiffrt (he Haiti rt(n In lha Hinnirtrh, "To(M.llw)ilACrt.fiwell)1flMi two ttafs net t liA'l sofo ntwck ol tlm drip, eMcli lolt me In a Willi fk cotyl irl il t on, i. eiincr 1 ?;'?!.?, wa sella tpry li.1illy.0fT, mrjiMitn utrlv wfrcVnl. I (IMiflllS wa Sll none, -......'"". -I'Mt W...I Ull Mt.M ,ll fe'T no sirs ax irpiivwt. ipii iir"i .... .i.r ! im roar in nolici m m h"i o1"" ,'"1"- lltMil'lll ". - : ..t . ld. . BUO IpSiI BPTero iicimibu-j nun fiovoro Blnkln Palno In WV slomnoli. 1 Iwk faclli'los wllliwd .client, until, hnyiiiji iiearu. so inucii b n. ..Mill linbtHf, Ifood-s Hnrs.-timnll.-i, I enrisiiiiiMi 10 11 i- I rmii'liltletl to., and the result Is wjr graiii inif. ah m am (rco from pains and aclios, unit IjcIIovo HocI'g Sarsapariiia Is nuroty carina; my cnlnrrh, .iir"'1oi "T" it to all!'' Ro. W. Cook, HU .lolm-.i.i.r . , imcni. M. Hood's Pillo ' not i,ufee, r1" " "fp tul ct prompllr, nl . NOTICE. Attention Is called to sioth 11 & of ordinance 20.1, which by order of the committee on street und public twiner! v. tho street commlaslouer Is directed to strictly enforce. It reads us follews: Any person who shall throw or dtfiaislt In uuy street, sidewalk or footputh of tho City of Balem, any broken glass, bottles, crockery.nolls, or other substuueo whatsoever, wjiereby the feet of horses, pedes Irulns or uuy beast of burden may bo Injured; or throw, deposit or sweep Into or upon any street, side walk or footpath of Balem, of paper or other substauco whatever, ex cent snow or dirt resultiug from travel, shall, upon conviction thereof before the recorder, be Hued not lesi than live dollnrs or more than fifty dollurs. m Real Merit Is the chiracterlstlo of Hood's Bursa-Hilt-Ilia, und il is mauufested every day lu the remarkuble tuns thin medicine accomplishes, xuiiggisis ay: When we sell u buttle of Hood's Buraupurllla to a uhw customer we ure sure to see him back in a few weeks ufier more, proving thut tho good results from u triul bottle wur rant continuing its ue. This posi tive merit Hood'a Bursnpurilla pos sesses by virtue of the Peculiar Com blnutiou, Proportion and ProeebS lined lu Kb preparation, uud by which till the remedial vulueofthe Ingre dleutaure retulned. Hood's Bursa purilla Is thus Peculiar to luelfuud abaolutely uuequaled In Its power us it blood purlller, and us u tonio for building up the weak undweur, und giving uerve strength. m To My Patrons. All accounts due me must be bet tied ut once us 1 shall place ull that ure not paid tor collection ou Feb 1st, 10S3. I carry u largo stock and must huve the money. All work uud goods In my hue at reasonable prices uud aatinfactinn guaranteed. Mhh. I), L. Fikstek. 1-lMui Tho Court street milliner. Foil Rknt. A tiew ly furnished room, at 155 Court stieet. Appl early. 1.0 if Jemima's Beau. Jemima, once the 1m J n tic.iu, Ilortldn t mluil tivruume,)oukcoW AltbouKb It iw m pnwy. t-lie buo CHtiirrU, uud lurt It io, Thrtt beat lum wan f.uctd Io gi Tho ortlor wus no iwy. If she had been sure in time, she would huye taken Ur.Bage's Catarrh Remedy. An otleuslve breath lc most diairesslu, not only to the lerson alllicled, if the person ban uny pride, but to those with whom he or she muy come In contact. It Is a delicate matter to speak of, but It has parted not ouly iriends but lover,. Had breath uud catarrh me liixeiieroble. Ur.Bage's Catarrh lte imdy cures the worMt cuseif, us thorn- anus can leatiry. law re want otter. hI for au Incurable case hy World's niHnsary Medical Association, Proprietors of I)r, Sage's Catarrh Hemcdy, SALEM MAKKBTS. Wheat- 60c per bushel. Outs-S540o per bushel. Potatoea--4O06Oo ier bushel. Flour fl.UU per bbl. Itnui (Backel) f 17.fi0per ton Shorta (Backed) $19.50 per ton. Kggs 30o ier dozen. Chickens 7 per lb. Chopped feed -(Sacked) f 10.00. Ducks lOo par lb. Geese 7c lr lb. Turkeys-llo erlb. Lard 1S1I5o terlb. Hutter i5C335o per ouud. Ileef Cil-lo dresseti, Veal-10 to 12Jc, orw-sed. Pork-712o dressed. Wool-15t8jperlb, Hops l&QlSJo per lb, " . The First Law of Nature. Tuts Mtr-pnMTTaUoa U ekBOUdrl wi,iiafnifMiio aaof 1a.l U arrvwrsMoraiMuvacalM tdle(j Mnl,cvr4ll4 bjr spr ta b lb Mwtas ul pKjMtu, iKirt a htuu HtMrH0tnrtbwto4oa X tk uyh U lb hMk llMjr rotor t4 uuM w HKM4 IMifeUM, MSU4 1K. HMMUfSI Uu.1. ui. PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHARD CO poll TOWN $s'.oo HOCYfi A MILLS, ijiil('lU HAfiffJ ' 40IIN Illtt'iaVf Carpenfer ami llollilffi gjirtia(elrt, fitorflf IKlHfr iieeli sH-isffllWInMliJIflB"" iirwminNniiwww. MOWTIiH MIKiM.i Ini flsiiaflfsielfil (rfMi T. .filUttitfMi UOltMM I'AINTIMH, I'Al'Jtll liASHlSO. NilunlWodd Mnlihirtg, dor. MH arid flu mefcebi utrwl Undertaking 2 Embalming, and I fi- A.M CLOt'fllt, I II, if lOIHISlOSt sii' t isi-mn 1 iiirwinr Mmrcli Directory. ) VAxxruoAi. -Corner of Ltbcr'y and Center ttcet, Hundny ervl ICWO a, m. anu VfU ji. in , BuiidflT sctiojl 12 tu., Y 1 .. V. k,. fcJ j, m. I'rarer mcethiK ,riiurdj', 7in in J, Itowerioji, jter, reildence 127 1.iiiil.v utreet. I'ltmiivTKBtAW.-Cliurch utreet, between flit uickum mid Center. l'reucblnK rnorn-lii(i-divenliig;8Ht)brttti school nt til ni.J Y I-.n.O. K. Ml U B0 1. m.) I'tiirer mcetll.K 'lliurr.iayat7:'0j).m., I), i tniHlor. Kiti II A.r.l-t. K church. Preach-lnge-r -undayiit 1W a, m. aud 7 ji. ui. Holiday kiliool "t 3 J. '"' 1'iayer iiictiia;'lbiirida nt 7 j. in. l'l'Worlti IiiKUe, I'riUay al 7 J. m., J'uslor. CUMUMIUANO I'ltKanVTKIUAN-BIOCin, Oregon, Huv J. K. UUIr, l'aslor. Bunuiiy cliooIterj-HuuQuy, 10 u. in. rruitUlng every aundny, II a. in. imu T.M t. m. (Jliuruli 1'oniu ou Ulult Htrett, I elwceu ilHrlou uud Unlou. herybody welcome. Umitk.D Hiu.-TiiEKN. Two l)lock south west of depot, ycrvlcei every sabbath ut 11 o'clock, uud nt 7:30. B.iobatU ichuotiillOn. in. l'rnyer mtctlug every tfutard ty nlchl ut7:30. Kvcry body cordlulj Invited, llov. .1 8 Jennings, l'aslor. Al ETiioimrEeiscoi-AU Service onSab biith at llhoO und 7;30. Hundny school at 12; Upwurlb LcagutHatedfi; 1'rayer mttt lug every Tnurday evening, llev. U. 1. Kellcrmun, jmsior. bt. Joski'u'h catholic ciinitcii.-cni-meaetu aud Coltutit1. Buuday services: Low uiiuh 7:M a. in.; hih mass 10:30; suiiduj school 8 ji m ; vtsp, r 7:0; week dns, low mass 7 a. in. ltev J. 8. Wblte, pastor, CosoitKOATtoXAi.. Corner C-nler and Liberty Services Huuduy at lU.JJu.m.aLd 7 J), tu ! Buuday school 12 :n., Y. 1' B. C. K ut 6 :Ja p. ui.', prayer meetlug T,'M p.m.'l hum day. Kvamoklicai. Mission.; Corner Cho uieketu aud 171b streeU. Service In Elk lUU eveiy hunday evening at 7;J0; Hunday scbool ut 8.J0 p m.; prayer ineeun.' every Weduesday bvenlug at 7.J0. Bt. 1'abi. Eriscoi'AL Cpuucu. Corner Cburcb aud Cliemekeia. B-i vices 10:30 u m. aud 7 p. m.; Hunday school 11: 45 a. in.; service Tbursday 7.3Up. lu. ltuv. W. Lund, rector. Fiust 11AITUT. Liberty and Uatlon. tiervlcesUMJu. m. aud 7.-00 p. m; Sunday cbool 12 u.; youug people's meetlui; at tl p. ui.; prayer meeting 7:20 Thursday. Hev. Itobcrt Whllaker, pastor. Khek Mi.TiioDisT, Hev. B. K. Emalley pastor, .Services Hunday morulug and eTenlug, Hunday school nt 10 a in.; prayer meeting Krtdny ntgbu Cburcb tipjxwlte North Balem school. Kuiends. At Highland park on car lino. Hervlces 10:80 a. m aud 7..S0 p. in.; mi u day school Um.; Cbrlsliau Eudeaor 0 p in.: pmjer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. in. Itev, ('. il. (leorge, pastor. Oeuuan UAiTisT.-ServlceB lu German llaptlit cburcb north ot Cottage stieet. l'reacblug mil a.m. Evening service at 7:30. llev. John Ktcbter, pastor. OlliilsTlA.s bciENCB. Services In Uni tarian ball at U&.0 ii.m.uud 7:U) p. in.; tab bath school 13 iu hib.o study Tbursday evening, U.NiTAittAN.-Cor CheniPkcta and High strtet. Hunday fcerMies 10: 0 and 7.'0 5uucay scuuoiaii.', t. W. lluveu, lull t'ilu;sTiAN. Hlgb and Center. Sunday school n m.j preaching 10:30 a. in.; young pvoplc'B society Ol p. in.; preaching 7:W) p. in Hev, W. IV. V II llllums, juistor. CJWiMAN ItKl-oiiMED.-Capltaland Marl H.,ununy service 11 a, m,;tunday cliuol '.; i-injcr uiraiii; trtrunekoay 7:J0 u, in. llev. J, Muellbaupt, pubtor. ind ptrrni,r.j. t I. r noMrr , l 1 Vb wreu U thy only cureJ " eU H -as n Arbe tlwy w woo suits f ut fortune . tore, Mkl w lhebl. i,, lhT . k Out site m to those t cempUInt: dfs not ro.) y lbm will noj do wltliout them. " m Wr'te S bwls .her. . Lrm.t jj. Uf ' ipii m ar .v .!. - friSwaSSSBSW fjitoJ:iiwj '3R bl&m Mlm CARTER'S Kittle ss H P3L5.S. ,MBjg B AOHP imdM Ml'fa V 'I JJHMll'nV. Tlfl for bt(k rtfid 'fife Yard Hlllt f II KAfiftif. "j'mUe itl IMi AtmtmUl IUIITIX 1 1AI.KI8I. CUNTS A MV. Evening Journal. Horscshoolng uviMvnum. Hlnte Btf'cel, - - !'' )nreil si Your io"'. sflsM,iiHJPWB""B,IH. MBWroNTANiSJSit. White 4 Tanner's Livery; (dKCctMore to Kills stiretV. smilh of WIllntnftlBhot.l NKW AIITKIITWCMKNIS. T)IANO KOK uii-.NT. Hee I'rof. 7, M. X 1 l'art lu, at conservatory of muslj. l-K!t vv ANTEb.-Charles L Webber a to- rioiicdias, Ulsinrles.or high class subscrlp, h ... luSk'.. ! hen for the best subecrlp- ant agen s wu " ':"'" ,""1' tlun OOOKB Ull UIU uraiiu. n ,1 UMHIomV required. APP'y at once tiT M imams, llnnager, faVllth Avenue, New urk. .'" r . ' .u .....iiH.nt Upfprpnr.i'H WAN ri P. A place to work In hmlly. by tvio afrinnn ulrls luqnlre of Hut John Fcbler,60J I.ibeity Ht. 1-b-JU r.U'1 I Trnrtntlrect. two b'ocliS from 'tlllO KIJHN1S1IEU. llOOJIS-At 279 1 louse i-o-at" mills PAPER Is kept on tile at ft. C. i umicea AuteniMug Agiiio r iti.d bi .Merchants hxcuiinne, j-iiu . ju'i CallfornlH, wbprecoutiactslora ftrtlsu.g cm be made for it. Salary or Commission To ascnts to handle the I'ntent f'betnlcnl Ink Krasltig Pencil. The most useful and novit lineutlnn or tbe ace. Erases Ink tbo ugl in two second. Works "like mails. 2U0 to KX) per cent, profit. Agents m ,Kln St perweek. We also want a gen uial agent to taie charge ol territory, and appoint sub ageutB. A rare ch'iuce Io inaltH o e money. Wrltfor terms und sample of craslDg. Monroe Eraser .Mlg Co., X10W, L t Crose, W is. ID lm I W. WEST, Proprietor of the GERMAN MARKET On Commercial St. and tbe 1 CASH MARKET On State Street. Good Meats, Kansage, Lard, Hams, Ba cor. and everything kept In a llrst-chiss establishment. School Tax Notice. The school 1n of district No V'4 for the yearlKK! Is uowrtue and piyable at tbe olllreoiW IIb A. Moores, dhtrlct cler. ioohho !OT Commer.cial street, falem, (Iregon. The sanle will be deemed delin quent unless paid her.ire Marcb 3, 8'lJ. WVLIKA. Ml KIRK-, l."-dw-2w District Clerk. Ste T7 1 Ii LEAVES SALEM from U. 1'. D 1 k at 0 o'clock a. m. Monday, Wet neday and Hatutday. LEAVES PORTLAND tverj- IromtbeCentrnldockat footol Wavhlrg ton strtet every Tuesday, Thursday and bUDilay, I oncemlng freight and passenger bust, nev,, cull on the atent, ALUUtllEN. E.M.WaitePrintingCa Largest establishment In the city. OVER BUSH'S BANK, SALEM, OREGON. k Locating Mines Dr. II sale er: flawing ir Ulnly ,ne i tSiV,, dliTeTorTnVentlon of tne age For turlhcr inrormn.i,. iSV."" l-. " ...MVM HUUJtM DR. H. SMITH, Salem, Oregon. White's No, 60, BALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, SOMETHING NEW. -;-, l-UIIIlfC lot) Wllh M. fi""l,,ern J'MWoR Il.,an"rd he!ir'i,.s,.!'.'... w Sta?s1!,UM.-'?0T 8i',fl flKent 'or the h iain ,iUc,ro i,ue"lc rods for U dJen trenturen or nmti,.n.;r4 1 Yfrllni n.,., ,-." " w'.u MMMtg SD M 11118, J. I J. iiiniiii w oun, it Kriifl m CtoM, n, itii Hvuuml til am und Vttimtmo, ilUUIItlfll'i um tilth I'AKJiiii Illlllimm, .......ui.. UA& Gbtti'l tfn, T, Wi THORNBURC Tlio Upholstofof llMiioilfl, enters and rsjMh itiiliolslsrsd Jiifiilltire. flhJ PliMS WlirSi tnrilirnew sun blale liisuratice bloca. J.V. WHITE. A WlilMey.) ; 1831 ,"" 5K'VAT0" 189a Country Gentleman TIIE1II-3TOFT1IE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. m:oTEii to Pnt-tn frnna and ProCOBBOS, Hortlculturoand Frui-Growing Livo-btock and Dairylnir, While It ulso Includes u I minor depart ment of Itural Interest, sum us tne joui ,... nr.i ..niiimnlnirv. ben-keuulniT, urcon bouse and grapery, veterinary replies, farm queslloiiB and auswiTs, llreslde rpnrtliir. aomestlo economy, und a sum mary of the news ol the week. Its mar. ItetieportH are unusually complete, and tnnnl. atlonlli.n llml(llOtllH 1)1 OSDCCtB Ol tbe crops, as thrown g ll(.ht upon qno of tbe most important 01 an qui-siioim-u Iikii in hnv nml u'lienlo sell. It la lib erally lllustrated.and by recent enlarge ment, contains more reading mattw than ovtr before. The subscription Jirlce Is SO ner vear. hut wo oiler ft special re-- uucuon in oiu- CLUB HATISH lUlt lHUa. TWO Subscriptions. In one remittance $ 48 Six Subscriptions, " " lOf Twelve Subscriptions, " " 18 1 jr-TonllHewsuDscriDers i.,r 1MB. pay 1 Ingmudvunce 1 ow, we will end th pa- per Weekly, from our receipt of the remit-1 lance, 10 January ist, ioim, v.uniHll. cnurge. s-srecimcn uopits v rew. Aaaress LUTHER TUCKER 4 SON, Publishers, Albony.N.Y, 1893. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly Is acknowledged. standing nrstamongluustratid weekly pe-i rlodlcnlB In A erliu Ituccupics a place J between 1 bat of Uie burned dnibpaprund inatoi me less timely magazine ii iui cl licit s Loth hleraiy and now a, nnu presents 8 wltb taual forci-and felicity thu real events , of cunent hhtory and the Imaginative themes ofllcllon. On uo ountof its erv ooinplete series of llluvtratlons t tht World's Fair, It will be not only the best RUIde to tbe urea' exnos Hon. but also Its best souvenir. Every public event of gen eral mitiBi win lie tuny muHiuieo in us pages, its contributions being from tbe best writers and art sis in the country. 1U wi t uuuiiuuu loexcei-in litem ure, news, 1 and Uluhtratlout, ah other publications oil 1U) U1U&1. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, . Per Year: HATU'ER'S MAGAZINE. HARPER'S WEKKLY ?1 00 4 098 HARPER'S BA 7. AR 4 00 1 HARPER'iJ YOUNUTEOl'IiK 2 00 j rrstngo free to all subscribers in tbe I uuncu oiuira, tanaua, ana Mexico. The volumes or the Weekly orgl? wilbI the hist uumbf r lor Janunry of tao' yer I ,v n.n no time is ii.fnttnt...t L,.Ki..wininM.l will beiiln with tbe number cuncnt ut thel iimcw icvvipkui oroer. nouna voiiirae 01 Harper'R Weekly for tbrcfijears baik.ln neat cloth blndlur, ;.V1, "'"'"" P' smjo pam or By f.3L?1,,.' frte 0I esPnte (riovired tbe height does rot exceed one dollar per vol ume), lor txa per volume. kihi. ln"?'rearh olome, BuIlublBfor W"? ., Post-paid, I Remittances should be trade by Post- M,n,fn. r,ney craer or u'". t" uvoldl chance ofloss, ' I ewspapfwiirenotto copy this udverJ I iri'e.Viw,"hout ,ue "Pros orderof liar-1 Additts: HARPER & 13ROTHFRS, Now York.. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED. ItiheWHl?,8"rnol frb om about fiihnl1?1?'.0 lul1 InfuruiailoB lions i?fr iT',ina " buuierous lllustm Pleiueiu ,';,.u.s'aua I n,lel "heet sup- modlstP NAIuat,'r una be professional "art L?t'ln?,JLPente la "I'"'"' t niuk der lu i?,?ilr.BC'."v'weM "' "ho hldhtst o and tlmin. Sr,hMorles' a'uuslng (oiuedlet, and lis hi, !,L tsVy tMUti' "lBle8' bJ'ew'eD8 U '?ld whlciiTs ,,7n'tmit wVltTeiX uiie f.frlalB "r ISM will b Ubnstm t ,er J i'saul ,,na ." -yfl11-DimMiieFnuue II rrlek win furnish wKIT?tl(!l,,lt,, "At the Tohet." The iwnrt if J!" "IC'equentconttibulor. iA'.i..PJ'5 of..wpmnn ihoOolumblHii Ex- nyniiro9nin,CPWi.?tK .udl?r!"I,a Uen'" WiilpleaVeuiUvaUd HARPER'S PERIODICALS. "or Year: APER'8 MAGAZINE HARPER'S EEKLY HAHPKR'H RA'iii " .U ' 4) 400 HARPER'S YOUNQPKOM . 2i0 uueu oiaus, Canada, and Mexico. Am uunlTrTr1 'j'w begin wltnth. will b,tn w ?b thi,er ,V.n,3ed' hscrlplloM time or recpi or 0B,0?r r CU"eBl aV tb TIak .r.t" oim u, 'orir'voVume Be aollar fer lp ortlich u"'l,PCkt.pald,0B w IomT ' orUe,ordnift,toaoldchae IhrteyVa back ,S' .1Iafr"' r 6 IUU?Wfl"by m ? i""".1 c,o1 flndlnr. ti-Tte iM kSMl NSUU( wrfcMi7ilir',5 Jtf ? " " sm JotV lea My Mas m iVwWUN. mm ." P"IWMIW 4 ,hU. lr bnibtr-. nnm oraerorA- ; Ain ARPiiR4R(rruKR IN TWlttf1""1" "II dlMctblir W YMK. t '