KID Dressed Kids. QERST.ER, NAPOLEON, ETELKA, BIARRITZ. iPlMi.j!' fF J 'Si' w m jfiMjj&Hfr. 7 HHfcl mi CLOVES, I Undressed Kids. GENEVA, MINERVA, and CHEIVLOIS. Wo place THE GEKSTER at the head of the list, because it Jb the best glove on the market. T. HOLVERSON, Sole Agent, 801 Commercial Street. OF LOOAL INTEREST. HE CAPITAL JOURNAL TUESDAY, OOT. 25, 1802. OKO. t. GOODHUE. K. CA.HILL. JiULLDING MATERIAL. Lline, cement, piaster, hair, fire and building brick, Are clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tail. Oillco 05 State street. Goodhue & Cahiltj. GILBERT WATTEBJN, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big tan Baking Powder. t Poi'UTjar Pkirks. Geo. Meyer, successor to the Una McCauley and Meyer, barbers at 202 Commercial street, bus this day reduced prices as follews: Shaving 15 cts; hair cut tine 25 cts; baths 25 cts; shaving Sundays and holidays 25 cts. The Meyer's shop is the largest and best equipped in the city and solicits your patronage at modem and pro gressive prices. A Severe Kick. Yesterday whilo Thos. Blundell was out In Yew Park with Chas. Beak's de livery wagon, the horse gave him a playful kick which resulted in breaking the larger bone below the knee of his left leg. Dr. Mott has fixed him up so he is out of misery, but Tom will be laid up for some weeks. IT. Lawton la filling his pluce at the feed store for the pres- SI eut. $ THAT liAFFLE. iJert JiOStWlCk m and Mike Moutell of the Fash'on ti, fatables held the winning ticket, No. f 400, that makes them owners of Nel lie Bly, T. G. Perkins' trotting mare. ': The owner sold 230 tickets and It was fethe biggest raffle ever held for a Kt piece of horseflesh. K.V iliu veu. a marriage license has been taken out by Theresa Kloetob and Nicholas Ritzinger; also to Mary Doerlller and Nick : Henberger. The former are from Wj- Stayton, the latter from Sublimity. IVl SUDDEN DEATH. H. S. Simon tfiaa 1Auttal .irrtwl nnnnnnnlni. tVia 13 .". (luuuuuwiig tu p'.ueaiu oi airs, xiaiiie Aiuer, a Bister rcof his late wife, and also of Mrs. L. Mi" . Ul .i.-fll TtnnnAimflln I.A-.n -mm n In 7X11ICUI1 xrctCUSCU D MUUJU W 3 IU Denver. Notice. M.V. Itork and Senator Tongue will debate stiver, sub-treas- (fury and government ownership of 5of railroads at Forest Grove, Nov. 1st. Mr. Rork will also reply to Senator Dolph at Salem, Oct. 28th. THE BREACH WIDENING. Corwin's Friends,Holda Meeting They Declare tho Clerk's Office Vacant. The difficulty over tho ejection or non-resignation of Rev. C.L. Corwlu of the First Congregational church seems to be deepening. It is pre dicted by many that the matter can only end in a church litigation. HOLD A MEETING. Mr. Corwin's friends in the church held a meeting Monday evening which was attended by a large num berperhaps 125 to 150 persons' C. M. Talbot presided and stated that the o'bject of tho meeting was to elect a new clerk, in place of Wyllo A. Moores. He explained that the notice calling the meeting was not properly signed but it was a mis take of the printer. He insisted on his right to call such a meeting and claimed that the rules of order gov erning the conduct of the Salem Congregational society, fully ap proved him to do so. C. M. Par men ter moved that the office of church clerk be declared vacant. This was seconded by Win. Ratz burg and carried by an almost un animous vote. T. T. Mutton was named by C. M. Paruieuter, and he was elected. Resolutions were read declaring tho confidence of this society of the church in the integrity of Rey. C. L. Corwiu, ask ing that he not resign, and in case he did a full letter of recommenda tion. Mr. Parmeuter made a point of order that the resolutions could not be considered, at this meetiug, as It had only been called to elect a clerk. The meeting then adjourned. Mr. Corwiu was present and took part in the proceedings. WHAT THE OTHEHS SAY. Those In fuvor of Corwin's re moval declare the action of this meeting illegal and say Moores will bolt! as clerk. Tbey will not recog nize the new clerk but say his elec tiou was a farce. They say the chairman of the board of trustees alone cannot call a meeting and his right to do so will be contested. The meeting last night might as well declare the office of president of the United States vacant and pro ceeded to fill it. The meeting last nightto sustain Rev. Corwln , wos a very sincere, earnest and determined body, to all appearances at least. LOCAL A1D PERSONAL. of & Hops. They are evidently going up Yesterday 21 cents was of fered by a Salem buyer. m I knee pants suits. Seo i those all wool suits i) with two 84.50 faud $5.00 a suit. This is Eastern . rfsAs.i HFa nlinnt -it nltilnn nff -t..,,A flit lucn. lYoauuw bia ml v it-pi hi LiirmH fr' ,: . ...:r : BL'trnrwia 'iron nanra wiin nna nnnr , ,. w ,,....., ...v.. WV Lwill wear as long as two suits. Another Fusion. We vote one (ticket, together with our customers Ion supplying tiiem with tho best groceries money will buy. Squire ?arrar & Co. iPDfAUDED The cloatc IV I I J 1 T The Palano. room at All the Sadies in town want to see tho new- Bt, and the prices are way down. Cream and Milk. From grade lersies, at City Dairy, oppfisite Ore- m House, B. J. Sharp, proprietor. iFresh Ice cream soda, the only Biiulno that Is always the same e best at Jones & Bernardi's. t Helleub rand's meals are as usual lie best. E Cabbage and all kinds ofvege- ables for winter supplies. Head. uarters at Harritt & Mcln tyre's. TUTT'8 PILLS Invlcorato bodv nnd mind. Sweet pickles, Clark fc Epply. NORTH HOWELL PRAIKJK. A movement is on foot to do somo much needed improvement on the grounds of tho M. E. church. It is reported that, the Farmers Alliance here will commence hold ing regular meetings by. giving an open meetiug aud a liteiary pro gramme on the evening of tho 18th. The writer of these notes had the pleasure of paying a visit last week to a school mate who is book keeper and clerk in a store at Marquamand furthermore attended the quarter ly meeting at that place which was ably conducted by Presiding Elder Parsons. The publio school has a very largo enrollment and the old seats are Boon to be changed for new and bet ter ones which will be of great con venience for all and an advantage for the teachers who have eo long endured the "old style." The family of Wm, Simmons who died on the 22nd, have the sym pathy of their many friends In this vicinity. Mr. Simmons was an early settler on this prairie, was a member of the M. E. church and has been long and favorably kDowu. m i You don't need to continue dosing witn blmmons Liver Regulator. A dose a day. Syrup not maple, but better the universal table byrup finest In Salem, at Clark & Epply's. See the bargains In rubbers at Krans&e Bros. Jacob Kloetch and family, Stayton, were In tho city today. Fruit treo shipping has already begun. This is a big Industry iu Salem. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. N. Bush were visitors at tho metropolis yesterday. Miss Jeffries Lewis will appear at the opera house Saturday evening of this week witlsher dramatic com pany. Don't forgebthe free street, car rides rom Branson's grocery to all parts of the clty. John Rock, a Swede, hos taken out his first papers. I. L. Patterson returned last night from a business trip to Portlaud. Every family should be provided with a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. It Is a specific for colds and coughs. They take like hot cakes those wonderful new cloaks aud jackets at the Palace. Gossamers. New York Racket. That original Importation of teas has arrived at Clark & Eppley's, and is attracting the attention of many tea lovers. New lot of hosiery aud underwear at the New York Racket. Rock candy drip the finest syrup in the world, at Harritt & Moln- tyro's, A farmer near Tangent raised be tween 1500 and 1600 bushels of po tatoes this season. Two drunks one Indian Ben were before Judge Goodell this morn ing and got the usual fine each. Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Byron went to Mehama today. Mrs. C. C. Stratton and Mrs. E. C. Baker were passengers for Portland this morning. Chas. Smith, the hardware man, left for Portland this afternoon to spend a few days with his family. Hon. and Mrs. -John V. Miuto returned to Portlaud this afternoon. Miss Oskle Mathews left today to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. G. Brown at Pullman, Wash. W. G. Westcott, the confectioner visited Woodburn tills afternoon. Mrs. Stelwer nnd daughter Gussle went to Jefferson this forenoon, to attend a wedding tomorrow. New stock daily arriving will be well equipped for holiday trade Keller & Marsh. Cream wafers fresh, made today, at Jones & Bernardi's. The University flag is at half mast for Mrs. Harrison. Hon. Tilmon Ford returned today from Albany, where he has been at tending court. Tho Pacific Cracker Co. of Port land, has filed articles of ino orpora Hon, capital stock $50,000. Tho Salem telephouo exchange is receiving compliments on a much improved service. No ficticious certificates, but solid facts, testify tho marvelous cures by Ayre's Sarsaparilla. Geo. K. Goodeuiid J. V. Hudson of Salem are reported to liavo leaded Hotel l'orkins tit. Portland. Albany Demecrat: Rev. Corwln was hung in elllgy at Sulem. Con temptlblu business regardless of any facts in the case. The Salem Capital City railway is rapidly pushing the extension to tho asylum. A military movo which will In terest the O. N. G. is contained in General Mllrs' annual report to the Bocretary of war, iu which ho recom mends the appropriation by congress of $1,500,000 for transportation, camp oxpeuses, field equipments and oth er general aud necessary oxpeuses for assembling 90,000 stato troops and 10,000 national troops in an en campment lit Chicago from Aug. 5 to 20, 1893. General Miles thinks tho mobilization of tho committee would be of inestimable value to It, to the nrmy and to the country at large, as one of tho steps toward Im proving the military system, and would also show with what celerity the government could assemble nn army In case of necessity. Miss Martha A. Gatchell who died at Amity Sunday, was a pioneer, having located In Oregou iu ia50. Rev. R. H. Dollarhldo had trouble at one of his Free Methodist church meetings at Eugene, He says In a card: "the parties interested in the aflair were not church members of our church or any other church. They came to church. Some of the the parties wero seeking salvation at the closo of the services having wronged others and asked pardon, which they would not grant, nnd under the influenco of that spirit seemed to lose control of themselves, which led to the excitement. An officer has returned to Dallas from LaGrande with Young Sid Moore In charge. Ho was released on his own recognizance to appear for trial at 0 o'clock Monday to answer to the charge of seducing Nellie Johusou from her homo sev eral days ago. As the girl returned to her home voluntarily, the young man will get off easily, probably. The Jeflerson Review is authority for the statement that Governor Pennoyer will address the people of tho Forks of the Santiam on Fri day, Oct. 2S. A Polk county paper says that Honry Meter aud wife will, on, Oc tober 2G,celebrute, at their farm near Smithfield, their golden wedding a dinner to their numerous progeny uud invited friends. "A Priceless Blessing." AYER'S CIIEKIIY PECTORAL Is tho best remedy for Croup, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, nnd nil tho sudden Throat and Lung Troubles to which young people nro subject. Keep this medicine in tho house. lion. C. Edwnrds Lester, lato U. S. Consul to Italy, and author of various popular works, writes : "With all sorts of oxposuro, In nil sorts ot climates, I have never, to this day, hnd any cold nor nny affection ol mo mroai or lungs wuicii did not yield to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral within 24 hours. Of course I havo never allowed myself to bo without this remedy in all my voyages nnd travels. Umlor my own observation, It has given rollof to q vast number of persons ; while In acute cases of pulmonary inflammation, such as croup and diphtheria in children, llfo as been preserved through Its effects. I recommend its uso In light and fre quent doses. Properly administered, hi nccordnnco with your directions, It is a pricolcss blessing in any houso." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rnEIMIUEIl BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Trice $1 ; six bottles, $5. NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. SUPREME COURT. INSURANCE THAT INSURES. To whom It may cencern: This is to certify that tho Oak land Home Insurauce company, represented by Boise & Barker, have within two days after tho burning of tho Club stables, settled my loss In a most liberal manner, paying every claim of either Joss or damage made by me; and I take pleasure la recommending this company to all who want lusuraueo that really Insures. dw F. M. Townbend. If you feel all broke up and out of sorts agitate your liver with Sim- mon's Liver Regulator. Be prepared for the rains by hav ing your old umbrellas recovered. All grades of covering put on by J, L. Kimber, Feed turnips by the ton at C. Beak's, opposite State Insurance building iw ARC1UKD AND S11UM1TTED OCT. 24. A. K. Velteu, resp., vs. M. A. Cormaek, et al apps.; appeal from Multnomah comity. Geo. W. Gordon, resp., vs. Wm. Breldenstein ot al., upps.; appeal from Moltnomuh county. L. W. Nelson, upp., vs. ti. W. Blaldsdell, resp., motion to dismiss appeal. Motion to affirm judgment ou abandonment of appeal granted In tho case of Campbell vs. Rennlck. Oct.'25, 1893. W B Johnson, ndmr, app vs O S L & Utah Ry Co resp; judgment re versed and non-suit set aside. Opin ion by Moore, J. M Blaskower & Colin pltfi's, vs Jatnea Steel admr, deft; judgment roversea ana a judgment entered here In fuvor of plaintiff's claim. Opinion by Bean, J. Thos HIslop, app, vs W J Molden hauer, resp; Judgment aillrmed. Opinion by Lord, O J. Emily L Johnson, executrix, resp, vs J O Shoflrler admr etc, app; re versed and cause remained for fur ther proceeding not Inconsistent with this opinion, by Lord C. J. Leader, app., vs Multnomah Co. motion to dismiss appeal overruled. Campbell app., Rennlck, resp., judgment affirmed, appeal being abandoned. No ono over tried Simmons Liver Regulator without being satisfied with its effect. CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY. Wo Invite, the attention of close buyers to the beet aseorted and largest stock of JACKETS and CLOAKS, , DRESS UOODB and TRIMMINGS,: GOSSAMEHS and MACKINTOSHES. WOOLEN HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR, AIEN'H and BOYS' CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS aud HATS," FINE SHOKrJ aud RUBBER GOODS, TRUNKS and VALISES, GROCEttlES, CROCKERY, Etc., In Blem. ' ' PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST.- OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, corner Court and TJhsrtv srcU RmUun n- a ... t,.. t i...n. Ine suite, pasta and o weoat to m!r. A fit guarunUeO. W are eok asesU for k 4 G. Corset, in l-t (B t worwiier tne mmcy. ' HOTEL AHKIVALS. WILLAMETTE. Dr. A. I. Nlcklen, James A.Kerr, T. D. Edwards, V. U. StovenH, C. W. Ransom, F. B. Holbr.jok, E. P. Thompson, H. L. Stewart, Geo. H. Williams, Portland. Henry Meyer, Scio. P. Cooper, Wm. Cooper, Rose-burg. Geo. F. Drake, Jno J. Heffemnne, A. Gallagher, C. J. Mitchell, R. R.' Hutchinson, San Francisco. 8. M. MoKeo, St. Paul. T. A. Kyle, Memphis. L. C. Guns, Minneapolis. W, M. Jackson, Newark, N, J. E. P. Dove, New York. E. P. MoAlphln, New Era. B. J. Grim. Aurora. T. J. Black, Halaey. "Selected Poems," of Walt Whit man, puhll shed by Chnrles L. Web ster & Co., puts Into nctcPEiblo form many of this great Americans best thoughts. Tho price is only 75 cen ts, and the convenience of tho publication will do much to popular ize the guns of a much-abused gen ius. 'I he greater American scholars of to-day admit that Walt Whit man was the grandest mnu of this century, aud anything that will causo him to be more extensively read will prove of Inestimable value to tho publio. "Good Night Poetry" is the tltlo of a neat llttlo volume from tho press or GlunA Co., Boston. It is Wendell Phillips Gar rison from tho contemplative gems of the world's great popular authors. The Intent of the volume is to serve as a parent's assistant in moral dis clplln, and the selections cover a wide range for tho mild reproof of youthful short-comings. The value oi mis nietium ot correcting young people In preference to sermonizing Is apparent to all thoughtful per sons and Is one of tho encouraging thoughts of tho future. COLUMUUS. An epic poem giving an accurate history of tho great discovery In rhymed heroic verao. By Samuel Jeirersou; price $1.25; S. G. Griggs & Co., Chicago. Tho theme is a worthy one, nnd the author has done It ample justice, treating fully of repeated trials and disappoint ments of Columbus In seeking uld to carry out his enterprise; his final success through tho magnanimity of Queen Isabella; Incidents and trials of tho voyage; tho discovery of the new world; tho natives; the re turn voyage;treachery of the officers; aud the culuilniUlm: trlumnh of Columbus in bis reception by the king and queen on his return. Two of tho most distinguished students of tho tariff and free trade in England will contrlbuto articles to tho November number of Tho Foium. Sir Thomas H. Farrer, for many years secretary of the English board of trade, will write on "Eng lish Views of tho MoKInley Tariff," showing how It, has effected English exports; Lord Masham, tho largest textllo manufacturer in Great Bri tain, aud president of tho Fair Trade club, will write ou "Has England Profited by Freo Trade?" to show that It has not. "Goodform" for tho October is a rich number and well sustains the ambition of the editor, Mather Dean Kimball, to teach good form in all departments of life. This aim of this beautiful family monthly is well sustained In the higher sense of tho term. A large share Is devoted to correct nnd critical Information of progress in the world's fulr. Tho Goodform company, 177 Monroe, Chicago will tell you further about it. "Our Dumb Animals" of Boston advocates a humane congress of all nations at the Chicago world's fair. It Is a grand arid noble idea. lie S n trT JLr W fed ifh Didn't Know it Was Loaded. Somo people don't know our sfore. ,is IoacM tho best Clothing in tho market, not to mention! ! Hosiory and Underwear. Somo of these nice thxngt "s?o off" at any moment, so, it you Av'ant aome, spMulj quick. Remember our Home Made goods. 00W!fl WUYi STORE AT T ID WM. itii M. W. SARGEANf Has added to his stock a fine liuo of all kinds of household furniture, which, he expect to sell very reasonably, and asks his old customers and lriends to call and examine, tfor thomselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Ho also carries the largest and cheapest stock of WALL PAPER this side of Portland, besides lots of Notions, Toys, etc., for holidays. These he is trying to close out, and therefore will sell them as cheap as possible, many going below actual cost. Give him a call. PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHARD CD. FOR TOWN LOTS FRUIT TRACTS AND FARMS. '''". $2.00 I'er dozen for tho finest finished rHOTOQUAraa In the city. MQNTEE BROS., 18J Commercial Street, CO F. 11. SODTIIWICK, Contractor nml Builder. Salem, - - Oregon. T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor. 20th aud Cliomekcta Street. A, H. F0RSTNER & Machine Shop, Guns, Sporting Goods, Etc, 80S Commercial Street. J. J; Scientific Horseshoeing. OPPOSITE FOUNDRY On State Street. RAM1MGH & EPLEY, Livery Feed and Boarding ! table, U Suite Htroet. , Olingor & Rigdon, Ui!EUTABURS. Opon night nd day. Corner Court aud Liberty, THE Salem Haclcman is II, 1'OllLE. Beat Line in the City. Court Street. J. E. MURPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tilo Yard, NOni'It BALBiM. J, I BENNETT Sf . CANDIBS, . Fruit and Cigars, P. O. Bloolc. j, " R. T. UUMPHR1TO, Cigars aad Telmeoo. BILLIARD PARLOR, 348 Oom'I Street. 2 CENTS A DAY, Evening Journal. Delivered at. Your Door. H0EYE & MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS BIIAVINa PABLOBS, OnlyPoreelulu Hath Tuba la the city. 209 Com. Bt., Halom, Ur. Take It! EVENING JOURNAL, OnlyScentHa day delivered at your door. T. W, THORNBURGi The Upholsterer', k Xtemortoln, ro-covers and nmIm upholstered furniture. Jrim. class work. Chemeket MrMt, HUito Insurance block, ' ' ! H JOlINIRWKfi ' Carpenter and Mitt, Sliop 05 State street. '! StereFitttaga agpeetaM m A Leader. Since Us first introduction, Elec tric Bittern bus gained rapidly In popular favor, until now His clearly In the lead among pure medical tonics and alteratlvta coHtalulug nothing which jxinnlts its umusu beverage or Intoxleaut, it In reeog liked aa the beet and purest medl olne for all allmenU of Stomach, Liver or Kidneyai It will eure filek Headaebe,lBdlKtlofl,CoBtlpatJo8, and dtlve Materia- from tlte eyateta. SatlafMtloa guaranty! with tucti bottle or tbe aweey will be refund ed, Prk only Me. pw bottle. 84d by Dau'J. J. fry, m Cow'l. kk. Deafness Can't be Cured, by local uppllcotlon, a9 thoy cunnot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. 1 here Is only ono way to cure dearneas, and that In by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by nn iuflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets Inflam ed yon have a rumbling eound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the re sult, and unless tho inilamatlon cnnJ be taken out and the tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nlno cases out of ten ar caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will glvo ono huudrcd dollare foranycaso of deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, fiend for circular, free, I'. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by druggists, 7.S cents, Every Testimonial Iu behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly true and will bear tho clos est Investigation. No matter where It may be from, it is as reliable and worthy your confidence as if It came from your most respected neighbor. Have you over tried this excellent medicine? For a general family cathartlo wo coiifidontlly recommend Hood's Pills. Thoy should bo In every homo mcdicluo chest. THEY ARE A NUISANCE. Tukneh, Or., Oct. 24, 1802 Editoh Jouhnal; I notice an Item, written by M. O. Lownsdale, of Lafayette, In which ho says tho tho Mongolian pheasant does not damage tho farmer. If ho had had tho oxperlonco I have had with them, he would know better. Thoy aro posltlvoly tho worst nulsanco wo have had Im ported on us. Thoy aro as bad as a hog for grain. In general, thoy de stroy beans, potatoes nnd corn, aud if be would walk through ray mel on patch In tho morning, ho would know more of their destructive dis position. Wo took some of them to Washington In 1830, and fed them on wheat all tho time. When I hear a man talk or writo uh he does, I know one of two things: either ho does not know anything about tho bird, or there Is money in view, Yours truly, , D, D, PilEaYMAN. v . jftSTTlris spacers reserved for tho W' mm m and fflim ,f tip no un, To Mr, nnd Mrs. Itlchnrd Ityley, Oct. 23, 1802, a son. JJKATIIS. "I'ralno bo to him, whose wondrous skllll Jlu conquered every human 111 A nd now ulone, us victor, stands The 'Cioldcn' compound or his hands." Ho spake a man, with tribute crowned. OflJr l'Jerre, tho "world renowned." Whose " Medical Olwovery" Had vauquUhcd palii and set htm free. One cau but spoak In praise of a remedy so eflcctuai and unfailing as Dr. Pierce's Qoldou Medical Discov ery. Acting promptly and thorough ly, it produces permanent cures. Consumption, In Its early ptages, scrofula, liver and kidney disorders, aud all blood diseases, are within the field of its unbounded suocess. PRICE'S jcaWJakin Ukla31iow0rHoom-ioYti3tk Tuesday, Oct. 2A.1802, of consump tion, Emma A., wlfo of S. E. How ard, at the family homo ou Mill street, aged M years. Tho funeral will bo conducted from tho residence Wednesday at 2 p. m., and the body will be iuterred Iu Rural cemetery. Presldont Whit taker will officiate. Attkntion, W, Jt. O. All mem bers of Bedgwlok W. It. C, are re quested to meet at their hail tomor tow at ono o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our sister, Mrs How ard. By order of society. IS ! I I - In Memory of Harry Mapletborpe. diki), oar. IS, 1602. Little Harry came like a Uower Blooming on earth In spring; And left us in a cold dark hour, -Oh, Death I We feel thy sting. We watohed hi fading bloom Part from this world of strife; We lust him, alas, toe soon, To waar a erown pt life. Mere ease of slek tModaaha. '"-" eetMUfKtttati, ou be ours IuUmUmm, UHwr Carter's LltUe UvwPlllii. Uuui lur ay other weeas. DOMttuftW Iron siak hadh m. HMtttkMwor. Ithminttwry. carter' Jin utc mis win wun jrm; l,(m Ule trill. Musi witt. UaualltlUMrfluZff u, ; , , Ur.CUM.wlUi(rf JlMM, Ohio, wrilV I have wtwi ? ttmir ftH4k Uid MlMlamiM tvro far Uw past tJUsa 7WWI. Mil IWHTI LWW UVU( rWM M aw aw o4 tata. fit Um wet. 2 ONLY LINE RuraiKG. THR0UGHnAv DAILY TRANS1 Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M.. ' " " 7s30 P, M, 3L DAYS TO 3 U1C1JLUA.U-U . 72 Hours Quicker to St. Pwl, 23 Hours Quicker to CJilcago, 40 Hours Quicker to OnwKt and KaniM City. v PULLMAN 4ftd TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMS CHAIR' t CARS, DINING CAW. VermM aa4 saiwtl lalwiaHwi aiil fni or stf arass, JMte.lf Murker, Or yr,.HVHUHHIX,JJ,0.9A. SM Waltaaftt, rinmssta,! I v 3 HI ill USE fjfflmm