tif'7-tff EVENING .CAPITAL JOURNAL. - ' if h Till ip i 323 VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OVEaLBER 8, 1892. "TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY." WO. if YEA i lamps, in Remember that the Blue State Insurance Block, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Ladies' 60c. Cotton Eibbed Vests, 30 to Ladles' Natural Wool Ribbed Vests, 65 to 05c. Ladies' Scarlet Underwear, 05o to $1. Ladies' Ribbed Union Suits, ?1.S5. Children's Mixed Underwear, 25 to 50c. Children's NaturalWoolUnderwear, M to 70c. Children's Scarlet Underwear, 35 to 75 c. Children's Ribbed Union Suits, J.1.10 to $1.75. Children's Wool Hose, 25,40 and 50c. Ladies' Hose, 25, 35 and 50c Ed. C. Choce Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. 05 Court and 110 State Streets. Stoves and ) Barr Petzel 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. ARCHIE MASON. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, OREGON. Wanted At Once. Remnants of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots und Shoes, Hats and Caus, and all kinds of merchandise, either new or necond hand, to sell either at private sale or public auction. Also, Household furniture of every de scription, at the RED FRONT BAZAAR. jCX&JSl Sash and Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used C, N, CHURCHILL CHUKCHlIiL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economlo force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Btreet. jF"V I I A I rv The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery I" J U 1 1 U "' xPress Iray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotol. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. D. F. DRAKE, Proprittor. T. Q- PERKINS, GmmiI Suprintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SALBM, -.------ OREGON. Mana&ctnres STEAM ENGINES, Milt Drying uuinu. Traction Engines, urwitBf.eic. General aeenu and raanu&ctnreis of the Partner and Iteels. Farm machinery made Sain Truck ft Dray Co. m Iron works. Drays and trucks may th corner af State and Commerrlaf HART, F. T. S17 COMMERCIAL STREBT. BROOKS k LEGG, KK Unquestionably the largest stoclc Of CROCKERY ' The finest CROCKERY, Trie best bargains in CROCKERY, to be found at the endless varieties. Front undersells all others on every article in its line. STALL GOODS SPOT CASH.J0 m ii - ! AT - E. F. OSBTJRXT'S To write advertisements, but thoy have every day. RIBBONS. ALL SILK, SATIN EDGE, aHOSCJIAIN. No. 2, 6c: No. 4, 7c; No. 6, 8c; No. 7, lie; No. 0, 15c; No. 12, 18o; No. 10, 20c. These prices are 20 per cent, lowor than at any other store in the city. MONEY SAVED ON ALL LINES OF GOODS. 201 Commercial Street. Cross Tinware. V Itdlui Plumbers and Tinners, A. 15. SMITH 02 State Street. T S. BURROUGHS BUKIiOU&HS, Outfits, Water Wheel Governor, Krult farm mucninery rosae ana rei red. celebrated Wuhlstroui PaUnt Middling and repaired. DIIAYSAND TRUCKS always ready for ordure. Sell and deliver wood, bay. coal and lumber, Of flee ritate HL. o!jolte rJa be found throughout die day at ra. LEADING MER01LLNT TAILOR. PRESCRIPTIONS sHs - sjsit. 335 Commercial Street. ji lots of good things to ofler CORSETS. H. & S. Black Corsets, $1.40. H. &. 6. Drab Corsets, $1. Olmstead Waist, Black, $1.40. Olrastead Waists, Drab, $1.10. Fast Black Corset, $1.00. Drab Corsets, 60, 75o, $1.00. TOO Mil MARTIN & HARKINS, BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. The best work In every department. Hacks, Buggies und Harrows made to order. State Street. (S 130 STATE STREEr. TINWARE, ROOFING, STQVE3,- Crcamery and Dairy Sup plies, Steel Runges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS JCfiTThe best on earth, call. Give us a 10:3 tf. t Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours oi the Day None but white labor employed in this establishment. A god substantial meal cooked in Drat clas.8 style Twenty-five cents per meal. RBD U-RON T Court xtrent,' between Opera .House and Ulnto'H .Livery W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber, CARI'ET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's 266 Commercial street. M. T. RINEMAN DKAUES IX, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mVM feed, AlsoveeetablesaadfralU lu their season, "lilgbeut rrlco paid for country produce.' We solid a share of your patronage, M 1lHlatAtriwit 1831 TUE cA1VATO,t 1893 CountryGentleman TJIK BEST OF TIIK AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES, DEVOTE I TO FarssICrepa d Freestsaea, Borticultttreaael Truli-Grewlttg lilve-Steek aad Dalrrlair, While It also Includes ail minor dejmri. Bieats of Hural Interest, sueh as the pout try yard. entomology, bee-kttplag, green bouse and grapery, velertcary replies, farm quesuotis and asswtrs, Oreaids reading, domestic economy, and a sum mary of the news t the week. Its mar ket reports ars unuully eoiaplete, and much uttontlou Is pld to the prospects of the crops, as tbrowtrg Debt upou one of the most important or H questions When to buy and when to mJI. Ills lib. erallylllastratHl,aBd by reeeet Mriarge roeut. enaisJfis rears reisdlog atatter than evr btfure. The sbsr1pUoa price ts Htfper year, but we or a special re dust (en la our CLUJJ IIATES FOtt 18W. Two SubKfiptWfU. ,B rsiMu $ 4 Six Sufetcrifriiafts, " " H) TWve UArcnptiH, " " 18 crToatlXewBttWcilbon Ur UW.pay lag la sUroBM stow, we will scad W p mt wkly, aat iw resets fi the rcsBiu Uacs, U Jsanary Is. WW, wMhiiwt cstwac. Jiipeclaa OniiHa free. AMnm LUTMER TUCKER k SON, rMm, Jkbmtr, K,Yf Capital LAMPS. b H 0 E S. Baby Shoes, 35, 50, BO, 75o, $1. Baby Shoes, Red, CO, 85c. Children's Dongola, Patent Tip, $1.15, $1.45. Children's Goat Tipped, $1.15, $1.45, $1.80. Children's Heavy Shoes, 80o, $1.15, $1.45. Ladies' Dongola, Patent Tip, $1.00, $1.80, $2.50. Ladies' Fine Dongola, $2.15, $2.40,$,'!. Ladies' Heavy Shoes, $1.45 and up wurdB. Men's Plow Shoes, $1.15, $1.45,$1.75. Men's Bals or Congress, from $1.50 to $4.60. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAriLlLSTOCK.au Subscribed, $200,090 Transact a general banking business) In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wk. EN GLAND Vice Presldcn HUGHMoNAKY CaMilt r. DIKECTOR8: Geo. Williams. Wm, Eng. laud, Dr. J. A. KJcbardnon, J. W, Uod?on, J. A Uatcor. Bans: in now Exchange block on Com mercial street, b 13-tf MONEY TO- LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 80 days n good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON. Room 14, Bush Bank block. 5 LIdw Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W. A. CU8ICK, ITes. ;W. W. MAIITIN, Vlcei'res. J. U. ALUhKT, Cashier. State, County and Olty Warrants bought hi rai. aw ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South ofWUlamatta Hotal, salbm ... cmuJaoM FREE! Street Car Hide From H. M. BRANSON & CO,, 303 Commercial Street, Ity purchasing for cash, groceries to tho uinouni 01 une x;onar or more. Groceries, Frails, Vegciafe, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. Prompt, Free Delivery. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay The best hotel between Portland and Ban Francisco. Kln.tcUuui In all 1U appoint, ments. Jtt tables are served with Vi Choicest Fruits Orownlln the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. SOMETHING NEW. The new Time Card, wjilch I now In effect, via I lit) "Wisconsin Central Linen," In connt'Ctlnu wltu the Northern 1'acltlQ It It., aflortlB the traveling public the best facilities from all points wettto Chicago and points faat and oouth. The unsurruMeedefiulpment offered to ltn jiatrong, combined with uhxh, comfort arid aafety, bixnuan all ita oompetltoro. All through train are eomprwwl of Pullman veetlbuled drawlnx-room toepen, with dining cars and day eoaeba of latcol dtlii. The dally through fast train eii way, making close ooiiuwMIom at Chleao with train In all direction. Vor ttoketa, time UbUe, etc. ap- gy to aMJ t af Nwt Iwrn I'moittv K. ., r Jar. C I'ond, Oms'1 I'aaa. aid Tkt, awt)t, PROFESSIONAL AND UUSINBSS ADS 311LMON FOltD, attorney at law. Saloai, . Oregon. Ufilce upta!ra In l'atton's ock. T F. CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, -S-J, Murphy lllntlt. HJ. JltaoKK, Attorney at law, Salem, . Oregon. OtllueoverLudd & Hush's On n ft. 2t-tf T J. SHAW, at. V. HUNT, SHAW A Ulrica over v . ii uxvr, niiornoy ni law. Capital Rational bank, Biilein, Orecon. T. IUCHAUDdON, Attorney at law, ). ofllOQ up stairs In front rooms of new ugh block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. PARSON, Attorney at law. Hconis 8 and 4, Ladd & Bush's bank building, Salem, Orvgeo. S 1 lyr B. K. 110NHAM. W. H. HOLMES. Boniiam A Holmes, Attorneys at law. Olllco In Hush's block, between Suite and Court, on Com'ISL TIT U. l"OaUK, Stenographer and Typo 1VL. wrltlst. Over Ludd & Hush's bank, Hulem, Oregon. ILIIKADSUAW, PHYSICIAN AND Burgeon. Salem. Oresron. Otfleo In Bush lusb-Ureymnn block. uDstalrs Residence corner Btntcuid 8, E. corner lntor street. TV4- W. B. MOIT, physician and sur 1 ceon. Offlco in Kldrldge iilock, Sa letu, Oregon, Office hours 10 to 12 a. in. Ulolp. m. D Uoil R. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, 83 State street, Salem. Or. Finished dental onern- ons ofcur.v description. Painless opera- tlons a specialty, txr 1). l'UUH, Architect, Plans, spec!. yV , dilutions and superintendence lor all elates of buildings. Oillco 200 Com mercial St., up stairs. OA, HOUHIIT, Architect, room 424. Mar , quam building, Portlaud, Oregon. DW.TOWN9END, Civil Engineer and , Surveyor. Olllco with Oregon Laud Co , Salem, Oregon. I) J. LAltSIJN A CO,, manufacture of all JL . klndsof chicles, ilepalrlngu special ty. Shop 45 HlAto street. TnUrEOriON10DaEN0 2.A.O U.W. I Meets In their hall In State Insurance buhdlng, overy vVeduesday evening. H. A. McKADDKN, M. W. J. A MEL WOOD, Uecorder. TMl'KOVED ORDEK OF HK1) MEN, 1 Ktunlakun Tribe No. 8, Balem. Holds council ovory Thursday evonlng, at 7.80. Igwim In htato Insurance hall, K. 0. 1IAKCU. i'rophet. FIIA.NK ATK1W. Chief of Itoenrds EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best The place'Jlor young ladles and! gentle, men to secure Hithorough education Is the oiu.uui ever new. WLIiMfTE UNIVERSITY. Long and still the leading Institution of the North West, llettor than evert Now course of lnsliuctlon In Oratory. Thnlocyand l'ost-Uraduated. HTUUILS. Normal, UuslneRS, Academy, College, and Ijiw courbcs greatly enlarged and improved. Faculties Increased and Improved. For Catalogue or College of Law wrlto Dean H T. Ulchardson. Esq , Salem, Or. For Catulucuo of College of Medical and t-narinauy write Dean ltlcbmutta Kelly.M. , D.. Portland, Or. I For general Catalogue n Whltaker, D. D., Provident, wrlto Itov. Geo. isaiem, ur. 7-il-Jin-dw Conservatory of Music, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. The coarse mout complete and the high est grade of nny music- school in the Northwest. Host and newest methods of teaching. .Enlarged Incllitlea and new plan for Instruction of beginners for the coming school year. Diplomas grantod on completion of course. Next term begins September 6, ISM. Z.M. PAWVIN, Send for catalogue Music Director. 7-lW2m-wlm FRIENDS rOLYTECUNIG INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Sept. 13, 1802. Oilers the most practical course of study ot auy school lu the State, viz: Mechanical Kuglneerlug, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Acuclemlo and Grnmmar school courses Students practice dally In wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Hoard per Year, 81CO, Special Inducements to a few young men who wish to work for their board and tui tion during vacations, Korprospcclusund further Information, address EDWIN MOltlllSON.M.H,, l'resdent, balem, Or. Miss J3allou.'s KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptemuer llrth, at Kin dergnrten Hall, opposlto opera bouse. Children received at three years of ago and over. A connecting class will be es tublUhed tor advanced Kindergarten pu plls and those biglnnlng primary work. Urily the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's system ol drawing and color work Introduced. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOmiAJOJIt, 2ISK Commerclil St,, Stlem, Oregon, (fext door to Klein's.) Hpoclalty ol apoctaclos, and repairing Clocks, Watoho and Jewelry, Residence S82 Church Bt. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AKD IIOOSE I'AIKTEII, Decorator, lOtlsomluer and Pa ler Hanger, tave ofders at A. Ii. H uren 4 Bon's Pur. nlture store or Broat tOIIe, Uroeers, JAP-ANESIS CURB A new and Com piste Treatment, eonslst lag ofstipposltorls, otalineut In capsules, MoaboxaudplIU; pstIU? e euro for ex tern!, Internal, blind or btsedln. Iteming. Uroale, reowet or hereditary riles, sa4 waay other disease and fwumla weak. n wiw; It ts at ways a great ImmmsH to the gswsjrrt ttsoJui. The drst Otseovery ot a snssiMal eani rendering an optt with ttut Imlfe Bunesiry betealter, TMs n,m4y has never bsaii known to Ml. fl Mtrbtts.Cibf tbi MMibymH4l. Wbysuiw mssMNwnw iiissum wimh a whimss giMfiMUw m given wius Uiw, to refuad bnwuwMgivefi m iMUMMVllttOtSMn im4. liunaw iu uhmmv 11 oi eurea. in is ad sUuii p Ibr frs u. Uuruu" issue ucm Jl Da.. wbultMtki twmwv issueo ny wuuiuse. .-. ..... , .. ----.- wucm m. ph., wswmhi turn rwaii ansg. 1, c Mle suiU, KrtUad. Or. Tsfeoka A muktSur JaiA SSS ua y,. Pnl ps. ss'psPW r, mM TBS CAPITAL JOURNAL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. PO BLI8UED DiULY.KXCKPTBUNDA, BT THR Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Btreet, In P. O. Building wiicroa at tho postoolee at Balem, Or., as second-clius niattir. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES, For Presldont BENJAMIN IIABKISON of Indiana. For Vice-President WHITELAW KEID of New York. ELECTORS FOR ORECION. John F. Oavles II. B. Mn.t.Kii G. M. IKWIN D. M. DlWNK .of Multnomah ...of Josephine ...ot Union .of Multnomah SUOCI.D KKAD MOKB. Many young persons have never formed the habit of newspaper read ing. They nre growing to be udutts and tho dally news is almost a sealed book to them. Ask them about a local or general piece of news that the publlo In general are Inter ested in and their mind Is a blank. They are not at all Informed as to what goes on in the world they live in or their own city or county. The valuo of a good newspaper from the more standpoint of Intel ligent Information cannot be over estimated. No young person should grow up, as cheap as papers now are Tiik Journal can be had de livered at your door for less than two cents a day without being a a regular newspaper reader. It will brighten your life, increase yqur opportunities and ohaugo your whole career to ue as weii-inrormea as a dally or weekly newspaper can bo the means of assisting you to bo. Keep a regular file and a good paper will become to you almost a liberal education. It is a library of the world's history for the day, that comes lu the most convenient form for your Instruction. Your educa tion proceeds while your pleasure is enhanced at tho t-ame time. Young persons of both sexes should early in life form tho valuable habit of regularly subscribing for a news paper, reading andflllng the same. A story paper or fashion plate are good In their way but will tend to uarrow your views and leave you an ignorant star gazor in tho realms of romance or tho mazes of tho dress patterns. By all means read the dally press and reports if you would be abreast the times and give yourself that,de volopmont which Is today required of a full-Hedged citizen in this busy world. LIST OF CLAIMS By Marlon County Court at Octo ber Term, 1892. Claimant: O A Smith, Acceunt: Amt Allowed Fuel 35 00 " " " 1 20 Broyman Bros, " , 8 00 DaylsWaymlre " 172 00 DrJNSmith,insane, 6 00 IJakcr&Strang.CH&J 181 10 Dr W IIByrd, " " ., 2 60 Gilbert & Patter sou, ' " 2 80 O T T Co, " " 0 45 BalomLA P Co, ' " 50 00 BFostnor fc Co, " " 7 00 J Meyer,. " 170 00 BalemFireACo, " " 4 25 Salem WuterCo, " 13 00 Stelner & Bios- tor, 11 11 sta 0 00 1 80 0 00 480 00 00 14 12 F S Dearborn, E M Waito, T McF Patton, E M Walte, J S Orulium, MrsODSnyder, " " 17 00 REMoores&Co, " " 800 7 60 E II Floe, ' " L II PouJadOjInsaue.f 1.33 eld Ml 11 to &Lowo,paup,.. ... Woolen Mill " ' rej 22 00 425 04 60 8 GO 800 600 J II McCormlck, EM Law, A (J Daue, 11 11 J W Donald, " AMClough, " Shelby & Jones, " ... M Itapps, " Oarmau & Nowland" 0 70cld Mluhaelllorgan Oil & J -Gray Bros. R&IJ 16 00 ll'60 15 00 rej 8 60 16 00 13013 12 75 81 05 Frank Kaiser, B F Wade, 11 11 RLBwarts, " . 16 00 Frank Klbler, "60 75eld 80 2all'd Llohty it Steflen, " 47 04 Ue Brewa St Co, " 142 81 N Miller, ' 16 38eld rej ChamnwScDunlgH ' ,.-- 8 00 WDCIaggett, " ,. 28 60 B Hwrfotc, 1 60 Capital Lum Ce.! 1110 B B HerrWc 1 m M O UMly, Mluto fc Lew, O M llmvw, 41 eoo 77 10 8 90 47 18 W MM U J O Br.wa Co," R L kiwarWi, AKWilUrJ, AWUtma 11 m Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE Wells Latourett, ' John Vauderpool, " F P Talklngton, ' Louis Wright, " O Hlggenbotham, " H P Mlnto, " F M Brown, " J B Wolford, " O G Shelbury, ' WHMcOscar, D L Greene, " A Ollnger, " Smith & Byrd, " James Batchlor, " Oscar Titus, " DrJN Smith, " J B Case, . ", LPMcCraken " Mrs Hall, . '" Dt Houser, " W T Bennett, " Mrs Baker, " Miss MoBride, " E M Crolsan, t C H Simpson, " R A Crossan, " RGKeene, " O F Royal, ' . 0 A Wnlla, . 1 B Fisher, " ' . Henry Price, " . Mrs J B Case, " . A O Condit, " .. 15 80 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 170 1 70 1 70 5 00 rej rej 183 05 70 00 A M Clougu, $40.50 eld DrWSMott, paup 72.60 eld WHHWaters.tax rebate L 'J Kerr, R&B John Baker, " " " 7 John Pattor, " " 1 00 25 Browning & Nagle, " " " 21 15 John Baker, " " " 81 04 W H Goudy," " 0 00 J W Wolty, " " " JOO.OOold 80 00 Ladd&Bush,spcclal loan 1000 00 Gllbert&Pattor- son, paup $2.00cld rej JamesBatclielor,L'rim 8 10 A O Condit, 5 TP Welch, ." James Batohelor, " A O Condit, T P Welch, " James Batchelor, " J M Eskow, " F U Hull, " J M Eskew, " A O Condit, " T P .Welch, J Batohelor, " A O Condit, ,h T P Welch, " J Batchelor, " A O Condit, " 1 4 6 1 4 5 25 5 00 35 00 00 6 6 1 8 05 5 00 100 3 70 5 00 J Batohelor, A O Condit, T P Welch, 3 05 00 40 11 11 6 0 4 5 4 J Batcholor, " A O Condit, " T P Welch, " J Batchelor, " A O Condit, " Verdlo Shaw, " Bell ChatQeld, " Dr Cartwrlght, " R Starkey, J Batchelor, LVunBokelen, H Holland, " O Chatlleld, " A O Condit, " H L Titus, ' Mrs EK Hall, " J Batcholor, O A Titus, " Don A Smith, " J T McClary, " M E Goodell, " H P Mluto, " M W Hunt, " H P Mluto, " M E Goodell, 65 oq 60 2 00 c 00 2 50 2 60 1 70 2 60 7 10 2 60 2 60 2 60 600 170 1 70 2 05 1 70 8 00 3 00 7 05 2 45 6 00 2 45 6 15 7 80 AO Condit, Victor Catnbas," 12 76 Mrs Molbyo, 4 60 Isaacs Stephens, " 2 70 G B Andersou, " 1 70 E Rplf, " ,.. 2 70 L II Poujudo, 12 30 Mrs Ryer " P Dyar, " Ole Anderson, " Ellis Stephens, M E Goodell, " WellsLatourett," H P Mluto, " J Vauderpool, " 60 70 1 70 2 70 736 1 70 S85 1 70 v..... DrJN Smith, ... CKKTII'IOATK OP COl'y 36 00 Of KHCOKI)' HTATK OK OtlKdON, VavtiTY or Makion. " I, W. U. Kgn, county olerk tor Ma rion eouuty, state of Oroo, and ax,, ottlelo olera of the elreult eourt lr sata eoujily uad slate, do hereby eerUfy Uut the foregolsg traaserlpt of stsAemtat at aeeounu preneatsa. Oet. terisi )ft,bM bea ur m wwiwh whs mo uthcihsi into that It U a true and eorrsat eamr at satit orlglaul s4aiM4it aud of the wiwie tbswi. e), as ttMi same apfeaH of neoM la uy oee sod etwtedy, WIT.Ntt, My hMd aad seal of tk said eourt, this M dav at Nov., MM. It U HoiMiiiMMMl fbrtMkWbatn9iJ aa lu tlte fall to UfUig on Jl wluw, 1H MlOH WN OMsWtit Ot WKHO brotwbltU isra alow. mi to Maulc A Ufty Mtt smjWI) us ClMuubMtttlu'a Couxh JUNMtty will our any 00M, Can you afford to tkk so wue4i tot no Mitall au iswovittT ThU rmxudr w utudd PwaJly for bad oaVai MtlofMIP suMI om alwsvya m dt alwsiya Issawsat ttifcejii Farwjht tit F. Power. Latest U. S Gov't Baki Powdei LUCK IN THE FAR NORl AH Hands on the Whaler Rant ' Capitalists for Awhile. The chartered stearrier tain Anderson, of the North Az Commercial company, arrived i Pribylov seal Islands,. via Tho steamer brings quite a batch 1 toresiing news, tua most vmpor of which is the phenomenal thirty-eight right whales credit tho steam whaler Mary D. Hnma her 2' years' cruise near the 1 tho Mackenzie river, and well the nrctio circle. It is etiuuttl 20 70 70 70 70 tho catch will amount to ovw When sold. 'I ho Mary D. Ilumouiay.be tonmvo here at anytime, a Oonalaska three r days ahead 0 70 tjertna. une naa on noaru w.uw 70 of bone, which will be shipped 70 its arrival. An additional 10,000 1 of this season's -catch hasabwi4jr 70 shipped here by another veaaat. 00 00 tho news of tho immense eaten 1 here there was 'joy in the hearts ttfl ontsidoof-tliQ stockholders of cine Stenm Whaling' company boatumg house masters, from old J shoo Drown down, who will cruw tti honor their establishtnenta their presence, wore wild with d The lowest whaler on the lay 1 this lucky vessel will riot receiv than $3,000, while tho scale will til tho captain will pull down 1 liko $40,000. Every whaler on the ! will bo ft little king-while bis lasts. However, had these, men disastrous season and come home 1 handed it would have made an difference with them. Many sailor boarding houses are well with boarders who have diss their "pile,'' and the Hume's crew i hardly havo found n place to stop 1 alone bo welcome, but for, their prospective wealth. The steam whaler Grampus, accompanied the Hume two yMrtH luilf ago to the month 01 the . river, returned a year ago in 00 of Captain Norwood, The 00 10 00 70 Grampus told terrible tale at t of cruelties ptacticed on the i tho different captains, and how 1 tried to desert and wen 10 Th'eso stories all dated over the! ters that had been spent in the I before any whales were taken. Thero wintered with the two 1 whalers at Herschel's island the 1 er Nicoline. Captain Louis 12. dcen, of the latter 'vessel, who let tho oldest whalers known here, ' instigator of. the whaling ex tho mouth of tho Mackenzie rtrer 800 miles to the eastward of row. No whaling vessel had ev tratod that far before. Indeed such a voyage was equal f lng to lind a northwest passage. Weary winters were passed by thf crews, up to tho time the ice 1 lost summer the expedition had fail 1110. Captain Herendeen discouraged, and after cruising awhile made a start to get out 1 Arctic ocean, Tho Grampus and 1 however, worked to the easts were rewarded with sixteen and I immense whales, respectively. uramptts rcturnea and tne m m ain ml over another winter. Only tho whalebone in the whalo Is taken, the blubber being t away, as the Hume is only eight tons not, and has no place to hundreds of barrels of oil that Umm she has taken would have made 1 been tried ouii San, Franclnoo icle. Ada Dyas has been engaged'hy 1 irviug. to play Uonerll in ''King i Lllun Terry's daughter, AHm ' will soon appear at the James. The large, richly furnish! Richard Wagner's hoaae at now kept closed like a tons widow. Mme. Patti lis an orohMtnftMr'fl uuiiaru rpotn which, when & 1 tun cup, is set going and afce'l most unconrclously the while. Thq crusade of the Parte 1 ftlated by M. Koniug, of th which resulted In the format dlcate of thirteen maMagen free list anil puWUi ureati 1 collapsed. The WuCaull title in oomio4 be revived by W. H. need to be ut tlie Caaino, Km intends toorgantas a u-w 1 will revive Charlea "The Pyramid. Booth's laok of aoiabilrM naps never mote wtor than by a clause in the bylaws of the Playere' ol elude the eittartsuamettt whaterr, No duutm, n: M asythlflg OM toe gi aay IndWideuu. TUHP TQPICjfS TUostgh Bdl Doble sklMS IJpsusvfcb Aftg JsWtlHtWUkMins WIm Owyrhoghtl t. The honewoa Umi Mr. Dwyet oroOltaA Ho-agb to wake ay $ dtum. 11 BiU Jones) u io Is saddled withaUm time lw starts, while uerformasKa rUwthl ,- Isesii.M. 1. u -w' ftW" " "" miiswin 'iiiiiiiiiiisAfifflMffiifiiNi-ii-'ii-ii 4 IkUilhtf jiuiJi,ii: r