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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1892)
& , & J' , 5 Mi Red Fox, Lynx, Angora Muffs and Boas. MINK Muffs and Collars. " MONKEY Muffs and CaPes- Children's Fur Setts All Prices. T. HOLVERSOH. HIE CAPITAL JODMAL. MONDAY, NOV. 14, 189:2 GILBERT k PATTERSON, I'Danlprs in firnrflrifis. firnrkfirv. mint n.'x- miJ u i. - ruiassware, ramus, uns, varmsnus, Patterson FRrnesK"!. WinrlnwtrlfKc. Ftp. SnlfiW' , ' ,..... ..,...,.., ... .- Agents for Epicure Tea and Big fOan Baking Powder. f OEO. D. O0O1JHUE. K. CAIIILL. BUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, hair, firo . aud building brick, lire clay, sand, . gravel, hlucksmitu and bouse coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale aud re tail,. Olllce 95 State street. Goodhue & Cahill. Will Pbevent Fikes. In the placing of bonfires and discharge of fireworks at the Democratic jubilee it will be well to exercise great care and thus prevent possible setting of fires. Bonfires should be set with some reference to the way the wind blows it is blowing up Salt creek pretty strongly forRepublicans as a I' strong wind would endanger much property unless me greatest care is exercised, We have no doubt this will be attended to but it will be just as well to have the fire de partment In good order for the occasion. Adjourned Term. Judge Bur nett called the adjuurned Wm of circuit court at 1 o'clock sharp. The k first case on trial to a jury was that of the larceny charge against II. H. Redfield, who has been in court often. July 25th he was ar- lested for stealing a watch from one SuldVnn. Prosecuting Attorney If McCauu and Tilmon Ford took op- , poslte sides of case, and as we go to pres3 it is still on trial. Fred Van Wagner, Wm. Miller, and D. H. K Young, the boatburner, are in jail awaiting trial at this term. . Saturday County Court. Ap plication for aid to run a ferry boat aci03ij the Santiam, upon request of D". D. ii. Golden, disallowed Warrant drawn in fayor of J. Ros sell in sum of $168 for building a bridge a ross Silver creek War rant for $100 ordered drawn in fayor of Mr. Parker in compensation for a special loan Petition allowed for an allowance of one-half the taxes collected on the abstract made by V. H. H. Waters. m Let allBeHapi'Y. The Jour- to ??AT. lirme lis llemooratlo menus i-". . ,. .. I'm imvn net irnnn a rimfi im run iip- publicans had four years ago. It wishes them good weather and a ' good attendance, and a good admin s' istration of public affairs to follow the inauguration of President Cleve land fourth of March next. Rkoeition. A farewell reception will be tendered Jiov. C. L. Corwln by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Keller, on Btate street, on Monday evening, November 14th, at 7:30 o'clock. Members of the Congregational church aud all of Mr. .Corwiu's friends are cordially invited to be present. m My wife was cured of malaria by Simmons Liver Regulator. J. -N. Tompson, Pastor M. E. Church, Leigh Neb. Squire Farrar & Co., still have tons of what Democrats and Repub licans appreciate and Weaver mb enjoy purt buckwheat flour aud INew England Mupie syrup. BUY LUDLOW'S LADJES' $3 SHOE-THE BEST IN AMER ICAANY STYLE-FOR SALE ONLY BY R. J. FLEMING, 118 STATE STREET. Bargains in all lines at Jackson's. TUTT'S PILLS luvlgorato body and mind. Helleubrand'a meals are as usual the best. Best and cheapest place in the city to buy your feed. C. Beak. Oyttersat O, W. Helleubrand'a resturant, CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY, Just opened OVERCOATS-! OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! Prices from $8.00 ta $20.00. These are strictly new coata, and the latest out, See our sew lines of MEN'S UNDERWEAR -:- -:- N All Styles' and Prices $1,00 a suit to $4.00 a writ. BUnJcote $1.75 to $6,00 amir. Quilts $1.00 to 13,00 each. Men's alHYool Suite $10.00 to $15.00. Boy's all Wool Suite $4.00 to 4G.00 Bargains in all department. Agwits for R. Sc G, CORHKTS. Uwt in tboWtd. ,' OPJIR A HOUtUE BLOCK, eewr Cfewt m4 Lftwtf , Salew, Omm. FURS 301 CITS POLITICS. Eopublican Primaries Called Date of City Convention. The Salem Republican city com mittee met Saturday evening at the office of the Chairman Dr. J. A. Lilichardson. There were present I. county chairman who Is also a member of the city com mittee, R. A. Crossan, James Batch elor, and Ross E. Moores holding proxy of Geo. G. Bingham. The date set for holding the prt-' maries is Friday, November 25, 1692; and that they be held open from 2 to 7 oclock p. m.; and that the vot ing places bo as follews: First ward Old Engine house. Second ward Justice Batchelor's office, in the old court house. Third ward Miuto & Low's liv ery stable. Fourth ward Willamette hotel. It was moved and carried that the city convention bo held at Reed's opera house on Monday, November 28, at 7:30 p. m. Thefollowiug persons were ap pointed as judges of election for their respective wards: First ward T. C. Shaw, H. A. Johnson, Jr. M. W. Hunt. Second ward Chas. Claggett, John Q. Wilson, J. C. Thompson, Third ward-E. M. Waite, C. B. Moores, Ed. N, Edes. Fourth ward D. L. Greene, A. O. Cnndit, Wylie A. Moores. The apportionment of delegates to the city convention is as follews: 1st ward, 8; 2d ward, 18, 3rd ward, 10; 4th ward 12. There are to be nominated candidates for mayor, recorder, marshal, treasurer, an alderman from each ward and one for short term from 4th ward. A number of gehilemen have been mentioned as possible candi dates for mayor, but none of these have authorized the use of their names. County Chairman I. L. Patterson of the firm of Gilbert & Patterson is brought out as a candi date for alderman. It remains to tie &?en what the Democrats will do. John Gray Is the Democratic city chairmau, and thero is a posslblity of a city ticket. The program of last Juue election will also cut quite a figure. DEMOCRATIC JOLLIFICATION. Bonfires Blaze, Bands Blow, Pro cession .Transparencies and Fireworks. Monday evening, Nov. 14, 1892, will be memorable for years to come as the date of the biggest demonstra tion ever seen in the Willamette valley. The Democrats of Salem, Marion and Polk counties will have a monster jollification meeting and following is the order of arrange ment of the processien: Form in line at Hotel Willamette promptly at 7 o'clock aud proceed as follews: Chief Marshal, Col. T. B. Wait. Dallas Cornet Band. Dallas Delegation and 600 Polk County Democrats. Comet Bands. Many Citizens Hearing Torches. Horn Brigade. Transparencies. Prominent Democrats, Oratorfl,Etc, on Foot, in Carriages, on Horseback, and bo forth. line of jiakch. From Willamette hotel north on Commercial to state. East on State to 13th. North on 13th to Center. West on Center to Summer. South on Summer to Chemeketa. Weston Chemeketa to Winter. North on Winter to Marlon. West on Marlon to Church. North on Church to Division, countermarch south ou Church to Union. West on Union to Commercial. North on Commercial to Division, West on Division to Front. South on Front to Ceuter. East on Center to Commercial. South on Commercial to State. Commercial Street. Countermarch on State to Court. East on Court to opera house. Salem Democrats are sparing neither money nor pains to make the demonstration a success. It is moro than likely that resi dences of Democrats generally will be illuminated. The spectacle will be well worth seeing. Bonfires are being arranged for at principal points on line of march. The Wheelbarrow Brigade. This afternoon the novel bet of the late election was paid, and it speaks for itself. J. M. Keene, Frank Cross and Assessor Cleaver gave Julius Wagner, Frauk Tallo ferro and Henry Shoemaker, re spectively, a wheelbarrow ride. They went from the Willamette hotel to the court house,' with ve hicles decorated and an immense crowd followed the procession. m The sam hog co. In view of the approaching New Year festivities aud the consequent consumption of pork a few Sulem Celestials have formed a hog trust and incorporated it under the above title. The capital stock is largely on foot and china man Sam drove in about one hun dred shoats this afternoon. The stock in this company is all subscrib ed for as The Journal learns, a few rich Mongols hogging it all. Two Batteries. Ross McCor mick was fined $14.25 this afternoon before Judge Batchelor for assault and battery. The case of State vs. W. H. H. Dunkle on the same charge was set for Wednesday at 10 a. m. County Court. This court al lowed some bills this forenoon. This afternoon the commissioners inspect a bridge at Swartz's mills and the poor home. Another. The good people of the Squirrel hill neighborhood will give a "box supper" ou Saturday, Dec. 3d, at their school house, about seven miles southeast of Salem. All aro cordially Invited. m One on Hofer. The Capital Journal of the 0th still runs Har rtaou and Reid at the head of tbclr column. Somebody iu Salem ought to go and tell Hofer that the election Is over. Woodburn World. Obonauer's Directory. Wm. G. Obenauerbas begun work on a directory for Salem. Mr.Oben aner does a splendid job, iu fuct there is no comparison between his directory and those gotten up by others, His directory of Albany is a good one, complete and reliable, while others have been apologies. If Salem wants a directory that will give satisfaction it should take Obenaner's. (Albany Democrat,) Wm. G. Obenauer & Co. will begin taking Information for their Salem and Marion county directory Monday morning, They wish to thank the business men for their hearty co-operation and in return will make them a directory which will be a credit to the capital city a'ud Marion county. Jersey Milk Delivered in al parts of the city. Leave orders at Gilbert & Patterson's store. Abra ham Rich. 10-18-1 m Fish of every description at Davison & White's market. Little Nebtucoa. Absolutely the best cheese in Oregon, at Clark & Eppley's. Good Wheat, For chickenfeed at 55 cents a bushel. Davison & White's, Court street. 11-14 tf. -I. i i i mm Jackson the batter, 90 State street. For Sale. House and two lots in North Sa lem on long time easy payments if sold sold soon. This Is a bargain. Look it up. E. P, S;aldino, 259 Commercial street. 1 1-1 1-tf Handy for travelers is Simmons Liver Regulator In powder. It can be carried in the pocket. Choice poultry Davison and White's. Umbrellas, steel rod, $2, Jackson's. LOCAL A.VR PERSONAL. City election December 6 b first Monday in December. Council meeting to-morrow night to arrange for election of city olll ceie. W8. Hodson, of Hotel Perkins, came up today to celebrate wltti the Democrats. Tho, Meldrum aud daughter, of Oiuulia, Neb., are in the city, visit ing their old-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Flenliug. Mr. Meldrum is In the railroad business. The rain storm last night did little damage to the flower gardens of the city, but was a great benefit to the growing grain. The national victory somewhat sweetens the humiliation of their defeat and the manner of its accom plishment iu Oregon. The Democrats aro not celebrating their victory in Oregon. They cele brato the success of the party else whore. A different crowd will bo n-blow-lng of horns and a-carryiug of torch es four years hence. ' The City Dairy guarantees to sup ply you with fine grade Jersey milk, B. J. Sharp, prop. Weaver carried Linn county by two hundred. An exchange says, tho Newport Times has ceased to exist. Tho edi tor, W. L. Davis, in his farewell re marks scathes his people for not standing by him, and ends up with the werds: "We pack our grip, throw our office into a gunny sack and depart for another field.'' Stayton Times: By way of tho latest proposed route for tho Salem, Stayton & Santiam railroad, it is on ly 15 miles. Third party men are not celebrat ing tho Cleveland victory with any great degree of enthusiasm. Two druuks responded to the de mands of justice In Judge Goodoll's court this morning and gjt the usual fine. Buy your groceries of Brauson & Co., and get free street car rides. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cottle left Saturday evening for San Francisco and other points in the Golden states. , Rheumatism and catarrh, caused by impoverished blood, cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Lowusdale is visiting iu San Francisco. J, G. Miller, of Aurora, is a Salem visitor today. The Republicans will bo found on the sidewalks tonight. Dr. G. F. Lane, late of Illinois, has arrived in the city, and is the guest of his brother-In law, H. H, Ragau. He will settle at Salem. Empty barrels for sauerkraut only a lew left, atClark & Epply's. Eastern oysters, large, fresh and fine at Davison & White's. Special sale of shoes at Jackson's. O. M. Prluglo addressed u large audience at Grange ball Sunday af ternoon on "The Human Problem, Its Origin and Destiny." He was given a very attentive hearing, and it is highly spoken of. For Constipation, Headache, Liv er Complaint, and for all purgative purposes, take Ayer's Pills tho beat for family UBe. Elegaut neckties, Jackson's, 00 Slate street, The King's Daughters will meet at the rectory on Monday evening at 7:30. The Saint Andrew's Moth erhood will meet in the guild room at.8p. in. All the members aro re quested to be present. W. Cole, of Turner, Is in the city today. Dr. Milla L. Lund has removed her office to First National block. Eu trun co from Commercial steet. Don't almost kill yourself by vlo lent purgatives. Take Bimmous Liver Regulator, a mild laxative. Try Jackhon for trunks and valises. Kangaroo shoes, $1, Fleming's State. Blankets and quilts at Jackson's. LITTLE GIANT SCHOOL SHOES. DON'T FORGET THAT, EVERY PAIR ARE WARRANT ED. FOR HALE AT R. J. FLEM INGS, AT 118 STATE STREET. Bluchers for t5, sold elsewhere for $0.6O-at It. J. Fleming's, SUto street shoe store. OVERGAITER3, 75c, FLEM ING'S, STATE. IT IS THE BEST. That is Why I Recommend It. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough medicine I handle, and as a seller, leads all other preparations in this market, I recommend it be cause it Is the best medicine I ever bandied for coughs, colds and croup. A. W. Baldridge, Mlliersvllle, Ills. For sale by B&skett fc Van Slype. Special sale at Ed Jackson's, 00 State rtrret, of men's and children's elotblng and show. These goods .will be sold regardless ofooot (hht fothona fide we are compelled to sawaSeo them as we must have the room for our Inereasjug lint and furnU4lug goods trade. If you want te make tWe moat, of yeur dollars, don't fell to eall at M State street. Weed, Weo4. Plenty ef It mw4 awl tm4y far dW very. Leave you r ord at JImh's UWe, eerwer of ery mkI Liberty, , die-HHf ' BfMflbU aaLi af aim hlaa Jacoaa'if Few are Free FROM Scrofula, which, being heredi tary, Is tho latent causo el Consump tion, Catarrh, Loss of Bight, Eruptions, niul numerous other maladies. To el icit a cure, purify tho blood with Ayer's Sarsapnrllln. Begin early, anil persist till every traco Of tho poison is eradicated. "I can heartily recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla for nil thoe who are aftllct cd with scrofulous humors. I hntl suffered for yenrs, and tried vnrlous remedies without effect. Finally, Ayer's SarsniNtrllla gavo relief and put me In my pro'ent good healthy condition." E. M Howard, Newport, N. II. "My daughter wn greatly troubled with scrofula, and, at ono time, it wns feared she would lose her sight. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has completely restored hor health, and her eyes aro as well nnd strong as over, with not a trace ot soroiuia in ner syaiom." uoo. iving, Kllllngly, Conn. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I-nEPlnKD BT Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass Price 1J U bottlvt, $5. "Worth (S bottle Speeches, Etc. It is not to be learned at this hour who the speak ers for the evening are to be. Elect or Colvlg nnd Mayor D'Aroy are expected to speak. Governor Pen noyer It at the stato house, but will hardly bo invited to speak. Tho Aumsville bind arrived with a large delegation this afternoon and crowds are coming from every part of the country. It Will be a big day for Salem. Bid Tkansferb. There were re- corded today the follewing: J. C. Bcardsley aud wife 107 a. to B. W. Jones, fCOOO David Grierson and wife 157 a. to Frank W. Durblu 10,700. These are, Marlon county farmsr Mobu Teachebs. All but three applicants are granted certificates, a a result of the recent examina tions. Eleven receive flrst grade, five second and seven third. The Hosts. The city is free of the assembled hosts of Democracy who are making a sort of Natioiial holiday of the 14th in honor of tho return to power of Cleveland. 9 . To Prevent tho Grippo Or any other similar epldemio, the blood and the whole system should bo kept In condition. .If you feel worn out or have "that tifed feel ing" In tho ii)ornlng,dt) not bo guilty of neglect. Give Immediate attent ion to yourself. Take Hood's Barsa pnrllla to give strength, purify the blood and prevent disease, Hood's Pills cuio liver ills, juand ice, biliousness, sick headache, con stipation. Satisfied. Clark & Eppley are satisfied with the results, und their patrons aro always satisfied with tho results. Bulbs. Persons having ordered bulbs at Mrs, Taylor's greeuhouso for fall plautlng, can get the samo now. Call early. Tho Proof of Pudding. Have you humor, utusing blotches ? Dee our bloo! run thick una Munulsli? Are you drowy, dull nnd languid? I a bad tmtotti your mnutli, und la yur tongue all furred and coated ? is j our Hleop with drcumn broken T Do you feel dnwnuenrled, dismal, Dreading notllmr, what, you know not ? Then bB very ure vou're bilious TUat you liuve a torpid liver, und what you need is somothlng to rouse it nnd make (t active enough to throw oil the Impurities that clog It; something to invigorate the de bilitated system, and help all the organs to perform tho duties expect ed of theni, piomptly and energeti cally. That "something" is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, thegieat Blood Purifier, which Its proprietors have such faith in that they guarantee It to euro. If It does not, your money will bo refunded. But it will. Buy it, try it, und bo convinced of Its wonderful power. If tho proof of the pudding Is In the eating, the proof of this remedy Is in the taking. .HOTEL ARRIVALS. WILLAMETTE. O.J.Mitchell, J. F. Groves, San Fruuclsco. J. J. Daly, Dallas, H. F. Gulllxson, F, A. Bancroft, W. W. Page, A. J. Downing, J. P. O.Lonsdule, W. O.und W. T. Oris wold, Portland. L. E. Meergaard, H. E. Putnam, H. E. Hays, N. Y. Mrs. Leslie and son, Columbus O, R, L. Duuvall and wife, M. J. Daubo, Chicago. J. W. Hamilton, Roseburg. Electric Bittars This remedy Is becoming so well known, and popular a to need no special mention. AH who have us ed Eiectrio Bitters sing Mm same song of prulttc. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that Is clalnitd, Electric Bitters will euro, all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Bolts, Halt Rheum and other Hffi'etloim caused by Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from tho system and prevent as well us cure all MHlarla fevers. For cure of Headaohe, (Jotiitlpitlon and fruti' gestlon try Electric Bitters Entire Mtisfucllon guaranteed, or money refunded, l'uer 60cts and $100 per" bottle at Daniel J, Fry's drugstore.' DSPRIGE'S GgMdeS Tke iy Pttre Cream of Tartar Fewder.-Me AmmmU; Ho AUm. Um4 ia Million ofHnmw- 40 Yun tb Stea&ui A Bonafide Sale, Having concluded to Merchandise, consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS,P BOCOT :': iiiiu ojuvxua, iu uiub eyurywiiiig tu ue iounu in nrac-oiass stores, AT COST FOR CASIi. After 25 years constant business, we wish, to closo make a great sacrifice to do this.' B,FORSTNER&CQ.i 297 Commercial Street. AT M. W. SARGfeANf 1 . . . Has added to his stock a fine lino of all kinds of household furniture, whioh he expect to sell very reasonably, and asks his old customors and friends to call and oxamine for themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Ho also carries the largest and cheapest stock of WALL PAPER this side of Portland, besides lots of Notions, Toys, etc., for holidays. These he is trying to oloso out, and thoreforo will sell them as cheap , as possible, many going below actual cost. Give him a call. r Abusliig the Ejeelglit. Readinjj by a low ll(rht, as at twilight, or with too strong a glaro upon the pa per, especially if reflected directly to-" vaid the eyes, aro equally harmful. Bo Is reading in bed, or in any recumbent position where the matter must bo held' In a constrained niannor and the eyes be twisted into unnatural positions to see the pago. Tho effect may not bo imme diate, mid when it is noticed will gen erally bo ascribed to anything olsorathor than the right cause, but, in fact, it is tho coutiuuod and oxcoasivo strain which induces that feeling of weariness about tho eyes; that dull headache just In the rear pf tho pupils; that heated feeling, which very readily bocomes a chronic in flammation of, low degree, most disagree able to bear and ruinous to tho iino charm and the unspeakable glory of the perfoot eye. Tho same result in also reached by using tho sight steadily while tho per son is physically or moutally exhausted, and In nood of cotnploto reposo. Bow ofton tho remark is heard, "Lot mo look over tho payor whilo 1 rest myself." And this may even bo done- under the specially unfavorable conditions above referred to, such as lying on a lounge or in a hammock, whoro the light and the position are wholly wrong. Better, much hotter, if the safety of tho vision nnd the preservation of the organs of sight are of any value, to allow the mental or physical process of restora tion to go on without diversion from book or paper, and whon tho returning strength has asserted itself, to give such tinio as maybe practicable to tho perusal of the news or tho novol. If thero is no timo that can be spare if. for that object, thon manifestly t'uj crowding of tho tax into a period when.' it had no place was a wrong und an Ira' position upon tho most valuablo aud susceptible faculties of tho body, GvA Housekeeping. A I'oitofUce lu m Mu' lint. Dr, Joshua Tliorno, of Kansas City, tolls many good Htorios of tho years whon tho town was young. "Tldrty threo yours ago," aid lie, "I carried tlio iiostoffico about in my high uilk hat Tho letters woro stuck around behind tho loathor band juat insido tho hat, and when I'd moot an ac quaintance and overy man, woman nnd child was suchI would toko off my hat aud glanco ground insido of it and hand out tho mail," Ex- rlmniM Ifnw llmr Cliungv, "Odd," continued a woman tho other day, "how two of our chief ceremonials lmvo changed iu iwlnt of time within the hurt ten yearn. Day weddingfl aro now quite general, while ovwriing funuVabi, unknown to tho lat generation, are common in thl."-Nw York Thnea. WE NEVER SAW And what is more,' ihes liken of you' never did B&yr, never will sam, and still more, very feur ever saw Buch fine BARGAINS IN CLOTHING and Wo Goods as Ave nro now offering. uiu'bimu jjiiuua xu iwo, aua are moth stock overy day.1- VI00liEl Vii STOW retire from business, we offer.our entire stock of Genexftl T 11 Black Langshahs. Cocks. Cockerels. Hens. Pullets. Trios or Pens. America's best. Best winter layers, irood breeders, but no cu cuus. nave having taken over fifty tlrst prises. .ueinoer.-a. JU u. MAKK1KD. At the residence of the bride's pa rents, in Woodburn, Wednesday night, November 0, 1802, Frank Whitman and Mary Beach, Rev. Parker officiating, $ Popular hat Btore, 00 Stato street, American Cholera. From tho Dally Iteyellle, What com, Washingten: "T. C. Burnett, the Democratic candidate for sherlll wastakeu violently HlatClearbrook. Ho had all the symptoms of Asiatic cholera, au) lor an hour or two it was feared ho would die, They finally gavo him n dose of Chamber Iain's Collo, Cholera and Dtarhom Remedy, whioh revived him until a phyBlcIah arrived,'1! That Is 'pre cisely what the manufacturers of that medicine recommend for chol era. Bend for u physician but give their medicine until the physician arrives. If cholera becomes preva lent In this country next summer this preparation will be lu great de mand because it can always be de pended upon. For sale by Baskett & Van Biypo. There In on one article in the line of medicines ttiat give o largo a return fur trio money u u Reed porou ilrengtlienluir Blaster, niicti as Curler' Bmnrt Weed auu elladonnu Jinokuolie l'Juter. T11080 unhappy portions who iiiflVr from norvounnetw und dyie:wta utiould uo CUrter' Utile Murvu 1'fila, whlflh nre inudo oxprtwsly lor bIhmiImh, nervoun, dyxpvptlu uirrer, 1'rleo ent. Women with jiulo, mlorlew facet, who ieul vrcaK aud aiuoourHBud, will receive loth mental aud bodily vigor by mine Carter's Iron I'llli, whioh are mails for tha blood, umen and complexion, CURE Melt IiMdacha and rolfera all tlw UvuWm fool d wit to a Uliou tt of tlw yim, Mich m UlxMimM, MatMHtt. browdiMHM. iUtr aM uUn, I.i in thtf !le, tea. While IMrmnrt fonurkttUIe nuxvm lias heon vhown ta eurluj SICK nMWieiJ, yet uahtkii's i.rrru! i.fyih I are fuatly TUli'fcW In ContUMtt6k. tsd pnwMilleg Uila annoy lac coi4(M. l tfevy ahio oerret all dkordN of tha tai jMmubic the Wtr and refiUata m be a ! 0mut eaiy cur4 HEAD Aafe the wovkt l ofeioet prtmlan la) Mwoe tw inner IIWH HIM ---- -'-'- bitr Hooiloeai daea HWyMl rlta oone try Ikeai wttt mmA TOttwblA in to auwijr wut that AhJae' WWMNH ACHE i Af fiA SBhUiV MMI tU. Ie-fa M UaM ottr nri bMMt, OHTfiiwwMM IM im MH. t Ijrrut Uvea Piuj aw veryaaeyta tJu. Owtortwe mSqP ev e wnwy if torn bat br tl vwuhuww. id TMua a at oaaw; motai urfl, iwU everyvtMira, or aaat hgf MmV aaMK Vf TKl W. Htv Ma. CARTER'S w " zyaf3 I JHHllUMI ytfuttfm VHS g a iwrnb IIMMaal We have juat sawed sawmg ngnmto ouri , t t out entirely and will , ES Four" i birds not a-hin Exhibition never ueea ueaiea iu j-hmih f , JS J. M 253 Tint kk.. M '1 1 8ALKM MARKCTU. Whafit9n rur hllkha) 0te 3540e per bttebel. Potatoes 40350olper bwshel. FIour-4.00 pec bbl. ' Bran-(Saoked) $17.00 per tm Shorts (Backed) 9iM rtofe Eggs 5J6o per doeea, ' -Chickens 7,per lb, t Chopped feed-W.00. Ducks lOo per ib f ' Geese 7c per lb. ' Turkeys llo per lb, i p Ijard-lSJOlfiejperlb. . i Butter 3Q30o per pound. Beef 712Jo dressed, , n Veal 10 to'18,0, dressed. Pork 712Je dressed , i Wool-16a0o per lb. " ' Hope 1623 -ITrANTKDSewlB by Mm djr WM M uy u nrevwtw wwwHHb, aimeJcunNAi,oiB, , if t AT Wanted Halanr an JJlAlX l'erroonent Only urowem of nv '. APS nurry rtook rletlwouriiiMelelur. i&OWN tSSCa MM. lM2rt-t&n-m Xurrymen,tilils O r ENGINE AND n BOILEI TXIR rale. The ttUw U an L'( rleht tubuli ir. and. 1M auan bonHiUI. f aotli are lit aud enat SKQ whsa Annlvlo A. U. I'O KRAI i!tKlrt National Ihwk. ONL LINE, KUNKl Alt , LmvImt PortiMbi, 9M It -M 7tfJ 31 DAYS CHICA 72HourtOrckjfto8t! 23 HounOwiekrtoi 40 Hours Quick tf 0 ma RtciiMM caw, mm aWH0 Jb -M BUOutaietTMblt Or W H MU TffwlM mm LJuJv FWVXWnmW WmmmM' r THROUGH' y no ort P .&'l S. 9 IV J&C