f'a .-" X? .,? EVENING CAPITAL S V ". " ;; ',,, .jg.i.-iju. . .'a 1 1 ' sSsi VOL. 5. 'THE PEOPLE'S PAPEK." SALEM. OBEGON, THTJESDAT. QVEMBER 10, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." WO. fiffF. pmmmM.' JOURNAL YEA! lamps, in. endless varieties. Remember that the Blue Front undersells all others on every. article in its line. STALL GOODS SPOT CASH.S State Insurance Block USURY AND UNDERWEAR Sadies' Cotton Bibbed Vests. SO to K60o. Cadles' Natural Wool Bibbed Vests, RG5to05c. Ladies' Scarlet Underwear, 05o to 51. L .dies' Bibbed Union Suits, 1.S5. ! illdren'e Mixed Underwear, 25 to UOc. Children's NaturalWoolUnderwear, B35 to 70c. Children's Scarlet Underwear, 35 to ,' YOB. Children's Bibbed Union Suits, $1.10 -10 i.7o. Bbildreu's Wool Hose, 25,40 and 50c. adles' Hose, 25, 85 and 60c. Ed. G. Ihoice Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and IV . -"" "- Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to V5 (Jourt and HO Slate Streets. Stoves and Tinware. t ? 14 & 216 Commercial St., Salerd. Petzel L'COUipieiB 11UUUI OIUVC3 UUU 11UWUIC, nu iuuu u jmu.u,, k. feecialty: Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. itCUIE MASON. OliTAOW 9 ENERAL - UONTRACTORS, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, lling, &c. All work promptly done. I SALEM, Wanted At Once, -n 1 Y S1 A flti..l.!..M T)nn(n .....l Clmna Unto Anrl fldD j, xveuiuuuis 01 jjry uuuus, viuiuiui;, UU Ull AIUU9 Ul uicii;uufui;t Dime, 9vnte sale or nublio auction. Also. ription, ut the RED FRONT t5AZ,ALiX. 62 State Street. Sasli and Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon. he best class of work in our with the lowest. Only i, CHURCHILL OHUROHTLI, & Inners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. l IfU " The place to lUUIl U riS' Express, B H 1.11 instrl . J.I11 1LXU Ul or Id of Dirt or Gravel. Call r illamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. . DRAKE, Proprittor, SALB3VI IRON WORKS, iLEM, ... - Munnfactures HTEAM BNOINBB, Mill OutflU. Water Wheel Ooreruors, Kralt ylnzOntflU, Traction KnetB,CreUair, etc , i'arm raactileery made and repaired. Ouueral secdu and mana&e(uret t the eweUrated Wahtetrora Intent Middlings tfler and Reels. arm macninerj nisat lalem Tract 4 Bray l Iron works. Drays ana teatea Buy be feaad throagbout the 0v t tlw corqwr et fitato and ComrtHTfJwt :. T. HART, S47 COMMKRClAli STRKKT. ROOKS & LEGG, WHMNM Unquestionably the largest steck: Of CROCKERY The finest CROCKERY, The best bargains in CROCKERY, to be found at the i w - wm i UK)J AT - E. F. OSBTJRXTS write advertisements, but they have lots of good things to ofler every day. To RIBBONS. ALL. SILK, SATIN EDQE, GHOSGIAIN. No. 2, 5c; No. 4, 7c: No. 5, 80: No. 7, lie; No. 9, 15c; No. 12, 18c; No. 16, 20c. These prices are 20 per cent, lower than at any other store in the city. MONEY SAVED ON ALL LINES OF GOODS. 201 Commercial Street. Gross " " all parts 'of the city. TlUulu Plumbers and Tinners, Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A. It. SMITH &3C fe.LWA-l-Ui.-Jfcl- OBEGON. uuum 0114 ouuoi, " "" k", ucn ui uww. ..m.iu, v .. ....... . - Household furniture of every de- 3E3jsE?wj3 line at prices 'to compote the best material used T S, BURROUGHS BTJBROTJGrHS, get a Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, rnnrt trr.11 VAttAl LUUU 1TV.U 1UUWU ffooa Aveii rottea manure, on Ryan & Co., back of RYAN & CO. T. G. PERKINS, GMeral Superiotusdwit - - - - OREGON. una rjairea. Co. DRAY6AND TROCKS always ready for orders. Bell aad uUver wootV bay, coal and Iumler. Of flea Bteto St.. ormorit Sa- rtrtwt. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. PRESCRIPTIONS I 335 Commercial Street. T leu - CORSETS. H. & S. Black Corsets, $1.40. H. &. S. Brab Corsets, $1. Olmstead Waist, Black, $1.40. Olmstead Waists, Drab, $1.10. Fast Blaok Corset, $1.00. Drab Corsets, 60, 75c, $1.00. MARTIN HARKINS, BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. The best work in every department. Hacks, Buggies and Harrows made to order. State Street. NHL ft 130 STATE STBEKT. TINWARE,' ROOFING, STOVE3,- Creamcry and Dairy Sup plies, Steel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS -The best on earth. Give us a call. 10:3 tf. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours ot the Day Meno bnt whit labor employed In thU establishment. A eood substantial meal o inked In first- claEH style UVenty-fl v cents per meal RBD PROMT Court Ktriwit, between Opera .ilouse and Mlnto'8 LlTery W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARI'ET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas & Johnson's 360 Commercial street. M. T, RINEMAN DKALKB .IK, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lumps, Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also veiKUblesaad fruits In their seasou. "Highest Price paid for country produce." Weuolld a share of your patronage. u tsaHtate.treet 1831 THE CULTIVATOR AND 1893 Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DCVUTEft TO Farc'CreBa aad PreMie, Sarileukwe a4 Fndt-GrewiBflr lAn-Btetk. dmA DaJrviaff, While It abto laeiudai all minor dVparu meow Of Kural later est, socn as the ioul try yard.eBteuiotogy, bee-kefplttg, green bose and grapery, veUtrlBury replls, farm queslfon and answers, flrwlde rwadlBg. (toffiesila eeonomy. asda uim rary orthe pewsat the wek. Its mar ket reports are unwually oompjete, aad raueb attenuon 1 paid to the prospects of the crops, s throicc Itfbt upoe one ot ttte mort liaporlonl of all qoxtlocs . Vben to bay aad when to sell. It to llb erallyllliMinit4.aa4 by reeeal en Urge meat. oeatalBs were rt4lff nirtter lu trff. bfof. Ttte etifeeerlptioa ftU to ItHMrriuMHtt we ofter a speejal re duetfoe fa oor CLUB RAUm FOR 1. Tw SMburipHnnt.f "f 4 Six Subitrifrlini, " " W -To fttl Kew IMUerttMNn far Itm.fy f B4v4 'r, we vrMI mmI lh p wr WneUjr, from our raretut af Um remH. Uaea, Jry tot, MM, wtUtft esu- 4ar-peiiMea Cupim Jre. ,lwi LUTMEK TUCKEJt 4 SON, hHUkm, AWey,jf.Y, LAMPS. MIOES. Baby Shoes, 35, 60, 60, 75c, $1. Baby Shoes, Bed, 60, 85c. Children's Dongola, Patent Tip, $1.15, $1.45. Children's Goat Tipped, $1.15, $1.45, $1.80. Children's Heavy Shoes, 8O0, $1.15, $1.45. Ladies' Dongola, Patent Tip, $1.00, $1.80, $2.50. Ladie3' Fine Dongola, $2.15,$2.40,$3. Ladies' Heavy Shoes, $1.45 and up wards. Men's Plow Shoes, $1.15, $1.45,$1.75. Men's Bals or" Congress, from $1.50 to'$4.50. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business! In all its brandies. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wr. EN GLAND Vice Freslden HUOHMCNAUY Oannltr. DIUECTORS: Geo.WUUams.Wm.Kng. land.Dr. J. A. Blcnardson, J. V. Ilodson, J. A Itaker. Bank In new Kxcbange block on Coro merelnl strfiot. K:la-U MONEY TO LOAN. Sporlal Inducements for the next 80 days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 14, Huxh Dilute block. 5 12dw Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Onigo'n. W.A.CUSICK, Pres. ;W. W. MAIITIN, VIcePres. J. H. ALUEUT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw ELLIS k WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South ofWIIlamatt Hotel, 8AIEM - - - OREOON FREE! Street Car Hide Irom H. M. BRANSON & CO,, 303 Commercial Street. By purchasing for cash, groceries to tho amount of One Dollar or more. Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. Prompt, Free Delivery. 10-10-lm THE WILLAMETTE, 8AJ0J3M, OREGON, Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland aadUan KruncUoo. yirsl-olas In all Its appoint ments. Its tables are served wliu Oic Choicest Fruits Orewnlln the Wlllamolte Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. SOMETHING NEW. The new Thy e Card, which U now in efeot, via tl)6"VieouiM Cttutral Ijlnen," Id connection with the Northern Paolllolt. It., uiUmU th traveling iHjbnetiie beet faeHltuw front all io)nta wwt to CIiImko and poliita ut and aouth. The uburjwdiuIpUieiitoirreI to lta ptttroMveowUiitM with mmnl. comfort and safety, twtimmAnit all )U eowpeiitoni, AM tbreukh traliwi are eoijw)Md of 1'uUbmn vwrtlUiUkl drawiiix-roow tlfntpon, with d4HlK cam and day eotrtw ef iatwt Amin. Th Mly through fast train eaeh way, HMkloK eioM eooiUou at Cfelnmo with traltta in ail dlreetlooa. e !y to t4cit of Norther VmcIm K M-W HVWWi IHHV MUIHI. VW.I if- or jas. u rouvt t fMsiejl If ' PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ADS mtliMON KOllI). attorney nt law, Salem, I Oregon. Office up-stalra In. 1'atton's block. T F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, Jlurphy Block. TT J. BiaOKR, Attorney at law, Salem, bank, ut-tf T J.HItAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW A O . HUNT, attorney ailnw. Offlceover Capital National bank, bAlem, Oregon. (H T. niCUAUDSON,, Attorney at law, tj, olllce up stairs In front rooms of new Hush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. CAUSON, Attorney at law. , ltoorasSaucH.Lada s Bush's bank building, Salein, Orcgen. 8 1 lyr B.KBONUAM. W. II. HOLMES. b: iONIIAK te JIOLMKH, Attorneys at law. Olllce In Hush's block. bolwceu State and Court, on Oom'l I'IBt, ME. POGUE, 8tonograpuer and Type , wrltlst. Over Ladd A Bush's bank, bttlom, Oregon. T) H.UUADSUAW.l'UYSICIAN AND X. surgeon, Salem, Oregon. UtOco In Jlush-Ureyinnn block, upstairs ltetldcnce corner titateaudS. 15. corner Winter street. Tpvll. W. B. MOTT, phrslclan and sur. J geon. Ofllco In Uldrldo Block, 8a torn, Oregon. OHlco bouin 10 to 12 n. m. '.'to 4 p. m. - lK. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, W State street, ' Salem, Or. Finished dental opera ns ofevcrydescrlptlou. Painless opera tions a Bpecl;ilty. -"ITf 1). I'UUH, Architect, rians, SpcoL T . tlcittlons and superintendence lor nil clawes of buildings. .Olllce 290 Com- isierelal Kt., up etlr. A. HOllEKT, Architect, room 421. Mar quiun ouiiaiuK, z-oruaua, urcgon. f W.TOWN8ENU, Civil Euglneerand JL. Purveyor. OQlce with Oregon Land Uo , Silem, Oregon. p J. liAllSEN CO,, Manuraotureorall - ..? klndsof vehicles. Rnn.ilrlni; u atHmlul. ty. Shop 45 Ktatn street. puoTEcrioN lodo a No.a. a.o u.w. Y. Meets. In their hall In Mtate Insurance buudlng, every Wednesday evening. ,' H. A. McfADDltN , M. W. J. A. HEIiWOOO, Kecorder. I M PKOVED OllDEH OF UKD MEN. L Kamlakun Ti-lbe No. 8, Halem. Holds oouucll every Thursday evening, at 7:30. Wlgwatn In btate lnsuranra hall, , K. O. UAKKU. Prophet. , KUANK O. .W ATKIW. Unlet of Records EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The plnce'JIor young ladles and) gentle. men to stunirn liitlinrrmirh iitiirjillnn lti tlin old,butevcr.new. r .win ii, liong and stilt tho leading Institution of the N orth West, lletter than ever I a New course of Instruction In Oratory, Thfiolniryand t'ost-Qraduated. HTUUlIiij. Normal, Uusluess, Academy, College, and Iw courses greatly enlarged and Imnroved. i Faculties increased and Improved. For Watuloxuo of Collese of Law write Dean H '$. Klchardson, Esq , Halem, Or. vi'MrOataliifueor Colleuo of Modloal nml I I'harmacy write Dean ltichmondlvelIy,M. .' IX. 1'ortland, Or. t;or general uatmozue write itev. aeo. W'hIUikcr, D. D., President, Balom, Or. TUMtn-dw Conscrvatoiy of Music, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. Tho course most completo and the high est grade- of any niusle school In tno Northwest. Best and newest method of teaching. Enlarged facilities and now plan tor Instruction of beginners for the couilng school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course. Next term begins Septembers, 181K. '.. M. PAHVIN, Bend for catalogue. Jluulo Director. 7-'J-d2m-wlm FBiENBS FOLYIBOINIC INSTITUTE Will-no opened to students Sept. 13, 1890. viiurs 1110 moat practical courses 01 stuuy olany school In the State, viz; Mechanical KaglneerlugOivU Kuglneerlmj, Klcctrlciil KiiKlncorlnt;, Academla una Urumnmr school courses Btudeuts practice dally In wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Board per Year, (ISO. Special Inducements to a few youni; men who wish to worlc for their board uud tui tion during vacations, Kor prospectus and further Information, nddress 121) WIN AIOUIUHON.Jt.H., rresaent.Haiem, ur, IVIiss Ballou'ss KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAH Opens Monday, Beptemucr 18th, at Kin dergarten Hall, opposite opera house. Children received at three rears of aire andovdr. a conuccilug class will be . tabilsbed loradvauced Kindergarten pit- iii uitu iuiwo im'kiumiuk primary wora. Only the best modern Klnuenrarten ineth. odd employed. 1'ruiiff'a system ol drawing uuu ixjiur wuiK iiiiruiiucuu. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOmEAKEB. 2l5KCcmairclf3t., Silem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Hleelalty ol Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. Residence 382 Church Bt. J. J. MUTTON, SICK AND HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Jvalaomiuer and Ta per Hanger. Iavo orders at A. H. Hnren A Son's Pur allure etf at Smat A Ulle, aroeen. JAPANESE CURB AMWwOaupletTrateat, outt ing of tMpfOmtUtrim, ointment in eapsiilw. uIm a Umc Mtul irilU; a pnelttte eure Cor ex ternal, lalemel, Mlttd or bleeding. llehlHX. eliiwtU, Meeat ttr hereditary Film, a4 wY Mfcer 4Uea4e and fcnieli weak nt 7 It U always a great benefit to the geHWM k4U. Tb Arst iUseovery at a wire ew(triag an Ofwims wtt f xawenessufy berwetter. Tttf tbe kali retoe4y ttaeisevertMeakauwa U U erlMkxtfWM; seatfryiuall, Why from tale tnrti:e dUi when a w Mil, H ifeufer wrtlUsi giutrwatee k sIvmi wHU boxes, Ut imtuoA loeuwiueriiFMeureti pen seiasde. uuaniuiae iMued oteuretl Cu4 eUtop for tree nuinu iuied Vv Wikisisu. ,umi km., wuoiiniew aaa rewi'. urutj WfO, J AdMMMiktf JAskM. 1JMI llAlstBtfMsst. RsL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. rinjIJaHKDDAILY.RXCKITSnNDAY, BY TUX Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated. Office, Commercial Street, In I. 0. Building Entered at the postofllce at 8alem,Or.,as , sccond-clnps, matter. SHOULD BEAU MORE. "The short article under the auovo titlo, In Inst evening's Jouknal Is replete with truth from beginning to end. A college education nnd familiar ity with books, must uecessarlly be accompanied by a fair kuowledge of general news gleaned from our newspapers passing events, current' topics etc, to make an educated in dividual. There is that in a good newspaper whloh cultivates the best Impulses of tho human heart. In the general uewsparjeidrjitU, education of the intellect is$Iflpp enchanccd, but the expansion of tho soul, by being made acquainted with much which concerns' the rest of the world. Let our boys and girls read what is being done in other cities and communities all over the world. Let them bo warn ed by the unfortunate endings of tho lives of the vicious; and inspired with courage by the success of the virtuous. Let them weop over the pathetlo occurrences of real life rather than the beartrendiug grlof of fiction. A live newspaper in a family may throw light upon the pathway of sombro life, stimulating the reader In rouewed courage and effort to fill heroically the life work allotted to him, begetting an intelligent in terest in tho present, iusnlriutr faith in the future by the example of other actors in tho great drama of life. Children' or adults fed from puro newspapers are not likely to seek tho garbage barrel of trashy lit erature Then let us glvo our ehiidron newspapers to read, though by so doing we must sacrifice other necessities good, clean sheets, Jike Tiifi Jouunal, and Ihey will bo better children, better scholars, bet ter citizens, with , better prospects for gaining' good, positions in life, Ruskiu has beautifully Bald "Ho only Is advancing in , life whose heart is getting softer, whose, blood warmer, whose brain quicker, whose spirit is entering into living peace." We think tho newspaper Is u power ful exponent in furthering this muoh-to-be-desired advancement. J.J3.W WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY HISTORY. Borne time has intervened sluco my last communication, Not find ing much In the leading papers of yoUrstato concerning the onco well known school, Willamette univer sity, I sond you the following ex tracts from an old letter written by thq Itev. A. F, Waller, former agent of Willamette University, The ono who raised considerable money for tho university, and also put up the building upokon the .letter. of, in As tho Institution is not yet half a century old, and many changes have transpired since it was llrst chartered, my items of historical value will no doubt be eagerly read by tho peoplo of today who are In any wuy interested, in the educa tional progress of the state In a recent visit to your city (since tho 11 ro in the building) I looked to see if tho murblo tablet placed in tho walls of the chapel In memory of this great and good man hud been replaced. I looked lu vain It was not there. Muuy land marks wero missing. Tho building would be in much better taste if the old style had been rebuilt and used for college purposes. A new build Ing for boardlug and dprmitoiy would have been easily provided for, and the old building still retained. Who ever heard of modernizing Westminister Abbey? There !a a fitness in the use we make of the heirlooms bequeathed us by the great and good. Balkii, Oregon, Oet. 23, 1600. Hon. George l'eabody, Dear Bin Having learned of your liberal do uatloua to institutions of learning, I presume though a atranger, to eall your attention to"WllIfn4t Uni versity," situated lu Bak-m, Marlon county, state of Oregon. The history of this aehool is aa follows, viz.; While this wan try was yet held In Joint oeeupaNey, between the "United Btatea" and "Great Britain," a fow AihwIwh citizen found their way lur; and from the extent 4f the eountry, its locality, Ue; Ueawe satletted tbatiw a few yearn it would be settled with teeming wwlUtud, devbtwd Md exeettted a pkR pf an iMtttuMea of tearulux of the hlfcbt lKmy grade, known by the whJ of "Ore gon InetlUiU," Umi flwt oa Uw I'a oirki eoaet. In jnoa of Umm Ut Joint oeetiiy ewwil aud tli UiMtiHuioruurwd a torriUtruM KovWwuiaat The) aoboul w IkAjn nsusrteiif ri Kv llui hmus a IfcjWtthwXU Hwivtrsltjr CtomUw Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S Sor'tltopilt Rpy&I m& ABSOLUTELY PURE bame In the valley 'in the center still, retaining the name ''Oregon Institute" as' an academical or pre paratory department. For several years, of course it was only In Us lnclplency. But its friends have struggled along with it to make it what this Northwest coast absolutely demands lu order to educate our young people for teachers of lower schools and to quality them for the Important re sponsibilities of a new and rising country, dally Increasing in Import ance. We are yet struggling to make it what, the country demands. We need help to endow, to procure apa ratus, library, etc. Our tint build ing became too small, and old,- and to bo able to accommodate the stu dents in attendance we found it nec essary to erect a substantial,', new brick building, a cut of which you will see in tho catalogue I Bend you. But this building is not yet finished, a pait only, so as the better to ac commodate tho students In attend ance. Should you feel free ofy6ur,mu nlflcence to assist this Infant institu tion and extensive Northwest por tion of tho United Htatee education ally, I nssuro you that your gratuity will not bo undeservedly bestowed, or unfaithfully applied. The,tnis lees, whose names you see inth'e cutalogue, cannot use by the terms of the funds of tho Institution 6ther than for educational purposes, nil the funds of tho school are by the board of trust bejd sacredly for tho purposes contemplated not one dol lar can be otherwise used. Should it pleaso you to assist this Institution, the board will take great pleasure in transmitting your name in its arch ives to posterity as ono of Its, donors. I have given you a faithful and simple statement, of facts-relative to this Institution, and the great wants of tho country. Th. fact is, the great moss of our young peoplo and children must bo eduoatod here or not at all. 1 refer you to our senators, Hon. Geo. H. Williams, Hon. H. W. Cor bett, and Hon. J. B. Smith, in tho house of representatives. Hoping to hear from you at your curliest convenience, I remain very truly yours. A. F. Wallkk, Oue who was there. ' Seattle, Wash., Oct. 27, 1802. Ol woman, lovely woman, suiter so, Why bear Mtnh pain and auoav of woo? why will you anguish, nnd Why don't you seek the remedy the one lUUVSUU lUOgOT "All tho go,"' becauso it .makes tho pains go. As un Invigorating, restorative tonic, soothing cordial and bracing uorvlno, for debilitated and feeble womon generally, Dr. 1'lcrce's Favorite Prescription' has no cquul. It Improves diuestlon, Invigorutea tho system, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains,, produces refrcsiilug sleep, dispels melancholy and 'nervousness, and builds up both tho Jlesh uud strength of those reduced below a healthy standard. Don't put it oil with some worthless compound, easily, but dishonestly, recommended to be "Just as good," that tho dealer may niuko mora profit. "Favorlto Pre scription" Is Incomparable. J American Cholera. From the Dally Iteyelllo, What com, Washingten: "T. C. liuruett, the Democratic candidate for slierM, was taken violently ill at Clear brook. IIo had all the symptoms of Asiatic cholera, und lor an hour or two it was feared he would die. They finally gave him a dose of Chamber Iain's Collo, Cholera and DIurhoM Remedy, which revived hltu until a physician arrived." That is pre cisely what- the manufacturers of that medicine recommend for ohol era. Bend for a physician but give their nu'dlolue uutll the physleian arrives. If cholera becomes preva lent lu this oountry next summer this preparation will be lu great de mand beeause it mh always b de peHiIwI upon. For sale by JUskelt ',,'v' flahy cried, MeaW sighed, IXetr pnsMHlhMl t CWerta HMttblaMt'sa1 AHb4ae ftslvAk 1m Heet tv U UM WM lew ' smms. Hone, yteen. lUt JHkmm. ra saTWitb KntfSluae. a4 raaraale JFt& ii T Barangi Powder! M39B0 RAILROAD JOTTlNalr" The payroll of the LaokawaaaaVi Mor ris and Essex division aldne oonUhaa over 2,000 names. Tho annual report of the Concord and Montreal railroad, shows grow earning of $2,800,409; expenses, $1,817,M; bal ance of, earnings, $A51,9tX, A fow years' ago ' Ave foot drivers were considered large oil, looomottves, but in this age of advaeoed iUros4iag they hiive increased to seven feet i llatneter. " "- 0 'The survey has, been completed ( s new railrJad between Michigan City sad a Chicago terminal. It is thought Xhm Chicago and West 'MicbJgaa is bsokiin this project- ; The, Lake Shore and Michigan South ern 'company has adopted a new typs of passenger car which will in fntur-step-rosont its standard, The car ha many novel features, which make' tttexces ingly' comfortable. . A railroad commerce congress wWoh bids fair td bo of value to railroad inter ests will -bo hold in Chicago; beginning in Juno, 1803. The congress will be .a auxiliary to tho World's fair, and will bo hula in tho Art palace now building on tho lake front. v The New York Central has intro-. ducod a new 00-ton ongine, which is being used to haul-the Empire Stats ex press. It was built', by, the SohensoUdy ' Locomotive, works, and finish edrftt the company's' shops, East Albany. Each driver is ovor. seven feet in diameter, and each snstains'a weight of ten tons ' FASHION'S FANCIES.3 Red and black has been very popular, bnt is now hard pressed by blue and green. . . "y Black feather boas are, very popular, and are almost twice as asasMftbto' at they were last year., ", ".-' s' Tho silken'mnll, which ereryftarato in the modern .novel yfears, is staddtd with'beads, and is exceedingly pretty and chlo. A great novelty is the' faoed 'cwnal'a haircloakings, ia-which.;kthe outside) is usually, of some of the beige tints,' the inner ido liliowing old, rose, bine gresn ormauve tones. . r, ., a Wrappers in flannels trimmed with ribbons are' vory pretty and popular. For bath robes crash and heavy jerjay flanfiol is much worn, with, Capuchin hood, cord and monksleevesj,. u c Box plaits apponr upon some of) the, newast modes in dress skirts. Some of tho plaits show at tho back only, others in front, and on still others they form . Watteau fold that reaches from the neck to tho hem in tho back. Tho use of leather ia increasing in i erul lines of dress, The light tan is- tha color"most used, A turban without brim has the sloplng.side ciown odvered with folds of velvet and v pipings of leather, Tlie velvet rabbit 'ear at tho side is 'erected In a knot that i rnu through a yellow leather harness buokla. STAGE GLINTS. ' ' "Edward E. Kidder's .new war drama is to bo called "Among the Missing." , "Tho Bulcide Club" is the title of v comedy to be put on tho road next wm son by Justin Adams. ' Frank Dan IbIh has liought a play by Charles R. Clifford, wlio wrote th nrst drama In which Wt J. Soanlan appawed. Annio Russell is now oa the road to recovery, nfter an illness of three years, with every likelihood that she will be, ablo to resumit her profession. Charles Dlokson will soon produo at the Grand opera house, Chicago, the new comedy written for him by Charlas Klein, entitled "A Paltry Mimon.'' Manager Frank W. Sanger, dissatiswatl with tho business doH) on the road by his couipauy playing "The New Wing," has decided to discontinue the tour, Tschaikpwsky's"XugnyOnegin" wiS be the pieoe de rasistanoe of Shjaor La go's ooming opera season in London. The part of the hero ia written for a Imritone, and will be undartakan by Bugeae Oudlii. . ' Sir Arthur Salllvau . has bean invited to accept the British eoauaiasioa tat tnueio at the Chicago wtalWlaan. f!a disebrgad a stnllkr fnnotton at tltt Paria exhibitiou of 187. was ha wn made a olievalter of the Lssnooof ttoaot..' " ' THE UTMT NOVU.TMUL ' - -. World's fair Jawelry souvaaita M taroedcHtt in eysry praattaabla aafa. ' - ' Cologne botUes ifc sllvar AUgraa alM ardaretastoiaoloasphntotrafam JLteraWawaa Taalvaa avsasasjapp aWV WsPawPaf PefJPaV , f away saaoas and foreai are sjfaaniy aj seaaerBBa a Tb Mtagttttg ot silvwr, aHvar ftia i Mreslala to eaniai vary far, mM i works of btaaty. The gold mstiaklwias wiMi eeiejaM ilbA hssatfttla fu JBawesi SBBSffesa eseiBesaeer qss iaaMtbad tkaraon asaBi ' tit i aPaavfjaeae) paarepaje pavesi w s Umsm am Planty of rteh mm as I Large) bowkaota of rapoasaa with nUta bordars of gold maka taons onalalaliia ptas. Tuasai the wovauant as if taay ware af Coffeepots of latest dasignWwn boAlas, iusui, sianutur spottts awl aawdlaa. Taa aMa 1 W fa WBaJW WVWiyalVf Ja!HI fl MOMa)iaLiaJa1Mahattl QlMalaMgV. ' paWHaBnawanap ev w waaaaap anssaaaaaawm m n iti! ;mtitiimmmifflMkt .r7-t-rrMiifeiah -Mriiiriimiiiii-iiiftr - i - .Miliiu