Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 02, 1893, Image 4

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- - P, JJ--- r -,. "T ' 1 t -J -
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'fJWar OtWOutHM At THI
Jw fwtri M
M UN) fHi iwwl Iff MfWM
fh tftHMmffta7 r lit
a ht Athg Ht clMflM."
Jim, 1,-M r l)r. Tuiiihwo
itMmpnMijy mk for tw
If W TMT( Wy awtHfWI
ef nw ifiidtt. r uiji
0UrW IWorw tin .11-
grant jiJtrtii whhih full)'
a tow tfM, Mtr Mm In part,
flMFfnt for fftti iff mm
Mtt chotwfi wtwt Jitrrnnmny
1, "Omtftbto Uw yearn of imwiy
-- a
Vt 'lock hurt night, vtille oinny
ware walohliiK.nn old mow!
nntf onr home and m utmio'cr
The old frifinl nmkltiK VHleillo
ytm l&Wi tho utrwiKor Hrrivlriff fit
Tfwolil friond wftKrniliiNwltli
rrwiwd or niHiiy cIhvs. but tin
'imm,vr jnit lila MnKfli ovor Ills liti mi J
MrtHlflK Sllll UPOllit'll (illHI-KHJ Wit I
NHHty i-t-ww anil inyntcrlcii. I did no
iiaeatthw tlw depHi-tnro or tlio arrival
tpk wh Mound iwleep, thlnklnK tlmt wa
fc mm lite Iwftt way to bo wide iiwitki
Mw, . (lomlby. 1W8I Welcome, 18118!
' A rh army la divided into brlgadex
Md rKl""iitM Mtid companion, and thej
mmrvv thin ordor In their itutrcli and
, PWM- uwmi in ninjentie, w tlio tinioor the
. ff worlds extotenue Is dlvidod Into un
it-,-army dlvliielv coniinnmlorii tlm friuiin-
III' ItrlKBdiit. tha i-untiirloB nro tlio rt'tfi
wmM. and the year aro tlio coiii'miiiIcm.
ienvartl Into tlio etornlty print, out of
mo eternity to comet Forward Ik tin-
kwwwnn.anu noiiiinif caniiuut mom.
trm though the world ahonhl dlu. While
baying my Usxt, "CoiiHldor the youra or
jMny K'iiratlonH." I propone to aiiwik of
1m "Chronology of the Uible, or Uod
Atmrng the CentHrim."
'-. We make a dltinutlon hutwccn time
Md eternity, but time U only u nloco of
gWiririty, and chronology hua boon on
r.MNMMl In tlio sublime work or dividing
,nitw. piirtlon of eternity that wo will
mtm uiU) t'otnpartmeuta and puttlut;
tTtmtain thoir right compartment. It
"taUH'iutioh an injtuitico aguliiHt the ji.'ist
te wrongly arrauge itn evouUttoit would
be an InjitHtlcu if, through ncglout of
tironologicul accuracy, It should in the
Airduttunt rnturo be naid that Anioricn
WHH dl;ovorod in 1770, and tlio Droliim
Mon of Indppmidmico woa nigned in 1402,
ml Washington bom ou the 2Sd of
March, and the civil war or tlio United
Utattw waa fought In ItMO.
Am Uod puta all the ovuntn or timo in
Mm right place, let un bo ouruful that wo
ia tint put them In the wrong place. Tlio
hroaology or the Dlhle takea six ntcpri,
tmt they are htopn bo long It inukou ua
twld our breath an we watch the inovo-
ewt. From Adam to Abraham. From
AbrahaiH to the exodunout of Egypt.
jFrom the exodu1 to the roundatlon or
fktlotnou'n tumpln. From the roundatlon
tfttolumon'H templo to tlio destruction
f tkt temple. From tho dtwtructiou
at the teuiplo to the return from Uuby
teniah captivity. From paliyloniah cap
my to tue uinn or Jiiriai.
Chronology .takes pen and pondl, and
s'l wllltig antroiioiny and history to help
wyat "Let ua llx one event from which
( -'to eaiouiaio everything. Lot it lm a uttir,
$, ytiu Uethlehum ntur, tho Christmun itar."
AhJ from that wo go back and noo the
World wan created 4,004 yearn borore
Ukrtntt tliadoltlirocilliioU.IVIH vmirHlinfoni
f Chrlti the exo'diu out of Kgypt occuirwl
ii,i yearit before Uirlot, anil bolomouH
'iml towpte waa destroyed 680 years before
M; Cbrkt.
Mi Chronology enters tho first chapter of
'!"' Qtmoela and aaya the day mentioned
' Uiere la not a day of twenty-four hours,
i Imt of agea, tho word there translated aa
5 , ''iwy in other places meaning ages
'-H.-d mi the Uible aucount of tho creation
-Mu the geologists' account or thocrca-
JL ; Hwi aro completely harmonious. Chro-
) ,,-r twlojO'W'terHtho book of Daniel and says
JK, that the words "time nud n half mean
, yer antl a ImW.
''',''' Chronology outers at auother iwtnt
) - t ', Mt) ahowa us that tho seasons of tho
vfe'i, yew were then only two summer and
, : winter. We find that tho Bible year wai
' & KO ikj-s Instead or tt(Wj that tho day waa
,,:;., Mtlelatd from A o'clock in the morning
, ; M o'oluok ut night! that the night win
"' divided lato four watchesmuuoly, the
jfi?frr WkW wateh, the midnight, the cock crow
M Nt. w early wtch. Tho clock and
witfcMt were tnventl so long after th
WwrW UHfKti their mission tliat the tiny
Ma Hot very sharply divided in Uible
times. Akax had a sundial, or u (light
i 41m with a folumii at tho ton. and
, ' ' Mat aMdow which that column throw on
if ' Mm ajs bweath ludlcated tha hour, the
j- w ' as4ow leHgtlmdng or wiUulrawlug
f " wmm a Id ste.
' . ; Mwt ike events ef life and the events
"-V. tt world swved so slowly tot tho
. ;jat ftrt In Bible lUwe that they had
''im'.mm ut surH tlmetdeees as we sUuid
;m tw mUU tnr parry in our pocket
qpy wnw h nmk Hwjr oare a mill
r' docea wmsstHients for one
Mt4 weeds to know the exact minute
ooe of tketn, The earth itself
tltus was the ohief Uiutpieeei.
ot iw axis and tlut
VHWW lUfl fWWV tcra HUM IW
k as iM La.iijjk usuvliml f liA uat nhil
fa) JfW
MH wmU( Mm JSwrteenthcentwry
vm born, tksalHwuwc
earelsuly alKwt, net rvalls-
im awHmniHWl twrv-
than 5,000 years to make
had to iHlmc lata
Mtotiumeuta of JCot.
c Ayrift, mu Mm
, IMmUw, Md tits jwttry ot
sai Iks wedak stnwit at Ah
iMlM of Actlum. and all
IHK wwm be dit
to m mto tlw ex
Am mk kWUt a4
awtialtor MMS)r WWk yw
' lfeSSS
) " Si-It lawawl
JsUau l-ksHr'!
iaW. VS t-tKMC
Uce Curtura,
m n( Mm rtumc.'i'jt.tf Wlf ri Iff tuisKllljt
M $hmH that Mt JH-Mny Ifrt Wfe
AwMflWd ft-r iboayiik t tou-Xw,tw
rtw mti, wlilcfl WJM iif Old W(triifj M
ft Rtflf MortdM, MflPf tll HKKUli whlfch
wtilmifitrtmtilM Hmh TiKfday.
dWTtH-aW, thfO'1 f Wnf Wedlira.
fcjr, aH-f WWH'W. !! 'Ml'f Kod ff lli
Hf'afihrtm, Tliiifsflity nflf Tlnir
lf -4 rf IhMniW Krldt, fiflt.r f rca.
Ihf Kn1(ki of liirtfflMrfe Ami HMtilfdrtf
WW KftlNfii. Tli ld IMblv yar lM
with (Ih Wth of Mari'li, Not iil.tll mi
M tfm fiwl of llic ihohHi tit Jrtfiiirtry fri
A,U hoHof In fg-f dfK'iitiifiiis In Kngland
of la-log called th flril day of Hie yent
Ifiiprovi'iiii'iilrf all l'mf have lfii
hlndV In chnmnloKy uiilll lh ralMitMr
ii'id Hn nliimlino". Mini thoplork. Mini thr
wwli'li Mt'Hi Ut have reached (irrfcvtlmi
and nil thrf iiallmis of Christciiilom ImVr
similarity of tlmo calculatloim niid havi'
wloi'ted what Id frtlltfl "new stylo," ex
wpt IttiwlH, which ktftl what Is callwl
lln "Old stylo, ' nwl H twelve dny dlf
iVrcnt. wi thai writing fnun thera, If
von wluli t la accurate, you dale ynui
IctU-r Jan. I and .Inn HI. r Dec. 10 and
un' VSV. It Is Miinctliing to thank Hod
for Ihiit tha iiiihIw are wiroinplrto for,
nh'iilMtltig the cycle Ihe eeiilurim the
decode the years, the iiionths, thndaya
(he hours, the wcontls
Think of nialdng apiHiltitineMtsaslii
the Dlhle days for the time or the new
moon Think or making one or the
watches or the night In Dlhle limes a
rooster crowing Tho Dlhle says. "Do
fore the cock crow tlmii shall deny me
hrice,' "lr the Master couieth at tho
'ockcrowing," and that was the way tho
midnight watch was Indicated, The
crowing or tlmt barnyard bird has al
ways been most uncertain. Tha crow
ing is at the lowest temperature or tho
night, and the amount or dew md tho di
rection or the wind may bring tho low
cat temjieruture at 11 o'clock at night or
' o'clock in the morning, and at any on
or six hours, .lust before a rain tho
crowing or chanticleer in tho night Is al
most Nrpetnal,
Compare these modes or marking time
with our modes or marking time, when
12 o'clock Is liS o'clock, and 0 o'clock Is I)
o'clock, and 10 o'clock Is 10 o'clock, and
independent or all weathers, and then
thank (lod that you live U"W. Dut not
withstandiiig all the imerfect modeH of
marking hours or years or centuries
Dlhle chronology never trips tip, never
falters, never contradicts itseir, and
here is one ol' tho btist arguments for the
authenticity or the Hcnpt nres
ir you can prove an alibi In tho courts,
and yon ciui prove beyond doubt that
jou were in some particular place at the
tlmo you were charged with doing or
saying something In quite another place
you gain the victory, and Infidelity has
tried to prove an alibi by contending
that evunts and circumstances In the
BllileiwrtlHs! to certain tlmesmust have
taken placu at some other time, if they
took place at all, Dut this book's chro
nology has never iieeu caught at futilt
It has lieou proved that when the lie
brews went Into Ugypt there weio only
so veil ty ot tliuin, and that when thoy
came out there wen II, 000, 0(K or them.
"Now," says Infidelity, with a guffaw
that It cannot suppress, "what an ah
surdity! They wont down Into Egypt
seventy and came out ll.000.000. That Is
a ralKohood on the race of it. Nations
do not increaao in that ratio.' Dut, my
skeptical friend, hold a moment. The
Dlhle says the .lews were 4ll0 years in
Ugypt, anil Unit explains the incrcaxj)
fnun seventy persons to ll.UOO.OOO, ror It
is uo more, hut rather less, than the or
dinary ini'reiiMo of nations. The Pilgrim
Fathers came to America In the May
(lower, one small shipload or iasseugers,
less than 3U0 years ago. and now we
Imvou nation or 00,000,000. Where, then
Is so called Impossibility that tho seventy
Jews who went Into Kgypt in 4i!0 yoars
become ll.WXl.OOO.' Infidelity wrong nnd
Dlblo chronology right.
hi'i.i:m)H) nrcviKW
Now stop anil retlect. Why is it that
this sublime subject or Dlhle chronology
has been so neglected, and that tho most
or you have never given ten minutes to
the consideration of It, and that this Is
the first sermon ever preached on thl
stupendous and overwhelming theinu?
We have stood by the half day or tho
whole day at grand reviews and scon
nrtuloa pass.
Again and ngalu nnd again on the
Champa Elysoos Frenchmen by tho hun
dreds or thousands have stood nnd
watched tho Imnnerod armies go by, ami
the huxza has lseu three miles long and
until the populace were so hoarse they
could liuim no longer, Again and agair
and agiUu the Uenimna by huudrds or
thousjiuds have stood on tho vdacedaud
statued Uuter don Linden, Derllu, and
strewn garlands under the reot or mil
fortmvl hunts led ou by Von Moltke or
lllucher or Frederiuk the (treat.
When Wellington nnd Pousonby nud
the BcotsUrays came Iwck from Water
loo, or WuUeley from F-gypt, or Marl
borough from Dlenhelm, what military
pnvesslons through ltigiit stii-et aud
along by the palace or Isjndou and over
the bridges of tho Tlmiues! What al
most interminable lines or military 'i
the lmta or our American capitals,
while mayors and governors and pre!
dents, with tmcovervil heads, lookel onl
Dut jmt all those grand rexiews to
gvther nud theyure tame comiKmid'wIth
the review which ou this New Year's
day you rroin the ww and I (rom the
pulpit witness.
lUrlhempaMtlnchronological order
all the yivim UTore the tloed: all the
y'4r slnw tho tlood, decades abr.BJt,
ciiituries abreast, epoch ubrenstt mil
kntiluuis alutuwt,, lyptlan civilleatlon,
Ubv Ionian population. Assyrian do
minion; smiles ot IVrslan, Urtvlaii,
lVloHUHeHlau and llomau wars; Dytuu
tine emre, nvconlc hosts. cruader
of tlw Mrst, the sfiviid, third aud th
last avalanche of mom Dark Ages lu
aawWr epaulets aud brighter agwwltb
aldekla wf silver aud bvlmeU of geld:
Italy, fctitolH, France, Irussk, Uvrmatiy,
ltogUuil and America, iwut sad pn-autt
dyw4ie, feAsl ikuuaiM, despotisms,
awMwuvWes, rewWIios, sv oh at.
oi ages. ja44Nt today to a wmmu-
revttw, ttHMt bu u mm
Ribbons, Hoikry, LmMm' iWerww, Etc
(0W tf tAtuHtfJ col'
MfU. hnW hrtltMlit, htrvf ftlin Id. nd
imUmiM wHh wrt.WfrW 'rliilm wlllf
HwfilN, hiW hmUi Willi Imstlliiew,
nw rmHrtiit with lovttninf Jy
7MK MlJHIM W tHM totoKirr.
'flit chfinoloKleal Milily BfToMla,
mtMK ntli'f rfrtulc(l llioilulihi. wts
dally twd tho mtf imwitirmtliitf In thft
UM ibsmsnil llei older ilmlllo Thd
mmirtirrtgliiK flimifil M tlmt the wain
drlflof HiMinitilHes lins lifii lowatil,
beltetnlmil wllh only htrs slid th"fo a
Mont rnVwsil (Jrectoll rfyfllcntloti was
H vwM liHproreiuriil oil rkyiiDou ilrlll
frtllnri. and lliiiiinii HvllKallmi a vati
ImproveiiiCiil lift Uredaii clvlllfrtlloil ,
nnd Christian i.lvlll;atlon li vail Imj
provemMit on llomau clvlllxatlim. '
What was the boosted ago of IVrlcles
comimred wllh tha ago of Ungfellowj
nud Tennyson? What was tueen HIIimi
belli as A ssduien of moral woliianhoml
compari'd with Quwii Vlclorlo? What1
werelln iruiil warriors of olden tl. it's
compsied wllh the most distinguished
warrloisof the Inst Imlf century, nil of
them as lunch dlMlngulKlied Tor kindness
and gissl morals as ror prowess th"
two military lenders of onr civil war .i
northern and southern slihicouiiuuiilcaiit
member of Clirlstlou churches, and their
home life as pure its tlieir public life?
Nothing Impresses me in this chrono
logical review more than the fact that
the regiments or year are Is'tter and
better regiments as the trwps move on
I thank (bid that you ami I weru njl
bom any sooner than we were Ixirn
iluw could we have endured the tll'iintcr
or Is'iug iHirn lu the Eighteenth or Hev
euuijuth or Bixtecnth century? (Dad am
1 that we are in the regiment now kim
ing the reviewing stand, and that our
children will pass the stand luastill bet
ter regiment. Uod did not build thia
world tor a slaughter house or a deu ol i
A gissl deal or cleaning house will bo'
necessary before this world becomes as
clean and sweet as it ought to lie, but
the Orisons, and the scrubbing brnsho-. '
and the upholsterers and plumbers aro
aln.idy busy, and when the world getB
fixed up, iw It will bo. ir Adam nnd Cvo
ever visit it, as I expect thoy will, thoy
will soy to each other, "Well, this beats
parodise when we lived tlioro. and tho
peors and the plums ure better than wo
plucked troin tho first trees, uod tho
wardrols's are more complete, and the
climate Is better."
Since I settled In my own mind tho
tact that Ond was stronger than tho
devil I have nover lost faith in the
euiporodisotion of thin planet. With the
exception of a rotrogrebsion in tho Dark
Ages, the movement of tho world has
been ou and ou, and up aud up, nnd 1
have two jubilant hosannns ouo for
the closing year and the other for tho
now year i
Dut tho other thought coming out of
this subject is that Dibllcal chronology,
and indeed all chronology, is urging tho
world to more punctuality and immedi
uteuitss. What on unsatisfactory and in
deliuile thing it muni hove been for two
buxliicsn men in the tlmo of Ahaz to
make an appointment, saying. "Wo will
settle tlmt business matter tomorrow
when tho shadow on the dial of Ahar.
reaches the tenth step from the top," or
"I will meet you in the street called
(Straight lu Damascus In the time of the
new iuimiii," or when asked in a court
room what time an occurrence took
placu should answer, "It was during
the time of the latter ruin." or "It was m
the tilue of the third crowing or tho
You aud I remember when ministers
or the (lospel In tho country, giving out
u notice of un evening sendee, instead of
saying at 0 or 7 or b o'clock, would say,
"The service will begin at early candid
light." Thank Uod for chionological
achievements which have ushered in cal
ouilars aud almanacs aud clocks aud
watches, and ot so cheap a rote all may
possess them! Chronology, beginning
by appreciating tho value of years ami
the value ol days, bus kept ou until it
cries out, "Mail, immertal: wuuiuu, lin
mortul, look out tor that minute; look
out for tlmt secoud!"
We tolk o great deol obout tho vnluo
of time, but will nover fully appieclate
Its value until the last fragment of it has
passed out of our possession forever
The greatest fraud a man can commit U
to rob another of his tlmo. Hear It, yo
laggards aud ropeutt All the fingers of
chronology point to punctuality ns one
of the graces. Tho minister or tho lec
turer or business man who comes to his
place ten minutes after tho appointed
time commits a crime the enormity of
which can only bo estimated by multi
plying tho uumber of poraous present by
teu. It the engagement be made with
five Mraona, he has stolen fifty minutes,
for he Is ten minutes too late, aud ho lias
robbed each or the live persons ot ten
minutes apiece, aud teu times five are
D there bo 600 persous present and ho
bo teu minutes too late, he bus commit
tod a robbery of 6,000 minutes, for ten
time 600 nrv 6,000, ami 6.000 minutes aro
eighty-three hours, which make more
than three days. Tho thief of dry goods,
the thlet of bank bills, U not hulr so bad
aa the thief or time.
Dr, Rush, the greatest and busiest phy
alclan ot his day. appreciated the value
ot time, ami when asked how he luul
been able to gather so much Information
for ids Iwoks uud lectures ho replied: "1
have been able to do it by economizing
my time, I iwve not spent ouo hour lu
amusement in thirty years." Ami tak
lug a blaukbook from hU pocket he a.ild,
"I till a book like this every week with
thought that occur to me and facta col
kcted tu the room or my patients "
Napoleon appreciated the value of
time wheu the sun was sluking upon
Waterloo, and he thought that a little
more tiiao would retrieve hU fortune
aad he pointed to the aiuking tun aud
aald. "What would 1 not give to be this
day possessed of the power or Joshua and
enabled tu retard thy march for two
henwl" Tha good old wouiau npwci
ated tlwvalaeof Umewheci at ninety
three years ot age she said, "Tlw Judo
el all tU earth do uat meaa that 1
11. B.LK.1U0, Swrciary
:i . .jhftf any ( tii tot H I ini pt
iinMliiiinwIil." t .t t .
Vnlfnrf, Ifi MMl InfhH MffM.
HIhI lh Viilw Vt llmi whH In riMlW
In imrniMifn l Mhl to id nVlftfi "J
will nUn yn Imlf f-f what 1 m worth W
yon will tiUo filial Month ut llf Md'l
itlisri mlil tlml he cwM hot llv ri
Wll(( III bill" lf)(0 fPW ftflI Mill
"TIimi I Muill k In Mir' .Mm WVslsy
utitiffilnlHl IhrtvnliKi of Uinnwlirfi li
1ms1 on bin Met walllliX ff rtMnyrd
carilflio l Inli" Idril l iiililwiti
Myliut. "I lwv lost Ion inlnilU tomtt.'
Lofd Mclfoii nitirw'MI1 tlio valim of
tlmo When ha raid, "1 urn mrrrylliln In
llmwoflil to Irtlngnlwnyan iiaflfrof
an hour hf forr-haml."
A floflkinoker In wid of tho old Kn
llsh (owns npprftclnlnl tlio valuoof linn
wlieii In) put on (ho front of tlio low
clock the words, "Now or wlien'f" Mild,
el, th" iialrniioincr, njijif eclated tho Vfllm
of tlmo wheu ho snld, "I bavo well n
the habit of calculating tho vnluo of i
thousandth pnrt of a second." That mil
ls(.rof tho(ioH illil not npprrclnlo Ih
Viiliirt of tlmo who duriiijt a seacoti
lllnes.1, lusteml of employing his tlmo
useful loading or writing, wroto a si
roll,ious loiiiiuice, which In omo i
known way enmo Into tlio possession
tho fomotis Joo rJinltli, who introdm
tlie hook as a divine rnvolatlon, whl
boiiie (he rouiulntlon of Monuonl
the most Isiistly nhomlnntlonof all Hi
They bent appreciate tho valuo of tl
whoso (sabbaths havo been wastel n
whoso opportunities or roismtnnco a.
nefnlnum ore all ngono, and who h,t
nothing left but memories, baleful n
elegiac. They stand In the bleak Hi
tember, with Imre feet, on tho shn
ntuhhlo of a reaped wheat Hold, cryli,
"Tho harvest Is pastl" And tho sough .
an autumnal eiiulnox monus for;h ,
echo, "The harvest id pastl"
Dut do not let us get an imprcssto
from chronology that because tho yea
of timo huvo been so long In proccssii
thoy aro to go on forever. iMnttcr is no
eternal. Nb, riot If you watch half
day, or a wholo day, or two days, ns
once did. to hco a militnry proccssioi
you remember tho last brigiulo, and tl.
lust regiment, nnd the last company final
ly passed on, nnd as we roso to go wi
said to each other, "It is all over."
Bo this mighty procession or earthly
years will terminate. Just when I have
no power to prognosticate, but scieuco
confirms the Dlhle prophecy that the
earth cannot always last. Indeed thert
has been a fatality of worlds. Tho moon
is merely tho corpso of what it onco was
and scientists havo again and again gone
up in their observatories to attend the
deathbed of dying worlds und have seen
them cremuted. So I am certain, both
from the Word of Uod and science that
the world's chronology will sooner oi
later como to its lust chapter.
Tho dual century will arrive nnd pas
on, aud then will como tho final decade
anil then the final year, and thu dim,
month, and tho final day. Tho last spring
will swing its censor of npplo blossoms
nnd tho last winter bank itu snows. The
last sunset will burn liko Moscow 'ind
tho Inst morning ludloto tho hills. The
clocks will strike their lost hour, und the
watches will tick their last second. No
incendiaries will bo needed to run hither
and you with torches to s.t tho world
ou tire. I
Chemistry teaches us that thoro is a
very inflnmmublo clement in water.
Whilo oxygen mokes up a part or the
water, the other part or tho water la hy
drogen, and that is very combustible
Theoxygon drown ou t from tho water, the
inflammable hydrogen will put instantly
Into conflagration tho Hudsona nnd bu
vnnnohs und Missibslppis nnd Rhinesnnd
Urols and Danubes, nnd Atlantic and
Pacific and Indian nnd Mediterranean
sens. And then tho nngel of Uod,
sconding from tho throne, might put oue
foot on tho surf of tho sea nnd tho otht
on the beach und cry to the four wind
or huivon, "Time was, but timo shall be
no longer!" Yot, found In Christ, par
doned and sanctified, wo shall welcome
the day with moro glndness than you
over welcomed a Christinas or Now
Year's morn.
Winn wrapt In Hro the nslnw tit ilher glow
Anrt lii'iiu-nN limt tliuiHUirs.lmki-iittioei.rtli be-
Tlniu, iimlUmnyi'il, xliull o'er Ihn ruin umllo
And llw'ltl thy tonh at nutuie'ii (iinvral pile.
I'Iij.I.-hI Culture hi Women'. Collrcrs,
Tho whole answer to tho tiuestiou, Is
the health of tho nvcrago young woman
equal to the successful prosecution of
the work of a college course? may bo
given in the briefest terms aa follews:
Tho tast duty of tho college authorities
is to give just as careful a physical ex
amination for original eutr.inie as their
examination lulu tho applicant's scholar
ly proficiency, and tlieir next duty, tho
appllcnut having been admitted, is to see
that her advancement Is symmetrical
and that she is led across the threshold
or mature womnnhood as well equipped
by rcio-on of bodily ktrength aud devel
opment us by that or Intellectual und
moral development for the full enjuy
ment of life's pleasures, tasks und vuri
ouh wholesome activities.
lu tho future tho question whether or
not it young woman's health is quUo
safe at college will be absurd upon its
race It will bo absurd because ouo ol
the definitions of a woman's college will
be. A place where tho health or young
women U sedulously and scientifically
guarded, and where her physical strength
ami well Ihiuj are systematically devel
oiod. Tangible progress toward th.s
ldU lias been made within a very few
years, hut us ji-t we have oidy a beginning.-
Rev iow ur Reviews,
Tim I'utuuiitlo.
"t'otomato" is the name given a curt
oua manufactured vegetable wldch owe
its origui to Dr, U. C, Culnor. of Atcld
fon, Kau. For more than twenty years
tho doctor ha been cxjicrimenting with
a viw oX crossing tho potato and
tomato vluca. It U claimed that tlds
lias at last been accoandished nud tla
a pxiM of viuo baa been thus literally
jnanufactured, and that It wUl produce
both potato arid tomatoes, both of
which grow la their aatral ekmttita,
8t Louli Rattle.
win::. .'...-. - -
mi MSI" i;wsnn-fi,
Vant i,t Hit i'i iMMtMM tM
iWitsfsrl iiAVfi JihI lflii ffrttfi'l H IW
miI vt Dirt (Vim in VmU fofMHlM.
oh, They r ttr om ft
?Um Irtmla ofldliiMo'l ilnrlnif 1 1 lfrf
hh ot iirolir l "I"" ' ''
imil aixl lli lltinlnrf of llw Thlfd ow
tury t out Urn, Thoy f i". m l
would flfliii. ilslachwl jiloosa or 1i-j,l'M
lmtafroiIMi in llisinwIrK Tlio
are maska imI tot selal eliw f
MillfllliiN,niid lllcr fiioit of III tyt
llnoiiri(HilllMCotiirtff(iii Ihoufavo, Tlio
dotnrll iillil"f of WMllll fainlllM
wero prorlileil not only Willi wotilolieM,
hut with rt soft of Armor eonijxtfsd of
sevof aI piece, which oomplolsly UiOfld
tho ilrnd Isaly. Tho feot wuro llirtut
into n jiockel shnH afffllr llfco n cr
rlsxo fool wiimif r. aiiiI sopufAlo I'Uom
woromndo forohwt ami iieok. A well
m tho hair, with n innok for tho fftCo,
which of(n reseinbled tho feature of
tho doAri.-Hl Louis I'osHHaiinloli.
Our Vensfslliia fi,r I'oImiiiIiih,
'Jlioro wiim n IiIkoIoiI Now Yorker
of Dutch l(wtituiil i r-jM'ft'l mom
ory who nscil lo miiv i( tlio two
liolliliiyn lie kept vvi-K" hiirtliiiimiuiil
tlio niiiilviu'Miry of tln clciit olonii
tlmt Mow tlio I'urlldiiu off tlio count
of Now York ntnl oiilo lliocoimtof
MiiHHnchiiaottrt. In our vciiorntloii
for ColuiilliUfl wo North AliinrhvuiH
linvo Ijcoii moro jiolllo tlinn 111
urtiqiio Knlckpibockor, mid linvo
mndono miggi-tlioii if nnyjioMHlMo
debt tlmt wo own to tliiwo ndvpnttir
ouh blrda wIioko oiiiioiDiiio lllglit
lured tlio HjmniHh citrnvolH Into
moiommthi'rly t'ottiw, mid IcftVIr
trlnliL ntlil 7.fllliUliilniuillM In bit flfHi
iitii, ni'iiin; mi' ja'iiiuu no.' wij iu'u,
wo may piopeily bo mlndfi:! of oui
jitttl.ei.iK tin. pt'opio in. W"'N
flfiiililii ,1,lifvnHritiu tt PtllllliMIIM 111
tlmt having found out tlio way to tho
tho Amoricnn er.tititiunt, ho lolttho
Hottloinont of tlnn'tid of It lo tho
Bona of (hobo rutioiiH of nortliuni
EurojK) which, ol nil tlio pcoploH of
thoir tiny, had uhowii tho most Htrcit
uouh npprodution of personal liberty
nnd tho grouti'Ktnptitudo for popular
ROvernitiL'iit. Ilnrper'H Buznr.
ICi-ikI I ii (r li I.lni'H tit tlio Vrlt.
nio ntKOtto or lnnic brncolot ix,
U) 00 IOIUKI at uio ouho oi too I1UIH1,
nnd forma tlio lino or lines which
mark tho junction of luiml nud wrist.
Ono fiuch lino, if unbroken, deep and
etrongly marked, i'J mipposetl to fore
toll a happy lifo und to indicate calm
ness of tlinposition ; if tlio lino is
clinined that is, crossed nud re
crosbcd by numerous Htnnll lines tbo
inuication is or a uiom innor. two
such lines indicate happiness and
long mo, wmio tnreo term tno magic
bracelet, adding great riches to tho
othor blcHsings. Tho addition of tho
third lino to tho other two is rare.
Desbarolos, tho great authority on
palmistry, found it in only threo
cases, in all of which tlio outward in
dications seemed to confirm tho
omeu. Exchange.
rapr of One Kind.
Glanders It is said that papor can
bo used effectively in keeping a por
Bon warm.
Gozloy That is vcryfruo. I ro
member a thirty day promissory note
of mino onco kept mo in a perspira
tion for a month. Exchange.
When a Xornrmmi Laugh.
Certainly n slow mind is slow.
You may. often seo a Norseman sud
denly burst out laughing. It is at a
joko that ho heard a few days ngo,
tho point of which ho has justsoizod.
Pot- T - Ion Truth.
titl i rt OAHurt?
Stricken Down with Hoart Dlsoaco.
Br. 2UU iTrJIeal Co., Xlkhart, Iml.
OlKTl.UirX! I f.-Ol It mt ii.,,. ... .! ..
ri0",.",''"1!!0110"' to'lUo norltfthe
"wit avwaiv-u atviui
witn Jccrl
;. cj;r.r
In tbo
ClULh rulm
tlon of tho heart and below loircr rib, w!o In tho'
ui me ra-
aadlrMrS doWiity:"i' so'S'ffiS in lr met
ltft.TBa-aulnrJfUWl lj lt
Ihhk. K.-irit.a ,. .. ' j- t Haa rt.
:" -- i jwur rour
uirt cu iM iio IwiK -U M fc. U
?ShV,lwi!l!?. kara no mora
- -ww i4u anu u
violent throlhii.,rrht..r.T'' "
1 kloctnsb
JVSSJr ' m rt, i , . wt. .
ftM.. t " ", n.WK.I U.M
rS. PTT7-? Ua inawouii
Mr VJ7.T'-7" l,r -"" UtiUtw
Gyp.ua city. Ktu. "" u u c
Wdjorrvj. Fry dni8;jIjltt Baem
U -ft
Siawa o
feir- m m
-U U jj l . U II '4 n II fT
BlSytV Krffilr-Vv.
fflwm : ;-
mtmtfju k' MX ,
anmtUUIttli. ,fl Al. Illil
""".r;."" '.-'
". 4
Tobrtccoii, bill M W'' M"'1" m" WUfliHin
bu(i( 'r'irt mi.
A Irrtillni! tlinfflcliiWaj of nidi ti.irnAiii m iwyn
lill llifl llftM whlrll l Iskcion "w ml Inallilloii lllftlefl
Wlml Hi fwllenf flrif wrmrl, li t-M'ormliyliK nlwrty.
fclflliitil, rtrul II l, lliwe lo-tlMy aa IwllyfiVfl )tMi fl0(
Hie most ropulnr ImoliInK Tolwtn In llio world,
n. i o. u.nln Ms, Is noli fit
I.III lira hciiiiiin;, iiimit -"
Blnckwoll'n Durhfltri Tobacco Co,,
.. in if n
C 1 E A N !
If you would bo clean and linyo your alulliun dona up
in the noaloHtund drcHHioni manner, liiltotlicm lo tlio
.ftin ., w ,, . . M ,, ,.,,.;,., ,n)np .....i ;n n...
':;" "nin. ( n 1 .TJtafV m
ur iruiiiii iiiHiiiiiu. jsjjjT
Portl nd, 8:45 - M.
" 7i30 P. M.
I B Jr
" tf&rH
,. p, n.,. . . , p,,,.
,, X . . X,, '
Hours Quicker to Chicago,
40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and
Kansas Uity,
Knr rntpit nm pi.nui..il Jlnfni.ini.(inu ..nil
on or address,
Jlolso & barker,
27J Coinmerol.il stn-et, Hnlom, Or.
or w..u. uuiihuurt-riMut, o. i. a .
i"A wurtiiiuinoii St.,
l'oiiTi.ANn, Oitran ,
Tlio llonnl of Trustee of tlic Orceon
diiitnlnHiiie Ahj'liim Invito K-iilta prn
P'Hibruriiirniniilii;a. tlio iiyum mar
3iloiii.Orr.ini, the itillowlni; ki: pl ten for
thu klx lnonttm cndlni; July 1, H,i.t;
DHY 00(1 OS.
2000 yds. colton flimiid NhhIiuh xxx)
b3jjdwiAE'kl,,f ",,irI"tr's Btr",,
too ydH lAJtisdalo bleached ilicBtlng m
8fllnoiieB,"1,"1UOlA 'llcctlnf "hl'lcuoljcd
Inches'11" r1u"1 ''ectlDC unbleaclicd
y.d'"i(rP,1,1"en,n,l cl'fekeij flannel.
;J" Ulurn onwliis lucUi-it wlda.
, ,J. WfHPtiiit I tieu und l-'rctich
crimli I8lnciifi,wlite. "t
V-i blc-irlii'il kln...ii.i.. ......'.
nipcilormilu iliiiuakk fo inclira
Iwl ((''king a OA 3 inca wide.
Marwlllu clicckD York utii.
Auirlcnu .hitting pr m. light
10 ' S?'l??,.S,,on '""'"ircUlcft.
21 Ineli. Ju,Kejr ""' httu- Utrchltf-
lhrendrt0J;'N0,!iU black latVt "-
W do No. 80 white ,
I tin ml.
2dao ' is ' . , ' ,
thre.01 M ' ' '
thrd1!01 ' 6J' ' ' '
li) Villi InMi, ..II . .
color. """"" uiui quality light
Ait i 'Ugnr.
iwrJir"""1 wlu'u "i-h uruutid lu
"l0,!!,.S,'ii,l- nn meal (or n. ffonrtt
ixo V"' i""uud in i mrreiK '
'OgaUAiiibcrilrlii(riiP) InfOgul bbl.
''l.tH:1 -Niw'orCina uit.
iVilr,flv?.S!?Ji.l.to,w w ood.
ttV CI1M mi PrYilwlnHL - .
uo i- i , vT".: ..".." ".r?" a-.
2 wltUk broomi.
31 o'u.oj.ut.Heid'ioriutood
a,'m ,:uT,mh,,e MUW OuarU) Lee a
Hfn i a. .
IS.' !'1i1!.JrT,v.,,Wff00rM.
doatoap dWU
IS Uu cup.
-J wucei-,
OUuuitui..n, .
otiCEttkin nlii,...r
.;. t --ir. ."" '.
"U a uo Wmi..
v Hwssr-
iittat tOii .;'..": .
J.1"' rrwiuaiu her..
Jntfn gtotev
hlur MlU.
w Itpcr.
tiMruoU. a. K
Lea ng
Asylum Supplies.
. o
..,!: vno romooo.
i ut mifj (Imd
mi niwiliiir tried nil
t!iffr.iv-Mt Mlliofdfllf
:: ... . "
jjt v, jjn't.j.vjst
I ll.V'-i.. (Jiw
I liberty Siroot
jmiicii niuiT,
ftVin lljuuppl' frmh nud ol good ((imllty,
3V0 ' enclie ' ' '
1 (0 ' prnnoa
1(0 ' riialim ' ' '
Coo en1n vuro clitor 40 k.
ailln miii-o ttri'imil.
M iniiNiiiril uriiiuid.
SM ' lilui'lc ticiiimr Krimtid,
40 ' cliin.onoti Ki'iitind,
tu ' Kinder urdiiiid,
)fX) lbo Coltimbln hriinil or n good,
4II0Q llm I'o-lii Hint ll rat grade.
BUU ' (inVilHVIl,
IMI ltnnl MiH'lui.
800 Olilccory.
1(100 Mlcdgo Hummer bnind or a good,
I) leiimit lettiT pmier "Kiirliton" half abeola
.... II. If (M..1
... .... .r..,.
I'J (In li fill tmnrlty ml, lltinuu.vrn Vu
12 ' i'llJMIIl'N ludi'llhlo ink.
2 I.TOWiaillOtl'M 401 ll-llH.
1 Hide harncBN On-gon extra or an good,
r riolHtor.im2bto27poiihdii tier i-lde
cxlru lituvy.
!i rult HklliH iu) ulnnlr
I'lali nH required, giving price per pound
for furiilHliliig tho diiruiont kiudHOl lull In
llrnlclitHH condition,
'Jdozdtmt pnnn.
2 gnlv Iron buckcto.
J grobK ii Wo 7 lhit head Iron wood tcrewi,
2 i U ' ,
a ' 'a ' io
i ' 3 ' u
a lh Ji Iron bradi.
2 ' I
2 U i
100 lbrtlki cut nail 1
WO ' M ' '
00 ' 10
200 feet each Jfnnd i round Iron Norway.
w 7-1U '
160 ' y , , ,
H ' Iklnnlnirnn i.l lIaai
CO IHxrl .Mrmi NrJ..
'"JhnMh-u0,7,lll,a "-'"'"'m loro
lft 11)H fflPli lnnl li.,nl
IK ll.li Z In .,."
- ... ja ... nuin
uud 3 Sweat's American .tool
IOA CillkH
10 iikg4lt thud iliiliii.ii,i riv,.
1 iiii-hS-IOaud
"U lillii I
.M. a Him i No a hair . 1,1, ;,7,,yr;
too uud bottom nwcdgo
and ls-i iii '
1 fromY-lt'to"'11" M n,Und lllm"k by w
1 (l"e'iitlverUB aU(1 taptr wnc,1,no P
, and -I Inch long
1 .. . . W"
. and fi lucli long
1 . H-8
IX. 2,3,'
und Oluch long
' . ' l--1
U, -K.8,4,6
0r.ud8inci.long '' I
mid 4 Inching V" '" ' ' 'K' 8
1 ....' .6-11 ' ' 2.5J.i
and G Inch long i
-i - trail - -l
ft Itlnlt In....
1 ' ' -2 1
mid 8 Inch long i
6O0 lb ben blackimltli coal
1 tm a-fifit. .1 11 in ....
.7. r,.:"v" m ?. i inch nan.
uuijiia -- a
fl) ii,i ......I. ., ,r L. .
;, 'V, niacK pipo
' ' '-fgiihanlre
u ii I red pipe
''."'""'l.llll'cr Wllielf,, Kn.....A .
iji.i . ? omen n it:
.-..,-.-.- ,'.i
l a ,i """i-ieaer
ti t.ii a ...
6iycarliollcacld cryt
boraclo cr'u
l,MMC"r, Wo 8
J "fisa.Yay1!00''."
2 rJri ,.ro'lvirglunSa . '
idi'.;s.v.,.... ,uo,el.
kal ruainan
lOMlblr. Tbe rlVhi i.f.r, ' ""caHgi-g h.n
fb; -AVan? i!Jri"' ff!,H,11!!t
a BHWHpaliiai
r - v
!-.,i... -
- -.4,r i.-.i,!' " . aa.