EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. "C. ,V.,Vi ! i s? VOL. 5. "THE PEOPIE'S PAPER." 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, WOYEMBER 29, 1892. "to-das mews to-day NO. 2g9. Business Almost Too Rushing To write ads, but we can't refrain from letting the people know that there is one place in Salem where they can always get bargains the year round. The NEW YORK RACKET Is offering Underwear and Hosiery at prices unapproached and unapproachable by any of our competitors. Their prices on Boots and Shoes, quality of goods considered, are the lowest possible. A new lino of WINDOW SHADES just arrived. See them before buying. E. T. BARNES, - - 333 Com'l St., Cottle Block. ML i i BAM IT IJ 1 L IMPS PROFESSIONAL AND BD8INB88 AIS rnlLMON H)KD, attorney at law. Salem, J. Orecon. Offlco upstairs In tattoo's VIV Mock. LK. CON.V, Attorney nt law,, room 7, . Jlurptiy Illock. HJ. MCialiU, Attorney nt I.w, Snlom, . Oregon. Oitle o ver laitld A Hush's buuk. m-tr J J.SHAW, M. W. H.U.N1'. HHAW A , UUNT.miprn.jNKt huv. Office over unpitatiNuuonal baal:,Balera, Oregon. i T.RlcilAtwsON, Attorney at iw, ). otllce up stairs In front rooms of new ash block, corner Commercial and Court streeut, najem,uivgon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attornoy nt law. Kooms 3 ana 4, Unta ft Hush's bank building, Salem, On-Ren. 8 1 lyr 11. K. IIONHAM. V. 11. HOLMES. Bon ham A Holme. Attorneys at law. Olllco In Hush's liloct, between State and Court, on Com'l bl. ME.POQUK, Stenographer and Type . wrltlsU Over Ladd A Hush's bank, imicu( viruui BRADSUAW, PHYSICIAN AND nieou. Kalem. Oretron. Offina In Breyman block, upaUilra Residence r h JD. 8urgeou, Kalem, Orepon. offlco In ilush-Breyman block. umtAlra Residence corner HtnteandH. K. corner Winter street. Brass Finest SROAT & GIL,, Onyx and Ever Brought. to Salem. )-! I- :J HB ISO State Street. 'SSTSEE EAST WINDOW. Ed. c. Cross, w 1 vCA j 1 I Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu Fresh, Salt and . Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. 05 Court and 110 State Streets. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the ;DEP0T SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, All House-finishing Material made to order nt the lowest Fortlaud prices. See us before you buy. MAKTI2T& HARKINS, BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. I' The best work in every department. Hacks, Buggies and Harrows made to order. State Street. ?ARCU1E MASON. I A. 11. SMITH TtscjssL&oi &z s:MxrP3BE General - Contractors. 15 Srrr. Work. Rewerinir. Excavatluc. Concrete and Mason Work. Piling, &c. All -work promptly done. I SALEM, - - OREGON. Wanted At Once. I Remnants of Drv Goods. Clothutir. Boots una Sboes. Hats ana "Jans, tud all kinds of merchandise, either new or second hand, to sell either at private sale or public auction. Also, Household furniture of every de ception, at tne RED JJOJM'l izSAAAJK. I 62 State Street. STEINER & 130 STATE STEEET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, DIRECTORS: Goo. Wllllnuis.Wm. Eng land, Dr. J. A. lllcbnrdson, J. W, liodsou, J. A linker. Itafllr in rinup VYi'hnnitA WfuV ml nnm. N mernlHl street. 8:1U Creamery and Dairy Sup plies, Steel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all-Styles a Specialty. CLOTHES WINGERS' iND WASHERS jj-The best on eartti. call. Give us a 10:3 tf. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact n general banking busing lu ull IU branches. GEO. . WILLIAM8 President Wm. KN UI.AND Vice Prealden IiUGHMoNAUY :.CJiwliler. MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 30 days on tcood farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON; Boom 14, liusli Bank block. 6 l&lw TTVlt. W. 8. JLJ tteon. C lem, Oregon. 12 to 4 p. in. MOTT. nhrHlr.fAti unit xnt Office In Klilrlite Bltwft, 8a. uiuw uuurs iu to nu. m. rK- T. C.BM1TU, Dualist, 0a State street, J Kalem, Or. Finished dcutal opera tions or every description, l'alnloaa opera tions nBpeclalt. WD.J'UOH, Architect, Viang, 8iecl. , flcatlons and superintendence tor nu clastts of buildings. Offloo ax) Corn, r.ierclal St., up stairs, CA. 1UJ1JKHT, Architect, room 421, Mar . qunu building, rortlaud, Oregon. DW.TOWN3ENU, Civil Englnforand . Kurveyor. Olllce with Oregon Land Co., Salem, Oregon. PX laksisn a eo r.:onumcture of ail , klndaor vehicles. Repairing a special ty. Shop 45 Stat dm reel. T)nOTEOTIONLODQl5K0.2.A.O U.W. I Meets In their ball In State lnsuranoe building, every Wednesday evening. H. A. UoKAUUlUI, M. W. J. A. BEIiW'OOD, Recorder. i i TMl'ROVKD OKUEK OF UKD' MKN, 1 KiiMiIuf.im Tribe No. 8, Halem. Holds couucll every Thursday evening, at 7:1)0. WJgwam In btate Insurance hall, K. 0. HAKKH, I'rophet. KKANK O. V AT15IW. V-hlef of Records EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The place'Jfor young ladles and gentle men to M'cure aithorough education Is the old,lmt ever.iitw. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South ofWUlsimstt Hotel, aAIEM ... ORKOON 3CDESfjSk. Sash and Door Factory Fronft Street, Salem, Oregon. io best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used N, CHURCHILL CHUECHLLL T S. BURROUGHS & BtritKOUGrHS, r t I f I r pi, . hnners, riumoers, uas ana oteam Mtters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Cheraeketa Street. mm The place to tret a Saddle horse. Liverv rig, Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill teed or good well rotted Manure, id of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan k Co., back of f illametto hotel. Prompt and easeful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. SALEM IRON WORKS, F. DRAKE, Propsietor. Manufacture BTEAM K.NQ1NKH. Mill OutflU. Water Wheel Governor. Fruit wring OutflU,.Tractlon Kujtnes, Cresting, etc Kann machinery rosdo and repaired. h General ftgents ub J mHuuter.tureis of the relcbroted WabbHrom llitent Middlings ariflur and Reels. Farm inacnlnery wade uud Kpalrea. DRAYS AND TRUCKS alvvHya ready for orders; Bell and tfttlivxr wootl, hay, exwil and lumber. Of. Aw iMU St, onDoalte Ho- i Iroa works. Drays and truck isy be foand throughout the dv at the oorner f HUta and CAtmrnertM 4iee. alem Track d Dray Co. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. 317 COMMERCIAL STREET. iROOKS &. LEGG, PRESCRIPTIONS Cfef4to4lr AfM444 4Lf or Capital t Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeafc at All Hours of the Day None bnt white labor employed in this establishment. A good substantial weal o Hiked in flrst class style Twenty-live cents per meal RBD KRON T Oon.t dttvet, between Opera .House and Mlnto's IJvery Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salctn, Oregon'. W. A. UU8ICK, ll'res. ;W. W. JIAltTIN, VlcePres. J. H. ALBKIIT, Cashier. Btate, County and City WarrunU bought at l'ur. dw 1ingnnd still the leading Institution ot the North West. Belter than over I New course of Instruction In Oratory, Theology and 1'ost.Uruduated. sTUDlKS. Normal, Uuslnes, Academy, and improved. FiicultlcH Increased and Improved. For Outalo.'ue of dolleso of Ijvr wrlto Dean 8 , T. KlcUiirdson, Ksi) , .Malum, Or. I'oruauiiKgueor uonego or ateaicai ana I'hurinney write Dean HTcninondKelly.M. D.. l'ortlau.l, Or. Kor general CutJiIojuo write Itev. Geo. yhttuker, 1), D., ITesldent, fcUlem, Or. 7-3-;imlw FINETEAS -AND- -AT- W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AXD WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's 268 Commercial street. M. T. RINEMAN A DXAXJKR IN id Fascy Groceries, s a.w ii..... r .. irAAjA. and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also veeetablesoodfrulU In their season. "HlgbeH lrloe paid for country produce.' wesouci asiuureaiyonr patronage, Staple 8-h Uibtaia street 1831 TUE cSJ;;,VATOK 1893 Country Gentleman THE I1K8T OF TUE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. BttVOTED T) Farm Creps atad Prooea, Mertieultureststd FrtU'.-Gr&wlmf t,ive-Stok sd DsUrniay. While It also Includes all rolaor lUpari. menu of Kural Interest, raea as the poul tnryard.entouioloey'. be-klBK. srreeo. bouse and grapery, veterlaary ' tvplhM, farm RresJde uuestlons and answers. reading, .lometlo eoonomy. and a mis. raary oft he news si tba week. Iu war- krt reporu are UBUsusny complete, and mueh atteauna U paid to tba proteeeU of the erops, a throwlDg llcbt apoa tae ot the most itaportaat of all questions When to bHy aad wba to aL ItU lib erally Illustrated. and by reoeat eBlarge saeat. muiu raoro reaawc iasnr nua ever before. The eaeearlptieB srie Is KM per year, WK we fler a sfssUil re OatUaa (now CLUB BATES FOR ISM. Ttw SfcwJjrtifc $ 4 Six WUctftim, " " K) s-Teall(ewtiBtiftbH fnr UW.mt : ta aarasee row, we vw eecwi t m rweklr.ftotairiaetitf Mtennilft. ryilwiisiweari. LUTHER TUCKER 4 SON, PnUMmt, AMw'fN.Y. , MMLWJMMH H, M. BRANSON & CO,, 303 Commercial Street THE WILLAMETTE SALEM, OREGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hoUl between 1'ortland uud Ban Francisco. Klrst-clata lu nil IU appoint, menu, lu tables are served with the Choicest JTndta Growulln the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. THE CAPITAL JODMAL II0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. Pa8L18 UKD UA1 LY. KX0ETT80WDAY, far THK Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Balldlng tattered at the poatofflce at Balom,Or.,a8 eecond-clDMi mutter. FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened to studonU Bept. 13, 1892. Otlen) the most, practical courses of stttd) ot any itchool in the State, viz: Mechanical KugluecriUK, Olvll Kuelneerlni;, Electrical EuKlnverlui;, Acndemlu una Grammar BChool courses Btudeuts prucllcn dally In wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Itourd per Your, J1SO. Special InduccracuU to a few young men who wish to work for tholr board und tui tion during; vacations. For prospectus and further Information, nddrrts ED WI MOUHI80N, M. 8 , l'rcsdeut, Uulem, Or, Nliss JSallou's KINDERGARTEN. l'HIRD YEAll Opens Monday, Heptemuer 18th, at Kin dercarteu Hall, opposite opera house. Children received at three years of age aud over, A connecting class will be vs. uiKiixiiuu luruuvonuea JWJiuerganen pu linn u Oulv odsom ployed. nud color work Introduced. ills und those beginning primary work, mo ucsi modern iinaergnruui inoin- I'rnns s system ol drawlns 2 ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 . M. " " 7:30 P. M. DAYS TO CHICAGO 31 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to CMcigo, 40 Hours Quicker to One-ha and KawswCrty. PULLMAN. TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS, IrVii vstuj mfl mMtkMmi t-sv...iAM uU m sjMiipsww JMm k Hn-Imt, Ot W. H. MUKUHirr,' Att, (I, V. A. ENGINE AND BOILER 171OR dale. The boiler is an B-borseup' JJ r)ht tuiiular, and the engine a (l-horse l.'oritunUI. ISo'.b are In good condition, and co. t -1700 when new. Apply Ui A, U, rOltMTNKIld CO.ioppo. site First rational Uunk. THK WOKJv BEFORR THK COMING 1.KGISLATUKK, National politics bo obscured state oirulra In Oregon this year that there may be said to be no political Issues of a local character before the coin ing session of the Oregon legislature. There ure no Btate Issues soeatled for either party to advance Rud legisla tion will assume an almost nonpar tisan character. Of course, the par ties will hold caucuses to organize the house aud senate, but buyout! this there will be less politics before the Incoming session of the legisla ture than ever before known lu the history of the state. v There is no United States senator to eleot. That event takes place two years hence. Tne selection of sena tors will hereafter bo throwu more directly upon the people themselves. It Is not altogether unlikely that when a senator Is elected two years hence, candidates will be formally nominated In state conventions and become an Issue in the campaign. Personal popularity will cut a big figure In the result. A more popular class of senators will be chosen all over the uorthwest. This legist ture may have to 'make provision for people's election of senators. There Is another Important Issue i, ,...n...,..r ....!...- .., V and of ttdoptlng as a state policy a more aggressive system of scouring the benefits of competitive water transportation. This should control somewhat in the minds of members the selection of a president of the senate aud speaker of tho house. These presiding officers possess great Influence in shaping legislation, and men should bo cuobou of well known "open river" convictions. If this Is not done the session will be barren of all results to the people In this di rection. That Oregon should do ull in her power to open the rivers goes without argument., . There are many, other matters of great importance that will come up, and these will be discussed in future Issues of the Journal, both for in formation of the people aud their representatives. Among the more intricate matters to come up are the reelection or reformation of the rail mad commission; disposition of con vlct labor; the road aud assessment problems; n world's fair exhibit; a registry law; ,tue reatljustint nt of fees of county and state officers. Many believe the time has como lu the history of this state when the fee system coul be dono away with, and the salary of every county, city and state olllolal bo fixed by statute, and all fees of offices, In excess of tho salary, be converted to the state treasury. That Is the custom in nearly every state and why Oregon has adhered to the territorial system so long is a mystery, in a state other wise so conservative iu money mat ters. The tax payers have a. right' to know just how much every official or his deputy or assistant receives for his services, just bow much IiIb olllce takes from or adds to the pub lic treasury. In our state offices the ooly known salaries are those of tho governor, attorney-general and su preme Judges. In county offices tne salaries of but a part of the of. flclalsaro known. Iu both state and county offices some officers re ceive too much and some perhaps too little, This subject is one that needs practical dealing with and shoultl not be passed by without a thorough overhauling. 'K ,. WWlj" Highest of all in Leavwiing Power.- Latut I?. S GoVt Roy .XS5!' ABSOLUTELY PURE Baking StJUamTHI) COjItHKXT.. X RBSJB The noxt two years will see giWt" changes In Oregon politics, The Jesul t Fathers have completed a beautiful now church at Bpokaue. Col. Bob Miller Is a bigger Demo crat than ever, now, even If he did not fuse. The leading question among lead ing Baleua Democrats ls,"Wlll Port land tret all the fat offices?" , The politician eayB purify the party from within. The people say purify politics from without 'with out office. It is hard to tell which, fess the more comfortable without the olher Governor Peunoyer'orjthe Demo cratic party, ti President-elect Olevelaud la a bigger man than Washington's monument In the eyes of olflce- seektug'DemooratB. The Republican party must be re organized and re-eullst lu the ser vice of the musses if It would' have any political future. Balem wants a city government that Bbalfrespcot the rights of capi tal but not entirely overlook,., the faot that the people have some rights too. The fuslonists may have the votes to carry Oregon wlththo Demo- .orata will control the federal' patron age. At least they say they will and all fuslonists must even stand from under the 'drippings of tho altar. Tub Nmw Yhar's -Journal will be the moat interesting nunibfeyer printed in Salem.'" The 'literary work on its fifty or sixty chapters Is well' under Way and it will be a voUime of Salem hlatory,every copy' of whl'oh time will only render more valuable as n historic souvenir of .the growth of our city. Shu Ownership trf Jttshlng- Stream. '' TIih owner of a KWth CaroBfis mountain f anil, ttnwigh which flows r stream, stoctml the waters at con sideraMe expense witiM specie of ' troutnot indigenous' to the regiott. . The ttaU did well, and though Hm stream whs duly" poated the pro prietov's neighbors helped them solves and defied his prohibittom.. tiki tresjMiee; laws proving tneJEWK tual, the common-law was mtat4 . the trout catchers charged with ! ceny, convicted and punished. TllH itmimrm.liiw trlvai'' tha mnutt'' '-3 of land and water the exclnalv tight to take the game orfiah totiaQ'M uiereon. it is tuw exclusive ngw w?;: oallal'propertyViB'.them. PtaWfj the common law nrintanie ia tit;.! whenever ahyjpne else,' without 4 mission, invades, '.this right, and Mk!i tures the ' nidi or raniM the rtiikast game .so soon as it js,ieduced to noa ; session becomes theproperty of tb, A wuuutvuer, huu iKaug away me nasi' or game oonstiiute8:larceny. ... ; rf Common law, is one. tiling, am nion custom fluite another.";, As a l-ulo, in this country, "game and fish are lobhedfjipoh" as belonging, to the person who stakes tiiemnotto him , on whoso land or iif Whose waters . ', thpy nro taken, except ,'in those in- -Btonces where an indiyi4ual,or asso- ; ciation protects game, and fish for ' tho piujido of sport. itf,ia probable ..-. that in the future, as game preserves shall multiply; anil aa'private enter- . prise, like that of the North Carolina- caee.wei have cited, slmlhintrodnee- A now snecies.- and tJitm achmira jsn Y-1 equitablo , ulaini to a certain owner ship in them, wo shallihear more of this phasei of ilio,cbinmon law. lk" ' est mid Stream.- , ' The city of Spokane has borrowed $500,000 at 0 per cent for the pur pose of sccurlug a good water sys tem. It has deolded to spend f312,- 000 in the laying of pipes. Muou of this has already been spent, and some of the pipes ure filled only with air, tho present pumping uta lion being Inadequate. j 1 j; hi The Salem Journal seems to be Itt doubt about Salem getting a public building since tho Democrats have come luto power. Its doubt.ls well founded, East Oregonlan, Tiik Journal simply showed that If Salem did not get a public building tho responsibility would rest upon Democracy. The Demo crats are ou top and the East Ore gonlan If probably right, IUwtdeuce 382 Church St, J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE 1WEII, Decorator, ICalsomluer and Pa per Hanger, Leave orders at A, H. Hurefi A Boa's Kur altare store or Brottl&Ulle, Uroows. CURE AiMHrsilCoinr4tTramMit, aofwUt- lHf bt fUppttttUtrim, vlBtHMMlt lO MMllOS, stWs a Ims aud Mj; a nnslllie cure fur -tril. lBinr, blind or Wsodtajc, lunlaf, hfmitc, rs4tt or brv4iuuy rhm, a4 ts lwrs a vrmt bMMAt to U iMJUjiy fMjsVsW B'rt It U slwrs a MTtmt I gtamml tMsslta, Tba Xrsi Mtwfsqr tbs kmm uswsnma . iwatr. j . - . . r tf... , . m rwmmtf umn ihth uaan istwa w m. from thW UrriMk sIImwm wun sw swim Is nivmt Wltti Unm. la Umi trntmr II mnA , haul muss for m . UWRSK 1KSMM4 IMT WhoUXUM, id.MAi0tL fwHsji.it, Of. Jfeaeiu ypkasu ft MB-asaw m THIS KICOKOANIZATJION MKKUKO, U. C. Payne, the Wisconsin raem lier of the itepubllcan National Committee, who Is stopping at the Fifth Avenue hotel, said that the movement In favor of a reorgaoibt llou of the Republican party lu this city, as explained hi The Press, de served, encouragement. ' "What we need," 'he said, "is a pemiHtwit beadijuarters to talk over the plans for the future and to reorganize for active work, I have not thought about details, At, pres ent I am able only to indorse the Idea." New York Preae. Mr. Payne is the lobbyist and political eorroptiouW of the Mil waukee ItiMiraBee and railroad eor poralions. lie has beea at the head of Ileajiblloan waasgeaaentlu the atate of "VyUeoiHtlii until tite state has become almost Irrdeai ably Dtmioeratlc Me aad bis like were In eeatrel of the Natloaal KepabHaaa aowwlttee thlayesri hwt t party all three braaeitas of HoveraawMit. The way to reernawtM the party 1m ta MaAfc ft II kfaUt-b tiBSBilSaaBl JaUakMI overheard a4 let the patty afaia tuptfM L. fuuA uiaja. mjJ 4tj .l... j. W 1. W 'P P PP4 4w 1P.WT.P erata leas Tkk Jovimul km mum U l4iv troetBa la " ektriag Im warM's sair year, Kaea year eye The Bepubllcun party achieved Its peorless posltloi) by adhering steadfastly (o principle In face of de feat aa well as In the hour of vic tory. When a majority voted for Buchanan In 1850 the Uepublloau party did not cousldor that result a mandate to surrendor Republican principles and to acquiesce In the ex tension of human slavery. Repub licans adhered then, aa they adhere now, to the principles they believed to be right, and four years later they saw those principles approved by the verdict of (he nation. New York Pres. WALDO KILL!. Mr. Henry Kecne aud wife, of Stayton, have been vWtlng their sou, at Shaw, , , J. Siuipson, Jr., Krank laipou and J, Simpson, nr., are preparing for a hunt lu the mouutalas, The people of thU vlelnlty are aU enjoying thmevtMi,eipeetally altiee Thuaksglvlng, The'geaeral (rlp in aheut what, a great time they, all liadattuebig'dluner at tae Ksene sobrol hniuw, After eat lug a hearty dinner ami listening to a long and well rendered tH-ograw, the young people Burprised Mr,Hilbewr,ad aad. a graad soelal. A friead ia aeed la a tthui ladee-t, and wot hw than ooe wltlhta Geoule have fotiud jast sueb a frtead in Dr. Klag's Kew LHsoqvry far ooiaaa tkw, aoitiiM. au4 aehb. If yew have Heyer iwed UiiWgrt etmajh mrt is iti i.l ii nti ta' an c ut al I aa J aakiA VWU MHta,' 1Tfl HPW Tlfaajaf tMMi, 114 too!. totk hmh Ii hm at Daa'l. J. Fry's (intataore, tm UOBH'UBW. JiuUday Ifoudtf otty kind, aud at Oaattra's m A titan uiul Wire CoMlHtaswl. "W IhattllfdnHiliA nf nkm itmmtm ...u ,uawuuiiuD V, wn VHWW. rmiinil iif orliuiu ciul vM urliinl. 4fc'.'- foiuid.to poaseas a remarkable raaiat ing, power, in sudden change of tepa. f porkture, bids fair to become an li : nortanc iadMatpv.. tuxutrHintr f.- tK--''; accounts which liave appeared in tha Dresden (Germany) ppew. Thenrooj (ees oi prouucraon.oonsuiw.ot xurnisn ing glass, whiloin a hot plastic wmflt. uon, with a flexible., metallic layer, like wiro 'netting, the metal beoomlait completely imbedded in the glass, an4 in this'way being effectively protects ed from rust. Aaaproofdf.Uioltough noss of, such u compound, it is stated that tho glass may.be sprinkled' with cold water yrhttb it is in a, highly heated state without the, surface be ing materially damaged, and the article is therefore considered to be partidurarly .'adapted, for skylight, tho1 powerful resisting' qualities of the subatauco, rendering tie? use of the ordinary wire protector nn- nccossary. It has also been siiooeaa fully employed for hollow glassware, and in espeoial Is suitable for mak-' ing glass vessels wmen nave to ataatt l.i ir . . . .'. ' . i l iiiirii TirMHaiiii'ri rT ara BiiianK wni'. lumluggge, and m"- ilie glasa oxmotf uu ui.un.on yvjuiuunamwug unusual noise, and is not readiljn.cut.wiaia diamond, it is claimed thai.Ute ma terial iTiu a moosure burgUu" proof. Now York Sun, "" " -i ' ' n i ( The Mouoj- iu&Me Im ti Hnms. i A man should see that hit woman folks are given twalloWanoe Let the daughter .receive hers, the wife hers and the mother hers. ' Let each lie told howlougit is expected to last, and leave the miendiiig of.it .tothem selves and to their own 'good judg ment. Many a woman, galled bra ,depemlence that causes her4 to run to xuo iieati or mo nouae ror every ami she spends, father than submit to Cm humiliatioii does work by dmooa aj which slie may supply her own want? without cpjestion or cotrmteot. It is oarelessness. on , the part of most men tliat nialtea themfoxvet tlie needs' of their families, for as a rule men are not selOsh, but it 9MkjM it no lees untileasaut for the wifeWb must needs state her wants betoaj" the faulty iritanorv has baan taavHul. '74 Mee are so accustomed to oimrkMt mraltaaV'ttnJr1 liAvtllb' ik ultaJatwai all iiatJi " "vhv ainfH aw aa v wmj w SBjaaswrsjajat utatn tet: au 91 UMor ova noma taps ;, It Merer eater their heads to nriMlaf '. 4l aur L.au nu ika M.. rjt tJfl -w ' "i. w-1. m irw w im w.aw vs vq J taintag a naw hat, box of rrUpwajft,'! a rait ovaiwat. nthBdelpbisflsa A 0MMp(tf QpltilfflMMa Social eouvantion are tha t theopiitiQtts of people liviag ) Mm ago who aaoceeded at i tug ottkw1 paobb that their ware aonnd and. tlieir praetfeaai tote, it cioaa not louow Wat HI was a foot because ha lived a.) tame ago. If Mr. BjoraatM ajaf $ IbaMU.Wid tna rut ooojd trutk of this aunt wottM do them, aa the i vwQ& aifsaBj ipisBaa a aaaaaa aMAina I woold write atoxies wittuatatj to teach auyttuag ta would essay tha jot unx of inaklng them i maKms" Utin indecent wwuhj be uxwk bMtar KX SvitelWeel VIM'S iTfirtCr aa lis . aaul aaa it ina. lMsdaa Mteataav 1 w