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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1892)
I EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL J ss i)ir fetwtsvtfl ?jjHuem.Jii inrwffmii irr- ntriifiniiitci strrti Mi in VOfi 0, "'n.MI'KOf'fifMgjUJ.'JIW. MA;WIK, OffttUON, WJ$)AV, .),8aiHJM uo (eM "WMMKW MtMH TO-fUtV' m mmimit,nm m'ltiifi iniBiin)iiiiiii nwi W iliiiM,. Hiiiyn W,i MM, lLMmln,Hltnlll4ja,i,ip I !g lljl IWWJ Are You Undecided vmrminvAi, AHH MIHHM Aim '1 H iiAtf hiffiffimw'wjkiiV! L Ornm omi (i(rlf In l'i HfgflMtbf All Irl Llftft.r,ir; VfrMtlAmititi (WlHpt m "HI'Mi nuwi Q I'll fMltffcliNttl Ill if a 09 ." 'F!'ttmmmmimmti'immmiiMMm IIOfCK MlOfutftS, ' Ml(fi, king r.MflN.N, AHaiM l lnii rodm WW AT TO. Jifn mom, w " ---- i yt m.1. .rrMUajgj NEW YORK RACKET Thoir lino comprises tlio useful ru well n Urn ornnmontal. Thoy will savo you a good porcontngo on ovnry thing trtey cnrry. B. T. BARNES, - 333 Commercial Street. CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE, But our Jargo stock of Benutiful Lamps, Vases, Fancy Dishes and Bisque Figure is already here, and on exhibition. Come in and look at the ONYX JJANQTJET LAMPS. BRASS BANQUET LAMPS. SUCKLE BANQUET LAMPS. COLORED HALL LAMPS. ILANGERS, in all varieties. HA1SID PAINTED VASE LAMPS. SILK SHADE LAMPS. d2T""We are in it," too, when it comes to fancy imported SROAT & GILB, - Ed. c. lflllfes illiftpA Mwik mssm VJiJUlUu lilucllij. SMMy!Mm lo a Retail SHiPwS I I)CJ,lcr ln Fred, SaIt su,d 'Sliil Smokc,J Mcats oi'a11 Kim,s fS 110 State Streets. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All House-fluisbing Material made to order at the lowest Portland price. Hi-e u before you litiv. MARTiy tC- UA ItKIXS, BLAUKSMI THING AND HORSESHOEING. The best work In every department. Hacks, Buggies aud Harrows made to order. State Street. AUCI11B MAhON. " A. B. SMITH General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, OREGON. Wanted At Once. Rernnauts of Dry Ooods, Clothing, Boots iind Shoes, Hats and Cans, and all kinds of merchandise, either new or econd band, to sell either at private iale or publto auction. Also, Household furniture of every de scription, at tlio RED FRONT BAZAAR. 02 State Street. Sash and Frcnfj Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the host mnterial uped C. N.CHURCHILL CnUKCniLL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. APiitB for the celebrated economic force aud lift Pump. 100 Cbemeketa Stieet. FOUN The place to ritf, Express, Afill feed or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt SALEM IRON WORKS, JB. F. DRAKE, Propsietor. Manufactures STEAM ENOINKVMI" 'lot outfit, Traction J- ngliien. Crffctliig. Or.0anuandmanuf areuonU Mill Dnrloit furiflernud I"! Kanu machinery niadt Salfiin Trnclf d Drav Co. em Iron works. Drays and trucks way be fo th. eorn w f Bute nrt Oroiofro.iif rtww T. HART, t 247 COMMERCIAL STREET, BROOKS & LEGG, OUST wlmfc -II you nro, boo Cross, jes:e&k Door Factory T S. BURROUGHS BURROUGHS, gt t a Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, crood well rotted Manure, and careful work is our motto RYAN & CO. OutflU, WaK-r Wheel Onvernnn", Krull in relebrated WahUtrom l'atent Mlddllngn and rtp-ilrnU. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders, Bell and deliver wood, hav. coal and lumber. Of- Uc3 BUte rit., opposite Ba be found throughout the day at LEADING ilERCHANT TAILOR. PRESCRIPTIONS Oirefally ooaipounded da or 101 you caii XMA8 V find At tho- MUSH SETS. FRUIT SETS. MOUSTACHE CUPS. SHAVING CUPS. GIFT CUPS. FRUIT PLATES. FANCY VASES. table delicacies carrying 120 INER & 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Sup plies, ijtcel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WA3IERS -The best oa earth, call. Give us a 10:3 tf. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of Wtllamatt HoUl, SAIBM - - - ORBOON t Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, Warm Meah at All Hours of the Day None but white labor employed ln thlf establishment. A good substantial meal cooked ln first--class style Twenty-flve oenUper meal RSD FRONT OnKrt streflt, between Opera House And Mlnlo's Livery W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's SM commercial street. M.T, RINEMAN DCALIB IW Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery. Glassware, Lamps, Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Al-rf) veiretablesaad fruits ln their season. "JUgUost 1'rloe paid for country produce ' We wollcl a mare of your patronage, tut UJ Htate atreet 1831 TUE cS;I1VATOB 1893 CountryGentleman THE BEST OP THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES, UfcV OTKI1 TO Farm Crop and Processes, HortlcultureandFrui-Growlaif Livestock and Dairy ia, While it aUo includestil minor dejvr menu of Kural lutere.t, such as tbe poul try yard, entomology, bee-keeping, gieeo hou.o aud iraery, vetennaiy replies, furm questions and answers, Oreklde reading , aomestlo eoononjy, and a sum mary of tbe news at tbe week. Jt mar ket report are uuusually complete, and Tniih Mtlyntlnii Is nald to the tirosDecU of the crops, aa tbrowltg light upon one of tbe most important oi ail questions When to buy and when to sell. It is lib erally Illustrated, and by recent enlarge ment, contains more reading matter tban ever btfore. The subscription price Is ti SO per rear, but we ofler a special re duction In our CLUB KATES FOR 1608. Two Subscription. J on uutiuc $ 4 Six Subscriptions, " " 10 Twelve Subscriptions, " " 18 -Tn nil New SuNwrlb rs for IW. psy inginadvnco ow, we will ud tu pa per weekly, from our reeeiptoi me remit unee. to January 1st, IMA, without charge. AarripeetraeB Ouytn free. Andrew LUTHER TUCKER k SON, PubKthtri, Capital ROSE BOWLS. BISCUIT JARS. WATER SETS. LEMONADE SETS. FANCY PLAQUES. SMOKING- SETS. TOILET SETS. the largest stock in Salem. State Street. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, S200,00S Transact a general banking business' in Hi; 1W bronchus. OKO. WILL1AMH. Wa.CM ULANU. UUGUiICNAllY PreMdeui Vlco trtjl(Ion Cimhlu UXUECTOR3: Geo. Wlllliimn.Wm. Enit. land, Dr. ). A. JUclmi iIon, J. . liuAhOu J. A llaktr. Hank ln dow Ezobanee block on Coin mwnhl Htreet. 8:1S-U MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 30 duj on pood farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Booru 14, Busb Uauk block. S lidv Authorized Capital $600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK bulein, Oregon. W. A. CUSICK, Pres. W. W. MARTIN, Vice Fres. J. H. At.Bh.UT, Casbler. Htate, County and City Warrants bough I at Pur. a FINETEAS -AND- -AT- H. M. BRANSON & CO., 303 Commercial Street. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel belwee a Portland andHan Francisco. First-class In all Its appoint ments. Its tables are served with th Choicest Fruits Growulln the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 . M. " " 7i30 P. M. DAYS TO CHICAGO U2 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN .md TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS, rorrate nd general Information call on or address, Jiolso k Barker, 270 OotninercUl street. Palem, Or, Or W. a. uutiLtiunr.iMi, u, y, a. 2 PA Wwoiartou it., rwwturiOw. Irfl), V' .1 J.!?liHV w- " fnilai NnlKnirtl Imrm.Mr IllWf HIIAW m Mir unir ttf Mrtlciit, Oregon, Ci T. iMUItAillNOtt. Allnm. at. Uw. met up .miN lii rrom rooms of tidrf I block. Mif riff fttitnfriattilal niitl tt.tu.i trroH, nl(iti,Oreti, tOIIN A. MAItSON Allofhoy At Inw. 1 ,, ICkiiiii) 9 mill 4, lindd a minus imiiK Slljf MiiiniiiK, Mittn, urescn. II. K, ItONIlAM, noxifAX A HoMlM, VV. II. HOI.MKH. Atloriinri. ui In.. I J, (line III IlitMfn I look. between stats nl Court, oil Uiin'l Ml. a I K. I OMUK, Moiiotfraptior and Tyn 111. wrlllst. lleU'iiilx'l mmwfhfn tf 'iinu, mil llllt III uregOII DimUs biuik,rtlern,Urrgu ovor J(hl a rgon, Bit. IIUAIWIlAW.l'IIYNlUIAN AND , surgeon, ftolprii, Orison. otflco In litt-li-llreyman block, tiiMlatra IteKldenco corner Htatmiid m. K corner Winters! red, nn. w. h. MOTr. nlivslclnti And nr XJ gOOII. Uillcn la KlUrldito lllooK. Hn. luiii.uretfim. OlflM hours 10 to 12a.m. lo4p. in. rvK-T.O.MlirrH, I)enllt,WBUil8 street, U haleiu. Or. KlltlMiud deutul otxru- iioni of every dcRurJjaion. l'litnlmiioptra- iiuuq i. nivuuiltjr. J 1). I'OUH, Arrhltect. l'lnns, Secl- VV . llcatlous and superintendence lot all cfawcn of buildings. ClUIro 'jno Coin- iwerciai nt., up siaim, CA. HUltKllT, Architect, room 421. Mar , quam building, rortluud, Oregon. DW.TOWN3EN1). Civil Englnerand , surveyor. Ulllce with Uregun Land Co , 8ilem, uregon. r) J. LAIWKN & CO,, Manufacture o'fnll J. a kludsufvehltles. HepalrlUKu special, y. bhop 15 Mt nt reel. Pit TKUTIONLOIaKM2.A.O U.W. Mtcta In their hull In ntitte lusuraucc uul.dtug, e eri Vtdi.exday evening. r. A. Mot Al)Uu,N, M. W. J. A SELvyOOD.Ueoorder IMPHOVEU OKUElt OK HED MKN, 1 Kumlukuu IrlbdMo. , balem. Hold couuUl eery Thursday euulng, at7.ito. Igtviim In Male limuranre hall, K. 11. UA1CKH. Prophet. FllNK C. ATl.ltH.l hlf nl Krd The Pacific Detective BUREAU, SALrervf, - Oregon. C B CLEM NT, Minager. Olllcerooiu il. O uy Block, llntrs ro.Houuble. Public aud private worlt done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The place'JInr young ladles and gcnlle i iiu u lo i-ecure u thuroueU eduuttlon Is the o,d,butuur.Utiw. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. UiiiC and ntlll the leading Institution of the North West, Heller than over! New course of liiHlruutlon In Oratory, I neology aud 1'ost-tlruduau.d. mTUUIL.. Norma .UuhIouss, Academy, College, and 1-nw courbea grtutly enlarged uud Improved. Faculties Imroascd and Improved. For t'aluloifuo ol Oollttu of Law wrltu Dean ti T. ulclmnlhoii. , falein, Or. Kor Catalogue ot college of Medical and Pluiriiiucy write Dean ltichmond Kelly, Jl. 1). Portland, or. For general Catalogue write Itov. Qeo. Whltaker, 1J. D., President, Halem, Or. 7-ir)-.lm-Uw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opeued to studeuts Hept. 13, 1892. oilers ihe niOHl piacllLUl courses of otud ol any sthoil in I tin Slate, viz: Mechanical Engineering, Uivll Englntering, Llecirloal hogiuecrlug, Aciidemlo unu Urammar b nool courses BtiiUenlH practice dally In wood shop, muchlue shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Hoard per Year. ISO. Special Inducement ton fiw yonng men who wish to work for tbclr board aud tui tion uurlug vacations. Kor prosiectus and lurther lnlortiiatlou, address EUW1N MUUltld'm.M.H. Prusdeut,buleiu, Or, !LVLiss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. nillW YEAR Opens Monday, Hoptemuer IDtli, at Kin dergarten Hull, opposite opera house. Children received at th-ee years of age and over. A connecting Cass wll be t-s-ubil.hed lorudvimcul Kludergurten pu- Siih uud lLofce beginning primary work, uly tbe btst modern Kindergarten metli. uda employed. 1'ruug's uy stem ol drawing and color work Introduced. ENGINE AND BOILER F')l sale. The boiler Is tui K-liorto up right tu uiur. uud theeiigiuau u-h r miriK int I llfi.!! iii.i to irtMxl ujnditlun. aud o l S'(X when new Apuly tu.!. II, rOH-T.NEU.t CO.,oppo klleK.rsttloiidl Hank. mm Tenacrnof (rood iiuxticu land nearKa. lem. Apply at once to llOPHItllltiiH. JbUKMAi. office, JAPAKESXv CURE A neiv and Complete irealiiiem, eouslsu Ingof miptollorii, oluttuenl In eapsule. aUii box aud plll.;akNliliecure lore terual, Internal, bllud or bleeding, Itching chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, auu many other diseases and female weak ueM; It Is always a great benefit to the genrml hftalth Ilie first disco ery ol k i.iitdic-il cure leuderlug an operation Willi the knife uunwJiry, heiealter. Thl remedy ha neer beu known to fall. II pr Uu.Dfur Vs, sent by mall, Why sutfei frimilhUUirrliile illwase when a wriiu.u guarantee la given with 0 taxes, lo rsfuud the uuiueyllnot cured iHciUUmpPirfrei; Lj.iJi. iluunlilcfi.fUed by WOOUAUU. Ulakkic ft Co., wholesale aud retail druf fUl,iuleagKUls, ronianu. ur. wiukmo aHforOalmUPaV i,i JF. hTuuP.h, AHutnttM i.iw, !" I I. Ufeton, llmtiowfl.ttd'tt )ln i'OiiMiiRriiiAii,Y.nxoKrfunAf, Cnplll Journal fubtlihfng Compsn, (lhrtifpfir(d 0m,0omt!iclnlfilfMl1lnl,Ointil1(lln nlfl Kl lh Mlome At Hlm,Of,,M VAt.tltiOt IMJMOK. An exohnngo noloiiinly nrguco (ho duty of being liumnfoiHaud iwya It linn inritlo ninny a iimu' fortuno. Many n limn It In truo Mms to Imve full thla duty weighing heavily up' on him hut litis not buen aula to realize tlio fortune. lie Bityn the wnisoof humor Is con dticlvo to oo(l digestion; 'There's health, wealth and com fort In It. II makes II fo lighter and more prosperous. It will help yon to throw oft the detestable 'blues,' and us soon us you can throw oft the 'blues' courage aud buoyant hopo comes home to roost." The roosting part Is all right, but when you are invited out to a chick en dinner and your host proceeds to fill you up with stalo newspaper jokes, and out of polltenessyou keep up a constant guffaw while he aud his family eat the chicken before your very eyes you feel as though such joking might go to roost else where. There is a duty to encourage humor. No ma t has a right to go around and Impose his long soui face on tho,publlo. If you caunot face life's battle pleasantly keep oui of the ring. rillOSlDENT OF TUE B1CNATE. The race for the presidency of the Oregon senate lies between Fulton of Astoria and Illrech of Salem. The former Is a lawyer. The lattei Is a bulues man. Both hayo been successful In their callings and. are beiug pushed by their friends for the eight votes uecessury iu the Repub lican Henittorlal caucus to ensurt a uomluntton. Senator Hlrech bat a strong backing in the valley and in Eastern Oregon. Ho is a pro nounced open river man aud helped pais the bill for a portage at The Dalles of tbe Columbia, wbloh failed iu the house two years ago. TH15Y TALKED ABOUT TAXES. The Salem grangers met Satur day and talked about taxes; aboui uHscssinent law reform. It seemed to be the general sentiment that no deductions for debt, not of record should be allowed. Tax everything of value In thostatesay the grangers. Not one-third of the property is now represented on the assessment roll?, Mr. Ford, one ot the represents Uvea from this county, was preseni and expressed himself. He also favored uo exemption or deduction for indebtedness. He said the mon ey appropriated by tbe legislature for tho needs of the state should be figured up and enough mills levied to collect the amount in taxes, and not as now levy two mills for this aud u mill for something else aud a half mill for some other thing. Tbe law now made men dodge taxation uud dodge giving ln their true val ues. Each man should be made bj law a committee of one to see that bis neighbor was listed right. MOW YOU Aid! TALKING, A legislator in this city proposes a law that will give every man an exemption of property from tax ation aud execution of (1000 ol $1200. He would thus encourage young people and tho poor man to gft hold of this class of property aud tlius gut a start in life. This is tho law )n nearly every state but Oregon. The-, homestead, team of horses, the cow, some sheep and swine, farming Implements, the inechaulo tools, are exempt aud can not be touched by tho shuiiror tax gulherer. This would be a humauo law for Oregon to adopt.. It Would he In tlio direction of what other states havo found lobe Just and wise legls liiluii, It would protect the poor man and his family and safeguard their lieurthstoiie aud means of living from the hands of the law. Aud what Is legislation for but to pro lect homes. OltEOONM HKUHKTAHY OF HTATE, Tho telegraphic columns of the ores is burdened with accounts of Hie ailments of distinguished inva lids from the White House lo sena tors, congressmen, uud flute officials. We believe one of Oregon's state oflklals is eutltled to a little of this public interest and sympathy, We refer to Hon. Geo. W. McUrlde.wbo bus been confined to bis bed almost constantly (or several months. Tne secretary of state of Oregon bus a larger burden of responsibility aud govHrumeutul detail resting upou him than any other state offl. eUl. That Mr. Mclirlde bat been able to attend to his olUolats dutUa an suuu offlcser U rthw remarkabla iwti jsmm ABSOLUTELY PURE highly (( his grit and determination not to bo canity worsted by disease. He Is a man who enjoys nature and outdoor life keonly, but com pelled In take that enjoyment through I ho mirror Of books on the subject. His literary tastes enable him to kill many a weary hour with the society of the newest book or magazine. Tho people of Oregon certainly admire his pluck In stay in at hs post of duty Id tho state house. THE WEEK BEFOUE CHRISTMAS Is a busy one with most mothers. It is a week of preparation with tbem for tho grand homo holiday of the year the Christmas-tide of good cheer. And who supplies tbe good cheer If not tho mother? She has much more to do with It than that much-wrltten-about creation of thefanoy Santa Claus. A good mother with a real Christmassy heart Is worth more tban a score of chimer ical santas to create Christmas good cheer. The week before Christmas is a busy ono for tbe dear mother. The father does not worry that all Bhall be remembered. He knows they will be remembered in that capa cious mother-heart and soul. For there is the Image of the Christ child Itself. Give mothers a chance say we. 8UGOEBTEO OOBIMENT. The question of annexation now vexes the suburbs. Tho Western Union Telegraph Co. has a surplus of over. $18,000,000. At nit opportune time Salem may bavo a candidate for speaker of the house of representations. Our navy now consists of forty' two fighting vessels, armed to the teeth wo might say. Yet we are a peaceful nation. There are several combinations on fool for the speakership and presi dency of the senate. It is said they extend Into the rollllcfl of the future. Quietly look around your neigh borhood and see if there are any who iro not likely to have ally Christmas. Play Santa Claus a little on your own hook, but do not tell the news papers nbout It. Gentlemen of tbe present who are making political deals that reach far into tne future of Oregou politics are reminded that political futures In Oregon are not altogether certain. Hon. John Minto at Saturday's grauge meeting gavo out the impres sion in a talk on taxation reform I hat only a few honest fools In Ore gon nowadays gave iu a Just and true assessment. Tub Joijknal does not deal In panics and bellevss tu being cheer ful, but if tho next three months pass by without a panio It will be -iirauge. Tbe United States Is a prosperous country It Is said, but there Is such a thing as fictitious prosperity. Deafness Oan't be Oured. by local application, us they caunot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only oue way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused iiymi luflamed condition of tlio mucous lining of tho Eustachian lube, When this tube gets lnllaii ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, uud wheu It is entirely closed, deafness is the re sult, aud.uuiess the luilutuutloii cuu be taken out aud the tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine ousts out ofiten urn caused by caturrh. which is nothing but un JuUamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give oue hundred dollars for any case of deafness (cuused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circular, free, F. J. Cheuey & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by druggists, 76 cents. i Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The Dest Salve iu the world for Cuts' Bruise, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ilbeum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chap ped bauds, Chilblains, Corns and all Hklu Eruptlous, aud positively cures Tiles, or uo y requires, It Is guaranteed to give perleot satis faction or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box, For sale by Dao'l J. Fry, 3tt6 Cow. St. All ease of Weak or lame tak. baak' ache, rheumatUm, will And rillef by wearing oae of Carter's rimart wsd and Ueiadouna Jiaefcaefco pUll. Pi lee oeau. 11 you are nervous or dyspeptic try Car- tar's Utile Nerve puis. uyntii umkim you aervous. asd Br routine, wakes you dyrBil',Uhr oue resdw you uihmr able, aad these MUM pllM aure both, Uv frland. look hkrat vim ksa bow weasanu wktu kuuw that Cart wMikaadaarvoMS your wife U. aad you .-' " :. r. :. . -i -.., ... .r-.. ' -- T -T -..' i i-Z. .. Vi -.LX. i ui.w iuai ulnars lras rus wiu rauave aaw way sw watfiwwmwuw i n t - rowcicr m Inierrstlnc1 ttalm AUt,nl h14 I liotico that Mr. Kdiaoti 'hut dovotlng some attention to ImhteeM. Because Mr. Edlsoii m an able ! trlclan it dees not follow that hJ well Informed in matters phyrioloir leal, any more than because yoa onv duct n groat journal you are compe tent to run an electric plant. Vx. Edison ia nil wrong about bald head. I can run ovor In my mind any num ber of relativoa and friends' who have died with full header of hair, whllo others who wore bald long foro tho hairy ones died are in the fullness of health. If Mr. Edison ia right tho average lifo of woman should be much above; that of man, but such is not the case, and wo men all know that a bald bonded woman is a rarity I might almost say a freak. Tho fact is that women lead tnOM scrcno lives and pay moro attention to their hair than men. Theyar continually using tho brush, not oflhr once, but several times n day. Hen ' on tho other hand devote scarcely nny, attention to their hair. They havo littlo timo to bother about' it, and in that little timo will not tain tho troublo.- My idea is that baldness comes chiefly from imporfect circulatioii of the blood in the fino vessels of the i scalp, and honco wo seo early bald ness in men who lead notlvo, nervous lives, and whoso circulation is conse quently not normal. ' c There is but ono preventive, and that is duo attention to the Bcalp in early lifo, daily rubbing, fresh xair, and freedom from all forms of ex citement to tho nervous system. Cor. Now York Sun. Chemistry Utilizes Everything, ti fa Chemistry, liko n thrifty honge? wife, economizes ovory scrap. Th horseshoo nails dropped in, thestreets nro carefully collected nn reappear' na swords and guns. Tho main in gredient of tho ink with which I now write was probably once th broken hoop of nn old beer barrel. Tho clippings of tho traveling tinker are mixed with the' pavings of horses' hoofs and tho worst kind; of woolen rags, and these are worked up into an exquisite bluo dye, which graces tho dress of courtly dames. Tho dregs of port wine, carefully de canted by tho toper, aro taken in ths morning as a seidlitz powder to re move tho effects of th,o debauch. Tlio offal of tho streets and' the wostings of coal gas reappear care fully preserved in tho lady's smell ing bottle, or nro used by her to fla vor blano mango for her friends. All this thrift of materials is an im itation of tho economy of nature, which allows no waste. Everythina; hos its destined placo in the process of tho universo, in which there 'is not a blado of grass or even a mi crobe too much, if wo possessed ihe -knowledge to apply them to theitr fitting purpoaes, North American J.VUVJUW. Uow Aerolites Were Once 'Regarded. , Tho phenomena of shooting tan and othor luminous appearances ia tho sky long acted as stimulants to tho superstitious fears of the multi tude A rod nppcarnnco was aflery sword dipped in blood; a sinuous wavy lino a fiery sorpent; a number of such lines a fiery dragon; a dus ter of diverging lines a rod for the scourging of nations. As shooting stars wero common in August, about tho timo of tho festival of St. Law rence, thoy wore said to be "the , tears" of that martyr, Notes and Queries. i , A Woman or Transvaal. A traveler in tlio Transvaal hat? mot a mysterious chieitainess, oner, Mnjajio, who claims to be the origi nal of Ritlor Haggard's "She-wJQ inust-bo-oboyed," She is an ancient;, dttino, strangely decrepit, and swiM dently not n Kaffir, for she has a transparently white complexion. bright bluo oyes nnd long, snow whttft uair. Excuango. Oottlug a Rquuro Meal. Kind Lady -I thought 1 sawyosi just now gotung something tot uoxt door. Tramp No. madam. I asked tmd Boraotiiing to oat, but the we ... . .. '"'Si wno catno to tuo tloor bad on t uomeiy ureas timt i turned away I luflgusr. Kind Lady Come in. What's navof Detroit Free Press. '"-! me Tiitf s Pill 4Mnl-.4'itteti'il(Uvr. -4 wi i n u mi I ((rt una. -tui SMMIM, KKU a VO MUJ UUMKI mm I ATI-G!'J0L'C Kl lf&!ftriIttnrlvlit1 1hl-i w HSfc) j' refwa-Kinoo. Hilar nrtMMPUiw it Xrwl "yi rrMt thai k4mu. 4-le, U1A - . aau&. laatsilu Wi --, p ioo;stt trt. c 4. -A-Mfcr A ,A fe . a. Jy