EVENING CAPITAL ?i; J . . at MMMMMWMifl JOURNAL VOL. 5. NEW BRING QUOTED PRICES OF OUR COMPETITORS WITH YOU, AND COMPARE "WITH OUR PRICES ON SAME ARTICLES, THEN DECIDE FOR YOURSELF. E. T. BARNES, BEAU m n SROAT & GILE, - Ed. G. Choice Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Hinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser- Ij; vices and prompt delivery to Stov.es and Barr (V rfttZfi Plumbers and Tinners, ? 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbiug a (specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. ARCHIE BIASONt General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason ' Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, Wanted At Once. -r- . . i . "Tv J J"'!! -1UI. Tnntn ..nJ QIiaaa TTn I o nnrl ti c.u E- nnr nil Ulnfla nf tvinfiVi o n A Ida at llOt wtuui, .. .uUa u. .".?""""?'"' ??" I private sale or puuuo uucuou. aiso, xiouaeuuiu lutuuuio ui cmj uu scrlptlon, at the RED FRONT kSAjCAJiX.. 02 State Street. Sash and Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. ho best class of worlc in our with the lowost. Onlv C. N, CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & "inners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. AgentB for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. "J lr The place to 'liljnj II rig, Express, Mill feed or Dad of Dirt or Gravel. Call rillamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. II, F. DRAKE. PrwirUter. SALE1VE IRON WORKS, SA.IiHM. - . - - u.nniMnm RTEAM KNOINHS. Mill rDrylngOutnu.TraetiouKngtnei.CrwitiDir, etc. Farm machinery made and repaired. L General sirenU and manu&etureia of the celebrated Wahistrom IVUnt Mlddllni Purifier and fleet. Farm taaeblnerx,tnadi and repaired. Salem Truck & Dray em Iron worke. Drays and truoKs vukv be found tbrougbtHit tbe dav ut tho wrner r W&if and MmniMmi F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. BROOKS & LEGG, "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." WHAT -THAT ATTKAOTS THE CROWDS AT THE YORK - - .-. BANQli L Onyx and Brass. . Finest Ever Brought to Salem. 8 SEE EAST Cross all parts of the city. , meats 95 Court and 110 State Streets. Tinware. A. B. SMITH OREGON. tlOlU ftF (UlOltlH l n tl (1 tf Rpl 1 plt.llr fit ??". "V,V"," "Z"L '-,-"."Cl lino at prices to compete the best material nsed T S. BURROUGHS BTTRBOUGrHS, get a Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, good well rotted ,Manure, on Ryan & Co., back of KYAN & CO. T. B- PtHKINS, Qtneral SuptrtisUiOMt - - - - OREGON. Outfit. Watr .Wheel GoTcrnon. Fruit Co. DRAYS AND TRDCKH always re&dy for ordere. Hell and deliver wood, bay, eoal aud lumber. Of fice Htate HL.onnoitlUS&- wrweta. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. PttESOKIPTIONS CutfttUy ossatMUt4L$A AmV cv IS IT ? 333 Com'l St., IT! i i. di I I & 120 WINDOW. MARTIN & HABKINS, BLAOK8MITHING AND HOR9E8HOEING. The best work in every department. Hacks, Buggies and Harrows made to order. State Street. INER & 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Sup plies, Steel Ranges, Parlor Heaters In all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND. WASHERS tSy-The best on eartli. .Give ub a call. 10:3 tf. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarinMeak at All flours ol the Day None but white labor employed In thla establishment, A good substantial meal oooked In first class style Twenty-five cents per meal RED KRONT (Vnn tttrant, between Opera .House and Mtnto's Uvery W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING A.ND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's 200 Commercial street. M. T. RINEMAN SKAXXB IK. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Woeden and Willow -ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also veiietablesttQd fruits In their season, "Highest Price paid for country produce." We solid snare of your patronage. B- IMHtaLastrMtt 1831 TDK OUfVriVATOR AMD 1893 Country Gentleman THE MEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DJCVOTBH TO Farm Crops and ProcnesT, HortieBitureaad Trull GrGirlag liTe-8ek awl Datryiajrt While It also Includes all minor depart menu of Kursl Interest, saeh as the poul try yard, entonjolocr, ba-ktfplog, greo qobm and crapwy, THwlnary rrpHes, tuna qu ttops and answirn, flraoid readlBf, domestle eeono ny, and a bv mary of the sers ! the week. Its mar ket reports are unusually complete, and much attention U paid to tbe prospects of the crops, a turowlrx llbt upon one of (he most important of all qutkus When to buy and when to sell. Itts lib. emllylllUftratM.aud by meet aalarge meat. eunuUss more raadlBT matter tbs ever bfora. TM stertpuoa price Is tiiO per yar, kxrt we offer a speisUl re Uuetfon la our CLUB RATJBS FOR ISM. Tw SiAftfiM,,0wto,w" $ 4 Six &ikcritiM, " " ' W Twve uifH, "v " HB 4To all Mew tuUwibon ttr WM, pay tw tsi a4e rovr, w vtM I ft" pa per yfkir. ua wr weetpt f lsrtwK inasn. t Jasry Ut, UM, wrtswnt eafcui. UsiaiBslll AnillaM sPt-stA lijliu LUTHER TUCKER k SON, TMibm, SALEM, OREGON, WED203SDAT. NOVEMBER 9, 1892. RACKET Cottle Block. IMPS. Ll ' t, State Strete. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking buslnessi In all Its branches. GEO. WIUilAMB President Wm.KN GIlAD Vlqe Preslden UUGHMoNABY Cashier. DIRECTORS: Geo. Wllllauis.Wm. Eng land.Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. W , Ilodkon, J. A Halter. Bank In new Exchange block on Com mercial street. &12-U. MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next SO dnys on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Doom 14, l!nsh Bank block. S 12dw Authorized Capital $500,00(1. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W. A. CUBICK, Pres. ;W. W. MARTIN, VicePres. J. H. AL13KUT, Cabhlor. Btate, County and Olty Warrants bought at Par. dw ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVJ3RYMKN. South of Wtllacnott Hotel, 3A&BM ... OHKOON FREE! Street Car Ride From H. M. BRANSON & CO,, 303 Commercial Street, By purchasing lor cash, groceries to tbe amount of One Dollar or more. Groceries, Fruits, Variables, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, Prompt, Free Delivery. lC-lS-lm THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OIU5GOK. . , JS Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland and Han Francisco. First-class In all lu appoint raents. JUt Utiles are served with the Choicest Fruits Grownlln the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. SOMETHING NEW. The new Time Card, which Is now In eifeet, via the "Wisconsin Central Lines," in connection with the Northern raelfle It. It., affords the traveling nubile tbe best fseJIilUw from all poluU west to Chicago and points t d south. Tbe unsurpassed equipment ottered to it patrons, eomlwuAl with speed, comfort aud safety, surpassing all its oompetitofii. All through trails r eoffipofwd of PullaMa vaatlbtthtd drawIsK-roouo stoupsrs, with dining sn aud day MMtec of ltt detftfB. Tbe dlly through ?t train Mteb way, HMklBtf e&e (XHiMeoti'iu at Cbtaago with train in all direction. For (4kt, ttisM tablt, ote.. ap ply to aat of Northern FAoifta R. JL, or Jab. C. 1'omp, Ow'I Vtm.wATM. UMtt, PROFHSSIONAL AND BUSINHSe ADS mlLMON FORI), attorney at law. Salem, I Oregon. Office uptalra In ralton's block. F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, J. JUurphy Block. HJ. BIGGKR, Attorney at law, Nalem, , Oregon. OUK-e over Lad d k Hash's Dank. 2t-tf T J.SHAW, M. V. HUNT. SHAW & eJ . HUM", attorneys at law. Offlce over Capital National bank, Balem, Oregon. Q T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law, Q. ofllce up stairs In front rooms of new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms 3 and 4, Lada A Bush's bank building, Balem, Orepen, 8 1 lyr 15. K. BONUAM. W. H. HOLMKS. Bokuah & Holmkh, Attorneys at law. O 111 co In Bush's block, betweon State and Court, onCoru'ltSt. ME.POGUE, Stenographer and Type . wrltlsU Over lucid Bush's bank, Balem, Oregon. T H.BRAD3UAW, PHYSICIAN AND X, Burgeon, tfcileni, Oregon. Offlco In liub-Breyman block, upstairs Residence corner Stateand B. E. corner Winter street. TU. W. S. MO IT,, physician and sur J ceon. OOlce In Kldrldge Block, Sa lem, Oregon. Offlco hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2to4p. in. rR. T. C. SMITH. Dentist, W State street, XJ Balem, or. Finished dental opera tions of every description. Painless opera tions a specialty. V. l'UXJIl, Architect. Plans, Specl- ff . uuiuuuh uuu auiicuuicuuuuw lur I classes of buildings. Offlce 200 Com- muiuai oi, up nuiire, s A. ROBERT, Architect, room 421, Mar quani building, Portland, Oregon. W.TTOWN8END. Civil Engineer and Hurvevor. Office with Oreuon Land Co, , Balem, Oregon. PJ, LAHSEN it CO,, Manufacture of all . kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special ty. Shop 45 State street. "PROTECTION LODGE NO 2, A.O. U.W. JL Meets In their hall In state Insurance Dulidlinr, every Wtdoosday evening. . 8.A.MCFADDKN.M.W. J. A. bELWOOD, Recorder. TMPROVED ORDER OF RED A1EN, 1 Kamlakuu Tribe No. 8, Snlem. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7:30. Wigwam In state luBUranoe'hall, F. O. BAKER. Prophet. FR.VNK O. WATKRa.Chluf of Records EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. Tho place'Jlor young ladies andj gentlr. mon to hocura aiihorough education is tho old,butetertiovr. Ijone and still the leading institution of tho North West. Better thau ever I New course of instruction in Oratory, Theolosy and Post-Uraduated. Ml UUIUS. Normal, Business, Academy, College, und Law courses greatly enlarged and improved. Faculties Increased and Improved. For Catalogue of College of Law write Deau B T. RlcliardMin, Esq .Salem, Or. For Catalogue or Collciro of ilertloal und I Pharmacy write Deau Richmond Kolly.M. D . Portland. Or. or general uuuuozue wnto iiev. ueo. Whltuker, D. D., President, Salem, Or, 7-.iV.Jm.dw Conservatory of Music, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. Tho course most complete and tbe high est (trade of any music sohool in the Northwest. lieitnndnowext motbods of teaching. Enlarged lncililles and new plan lor instruction of beginners for the coining school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course Next term begins September 6, 18M. Z. M. PAItVIN, Send for catalogue. Music Director. 7-i)-d2m-wlin FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Bept. 13, 1802. Otters the most practical courses cf study ot uuy school In the State, viz: Mechanical Knglucerlug, Civil Engineering, Klectrical Engineering, Acudcrnlo and Grammar school courses Students practice dally in wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Hoard per Year, J10O. Special inducements to a few young men who wish to work for tbelr board and tui tion durlna: vacations. For prospectus and further information, address EDWIN MOItlllsJON, M. 8 , l'resdent, Halein, Or, Miss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. rarjtD YEAR Opens Monday, Bcptcmuer 10th, at Kin. dergarlen Hull, opposite opera bouse. Children received at three years of age and ovtr. A connectlug class wilt be is. tuhllkbed lor advanced Kindergarten pit plls and those beginning primary Work. Only tbe best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed, filing's system ot drawing and coiur work introduced. 'J.H.HAAS, TILE WATCHMAKER 2I5! Ccnmerclil St., tihm, Orsgon, (rfest door to Klein's.) rtprldity oi vpeoinoJo, and repahiny loc'iir, WstchM und JewiJry, Rwiideuce 382 Church St. J." J. MUTTON, SIGN -AND HOUSE PAIKTEB, Decorator, ICaisoniluer and Fa per Hunger. fave or dors at A. B. Bursa A Bon's l'ur alturc store or Hroat&Ulte, Grocers. CURB A nw and Complete TrtaMnenl, eoashtt. Ingof sspfiosHorlM, olntuisut In eifmulm, also a box and PllU; a posHlfe cure for s UraaJ, intruat, bilsd ut Utiilux. ItMBc. hroatC reut or iMrMUtery nU. a4 mmtty ottow dlnwnw aaa Aifiiajs weak. ; it is always a rrt Uetat to tbe saeral balth. The flrvt UUoovcry ot iwXHswl eure rwiiWrlagaM oixmtloa SJth IM anlto hbukism uy bttcatMr. This rwRody bas ur Immu kswwn to fsll. ft wtiysKDW wrtiuw rlM Wit I "K W , tor P( fat to MUtll, tfow tMM urrumt mm whs a IIWMIW W IV 1 lt imivm, to nhmnd Ox ifMwr U no mtmd tA siutaii far Bw MlinWS UWMSM tM4t W W0lt4JSt Olammm A w, whalsiis I m rsisli atm- "TO-IAYS IHi: CAPITAL JOURNAL' HOFER BROTHERS, - - Editors. PUBUSHJSD DAILY. EXeEPTBUNDAY,' BT THX Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offloe, Commercial Btroet, In P. O. Building totered at the postofflcc at Balem, Or., as second-clnts matter. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES. For President BENJAMIN HARIUSON of Indiana. For Vice-President WH1TKLAW REID of New York, ELECTORS FOn OKEOON. JoitNF. OAl'LKs II. U. Mtmcru... Q. M. Ikwin D. M. Dunne .of Multnomah .or Josephine ....ol Union .61 Multnomah OltEGON AND WASHINGTON. Spokane Spekesman: Salaries are lower in Oregon than in Washing ton, but the officials there also re ceive fees which they are allowed to keep themselves and which make their compensation far greater in Oregon than in Washington, as in this state all fees are turned into the treasury. These fees do not appear In tbe appropriation bills, conse quently the appropriation bills of the two states do not show the cost of tbe governments to the people. Take, for instance, the office of state treasurer. The cost of this de partment of the government in this state Is $ 8,120 In two years, or a little over $4,0QO a year. In' Oregon tbo treasurer receives $800 a year, in Washington he receives $2,000; but tbo Oregon treasurer has one clerk ot $1,800 and another at $1,200, while tho Washington treasurer has one clerk at $1,600. The Oregon treas urer gets $100 also as a member of tho board of asylum commissioners, he also gets one-eighth of l'por cent per annum on tho $53,000 deposits required by tho Oregon law to be made with tbe treasurer by every I (Ire insuraucoa company doing busi ness in tiio state, litis amouuts to $10,000 a year. The office of Btate treasurer of Oregon therefore costs $13,000 a year in salaries and fees alone, besides the cost for paper, stamps, etc. This amounts to four times the cost of the office in this state, Tho attorney-general in Oregon gets (3,000 a year, while the attorney-general of this state receives only $2,000. The Oregon official also receives an allowance for incidentals, etc. The secretary of state for Ore gon collecls in salaries and feesf-13,533 a year; tbe auditor and secretary of the state of Washington run their offices at an exponse of $14,381. THE ASTORIA RAILROAD. Tho Ogdon Capitalists Will Fur nish the Money on Certain Conditions. A number of prominent railroad men and Ogden capitalists have visited Astoria since operations ceased on the Astoria and Eastern railroad, at tho instance of Geo. (loss and Corey Bros., and for the object and purpose of looking over the field, and if they considered it a good investment, with tho under, standing that a now company would be organized to complete tho road. The last of tho men referred to wero Messrs. Remington, Barolay and Brady and it was understood that Itemington represented Mr. Goss and his interests. Others yls-i Ited the city aud looked over tho situation, most of them being Ogdou capitalists. There is no doubt that these gentlemen wero pleased with tho situation and recognized that As toria and Clatsop county had valu able resource that would be a source of profit to a railroad. , It Is well known that Corey Bros, have graded eleven tulles of road and a large portion of the tret!e arouud Young's bay lias been built aud tbe total cost of the work done exceeds 1800,000. It Is certain that the men who have spent this money do not propose to lose it if possible, and they have been doing all in their power to organize a new com pany to build the road, and this has been the object of the visit of the gentlemen referred to. It is understood that ft proposition has been submitted, aud if the same Is aeeeded to,the road it will be built aad ir not, it will net be (milt. Tbe proposition is as follows; The gen tlemen who have interested tbui selVM lu the matter aad who are to furulfth tbe mosey, to eosapleta tbe road; after a careful exatnltMtfcMi, bve deeWqd to advaww Um aaefwy on the eettdltkH that tbajr tl. low4 to Dfldfe YewNtf'ji Uy, tbe orklfe to start at Mtulth's point and aosiMMt with tlM bHdg of Um As torta aud Bwjtk coast road. It is atolimd that to Mid a tmtle awrttud Young's bay m tWturly nwiimal Wttukl aaat isuiftf tiuLit isiA s"ssW W9 Bw ifsrw isirs WfS) aSV OTWS TO-DAY." Highest of all In Leavening Power; Lata tf. S Gov't ! l?iS 1 6&Ki I mJ UMAKtyli jms& t ABSOLUTELY PURE stant expense to the company, make more miles of rails and the distance would be longer. It was stated at the meeting that there was only one man in Clatsop county that would object to the building of the brldw and It was agreed by, the auboldy committee that the question should be submit ted to all property-owners, aud a pe tition will be circulated for permis sion to build the bridge. 'This Is the only condition upon which the company will furnish the money. Id other words, if the company are allowed to build a bridge across Young's bay they will build the road and furnish tbe money.- If they canuot obtain permission to build, they will not furnish the money and will not build the road. This is ex actly the railroad situation as It stands today, and the people of As toria can decide upon what they propose to do. The sooner this mat ter Is arranged the sooner work will be commenced, but It is almost cer tain that no work will be done this year, unless people move faster than they have been accustomed to in Astoria. It is 'also understood thatthe proposition is acceptable to tho sub sidy committee of Astoria, and that tboy will endeavor to secure from the proper authorities permission to build tho bridge; but all of this will tuke time, end no work will be done before December iBt aud possibly not before January 1st. Astoria Dally. Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, dopendlng upon a healthy condition of all tho vital organs. If tho liver be inactive) you have a Bilious look, if your stomach be dis ordered, you have a Dyspe ptlo Look and if your Kidneys be aflect ed you have a Plnohed Look. Se cure good health aud you will have good looks. Electric Bitters Is tbe great alterative and Tonio acts directly on these vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotohes, Bolls and gives a good complexion. Bold at Danlal J.Fry's-drugstoro, 223 Com'l St. GOo. per bottle. LETTER LIST. Following are the letters remain ing In the Bulom postofllce uncalled for Oct. 20, 1802. Persons culling for Bame please say "advortlscd," Anderson A Mrs Aldridgo Jaa Arbaugh Mrs M Brown B M BrowiiMlssF Brown O C Hrldwell Miss L Brietsky Miss A Bonewltz Juo liurnett Airs L, ju Coflee O Dennis W Davy W Erlckson Alfred Fondray E D Green Mrs V Graham Win Hubbard B 11 Kossowsky B Kissel G B Kays Arthur Miller Jas H Miles H It Nichols Mrs E Orr Mrs A Powers Jas M Pickens C A KuhhoII It Havago Frank Hchnendemun C Hmltli Mrs h O Hmltb J Clyde White Mrs M Wiutzon Wra Downsent Joe Doan M Draso JSIIsa Mary Earhart Mrs M A Grlsold H 8 Green W J Herreu J T JobuBon Harry 2 King Jas H KaiiBuii Miss M Dyon Chas Matlock Chas MoAlIaster Olsen Anders Orchard Mrs 8 Piorce Dlek Peck Mr . Itetheford Wra Btourui Goo Simpson A C Bmlth Win Bmlth Mrs E A Welch Mrs M J Wheeler Wilson Young Miss F Walton Harry A. N. GILBERT, P. M. American Cholera. From the Dally Hoy elite, What com, Washingten: 'T. O. Burnett, the Democratic candidate for suer'ift, was taken violently lllatCIearbrook, He had all tbe symptoms of Astatic cholera, and for an hour or two it was feared ho would die. They finally gave htm a dose of Chamber laiu'a Colic, Cholera and Dlarhts Remedy, which .revived him until a physician arrived." That I pre cisely what the manufacturers of that mwllelue recommend for otiol era. Bend for a physician but give their medleiue until the puyjrfoian arrives. If oholera become preva lent in this country next Himiiwt this preparation will be lu grat d maad beeauMi it eaa always b d peudwl upon. For sale by jtasktt k, Van Hlype, Health brings bapyiqww Take MnmoiHi Liver BuMw far atow- aAh, liver and kiduy trewMss, "" U ul ana Mm Him of UMOtoWos Must tUHM s MwMetii Must sWNM so mm a www lar npatTarssf avw swwfaiww i psmpbpbt Tuox unbattMT bsimbbs wtut stiahf ftmas afVOUM u4 omom should, Owlti't UUm Morrw Him, whish at ijuou Mm sssMw mUm sUMMssHaasasm. eiytMHM suoVrw. frtaeft wm Womw wU uk, snlttrtxw laaas.' wkw iwl WMMMC Mul OMtSOUKMSML VUIlSSSlTS xKK "Will ,' , mrtj'iM ' SHE KNEW WHAT TO Da Thm Brave Act or : California Saves a "Woman Mid Child. A gonuino young heroine, whoB deed of darvnsr en hues her to a vuab : of prominence among the heroes - tho hour, is Fannio Krause, ut ptml ent an inmate of the Boys and Girltt $i aiu Botaevy. -a n Fannib is only about thirteen Osf k fourteen ytJars old,sbut byo i petite. ShowiU tower a fcalfhttstS r more above the average girl sSdPJ tuteon, and has a frame and rnniBfr : lar development that make her widav.a Iy respected among all her auquaurj Rnces rocaruleee of age. She is.simply a young anuwoiitt thoro isn't a boy about tbe i of her oeq or aiae that is her i any respect, strength, speed, i or pliysicRl achievement of wl kind. And in her way she is an, attractive girl too. If not witchlngly beautiful arte -a w natured as tbe1 sunshine, and baa fiank. opon countenance that b3 epenks an honest heart' and win i conpdenco of her acquaintancee sitfja most at sight, a Ono day Fapnie -went down towat to visit some monde m theneighbal hood of Central nark. Aaahe tn'"' going along Market street, nefth; comer or jjignui, she notioea a one; horse conveyance containing an loV" orly lady with a mpy ,in her. arm. Tho horso seomod to be ill at esse, uuu oven wniie sue wwxxi inw mom q fright at a passerby waving some-' i turn tho animal made for the other 1 sido of the Btroet and started to run. r Tho woman in the conveyance,' reiwV ' isdng tho danger of hers situation scrcameci wica mi tier nugni wow called eomoono to catch the With tho, baby in( ho arms she i do nothings and if the-aoimal under Avay probably death av There was ho, one near at the stant but Fannie .Krause, and' seems almost providential that i was tho case. 8h waa finite aoiall to the emergency, and if there amm been a score of hands they could neJpl hayo done more nor half no weft; Quick as a Hash she took In the aw ation, and making a wild dash Urn,": tho escaping vehicle, reached it be- foro It had gone twice the width ef: tho street. She grasped , thet,bujg" box in tho rear and leaned, clearto ' behind the seat: then climbitur ovm A tho seat caught hold of the lines, and ' m unu a minute nioremau i tho frightened animal to a stai Quite a crowd bad gather awoiMi by tho timo tho vehicle" had stopped, and wero loud in their axpressions . ot aumirauon oi tne vounir sari's pluck and iiroeence of mind. Wbeifa tlio'ownor of tlie conveyance ca&Mi up and saw tho narrow escape W wuo ana cnuct naa naa ue wai most too frightened to speak. could hardly express his gratitude tea uiu juujik twiuov n wmsmks givo her some money, but she i oetly refused it and went on her ' as if nothing had happened. itaVi I'Tnnclsco Jacaialuer. -' tt v, Tbo Deg's MmuTj. If anybody supposes that., i havo no memory he certainly ttevwJ jmow nuouiatjiiad oeen uuxorenV' mifi 4it -! tl - nlfk li A si mi niMm ta I sssi i " Mttiu ouuugu n uiawi lire tMMHfwyai unco of the aog catchers. A trium; of mine living in Uxq surburbs hWft valuable dog on which he paid W) cense, but on account of the oottcf ' chafing the animal's neck be wadri customed to leave off this Yttlalk S protection. One day wlieu'walkinc ) with his dog he was unlucky enough -, to meet the uog catcneni. OneaB: them thiw.his wire, and tbe aiimaj racogmang im .evuri intent ;1 1 a tiemendoua spring, went ctes;? through the .loop, struck out home, aad on his master's arrh few moments later bad jumped (ence and hidden in the cellar. irov a oonsMMrable time to cotUd not he persuaded to leavtt yard, but finally by degrees got I lits night anu ventttred out a 1 About a year later, on walkjaf 4 one morning ineaogcat on again oame in viw, and 1 it was nearly two blocks awafi animal reoognused u and gT wide berth ; nor oonM the dog 1 era, even by tlie exercise olttMH most mimmm, get within of tbe ejsNroft.-. lotdM Detneorat. TH1 LATWT NOVEtTtft, MBSMSHMSfPas Jrtoft4sdivrkseariebs4 Hewer cant for lndtvidna ( are atsKy m mr table "'" Tmr ' " ' boMerasww wwuW' ThebMsUe is toreeervetbei Tbearebaatl ate Ub the iTntistsMS tosjsd' verftewefswkleb .tsalaitei HX) KBap h pv faMSBBSsff sisA tt --.pi'