' .... r , ., i i mttf' WitowKwwmmniwMiWwmmmmmwmMrmMiijawwvtijin'niim imn' MHBIL.lliJll'U'W.' in nj-tm - in I n ... Ti" & fJI ? M V t -- ' - - - aB.B3AT BLAtJaHTUK PRICES of CLOAKS Stout vury lino umh uM lio sold at very low ptlocn in OtdoMo djeilif mil . ""V ' OUfWllllOi' StOOK. Don't Miss a Good Bargain. The Pal, acb', REPIIB. SENATORIAL CAUCUS. Ill II-'-- Pcrnlclons Activity of Demo cratic SunatiM'fl 1H MEDDLING WITH WKIEHN STATES The Popo Onco More Denounce Free Masonry. WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.T liu He publican senatorial caucus uiot ugulii at 10 tbis nloruiug and lurllier dis cussed a proRrnDimo to be followed by the party In regard to prospcctlv a senatorial contests In several western Btates. A resolution was offered t Senator Hawlcy, of Conuectlcui, and adopted, autborlzlng the chair man (6-enator Bherman) to appoint a committee of flvo senators to take Into consideration the wisdom and propriety of senatorial Interference Into tllese contests. Obvious purpose of the resolution is to reflect uti picas, antly upon the "pernicious activity" of tbe Democratic caucus committee in this matter. ' Further than that nothing was done except to discuss tbe general outlook In the West and the result of this was to greatly en courage Western senators, Inasmuch as It demonstrated that their East ern colleagues are by no means luke warm In tbe matter. Tbe caucus i adjourned subject to call. Ferninst Masonry. Rome, Dec. 15. Tbe pope will soon send to the Italian bishops a letter, douounclug Freemasonry as pursuing a satanlc aim In replacing Christianity by naturalism. The Geary Act. San Fkancisco, Dee. 15. Infor mation was received from federal authorities yesterday that word has ben oent by the Uhlneso Six com panies that th'ero would be no fui ther resistance made to the Geary registration law. At the Cbiuese consulate, however, Secretary Tang Hung, speaking for tho consul do lled that opposition to tbe Geary act bad been withdrawn. Dodge tho Question. BnussKLS, Dee. 15. Tho commit tee appointed by the International monetary conference to consider the various projects submitted to the conference has adopted a report. The report cencludes: "Ilavlug re gard for tho fuel that tho conference has not yet pronounced on tbe gen eral questlou, tho committee do not feel satisfied in taklug a volo upon the proJeotB referred to them, or at tempting to formulate a compromise between varying mouotary doctrines advanced." A Tonnessoo Tragedy. Nashville, Dee. 15. Lust night at Bellevue, near hero, a negro out raged a respectablo white girl, Em ma O'Brien. A posse started In pursuit aud it is reported that tbe rtivlsuer was caught, hanged to a tree and his body afterwards cre mated. Banker Found. New York, N. V. Dec. 15. Tho inystory surrounding the disappear ance of Banker Linus E. Post, ol Trtcomu, has beeu cleared up. lie has not beeu murdered, nor has he committed suloldo, us was geneiollj supposed. Ho was seeii alive in Huboken where it now turns out he too); steamer for Europe, New York Plurality. AIDANT, N. Y., Dee. 15. Figures of tho state board of Unuvasser mado today show that the national Democratic tloltot had -18,110 phual lty in this state in the November election. Finances, Washington, Dec. 15 Tho com mittee on ways and menus till morning adopted a resolution that n oosimltlo of live be named to in vetiigHto the llnanclal condition of tbe irva'ury. A Little Ketter. r' WASHINGTON, D. ft, Dec, 15.-A pfum rep titer who wtlltd at the ,, Maine mention this iiioruItiK was lutormvi that Blaine who h Jlttlu iH,r uud ray eemfvrUety DRY minwwwwwww rorULIUT 8KNATOIIB Tj bo Forced In btatos Where Thoy Hold Balance of Powori Toit.ica, Krbji Dee. 16. Copies of a teller from It. 13. Tnuueiiuck, chairman of the People's party na tional oommltteo, have been " oelvpil hure,lit which he urges mem-iM-n of tho tlow parties to force the elcU'oii of straight out Populist sen ators In those states where they bold the balance of power In tho legisla ture. Taubeneck's Mter purports to be a reply" td one received fromD. B. U in mi, of Tacoma, Washington who wishes to prevent, If possible, any member voting for either a Ho publican or Democrat. Taiibenesk my: "Tho great questlou now lei What will the Peopled party legis lators do when it comes to balloting for senators? Will thoy be big enough for tho position they occupy? Wilt they remain true to tho people who elected them, or will tbey dis grace their states ana the sentiment of the United Sates senate with H tings of bribery attached to cerllfl catwi of election as the state of Illi nois did two years ago? Anyone who bus not gouo through a contest Of the kind does not know what he will have to bear. The future of our movement rests with them; they can either make or destroy tbe party. But It seems to me that any one with tbe fate of More and Cock rell before him never will turn back on the people who elected him." Kansas Politics. Toi'tKA, Dec. 15. The Demo crat io leaders from all parts of the state are here to attend a meeting of tho Democratic central committee to decide a senatorial question. Numerous candidates aro in flie Held, but John Martin seems to have a load which Is hard to over come, the relief being he cau best unite all members of tho party. With tho aid of ouo Democrat, the Populist can elect a senator, ana Senator O'Brien, though a straight Democrat, makes It impossible to elect any Democrat other tbau a fuaioulbt nod Populist. Tbe caucus will decide who that fuslonlst will be. Bills of Lading. Washington, Doc. 16. Tho house passed a bill making It un lawful for any common carrier to Insert iu a hill of lading a clauso to release it fiom liability for loss iu transportation of merchandise com mitted to itrtoare. Postal Deficit. Washington, D. C, Doc, 15, Tho Secretary of tho Treasury has scut to the House today an estimate of dellciency In appropriations on ac count of Postal Set vice. The de llciency amounts to $807,070 and oovora yearn 1801, '02. Uolonol Shepard Oloared. Ni.w Yowc, Dee. 15, The Jury In tho Qray-Sheiiaul case have re turned a verdict for tho defendant, Colonel Shepard, Chinese Smugglers. San Francisco, Dee. 15. Tho revenue cutter Corwin, lu command of Lieutenant J. H. Quiuati, has re turned from a two 1iijb' crulfo along the coast looking for tho smuggling sohooucr which is sup posed to havo left Vlotoila about a week uio with Chlneso on boaid and over a ton of contrabrand opium lu her hold, with the evident Inten tion of stunggllm; the eutlru cargo ashore somewhere along tho Cali fornia coast. Tho Corwin went as far south as Point Conception aud north to Tumults bay, cruUlug lu and oil'tflioro along tbe entire coast. Not a sign of a suspected V(ssel was seen, and tbe Corwin returned for orders. It is thought doubtful that (he Corwin will go oit again (iu the same (lima, Her (fllreru expect that die will bo onion (I to lie up for the winter. Murdered Boy's iJody. Pan Diixip, De-j. 16. It Is report ed that the kdynf George Feale, the bo.v murdered by Captain Smith ou the s!(op Lou, bus lurji sighted lu tliu kelp off tbe lowtr California coait, ueer Ewenada, A m gone i,ut from i)Cto, sailboat GOODS nnd SHOE STORE, 307 CdnlhlGfclal Street. HWH'WWiWiPMWTlWPWTWJP IWIWW I W'M MOTHER AND CHILDREN HORN, Itollilliig-JIoro Corn Mills In Europe DR. BRIGGTS HERESY TRIAL. Pnul Mohr Will Build n Tort ngo ltnlhrny. Threo Persons Burned. St.PaUL, Minn., Dec. '15. Mrs. Eticlms' boarding liouso nt Union I'.irk suburb was burned last night. Mrs. EiClmsand her two children burned to douth. More Corn Mills. HAMHtmo, Dec. 15. Another mill has been started in this city for grinding Indian corn excluxlvely. This is the third of the kind now running. The establishment of these mills Is due to trio efforts of Charles Murphy, special agent of the United States agricultural department, who wasseut to Europe to work up the use there of corn as a food product. DR. BBiaOS CONTINUES. His Elaborate Dofenco of His Al leged Errors. NewYobk, Dec. 15. In his ar gument, Dr. Brlggs took up the second charge, in which, it is al leged, be held as co-ordinato tbe Bible, the church and tho reason as hources of divine authority, iu his cekbiutrd inaugural address. He s.dd be recognized that tho Scrip tures are really the gieatest author ity of tbe Christaln religion. He thought, however, the authors of the Westminister confession had not fcufflcieutly recognized that the "logos'' was tbe light of the world, as tuught in the prologue of John's gospel. If1 the Prcsbyteilau doc tnues,as, taught by tbe Westminster dlvluis, were alone accepted, then must the soldiers of the Salvation Army, the members of tbe Society of Friends, tbe uu-uumbereil heath ens and tbe unbaptized children of Baptists be considered eternally lost. He, for one, was not willing to subscribe to nny bucIi barbarity. Tho confession of faith did recognize that tl)o word should be illuminated by' tho spirit of God iu tbo heart, The heathen could be saved by the shining of tbo "logos" In their minds and not by abeltefin a Bi ble thoy knew nothing of. As the Pharisees of old were rebuked by Chi 1st for maintaining they alone poesetsed all goodniep, so now should these modern Pharlsies ot the Presbyterian church be rebuked for denying salvation to millions who do not describe to their narrow belief. Contluulug, Dr. Brlggs said. "Heasou Is acknowledged to be the greatest endowment God has given us. It is the holy of holies of the human nature; the preseuce chamber of God within tbe soul, In to which tho divine spirit enters when ho would influence man, and lu whioh our Savior dwells." Speaking pf the Salvation Army, Dr. Brlgga said; "It Is significant that right at tho close of our century wo havo a greut organization out side the church, without tbo minis try of tbe sacrameuts, which seeks, above nil things, tbe salvation of tbe lost, and endeavors to impart full Hiilvatlon to all people," The re mainder of tho jeply, w blch is very lengthy, went over, It will be prlu ttd and submitted to the mem bers In that form. A Portage Eoad. Tun Dalles, Or., Dee. 15. P.iul F, Mohr is In the city, and lu the papers this evening advertises for bids on twenty-two mljes of a port ti!0 road to be built ou the Washing ton side of the rlvi-r from Columbus, opposite Giants, to a point opposite Crate's nolut. thr..e miles west of The Dalles, thewnik to ha beguu by' January 10 and completed by July 15, ISO:), Mr, Mohr's compuuy, the Columbia Kullw,y & Navigation Company, ulrmdv huMeverx miles of grid commute J west of Colum bus with ireetle in and Iron luid, 144 44nttU i,U Hat Ji 4tiUtiu liitst Nlrihi Afc OAti rfftrieiBdo -for A i'llrrtoof $20011. Ham fit vni'Im, Dee. lfi.- Dannie Mii'diitifti, rx-elittl(iiilofi welter tfclftllf, hfnl fnily Hintili, or5 Hflif.i), enroll In n glove oolite! for n 2HKt ()llr0 ill llii' IMtlille Athletic chill (nil tilghf-, Hmilh scored the flfsl liltnv, a llht rlglit arifi Imok oil tlicjiiw, but WitA liUsod for chok ing NVeiilmiM In a olluoli. Smith fotigllt Very freely, Needliatii ci t having warmed tip. Cllnolici were frequent, rtlid Hmllti took overy pos sible nitvuiit'igt', Nectllmiil scored novural hard left jitbs hi Slnltli's fnco In (he llilrd. The Boston boy look a great many chances in tils anxiety lu Wind up the light quick ly. Both men countered heuvlly iu Smith fought viciously and made the pieo pretty hot for Necdham, who was forced to the back ground frequently Needbam landed a sick ener over Smith's he irt and swung a hard left on neck. Necdham stopped a ruh with a stlfl half arm blow on the neck, Smith bleeding at tbo mouth. The fifth aud sixth ruUnds wero marked by hard countering, most of Smith's right hand Bwlngs lauding on Needham's ribs, but he closed the sixth with n left swing on Needham's face, staggering the latter. The seventh was a hard round, Smith having a trifle the best of it. He had a lump over bis left eye, Needham's lip was bleed ing. Eighth Smith nearly dropped Needhum with a left in tho mouth. Iu the ninth Needbam sent him to a sitting positiou with a right up- percut. The latter retaliated by knocking Necdham down twice witb'his right. Ho had Needbam groggy, and held to him, slugging with bis right on the head and ta. -lug every advantage. Needbam was sent down aaiii, but drove Smith back with two savago left drives that landed through luck on Smith's jaw. Needbam was lu bad shape this round. Tenth The men came togbthei in a hot rally. The referee, was accidentally sent sprawling; Smith threw Need bam, but the latter, though shaky, came back hard, and Smith's note bled freely. It was give and take, with chances in favor of Smith, who was much tbe fresher of the two. Eleventh Great count ering Ith lefts. Smith strong, and his right hooks very foiclble. Need bam is lighting an up hill buttle with much determination. Smith'B eyes aro closing. Twelth Smith slowed up somewhat, and JNeed h.im rested. Thirteenth Smith rushed, Necdham stopped him. Smith got in two rights on the heart and one on the wind that staggered Ntedbam. Smith took every advantage, as from the start, and when he attempted to upper cut Neo.lham, whom he dropped to his knees with a right bander, the spectators shouted in indignation. Fouiteeuth Smith started iu like a whirlwind, slugging with his right and left, giving Needhum no chance to make a stand. He knocked Needbam down twice, thco sent bim Hat on his face with a right hand uppercut. Needbam was lifted aud borne to bis corner by seconds w Uilo Smith jumped lightly from the ling, after bavlug fought almost incessantly for nearly an hour. Murdored at Home. Tokoni o.Dec. 15. A special from Port Arthur, Out., says Aicble Cam mill) a Ficnchman working lu tbe silver mines, was murdered. Cam mill was entering his house lute wheu shot through the heart by some unknown person. A man named Iiowe, a brother-in-law of Cammlll, last seen with deceased, has disappeared. Ho Is generally looked on as the guilty party. Arrosted for Abuo of Mails. Maksim'ikm), Or., Dec. 14. Post olliea Inspector W, C. Botitelle nr rived Saturday evening fiom Bau dot! with Mrs. M.uibiH under his charge, le.ivlng hero Monday morn ing. Tho ch'irge Is supposed to bo for sending obscene matter through the malls. Her husband, Frank Manset,ls now In the insane asylum at Salem. Sho w as divorced several j ears ago. Doad Body Found London, Dec. 16. The body of Patrick Maeadury, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was found iu the hold of tho Aucbor line steamship Bolivia, at Glasgow from New York, imbeded among tbe grain, Macadury was bowIuk bags in the hold when the ' Bolivia loaded with wheat from a lighter. It Is supposed he was over whelmed by the grain which was uhuted lu at the r..lv of sevtial tons per minute, &ti J)tt)td JL tTordrtrt ol Udmcslon, N. Y. OolorlosSmaoiatod Helpless A 6'oniprte Vitro by ltOOtfS BAHSAl'AlULLA, Tlits I from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a retired f.trmer, and one of the most respected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y. ' rvifirloen Jrcars npo t liml r.n nttnek of gravel, mid Imvo uliico been troubled with my Llvor and Kldnoys gradually growing worse. Threo yenrs npo I was sn low tlmt I could arnrcely wnll I looked inoro llko a corpse? than n living bDliiR. I lind no apitotlto nnd for five wocks i me nnthliift Inn grnrl. I was badly miclatcd a had no moro color than it nciirliln tmii-. Hood's Sarsa par Ilia was recommended. Ilcforo I had finished tho first hnttlo I notleeil that I felt better, suf fered less.tholMflnitininltoti of Iho blnil .Irrlnd subsided, tho color bORnn to return to my fare, ami I IirRnn i feel hnnerr. After I had taken three bottles I count ent nnythlnc wlthcit liurtlng me. Why, I got so liuiiKry tint I hid to r it n limes a day. I Ji ive now fully recovered, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla I fprl well liml urn moII. All vlii) know me marvel to seo mo so well." 1). JI. ,f o'iiiav. HOOD'S PlLL8 nra tho bcit after-dinner flUi, nssUt dlgottlon, euro hcalacno. THE GERMAN PARLIAMENT. Relations Botween Vaterlaud and tho Vatican. BtntLlN, Dec. 4. Debate on tho first reading of the army 1,111 was continued in the relent nj.Freihherr von Maoteuirel, a prominent leader of the conservative party, made a speech on the measure, in tbo course, of which he resented the aspersions cast upon the conservative party by Chancellor von 'Capiivi, who a few days ago declared in the reiebstag the conservatives were the support ers of Rector Ahlwardt. On behalf of the conservative party, Manteu flel disclaimed any Intention of car rying on a demagogic propa ganda. They never made their at titude toward the aimy bill depend ent upon a conceal m iu other mat ters. Oaprlvi replied that he refoircd to tho report published in the Ki ius Zeltung of a recent meeting of the conservatives. He said be drew from the report the conclusion that the party had sympathy tor the mau who had been condemned by the judges of the land as an asper sor of tho army. ThW statement was greeted by ciies, of "Oh I Oh 1" by the conservatives. Continuing, the chancellor said ho was s itlalkil to find the pirty lud liil.rd to identify itself with Ahiwanll. Dr. Lieber, of the titer p rt) , de clared the centrists would only sup port tho two year's service clause of the bl 1 under the existing organiza tion, aud would opp-we the increase in tho number of soldiers provided for In the bill. They would, he added, oppose oiler points of the m asure. In tho course of his r raarks Lieber made an extended reference to tho relations existing between Germany and tho Vatican. He laid particular emphasis upon the statement that the central party would not dream of demanding a restoration of temporal power to the pope as the price of tho Vatican's s.nctlon o'f the triple alliance. Upon motion of Dr. Oiaun, nation al liberal, tho bill was referred to a ojmmlttee of 28, Vicious Youth. Tacoma, Wab., Dto. 15 Start litig developments which have re su, ted in tho arrest of John Groy, known familiarly as "Jack," show a deplorable state among a large number of messenger boys In this city. Jack, up to n 8'iort time ago, was a niesseng"!. Ho was Jailed on suspicion that ho carried on an ex touslvo oplum-stnoklug business. A 14 year-old ex-measenger and a mau were found In bed, aud there wnBovidenoo that they had been smoking otilum. No lutflta were foun I, howeve . Later it was dis covered th v Jack had been notified that the t flloars were after him, uud that he got his "toolb" out of tho way. Gny had rooms In threo or four lodgliii. -'louses, and did a good buslues', i specially among boys iu the messenger service and disrepu table women, Begular visits were made to a house of ill repute, where he dealt out smokes for good prlcec. It is alleged that boys not more than 15 years old were broken iu by Jack, One of the best patronize. was Jm-k himself. Today he baa been Id a deplorable condition In the city Jail as a result of no opium supply, At one iiiud no morougniy conipca nnd lay lu ft stupor and ht had to bu glventhe drtn?. The ih1!w havo preveuted tho messengers from go- iug further than the doom of que- tlouabl hotwM in answer tuulh. PACIFIC Poll TOWN $2,00 Ix-doou for llifcfltiMf finHfiM l'tiUKKIUAfHHIiittierltj. MONTfJli BHt6. 180 t'onitnerctul Street, T. .liKIIIlHSi 1IOU815 PAINTING, PAPEIt HANGJNG, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 50th nnd Cltrnioketn Street, CENTS A J) AY, Evening Journal. Delivered at Your Door. MARKETS. PullTLANl), Ut'C. 16. Wlieut vallcv, $.UM.17l, WallnWalhi, 51.05fo11.07j. Saw Fkancisco, Col., Dec. 15. Whtnt, Dec. $1,201. (JitifAoo, Ills., Dec. 15. Wheit 713. HOTEL AKKIVAIiS. WILIiAMKTTi:. Wuddle, Hnni Goldsmith, Hobt'itHou, N. H. Jat'lit., J. A Geo. If. Juo. W. Guilt, J. A Dntuiuett, Geo. li. lumen, l'ortltind. Win. E Wnllf, New York. J. L. tcott, Albonv. L Byniojr., St Louis. N. D. Bradford, Hllldboro. . E. Ezlcklei, Cliieago. Now Try This. It will coat you uotliiiifr and wjll surely doiou i;ood, if you liavo a couirb, cold, or nny trouble with Throat, Client, or Lung. Dr. King's Now Discovery lor Consumption, Cougbij, aud Colds ia guaranteed to give reiki', or money will bo paid bad:. Sufferers from La Grippi? found it just tho thing and under Ita use had a speedy and perfect recov ery. Try a H.miple bottle at our ex pense and learn for yourself bow good a thing H is. Trial bottles free nt Daniel J. rry'a Diug Store, 225 Com'ISt. LurgepizeSOots. and $1.00 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts' Bruihes, Sores, Ulceis, Salt Itbeuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped baud", Chilblains, Corns nnd all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure9 Piles, or no pay requires: It is guaranteed to give pertect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pei bux. For sale by Dau'l J. Fry, 225 Com. St. All cases of Weak or lame back, bark nclie, rbeumtul,m, will find nllef bv wearing one of i artcr's Hmiirt weed nud Hrliidonna Hirkacbe plasters I'rlce 25 UUIH, If j iuirrv-oiiaor djpeptlo try Car ter s l.U Is N -r a rills. DyNi.ei sla nmkis ou in itou md nervousness niakeH you ttjt.p-p'l( jeitlji v one lenders you miser able, and ilifw) .ltlle pills cure both, M filHiid, Irnik here! you know how wenk ind n rvo h your wife Is. and you know ibat i ml r's Iron PIHh will relieve hei now wuy not be fair ubout It and buy her a box? JOHN HUGHES, i)caler in Groceries, Puinta, Oils nnd Window Gloss, Wall Pa per aud Uorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc. NEV AJVBJtTJSKtlXNT8. Sloai u in LnAVE3 SALE1I from J. V. Dick" nt 0 o'clock a. m. every iiondiy, Weinesclay and Saturday. LEAVES I'OKTLAND Iromtli'o Central dock at foot of Wanlne ton Ktreet eveiy Tuesday, Thursday and tiunday, loncemlnt; frelcht and passenger busi ness, cil( va Hie agent, AL HEHUEN. Good gnrdf n lnnd three miles Foutbenut of tho penlteuiliiry ou Mocleuy road. S250 rtrtVITii unrl hu'iniAA fn K . 1,. A. ti.. - Or trade for city property. 1). & liHrils, -""' 14-16 II THE FIRST ANNUAL SHOW -OF THE- and" Pei Stock kooifitioi WUl be held at AKXOKY IULL, SALES!, Oil., January (illi, 6th and 7Hu Spusial attraction and many of thm wftfterT: ipin&r"," Sr7ilLlri7or",Sr7nI,,,fi !" and entry blnwwrie to th wrV- wun tbe liipres. ,. w rtturouh ui'inf ' - .. lll. SAlAuE PlIDeiintCfllllllt. r n n t'ri inr, n " ' AtLLtn, WrfUlT. ACRES Poultry LOTS MtUir TRACTS A, H, FOflSTNrtR k CO jlatliltio Sliop, duns, Sporting Hoods, G(c 'IC8 Unntmcrclal Blreil. Hacks & Wagons BLACKSMITH tNO, Btnto Street, - - Hatetn. HADABAUGII k SCOTT, Jjivory Feed nnd Hoarding Stablo, it Htnto 4tic6t, Olinger & Rigdon, J. K. MU1I1MIV. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tito Yard, MOUTit BAhUM, Take It! EVENING Open nlidit md dnt, Corno Court nmlUbeity, H0EYE k MILLS, POJICELAIN BATHS ANP 81IAVINO I'AIlIiOBS, Onlyl'oicelnin llntli'lnbsln tbo city. 208 Com. Ht , Suleui, Ur. Onlv 2cntN your door f-lKW KIVINU WANTKU -lly ii cnmpitent O dreHinahcr. Will ko to bouen. tin- uen. ui 1M.W quire nt J.b Liberty, s (iu iriTVTION WAMlllMty a Gcrinnn luily ii h roolt in iirivale iniiiny, l n- (ulre.lld ixcluineo block, Commercial St., oiilcni, Onuon lUlfllll i. i ol- riVUM I'Al'i:it Is kept outilo at K O L Dniko's AdvertlkliiK Aceno M and ai .MenlmntH Kc1iiiko, Hun , puclRfo, CiillioriilH, wluie tonti acts lorui.fe rtlella; ran bo niiido for It. fTIANLY WOIIK.-Mr. and Mrs. Thco, L1 lt ten luritofall klnsof fnnuy work no "liij lug at llio ColtiiK". HI Courl bt his ln n.ro opportuuln for ladltH nnd nlt-ei5. Jotlilny loHqnal llielr work lias icroiiiPlotliocliy. LudUs wlsblllR to irraii(,'H for le'ous MiotiM call at onco and seo their tlno Kntiiplcs. lZ-t-ol 1 OUNI) A Mnltete cioss Miisonle badgo ui b urn. Cll at tblsolllte. LOTS AT A riAUUAIN. lnelarse lots, conv. nlcnt to city, directs on two hiups, gnrrioii Mil! lino lor lrult. In cue of most built up additions. Apply tolZ. ilnfcr, Jouknai, o 111 co, Sulein. City Warrants NOTICRIs heieby given to whom It ninv toiaeru that I havo in inv bunds Mitlleleut luudK lor the payment ofall wimants orthnlty ol Haloni, "en dorstd" between feept. 2-th and Oct. 2.1rtt, IHIl Interest will tease on said warrants from tho d.i'eul" this notice. K J.MVlKKOKD, Cltytrcns. Halem, Dec, U, 1MJJ. 1241 51 Ths Hoard of Trustees of tho Oregon SIhIh Insiiw Ai-ylum Invito fculcd pio p wilh for lurnlshlngat the asylum neur Bilem, Oregon, tho following supplies fur the six months ending July 1, lHsl.J. UKY GOODS. 20C0 yds. cotton flannel (Nnshu3 xxx) hmwii. 1200 yds Amoskeag mariner's stripes b'UBHOd While. .OOydsLoiibdale bleached sheeting !16 Inches. 6,0 yrtnl'ffluor A sheeting unbleached 38 lur lies. -.OJt) yds Pequot i. sheeting unbleached ti Indies. 200 j ds Continental checked llannel. 1100 ' Ulars crash 18 Inches wlue. UU0 bltuclied linen and trench crash IS Indies wide. 200 yds Ainoi-heiigblue denims Bo, iOO ' P-l bleatlitd sheeting pequot. 100 ' supiilorsutln dauiusk 6s inches wide. 20 ' bed tleklng A O A SB lnoa wide. 100 ' ilarc-llhs checks York nifg, 6W) ' Dingon cloth iikbiirted colors. ax) ' AmcilcuD shitting pr.utrf light colors. ia dot white stny binding Inch wide. 15 ' ladle-.' cotton hose 5 ludlo-.' cotton bund kerchiefs. 10 ' mjsilelurkoy red liau.lkerchlefj 21 Inch. 4dozNo.3(J black (Clark's mile end) thread J doz No. as whlto ' thread, 2Jaoz ' 18 ' ... thread. 2 doz ' 60 ' . . , thro id. 3d07 00 ' . , thread. , b0 yds table oil cloth best quality light color. anooEitiEs. 11,600 lbs granulated sugar. It M0 OU sugar. KMO ' rolled oats Ircsli ground In barrels. MX) ciuckod where fresh giound in buriels, UW lbs gold dust corn meal (or ns good) freih giouud In uarreis 12f0 lbs hominy ficsh ground in barrels. 4( 00 choli e Ulaud nco. 10 OgalsAmber drips (syrup) inSOgal bbls. A0 ' genuine ew Orleans molakses best quality. 1000 lbs corn starch Oswego or as good. V 000 'Liverpool suit K 600 ' chei se Cranston's or ns good. JiO USUo'sAAH brand carb soda. 1A0 ' cream tarUir J A Folger'u prime or as good 25 gross ulcan superior safety matches, i5 doz brooms. 2 ' whisk brooms. 8 ' cans ojsttra field's or as good. "M .. torB it e' ling brand or as good, 10 b-ixes vermicelli. , 18 doz concentrated lve American, to ib steilo was oandieB 14 oz 2diz Worcestemhire sauce (quarts) Lee 4 l'errlns. ' OfO lbs xxx soda crackers fresh, HO GTHie joo ' Hoss h its rch Oswego or as good. 160 ' l'earl barley. -IlOCEKY. 1 doz soap dlthes. 15 ' Ua cuis. iu sauceis. 16 ono quart soup bowjs. a ooega Ion iiluhets. i 0 luch s up plates. 2 one pint j rnp pitc hers. - 18' Oiuch dinner plates. U ' tumblers. 8 7 inch plates. a ' I pint cream pitchers. 2 ; 12 Inch vtgetable dleb.es, 4 ' ! ,' 2 ' lantern globes, ii ' Mbake baits, l suga bowls, 48 waxiapeiN. I chamber pots. OILS, ETO. i00'J.nb,'soOd,a.',tarl braUtl ln twk llo paranine In cakes 6x8 Inches, KLOUK. Ul;Selntaraa0w,enS?ebdrlr0Uer proCea8 de MEATS. W '. ref. Jy more or lffsof bfer as re qimrieA" tqUUl l rlS f fo,v au(l UlDd RO.ll m '? K'r c"ou or as good. Asylum So ) cs '"" "r "aiouib-suoryorasgood '11I1.U KRU1T. too "VajUjfwyh nd ofjgood quality, V pnires i HO raths i , VI.NEQAlt. 600 gati pare cider 40 gw. bPiota. 20 ibima-e ground WW blu krwi'mrgri'imd. 6' ' glUkervrou-d. TEA, IHO U Qoluratia brand or a ft. w v A K I) FAltAIS, J-1 KENNE1T k mt r o Blook. CIko.s nd Tobacco,' BILLIAIH) PARLOR 4Q Coin'l Str. ret. T. W.THORNBURG, Tho Upholsterer, JOURNAL , 1 1 llcmorielfi, rr-onvfr. ,. . . emu- insunince block, " JOHN IHWIN, Carpenter and Builder, .Shop (BHUteitreet. StororitUnjjsaSpcclahy COKKKE. 4000 lbs osla Hlea first grade 100 ' Gov invii. ' lf)J ' Ileal Mocha. 10 ' Chlccoiy. '1 OJ1ACCO, 1WX1 iledgo llninmor brand or Osgood STATION EUY. 0 renins letter paper "liirlston" half ghtn. or us cond. 8eu 1 12 doz lead pcncllsrub tlpassorred N 112 ' J sou's Inaellblo ink ao8 2 crossGllloti's 401 pens. LU ATI I hit. 1 side ham, ss Orofou extra or as Eood 6 soleHtoclilonioto27tmiinds ner' cxlrn llrll. ' per ilde 2 call skin- good stock. i liLctsklns. HltltH hklrllug nan Klsh ns required, glMng prliepcrpoun',1 for furnishing tho'dtllcrcnt kiudrolffiua llrsl cl iss condition, "iusiim HAKDWAItU 2 do? dust imns. 2 ' galv lion buckets. J gross A Mo 7 llat head Ire n wood screws. i ' ys ' 7 ' . 2 14 II ' , i ' 1 ' 10 ' . 2 ' i ' U ' . 2 lbs ?4 Iron brads. 21' 2 ' IK 100 lbs u cut nails , M) ' M ' ' :?,. " : I L iron. 100 ' (K)' ' ' IU) ' n rtnlshiug 100 ' 10' ' J H.J ' ' wire' JOO ' 10' ' ' 20J icel each Jand round lion Norway. W) ' 7-lo ' . i " 150 ' 'A ' K ' 3-4 oc'nirou tool steel. 60 l1x511uliouorwiy. 10 lbs each .u o,7, aud 6, ruluam horse slioe nails. 15 lbs each and washers. ft ' 1 " 11m yt lu mus. 15 ' -o Jund 3 sheet's American steel toe cilks. 1 llMncu horso ra.p Illller llros. 10 pkjN 41b tlncd 11 it head rieU. 1 each 5 lOand yA top uud bottom wedges. 1 iSuSiind 1 No 8 buh ptln immnier IK and 13-1 lbs. " 1 kci iwita urills6-8 round shank by H6 from 1-8 to 1 1 each .i-8 plug and taper machine Up Uiceu iler t jilig each .110 carriage bolts, 1, 2K, 3, 3K ana 4 Inch long " and 41nohloiig ' 1 6-lb ' 2,2,3.3X,4 and 5 Inch loug ' ' 1 ' U-8 ' 2, J K.3,4,5 and 0 inch loug ' ' 1 ' ' 1-2 ' ' 2,3, ii, OandH inoii long 1 ' ' K machine bolts , 1, VJ, 1S aud 4 Inch long ' ' 1 ' 6-10 ' ' 2.2K.M. nnd 5 Inch long ' 1 ' ' .IS ' 2,3X,3,4,5 Cinch long ' " 1 ' ' 1-2 ' ' 2&4f,6,7, nnd 8 iLch lung ' ' ' 6cD lbs bet blacksmith coal I'LUJUJING, H doz each 3 4, , U, Jenkins valves leuiowiblH uti. as 2 doz each Huaiilug'stoXnndlto,lK 1 do'taoh IK, SA, 1 inch flanje umous 1 do cai h 1-2 1 1-4, 1 1-2, 1 htrcet ells J -2 doz 1 inch plugs 160 leet each 2, l.lack pipe ltO ' ' a, 1 i-2 galvanized pipe 2t0 11-4,1,3, 4,12 ul&CMlpe i0 ' 1 1-1, 1,3-4, 1-2 Kalianiz.d pipe 160 ' ,H Diuck pipe 1-2 doz each cutler wheels lor No3an40 J Miuuder's cutter leach lliock'sdialn tongs 2 fretacdSfeet 1 2 dnz each 6-8 and ccolch guugegiassa 16 Inch long 1 hose snap fastener 1 doz hose fusiuners 1-2 uoz boxes plug safety chain 2U tmsbels chui eoul 75 lbs solder 0 IbsiNo let insulated copper wire. JJKUOv 5 lbs carbolic acid crist 1 ' buraclo 10' aqua ammonia, cona 2 gross bottles- h oz 6 ibs chloiolorm, qulob'6br anestness 2 ' coliodlou Igros ecu lis JVoC 1 lb 11 ext Idecuo, Wieth Bao or P D & Co 1 ' ' ' cannabis indlca ' ' 2 priinisvlrginlaua' ' 21bsflxt sarsaparilla Wieth & Bro, or 1 l . Co 5galHt,lcerIue 1 glass graduate, 10 oz , . 200apoinorpb!a, hypodermlo tnblea, VyethGro 1 oz morphine, sulphate 1 lb citiate potassium lib iodide 2 gal castor oil 2 di z stiengthrnlng plaster 2 doz porous plaster AJlcocks I lb simple ointment llbvaseliuo XXredued 1 mortur, wedgewood ro,tt. . ... H mples muy beceeu ut ihe office or idj boaid, goods must be In accordance inert wllh, and oom iu o lglunl pacsogei wbm possible. The rizhl to reject any oruM is reserved. Delivery of supplies will MJf quired v;lthln ten das' notice of sccepij uiiceomici A copy oilliisaaveriKu.v--uiustuceompany each bid and tbe aaro of the cluss ol supplies must be willla,SJ tbe envelope. Each bid must Include w Ibeite-usof the cluss bid uren.ard n give items nnd totals tu f u I l'b exiP; tlon of meat, flour, fish. Auditing officer, are prohibited from confirming ee0J!2z of pun hases w ben the udv.rtlfemen oo uoi contain a full aud complete descrtF""" of tho artlclesto be purchsed Illds will be opened at 2 o'clock P- " on Monday, January 2, 1893 BYLVESThll l'RNNO I'aiL MuTaru i, V. A. M UM.V, Hoard of trustees- Cleric ot the Board. Scientific America Agency w" .wia J..Zil PATCMT. "S,nHT. . . .. .. tr.nhnnl: wlt ?, roT iniorraaiioo "" ,00"Trrir mw 1"TL J1UNV & CO . Sol n"J,Ii,, to JUi2 Oldest bureau for eo'r'KJ ,ff if broSla I Krerr ratenl taken out br S iof,S2rj tbe pufcaoUj a notice glren free or gtovm wwi & Agency wr mH .ssssA vSSjSSS0 sssk-iis m tjm MLm Lartrart nlreulatlon of anr nUyoiSiirt SriMStfff