it- . 'IMHHMMMM I DEMOCRATIC WINDFALL. Humut f PremsiiMre Utosteral Apples. lU'lNDGE AT :;It I! m TkotiRh Cleveland ," tm Elected. Th,Asoelated Press returns at mMatght on Tuesday Indicated a fji pomimrvmoTy tor uieveianu ana Stephenson. Congress wilt probably W Democratic, and Harrison'1 will OMty Oregon by'a small vote. Wea ver has carried a number of states as Will be seen by the returns: ,, TIIR pOVnTFOTj STATES. ,r( New York, Nov. 8.Tho total Tote for president gives Cleveland a majority of 70,125 In the city. u The Tribune says: Beturns re- wived at the hour of writing are not satisfactory to Republicans. It can only be said the returns are not at hand to justify the assertion that jwveral great Western states give their electoral votes to Cleveland, and without these votes he Is still in danger of disappointment. The Re publicans failed to carry New York. The machinery in the great Demo ortl6 cities turned out majorities sufficient to overpower the votes In the Republican counties which ap- '"pet to have been down below ex- ' neeUttons. , . i ILLINOIS. jM" i 'Chicago, Nov. 8. As the returns eomeln, It is conclusively demon strated that Illinois today cast the heaviest vote In Its history. All parties appear to have polled practi cally their entire vote. At 10 p. m. the probability te that Cleveland has ,oarried the state, and that Altgeld, mmmmfmsKsmammmmmmssaammimm electoral district, Harrison 8,990) Cleveland P,28t. Btxty-four, pre clDcta In the eeeond district, Harri son 5,300, Cleveland 5,663. Ffty slx preclucts In the third district, Harrison 3,051, Cleveland 2,7M. NEMtASKA, Omaha, Nov. 8. A much heavier vote was cast In Nebraska than was anticipated by campaign managers of all parties. Fully three-quarters of the Democratic vote were thrown to the Weaver electors, so direct vote for Cleveland cuts a very little figure Returns, are coming In slowly and It will bo ten hours be fore the vote can be known, but the figures largely indlcato the succesa of the Weaver electors. KANSAS. - Tho Republican central com mitteee claim the state by 20,000 plurality. Tlie chairman of the People's party concedes nothing. IOWA. Dks Moines, Nov. 8. One hun- h s Dem., for governor, Is elected by 12,000 to 15,000 majority. Chicago "will give tho Democratic ticket 80,- i 000 majority, and tho balance of (K Cook county will reduce that to 25,- 000. At Republican headquarters 'they do not claim over 15,000 for Plfer outside of Cook county. Chicaoo, Nov. 8. Six hundred '; and fifteen city precincts, Harrison ' 81,888; Cleveland 101,035; .outside of - Cook pounty,885townshlp give Har rison 81,080; Cleveland 73,850. ,'CniCAQO. Nov. 8, Tho Times f .'says In Illinois Cleveland has 20,000 ' plurality, Altgeld 18,000. The Inter- , lOeean does uot concede Illinois to the Democracy, but It will bo very irooeeasto prcsideht and goyernor. INDIANA. y One hundred aud sixty precincts -, give Harrison 10,015; Cleveland 15, , 807; the Bmo precincts in 1800 save ., Trusler 18,440; Matthews 13,050; net 'Republican gain 1,510. ; Comparison not possible. Allen oouhty gives Cleveland 4,500 major- ' tyi gnln of 800 over '88. Bholby tOonuty gives Cleveland 800, again 'of 208 oyer '88. ', - .-- NEVADA. f1 , Reno. Nov. 8. It is couceded by till nnpMoa Hint. Wnnunp onrMna Mn. yvyV' If VMVWk VHI41VO aiu tg yada by" 1.600, Rowlands, silver v party, is eleoted to congresB. Tho . i. . .. , , , ... . . iwuk as 10 iuu legieiuiuro is not yvi 'ttartaln. but It la ironurallv Iinllnvl-d In ' " ! (tmt tho silver party has a majority, g which will insure tho eleotlou of Stewart to tho United Htntea nutiate. A, CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Nov. 8. Cora.' , pjeto returns from fifty-one products in seventy townships, California, give Harrison 1,470; Cleveland 1,330; "' Weaver 100, The same In 18S8 guvo Harrison 1,527; Cleveland 1,317. The chairman of the Republican iate central committee concodes v0 bat California bus trone Dcmooratlo fiy 7000 plurality. JUSQUOTK1). . The ohalruuin of tho Republican entral commlttoo clnlniB bo has been tutyjuofod. lie concedes Ban VB SLtivLlistA Silt ItHU nAIIA MnitlntWitlt 7 finsumou vi j iiud Kuuv Ariuiiuiuiiu EMw. 7000 plurullty, but claims tho it MaLa irv iiull tlirnntrh. WVOiUNa. r I, Ohxyhnnk, Wyo., Nov. 8. Re- Iwni will be late; bold parties claim . thtaW. BeluniH luderluite, but ludlcnte , Harrkon wll carry tho state. Intatw from the returns re- isbow Harrison cwrrloe the by a Biuull majority. The lye tleketk doubt Ail. MIWOUKI. dred and twenty-seven preolncts Harrison' 10,112: Cleveland 14,298; Weaver 1,103. Tho State Register claims for Harrison a plurality In Iowa of 25,000, and that the Repub licans will elect 0 or 10 of the eleven congressmen and the' entire state ticket. , MONTANA. Thirty-five precincts out of 488 give Harrison 3,162, Cleveland 3,057. Indications are that Harrison has carried tho state by a small plu rality. Richards, for governor, Re publican, Is elected. SOUTH DAKOTA. Yankton, B. D., Noy. 8. The chairman of the Democratic state committee, at 10 o'clock tonight conceded the election of the Re publican state ticket by 8,000 plu rality, but claims that Weaver pre sidential electors were chosen by 5,000 plurality. MIOHIOAN. Drcrnorr, Nov. 8. Michigan will glvo from live to soven of her votes for Cleveland. Btato' returns show gains for Morse, dem., for governor, and his election seems assured. Hhlpman is probably re-elected from tho first district. Tho second nod tenth dlstrlots will also elect Demo- cralic congressmen. MAINE. Auousta, Nov, 0. Returns at midnight give Harrison plurality of 14,000. NEW HAMPSHIRE!, Concord, Nov. 0. Harrison carries- fit a to by 2000. No election of governor by peoplo. oiu:aoN. Portland, Nov. 0170 precincts Including Portlaud and Multnomah county, givo Harrison 17,011, Cleve land 7,270, Weaver 14,004, 13!d,veH 030. Harrison's majority in the state will bo about 7500. mmmmmmmKmtmmm TOE VERY LATEST. JeMrnal Dispatches for Alternoen. (ko WISCONSIN STILL IN DOUBT. Situation in the Donbtful States as We Go to Press. Louie, Nov. 8,Meager, tl- jmtttlm from all parte of the state to f Ijie BesHiWto Indicate a net Diuuo- i geitt of M per et. oyer 1MK. it will give the state to Cleveland 0,000 U) Wt0M tm4 to Atone, Eatasrtt, tor geyer1 by 17,000. laton The ftqtHbtn skims the iftoCfcwbuHlhy iy u,m KlOWvOf. i OI woman, lovely woman, why will yon 8ti Iter ho, Why beitr Ruoli pnln and nnj;ulsh, nnd itgony of woo? WUy don't yon neolc tUo remedy the one tUal'g ull tlio co? , "All tho go," because It makes the pains go. As an invigorating, ri'Htoruttvo tonic, soothing cordlul aud bracing uervino, for debilitated ud feoblo women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favor! to Prescription has no equal. It improves digestion, Invigorates tho system, enriches tho blood, dlspols aches and pains, produces refreshing "Sleep, dispels melancholy and nervousness, aud builds up both tho llcsh aud strength of those reduced below n healthy standard. Don't put It oil' with sonio worthloss compound, easily, but dishonestly, recommended to be "Juot us good," that tho dealer may nialto mora profit. "Fnvorlto Pre scription" is Incomparable. Oregon's First Pap or. Tuhnkr, Or., Nov. 8, 1802. Ennon Jeurnal: I uotlced an Item in tho Journal rcoiitly,wh!ch gives the Oregonlan as tho first paper published In Oregon. This is an error. The fint paper was tho Oregon Hpectator, which was started nt Oregon City In 1840. The first mnubor of tho Spectator T over saw was In MoKlnlay's store in Oregon City, about tho 20th of December, 18-17, a few days alter I reuohed Oregon City. Tho second paper was the Oregon Weekly Times, published at Mllwaukee,ln 18S5,aud tiftuwards moved to Portlaud. Thou cumo the Oregonlan. I Relieving the right should pre vail, I glyo this as h matter of history aud fact, Yours truly, David D. Prkttyman, IT IS THE BEST. That is Why I Recommend It. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given the best satisfaction of any cough medicine I handle, anQ as a iwlkr, leads all other preparations In this market, I recommend It be- cuue It is the beet medlolue I ever haudled for coughs, oolda aud croup. A. W. ttulrirldge, Mlllersvllle, Ills. For eale by Jkskett & Van Blype. ' JtahyerleJ, Pwtwr pmsrMwiilt Ciwterk. Atlanta, Ga.', Nov. 0. Georgia sends a solId'Democratle delegation to congress. Walton is snowed un der In tenth district and Bam Small in the fifth. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Nov. 0. The result in Wisconsin Is still in doubt. Both sides claim tho state. Chairman Payne, of tho Republican commit tee, claims about 10,000 plurality for Harrison and Bpooner. Chairman Wall, of tho Democratic committee, stands by his claim of 12,000 for Cleveland and Peck. MINNESOTA. Bt. Paul, Nov. 0. The count In this city is extraordinary slow in some precincts; only 360. Votes are counted out of 700, up to 0 a. m. These votes and meagre returns from the state, show fusion electors run ning behind regular Democratic electors, and that the Weaver vote will not be beoyy. Nelson, (Repub lican) for governor, estimated to have at least 10,000 plurality. Har rison probably has all electors. NEW YORK KEVIEW. New York, Nov. 0. The latest Tribune extra says: The election of president may develop in the house of representatives. Congress Is Democratic by a clear majority of about 60. New Yom is Democratic by not less than 30,000, and has elected a Democratic assembly. New Jersey is Democratic by 6000 to 8000, but Kean (Republican) for gov ernor, claims his election. Connec ticut is Democratic by not less than 1000, nnd has chosen a Democratic governor agd legislature. Mussachu- settes has chosen Harrison electors and probably Republican state ticket. All the rest of New Eng land is Republican. In Republican headquarters it is still hold to bo uncertain whether or not the solid Bouth Is broken. WHAT THE "SUN" SAYS. New York, Nov. 0. Sun extras say Cleyeland carried the solid Bouth, Connetlcqt, by 4,000 or more, New York state by 44,000, New Jersey by 8,000, Delaware by over 10,000, Indiana by 5,000, Illinois by 10,000, Wisconsin by 10,000. Wea ver carried Colorado, Idaho, Nevada Nebraska aud probably South Da kota. The Sun aim claims the houso to bo more than 100 Demo cratic, legislature of Now York, Democratic, lusurlng a Democratic successor to Senator HIscock, CONNECTICUT. Hartpord, Nov. 0. Connecticut gives Cleveland 5417 plurality. En tire Democratic state ticket Is prob ably eleoted. Three Democrats and one Republican elected to congress, nnd legislature Republican on joint ballot. MASSACHUSETTS. Reston, Nov. 0. Returns are coming in very slowly but It is cer tain Harrison olectors aro chosen by a good plurality. Democratic state commltteo claim election of Gov ernor Russell by 1500 to 2000 but Republicans do uot concede It, PROM INDIANA Indianapolis, Nov. 0. At Dem ooratlo headquarters, the stuto is claimed by 10,000 ou stato ticket,. and 8,000 on electoral tiokot. At Ropubllqau headquarters, the stato lastill claimed, but not with much show of coufldeuco. The best In formation obtainable indicates the state has gono Democratic 3000 to 4000; that tho Democrats have elected 10 out of 13 members of Cou gress, aud that the legislature Is Re publican in both brandies. ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC. Chioaoo, 111., Nov. 0, Returns from this stato aro still incomplete, but all indications point to the car rying of tho stato by Cleveland aud Stevenson by 8000 to 10,000. The entire Democratic state ticket is also elected aud Democrats have a ma jority of congressional delegation and apparently gained control of the legislature. Turning over of tho state to the Democrats Is due to perfect organisation, and defection of the Germau Lutheraus (rem the Republican on the public aehpol question. The tariff question mma to have worked favorably to the Deinoerats in the oenatry districts. MICHIGAN. K'dJmL2!2l--MJL 1J 1J1, The Free Pre, Dem., concedes the election of Republican .state ticket Democrats claim six elcctors.Repub licans claim nine; Republican! elect six congressmen, Democrats three,'! with 3 in doubt. Both parties claim legislature. WISCONSIN DDMOCRATH. Milwaukee, Nov. 0. Republi cans admit tho election of Peek, Democrat, for governor by small plurality, and that the electoral vote goes to Cleveland. Legislature is Democratlo and will elect a Demo crat to succeed Sawyer In the senate. SENATE AND CONGRESS. Washington, D. C, Nov. o. If the Republicans retain control of the senate it will bo by a very narrow margin, and that may possibly be broken by u combination of Demo crats and Populists. Compilation of returns for con gressmen from best data at hand gives Dm'irrat,5 majority over Re publicans of 77, and over both Re publicans and third parties of 00 with eleven districts doubtful. Fi gures clearly Indicate that next house will be Democratic by ma jority anywhere between GO and 80. Toi'kka, Nov, 0. Returns to Chairman Breldenthal from 20 counties show fusion majority of 0400. Late returns at Republican headquarters show great falling off in Republican vote nnd indicate election of Lewelllng, fusionlst, for governor, and Weaver electors. COLORADO. Denver, Nov. 9. Returns are meagre but sufllclont to show entire Democratic Populist ticket elected, but Republicans claim state for Har rison by 2000. KANSAS. Topeka, Nov. 9. Chairman Brel denthal, of Populist committee, claims the state. He has returns from 32 counties, and all, except two give Populist majority. Secre tary Hare, of the Republican state committee claims the state by 18,000. Jerry Simpson Is defeated. A solid south. OiiaoosACiriPMUNK, Miss., Nov, 0. Later returns show Immense Democratlo majorities In every Southern state, including legisla tures and memberf of congress. MAY GO TO THE HOUSE. New York, Nov. 8. The City Press association says Cleveland car ries Indiana, gets five votes in Michigan, carries either West Vn., or Connecticut, and loses Doleware. He will have 222 electoral votes and throw tho decision into the house of representatives. PENNSYLVANIA AND CONNECTICUT. New York, Nov. 0. Tho Tri bune says Harrison curries Penn sylvania by 85,000. Tho Sun claims Connecticut for Cleveland by 3.C00. NEW MEXICO, Santa Fe. Carton, Republican, elected to Congies?. NORTH DAKOTA. Bismarck. National aud stato Republican by 2000 majority. WASHINGTON. Fifty-three out of 757 give Harrison 2238, Cleveland 2114, Weaver 1208. CALIFORNIA. Cleveland's plurality, 6337. This Includes 297 precincts In San Fran cisco. Weaver vote will exceed 20, 000 In tho Btate. THE TAMMANY TIGER. New York, Nov. 0. Tammany has carried every assembly district In tho city. VERY LATEST 3 l M. Djmocrats carry West Virginia by 3,000, stato ticket and legislature. In Ohio Democrats claim gains of 11,050 In 18 counties hoard from, and that state Is Democratic. In Colorado fuslouists claim everything. Democrats estimate plurality In Indiana at 8,000 to 5,000, legislature Democratic. Multnomah county gives Cleve land 1,025, Harrison 7,703, Pierce 0,102. Democrats olalm Pierce elected In tho state. NORTH lim;i, I, 1'IIAIIIIH. Hurrah for thewlnnlngcandldato I A series of revival meetings Is be ing held at Parkersvllle, by the Bap tist denomination. Spelling school has been an nounced at N. H. P. school houso for the evening of the 7th, Rumor of a surprise party In honor of some of the young ladies soon. At the M. E. church last Sunday a large congregation was present at S. S., and the services following, which were held by Rev,, Jones. The following named nunlls of district No. 41, Marion county, are entitled to have their nnnies placed on tho roll pf honor, having been neither absent nor tardy, for the month ending Oct. 28th; Wm. Down, Robert Down, Ernest Palmer, Nixon Palmer, Albert Johnson, Sherman Johnson, Pearl Palmer, Mottle Palmer, Ellen Johnsou. E. B. Fletcher, Teacher. $50 REWARD. We will give $60 reward for any case of well-founded dissatisfaction in regard to our work, and in order to become better known wo will, for this week only, sell all our gilt em bossed and ingrain papers with their friezes and decorations at the regular retail price and hung them on your walls and ceilings, free of charge. This is the second time we have made this offer, and we can furnish numerous references in regard to the work we' have done under this arrangement. We aro here to stay and we do this to introduce ourselves, so come and get tho bene fit of this offer. Hawks & Levar, 97 State St. 3t HJH"!5!3!! gfgMEJgjjMg PACIFIC LAND AND OBCHA ' FOR TOWN LOTS .FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. RD-fll- V $2.00 Perdozen forthoflnest finished i'ilOTOGIlAl'HH In the city. HONTEB BROS., 180 Commercial Street, T. J. KIIESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 90th and Chemeketa btrect. 2 CENTS A DAY, Evenjng Journal. Delivered at Your Door. A, H. F0RSTNER & CO Machine Shop, Guns, Sporting Goods, Etc. 80S Commercial Street. RADABAUGH & SCOTT, Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, State Htrett. Olinger & Rigdon, tlNDJBItTAKUKS. Open night and day. Corner Court nnd Liberty, H0EYE & MILLS, PORCELAIN BATHS AND 8HAVINO PARLORS, Only Porcelain Hath Tubs In tho city. 209 Com. Bt., Salem, Or. II. FOUL:, Hacks & Wagons BLACK8MITHING. State Street, - - 8alem. J. E. MURPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NORTH BALEJI. Take It EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 cents a Any delivered at your door. J. L. BENNETT HSR. . CANDIES, Frait a Cigarg p- O. Block. ' R. T. IHJMPHRijg Cigars andTobae,' BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Oom'l Straot. SALEM MARKETS. Wheat 62c per bushel. Oats 3640o per bushel. Potatoes 4060c per bushel. Flour $4.00 per bbl. Brau (Sucked) 17.50 per ton Shorts (Sacked) $19.50 per tori. Eggs 25c per dozen. Chickens 7 per lb. Chopped feed 521.00. Ducks 10c per lb. Geese 7c per lb. Turkeys lie per lb. Lard 12J 15c per lb. Butter 2030o per pound. Beef 712Jc dressed, Veal 10 to 12Jc, dressed. Pork 712ic dressed . Wool 1620o per lb. Hops 1823 3fr. David JUT. Jordan. of Edmeston, N. Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless A Completes 'Curo by HOOD'S SATtSAPAllILLA. This Is from Mr. D. M. Tordan. a retired farmer, and one of the most respected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y. " Fourteen years ago I had an attack of gravel, and have since been troubled with my Liver and Kidneys gradually growing worse. Threo years ago I was so low that E cohlrt scnrceiy lvnlu. I looked more llko a corpse than n living being. I had no appotlto and for live weeks I mo noskiug but gruel, j wa3 ba(jy emaciated a had no inoro color than o murlilii mmue. Hood's Sarsaparllla was recommended. Hefore I had finished tho first hottlo I noticed that I felt better, suf fered less, tho inflummiition of the bind, der had subsided, tho color began to return to my face, nnd I began to feci hungry. After I had taken three bottles I could eat an thing without hurting mo. 'Why, I cot so hungry that I had to eat r times a day. I have now fully recovered, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla Z feel well nnd nm well. All who know nw man-el to seo me so well." ), m. Jordan. fhe story old of Balaam calls for contempla tion; Old be sorvo God in truth or practice profana tion? Ho calls tho Lord his God and says ho must obey him, Although with wealth immense Kins Balak should array him. But God's command, though plain, wan not enough to hold him. When drawn by profford gain, against what God hod told him; . His wish to go God grants, but yet with disap proval, His, word to blcsa abides and suffers no re moval. , When this mysterious seer reached his destination. With bacrillco he mixes heathen incantation. He vainly tempts tho Iord, but God doth noer warer; ills gracious purpose still is in his people's fa vor. Tho message most sublime was God's own proclamation; No curse, but blessing waits on his own holy nution. Not llalak's gold nor Balaam's guilty wish can chango it. For God's own purpose doth eternally ar range it. All Balaam's norshlp was but heathen divina tion. Which taught Idolatry to Israel's rising nation; lie uttered heavenly tiuth as power divine constrained him. And though a seeming prophet Ratnn still re tained him. That prayer so good for nil. which came within his vision. Docs not reveal the man, nor speak his heart's decision; Constrained bespoke for us those words of in spiration, "Oh, let mo die like righteous men nnd sharo their destlnationl" Let us adopt tho prayer, but shun his bad ex ample. Obey each one command, and call it guidance ample: When ono command Is plain, It calls for no re peating. And sld alone will Bcek some inopholo for re treating. . Ira Case In Presbyterian Journal. HOOD'S PILLS aro the best after-dlnne: filU, atilit digestion, cure headache. Darncrr, Nov. 9. Rblleaiw elet uot, if not aii, Uwlr Mt ItMtot tf mo U,000 p'wwkigr, NebrrtskaAll Hlght. Omaha, Nov. o. Very lucoin plete returns from48 out of 00 coun ties In Nebraska, Indicate that Har rison has carried the stato by a light plutaltty. Democrats a mlt the election of Crotinse, Republican governor, MARKETS. P out land, Nov. 7. Wheat valley, fl.280Sl.22 Walla Walla, 1112. Ban FuANcrsco, Cl., Nov. 7. Wheat, May, t3S.i OipriAao, Ills., Nov. 7. WbW 71. Teacher's Exnmiimtious. NOTIOK is hereby given that forthe pur. pose of making uu examination o all percons wno may oner ineimeives ns can al ldutsH lor leaohere of schools of this conn hold public examination at Salem, Or., at one o'clock Wednesday. Nov, Oih. 1SU2, Applicants tor Btato and Life Diplomas wlH bo examined nt the same time and place. Dated this COth day of Oct,. 1S02. - J. B. GUAHA.M, School Superintendent, Marlon County, Money To loan on Chattel Mortgage, Money ea land; no delay. TUUMAa& JOILNSON. mtektoa! Amle 8lv, MONEY TO LOAN. Special Indncementa for tlio next 30 days uu kuuu mrm tuaua FEAR ft HAMILTON, noma II. Bubo. Bank block, 6 12dw Origin of "WItltecapa." The term "whitccap" did not ori ginate in this country, but its origin dates hack nearly a century to Coun ty Kerry. Ireland. Nearly 100 years ago, when Ire land was more populous than at present, and when the peoplo wero not so harassed by British misrule, there lived in County Kerry a largo and influential family named White cap, who whenever any of their neighbors becamo too ohstreporous or immoral waited on them in tho night, took them from their houses and gave them a sound thrashing with a cato'-nino-tails as a warning to desist from their wrong doing and evil practices. Similar clans were formed in other sections of Irelnnd, all of whom were called whitecaps, ne: white caps, two words, as they are written in this country. The popular impres sion is that the appellation comes from tho form nnd color of the head dress that the regulators wear when perpotrating one of their outrages,' but this is a mistake, as tho history of tho movemont proves. Tho white caps in Ireland wero a terror to ovil doers and were of value to the good order of tho society of their day, but I don't know that there is need for thorn in any part of America. Inter view in St. Louis Globe-Democrat lllguuii and tho Part. Two little girls were playing keep houso when a dispute arose as to nuuuuuuiu uu uiowue, ootu WlBnUJg thnv part. After some discussion, Uessiowas heard to explain, "But. you seo, you must bo the husband. causo you're tho biggest and the big ger you are the husbander you ore.'' Youth's Companion. get A rian That Failed. Mamma How did you scratched sol Little Daughter I waa putting! dolly's shoes an stockings on thrf kitty. " "What for?" "So she couldn't Bowatch," Goodl News. Authorised Capital J600.000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W. A. CUHJCK.'Phw. r. W. MARTIN, Bte, Oewatjr and City Warrant tewbt trr, a . The ml hive 1m ttw vnrld r Cut. riM.tor, I fcr, ftUt Khtum, Kovbt 8onM.TUr,Cbuu4Hui(K fli H1Im. 1KU Mtt Mil Kill F7U.UOiW, Ht 1 mm!. UVfly twriM IHU, or uo nur wquu. it l euttfvutoiMt to itv gwt aattefettkMi ELLIS & WHiTLEY, UVEKYMEN. Among tho ancient Greeks both cremation of tho dead land burial in tho oarth wore practiced,.though it is uncertain which was tho more com mon, Tho ashes of tho dead were sacredly preserved in urns. 1 In 1SS3 Zalio Sivar, of Hauto-Loiro, Franco, niter quarreling with her husband over some small matter, heated her outdoor bake oven redhot crept Into it and cremated herself. There is pothing more precious to a man titan his will; there is nothing which he relinquishes witli so much relucUuce,-J. G, Holland. Oae lalllkw dollars in gold coin ttww wwu a,sw.B pound. Th BUM KBUMuit Of bUtst oiiU WOid Church Directory. Cumbeiuand I'rehbytehian. Salem, Oregon, Itev. J. E. Blair, 1'astor. Sunday hehool every Hunday, lo a. in. Preaching every Sunday, 11 u. m. and 7:o0 p. ra. Chinch houso on High street, between Marlon and Union. Everybody welcome. Ukitf.d Bhethern. Two blocks south west of pabsencr depot, yervlces every Sabbath at 11 o'clock, and at 7:30. Saobath school at 10 . in. Prayer meeting every Saturday ulght nt7:30. Everybody cordlaly Invited. Itev. J. S. Jennings, Pastor. METHODiSTEi'lBCnrAL Services onSab bath at 10:30 and 7:30. Hunday school at 12; Epworlh Leagues nt 6:15; Prayer meet ing every Thursday evening. Itev. C. L. Kellermau, pestor.i Evangifmcai.. Corner of Liberty and Center streets. Sunday services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday school 12 m,, Y. P.S. C. E. G.30 p. m.; Prayer meeting Thursday, 7.30 p.m. J, Bowersox, paster, residence 427 Liberty srcflt. PjtMnYTERtAN. Chuich street, between Chemeketa and Center. Preaching morn ing and evening; Sabbath school at 12 m.; Y P. S. O. E. at tl-SO p. m.; prayer meeting Thursday nt 7:o0).m. Rev.F. H. Qwynne, D, D pastor. Souur Bauui M. E. church. Preach ing every Sunday at 10: iO a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sundny school at 3.00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday nt 7:30 p. m. EpwortU League, Friday at 8.00 p. m. Itev. Chas. H. Lee, pastor. TnE Uiiuncn op Oor. Holds rellgeous services In the Good Templcr's hall Tuesl day, Thursday and Friday evenings. Sun days nt 10:30 a m. and 7:30. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Elder N. N. Mathews, pastor. St. Joseph's Catholic Chukch. Ohe- meketa and Cottage. Sunday services: Low mass 7:30 a. m.; high mass 10:30; Sunday school 3 p. m.j vespers 7:30; week days, low mass 7 a. m. Rev. J. S. White, pabtor, Conoukciationat.. Corner Center and Liberty Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. in.; Sunday school 12 m., Y. P. 8. O. E. at 6 W0 p. in.; prayer meeting 7:30 p.m.Thurs day. Evangelical Mission.; Corner Che meketa and 17th streets. Service In Eng llsh every Sunday evening at 7:30; Buudny school nt 3:30 p m.; prayer meeting oveiy Wednesday evening nt 7.30. St. Paul Episcopal CruRcrr. Corner Church and Chemeketa. Sei vices-10:30 a. m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school 11:45 a. m.; service Thursday 7.30 p. m. Hoy. y. Lund, lector. First Baptist. Liberty and Marion. Services 10:3 a. m. nnd 7:00 p. m.; Sunday school 12 m.; young people's meeting nt fl p. m.; prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday. Itev. Robert Whltakcr, pastor. Free SIktiiodi&t. Rev. B. F. Emalley pastor. Services Sunday morning and evening, Sunday school at 10 a. in.; prayer meenng irmay night. Church epposlto North Salem school. Friends. At Highland park on car lino. Services 10.0a.'m. and 7:S0.'p, m.; Bunday school 12 m.; Christian Endeavor 6 p. m.: prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Rev. F. M. George, pastor. German BAPTiST.-Scrvlces in German Baptist church north of Cottage stieet. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching atll a.m. Evening sorvice at 7.S0. Rev. John Feohter, pastor. Christian, High and Center. Sunday school 12 m.j preaching 10.30 a. in.; young people's society 0.30 p. m.j preaching 7:b0 p. m. Rev. W. R. Williams, pastor. German REFORMED.-Capltaland Marl on.;Suuday service 11 a, m.;8unday school 10 a. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday 7;30 p. m. Rev. J. Mupllbnupt, pastor. Ohhistian SciKNCE.-Serv!ces in Uni tarian hall at 10:SOa.m.and 7:80 p. m.; Sab bath school 13 ra,; Bible study Thursday evening. Evangelical. Corner of Liberty and Center streets. German service every first uu iniru Tjunaays. j. b. Fisher, pastor. German Lutheran. North Cottage Bt, Service on 1st and 8d Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. Rev.G.E.Aleyer.pastor. African JlKTHomsT.-Nortb. Salem. Services at II a. ra.aHd7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Rev, G. W. White, pastor. T. W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer, Remodels, re-cover says 8s3gT& Btate Insurance &. '". JOHN IRWIN, Carpenter and Builder, Shop 05 Btate street. StoreFUtinKs aSpccJUt, EAST AND SOUTH . VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN-nUH Vint HETWEEN PORTLAND AND S. T. South. 7:(ic p. m. 0:18 p. in. P.-15 a.m. Lv. Portland L.V. Baieru Ar. San Fran. rKoHT Vv' lJ.S J-M 7lDtm Above trains stop only at folTowISrS tlons north of UnVhi, p-i.. ? Oregon City, -Woodburn.' hik-ni. aiC' gfiSgfeffi-ai 'lanKent. Junction City, S:30 a. m. 11:17 a. m 5:50 p. m. ItOSKlmUOMALL MAILyT Lv. Lv. Ar. f,land Ar. I MTp baltru Lv. 1.40 n.S Koseburg Lv.' wfi Albany Local, Dally Except Sand,,. 5.00 p. m, 7:52 0.00 p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland salem Albany Ar, Lv. Lv, IfrStA 7.31 s. a. LSOsJa; TOLLMAN BDFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation oi passenger holdlcr second cmss tickets attached to express tralnB. iVcst Side Division, Between fBuJ and Cervallis: gAILY- (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:30 a. in. 12:10 p. m. LvT Ar. Portland Corvallis HZ Lv. iJJ p. m. IMJiim At Albany and Corvallis connect irlu trains of Oregon Paoitlc Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN (DAILY EXCEFTSOUIAT 4:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar, Ar.McMinnvilleLv. (taovm Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH. For tickets nnd full information regaio. lng rates maps, etc., apply to the Coops ny's agent Salem, Oregon. K.r. iiuuttKB, Asst, u.f. ana raa.An B, KOEHLEtf. Ai&nsjw From Terminal or Interior Points k n iFjtho line to Uke To all Points East and It is thedlnlntr car ronte. itruns throw J vestibule trains; every day inthejru HollnetR nnd nivinaTrAniiH . i-r,.,- street, every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock nlCdTaT?VCrU,iha!.e.UDg8at4 JOHN HUGHES, Dealer In Groceries, Paints, Oils nnd Window Glass, "Wall pa. per and Border, Artists' Ma. unms, jiime, jialr. Nails and Shingles, Hay. Feed aud Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc ST. PAUL AND (No change of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing loom (deepen 01 latest equfiBii TOURIST Sleeping Cagi, Best that can be constructed and in)' accommodations are both tree na nlshed for holdois of flri-t and second-" tickets, and) ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Aoontinuota line corr.e:tlnff wlthd lines, anordlns dlrort njr.rt unlnUrnirw service. Pullman slirTi--vv 'ionicaaw'j cured in ad vi t U. any ge'a tho road. ,.,, Through tickets to andfromall j In America, England and Europe i purchased at any ticket office of tDUw" pany. , , Full information ronMrnlngrstefcnw of tralns,routes andother detain furnww on application to any arentor A. D. CHARLT0, Assistant General Passtnger AjeoV 121 First street, cor. Washington; " land. Oregon , ta SHAW & DOWNING, Ag THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAIL llavelonment coal steamship line. 2inne And Oregon NKW ADVKimSKMENTS. II iT,l?,9?tTna,ry,a'I"' prepared to snn SlL11," ,n,m a herd ibat U onV-hall bhVh ?lJer"'; SatUfaellon gUHranteod. Addrww i r call opposite Oregon Houto? . B.J.HUARP. Prop, less time than by any otbei lout ,, class throuKh Dascnger and Itmcw m n. M SSiS Notice of Final Settlemeat NTi,iSFhfileiTbyVCBtat Georgia. rVVhnhhBSi2.e:tSculoro'tBewtAteofK. conut b ..ucb executor. ni it. "JSrJ.!KT Of Marion cuntv.' Ofeson. fe lii oour iiLSi'?' ?- . brln- Uirmr JJTJwuoKttiWteM to M'd ao- ao. ie& miles shorter. class through passenger ana 'Jrfj iruiu jronianu ana tui yutw --....m lamette vallerito and from ban tv"" TIME SCHEDULE. (Except Uun? Lea vi Albany LeavaA'orvaflis AiTtve Yao,ulna Leave Yaqulna Leave) Oorvallli U...O WUJ- - - ' r O. & O. trains connect at A!T Cwvallis. vi'dlSW Tito above trains connect i,,s3fj with the Oregon Development JJ gj N. U.-I,8Henge from ItoSkTS wnimettVairey points f.ym noannetion with the W1, VAOUTNA K0UTKatAltanrW58 CmMQ W Mill. "-4- heft-re itat of salll of. w . .-, m IMt ToftnfonoatlonapplJ-&i AfnUoanda Front. U Ioi O.O. MOQUK Art en1 sflsslSMiss in the ttt WW! tH ( NVimMt hm1, OKkO wlfk H,Ml.t fUkit. MM tllM,'r ! ip H M H, Q. "tFEKm ! W JHM . &" '--'" .'.iU-A ,MSl&t