Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 16, 1892, Image 3

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    Dress Goods,
OETDnpC In Blue, Brown, Gray, awl Green colore, etc.
BROADCLOTH Groe"' B1"c' Gr"y' md- B-aolt '
FLANNELS, In'a11 colora- ; .
WfWFI TIFR Some excellent values among them. ' ' , .
TR I M M ! N P Changeable Silks, Gimps, and Irridesceht Velvets' at '
WEDNESDAY,- NOV. 16, 1892
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. .Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Lime, cement, plaster, hair, lire
and building brick, 11 ro clay, Band,
gravel, blacUsmilh and house coal,
wood, nil kinds, wholesale and re
tail. OMlce 95 State street.
Stakk-H ayes. This evening
will take place at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hayes, East
Salem, the marriage of their daugh
ter, Miss Alice F. Hayes.to John H.
Starr. The bride i9 the accomplished
daughter of Grand Master Hayes of
the State Grange. The groom is a
graduate of the State Agricultural
college and well known in this city,
and especially to readers of the
Weekly Capital Jouhnal, the
Interests of which he has represented
in all parts of the valley forborne
time. Mr. and Mrs. Starr will go to
Albany this evening and then on a
trip to Portland. C. B. Starr and
wife, of Monroe, Or., and Senator
Hayes, of Oregon City, and other
relatives of the bride and groom are
in the city to witness the nuptials
which will be solemnized by Bev.
C. L. Kellerinan of the First M. E
church. The Jouknal force and a
host ot friends wish Mr. and Mrs.
Sturr unbounded joy and success in
their married life.
Cikcuit Court. Wednesday's
cases: Wtn.F. Miller was sentenced
to pay $100 line and stands commit
ted until paid State vs. Elder.
which nlaiulift was Indicted for
keeping a vicious dog, was acquit
ted. .State vs. Kreutzer, for rob
bing Lily King, was tried this
morning. He got away with some
silk hosiery, jewelry, an orido watch
I't and several bottles of consumption
& nnra TTo U'ua ralpnKPfl Th trifil
of Fred Van Wagner is on this af-
!? teruoon.
Postponed. The trial of W. H.
H. Dunkle, on charge of assault ou
B Boss McCormick, was continued uu-
Oil next Monday at 1 p. m. by con-
if sent of attorneys. Mr. Dunkle is a
free Methodist preacher in East
p Salem, and Is an inoffensive order-
loving citizen. Some roughs at-
i tempted to break up Ills meeting
Baud afterwards assaulted and beat a
mtn outside. Dunkle went out and
Fpulled them off the beaten man,
fraud had them arrested, Hence tuis
W-cross-suit against Dunkle.
K That New Directory. Speak-
liing of the Obenauer directory of
JKugene anu iano county, me js.ii-
Kgene Begister says it Is very satis-
factory and complete in every detail.
liTbe Hame Arm is now at work on
ifthe Salem and Marion county direc
tory, which promises to be the best
lever published here.
k Jefferson. The ladies of the
eEvaugelical church will give a
StTbauksglvlng dinner and supper at
IStnlth and Jones' hall. An excel
lent program will be rendered In the
fcveulng. Dinner will be served
jfrom 12 to 2 and supper from 0 to 8
A Severe Test. During the
ectiou excitement the Lockwood
esse Hirers have done an immense
isIiipss, but they were equal to the
!ff fPoDD - Wmnnivn Tlwi lintlpr.
ilcned Is prepared to do type-writ
ing, copying and olflce stenogrnplo
i,(work, on reasonable terms. Boom
11, Gray block. Stella Sherman.
Ii Parlor rockers another new line.
i 00 to select from at Keller & Marsh's
Prices from $8.00 to 120.00. These are strictly new coats, and the latest out.
$1.00 a suit to $4.00
SS.00 each. Men'g all Wool
6.00.-7-Bargain in all department.
Arrangaments Completed for the
Next Annual Fair.
A numberof the most prominent
men in the state were in the city
Tuesday, it being the day for tho
annual meeting of tho State Board
of Hgriculture.
Tho meeting was held at the state
house In the afternoon, there being
present the following members:
Galloway, Holt, Miller, Wilklus,
Wright, Matlock, Simpson, Apper
son and Guthrie.
The revision of the premium list
was deferred uutil some future
meeting of the board.
Messrs. Apperson, Galloway and
Matlock were appointed to prepare
a speed programme, for the 1893
tneetlug, to be reported at some fu
ture meeting of the board.
Messrs. Miller, Wright and Gal
loway were appointed a commlltee
to prepare resolutions upon the
death of Gaines Fisher.
A. F. .Miller was appointed a
special committee to inquire into
and make recommendations con
cerning the premium list in divis
ion O (floral department).
M. Wilklus for division F, G and
H (Oregon manufactures, dairy, and
domestic woolen goods).
John G. Wright forr divisions J
and K (millinery, sewing and knit
ting, and for misses under 10 years
of age).
T.he secretary was authorized to
renew membership in the National
Trotting association.
The report of tho committee on
special exhibits was amended so as
to include diplomas to the Sugar
Pine Sash and Door factory and the
agricultural college.
Bule No. 00 was amended so'as to
read: In any division where the
first premium amounts to $20 or
over, the winner may have his
choice of the money or a gold medal;
where the first premium amounts to
$9 or over, of the money or a silver
mtfdal; and where the first premium
is $5 or over, of the money or a
bronze medal.
Or any winner of a premium may
take a bronze medal or a diploma.
It was moved to appoint a oom
mlttee to ask the legislature for an
appropriation of 520,000 to clear the
indebtedness and improve the state
fair grounds, but the motion was
The president and secretary were
authorized to draw a warrant for the
lutorest due on the mortgage against
the society.
The Oregon Breeders' and Speed
association was granted the use of
the race track and stables on July
4th, 5th and Gth. It is contempla
ted to make certain improvements
to the track and grounds; and the
board will afford the association all
courtesies possible, in view of the
The following were elected officers
of the board for the eusulng year:
President J. T, Apperson.
Vice-president Wui. Galloway.
Secretary J. T. Gregg.
Treasurer A. Bush.
Chief marshal W. L. Siraeral.
Superintendent of pavilion W.
H. Savage.
Superintendent of grounds J. Q.
Executlye committee W. F.Mat
lock, Wm. Galloway, T.L. David.
son und J. G. Wright.
Finance committee M. WilKins,
A. F. Miller and S. H. Holt.
It was the decision of the board to
co-operate with the legislature as far
as possible in securing to Oregon a
creditable exhibition at the world's
The board adjourned to meet at
thecall of the president, which will
probably be in March.
Piotdre Framks. A half gross
of ready made picture frame espec
ially adapted for crayon work Just
received at Keller it Marsh's.
Best and cheapest place la the city
to buy your feed. O. Beak.
Special sale of cloth! ug, Jackson's.
Just opened-
-See our sew Haee ef-
a wit. Blanket $1.75 to $6.00 a pair. Quilt $1,00 to
Suit $10.00 to $15.00. Bov'a all Wool Suite $4.00 to
BLOCK, eeraer Ooft a4 UWrtf itoeite, feb-M, Owyi.
Commercial Street.
Opens Thursday at the Armory
Building for Three Days.
The Kinder Symphony club has
completed, arrangements for the
success of the chrysanthemum fair
which is to be held in the armory
building Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday this week. Deep interest is
being taken in the fair by people all
over the state and many tenders of
flowers have beeu received from
Medford on the south, and Portland
and other cities on the north. A
literary program of exceptional ex
cellence has been prepared and will
precede the show on the first even
ing. Tho second evening will be
marked by a brilllantentertalnment
given under the name of Columbus
evening, when gorgeous tableaux,
illustrating different periods In the
life of the great navigutor will be
produced In specially prepared cos
tumes rivalling in beauty anything
of the kind ever seen in the city.
The third evening will be devoted
to all the amusement, entertainment
and instruction that can be obtain
ed from a really novel cake walk
one of the historic relics of negro
frolics on the plantations In the
sunny south. There will be good
music and every body in attendance
will be expected to enjoy themselves
and every thing around them. The
management regrets its inability to
give cash premiums this year, but
the way will be paved for a chrysan
themum club and a show of daz
zling beauty next year. First,
second and third premiums will be
awarded for excellence this year and
there will be competent and con
scientious judges. Anyone wishing
to exhibit flowers and to aid in mak
ing the show a success should con
fer with the president, Mrs. A. N.
Bush. She will give directions for
the proper placiug of all exhibits.
The ladles of the Kinder Sym
phony club and the committee of
the Episcopal church have been
busy all day perfecting arrange
ments for success of the first chry
santhemum fair in Salem.
The Armory hall is being decora
ted with evergreens, and the ex
hibits of plants and cut flowers are
coming in and being arranged. By
tomorrow the armory will be a per
fect bower and everything points to
a' great success for this first show.
The management requests that all
who are to take part In the Colum
bian evening shall meet for full re
hearsal at the armory tonight at 8
All flowers for display and decor
ation Bhould be seut in as early as
Thursday noon. Conveyances will
be sent for any plants on request for
the same.
The fair opens Thursday evening,
when the opening program will be
rendered. Everybody should en
deavor to be present.
Just From Bocii ester. .-At Bine
maq's, 132 State street, can be seen
the wonderful ''Mammoth" Boch es
ter lamps, also the "baby" size the
greatest illuminators in the world i
Jersey Milk Delivered in al
parts of the city. Leave orders at
Gilbert & Patterson's store. Abra
ham Bich. 10-18-lm
Little Nestucoa. Absolutely
the best cheese In Oregon, at Clark
& Epploy's.
Ladies' silk hose at The Palace.
Corsets and waists properly
adjusted free of charge, at Mrs.
Cooper's. It
The $3.00 ladles' shoes at The
Palace Is beyond compare.
Special price on ladles' and chil
dren's gossamers at The Palace from
this date. A big cut.
Blankets and quilts at Jackson's.
The City Dairy guarantees to sup
ply you with fine grade Jersey
milk, B.J. Sharp, prop.
Buy your groceries of Branson &
Co., and get free street car rides.
Try Jackson for trunksand valise.
Styles and Prices
Have Ordered fc New Depot Kosse
Built at Tangent.
The Comrulaslou haven numerous
ly signed petition 'asking for a depot
and alleging refusal ou the part of
the company to build one.
Au order has beeu issued that
the company commence construct
iDgu'depot to cost not less than $1000
by December 1st, and to report to
the board ou or before that date
what, if anything, has been done hi
the matter. If not obeyed the board
will make It a test case to see If the
company cau be compelled to Lutld
a depot where it is shown that the
busiuess.atthe station will justify.
The Sumpter Valley railroad from
Baker City to Sumpter valley baa
opened Its line for traffic, twenty
five miles of narrow gauge. Bale
sheets liuve been filed with tho board
who will pass ou whether or not
they are reasonable.
The board Is making its reports on
the recent inspection of lines In Ore
All the railroad compauels have
now filed annual statements except
the U. P. company.
House Burned. At eleven a. in.
a fire alurm was given that proved
to be n house at 272 Mill street, the
residence of Silas Howard. While
he was away from home and his
children at school the fire burst out
the second story from a defective
flue and all was soon euveloped in
flames. The house is a ruin, in spite
of the work of the fire department
and nearly all its contents a total
loss. Mr. Howard has some insur
ance, but does not know how .much.
On the Biver. The steamer
Hoag, of the O. P. Line, leaves Sa
lem Thursday morning with 75 tons
of flour from the Salem- Milling
company, und will take as much
more frpm Oregon City. Part of
this Is for the local trade, and the
remainder will be exported to Liver
pool. The Elwood leaves Porlaud
Thursday for Salem. She will bring
up wheat from Lincoln for the Wil
lamette Valley Milling company.
Sheriff Sale. Sherifl Knight
sold the lot of 143 tons of straw tit
Chainpoeg and other landings at
sherifl sale yesterday. It brought
$1.75 per tbn.
He Saw More. The intending
purchaser who visited Squire Fur.
rars & Co. saw more choice grocer
ies und seedless ralsius than he bad
ever before Beeu.
Attorney General George Cham
berlain is In the city, to urguu avcase
before the supreme court.
F. J. Catterlln and family depart
forPortluud today where they will
make their home in future. They
go with the best wishes of a large
circle of friends.
Claud Gatch and family left to
day for Seattle, where they will
spend several weeks with Mr.
Gulch's father, of the Washington
Our customers compare them and
declare that the greatest bargains
in Salem are to be found at the
New York Backet.
The chrysanthemum fair opens
next Thursday evening.
A. C. Woodcock, J. P. O. Lown
dale and S. D, Gibson, the commit
tee of the board of equalization ap
pointed to arrange the details of tho
preliminary work of the board have
adjourned arranging to have a clerk
prepare all the tables and statistics.
No quorum being present the city
council adjourned to meet this even
ing at 7:30 sharp.
The county clerk's office Is out of
warrants and can issue none until
a new book is received.
Bbeumatlsm and catarrh, caused
by impoverished blood, cured by
Ayer's Saisaparilla,
See tho New York Backet store's
new ad on first page.
Dr. Henderson was called to
Hubbard today to see a patient.
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Glesy camo up
from Portland lost evening, return
ing this afternoon. The doctor was
called up to attend the sou ofF.
Levy, who Is quite 111.
Supt. Bollinger, of the blind
school, accompanied a pupil to Port
land this afternoon.
Silas Howard loses between four
and live hundred dollars above In
surance by the burning of his
house today.
For Constipation, Headache, Liv
er Complaint, and for alt purgative
purposes, take Ayer's Pills the best
for family use.
Mammoth stock of new goods at
the New York Racket. 20 lo SO.pcr
cent. Hived on all purchases.
Empty barrels for. sauei kraut
only a few left, at.Ciark Sc Eppiy'a.
Special sole of show at Jackson'?.
Elegant neckties, Jackson', 93
State street.
Squire Farrar & Co., still Iwve
tees ef what Democrats a,nd lUpub
IleaiM appreciate and Weaver uwui
joy pure buckwheat Uwr and
New BHglaHd Maple syrup. ,
TbatMglviBK facoffitag and Squire
Far (X have all the lagredi
tmt for theea mtimm pfe or the bet
grade of mImmhu on tap.
TW beet te tee over flwl
Ih Hem, at tbe PalMW,
Frmliwt and tt stock Ih the
nityatO. Swte's HWm Uwrt W
' Bargnliw Is tM liiM At JmImm'v
Few are Free
FROM Scrofula, which, being heredi
tary, U the latent cause of Consump
tion, Catarrh, Low of Sight, Eruptions,
mid numerous other maladies. To ef
fect a cure, purify tho blood with
Ayer's Sarsapnrllla. Begin early, and
persist till every trace of tho poison is
"I can heartily recommend Ayer's
Snrsaparilla for all tlioso who ore aflllct
cd with scrofulous humors. I had
suffered for years, and tried various
remedies without ofToct. Finally, Ayer's
Sarsnparllla gnvo relief and put mo in
ruy present good healthy condition."
B. M. Howard, Newport, .N. II.
" My dnughtor wns greatly troubled
with scrofula, and, at one time, it wns
feared slio would lose her Bight. Ayer's
Sarsnparllla 1ms completely restored
hur health, and her eyes aro as well
and strong as evor, with not a trace ot
scrofula in her syatom." Geo. King,
Kllltugly, Conn.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rr.Er-Aiiira by
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass
Price t; ill bottlca, $5. Worth $3 a bottle.
Grand Clearance Sale
All our Millinory and Fancy
Goods will bo Sold at
Actual Cost!
For the next 30 Diys.
29lCom'l St:
Final account estate E. Barnes,
dectused, set for hearing Nov. 21, 10
a. ni.
Final nccouut eslato Thos. Hunt,
deceased, rendered and accepted.
Fluul account estate Johu C.
Hayes, J. S. Van Winkle, executor,
Dec. 16th set for hearing.
In estate of Charles W. Bark
hurst, deceuced, 8. T, Hobirt und
Alice Baikhurst, administrators,
sale of real eetute approved.
In guardianship of Betla Milsterta
miuor, Nancy E. Mtlster, guardian,
sale of real estate approved.
In estate of Mary Osborne, N. J,
Judnh, administrator, semi-annual
account approved.
Petition to distribute proceeds
gnuited. f
Iu estato of' John M. Harrison,
Audrew Harrison, administrator,
final settlement allowed.
Iu estate of Nancy C. Harrison,
same administrator, same order
Electric Bitters
This remedy Is becomiug so well
kuown, and popular us to need no
special mention. All who have us
ed Electric Bitttrs slug the same
song of praise. A purer medicine
does not exist and It Is guaranteed
to do all that is claimed. Electric
Hitters will cure all diseases of the
Liver and Kidneys, will remove
Pimples. Bolls, Salt Bheum ntfd
other ufri'ctloiiB cauped by impure
bloid. Will drive Malaria from the
system und prevent as well as cure
all Malaria fevers. For cure of
Headache, Constipation and Indi
gestion try Electric Bitters Eutlro
satisfaction guaranteed, or money
refunded. Prior COcts nnd $100 per
bottle at Daniel J. Fry's drugstore.
Special sale at Ed Jaoksou's, 00
State etrrct, of men's and children's
clothing and shoes. These goods
will be sold regardless of cost this
Is bona fide wo are compelled to
snerufico them as wo must have the
room for our Increasing hut and
furnishing goods trade. If you want
to make the most of your dollars,
don't full to cull at 00 Stute street.
We are to have a new administra
tion. See the now quotations ou
sugar at the Blue Front.
Those burnt almonds, at Tho Spa
lako tho lead.
Umbrellas, steel rod, (2, Jackson's.
Wood, Wood. Plenty of It sawed
and ready for dollvery. Leave your
orders at Byan's stable,' corner of
Ferry and Liberty. dlO-lOtf
For Bale.
Hoiiho nnd two lots in North Sa
lem on loug time easy puyments
If sold sod soon. This Is a bargain.
Look It up. E. P. Bj'aldino,
HoV Commercial street. ll-ll-tf
The best meats and tho best ser
vice in delivering at, McCrow &
HtouslofPfl. Bacon and lard, the
finest home produce.
Oysters at O. W, Hellcnbrand's
The Spa la at the fronton all con
fectionery. Jut received the finest, over
galters for the money at Tiie Palace.
Branson & Co, lake you home
with a free (street car ride,
TUTT'ti PILLS Invigorate body I
and mind. '
TW dy ftuv Craw'of Tartar Powdr. W Aw-tumia; No Alum
Um4 fat Millions of Horn 40 Vwt iU SUudari
irv PRICES ;
-1 .
A 13 on
'.-; r ii rr mz
ii -rji .ii r i v y r.
l I I "X. v- c
Having concluded to retire from business, wo oiler our entire stock of' tafttiii
Merchandise, consisting of DRY 'GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS; BOOT
ana clause, in incr,
After 25 years constant business, wo wish to close but entirely and will $"
make a groat sacrifice to dd this. "' "
M. W.
Has added to his sttfck a fine lino of all kinds of household furniture, which he expecto
to soil very reasonably, and asks his old customers and iriends to call and examine; for
themselves, before purchasing elsewhore. Ho also carries the largest .and 'cheapest
stock of WALL'PAPEE this side of Portland, besides lots of Noiions,l Toys, etc.,
for holidays. These he is trying to close out, and therefore will sell them, aslcheap W
possible, many going below actual cost. Give him a call. ' '"' . .
1 i
'. .Jl '".. ' iiiniiilil.il .' ..,-,., MULliMJIlg -
Salksi, Nov. 1.0, 1802.
Sylvester Pennoyor, George W.
McBride. and G. W. Webb, State
Board of Land Commissioners for
the sale of school and university
lands, respondents, vs W. B, Willis,
app.; appeal from Douglas county;
argued and submitted. A. M. Craw
ford und W. B. Willis attys for app,
Geo. E. Chamberlalu atty for reaps.
To Prevent the Grippe
Or any other similar epidemic, the
blood and the whole system should
be kept in condition. If you feel
worn out or have "that tired feel
lug" In tho niornlng.do not be guilty
of neglect. Give Immediate attent
ion to yourself. Take Hood's Sarsa
parilla to glvo strength, purify tho
blood and prevent disease.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, juand
Ice, biliousness, sick ueadaouo, con
stipation. The largest stock of boots, shoes
and slippers ever shown in Salem
can be found at Krausse Bros.
Satisfied, Clark fc Eppley are
satisfied with tho results, and their
patrons are always satisfied with tbe
Bolft Nets, Eugene.
W. F. McCarthy, E. H. Ausdrln,
and wife, E.A. Haokett,Max Meyer,
W. H. Burt, Albany.
G. Hlckerman, Willi Fold, 0. D.
Hoffman, Chas, A. Field, San Fran
C. W.,Bansom, Forest Grove.
Chas. Branthrvat, Independence.
To Mr. and Mrs. D, B. Bentloy of
West Salem, Nov, 10, 1802, a
At the Catholic church Iu Gervala,
Monday, Nov. 7, 1802, Miss Agnes
Poujade and Bernard Nyn.
Mrs. Nya Is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. II. Poujade, and Mr. Nys Is
a farmer of Gervala. u
At the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. W. T. Itichee, n Turner, Sun
day, Nov. 13, 162, Mrs, Marshal
You will never be Aialitencd by ,HIGJb FBtCJ
when Afisitinff our establishment. ,jtfb och twoka
h. demons exist there. Tho pricoe of each article rem"
A lowest ngure it can ba produced lbr, and Ho more-c
. .
a fide Sale.
oyeryunng io oo iouna in nrsc-cfass stores,
Commercial Street, X:'
IvBT There
Finest Patterns and
Nopo can compote with usl
verdict of
jTTho latest in Decorated
Chihd; and Fancy Glassware.
Clulloor CrltloUm.
Many years ago I was playing in
Dublin. I was suddenly called upon
to' take a heavy part tho actor who
was cast for it having boon taken ill.
In tlioao days your gallory boy was
a much greater controversialist titan
ho is now. I mean if a couploof
gallory friends wero separated thoy
thought nothing of holding a conver
sation across tho house wliilo the
play was in progroes. Well, I made
my first ontranco,
"Is that him eh?" shouted ono
youth to another.
"No," enmo tho reply "thorn is
tho young man's clothes. They'll
shovo him out later." Hcjiry Irving
in Strand Mugnzlife.
' ' ' f "-'i 1 inn -i"n m
Illil Animuli Tulk?
It may bo interesting to note that
JosophiiH thought that sovoml of tho
lower nUumls could speak before tho
fall, ni 'i i t this day many of the
native U uth Africa believe that
tlip I ' n talk. Atlanta Con-
AtuIiIIiib u Dliputc.
Nieco (showing the wedding pres
ents to Undo George) I wanted you
to see them all, dear Undo George,
so that you won't send a duplicate,
Duplicate wedding, presents are so
very annoying, you know,
Undeaeorge-H'ml What's this!.
Niece That's iwpa's cheek for
800. Isn't it lovely?
Uncle George Very, I intended
to send the same thing, but, rather;
than annoy you with a duplle4e
present I'll send you iJIOO. Lo4oh
FujhiIm- Vrt9.
BoawUr Your ebargee are erW
taat LaaUed Jee' so.
"Attt YiMt "sulvarttMd aMilAr
"XlH. atfl flAttft tft'i- ttfl fMBUup
Tb bouse te fta, Ker Yeck
pv" ' '' 1 l1"' tlill.,i.'l ii .
Mother ia bwl I toU jam wok
io etfr t h ya4, ia yan wok
mk ad nearly got w ovr.
Lktta Otek-Tbat wa xmm I vac
tejrta to miA yova a4 tfar.--jkwrj
- . ' Tl"
, ! .
Wii : M
Be, Lianr !
Every Varibtyofmpk
Largest A$$ortm0fl$
SALEMf w '':'.
This is not "auKy," but Out.
our patrons.
. a
J "
Amria Ohelera.
From the Dilly JWv-tlK Wt
com, Waahlngtea: "T. a Bur
tbe Democratic candidate fori
was taken violently ill at (
He had alt the symptom of .
cholera, and tor aa hour; or twej
was feared be would die.
finally gave him a dose of Ct
Iain's CqIIo, Cholera and
Bemedy, which revived htnj uam
physician arrived.' -"That la
olsely what the watiufaetureni
that medlotne reoommeiui for
era. Send for a physWan bnt
. JjLiJLil if i
their medlolae until the pbystoiafi
arrives, ii caomra ueuomea prww.6
lent In this oountry next summM
this" pre parHtion will he Iu great 4aa
tnand because It oaw always to
pended upon. For sal by Beakettj
& Ytu Slype.
is Lift
That (kpenda upon tbft
liver, if th TStrtfi':
iaaotiye the whole
tarn k out of order
Lreatk i bad, dJfattio
poor, bead doU or aoMflfe
taargy and bottftilti
tjouf), tha ipfaru k a
preeHu, a Heavy wUHBHr ,
exieU after eatta, WW;
rral deapeadanej aa
itoe hniiaiiiiopi or
V"Paaw aew vwiv
Jtui Jia
voaaira ooMtatal
4WB iJ H
mjnfllJ 1