b it t t . t DEATH'S BUCK HAND AgH Iag (her tkb teat's Family. Presi- IOCTALUSM PMXOTEDAT BRUSSELS llHUikfgtYing Day Murderer t Dispatched by a Mob. ., Bmiaent Sick People. ' Washington, p. 0 Nov. 39. It fo said at Blain's residence tblo morning that he continue) to steadi ly Itnprova. There baa been no aet back since the first and at present ' rate of recovery ho Will be able to rideout aa soon as tho weather be comes fair.' DR. SCOTT DYING. Washington, D. 0., Nov. 29. Dr. Scott, the president's nged father-in-law, is slowly aud steadi ly sinking and is not expected to atirvlvo the day. Tho president and this household are now gathered at the bedside awaiting the end. MB. SCOTT DEAD. Washington, D. C, Nov. 29. Dr. Scott, President Harrison's father-in-law, died'at4;10 this after noon. "IK THE WORLD OP FINANCE. i Progress of Discussion Over, Bi metallism. ' Advocates of Bimetallism. l London, Nov. 29. Bimetallism j 'has found un advocato In Archblsh Z ' op Val8li, of Dublin. Iu the course f of an interview tho archbishop dt ' I clared the adoption of bimetallism u matter of imperative necessity to save, the Irish people from inevit able ruin. It was disheartening, the archbishop added, to And no in terest taken in tho question by lead era of tho Irish parlimentary party. If things go on aa they are, oven the ', excellent lufod purchase scheme may become a sourco of widespread dis aster to the purchasers under it. f According to the archbishop's views, " foreign competition is not at all the sole cause of the ruinous fall In the i prices of agricultural products. The j, raa(n cause, he believes, la tho con- tlnuoua raise in tho value of old. , "What a prospect it is," he added, "for Irish "tenants whoso Judical rents are fixed for 15 years or for ' tenants with annual purchase pay ments extending over 49 years, that gold hna risen In value 35 per cent In 15 years, and must coullnuo (o appreciate If the present system is maintained.", Tho asohblshop con- o'uJed by expressing tho hope that ' the conference at Brussels would succeed in solvlug the monetary problem. Gold Movement. London, Nov. 29. Tho gold movemont In New York engages the attention of high financiers of London, Purls aud Vlonnu. Im pending American assignments for London aro attributed partly to the continuous largo sales of American railroad securities on, English ac- . count, and partly to the absorption of gold by tho Austrian condition of conversion of ourronoy now in progress In that country. Biuco November 11, the Austro-Hungarlan banks have purchased X 1,000,000 worth of gold, chiefly in tho opeu 'market, In London. Comment on tho Conference. London, Nov. 20. Tho Post, dis cussing tho currency question aud a the conference at llrussols.oomplalns that Senator Allisbu is tho repie seutative merely of tho silver party In the Uulted Htates, aud therefore little can be hoped for from tho con muecanueuopi.ormm..UUu. ference,astuerowlIl-benochaucoto dtacusfl. any praotlcul nrraugeniuut to utilise silver as a subsidiary cur renoy The Vienna correspondent of tho Chronicle says: "Tho American :ii rtiii iiiiu hnvn: iiiu x&uiviiuiu ,.tu i ttn.ftuAlM moiietiirv oa'fereuce, belug a reH!titou of the MafftalllQ program rejected at the . . .. . Bonferencea of 187B and 1BS1, have Muoed disappointment here, aa they fell to supply a basis for furthor dis- "euttstoa without raising false'hopes . in th ollvor market. Rothschild's yyosala are also regarded with Matoty. Tle Tltuei' BrunwW correspond M sy: "Tli" nr nitB of the mIWmrm Juty the belief 'that it will yWd only negative rtwuKe; and thus far the American have found tfaempporfof only ttw i)eputesde ptfao, a) etttwa waJuUlHlug a strict Witty, eteatally tbMM from Om- rand Aurw," KUWAtHA, ICwi., Xv, ,-At Mldttteht lant HiaMt a a)mm) hmI) K HlgMt a WHwrnj Hwtt L.M aH4 teak eut Cum- hbw rib- -----' - - was banged to a tree and they rid dled bis body wKh bullets for hilling Will Walthall, one of the deacons of the African Methodist church, with out provocation at a Thanksgiving supper glyen by the church. TODAY'S POLITICAL NEWS. Immigration May be Restricted After March, 1893. I'BHSIDBNT'S MBSSAOE. Washington, D. C, Nov. 29. Ovrlug to Illnesa and death of his fatuer-in-law, the president will be unable to complete hla annual mes sage to congress in time for submis sloa on opening day of session. Probably It will be the end of next wek or beginning of week after be fore It will be presented. It will bo about the same length as last year and will be a completo review of the work of the present admlnis tratlon. CONFERENCE OF LEADERS. New York, Nov. 29. It Is stated that the Democratic conference be tween leaders of the party which was lo have been held hero, but whlcb was nipped by too earli publication of the fact, will bo heln tonight at.Pblladelphla In connect (on with a reception to be given Chairman Harrlty by the Youug Men's Democratic association. to restrict immigration. New York, N. V Nov. 29. An eyeuing paper says the senate immi gration committee passed a resolu tion that congress be asked to re strict immigration to this country from March 1, 1893. ex-senator dead. Logansfort, Ind. ,Nov. 29. Ex-United States Senator G. L. Fitch died hero today aged 82. convicts shot. San Quentin, Cal., Nov. 29. Two .convicts uttempted to escape from the p'risou at five o'clock this morning by scaling the balcony. They were seen by a guurd who warned tbem to stop but they failed to do so and ho immediately fired on them and Instantly killed Joseph Marshal aud wounded the other named Billy Miner who was then captured. Marshal was sentenced from Sacramento for burglary to thirty years Imprisonment and had served seven yeurs. Billy Miner was convicted of stage robbery and lias served twelve years of his twenty-flvo years sentence. boy hanged. MACON,Ga.,Nov. 29. Willie Bel, 'a negro boy aged 15, was hanged here at noon for shooting nnd kill ing Deputy Sheriff Wilder, while under arrest for potty stealing. The execution was strictly private, not even members or tho press oeing admitted. Of Interest to Stockmon. Chicago, Nov. 29. That lumpy Jaw iu cattle, at least In mild form, can bo cured1, was proved today by tho local government bureau animal ludustry. Eighty head of cattle which had been under treatment by tho bureau wore brought to the stock yards this morning. By noon 30 wero slaughtered. Examination showod the beef to bo perfectly healthy. Healthy cattle kept with the diseased cattle during treatment did not contract disease Lake Steamer Lost. Kkwannee, Wis., Nov. 29.- The railway car ferry steamer Is ashore 15 miles north of here, having lost her bearings iu the fog last night, on her return from across the lako,wllh load of cars. She carries fix car- loads of apples. The steamer 1b valued at $200,000. Mills of Toxua. Houston, Texas., Nov. 29. jsigutjH'igtit memners-eieci oi tue legislature have answered tho query or the Tost ns to their cholco for fccnator that they are unqualifiedly for Itocer Q. Mills. This assures tho re eleotlou of Senator Mills with i..i.. .....,. ...... nn ,. .. iml'iil vihrh lu niiuir, iiiu .audi akt- n..iv.i nn.wnr fmm nn nf ih inn membera; of these yet to bo heard from a majority, it Is believed, sup- p'rt Mills. Roason for Removal. Philadklvhia, Nov. 30. Gen eral secretary Hayes, ot the Knights ' ' , , .. ' ... 10 ue rtuuuveu irum hub vhy iuji.ua reawm t bat the order Is subject to ...I. .Il.ln. u. r.nlu rH,,rl such decisions as recently rendered by Chief Justice I'uxson, when ho couatlsutedhlHKWlfa Jiiotioo of the jHce ia tue HoniMle.-vd eases. The Iilea hi to either get on the Cauadlau line at Niagara Falte, Ontario, or In the oily of WutliiuKtou. It is the luteutlon of thi otiUr not to be lmipr4l In IU HorU to gather to. gutter all the udutrUl crgHl tloa ofthewHiatry ur em ref. ... ...... . i - wow, yvow'. wniy It saweti ' wy r UHvwy. Leave your ...I... Uini.ro Biuikin iwMiaji tr IIGHTT ROUND PRIZE FIGHT. Coatello ami Greggains's Contest Declared a Draw. Confy Island, Nov. 20. Tho at tendance at the athletic contest at Conev Island club last night was remarkably slim. The event of the evening 'was a contest between Martin Costello, of Buffalo, and Alex. Greggains, of ban Francleco. The men weighed iu at 150 pounds, and looked pictures of manly per fection. In the first round both men sparred cautiously, Qreggalns land ing lightly on the point of the jaw, with a light return. In the second Costello landed his left on Greg gains' mouth, and a moment later crot first blood with a straight left on the nose. The third and fourth sawsomo light exchanges. In the fifth Costello landed a hard right aud left on Gregglaus' jaw and stomach, and a moment later hit him again over the heart and on the Jaw, receiving in return a blow on the stomach. In the sixth Cos selio led with his left on the stom ach and got a stiff left-hand jab In the mouth. Some severe body blows wero struck before the round closed. In tho seventh there were numerous blows exchanged, and a left-hand swing on Costello's jaw caused him to fall in his corner. The round was finished with both men still fresh. In the eighth not much was done. In the ninth there was considerable hard fight ing, Ccstello lauding on the neck and getting a heavy one on the stomach. He landed again on his head. Greggafns looked rather tho worse for the punishment. In the tentb, Greggains landed a terrific lpft hunder on Costello's law. and a moment later Costello got In a stomach blow. Both then led with the left, coming together with a crash, Costello landing on the chest and Greggains on the stomach. The eleventh was the same. In the twelftn Greggains rushed and ac cidentally pushed Costello over. In the thirteenth and fourteenth a number of hard blows were ex changed, but there was nothing serious. From the fifteenth to tho thirty ninth round the men fought with varying success, both men showing great goneralsblp. Iu the fortieth round Costello forced tho fighting, and hammered Greggalna' nose till blood covered hia face. The round ended by Greggalna scoring the first knock down blow of the fight. At the end of the 80th round the light was declared n draw. ACCUSED OF MURDER. Headquarters of Knights of Labor to be Removed. Eagle Pass, Tex., Nov. 29. A dispatch from Villa Musuqulz, Coa, hulla, says that tho trial of Adoph Vlllareat, a wealthy stockman, ac cused of having hud David MoKel lar, the Scotch ranchowner, shot in July last, has been concluded. Vlllareat hired a man from a distant town to assassinato McKellar. On the uight pf the murder the hired absassiu wont to Vlllareat's house and said: "It Is done." Vlllureat gavohlm $5000, aud promised to give him the balance next day. Tho next morning, however, Vlllareat was in Jail. The murderer then weut to work In tho silver mines in tho neighborhood. While drunk he told a womau of his expectations from 'Vlllareat. She reported the matter to tho authorities, aud thus tho facta of tho killing came out. The judgmout of the court con demns Vlllareat to 20 yeora Impris onment at hard labor, aud coutls Cllteg u,3 pro)ertVi to m, ?40oo to tue famlly of bla viollm and fl6,. 000 to coyer tho costs of the prose, cutlou. Speaker Crisp's Opinion. JNEW JfORK, iXOV. -U. D peaiiCr Crisp, In an lutcrvlow boforo leav iug Tor Washington, said It was too .....! nn in milt mi It . lliM tltnti1 alflll wrwviuv n uu .. ... lu nn nvtr.i HnttKlnti nr nnt. TTntll be an extra session or not. Until tho nuuuul report of Secretary Foa tor is submitted next week, they do not know whethor there ia an actual deficiency or not. Ho expects tho report of the aeqretary will show .... .... ...n.. i.... mat luroauB uuvu hi-iuuhv ikvu .innnnAiv ..m tUl P " 5100.000.000 &Oli t- . seivo In the treasury. Mr, Crisp did uot think any tariff legislation would be uttempted by the preeeul hfiue. The exHKtetl oonferetice of democrotlu leaders to discuss the polioy of the party does Hot luaUrlallie today, but Ike speak er thtukttoue will be held uext week, Agaiast RtrUies. Chicao, IU.. Nov. .-The Kwby try ha voted 23 1 18 afalmt ' ropeMd il4 of waft. of, i " j uropeMd RAILWAY CONSPIRACY. Senator Cnllora Wants the Demo crats to Have Fall Swing. Denver, Nov. 29. By meuis of the falslflcatlon-of weights by em ployes of the Union Pacific railway, five firms have for a long time mo nopolized the grain' trade In this state. Grain is cheaper along the Missouri fc Burlington and Bock Island lines than the Union Pacific, yet during August, September and October the Missouri & Burlington received only 318 carloads of grain against 133t by the Union Pacific. A complaint has been drawn up against Otto A. Canfleld, a Union Paciflo clerk, charging him with forgery. It Is alleged that the grain rliig paid him ?60 a month tounder welgh cars, and through these frauds made $20 to ?40 a car. Other employes, some of a higher grade than clerks, are suspected of being concerned in the conspiracy. GIVE THEM HOPE. Washington, D. C, Nov. 29. Senator Cullom has returned to this city from Illinois uud ia now map- ping out a part of the Bepubllcan nrnnrnm for the comlnc session. "I have an Idea," said he today, "that the senate will carry out tho plans suggested by enthusiastic Demo crats, of passing the Springer free wool bill and the various other piece-mtal tariff bills which are pending before the flnanco com mittee of the senate. It Is for the Democrats to carry out their free trade plans, and not for the Repub licans. So far as lam personally concerned, I want to see them bring forward their bill for a revls- Ion of the tariff. They will encount- er no dilatory tuctics on our part, I am anxious to see the bill passed as soon as possible so that tne country may judge whether wages will go up or down under a free trade policy." IN THE CRIMINAL FIELD. Sixteen - Year - Old Hono Thief Bank Robbery More of the Rosyln Robbery. Los Angeles, Nov. 29. Detec tive Johnson returned from Fresno with Charles Buber, a sixteen-year-old lad, charged with horsestealing. On October 21st Baber and three other lads went to Fresno saying they were going to join Evans and Soutog. The boys were discovered by the detective near Huron in Fresno couuty. They were making preparations to wreck a Southern Pacific train wheu discovered. Liuerty, Mo., Nov. 29. It was learned that the burglars who hlew open the vault of tho Frst National bank on Sunday secured 15,000. They had dynamite and u fuse at tached to tho inner vuult coutuiuiug $10,000 In gold, but were evidently frightened away before tbey were ready to touch it off. They made their escape from town in a carriage with a horse stolen from a resident near by. No trace of the men has been found. Portland, Nov. 29. Thiels' de tective agency is in recolpt of a tele gram from Sheriff Pugh, of Spokane couuty, Wash., stating that ho had arrested Willis Zachery and a man named Humphrey, for complicity in the robbery of the Itoslyu bank. Tho men wero arrested on Colvllle reservation. They will be taken to Ellotisburg, Wash., for trial. It Is stated that Humphrey Is also wanted for another crime. Fivo men have Mr, Herman JUcks OIJlOclicatcr.ir.Y. Deaf for a Year ' Caused by Catarrh In the Head . , , ,. Catarrh being a Constitutional dis- CMC requires a CONSTITUTIONAL RliM- tnv like Hood's SarsaDarilla to cure its "Throe i car ayo, as a ri'iuR ot catarrh, I cnttrvly lost iny IiomUik aud was deal (or mora Uunayoar. I trliM arloui things to cure U, wkI had physilelaiu, tmt nolmpiove was AyUt. I cu!4 dUtluKuUh bo uh4. I mhslBtmdtiunwUiugtnrseltuii. dartlio cst of a speotefbt, when soma one suHeaMm Uut Hood's bara;iirllla might do Me some uood. 1 boosn Uklne It without Nte expecwUou of any tasttug help. To tnr uvniti Mad ix sil u m . h . d..l fld&H- . l trf.Sft I ; Jar 1 found WBMt 1 hid Ukea tyre bottiai tUt my hearing I kent on till 1 h&d taLM UtfMMOrt. ltM now over a i ear and I can well. I aw troubled hut M aMMTO. 1 CtHMhMT a rJwariMMt m, and reeowBwod Hood's Sarsaparilla to in who Uav cAtMritu" Hkkmax Hicks, ;,,-,.. Ifc.w.ttej: i (Hood'S Pills anr-4taa U:-:-:-:."';;,i-ii2i Jtn, wtw Hti fttww afMmu Don't Tou Know, that you can secure al most immediate relief from Indigestion, and that uncomfortable full ness after meals, by sim ply taking a dose of Sim mona Liver Eegulator? Some people think that because it is called Liver Eegulator it has nothing to do with Indigestion and the like. It is the inaction of the Liver that causes Indigestion, and that fullness; also Con stipation, and those Bil ious Headaches. Millions have been madoto under stand this and have been cured from these troubles by Simmons Liver Regu lator a medicine unlau ing and purely vegetable.1 rromltor.M.B.'WhartoiJ.BalUmore.Md II r. ntrnri mn TilaflttnrA In ndd mv tcstl. mony to tho great virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator. I have had experience with It, ns occasion demanded, for many years, nnd reenrd It as tho greatest medi cine of tho times. Bo good a medicine deserves universal commendation. now been arrested for the bank rob bery, and It Is thought that Bernard, the remaining suspect will soon be apprehended. Thiels also received word from Ellensburg that Hale, Zachery and Kimsie, the three men arrested in Gilliam county, Or., bad been bound over to await the action of the grand jury In the sum of $10, 000 each. John Bull's Proposal. Bkusskls, Nov. 29 Of the sub committee that will consider Roths child's proposals, five members are avowed Blmetallists, six are Mon ometalllsts, and one Is doubtful. The committee will sit twice each day. It is the general expectation that Rothschilds proposals will be accepted by the committee, and then referred for adoption or reject ion to tho conference and the gov ernments represented, with modifi cations as suggested by the schemes of Levi and Soetbeer. One of the modifications undoubtedly will be that all gold coins below the value of 20 francs will be withdrawn from circulation aud re placed by silver nt tes. Wnh pros pect of an early agreement being a'ohieved, nobody now talhs of fail ure of the conference, which at first was the only prediction made us lo the out come of the meeting. Bo rapidly has optimistic feeling grown that it is reported the conference will likely conclude its labors next week. The American delegates have strong reason- to be satisfied with recognition of the advocates of Monemetalllst&m aud seriousness of dangers arising from further fall in silver. They are disposed to sup port Rothschilds proposals on the proposals on the principle that a half ldajf is better thau no bread. An Eventful Life. WoosTKit, 0 Nov. 29. William Wilson, son of Rey. T. B. Wilson, a Methodist ml ulster, liberally educat ed and tenderly reared, left here for Missouri In 1850. He hoou married a daughter of Senator Clymer. Biucu then nothing has been beard of him and bp has been morned as dead. Word Is just received that ho Is iu prison in Texas, convicted of horse-stealing. Since his convict Ion he has confessed his identity, and Fays further he served in the Confederate army during the war, was sent on a private mission to the North by JeJIersou Davis, and after tho death of his wife and children joined the band of tho famous Younger brothers. He was also absociuted with the James brothers. He became remorseful, went to Tex as aud was ordained a preacher In tho Christian church. While in holy orders he borrowed a horse, i-old It and was convicted. Cleveland's Thumb Hurt. Elmoiik, Va.,Nov.29. Mr. Cleve lauil went out yesterday to huut snipe, but, attempting to lock his gun, hurt his thumb so painfully that he was compelled to return home and liavo It dressed. He spent trie rcuialuder of the day reading and writing. "Llf Is an ocean, Each ouo has bis hark,'' Some have u bark they would uladly bo rid of a eeaelets, persist' tnt, determined coughl preseut by day, notabi-eoi by night. If ou take the wings of the morning aud fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, U wilt go with you! There i jutt oue thing to dtu-gin u thmugh treatment with Dr. Pierc' UoI.Ihi Mwllel DUxjoverv, and the problem legoae! You will wonder wher it U gone, and where It went! The plu iure U not overdrawn colds, ling ering aud obfetliutte coughs, and even Cousuuiptk'H, iu iu iRfs, i ed lo this potent vegetable r-nmpouud. Ltrsebotthh, uy rtvr nt drug gluts, aud guarantee t it I 'ueHt or eure, in eery o, or uiunty h turwd by U umwk. PACIFIC UN FOR TOWN A. H. FORSTNER & CO $2.00 I'erdozcn for tho finest finished I'HOIOQItAPIW lnthsclty. MONTEE BROS., 180 Commercial Mreet, Machine RADABAUGH & 'SCOTT. Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, 41 ptate Street. T. J. KUESS. HOU8E PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th aud Chi meketa street. Olinger 2 CENTS A DAY, Evening Journal. Delivered at Your Door. Deafness Can't bo Cured, by 1 hI application, as they canrjot l each i Mo diseased portion of the ear. t here la only one way to cure dearnea, and that is by constitu tional i medles. Deafness is caused by an iuflumed condition of the mueous lining of the Eustachian 'lube. When this tube gets inflam ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, aud when it is entirely closed, deafness is the re sult, aud unless the infliimation can be taken out and the tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will bede-troed forever; nine cases out of ten aro eaused by catarrh, which is Homing out an muaiueu uoum tion of the mucous surfaces. 1 We will give oue huudred dollars i for any case of Ueatness (causeu uy catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for clieular, free, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76 cents. SALEM MARKETS. Wheat- 62c per bushel. Oats 3-50 iOo per bushel. Potatoes 1050c per bushel. Flour $J.U0 per bbl. Brau (Sacked) $17.50 per ton Shorts (Backed) $19.50 per.ton. i Eggs 30c per dozn. Chickens 7 per lb. Chopped leed (Sacked) $19.00. Ducks 10c per lb. Geese 7ciper lb. Turkeys Ho per lb. Lard 12j16c per lb. Butter 2o35o per pound. Beef 712Jo dressed, Veal 10 to 12Jc, dmse 5. Pork 712Jc dressed . Wool 1618o per lb. Hops 15ltiJo perlb. Deserving Praise. We desire to say to our citizens, that for j ears wo have been peljiug Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, Dr King's New Life. Pills, Buultlen's Arnica Salve aud Elec trie Bittern, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given sqch universal satisfac tion. We do uot hesitate to guaran tee tliem every time, and we staud ready to refund the purchase price, Ifsatisfaetory results do not follow t heir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Dan'l. J. Fry's drug store, 225 Com'l. St. American Cholera. ' From the Daily Eeveille, What com, Washingten: "T. C. Burnett, the Democratic candidate for sheriff was taken violently illaiClearbrook. He had all the symptoms of Asiatic cholera, and tor an hour or two it was feared he would die. They finally gave him a dose of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy, which revived him until a physician arrived." That Is pre cisely what the manufacturers of that medicine recommend for chol era. Send for a physician but give their medicluo until the physician arrives. If cholera becomes preva lent In this country next summer this preparation will be in great de mand because it can always be de pended upon. For sale by Baskett & Van Slype. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria , Type - Writino. The under signed is prepared to do type-writing, copying and office stenograplo work, on reason b'e terms. Boom 11, Gray block. Ktelia. Sherman. A Tremendous Bum; us In the m stem Is produced by n disorderly liver, lllle geU Into the blood and glvei u saffron tinge to the countenance and eye balls, nick hfiulHCho ensue, the dlgesme orxaniiarethmunoul 01 gear, the bowels become (XMtive, there are nalua through he right side nod shoulder blade, the br atugrmvn sour aud the tongue lurred, dlMtne8 U nquent, especially on risiiu; Middeoly. TtiUHnteur affair could not exUt ntilPM the dhtturbunce were n perlou out. Yet It U enslly reondUble with lloeUtter's Htorauch Uttters.whlch relieves every sya ptom .r bllllnuinesa and Inol. mention, prom ue n regular action on the bowels, and 1 auxiliary of ant elite and sleep Tbe Hitter is a suburb speUtlo for waUrht and kidney trouble, rheumatism aud debility. A wineglass full thrtee a Uiy, KvANGKUC.il. Cerner or Liberty and Duller streets. German service every first and third a)dys. J, B. ruber, itor, I'MUMjc l.UTHrBAX North Cot tare St. ervteM on lt and M Sunday f oah moma at 2 p. m. Hev, O. JC Meyr r,pastr. AFWCAJf 1U1KO WW. North K1W. HrvlcMalUa.ia.Ad1:Mp.m. Sunday Mtiteot at 1 p. m. Ktr, Q, W, Wblt,p4or, MoIImas aad Divine UeaKBg.u lUHtcb. slrml, every thiuday atHmtoos at S o'eluek, LOTS FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. II, FOHLE, Hacks & Wagons BLACK3MITHING. State Street, - -' Salem. Shop, Guns, Sperling Goods, Etc. 308 Commercial Street. J.E. MUIiriLY. Tile -for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOP.TH SALtM. Take It! & Rigdon, UKlfiHTAK!SK& Opeu ulght nd dav. Comer Court aud Llbtily, EVENING JOURNAL, its a dnv d your door. HOEYE & MILLS. POECELAIN, BATHS AND SHAVING PARLOK3, Only Porcelain Hath Tubs In the city. 20!) Com. Ht., Salem, Or. The First Steamboat. The first steamboat ever built in tho United States was partly con structed in Frederick county in the year 1785. The vessel was built by James Rumsey, of Shophordstown, W. Va. Robert Fulton and his Cler mont wore anticipated by Rumsey twenty-two years. Tuo steam Doat was fitted up with machinery partly manufactured at tho Catoctin fur naco of tho Johnson Brothers near Frederick. Tho boiler, two cylin ders, pump, pipes, etc., were manu factured in Baltimore. Some por tions of tho works wero made at tho Antietam Iron works. On March 14, 17RI!. a nublic exneriment. tho first Over undertaken in America, was made on tho Potomac river. Rumsev succeeded in attaining a bpeed of four miles an hour against tho current. Tho steamboat was eighty feot long. It was propelled by ahteam engine, which worked' a vertical pump in the middle or the vessel, by which tho water was drawn in at tho bow and discharged through a horizontal trunk at the stern. The boat bore a load of three tons. Tho weight of its machinery was GOO pounds. Tho whole of tho machinery, including tho boiler, oc cupied a spaco but little over four feet square. Two distinguished men were pa trons to Rumsey's experiment George Washington and Governor Thomas Johnson, of Maryland. The experiment was made in tho interest of tho proposed Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Rumsev clearlv and satisfactorily demonstrated that a boat could be propelled up stream against tho current. Thus wo find that the first steamboat was pro pelled on the Potomac and a portion of tho first machinery made in Fred erick county nearly 110 years ago. Frederick (Md.) News. Llbliy Prison as an Investment. The gentleman who alone and un aided, except for sundry hard Ameri can dollars, captured Libby prison and transported it bodily to Chicago is W. H. Gray. According to Mr. Gray's figures thp Libby enterprise cost the com pany a round 100,000. In tho first instance, $23,300 was paid for the building as it stood in Richmond. Then came the cost of taking it down and transportation to Chicago no email item, since it filled 118 cars and- cost $12,000 freightage. Then came tho rebuilding, with the nicest caro to having tho Chicago version an exact reproduction of the original, and then a handsome wall was built around tho whole struc ture. "But it was a paying investment," taid Mi. Gray, with a satisfied smilo. "During the Democratic convention our gate receipts averaged $500 per day, and they have frequently reached $900." Washington Post. How Lightning liurna. Burning is a most common result of lightning stroke. Tho parts chief ly and first affected in this manner aro tho upper portions of tho body tho head, forehead, face and neck. Out of sixty-nvo cases noted Dr. Bill iard found that forty-four wore in jured about tho head. If tho person struck bo standing, there is usuafly adeepholo in tho foot where the lightning leaves tho bddy. Wounds made as if cut with a knife aro also occasionally found. Exchange. Wliat Conflrmcd tho Suspicion. Mary (angrily) I think you aro tho biggest fool in town, John. John (mildly) "Well, Marynother used to toll mo that when I was a boy, but I never thought plio was right about it until I married you. Detroit Freo Presa. A ailulnture Plro Hose. A Kentucky man has a water span iel that ho has taught to extinguish firo wheuevor it sees anything burn ing. To test tho littlo dog a piece of paper was ignited and dropped on the floor. In an instant the dog jumped upon it and very quickly extinguished the flamo by rubbing it between his paws. The dog was tried with a lighted cigar with the samo result Now York Tribune. Chips from a Geraiaa Workshop. Maker of Musical Instrumante (cheerfully gabbing his haud) Thpre, thank goodnese, tbe base fiddle te finished at last I (After a pause) Himnael Doonwwetterl If IbavWt gone and left my glue pot inside I-Reaclithaler. D AND ORCHARD'S J. L BENNETT k S0f CANDIES k Fruit and Cigars'1! - O. Block. K. T. IIVSIPUKE; WRars and Tobacco, BILLIARD PAltLOR, 243 Com'l Street. T. W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer. j ' "emodcls, re-covers ana J 001J2 cents a dav de.lveredat' cTr!? S3& PI .. ..ul,, UIWK. , ' J0IN IRHN, Carpenter and Biiii Shop 65 State sttt Store Fittings a Specif THE YA0UINA ROUTE. And Oregon Development comnMrt steamship line. 225 mlfea .hortSafiSS iPsUltnothan by nnv othci ,,l. "SH ciass through passenger and fatt'ht C limette vallevito nnd lrom BaaFitncSS . TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Bnnayi).' LenvoAIDuny -LiavoUorvallls - . Arrlvo Yaqulna -Wive Ynqutna Lie Corvalllg Arrive Albany - LO0PH -1MPK, WOPll -C15AH lftSSiKv 1UQAX , O. & O. trains connect at Albuiwaj Corvallls. ' ' The above trains connect at YAQUHl lth the Oregon Development (Wi Hi 3fStfaniRhlr) between Vaaulna and fit Krfiuclpeo. . N. B. Passengers lrom Forttanil mj a Willamette Vnlloy points cau make dm connection with the trala of fti V AQU1NA UOUTK at Albauy orCortilS and If destined to San b nmclsoo, ihoml arrange to arrive nt Vaqulna tne evali beiora date of Eulllng. ' , l'uiseuger and Frtlght Utfea linn m lowest. For lnionnation apply n hm HUliMAN S Co., KreigUl snilTltM AgouU 200 and 202 Front, St., Portlanfl,Ot O.O. HOOUK Ao't Oen'l Kit. t Pass. Agt., Oregon FaclflcRK Oo, O U. nAHWKU,, Jr. Oen'l In, 7 Piu.8. Agi. Oregon lleTdoramt , Co.. six atontaomerr iti EAST AND SOUTH' -VIA Southern Pacific Route ; i in . Shasta Line CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN BTOWHT BETWEEN l'Or.TIMND AHDS.T, Houth. onii. 7.0C p. m. 9.18 p. in. tj.lo a. in. l.v: Portland An liV. balem Lv. Ar. Pan Fran. Lv. Tsa.n fusan 7-QOp.m Above trulnbbtop only at tuUonuiu tions north of Koseburg, East Poritol Orgon City, Woodburn, balem, Alto; 'tangent, a'hedds, llali-cy, llarrfsbarj .innctinn Cltv. )r Ing and fcneene. ROtlEJIUltO MALL PAILT, 8:30 a. in. 11:17 a. in 5.50 p. va. Lv. Portland Ar.l idp. t,v Balem Lv. lttp,B. Ar. Koseburg Lv. ; Albany Local, Daily Except Sundtf 5 00 p. in. I Lv. Portland r. 7:52 p.m. I Lv: ealem Lv. 0 (X) p. m. I Ar. Albany Lv, liMUUl 7.5Ji.tt PULLMAN BBEEET SLEEPEES. Ifsppnnrl nia?5 SlHfinin?CarSr I For accommodation ol paEKEgeriliM ; KWJiU VIWO .I.H..IH express trains. iVest Side BivisioD, Between FbN and fiemuis: TAILY- (ESCBtT EPfPAT). .. . .. . r.nMTniito nnwl VB trains of Oregon Paciflo lullroad. BXfCEaiaTltAIN (UAtl.Y iMJrtwjL' 4 40 p. in. 7.25 p.m. LV; Portland, Ar. AfiJM i. Im ..." " Through Tickets To all point- i HAST nnd SOUTH For tickets and lull inlorroattM'J From Terininal or Interior Pk& & ' is the line to take " To all Points East aEdW . !52!2S S! rW VCDUUUID w , vT-- ST. PAUL IP Q . (No chanue of car.) Comioied of dininscars wg3 1 PiOlmandrawU.ifJJpi TOURIST Sleeping Cai Best that can te wbil mt KLEGAKT DAY WUj A wntinaot Ilea &$! Pftfc itkin too--?.'aiil pHnwi ii m " - .......... nl.ai rwMRJCfs lng rates maps, etc., arpo - nys agent Palcm, Oregoij. dna1 isfp. KOOKKJ9, AtEUO..a4rJ3,' JMT m H mtw: TMr"r9" t.t'itjei i, . -a i-Ut&. ,rXL WI iS.