EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. M lmijm.imtim,inmaiiwu ui mm miitimmmmiitMiS- lr' k, tniMUmtiitMmUtmt-i.m. -' - i' 'n 1. -' iff r T f r1 n it, in it h n il - y r" 11F11 11 n i llflfcH fi nttf s . l-g VOL, fi, "Tjij 1 oplt'. iAijfi. HAil3M, OltlCGtOK. tflUlUY, JJ0.1LUJ. 10, i8fUi "'l'O.DAY' HWS 'I'O'lhk&tS h' r tti- ftM M0t wm t I fr. CHINR! NEW CHINA NOVELTIES They havo just received direct from the importers at Boston, a mammoth stock of a now tiling in Aiwtrien Doconv tod Cliinawaro, . IN BROKEN SETS You cnnTjuy any number of pieces and no,ed not talco a full set. It costs only about half as much as tho Ilaviland, BLUE FRONT, s. At lower prices that ever before offered. They have the Prices Ed. C. Wholesale and ECctail Healer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Uiuris, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Do Convt and 110 State Streets. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All House-finishing Material made to order at the lowest Portland i prices. Kt-e us before ,vnu buy. MARTI tf & IIARKIXS, BLACKSMITH 1NG AND HORSESHOEING. The best work in every department. Hacks, Buggies and Harrows made to order. State Street. ARCHIE MASON'. MASOW &S33.CB: General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, OREGON. Wanted At Once. Remnants of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Huts and Caps, and all kinds of merchandise, either new or f-econd hand, to sell either at private sale or publio auction. Also, Household furniture of e,very de scription, at the RED FRONT BAZAAR. 62 State Street. Sash and Door Factory Fronts Street,Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used C. N. CHURCHILL , CHURCHILL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemekota Street. FOUND The nlace to ntr. express, Express, ii Mill feed or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on liyan k Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt SALEM IRON WORKS, B. F. DRAKE, Propsietor. Manufactured STEAM ENGINES, Hill Outfits, Water Whel Governor, Fruit Brrlne Oumu.TraciIou bnglpe. (Wing, t-to. Farm machine ry jnele and .repaired. eneril agintVand inauufactureis of the releUri.td WahlJtrora Patent Middlings Purifier aud Heels. Farm machinery iiiadt and repaired. Salem Truck 4 Dray V m Tron work. Dravs aud trucks ia ,, . .. , - r , th orrir m if Htate anil 1 :ommnruti i F. T. HART 247 COlIMnRCIAL 8TJIKET. BR03KS L LEGG and compares lavorably. See it, at the Now For Xmas ! OSBURN'S RACKET II "V F. Cross, A. 11. SMITH T S. BURROUGHS BURKOUGrllS, ee - t a Saddle horse, Livery si- ... i it. -i -rr "r - v rn 1 Dray or irucK, wood, nay, u ray or xruu eroocl well rotted manure, and carelul work is our motto, ' T V A XT ! nt IIYAN & CO. Co. s: lice i DRAYS AND TRUCKB always ready for orders. anil ueiiver woou, coal aud lumber, Of- State St., opposite 8a- - iy be fouad throughout the tlav at r r.rr LEADING MERCHANT y 1A1J-UJX. PRESOMPKONS Dtrefdlly oompoiimlcd ay or 7 111(11 . mis, T J THIS DOES NOT 1I11 TO THE HOME Otf THE CELESTIAL, BUT TO THE AT DAMON BROS. 335 Commercial Street, STORE is selling IT M largest stock of Dolls ever in no object. OSBURN. Ml n 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES,- Crcamery and Dairy Sup plies, fctccl Ranges, Parlor Heaters iu all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS CSyThe best on earth, call. Give us a 10:3 tf. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of Willamette Hotl, SAIEM - OREGON nil It I J my imam Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeah at AH Hours of theDay None but white labor employed In thin establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In first class style Twenty-five cents per meal RED FRONT (jonrt .treat, between Opera .House and Mlnto's Livery W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING A.ND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's 263 Commercial street. M. T. RINEMAN pub nr and Fancy Groceries, Staple Crockery. Glassware. ..Lamps, Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed AJw veeetablesaod fruits In their season. "Highest Price paid for country produce." w 6 ttouci a snare oi jruur puiru age, u-u lKJrilate street 1831 TUE c!i1VATOB 1893 CountryGentleman THE HK8T OP THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES, UVOT- TO Farm Crop and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit-Grow 'Ibj: Livestock aud DalryiuK, While it albo lncluae4ail minor Ucjui. menu of Kural lutret, such as the poul try yard, entomology, bee-keeping, gieeu boue and grapery, veterinary rrulies, farm questions and answvrs, rlrt-ldt) reading, domestic economy, and a sum mary of the news ! the week. Iu mar ket reports are unusually complete, and much attention la Dald to the DrosDecU of the crops, as throwing light upon one of tne most important 01 an questions When to buy and when to sell. ItU lib erally Illustrated, and by recent enlarge ment, contains more reading matter than ever before. The subscription price ts WZO per year, but we ofler a special re duction in our ULUB RATES FOR 1893. Two Subrlption$,'-nee 4 Si Subtcfipllom, " " 10 Twelve Subscription!, " " IB -l'oall New BuiJiicrlbsrs tot 13. pay )U luadranco i o, we will scad lb w per weesiy. aoui our reeejpi oi ins remit tance, u jaausrr uh, ion, wiiuniii ee. -apeetm Uopies free. Aaaress LUTHER TUCKER 4 SON, PuMltw., n j l up 1 I the city, and thGy must go. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business! In al! IU branches. GEO. WILLIAMS president W-.-N GLAND Vice PiceMeu HUUHMoNAKY Oushiir. DIRECTORS: Geo. Wllllams.Wm. Hug land, Dr. I. A. itlchardton, J. VV. Hodson J. A Haker. Dank In new Kkchnnge block on Com men-lal street. 8:12-U MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 30 days on good farm loans. FEAR &. HAMILTON, Boom 14, Hush Dank block. S 12ln Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halom, Oregon. W. A. CUHICK, Pres. W. W. MAKTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALUKHT, Cashier. Btate, County and City Warrants bought at Part dw FINETEAS -AND- -AT- H. M; BRANSON & CO., 303 Commercial Street, THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland audHau Francisco. Pint-class in all Its appoint menu. Its tables are Nerved with th Choicest Fruits Grownjln the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop.' ONLY LINE MiMlNG THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8s45 . M. " " 7:30 P, M. DAYS TO CHICAGO Or 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City, PULLMAN .and TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. For rate and general Intorm.Uon cell on or address, IhAtw k Barker, 279 OommereUl street, Balem, Or, Or W.,U. UUKL)BUrtr,..vt, I r. A. SM WM-lsgto- K-, pe1p.;oiM, rtsl my 2 MtortesioNAf, ANfi immune Ai'fi Mtll.MONrOitll.nUofhfyMlRW, alM, .1 urrffuti, Oitlee Hf4ttlr In l'ntUm'g i)Uk. nl law, room 1, J J, Murphy filock, MJ, IIKHIIIII, Atbittiny At law, fttlttrl. , Urrmii, (iitiooverJuUl A Huii' ! '2Ult l8TlAW, (5. W. HUNT. HilAW" tf, lUT,rtttofimySMllitw. OniceoVer Uilll NntiouHl biuik,Hiil6iii, Oregon, Q T.I p. , l Hush ti ttlOHAIttMON. Atlnrnpy nt law. iinco up ntnlrslufrtjiit rooms of new block, comer Commercial nnil tloiirt struts, uaieiiitUrcgon. JOHN A. OAllR'JN, Attornoy nt law. iiooniA a nun i, iflim a building, Bttlem, Uregcn, Hugh's, bink silyr II. K. IIONHAM, W. II. HOLMhH. Boniiah it llot.MKfl, Attorneys nt law. Oillce In Hush's block, between suite nml Court, on Uim'lHt. MK. 1'OOUK. Pteilograpupr nml Type , wrltlsl Ileal equipped typewriting imii o, but nti, in Uicgou. Over Irfidd a Hush's bank, W.tleni, Oregon. Bit. HltADSllAW, I'UYSICIAK AND , Burgeon, nalem, Oregon, oitlee In liUkh-Ureymnn block, tipitnlrs llenldcnce corner Btntcand H, K corner tv Inter street. rll. W. S. MOTT, physician nod sur J gcou. Olllco In I'.ldridge Ulock, Sa iein, Oregon. Olllco hours 10 to 13 a, m, V!to4p. m. 1 1V. X. KJ, 0tllXJl. 0. 8M1TJI. Dentist, W BUto street j J Hjiltun, Or. Plulshi-d deutiil opera- UoiiB ol every ilosuriptiou. UonsasptcUlty. WU. I'UOH, Architect, Plans, Specl , hrntlons urn) superlnteuUeucc lor nil olaH'ert of bulldlugs, Oitlee U Com iKOrcial Ml , up slalrs, CA. KOHKtlT, Architect, room 421, Mai , quam buliaiug, fortlaud, Urtou. DW.TOWNSEN1), Civil Eogluioruud , surveyor. OUlco with Oregon Lund Co , Salem, Oregon. n J. LAIISKN & CO,, iHanuracture of all JL . -ludsof vehicles. ltep.ilrlugu special ty, hhop ttjJUitesncet. PH TEOTIONLODOfc;N02,A.O U.W. Mcels In their hull In dtute Insurance uuhdlng, every Wtduuhdiiy evening. M. A. .IclAlJO, i. W. J. A. HELvVOOD, ltecordtr rMl'IlOVED OKDKIt OF RED MKN. 1 KmuluKun IrlbaNo. 8, halem. lloldb council every Thursday evening, at 7:30, n Igwam In sulo Insurance hull, K. C. IIaKER, Prophet. K1UNK C. oATKIW. ( hlr of Hoonli The Pacific Detective BUREAU, SALWIVI, - Oregon. C. B CLEMFNT, Manager. Olllco loom 'J. U uy muck. Hates rojsonubla. Public aud private work done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The placejlor young ladles and 'gentle men to ecnre ajtUorough education Is the oUl.butcverinew. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Ixing and still the lending Institution ol the North West. Hotter than ever I New course of instruction In Oratory, Theology nml Post-Unulualed. ii'lUDlE-. Norma., UuslncHS, Academy, College, and Ijiw courbes greatly enlarged and Improved. Pucultles lucrcnied nnd improved. Kor ruiulokiuo of Collie of Law wrlto Dean H t. iiieimra'.on. lisq , aiera, ur. Kor Catalogue of College of Medical nnd Pharmacy write Dean ltlchmond Kelly,M D Portland. Or. .. l'omunu. ur. Kor gonoral dialogue wrlto Rev. Geo. WhlUikcr, D. D., President, Balem, 7-Wm-dw Or. FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will bo opened to studeuts Bout. IS, 1802. Oilers the most practical courses of study oluuy stlio i in the Btate, viz: Mechanical Kngliieerliuf. Oivll Knglnuji-lng. Klectrlcul Unglncerlni;. Acudemlo and Oram mar school courses Students pmctlcu dally in wixid shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition nnd Hoard per Year, 100. Special Inducements to a few young men who wish to work for their board and till, tlondurlng vacations, Korprospectusund further Information, uddress 1.DW1N ilOlllllaON.M.H, Prosdeut, Balcm, Or. Miss Ballou.'s KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptcmuer 10th, at Kin dergarten Hall, opposite opera house, children received nt three venrs of ace and over. A conflicting Cass win be es- lH0llhea loraaVMUceu Kinueigiirteii pu nils and those he.luiilnir primary work Only the best modem Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's system ol drawing Htiu coior worK inirouuceu. ENGINE AND BOILER F nit rale. The boiler is mi K-horie up right tunular, land tho engine a (Mi roe liuriz nit 'I. Uo'.li uro In good condition, and cal t:00 whun new Apply to A. il. rOll-TNiJilJ COoppo- Pltc i'iiii.tiwui I rin I II MI! Ml The Cily Dairy Is now prepared to sup ply milk from a herd liat Is one-hall huh grudd Jersxys HutUfiCtlon guaranteed. Aaureas orcait otiisMiiouicKou u im- 11 J, .nil 1AI . fc-l iTAPNES, FO? CURE A tin wundCunnlete Treatment, consist lngofsupMlurles, ointment In capsules, also box aud pill; a positive cure lor ex ternul, lnUirusI, blind or bleeding. Itching, clir mle, recent or hereditary Piles, aud many other disease and female weak. uMe; ltlsalH'aysa great bsnetlt to the general health The nml diseovery ol a indioit cure rendering an operatloa with the knife uunevM.ry heitolter. This remedy lias never beu known to fall, f I per box, 0 fur Mr. sent hy mall. Why suffer from this lrrlnle rtl-e when a written iriiitr-nli Is ulviu wltnuboiul. to rfcfuud lhti'i..ii,f linoteurud ifcadsUmpftirlree aataplc, Ouir nwetMued by Wooimkd, VUKnUtt, o., wrjoiiMwi huo retail -rug- gist', smoig-nts, roijrnu. ur. urooK TIIR CiUTIAli JOURNAL HOfEfl OnOTII.RS, Editors, i'ltllMMllKDJJAil.Y.KXOKITBOrllUY, nf tii ' Capital Journal PublliMng Company, (Incorporated,) Office, Oommer clal Street, In 1, O, lltilldlnrf kntdrcd At the postoffteo at Bfltetn,Or.,M sttortu-clnM hiatttr, MVBCI.R FOtt ItUSlNlMS MEN Is whnt tho Young Mon'a Cliflstlftti AaBoolatlon odere to provide. It oilers n Kyiniinsluiii for ttio develop incut of bleep1! hi tho banker. It oilers recreation for tho tired nnd jaded Individuals vho?o irenteat pliyslclitl fentH consist of Hopping n blotting pad aud pushing a pen over the lodger page. Muscle Is what tho business and professional man of the day needs, lie does not need It to much to look nt, from tho front row of seats nt tho athletic club or variety theatre, as to possess It himself. Ho needs It In ciioe he undertakes to set an alder man utrlglit-nboufBor order n tramp oil the front steps. In Its gymuasium work tho Y. M. O. A. oilers Just tills cluss, who do not get the requisite amount of physical exerctae, what tbey most need,and a bath thrown iu. A more robust race of business nnd profes sional men Is not a bud legacy for this order to givo the world. AN-A- ItOAIl TO FAME Has been opened by tb? churches that prosecute pastors for heresy. The advertisement of Profs, firiggs ilu'd Bmltli, both at the head of two great colleges of tho Presbyterlau church, makes them more distin guished in ' the eyes of tho world than any amount of conformity of doctrine. If some second-rate man wants fume let him get Into the Presbyter lun ministerial barneoi, kick at a few dogmas, and he will bo tried for heresy and attract the attention of the civilized world. The Associated Piess will daily bulletin his defence of his bid for notoriety. He will bo solemnly condemned by the coufoiming brethren. His sentence curries nothing with It but a still greater advertisement nnd a badge of ability that opens to him rich pulpits of other denominations. Who would not bo a respectable Presbyterian heretic? Tho Presby terlau church offers unusual oppor tunities for such fume. TUE CUILDCEN'd AQI Truly tho age prides Itself In do ing for the little ones. Think or the books, magazines and papers the children of today have read compared with forty years ago. It is certain thoro Is enough of it all, a surfeit of much. The Hash literature for youth Is passing away. Something better comes to tulto its place. Before us are two notable types of tho child llteraturoof the ago the Kinder garten magazine for Decemberfor mother, teacher and student of the new educatien: also tho Child Garden, a monthly of story, song and pluy. The 11 rut Is for tho elevation and edification of those who give thought to the proper development of childhood, from the Froebd stand point. Tho second Is for the chil dren themselves. It is a progressive Ideal monthly for tho juveniles at homo or in school. It, too, Is from the klhdergartcn standpoint. Ad dress for samples, Kindergarten Magazine, Chicago. ' M1N1HTEK1AL OALLINU Upon theinembers,and those sought to bfoome members Is not growing in populurlty as it has been practiced of lute, If a minister of the gospel uowodays makes visitations from house to house, as told of in Paul's duy, he Is apt to find nine men out of ten about their work or business, riliull he call only on tho women and children? Most ministers would resent this Idea, yet It Is about what It amounts to lu a busy city, or even in tho country, Chances nre tho lady of the bouse Is out culling too, and tho minister must cull on the servant girl, which he generally does not set out to do. It Is cerlulu he should as a minister of the gospel call on the sick and needy aud help them If he can. PAHT1K8AND PAHTIK-). drover Cleveland has recently said: "If we see nothing Iu our vletlory but a license to revel In par tisan spoils, we shall fall at every point." There are political parties that are propagandists for needed reforms, Tbey are organized to aavauce a great truth, to promote an improved order of government. Such wm Sir Robert Peel's party In the strug gle for untaxed bread. Such was the Republican party in the struggle to abolish slavery, There are political parties that come to be a mere raacnine to get meutfflce.. Tb.y .r, . rle tbflr WMiftw, TMf Highest of nil (m Lenvenf nif rVwfer.Lfewt Ui S Ofrt ItaNrt omi smm ADSOLITTELY PURE n conspiracy against good govern menl to promote private interests out of tho public purse. They hoye no objeotlve existence but to "revel in partisan spoils." There In n good deal of truth la what Mr. Cleveland says. It Is a center-shot nt tho greatest objection to his own party. OUT OF TIIK MUU, That Is tho condition In which nil that portion of the city finds Itself where streets havo been graded, gravelled and drained. Tho clean dry streets thus created are being appreciated more aud more. Many of these streetH a y ear ago were standing mud holes utnl ponds of water. Especially was this true on the west end of Court street. Boats could sail In many places af ter heavy rains but empty wagons could hardly be drawn through. Now the streets are dry nnd grow ing harder day by day. Tiik Journal favored street Im provements last year and did all lu iu its power to create a publio senti ment In favor of some kind of progress In this line. It has no re grets In this'matter nnd hopes to see the good work go on this year In n proper manner. SUOaESTED COMMENT. The heavy lugubrious editorial is not redd now-a-dayrf. Better roads and less politics Is a topic for the next legislature. There are a few Democrats who do not want the the Balem post office. Very few. ,s Thero Is a chance for some Oregon legislators toollmbtofamo by means of a ilsbladder. Steel cheek has been In vogue for some time, but Chicago Is trying steel pavement. The Marion county grangers are Betting the tune on taxation reform. Wonder if thoy are not about tired of exemptions for debt? The editors have Mr. Cleveland's cabinet all arranged for him. They ure always ready to take tho reins of government In their hands. The enterprising mauuer in which FraukBuker conducts tho state print ing office wins hhu many friends. His latest achievement along this lino Is to Bend out nnd get In tho k various voluminous cburter bills that always swamp tho printing office and got them all printed be fore the legislature meets. A Introduction to the Queen Is au houor conferred on n favoacd few. But every lady of the laud may have ready access to the Queon of remedies Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It promlces to cure every form of weakness peculiar to woiueu, and confirms this promlce by a written guaruuteeof satisfact ion, guaranteed In every case, or money returned. This Royal Remedy Is carefully prepared for women only, and Its t-fllcienoy Is vouched for by countless happy homes and countless thousands of testimonials. A trial will convince you thut it Is luvaluablo in correct ing all Irregularities aud weakness for which It is designed. The Texas cow boys tako Simmon Liver Regulator when bilious. J, K. Pierce, Rahchero U rail do, Texas. The Weekly Olobe-Doraocrat. The farmer, the merchant or the professional mail who has not the time to read a lar.o dully newspaper, will find Tub Wkkki.y Gi-ouk-Dk-mockat, consisting of ten pages, a paper that exuetly suits him brim ful of the best news of the duy, suf ficiently condensed to meet his need, TIioukIi strictly Republican In prin ciples, It is uever so partisan as to suppress any Important news neces sary to a correct knowledge of cur rent events. Once n reader, always a reader. Price $1.00 per Year. Any person sending us three dollars for three yearly subscript ions to the Weekly, will receive ono copy free for n year. A free sample copy may be had by writing for It. Subscript ions received by all postmasters or newsdealers throughout the United States, or directly by 12-6 (U UlxiiiK pkintinoco., St. Louls.Mo, A Dangerous Dsudlock Occurs when the sieve-like aetlou of the kidneys Is Interrupted, and thy partially oeustiostereia from the blood those im purities ror th eseaiM, or wuivu t"y are sueb important euunl. Hrighl'a dis ease, diabetes, suppression ol the urlue, and weakness aud Inuetlou Of the bladder these ure ouujpUlui to the reP4 of whleh llostetlers's Momuu- Hitters are admirably adtpled, Tb ailment uu cheeked are very furildabl, aud lu uil liy ot amsws to this Hie nuuedy auu preventive aausot be plead wtlti vt Biuoh lule, lie Hitter M llltewu etieoualu au IueoiiawbI omim Mm uialsila. IndlkMWoj, eoj.euess, ! to!j3nM UcuaMOeMluy. lUUrlMUK "" ,-, W f , rr1, IcIWfclCr MOT RAO- BY PILOTS. The IltiNtetlrfci Wm WgVtHt MMl Didn't Vtopne to Oet ln. Tho Ug steamship Huntc!iff, ladttt with raw sugar, Arrived off the bar fro JttVa and anchored to await orders from olther the comlgnes, Cebitltos St Boos, of 80-Wall street, of their Irroken.Stmte son.Spenco Se Young. The Hnatoiim usually docks at the Wilnilngkm storw in Philadelphia, and her miwter, bvlier ing that ho would be ordered to proow to tho Qnaker City, did not tk on Sandy Hook pilot when approaching t Hook. '' ' The Philadelphia pilots were on Um lookout for tho steamer, as the pUotui fcea on her aro very large because aha. draws fully twenty-three feet. It to happened thut Pilots Qtts Clatntmt and W. J. Marshall, of Philadelphia, each - unconscious of tho other s set. called tn ; tho cquslgneei and brokors' office ott tti- lonir distanco telephone and lnqninra about tho Huntcliffe. Each was notUMl i that sho was lying off the bar," and t pilots rushed pellruell for the railroad station, their object beingto come on to '" Now York and board the steamer at tM bar nnd thus secure tho prize before any of their brother pilots in Philadelphia caught on to their gaine. Thoy met nt tho station and .instantly recognized each other. Of course each surmised tho 'other's raotive, but'thy boarded tho train, each determined to roach Now York ahead of t)ie other. Arriving at Jersoy City they rushed for the ferryboat, and legged it in great a Btylo down West street. At the Bat tery thoy parted, Marshal cutting acrota lots to tho office of a tho Mutual Grain Sealing company, where the fast; tug W. G. Ferguson was instantly placed at his disposal, whllo Clampot went to the Raymond Towing company's office on, m doad run, and breathlessly demanded tug. Tho high pressure tug J. Fred Lohman, with Clampot aboard, was soon pulling down tho East river. When abreast of Bedloe's island the Ferguson was seen putting out from the Battery wall. Pilot MarshallWM aboard. All possible steam was piled on o boilers of both Teasels. FreeUnd Dalzel, who is tho chinf engineer of tte Raymond towing fAnt, was at the LofeW man's throttle, and the way he d her puff along was a caution. The Y guson began to demonstrate ber worth when off quarantine. From that point on she steadily gained on the Lohman, and finally drew alongside of the sturdy little tug. Thoro was trets-adous- ex citomont on both vessels. It was a roe for n purse of $300, and Pilot Clarnpt saw the prizo slipping out of his. grasp whon tho Ferguson began to draw away. Tho Ferguson got alongside the Hunt cliffo first, and Pilot Marshall was hoist ed aboard in u twinkling. The Lohman was not far behind, and before Marshall had finished shaking tho hand of th HuntcliOVs captain Pilot Clumps dashed up and grabbed the captain's dis engaged hand. Then both pilots claimed tho prlvilcgo of piloting the Huntcliffe). back to Philadelphia, Clampet asserting' his right through having been notified by tho brokers. Both men wero very much disgustad to learn that tho Huntcliffe will be dis charged at this port and cot at Philadsl- ' puiu. Their raqo proveu expensiye to umt pilots, for the hiro of a tug is fifty dolhv ulono, to say nothing of their fare from and to Philadelphia. Now' York , Advertiser. lie Lixes Marrv Uuiriaud Too Mueti. ', Joseph Fenius, n gentleman of Bat-' glan extraction, is a standing protsat agahist those unpatrlotia EnglisbuM who coutinuully decry British art and the British climate and spend their money In inspeutintr statues and piethra in ttutant countries instead oi searcwng'-i .." ... r u for tho beauties of tholr own. Ue cowan from the laud of Quentiu Matsys and Petor Paul Itnbens, but think you that ids nrtistio soul la satisfied with the pro- Q dnctions of these foreigners? Not a ml of it. His ideal of really high art i to 1 found among the statues of London For halt a day ho would stand befora : Charles Fox, sitting in Rut-ell squara; clothed In as much of a Roman toga M4 ciiu be seen through a sturdy -oeumn- latlon of remnants of fogs. "Ahl" used to cryi "that's something like art. ' And when he got tired of this yiaw hf , patiently trudgetl to Charing tJroat gaze upon tno magnirpieut stsioa Cliarloa i, covered from top. to tea tho splushinxs of omnibuses and hmim soius. Why should a man with high tastes trad appreciation of art Umt himself in tue iNorui police court! The fact Is Peru is In receipt neitslou of forty pounds a year. w payable in his native city of Ubanft. moment lie receives nta annual I apco he comes over to London to i It in Kaslnz upon the statues af and visiting our innsenma. WMAj the end of the year It is all gona thil sul has to pay bis passage uae to Where be draws a freU stun ana I the exiKWiment. A policeman I wandering on Stamford bill any means of tubsistaaoe and sneak a word of ISugUak. Ha wi ing to be sent bosaebythei as lie had one or two ooppars. oompeuaation was for the i tainabte. The magistrate him. aud is a day or two whe i peoaalosity lias set to, no donht I iaa anthoriUas wUl ate hint l off. 8o uwny aliens coma to onti wHHont a rmtmr in their nookete 4 pereea Hha Jeaeph Famas stiaftH WiniMninitWMHH v, i JOOISt-?- rt. L