Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 09, 1892, Image 3

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Red Fox, Lynx, Angora Muffs and .Boas.
MINK Muffs and Collars.
MONKEY Muffs and Capes.
Children's Fur Setts All Prices.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 0, 1802.
s' Jjime, cement, plaster. Lair. Are
land building brick, lire cluy, sand,
ravei, DiacKsuutu ana nouso coal,
voou, mi kiuus, wuoiesate ana re
al. OIHce "Jo state street.
Jealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Jlassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
..an Baking Powder.
fcj fauDDEN Death. Yesterday Mr.
Jtorge Harteman, drummer for J.
V. Dufly, dealer in wall paper, and
P. Jourden, dealer in varnishes
pf San Francisco, arrived in Albany
jnd took room 51 at tbe Revere
fouse. In the evening he was feel-
!tiR unwell, having cramps in bis
tomach, and secured something at
i drug store for his illness, and went
fo bed at an early hour. AJbout 3
clock this morning he was heard
ko complain. Not coming down to
breakfast his room was entered
rhen he was found cold in death in
lis bed. The exact cause of his
leath could not bo stated. A jury
Van called at. 1 o'clock by Coroner
?arrell, tho verdict being in accord
knee with the facto stated. The de
eased has a family in San Francisco,
) which place his remains will be
liipped tonight. He iias traveled
everal years through Oregon, was
Ibout 38 years of age, and is well
joken of by those knowing him.
klbany Democrat, Nov. 8.
IiThe Ladies Like It. The
jurnal'b complete Saturday
Dries are pleasing every one.
iey are tbe choicest selections,
ad most of them from real life,
rritten by the best authors. This
i been mnde a, regulur feature,
6d is proving as popular as tbe
Ibnday Talmadgo sermon.
jECture Postponed. Tho lec-
re advertised to have been given
.the opera house tonight, by Don-
1 Downle, has been postponed. '
For Sweet Charity's Sake,
"he ladies of Unity society will
Lvoa supper at "Channing Hall"
Friday evening, all the proceeds
rwhlch (over actual expenses) to
for tbe benellt of tbe Balem
pard of Charities, to be used in
eir laudable work the ensuing
knter. Supper from 5 p. m. to 8
fro. and only 25 cents. Come one,
:io all and help increase the
nds which will be so much need-
, this winter. Ladies' coir.
Special sale at Ed Jackson's, 06
te street, of men's and children's
thing and shoes. These goods
III be sold regardless of cost this
bona llde wo are compelled to
jrafice them as we must have the
u for our increasing bat and
rnishing goods trade. If you want
riake the most of your dollars,
I't fail to call at 00 State street.
IcKinlev Tin Horns and
10 made brooms ornament tbe
tected plate glass front of one of
lush's new stores. Tbe decora
te) are suggestive of a clean sweep,
I quite appropriate.
j ....
o Advance. The election may
ct the politician's hopes but it
root eflect the low prices or good
lity of groceries at Squire Farrar
fecial sale of shoes at Jackson's.
egant neckties, Jackson's, 0
ranson & Co. boast or better
tment of patrons by giving them
tear rides.
spular hat store, 00 Slato street.
lyFtereat C. W. Hellenbrand's
turn nt,
Ipecial salo of clothing1, Jaoksoti'a.
Ve offer for a few days In our Bboe Department
pairs ladies' fine $3.50 Sho&s-for $2.50 a pair.
50 pairs lino 13.00 Shoos for $2.00 a pair.
-Every lady will save $1.00 oa eaab pair of tba t&om bought during thl mJ. - .
Returns by Precincts Show a Re
spectable Republican Plurality.
Below will be found the vote of
the Salem precincts.
Yew Park Caples 87, Dunne 87,
Irwin 87, Miller 8S.
Butcher 18, Uolvig 19, Noland 18,
Pierce 16.
Burleigh 20, Galvanl 20, Holt 20,
Pierce 20.
Black 9, Gavlord 9, Lucas 9, Par
ker 10.
Prospect Caples 133, Dunne 133,
Irwin 133, Miller 134.
Butcher 33, Colvlg 37, Noland 33,
Pierce 32.
Burleigh 63, Galvanl 60, Holt 70,
Pierce 68.
Black 9, Gay lord 10, Lucas 9,
Parker 9.
Saloin No. 1 Caples 94, Dunne 93,
Irwin 94, Miller 94.
Butcher 14, Colvlg 17, Noland 16,
Pierce 17.
Burleigh 32, Galvaui30, Holt 37,
Pierce 35.
B!ackl2, Gaylord 10, Lucas 10,
Parker 10.
No. 2-Caples 177, Dunne 170, Ir
win 170, Miller 170.
Butcher 27, Colvlg 29, Noland 28,
Pierce 27.
Burleigh 55, Galvnni 5.1, Holt 53.
Pierce 53.
Black 13, Gaylord 13, Lucus 14,
Parker 14.
No. 3 Caples 310, Dunne, 318, Ir
win 318, Miller 317.
Butcher 66, Colvlg 69, Noland 70,
Burleigh 118, Galvanl 114, Holt
121, Pierce 116.
Black 36, Gaylord 37, Lucas 37,
Parker 37.
No.4 Caples 193, Dunne 102, Ir
win 192, Miller 192.'
Butcher 57, Colvig 57, Noland 59,
Pierce 47,
Burleigh 124, Galvani 123, Holt
124, Pierce 124.
Englewood Caples 128, Dunne
126, Irwin 126, Miller 120.
Butcher 29, Colvlg 29, Noland 29,
Pierce 30.
Burleigh 69, Galvani 90, Holt 70,
Pierce 68.
Black 17, Gaylord 18, Lucas 18,
Parker 10.
South Salem Caples 80, Dunne
80, Irwin 80, Miller 86.
Butcher 19, Colvig 21, Noland 10,
Pierce 17.
Burleigh 51, Galvanl 49, Holt51,
Pierce 51.
Black 15, Gaylord 15, Lucas 11,
Parker 11.
North Salem Caples 101, Dunne
101, Irwin 101, Miller 100.
Butcher 28, Colvlg 28, Noland 28,
Pierce 28.
Burleigh 01, Galyaul 01, Holt 01,
Pierce 61.
Black 25, Gaylord 20, Lucas 26,
Parker 26.
Below is given the vote of the
Marion county precincts, outside of
Sulem preclncis:
Aurora Harrison 87, Cleveland
12. Weaver 11, Bidwell 5.
Hubbard Harrison, 77, Cleveland
23, Weaver 13, Bidwell 12.
Fairfield Harrison 18, . Cleveland
13, Weaver 5.
Gervais Harrison 71, Cleveland
12, Weaver 162, Bidwell 3.
Labisb Precinct Caples 64,
Dunne 54, Irwin 54, Miller 55.
Butcher 20, Colvig 20, Noland
26, Pierce 24.
Burleigh 22, Galvani 24, Holt 24,
PJerce 23.
Black 1, Gaylord 1, Lucas 1, Par
ker 1.
Lincoln Caples 05, Dunne 64,
Irwin 64, Miller,' 63.
Butcher 9, Colvig 0, Nolan 10,
Pierce 8.
Burleigh 38, Galvanl, 40, Holt 89,
Pierce 37; prohi. 4; total vote 118.
Turner Caples 81, Dunne 78, Ir
win 78, MiHer 7C Butcher 49, Col
vlg 50, Noland 60, Pierce, dem., 38;
Burleigh, 24, Galvanl 24, Holt 25,
Pierce, people's. 24, Black 10, Gay
lord 9, Lucas 11, Parker 9.
Mehama Republicans 60, Dem
ocrats 4; People's 18; Prohis 2.
Stayton Republicans, 05; Dem
BLOCK, ar sr Court a&d Liberty rtrwto. Slw. OfMM.
Commercial Street.
ocrats, 15; Populist, 93; Prohi., 8.
Horeb Republicans, 69; Demo
crats, 31; People's 37.
Woodburn Harrison 189, Cleve
land 31, Weaver 130, Bidwell 13;
Pierce in this precinct received near
ly the entire vote of both People's
and Democratic parties.
Buttevllle Caples 87, Dunne 87,
Irwin 87, Miller 87, Butcher 37, Col
vig 37, Noland 37,PIerce Burleigh
03, Galvani 04, Holt 64, Pierce 88,
Black 2, Gaylord 2, Lucas 2, Parker
Returns from all but Breitcnbush,
Elkhorn and Horeb, give Harrison
2791, Cleveland 835, Weaver 1783,
Bidwell 280.
How the Leaders took the Results
in the Capital City.
Unbounded hilarity and excite
ment prevailed at Salem over the
election returns until late at night
and some few all night cases that
are still in a.stage of eruption but
not Republicans.
The Journal's first bulletins
were all of an encouraging char
acter and caused Republicans to
feel a quiet confidence. Tuesday
bulletins are still out. While they
still feel quiet but not quite so con
fident, those bulletins were some
what premature but the only satis
faction giving news had so far.
When all else is goue the Republi
cans can cling to those bulletins.
And they are clinging.
At Col. Wagner's hotel bulletins
were posted until late at night, and
the excitement was so great in the
lobby that sleep was not thought of.
A Democratic dispatch would set all
the Democrats howling and as u
rule they wore a smile resembling a
new brick block in tbe summer
sunshine. Then a Republican dls-
patch'would set the other side wild
for a few minutes.
In Probate Court.
Nov. 2.In estate of Thos. J. Wil
cox, deceased, bond of John D. Wil
cox, of Kent, Or., for J.3000,' ap
proved. Nov. 3. In estate of Jesse Phillips,
deceased, John Phillips, administra
tor, final account allowed,
In estate of Loretta A. Cox, will
filed by Carrie M. Ogle, admitted to
probate. '
Nov. 4. In estate of R. B. Chubb,
deceased, final account tiled by Geo.
G. Bingham, executor, Dec. 5 fixed
for hearing.
In estate of Henry Rude, A. O.
Condit, administrator, Hies inven
tory of personal property.
Ifyourhairis turning gray, re
store it to tho hue of youth by the
tho use of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. The
best hair preservative.
Jersey Milk Delivered in al
parts of the city. Leave orders at
Gilbert & Patterson's store. Abra
ham Rich. 10-18-lm
Deafness Can't be Cured.
by local application, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of tbe
ear. There Is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition of the
mucous llningof the Eustachian
Tube. When this tube gets inflam
ed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, deafness is tbe re
sult, and uuless the inflamatlon can
be taken out and tbe tube restored
to 1U normal condition, bearing will
be destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by catarrh, which
is nothing but an Inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars
for any case of deafness (caueed by
catarrh) that we caouot- cure by
taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
for circular, fiec, F. J. Cheney fc
Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists,
7'i cents.
TUTT'8 PILL3 invigorate body
and mind.
Hellenbrand's meal nre as usual
the beat.
Try Jackson for trunksand vallsea.
Tho Journal Souvenir num
ber; Jan. 1st, 1893. .
Historical Review of tlio City
ami its Industries for
Forty Years.
Showing its Present Advantages
and Leaders in Every
Work was begun today o The
New Year's Jooknal, which will
be one of tbe largest and best writ
ten souvenir numbers ever Issued.
It will'bo nothing less in substance
than a book of flfty to sixty chap
ters, composed by tho ablest writers
in the city, devoted to an historical
review of Balem and all its com-
mercial and social interests. The
utmost care will bo exercised to get
reliable dates and fuels of t he history,
growth and development of Balem
and Its representative men and in
dustries for the past forty years.
In point of historical value and
literary finish, both as to matter
and illustrations, The New Year's
Journal for 1893 will not be sur
passed by uny publication in the
state. A large edition will be print
ed of this number.
Hofek Bros. Pubs.
Mrs. L. C. Prettyman, of Wilbur,
Wash., is in the city, visltlug her
mother, Mrs. A. L. Stlusou, for tho
first time In seven years. ,
Umbrellas, steel rod, $2, Jackson's.
Tho courity commissioners court
s in regular session, November
term, ul! members present.
Jackson the hatter, 00 State street.
An old lady brought about a score
of Mongolian pheasants and grouse
to one of the Salem markets last
All infections of the blood are re
moved by Ayer's Parsapiullla, Sold
by all druggists.
Velvet slippers at the Palace.
The New York Racket is the
place (or bargains In hosiery and
underwear. New lot just in.
Bargains in all lines at Jackson's.
Don't look so sour when you can
get sweet little buttercups at The
Spa, 114 State St.
Finest goods on earth, Jackson's.
Flue chocolate creams at Jones &
Cream dips all klnds,fresh today,
ut Jones fc Bernardl's.
R. T. Humphreys is in Portia id
for the day.
Christmas toys-new stock just
opeued at Osburn's Racket store.
The City Dairy gets there with
pure grade Jersey milk every day to
any part of tho city. B. J. Sharp,
Attorney General Geo. E.
Chamberlain came down from Al
bany this afternoon, beaming over
with Democratic joy.
Have you seen the big squash at
tbe Fruit Palace, 132 State street?
See tho new counterpanes and
lace curtains at the New York
Gossamers and umbrellas at great
bargains at Osburn's Racket store.
Best and cheapest place in the city
to buy your feed. C. Beak.
Harrison may be left, but Geo.
F. Smith is still In it, for he litis the
largest stock of mouldings in the
ojty. Free trade wou't knock him
Rev. R. D. Grant, of Portland,
and Rev. L. A. Gould,recontly from
China, will speak ut the Baptist
church In Salem tonight. All are
Curled hair mattresses at Keller &
I. L. Kimber returned homo from
Astoria yesterday to help celebrate
with tho Cleveland boys.
The latest 'wiuter novelties in
cloaks received at tho Palace thjs
morning. The ladles are rushing in
to see them.
The fancy-wood bankets are In at
Keller & Marsh's. See corner wm
Tie Qeaolne Merit.
Of Hood's Saritaparillawlnsfrleudb
wherever It la fairly aud honestly
tried. IU proprietor are. highly
gratified at the letters which come
entirely HoselMted from men and
womea la the learned profWlon,a
warmly jSKHHHwadliig Hood's gars.
parVl W tit wfeat k baa done.for thwn.
Heo4'a PilW u liver 11U, Jaund
lee, MHowiimn, Mc iMMtdaefeeoe)
MpaUoe. m m i i
Wood. We4,PBty of H sawed
4 rmiy tor Mknry. Lmvaymx
Great Belief
JS irwtantly afforded sufferers frowt
I Bronchitis, by tuo use of Ayer's
horry Pectoral. Either as an arid
dyne, to allay inflammation, or an ex
pectorant, to loosen anil bring away tho
mucus, this preparation lias no equal.
"Last winter I contrnctcd a sovoro
cold, which, by ropeitted oxposnre, be
came quito obstinate. I was much
troubled with hoarseness and bronchial
Irritation. After trying various 'medi
cines, without relief, I nt last purchased
h bottlo of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On
taking this medicine, my cough ceased
nluiost Immediately, ntul I have, been
well over slnco." llev. Thomas B.
hussoU, Secretary Ilolston Conference
mul 1. L of tho Orcouvlllo Dlst. M. E. C,
Toncsboro, Tenn.
" My mother was sick threo vears and
very low with bronchitis. We feared
nothing would cure her. One of my
friends told me about Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Sho tried it, lins used olpht
littles, and Is now well." T. H. V.
Chamberlain, Baltimore, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rnsrARXD Br
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
BolilbraUDruggUU. rricel; alx bottles, $5,
The November Oregon p.agazino
contains a second article In tbe Uni
versity of California papers, by Mil
Iceut W. Shim, on the Lick Astro
nomical Department, historical, de
scriptive, aud critical. This artlclo
is timely, as It gives a careful opin
ion on tho observatory and Its man
agement, now tho subject of much
newspaper criticism. Tbe illustra
tions are profuse aud beautiful. The
views of Mars and the lunar craters
are especially noteworthy.
There is still tlmo to send for a
copy of this magazine nnd see that
"Thanksgiving Turkey," proudly
pictured aatl poetically portrayed.
It forms the frontispiece of Good
Housekeeping for November, which
le especially a Thanksgiving num-
bor. Yet this magazine, while giv
ing duo attention to tho special fes
tival which fulls during the month,
never forgets that the llfo of tho
home is broader thnn any holiday,
aud amoug Its many helpful aud
hopeful articles will be found those
which uro appropriate to all clays
and every occasion. A notable
feature of the current issue is the
beginning of a charming serial story
by II, Aunetto Poole, entitled ''A
Noble Girlhood," which will Inter
est every Veader. Clark W. Bryan
Compapy, publisher, Sprlngiluld,
Child's Christ Tales, by Audrea
Hofer, is a new holiday gift book for
tho children, tolling the Christ Life
In short, simple tales, appealing in
their freshness and exquisite
pathos to even the mature
reader and lovor of the won
drous character of Jesus. Miss
Hnfer is the editor of tho Kinder
garten Magazluo and Interprets
these marvelous stoiies of love and
salvation in the light of a student of
tbo child heart and mind, and the
book certainly gives tlie most Inlel
llgont rendering of tho theme we
have eyer been ublo to oiler tho
lambs of the great christian flock.
Tho volume is exquisitely printed,
Illustrated and bouud and prepared
in such a way that it may be put
directly into tho hands of tho chil
dren themselves to read from. Ad
dress, Kindergarton Magazine,
Woman's Temple, Chicago. Price,
Great variety underwear, Jackson's
At the Fruit Palace. Florida
oranges, New York state Concord
grapes, California grapes, big rod
apples, golden bananas, finest llgs
and dates, ou earth, Cape Cod
cranberries. ,
132 State St.
Pure Jersey. We arn receiving
tho pure Jorsey butter from the
Looney farm and can Supply all
customers, Hanltt & Mclutyre.
For isAi.E. Ono pair pure bred
while Leghorn chickens, cock, $3.00;
hen, t2.00. Two light bruhma cocks,
perfect beauties, W.00 each. E.
Hofer, Journal olllce. dtf
Blanke h aud quilts ut JauUsou's.
Ytri, you appreciate honest goods
at fair prices Keller & Marsh never
For Sale. Nine room house on
oast State street; grounds well Im
proved, with barn. Mrs. O. O.Strat
ton. 11-7--U
A Waspish Sting..
Whattomn wig (trim "the UuiIomi
end or u vviwp" Btingx with mvuoely more
acuUnctut than the Held eructation M
KUdfroui ttii) momiiuh gullet thai we char,
adorned a liurtburn, Mover wiu there
a cane of indigestion without tlilt nyiniv
Uiin. Iloth caue and tll'ect lire remov
able by the fine carminative tonic, Jio
teller1 Ktoinucli Illtten, which confer
regularity uud vlicor upon a dinordcired
and enfeebled- utoiimch with certainty
and (Iiupatch, UevldM checking the
prauknolHri-'bellloi'mtinnacb, tlieblttrr
waken up a dormant llvtr. and cau4 the
bowel to act Ill.e i-'ockwork. tu lm.
mene riuUHon Imm uito bees won by
till pro'owlocal'y approved medicine, a
nimc( enKleatloK and preventing
malarial trouble and oodutwMotluif a
teadeoey to rheumal'em and Kidney euin.
plulnu. .NMirnlglH aud nervouMitM are
alo remedied by It,
, , im m vjwj i'f nrrmmwm
i '
A Bonafide
Having concluded to retire from business, we offer our entire stock of General
Merchandise, consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS
and SHOES, in fact eyery thing to be found in first-class stores,
After 25 years constant business, we wish to close out entirely and will ,
make a great sacrifice to do' this.
M. W.
Has added to his stock a fine line of all kinds of household furniture, which hexpecte
to sell very reasonably, and asks his old customers and iriends to call and examinehfor '
themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. He also carries tho largest and (ch'epei ,
stock of WALL PAPER this Bide of Portland, besides lots of Notions, ToysjTTetc,
for holidays. These he is trying to close out, and therefore will sell them as cheap an.
possible, many going below actual cost. Give him,a call. t .
Confusion of fiirten.
A correspondent sayB tjiat ho knew
schoolboyB in Boston? schools, too
who Boomed bound to grow up with
tho imprcsa'on that General Warren
stopped all proceedings just boforo
tho battlo of, Bunker Hill to stir up
tho patriotic ardor of tho soldiers by
declaiming to them three stanzas of
grandiloquent pootry.
All this, tho correspondent says,
was chargeahld to tho fact that tho
teacher was too indifferent or too
though tles3 to tell his pupils that tho
stanzas in question, in Piorpont'B
"National Reader," wero written for
Gonoral Warren fifty years after ho
wns killed nnd by John Piorpont
Tho correspondent is movetl to
this reminisconco by Bomotliing seen
lately in an "nmbitioua periodical
gotten up by the Btudents of a high
school not 100 miles away from Bos
ton, and in fact not much nearer
tliau that."
In that periodical tho familiar quo
tatiqn about a "government of tho
people, by tho pooplo, for tho poo
plo,";,is Baid to havo been "uttered
by President Lincoln in his exhorta
tion to tho Union army as it was
nbout to ontor upon tho battlo of
Gettysburg!" Boston Transcript,
Telephones Needi NlmpUfylng-.
The inventor of tho telephone,
Professor Bell, said a few days ase:
"To simplify tho tolophono opens n
wido field for inventors, for it is in
that direction wo must turn. Pay a
visit to tho central offico iu Boston,
Now York or any other largo city,
and you will bo astonished at tho
complex system which has grown up
almost unnoticed within a fow years.
Thoro is a labyrinth of wires, Buch
as no outsider over dreamed of. Tho
tolophono in bo Bimplo in itself, and
tho peoplo havo becomo bo familiar
with its use, that they would bo as
tonished if shown a modern switch
board. It cost $150,000 to construct
the Bwitcfiboard for tho control offico
in Now York city, and if you woro
to Bee it you. would bo surprised that
it could bo constructed for oven that
largo Bum."
I.tfe'a Many Myalerlei.
Littlo Boy What do folks
rats' tails to bo Binooth forj
Papa They don't.
Littlo Boy Well, I hoard a man
in tho store ask for a nittail filo any
how, Good News.
Dora Knenr Him.
Cora I'm much pleased with my
now acquaintance, Mr, Jimpson. I
hojK) to know him better,
Dora Well, it would b impossible
to know him woree, Yankee Blade,
And what is iuore, the like
huvuj win biiw, ana sua more very few ever saw Mar
..-l. C 'T)l3n i TTO tilt At st.r.i-v -. . -. .Wi
buuu uuo jDvJuvx-..iro l
Woods as we are now offering.
oia ume prices in two, and
mom shock overy day,
VI00l VMiSl6Rl3
Commercial Street
- ' ' i
, , , , , , t .,, ,177;, , .. rr-&, J
,'tt .7
-ThiBspaco'isi-esorvedfdriilid ;;;, 1
SM W ai CBEiil
Black Langshaps.
Cocks, Cockerels, Hens, Pullets. Trios nr poun. Four nlmtMof
Hens, Pallots,
American pest. JJeut winter myor, uima not a-iiin. iixblbltlon bird,
good brccdere, but no culls. Have never been bouton In LaiiKshMw yt,
avlDK taken over tlfty Hrst prizes. E. J. LADD,
Member A, L. C. 253 First Ht Portland. '
will appear
in tho
. It is an intensely interest
ing novelette by one of tho
best writers of English fic
tion, Tho plot is kid at a
seaside reaort, and ondn with
the always interesting sub-
jeot of "fixing up" a rioh
relative's will. Look for
this complete tory in Sat
urday evening's Joukxal,
t.4 J k
of you never did ntp ta
WehaYe'juei unwed
are mvnng right mto enri
" y
' As,
WANTKD.-8ewlDif by the dy or mtit
by ii flmt-olttun Mauiwtremr AwS
at tbe Juuiinai, office, l-iST
M Wasted. 8Alry itiid. txpvmm,
l'ennunwit p'ftee. Apply mow.
owerH at nursery utook m nMi
muerinta uau i.Hnuain !!. nuray iHU
rellei our Hpeetulty.
u-iau-iis-wi is
tinteryuea, Ufilno.
rwtlfalo. The bollrtf n immp,'
V rlgbt tubular, load tbe mmpm a frfawM
huritoBtil. Ho!h ure la bow! oMuiSmi.
sna cnt 8700 wliea new. W-"7W"
Apply to A. II, KOKaTNJW OQ.IWM.
lite Klritt Wutlomil Itank. TT
V f'-f-TimTNiMi
40 Hm Wm to m
rilLAN. TOIflWt
cajw, mm caw.
nrMM mm i
ioniiwiwtii mm.
Bfflr s
or yrn.uvuunna,4
' ktyt
o Jt