Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 13, 1892, Image 3

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II I life?'
Among our stock we have the following Jackets to "vnichwe call special attentien: v
"Rr rxr Htaoavtat Tteht fittinpr back, with strap.
DLALliJIAGONAL & - Large pearl Buttons. Half .silk lined.
Soft Finish, plain Back, Black Diagonal Horn Buttons, good Valuel
Blouse Back, Extra Long Fanpv Phpvint
A Beautiful Fitting Jacket! r allCy nCVlOL
TAN CHECKED CHEVIOT Wattcau Back Horu Buttons-verv stylish.
TAN CHEVIOT - Black Astrachan Trimmings.
Ladies' Capes, Children's and Misses Jackets
1 HOLVERSON, 301 Com'l St
TUU SUNDAY, OCT. 13, 1892.
"gilIrt k nmM,
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Uassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Llirie, comcut, plaster, hair, fire
and building brick, lire clay, sand,
gravel, blacksmith and bouse coal,
wood, all kinds, wholesale and re
tall. Olllco 95 Stute street.
Goodhue & Cahill.
In Memory of Luther Snyder.
Death has been hero and bourne away,
A dear ono from our sldo;
Jut In the morning of his diy,
In his blooming youth he died.
Nut long n:o he tilled his plnco,
liul now we're left to mouru,
Gone to reap a rich reward,
The work of earth Is done,
Wu miss thee In our home so dear,
There Is none can All thy place,
A sli idow o'er our life is;cAst,
Wo mlsa the sunsh'ne of thy face,
We miss thy kind and willing hands,
Thy fond and geutlo caro,
Our home Is sad without thee,
Wo miss thee everywhere.
'1 tunc kind, those tender loving hands,
Have laid him down to rest.
The Clod who gavo him to our care,
UU sweet, young t-oul has blesbed.
And yet, we feel with gladness,
Our loss Is his eternal gain;
Dear Luther lives with Jesus,
Safa with Jesus, free from pain.
Wo look forward to that o'ty,
Whrro blood-bought splrlM dwell,
Where loved ones once united,
Can never say farewell.
Wnon we lavethls world of sorrow,
Where wo lost our Luther D.ar,
We will find our missing loved one,
In our Father's mansion fair.
I Written by his mother.
Gkeat Lectuke. Prof. Nourse
who lectures Oct. 2lat for the Salem
Y. M. C. A. is thus spoken of by
the Vancouver NeWR-Advertlser: As
was expected, the lecturer, while
full of that which woe inteusly hu
morous, was above all things dra
matic. It ia too late in the day now
for Mr. Nourse to go on the stage,
but mauy a "star" in some of
Shakespear's drutr.ua could learn a
lesson from this pteacher. The
closing part of the lecture the trans
formation of Dr. Jekyll into Mr.
Hyde, the despair, the outcry, the
picture of the gibbering idiotic, sin
mastered wretch, were marvelous.
Belno Raised. The Clark fe
Eppley grocery store and Ed. Cross'
meat market on Court street are
being raised up to the new grade.
Howard, the house mover, is doing
the job with his little hntchet.
Something Puettv. - If you
want somethinir pretty as well as
useful seo Charles Smith's stock of
heating stoves.
A Splendid Record. That is a
fine showing for the volume of Sa
lem busluess tho report of the Cap
ital Bank, over a half-million of re
sources, and oyer a quarter of a mil
lion of deposits for the quarter.
Jackfcou the Hatter CO State St.
How is this? 870 casts of boots
and shoes arrived at Krausse Bros,
in September.
Teaspoons, best
plated, only 35 cts.
double silver
per set at Blue
Capo Cod cranberries
-Clark &
The Capital City lunch counter,
274 Commercial street, W. A. Bar-,-nett,
Prop., just opened. 10-12-4t,
For a nice hat go to Jackton the
Hatter, 96 State street.
The choicest grapes ever In Salem
at Clark & EppleyV.
Ladies fine calf uud ell grain shoes.
Uuy your underwear at Jackson's,
00 Bute street Popular prices.
Wo invite the attention of close buyers to the best assorted and largest stock of
In Bajem.
OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, corner Court and Liberty street-, Safeta, Oregon. Age Bta fer Royal Tal low
tine wits, paotBaodo)reottQokr, A Mi gun.utl. Wa are aoto areata ht,kO. Comta, the beat 1b
Mie work! for tbe meaey,
The Circuit Court Mill's Grist
Wednesday and Thursday.
The case of the State vs W.
Hunt, for selling liquor without a
license, went to the jury late in the
afternoon. They returned a verdict
of guilty uud sentence will be pro
nounced on Saturday.
Tho case of Tom Lee vs Mrs. F.
A. Holt, a suit for damages, is on
trial before the following jury: M.
Benjamin, John McKlnney, Wm.
Her, J. W. Thornbury, S. J. Kerr,
J. A. Tnuner, W. J. Polly, Henry
Vaii Bohren, E. D.Townsend, Guy
ynu Glbson, C. M. Parneuter, Allan
Court was to hold Wednesday
night, but owing to absence of a
juror no session was possible.
Following were made Wednesday
Eva D. Blaine vs J. H. Blaine,
divorce; referred to Webster Holmes
to report findings of fact-and law.
Ed. Curtis, assignee.vs M.Sestano
vltch et al foreclosure of lien; de
murrer overruled and plaintiff al
lowed until the 15th to answer.
State vs R. M. Thompson, selling
liquor without license; continued by
V. J. Troyer vs Anna Troyer, di
vorce; default, referred to Webster
Holmes for finding of fact and law.
R. H. Winter vs Maggie Wimer,
divorce; decree for plaintiff.
Stato vs Thos. Holland, mayhem;
plea of not guilty, for bearing.
W. P. Bennett vs John Kerr,
damages; leave to answer the 17th.
Annie Bower vs H. T. Hayes,
writ of alternative mandamus
A new case on the docket is No.
125 C. T. Bonner vs John Knight,
41 Gilbert Bros. vs. P. H. Easton
and L. F. Harrison, dismissed by
53 Magjic C. Loftls vs. Essie M.
Hugey. Continued for examination
of witnesses.
48 Isom Lanuing & Co. vs. Wm.
W. McCoon, defendant.
55 Geo. McQully and Bert Macey
vs. State, default.
113 Davif, guardian of Cbos. B.
D.ivls vs. R. B. Plowman, motion
to amend answer.
State vs. Marion Brower, grand
jury found not a true bill.
The Tom Lee case has taken all
the forenoon. Chinese interpre
ters were employed on both sides,
Mrs, Holt acting for the Chinese
woman. Ford and Bigger appear
for M's. Holt and Will DAroy and
Geo. Bingham appear for the other
Will DArcy made hitf maiden
speech In the Tom Lee case and ac
quitted himself in a creditable and
eloquent maimer.
Sheriff Knight has received a
telegram that Burdette Wolf Is
Wanted for murder. He is five feet,
eight inches high, weighs 105 lbs.,
hair and mustache dark, Roman
nose. It is not likely that he came
this way.
The grand jury this a.m. found
a true bill against John H. Dove,
Chas. A. Pyburn and David H.
Young, for burning the steamer R.
C. Young, and ugainst Hugh Starr
for drawing a gun on Mrs. Kurz.
The first three are in juil and will
be tried at this term, which will not
take long probably. Bturr's cape
will be contested sharply, as will
young McCorniik's. The grand
jury has still a good deal of bubluess
before It.
Hot moxey at the Spa.
Oysters at C. W. Hellenbrand'a
Little Nettucca cheese, tho finest
for family use, at Clark & Eppley's.
Committee Appointed to Investi
gate Offers to Resign.
At the meeting of the members of
the Congregational churoh Wednes
day evening C M. Talbott was call
ed to the chair and W. I. Staley was
made secretary. There were some
speeches made but no direct charges
against Rev. Corwln were stated.
Mr. Corwin made a brief state
ment, denying all charges and de
nouncing nil us falne. He asked for
his letter and said he wanted to re
sign. He stated that it was useless
for him to stay here as minister
with so many against him. He
fully realized that his days for good
work for the church were over and
be asked to be relieved and go in
peace. That would have been the
best thing to do when his relations
to the church were called In ques
tion before.
His remarks were very finely de
livered and brought many tears.
Then followed a general talk us to
what to do. Tho church was
crowded to suffocation almost, be
hind closed doors. No reporters
were allowed and no one was to
give information to the press, and
The Journal has found all the
people there unusually reticent and
prudent in their remarks.
Many leading members express
regrets that a pastor who has been
so unfortunate in his domestic rela
tlon's was ever called here. C. M.
Purmenter moyed a committee of
five to Investigate the whole matter
and report to the church. This was
amended to fifteen, five ladies and
ten gentlemen. Mr. Talbott ap
pointed the. committee. The ladies
are: Mesdames Stdckler, Martin,
Vandersol, Burnett and Chapman.
Mrs. Judge Burnett arose and de
clined to servo on the committee.
The members met. informally and
decided to meet Friday evening at
the church and take up the investi
gation. They report next Wednes
day evening. John Davies is chair
man of the committee and Is a fair
minded man. When seen by a re
porter he declined to say a word on
the subject. The committee of fif
teen is composed of some of the best
and most active members of the
State Y. P. 8. C. E. The society
meets In state convention at Eugene
Friday. The delegates from Salem
are II. S. Glle and wife, W. J.
Stanley and wife, C. T. Roberts, W.
A. Moores, Misses Alice and Lorena
Kirk, W. B. Peck, Mnttie Hunt,
Mary and Lizzie Van Wagner,
Nina McNary, Bertha Sroat, J. H.
Cook? Leonard George, Profs. Mor
rison and Douglass, W. H. Ander
son, H. Campbell, Miss Campbell
and Miss Frlzzell. A prize banner
will be awarded tho couuty that
wbowB the greatest growth, and of
course the Marlon county Boclety,
which expects to have nearly a
hundred delegates present, will car
ry It off.
Before Judge Goodell. Fred
Van Wagner was arrested Wednes
day at. Portland, on several charges
by the Salem police. He will have
an examination tomorrow, being
held until witnesses can be procured.
Two drunks got the usual
A New Line. A most complete
lino of ladles Jackets to arrive in a
few days at the Palace. These are
the latest winter novelties, and
ladles will do well to wait for these.
Don't take any chances on getting
an old style garment when you can
get the latest by waiting a day.
Just Arrived. -November fash
Ion sheets and full lino of standard
patterns at the Pallace.
Oysters l oysters J ut Davison &
Ask i our Dealer for a Cla-
imoucui or a Golciiek Shot Gun.
So Say the Growers, aud they Re
fuse o Sell.
Portland Telegram:
Twenty cts. Is being offered freely
by buyers for hops, but growers are
still holding oil for better bargains.
Buyers are extremely cautious, but
it Is thought that they would ofler
i5 cents providing they thought this
price would be accepted. Good hops
are expected Jjy growers to bring at
least 35 cents thlB fall. A great deal,
however, depends on whether grow
ers will rush their products on the
market at the first signs of a drop.
The first grower to ship a bale of
hops lust year was John Wooding,
tud he was also the the first this
reason, says the Sloughter Bun.
Week before last he shipped 52 bales
to .Blackhaus, Milwaukee. These
wero on contract through N. A.
Puyallup Citizen: Wlthoutdoubt
this has been the quietest hop-picking
season in the history of Puyallup
Hon. J. P. Stewart has been offered
20 cents for his crop. Most growers
are getting from one-half to three
quarters of a ton to the acre. J.
Fernandez is getting 11J tons from
12 acres. W. J. Bowman Is getting
15 tons from 15 acres.
BenJ. Irwin has gone to Fort Can
by to enlist in the regular army.
Mrs. Vlotor, the well known Ore
gon author, has returned to her
Salem home to live.
Trout 1 at Davison & White's.
Some people cannot wait Until
street work Is completed aud a win
ter's ralus have bedded the gravel.
They must criticize now and very
unfairly too.
Rev. Gwynne and T. G. Albert,
have gone to Albany to attend the
Presbvterlan Synod of Oregon as
Hugh Thopmson went to Eugene
today, where he will attend a swell
party this evening.
Frank Conover and wife, who
have been visiting at the old home,
returned to Coryallis today.
Mrs. Wallace, of Portland, arriv
ed in the city today, and is a guest
at the home of Attorney Carson in
South Salem.
Mrs. M. W. Hunt and children
returned this morning from Port
land, where tbey have been sight
seeing. Louis Kuhu, Geo. S. Downing,
W. G. Westacott, Jos. Fishburn and
J. H. Albert were passengers for
Portland this afternoon.
Rev. Father Brousseau
from Gervals today.
was up
Clams 1 eUms I at Davison A
Mrs. Hettie Phillips, who has been
visiting at the home of her father,
Cant. D. C, Howard, left today for
her home at Ilwaco.
Miss Anna Breyman, was a pas
senger for Portland this afternoon.
Miss Jennie Bkaife, of Heleno,
Mont., is vsiting at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Eugene Breyman.
McKinley Mitchell was a Bulem
visitor today.
Flue poultry at Davison's &
No special sale at Mrs. Fiester's,
but you can find cheap trimmed
hats any day in the week, from
$1.50 up.
Smelt, catfish, perch, salmon, sea
bass, and many other varieties of
fish, arrive dally at Davison &
White's Court street fish market.
Miss Mae Boise returned home
from Portland last evening.
Judge Daly, the Dallas nttornoy,
Is in the city, attending court.
Do not allow tho, accumulation of
scurf or dandruff, when it cau bo
easily prevented by the use of Ayre's
Hair Vigor.
The less said about the good ser
vice by the Telephone Co. in this
city, aud the sooner a good service,
which does not now exist, is estab
lished, the better It will bo for the
The surveyors this imorulug set
the stakes on the' new asylum ex
tension to the foot ot the hill at the
Whou your blood is impoverished
the remedy is at hand, Take Ayer's
uarsaparuia. ,
The 9-year-old Bon of B. P. Costol
lo, of North Salem, has been sent to
the reform school.
Simmons Liver Regulator has
never failed to relieve costivencss,
aud blind or bleeding piles.
The public schools of Portland
have 7777 children in attendance.
The Balem Unitarians are trying
to secure the services of Rev. Cope-
land of Tacoma.
Go to Jackson's for valises and
trunks, 80 Htato street.
The families of Capt. M. J, Soott
aud G. W. Meeks, two active real
estate workers, have taken their de
parture for Guthrie, Oklahoma,
where they will mako their futuro
and mind.
Invigorate body
Hellenbraud's meaU are as uouai
the beet,
Try hot teaon phosphate soda at
the Spa,
Ha fruit eass-owi and two
quart at eKdner & Blotter's, State
street. 10-1-tf
Buy your maekefltothes, rubber
coats and trabfelkui at Jaeksou's.
Mony saved by baying yenr
flour, peUtew aud feed of all iclBth
at C. Ktak'a apposite Mate Iuwtr
Great Relief
TS, Instantly afforded
1 BrOBGillti. liv tlm
sufferers from
uso of Aver'a
pherry Pectoral. Either as on ano
dyne, to alloy Inflammation, or an ex-
(Kictoraat, to loosen and bring away tho
mucus, this preparation has no equal.
"Last winter I contracted a severo
cold, which, by repeated exposure, be
came qulto obstinate. 1 was much
troubled with hoarseness and bronchial
Irritation. After trying various medi
cines, without relief, I at last purchased
h bottle of Ayer's Cherry rectoral. On
talcing this medicine, my cough ceased
nlmost immediately, nnd I havo been
well ever slnco." Rev. Thomas I).
Ktissoll, Secretary Holston Conference
and P. E. of the Greenville Dist. M. E. C,
Jonesboro, Tenn.
"My mothor wm sick three years and
very low with bronchitis. "Wo feared
nothing would euro her. Ono of my
friends told mo about Ayer's Cherry
rectoral. Sho tried It, lias used eight
bottles, and is now well." T. II. D.
Chamberlain, Baltimore, lid.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rnxrAnxD bt
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; !i bottles, 5.
How's This?
We otter ouo hundred dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that
cannot be cured by taking Hall's
catarrh cure.
F. J. CllRNNEY A Co., Props , Toledo, O.
We, the underslgnoil have kuowu V. J.
Cheney for the Inn II IVoo years, nnd be
lieve him perfectly honorable in a; I tmsl.
ncss transactions, nnd financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West 4 Truax, Wholesale druggists. To
ledo, O. Wilding, Klnuan Marvin,
Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's catarrh euro is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c.
per bottle. Bold by all drugglstB.
Simmons Liver
never been known
sick headache.
Regulator has
to fail to cure
Rev. J. R. N. Bell has gone to
Salem will hold a chrysanthemum
show Nov. 10, 11, and 12.
The Dallas wngonworks will bo
sold t auction October, 14.
Tho Salem soap factory passed the
first lot of soap Wednesday, 00,000
Salem Democrats are planning a
big meeting the week before eleo
tlou. Presidential electors are to
Rev. V. V. Cro9s Is tho new South
Methodist preacher at Dallas, his
former parrlsh having been iu Tilla
mook. Nothing had boen heard Thurs
day from Nellie Johnson, the 14
year old girl, who ran away from
Rev. J. W. Craig a pastor for the
last two years at Dallas, goes now to
Spokane, for whloU place he will
leave for next Monday.
That Is what Salem should go in
for next a wagon nnd carriage
factory. Tho Corvullls Wagon and
Carriage works now have orders for
$20,000 worth of buggies, carts, otc.,
to be completed by tho first of April,
The Synod of tho Presbyterian
church convenes in Albauy on next
Thursday evening ut tho new Col
lege building. On Frldoy evening
the new structure, will be formally
dedicated under the auspices of the
Mrs. Smith, who was shot at
Castella, Calif, several days ago by
her husband, Is dead and was
brought back to hor homo ut Silver
t u for burial. Tho body of hor lit
tle daughter, who was also shot by
a cruzy father, was ulso returned.
Albauy Demecrat: The case of
Wright and McCord, for an at
tempt to wreck the oyor laud train
on tho S. P. road near Cottage
Grove last week, was heard bsfore
Justice Medley at Cottago Grove on
last Monday eyeulng. E. O. Potter
appeared for the state aud L. Bllyeu
for the defense. Tho examination
resulted In tho discharge of the
Another Ton. The Fruit Pal.
ace has Just received another ton of
those dollclous Concord aud Dela
ware grapes. Thirty pounds for
f 1.00. Buy now. M.T. Rluuraan's,
132 State street.
RkuStah, The best compressed
yeast In tho world; at Hurrltt & Mo-
Special Sale. On Friday and
Saturday Chas. Calvert will have u
special sale of cheap trimmed hats.
Prices rednred for two days only.
never been
Liver Regulator
kunwn to fall to
Buy your neckties, socks, any
thing you wear at Jackson's.
Wood, Wood. Plenty of It sawed
and ready for delivery. Leave your
orders ut Ryan's stable, comer of
Ferry and Liberty. dIO-lOtf
A fine lino of punts goods and
made to order lu latest cuts at F. T,
Hurt's tailoring
rooms, 232 Com'l I
Vmi fa Holloas ot Hooms-40 Ys dw ftud.
V . "
209 Commercial Street,
IS?, 11HE
' '" " ' '
To build .ip our home factory.
To save money; lhe "Best of All. . :
That la what we claim nbout street
Improvements. And it is a fact.
Before uext spring there will be
a general demand for grading nnd
paving of all our best business streets.
It would not be surprising if some
thing better than what the city is
now doing would be demanded.
It must be rumetnberod that
neither the contractors nor the
council selected the present style of
improvement. The council was al
most driven by conservative citizens
to uso grave). That Is the fact.
But that is neither hero nor there.
Tho great fact remains, that the
ice is brokcu. The people of this
city waut something better than
country roads.
When properly treated as soon as
the first symptoms appear, cholera
can nearly always be cured. The
patient should go immediately to
bed und remain as quiet as possible.
Send for a physician, but while
awaiting his arrival take Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy In double doses after each
operation of the bowels more thun
natural. If there'ls Buvere pain or
ciamps, take it In double dooes
every fifteen minutes until relieved.
This remedy has bcon used with
great success in severe epidemics of
dyseutery that were almost ns severe
uud dangerous us cholera, aud if
used as directed h cure is almost
certain. Every family should have
a 60 cent bottle ut hand ready for
Instant use. After the disease Is
under control, castor oil must bo
tuken to cleanse the system. No
other physio, or substitute will do
lu place of castor oil. For sale by
Baskett & Van Slype, druggists.
O i
Coming to Salem.
One or more Surgeons of National
Surgical Imtitute, No. 810 Bush
street, S. F., will bo at the Willam
ette Hotol, Salem, Oct. 14th. One
day only.
This Institute is specially devoted
to the treatment of curvatures of the
spine, diseases of the hip aud knee
joint, crooked limbs, club feet and
all bodily deformities. Their suc
cess In treating these troubles as
well as nusal catarrh and all chronlo
diseases has made for the Institute
a national reputation.
All persons who are suffering from
auy of these complauts should not
fall to talto advantage of this oppor
tunity for relief, Ask your post
master for circulars. Reference
may bo had to the follewing:
Govenor E. P. Ferry, Olympla
Wasb.;Judgo Thos. L. Davidson,
Salem; Jno. P. Hoyt, Justice of su
preme court of Washington; Rev. E.
N. Condlt; Albany Oregon.
For this week only we will sell
our gilt embossed and ingrain pa
pers with their borders and fringes
ut tho regular retail price and will
do the hanging for nothing, This
Is n bona fide ofler. Wo do this to
become more acquainted with the
cittzensof Salem und the publlo at
largo, and also to mako known our
ability to do strictly first clajn work,
which is unsurpassed.
Remember this ofi'er ends ou the
15th. Do not miss tho opportunity.
We have also connected with our
wall paper establishment, u painting
aud culsomlnlng department.
II awkb & Lkvah, 07 Stato Bt.
Tho new Time Card, which Is now
In effect, via the "Wisconsin Central
Lines," in connection with tho.
Northern Pacific R. It., utlords the
traveling public tho best fucllltles
from all points west to Chicago aud
points east aud south.
xue unsurpassed equipment oiiereu
in ttu wi.'..u s.r.n.liln..t ...Iff. .n.Ail
comfort uud safety, surpassing all
its competitors.
All through trains are composed
of Pullman vestlbuled drawing-room
sleepers, with dining curs aud day
coaches of latest design,
Tho dully through fast train each
way, making close connection ut
Chicago with trains In all directions.
For tickets, time tables, etc., at
ply to agent of Northern Pacific It.
R., or J as. O. Pond,
Gen'l Puss, and Tkt, agent,
, Chicago, III,
Gossomere and Macintoshes com-
pjetoJino for ladles and children ut
the Palace,
To do threo groat things:
clotbting and.all kinds woqleri! iJbqdeJg.
3-This spaco is
A Little Girl's Experience in
Lighthouse. '
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse ut
Baud Beach, Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years old.
Lust April she was taken down
with measlos, followed with a
dreadful cough nnd turning into a
fever. Doctors ut home and at De
troit treated her, sho grew worse
rapidly. Then she tried Dr. Kiug's
Now Discovery and after the uso of
two and a half bottles, was complete
ly cured. They say Dr. King's New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may uotn trial bottle
free nt Dan'l. J. Fry's drugstore,
225 Com'l. Bt.
J. R. Wyatt, Albauy.
Rev. W. S. Holt and family, F. A.
Harvey, J. M. Sawyer, Lesley
Bates, B. F.
Thos. O'Day, Job. Anderson, H.
L. Miles, 8. W. Walker, J. 8.
Klngsley, C. 8. Hasaelman, W. A.
Cotton, Nina Smith, J. L. Thomp-(
son, BenJ. Latz, Geo. C. Burton,'
E. C. Idleman, Thos! N. Strong,
H. H. Northrup, J. M. Long,
J. J. Daly, Dallas.
W. E. Huntley, Dr. Carl!, Oregon
W. S. Little, J. H. Richardson,
Will 8. Clark, Pretarlo, Cal.
L. C. Rosenbaum, Portland.
Jas. P. Hlxson, B. F.
That Dear Old World, Good-by,
Ib a mighty ma ouo wbon it U tho parting
wilutanon between IrloncU whom thou
sands of miles ofimlt wattr are about to
depurate. Mariners, buyers in foreign
luudH for heavy houses, commercial trav
eler who have made many trip acroM
tho itormy Atlantic, think Utile of an
ocean voyui(o. but to the Unit voyager tho
Initial trip fa u momentous utlolr. Ben
Hlokticsa It to bo expected a a mutter of
course, ilow to prevent It? The nneat
remedy and preventive of the naunea pro
voked by the tossing of a vessel, the Jarr
ing motion of the nerew of a uteamnhlp, or
of a locomotive train, In Hosteller'
Hlomach Bittern, pronounced byxeacap.
tains, Hhlp doctor, tourists, truvelerN and
emlgrauu the flnfetl etomuehlo und bent
defouse against ailment ol tho bowels,
digestive orguns and liver lu existence.
Malarial, rheumatism, kidney trouble aud
debility are remedied by It.
To Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Arnold,
Sunday, Oct. 0, 1802, a daughter.
At tho M, E. parsonage ut 7 p. in,
October 12, 1802, Joseph Levequo
nnd Maggie Savage, Rev. C. R. Kel
leruiau officiating.
The couple have gone to San Fran
cisco to spuud a few weeks.
At the rtsldenco of J W. Beatty,
near Brooks, October 12, 1802, Lewis
Harboldt, of Yamhill county, uud
Klzzle Campbell, Justlco of the Peaco
Uutchelor olllclatlug.
At the bride's parents at 8 p. m.
Wednesday evening, October 12,
1802, Leo Steluur and Belle Golden,
Rov. Wllbor, of Portland, officiating.
Mr, Steluur Is a member of the
drug firm of Smith & Btclner, of
this city, nnd a sou ofG, Btelner,
The bride is a daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. T. I. Golden. They will
mako their home lu thur new rest
denco ou East State street.
Mr. and Mrs. James Maplethorpe,
at 18th aud Uellevtw street, lost
their seven mouths old child last
night. Funeral at 2 p. m, from the
house today.
II. MSll.IIM.,
Have You Ka4
How Mr. W. D. Went of Geva,
N. Y., was oured from (lie Mvemt
form of dytpepfthi? He says emy
thing he ate seemed like pouring
m el led lead Into tils Momuefe,
Hood's Barsanarilla efiVoted a peer
feotoore, Full pattkHilaw will t
sent If you write C. I, Hood in Co.,
Lowell, Mans.
Tk blgbwt pral baa lH ww
by Hold's Pllli for fbir wy. yt
Salem, Oregon.
l! 4s
reserved for tho
Fibbt Soap. The first lot ef soap ,
was pressed at the Sajein Soap and
Chemical Works yesterday, anL
three tons were finished up in wrap
pers ready for market. "Rose of
Oregon" toilet soap, good enough
fornqueen's toilet, " Salem Savon,"
"Lily of the Valley", and '.'Our ,
Daisy" are ready for sale. Mf. ,
Kuerten will put up u stock of 300,- '
000 pounds, before going upon the
It Ia Nuts. That is what It ia
for every good housok eeper to get
fresh first class groceries aud that
Is what they got when purchasing
family supplies at Squire 'Farrars A'
Co's grocery hotiso.
. .. r
8ALEM, Oct. 121592. '
C. L.(Du,Bol8, reap., ye. B. BPerW
kins, ttpp.; appeal from Multonmah'
couuty; argued und submitted." X,?
N. Btceves attorney for resp. J. J.'
Daly uud R. It. Glltner attorneys
for appellant, 6,,.
By Layiag-on of Hands 1 v:
Women restored to perfect health!
Just faith und confidence enough ,
required to lay hold of Dr. .Pierce's?'
Favorite prescription, administer It'
with n little patience and a little -'
ficraevorenee, and complete rsstora
lon to health and vitality Is llisur-
ed. Not far, indeed, from the rat--
raculous, ure mauy of the wonder-
ful cures of lost womanhood ithaa"
e fleeted. There are few cases,.
Indeed, within the requirements of ?
sick and suffering womau, outsld -or
beyond its helpful influence. So,
confident are the makers of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription of its
power to heal all female dlseanes, i
that they warrant satisfaction lu
every 'Instance, or refund money.
Large bottles $1,00 (0 for $5.00): at
druggists. f
Too Much of a Risk.
It Is not unusual for colds contract
ed In the fall to bang ou all wlufj rj
in nuuu uuses uuuirru ur cnrouig
bronchitis uro utmost sure to result. h
A fifty cent bottlo of Chamberlain's s
Cough Remedy will cure any cold.
Can you uilord to risk so much 'for
so small an amount? This remedy ,
Is intended especially for bad colds ,
aud croup aud can always be de
pended upon. For sale by Baskett
& Slype, druggists, ' ,
Baby erf cd,,
Mother slghod,
Doctor proscribed j Ctwforla
IluoUJen's Arnte;8alva, r
The llest Balva ia the world tor Cut.
Bruise. Hores, Oloers, Salt llheum, 'evt
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Bltlu Eruptions, and txl.
lively curen l'lles, or uo pay rniulrwdTlt .
U guaranteed to give perfect stteMtla
pr tnonoy reftinded. Vrlco. 91 neuut pme
box. For sale by iJan'l J , yry, aMOow hE ,
The Cfcl,Xca fW MM M
mm of He! afMHU M km to
wHmU. UlmiNHias.MfJi
(Mt tMt HOOd's fawMBttttsft llWltfr
lempIMM MM U UUm4 lor ft. Is vtagt
Us fimi n tais isMdMaaa iNrrtarMr Ml
mm gfnieu.aft titt, ecaarMMr WMf
- Hfsruitr mvm wtnttm,
MMT'im and nil HtuiMM, PmminH. i
no!'. Utttwwm, nsrsai 1
ftii 4 r''UH'; rnaiM n Appstft. i
UfrVrt nrvMh'l'.supl
Xi,,tr fc .' I so!4l
' ..' 1 I-nMll
V . " ''
What MM
4 fey fett 4n
' '
tt -vl