''VOW" "f1FP Sj a EVENING CAPITAL VOL. 5. ' THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1892. U "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY.". TO, 19 p?1 ww iipmftrr Tsrf srwirtii JOURNAL CHINK! NEW CHINA NOVELTIES AT DAMON BROS. They have just received direct from the importers at Boston, a mammoth stock of a new thing in Austrien Decora ted Chinaware. IN BROKEN SETS You can buy any number of pieces and need not take a full set. It costs only about half as much as the Haviland, BLUE FRONT, 1 S. 1 At lower prices that ever before offered. They have the Prices Ed. C. Wholesale ami Jlctiiil Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Minds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. !)i Court and 710 State Streets. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All House-fluisbing Material mntle to order at the lowest Portland prices. Kee us before jou buy. MAUTI2T & 1IABKIX8, BLAOKHMITHING AND HORsESHOEING. The be9t work iu every department. Hacks, Buggies and Harrows made to order. State Street. ARCU1E J1AMLN. A. B. SMITH MAS11 & SSMCE'IE! LEE General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, OREGON. Wanted At Once. Remnants of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots und Shoes, Hats and Caps, and all kinds of merchandise, either now or necond hand, to sell either at private sale or public auction. Also, Household furniture of every de scription, at the RED FRONT BAZAAR. 02 Stute Street. Sash, and Door Factory Fronfs Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only tho best material used C.N. CHURCHILL T S. BURROUGHS onimcniLL & burroughs, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economio force and lift Pump. 100 Chomeketa Stieet. FOUND The place to rig, Express, Mill feed or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on llyan & Co., back of "Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. KYAN & CO. SALEM IRON WORKS, B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. Manufactures BTEAM ENOINKS. Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Oovernors, Krolt Drying Outnu, Traction Kniflne. Cre.tiDif. etc. Vana mucnlnery ina-le ana repulred. GitncralaiiinUttuatnauuriictureiHollnoceleOriitcd Walibtiora .litem Mlddlln. l'urlnor aud lieels. Farm machinery mad and lepitlred. !nlnm TpiioIt- Xi Hpoir fin uaiuii umm a vm ui em Irou works. Dmya and trucKa may be found throughout Uie dav at the corner f 8tat and 'omruerclHl atreow. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. BROOKS & LE6G, lOO 3tt. and compares iavorably. bee it, at the Now For Xmas ! OSBURN'S RACKET IS, K. F. Cross, Jj& get a Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, Wood, iay, trood well rotted Manure, DKAYSAND TRUCKS alwuya ready for orders, C!..lt .m.l .1 ..II...... ir..wl ' hay, coal and lumber. Of lice citato St.. opposite Ba- LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. PRESCRIPT rOXS Orrefullj oomjiouuded ilf or !, B THIS DOES NOT REFER TO THE HOME OF THE CELESTIAL, BUT TO THE 335 Commercial Street, STORE is selling largest stock of Dolls ever in no object. T OSBURN. -THN8R ft 180 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Sup plies, isteel Ranges, larlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS fS5The beat on earth. Give us a call. 10:3 tf. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of Willamette Hotel, SA.E.H:fet - OHKQON t annai ti Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeah at All Hoars ol the Day Meno but white labor employed In tbi establishment. A Kx)d substantial meal onked In first class style Twenty-five cents per meal RIC D FRONT Onnrt streM, between Opera House una Mlnto's Livery W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's 268 Commercial street. M.T. RINEMAN PEAUCK IK Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Woedeu and Willow ware. All kinds or mill reed. Also veiretablesaad fruits in their season "Highest frico paid for country produce." Wesollci asuare of your patronage, W) itKlHtAle street 1831 TUE "Si0" 1893 Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES, UKtoTun To Farm.Crop aad Processes, Horticulture and Froit-Growiag Ldve-htock aad Dairying, While It also Includes a.l minor deiw.,. menu of Kurul Interest, eucli as the poul try jard, entomology, bee-keeping, green house and grapery, veterinary replies, farm questions and answers, ilresldu reading, uotuesllo economy, and a sum mary of the news t the week, its war kit reporu are unusually complete, aud much attention Is paid to the prospects of the crops, as throw I lj light upon one of the mwl important of all questions When to buy and when to sell, ills 11 o emliy Illustrated, and by recent enlarge ment, eonialns more reading matter than ever before. The subeertpUoa price Is tija per year, but we oiler a speolal re daction In our CLUB BATES FUR 1898. Two Subscription. B0O0'uUt11(:"$ 4 Six Sutwcristkfii, " " 10 Twelve Subfcriptfoni, " " 18 AarfoallNewSutMierlbera for Iftti. oar nxioadrneei ow, we vrlll sead th pa yer weeaiy. uvw our reewpi or me retuit laaee. to January 1st, IsM.Vf laout eniru. M4-t4polwa Oopn free. Addrew LUTHER TUCKER k SON, PuWW, ft 'II u rn-am the city, and they must go. I WILLIAMS &. ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business! In all Its branches. HEO. WILLIAMS.. Wm. EN ULAND HUOUMoNAllY .l-osldrnt -Vice Preslden Caslilc-, DIRKCTORS- Geo. Williams. Wm. Eng land, Dr. I. A. Richardson, J. W. llodson, J. A Ualter. Hunk In new Exchange block on Com merolal street. 8:1341 MONEY TO LOAN. Spatial Inducements for the neyt 80 days on Reed farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 14, Rush Rank block. 6 12dt Authorized Capital $600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Baleni, Oregon. W. A. OUaiCK, Prcs. W. W. MARTIN, Vice f res. J. U. ALRhRT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw FIN TEAS -AND- COFFEES -AT- H. M. BRANSON & CO,, 303 Commercial Street. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The bent hotel between Portland andBan Franolsoo. i'lixt-class In all Its appoint menu. Its tables are served with thv Choicest Fruits arown'ln the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 . M, " " 7:30 P, M. DAYS TO CHICAGO . 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN .aid TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. for rtM wnd general Information eaU oa or address, JUulao k Uarkor, VK tX)HiiuvUl street, Hateu, Or, Or W. U. UKUJUrtf.,.vst, J. i. A. 9H WaattlBftofcaH., (w PSSlilr l I sl 1 i R0FRS3I0NAL AND HU8INESS AI)S rtllLMON tOUl), atlornty at law, Salem, L Oregon, onlce urtalra In Patton's block,. t I k ,'v '"wuvj v luum ff li' PHMV Alnptti.t nt 1nH. , f l iUUI IILJI l-tVJtli. HJ. lUGQElt. Attorney nt law. Salem, . Oregon. OlIUeoverLudd & Rush's bauk. awf 'l J. SHAW. HI. W. IIItNT. H1IAW A V , HUiNT, attorunyrt at law. Utllieover k.apiiai jMiuouai oaiik, Haiem, Urcyon. g T. RICHARDSON, Attorney nt law, ), otltce up stairs In front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, haiem, Oregou. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney nZ law. , RoonisSaiiaJ.Lada 4 Rush's bank building, Salem, Oregon. 8 I lyr R. K. RON HAM. W. II. UULMLS. poxitAM iloLMra, Attorneys at law JL Oltlce lh Ruxh's hlock. botwecn SUUt .IJU.N1IAM K IIOLMFM. AlU JD Oltlce lh Ruxh's block, and Court, on (Xmlot, ,r K. pouub, stenoumDiier and True- -XIX. wrlust. Rest vqulppdd typewrUlug tmiio, but one, In Oregon. Uor Ladd ot Rush's bank, Uuletn, Oiegon, BH. HRADdUAW.l'UVSICIAN AND . Burgeon, haiem, Oregon, office in iiush-Rreyman block, upstairs Residence corner Htatcand ti. K corner Winter street. pvlt. W. 8. Aiorr, physlcialTanarBuT JL Keon. OHlce in Kldrldge Rlock, Sa lem, Oregon. O Ol co hours 10 to 12 a. in. 'ito4p. in. 1-vR. T. O. SMITH, Deutlst.M State street, XJ Kalem, Or. 1' Inlshod dental opera nous of every description. Painless opera tlonb a specially. T D. PUGH, Architect, Plans, Sped yV . flcttlous and superintendence tor all ciudsod of buildings, OUlco VM Com uitrcial Sit., up stairs, G 1 A. RORKRT, Architect, room 424, Mar , quaiu uuuuiiiK. J. urutiuu, uregon. DW.TOWNaEND. Civil Engineer and , surveyor. Olllce with Oregon Land Co., Salem, Oregon. 1 J. LAR3EN CO,, Manufacture of all . . kindsof vehicles. Repalriug a special ly. Bbop 4i Ktate street. PRuTECTIONLODaEN0 2,A.O U.W. Meets In their hall In htale Insuranoe uunaing, every weauesaay evening. H. A. Alcfc'AUD&N. M. W. J. A EL WOOD, Recorder IMPROVED ORDER OP RED MEN, 1 Kamlabun 'IrlbeNo. 8, Halom. Holds council every Thursday evening, nt 7.3U. Wlzwum In btato insuranco hall, ". C. RAKER, Prophet. FRANK O. .VATERS. t hlef of Records The Pacific Detective BUREAU, SA-LIIvr, - Oregon. C.B.CLEMENT, Minager. Olllce room A. Qiay Ulock. lift ton reasonable. Public and private woilt done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The plare"lor young ladles and Igentle men lo neoure ailhorouirh education Is tho old, buttertntw. MLIiMETTE DNIVERS1TY. lone and still the lending Institution of tho North West, Rotter thau ovcrl New courne of Instruction In Oratory, Theology and Post-dradualed. HTUDlES. Norma .Ruslness, Academy, Collego, and Law oourtes greatly enlarged und lmproed. Eui'ulllcs Increased nnd lmptoved. For Catalogue ol College of Law write Dean B T lllchardi'on, Enq , Haiem, Or. For Ciitaluguu of College or Medical and Pharmacy write Dean Richmond Kelly.M. D . Portland, Or. For geneial Catalogue write Rov. Qco. Whltauer, D. D President, Balem, Or. 7-:J5-Jm-dw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will bo opened to students Bept. 11, 1802. Oftois the most practical courses of study ol any Bchool In the mate, viz: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Englueeiing, Auiduulo and Grammar school courses Students practice dally Iu wood shop, machluO shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Hoard por Tear, $150. Sppcinl Inducements to a fw young men who wish lo work for tbelr board and tul tluudurlng vacations. For prospectus and further Information, address EDWIN MORRISON, M.H, PrcKdent, Hulem, Or. JMiss Balloti's KINDERGARTEN. rillRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptemuer lUth, at Kin dergarten Hall, opiKislte opera bouse. Children received at three years of age and over, A connecting class will be is-tabili-bed lor advanced Kindergarten pu pils and those b ginning primary work. Only tbobrst modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's sstem ol drawing und coior work Introduced. ENGINE AND BOILER i7'Mt ale. The boiler Is an K-horseup 1 right tubular, land tho engine a (Mi ro ) iiruuut.il. Roth are In good condition, und cfit ruu when new Apoly h) A. It, KOIlVfNEUi CO.,opiK slle First National RauL. UK Ml The City Dairy Is now prepared to sup ply milk from u herd that Is one-hall hlLh grado Jerseys. Hatltfncilon guaranteed. Addicts or call opiioslte Oregon ic ise R.J.MUAl f fn.i JAPANESE CURE A new und Complete Treatment, consist In of suppositories, ointment lu capsules, uImi box and pllU; a imsliire cure for ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, ana many other dUeuteit and female weak utttm; It Is always a great benefit to the general health The first dlseotery ol a nindlii.il eure rendering an operalkxi with the knife nmiMxnsiry hejealter. This remedy has never been known u fait, 11 per box.e for Vr, sect by mall. Why suffer from Ibis terrtbl dlM-use wheh a written uuaraule la given with ll botes, lo refund I he money II uot cured vndWiupforlre nam !. iJuarvuulmuel by Woouakh, ui, isk a uj., wwruiv su rsutu urugt . gt., mle twiiU, Porliind, Or, HrooXs C-'ftf l THE CAPITAL JOURSAI. H0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editor. PUBLISHED DAILY. KXCEPTBUNDAY, nr tub Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Rulldlng tutored at the postofflce nt Balem,Or.,aa sccono-clars c: alter. ' THE PAMIIiY CIRCLE. A Merry Xmas for Old and Young. Written for tho Capital Journal.! 'Tis a very easy matter Id this beautiful coutitry of ours, which abounds lu fir aud evergreen shrubs, to eelect a Christmas tree, but per haps iuto soiuu humble homes there is not brought a tree, nor are stock ings hung for the little folks. Per haps father has been out of work or mother ill, aud the family purse is small. But stop aud consider what u little time, love and ingenuity will do toward makiug a happy Christ mas. Do not think it takes money to make tho little folks happy. You will gain much pleasure In antici pating a home tree with the help of the whole family. First, aud above all things, interest the little people, It must be made their tree, and a Christmas made with their own bunds and love. I have In mlud a family of six, the eldest a daughter of eighteen, dowu to a little tot of three, who contrived a whole Christmas tree without theaid of father or mother. One day when their parents had "gone to town" the children put their heads and wits together. They counted the surplus left from their small earnings. Edith had a few cents left from her hop picking money, Tom a little more from his odd Jobs about the neighborhood, Jumie had built the teacher's Arcs und hla purse was wonderfully full for a boy of twelve. The twins, Ned ond Nettle, sold a few nuts and were happy oyer their contribution. Little three-year-old Tot bad noth ing but her own sweet self and two pudgy little hands, whioh will work wo tillers if rightly directed. There were secret meetings and sly little winks for the next week, and every one knew he must ue "mum." Even Tot walked about with an air of great importance. Edith's ingenuity aud skillful needle brought forth dainty and ustful little gifts. For Tom she made a uundkerchlof box by covering a card board box, of the right pro portion, lining it neatly with pink cambric, putting a pull of silk round tho outside, also covering the lid smoothly with silk and finishing with a narrow little ruflle of the same. Two knots of ribbon made the hinges aud another a handle to lift the cover. For Jamie, she found enough good silk in an old blue and white polka dott waist, after pressing It, to make three good school lies. These the ueatly hemmed on the machine. The most satisfactory article, how ever, was a school bug for Ned made from a gunney - bug, cleaned and pressed, cut lurge enough to hold his slate and books, neatly hemmed aud with handles raado of the same. In this she worked a border In pret ty crossj-stltch and the handles in u smaller putteru on ono side, lu the center putting "Ned" In large cross stitch letters. lied woolen or cotton yarns may bo used for this. Nettie had a duiuty little sewing basket, made from an old grape box, covered with some of the pluk cam bric Over this she shirred some doited swlss left from her summer dres9, put little pockets on tho side for thread aud thimble, added a needle book, of pinked llunuol, and Nettle wub made h.tppy. Dear little Tot hud a thirty-five cent doll, with us pretty a fuce us Edith could tlnd. For this she niudo two dresses out of odd pieces she found In the "scrap drawer," one uuder suit aud a night gown. All hud buttons and buttou holes so llltlo pet could exercise her motherly Ingeuuily, To this, Tom added a "wee" cradle, made with his kit of tools. Nettle patiently hemmed lit tle sheets und slips. Edith ussUted her lu muklng the spread aud tuut trees, Jumlo contrived u littlo table for her lust year's dishes, staining It with part of a package of diamond dye. Tom made two protty trellises for his mother's fuchsia and vines, which wera ulso stulned with diamond dye. Edith niudo u picture frame with some of the silk left from Tom's box, cutting a card board heart shape, with uu opening lu the middle for the picture, stretching the silk over aud lining the back with cambro, fastening two strips at tho back to hold the picture iu place. Some of the ribbon was fiateued at the upper corner aud tied in a protty knot, lo haug on the wall, Father had a shaving case made of pretty card board, elg-ht Inches long und live wide, plsked around the edges, with a maple leaf out lined n one eorsor aud a "okwn sliuve" lettered aeroM the top, filled With paper at the baete aud hung with pmty ribbou. lVetkal JuuiU out a yuiMt( 9t Diet f(W juMU late Do You Finest Bread and Cake ? It is conceded that the Royal Baking 'Powder is thfa purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, swectei most delicious food. The strongest baking powder makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strong est makes the most digestible and wholesome food. Why should not every hqusekeeper avail herself of the baking powder which will give her the best fbd with the least trouble ? '' Dr. Haines, of Rush Medical College, Consultirif Chemist of the Chicago Board of Health, says: "Royat is not only the purest, but the strongest baking powdct.' with which Iram acquainted." good sharped picks, and tied them with ribbon. The boys all clubbed together and bought Edith a silver thtmblo and a pretty ribbon. Tom went to the printer's office of the little village and took home all the waste scraps of pretty card board and colored paper, which the editor gladly gave htm. Now It was Tot's turn. Edith cut the pa per into strips four inches long and a third of an Inch wide. With some smooth flour paste, a littlo splint for dobber aud a clean cloth to wipe her fingers on, Tot went to work, and what yards of pretty chains she did make! Suo also helped to Btring the pop corn, The twins made pretty cornuco pias by weaving together strips of pretty paper. Out of some of the card board they madecunnlng little surprise boxes which held a few shelled nuts and candy. Ethel made some pop-corn bulls by putting Into a basin three table spoonfuls of sugar and wetting with just enough water to make a smooth paste, boiling until what Is known as "hair" or "feather,'' pour ing this over the white corn, mixing well and shaping Into balls, Edith and Tom made the candy, taking two cups of granulated sugar, small half-a-teospoon of cream of tartar (wetting with just enough water to muke a smooth paste, boiling over hurd fire until when dropped Into a basin of cold water It will "craokle;" pour out at onco onto greased plat ters when cool enough to pull, put in a few drops of lemon extract, pull over a hook If convenient. Borne of this was made a pretty pink by put ting in a few drops of ruspberry juice. This was made Into long strips, some iu balls aud others in odd shapes to fancy. Now, hurrah I for the wood si "Old Grey" was put to the light wagon and tho six were oil' for Christmas greens. Tom found a pretty cone-shaped tree just largo enough, Jamie climbed tho oaks for mlstletoe,Edith aud the twins gathered great arm fuls of laurel with its pretty red ber ries, also some holly and a tow ever green ferns and pretty green boughs. With these they turned the two liv ing rooms Into a lovely green bow ery.trimmlng tho greatold fl'eplace, windows and pictures, and filling up tho corners, Tho trimming of tho tree was turned over to Edith aud Tom. With tho pretty chains and pop corn drupes, with stars.unchorsres cents und bulls cut from colored card board. The presents, with tho can dies lighted (which cost twenty-five cents) It was a beautiful tree, ul for the small sum of $2.10. Tho good futiier cut the presents from the tree and tho dear mother passed thorn about, never forgetting to muke some appreciative remurk about each tiny oflort, until Tot utmost bursted with pride. Poor Grundmu Harris und little Dave who lived Just at tho edge of the woods, and lame Charley who lived In a little hut In the gulch were asked to eat Christmas dinner. Edith spread the clean white oloth, decorated it with a few pretty ferns aud a largo wreath of laurel, and Its pretty red berries, The dinner was a eltuple one of roast pork from their owu sty, good garden vegetables, suet pud ding, aud some of the native nuts aud apples. Aflera silent return of thanks aud a gentle amen, little Tot laoeU back In her high ebalr with the ex clamation, "O, dear 1 1 am so happy like I never was before," After dinner some of the dear old Christ- mas atarlefl were told, the efelldreu sang some Cbrwtiuua --, tlw baskets of the invited guests wm filled, aud It waa Indeed a kappy ChrUlwaa. Aunt Boi-mia. Senator DoJph will dUeass "Reor- gaukHitloH of the Kpubllean party" It tbe uext North Auwtrieau ft view, A pretty Hhhui lafuaioa of mw blood wottld not huH ituy. Wish the . rv .0 Fees of a Great Criminal Lawyevt What does it cost to go to lawf costs Bums widely varying in Wo mrtko tho rich pay for the poarj Many of our most celo hrated t suits aro entirely for erweet charity! sake, because tho client is unable to , pny a cent. Wo tako them beoMUfcl wo foci that wo can acquit them axttt ' scoro a victory whoro others hav' failed. Where our clients are rich wo churgo them largo sums tl jnako them pay all in n lump., ,Ths lowest feo for a divorce suit .is J9Q6 whore wo charge anything at ittt. Tho highest wo have over received for conducting such a suit'ia $83,000; the average is about $500. Peoplo who have onco been otur cliouts havo a great affection for us, as indeed they do for any litwyer' who brings them out whole. And so a lawyer's' life, instead of beias filled with stories of ingratitude ana falsity, very often has many a chap ter crowded into it of love and frratt-, tudo for successfully carrying an nocont man or woman through i evil accusation and for helping ',Hkj guilty to take advantage of WNHf$ means ouereu oy the law or MM.' country. Abo Hummel mNewYWjlpI Press. A Clerer Trlcki "" A clever trick was played a shovt timo ngo on board a steamboat ply ing between Calais and Dover, Tha sea waa rough. A young woman, apparently ill with seasickness, groaned until a gentleman, wlur Boemed to bo a stranger, approached and asked if sho would take's lozengo, which ho had often tried en peoplo with marvelous results. t The young lady finally acccptod tho offer. Tho euro was instantaneous. Hardly had sho swallowed tho lozenge when sho was sitting up all smite and ordering ham sandwiches and bottled ale. Somo passengers, struck with the incident, inquired what was the won derful remedy, and tho gentleman, who proclaimed himself the agent for tho salo of tho lozenges, dkpoesd of a considerable number of boxes nt two dollars each. What was the i priso of tho buyers whon they i tho lady nnu her preserver go off i in arm whon tho boat reached Dovei The pills wcro common jujube paste. Boston Transcript. , . lie Choso the Cheaper. In Montana it costs u man a dollar to mako an affidavit and one day a rough follow, not up on the law, called on a magistrate for Buoh a paper. Ho stated his business and asked tho prico. "Ono dollar," replied tlie squire, "lias a man got to pay n dollar im tellin tho truth?" exclaimed the lYhv itor. "That's tho law." said tbe magte trato. "Well, dura such a law. HS choapor lyin. Good morning and ho strode forth into the free air of , the mountains. Detroit Free Press. Ilanil and Mavlilue Made rsMn A German writer tells how to know if a papor is handmade. A roll or J strtp or paper about an tnoh wide should bo placed gently in water as that tho npjier surface is kept dry. -In machino vntido paper tbe twossJMN will unroll in the direction of Vm contor, uur. in nanumaae paper Vef' sides will unfold iu the form of 9k nlato. This indicates the fibers in eWd linM.lMtn.lr. w.nMnu n ha nnH11 " 13 UU11UIWUIB JIMJJtM (WO VtJHSSUJT WJT posed ss to length and. breadth, while in machine made paper they chiefly extended in length. In order to treat eryeipeias erly it is essential that it stopped in its wreading c the best success in this way is taiaed in painting all around the f acted para with collodion about I or six inches in width. This i (s good when the erysipelas is M thigh or face, and it very spreads beyond the fence that i Btructeti. improvements eaei ally notioeahie within lew Yankee Blade. v -m. i . i- - -m 4 a our www uniH-w um-ifii fcMdd,kdseia4hy bis aaouer ' the fotura hmfcd of wiihsianna, 1 ehUd qneta oXrttoUana. The saperor of Usmsny hat el horror of'bsMtng, sm wouu akettuktsl.ii 1 flare, i w $1 -1 eftter