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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1892)
'J 12" CAPITAL EVENING - -A, ''"I'mii'iffflli VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." 8ALEM, OREGON, WED203SDAT, OCTOBER 12, 1892. e "TO-DAY'S JNEWS TO-DAY." '-WCK' JOURNAL B00rfS, SHOES, aufl RUBBERS-10 to 20 Per Cen On first-class goods. The place to get them is at the NEW HEADQUARTERS E. T. BARNES, - - - - COTB IN Just SROAT & GILE, Ed, C- Choice Wholesale and Retail Denier iu Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. 95 Court and 110 State Streets. NAILS I LOCKS ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i ATT Ban '. (Jj P jZGI Plumbers and Tinners, ?14 Ar. 9AR f!nmmprrtal St.. Ralem. A complete hue of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. .Estimates lor Tinning ana Red Front Bazaar I Goods of all Kinds Bought and Sold. New nd Second Hand Household Goods sold on Commission. 20 Years' Experience in Auctiot business. City and Country sales Specialty. Auction at Sales Koom every Saturday. ARCHIE MASON. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM. Sash and Door Factory Front'j Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with tho lowest. Only the best material used C.N. CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents fortbe celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chetneketa Street, rvl iir The place to rig, Express, Mm ieea or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. IB, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SALBM, -- OREOON. MannfiiCturM 8TEAM ENGINES, Mill OulflU, Water Wheel Governor, Fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Knglnea, Cresting, etc. Farm machinery inado and renalrfcil. Oeueral agsnt and manufacturers of the celebrated Wahlatrom ttitent JHUOilne Purifier and Keels. Farm machinery made and repaired. Sata Truck & Dray em Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the duv at th oornr f Rtt and Commercial street. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. BROOKS L LEGG, 100 Stat rKHALK. AiyiindnwsiBaklBBdif N WANri-.U-Toworroa fcrw i Oae eK.H.JteUws, Ml OumsweUl - lataa. AffiyUt ?. J. gf YORK Our New Fall Stock of HANGING LAMPS, $4 to 15; HAND-PAINTED' VASE LAMPS, $2.50 to $10; DECORATED TOILET SETS, $3 to $10. in from Cross, HIISGES I Garden Hose and Lawa Sprinklers, riumoiPR juruiaueu. A. B. SMITH OREGON. 3E2IltS3c3 T S. BURROUGHS BURROUGHS, get a Saddle horse, Livery JDray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, crooa wen rouea ivianure. Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders, Sell and deliver wood, buy, coal and lumber. Of fice Slate St.. opposite 8a- LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully eeeapeand4 day or bt. 8trt meats. RACKET FOR BARGAINS. 333 ComM St., Cottle AND the Factory. 120 INER S 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES,- Crcamcry and Dairy Sup plies, Steel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS . BSf Tbe best on earth. Give us a call. 10:3-tf. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meah at All Hoars oi the Day None but white labor employed In this establishment. A good substantial meal o xiked In first class style Twenty-five cents per meal RBD KRO N T Oonrt strcat, between Opera .House and Mlnto'H Livery Residence 382 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Kalsomluer and Pa per Hanger. Leave orders at A. B. liuren & Son's Fur niture store or Broat & Glle, Grocers. HOW TO GROW FRUIT In Oregon. . Willi various remedies for pests and diseases amoDK iruinree s irora actual lesis W.B. KLK.l.NB, Horticulturist, Dallas, Oregon. 15 race book. Price. 25 cents rjer oodv. Every fruit grower sbould bend for a copy. Aaarcs W. 8. KLKINH. Horticulturist. MMw-dw Box SOS. Dallas. Oregon. NOTICE. I wish to'say to my customers In the lumber trade thai I have resigned my po sition In the Inman.TouUen A, Co, lumber ?ard here, but still aslt the patronage oi be contractors, and X will try to mace It toereryonea Interest to call on me and fet my prices belore purchasing elsewhere, guarantee, as good lumber as is In Oregon and will aa ever treat you white. a. n. HATiiiswB. FOR SALBI CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND FRUIT GARDENS, Within one-halt mile of two electric street car linen and talr grounds station and post office. Only two and one-quarter mllei from the center of Balera. Healthy, beau tiful location. Boil extra good, well drained and rich. Price low and terms easy. 8-io-tr u.w. cuttle. For Sale. Hlxty-are tract near the city. AlloJeared. Will produce anything thai grow Iu Ore gon. Also a gooa y mora uou, ana oarn. Pure well water, 2 choice lots. A bargain. Also desirable lot and block in neat ant Home Addition on easy terms. Other fine City Property. Knqulre at Win E Burke's o0ee. over Barr Petzel'a, Bast aide Oommere&i Bt Salem, Oregon. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, euta of WUbasasrtt Helsl, BA-bSBtsT ... OKMkOM Money T toau on CbaHri Merl . Meaty l4;aiay. tJSmaTSwkMmi. Block. State Street. Proposals for Stationery. Office of the Secretary of State. Halkm. Oregon, sept. 3, 1892. Sealed proposals will be received at this nfflna tinfll nnnn. NnVflnthVH- S. 1RD2. tO fUf- nlsh the following artlcTcs'for tho State of Oregon. 10 reams legal cap, 14tb,No.7 rullng.whlte laid, cream, charter oak, or scotch linen. 20 reams Ant-dags' congress note, 71b pkes., No. 7 ruling, white laid. 18,000 No. 6K white envelopes, 001b Ho. 1 rag, XXX. 13 gross railroad steel pens, No. 149. 30 gross union's steel pens. No. 401. 4 gross GUlott's steel pens, No.S03. 3 gross Ksterbrook "J" pens. 10 doz. Peck, Stow fc Wilcox's inkBtands, No. 658. , , A , 4do.Peck,Btow s WUcox'B Inkstands, No. 554. . M 10 doz. Feck, Btow 4 Wilcox's Inkstands, No. 420. 12 doz. Ivory folders, 9 inch 'standard. 4 doz. ivory folders, 10 Inch congress. 4 doz. mucilage cups, No, V, Morgan's patent. . . 10 doz. mucilage stands, reservoir, No. 8, Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, 1401bs assorted colors. 2 grost. No. 2 Eagle Kecorder lead penotls, style (WO. 1 doz. Baniord's premium fluid, squirts. IV, doz. Htarfordrs wrltlug fluid quarts. iu uoi. L'umuiDU Biuu uita, no, ii. iizia Inches, bo pages, as doz. DuDlex 15 doz. Duplex cupboard letter clips. 10 doz. Faber'fl rnbber rulers. 14-lneh flat 16 doz. steel erasers. Itozer's No. 18. 149. bone. 3 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 13, 149, ebony. 30 boxes Fabers No, SO0 rubber bands, assorted sizes. 5 gross Faber's led pencils, No. 2, hex agon gilt. 13 gross Faber's lead pencils, No. i, round 16 doz. Faber's patent ink and pencil rub ber erasers, mammoth. SOUOMcG Ill's patent paper fasteners, No. 2, flat head. 000 McQlll's patent paper fasteners, No. 4, flat head. 15 doz. table pads to hold paper, 19x34 Inches, strong leather tips. 12 doz. waste paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. 20 pounds hemp twine, No. 12 4 doz. Baniord's mucilage quarts. At the name time separate bids will be received for 15 dozen fine penknives to be described by trade numbers, camples to be exuiuueu. Bids should do marked "Proposals for Batationery." None but the best quality ot goods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. All the above articles to be deliv ered at Balem on or before December 24, 1892. UKO. W. McUItlDB, 9-3-2m Secretary of suet- WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,006 Transaot a general banking business) in all its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wjc.EN GLAND. -Vice Preslden I'ttnhlnr. HUGUMONAHY- DIRKGTOI18: Geo. Wllllams.Wra. Ens land.Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. W. Ilodson, J. A Baker. Bank in new Exchange block on Com mercial street. 8:l-tl W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber. CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave ordors at Thomas A Johnson's 280 Commercial street. M. T. RINEMAN VXXIXM I1C Staple and Fancy teries, Crocxery.-.Glsjuware, Lamp. Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also vegetablntaadfrulU lu their season, "Highest Price paid for country produce." Wesollci ashore of your patronage, Vt) ttHUAtrl Only One. Chance for a colony. 1W0 acres of best bottom land, onthalf la cultivation, has small streams and lakes, baa 17000 crop on now, buildings, etc. Is Ave miles from Balem, Oregon, One-third cosh, and bal ance lu five yearly payments with 4 per cent, interest at WO per acre. 8tf JOtlN U. PAYNE, AgU MONEY TO LOAN. Bpeelal Inducements for the next 80 days on good farm loons. FEAR it HAMILTON. Haom 14, Busb itaBk Meek. 61Mw AtHboriMd Ul 1600,000, CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK IsWIssVBS sntstssVsBOa. lssisssis TsyvisM w. a- arnHX.-rrmTrv. w. martin, VUePrej. j, M. AlXWT, OnSlir. eHat,0Mtysl OfWtnull bought -pAMTURK WAMTMO-r a.eow, far MM wl JL-J 1 J PR0EBS3I0NAL AND BUSINESS ADS ' K. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, , Murphy Block. c I a. HuuKur, Arcnitcci, room vn. Mar '. quam building, Portland, Orcgoni HJ. BK3UKR. Attorney at law, Salem, , Orcfou. OffloeoverLadd & Hush's sank. ( 2t-lf JJ.BHAW, M. W. HUNT. BHAW & , HUNT, attorneys at law. Office over Capital National bank, Balem, Oregon. SirtK IOH 1 T. RICHARDSON, Attorney at law, ). oltlce up stairs in front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Balem, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at laW. t) Rooms 8 and 4, Ladd A Bush's bank building, Balem, Oregen. 8 1 lyr B. F. BONHAM. W. H. HOLMES. Boniiam & Holmes. Attorneys at law. Office in Bush's block, between State and Court, on Cora'l BU rntLilON KOKD. attomoy at law. Balem, .L Oregon. Office uptalrs in Patton's block. ME. l'OGUK, Stenographer and Type , wrlllst. Over Ladd, A Bush's bank, in, Oregon. J) H.BRAD3HAW, PHYSICIAN AND j. Surgeon, Balem, Oregon. OCoe in ush-Breymtiu block, upstairs. Residence corner BtateandB. E comer Winter Btrcet. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Office formerly , occupied by Dr. llowland, corner Court and Liberty streota. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 a. in. to 12; 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 18th street on electric car line. Telephone No. 9. SR. W. 8. MOAT, physician and sur geon. Office In Kldrldge Block, Ha i, Oregon. Offi co hours 10 to 12 a, m. 2 to 4 p. in. B, MINTA H. A. DAVIU. Office hours, 9 a. m. to II a. m.: 2 n. m. to fi d. ni. Da av or nleht calls tiromntlv attended to. Bpeclal attention gtveu to diseases of wom en and children. Offlco in New Bank Blk., 30S Oommerelal streot. Residence same. MR8. B. a BROOKS, Practical nurse. Many yean of experience. Resi dence in Yew Park, one block west of car line, on Hlmes' street. t lB-lm rR. T. O. SMITH, Don tut, W State street, 1 Balem, Or. Finished deutal opera tions of every description. Painless opera tions a specialty. WD.PUGH, Archlteot, Plans, Spec! . flcatlons nnd superintendence lor all classes of buildings, Offlco 290 Com mercial St., up stairs, W.TOWNHEND. Civil Engineer and , Hurveyor. Office with Oregon, Land j Balom, Oregon. PJ. LARUEN & 00 Manulhcture or all , klnojtof vehicles, ttepalrlng a special ty, Bhop 15 8tat street. TROTEOTION LO DOE NO.2, A. O, U. W. I Meets in their ball In Btate insurance EuUdiug, every Wednesday evening. B. A. McKADDEN, M. W. J, A. BELWOOD, Recorder. IMPROVED OUDElt OK RED MEN, 1 Kamlakun Tribe No. 8, Balem. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7:30. Wigwam lu btate Insurance hall. K. C. BAKER, Prophet. KRANK O. WATERB, Chief of Hecords EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The ploce'Jfor young ladles and' gentle men to secure a thorough education Is the o'.d, but ever now. WILLMffifTE DIVERSITY. Long and still the leading institution of the North West. Better than ever I New course of instruction In Oratory, Theology and Post-Graduated. HTUDIEB. Normal, Business, Academy, College, and Law courses greatly enlarged and Improved. Faculties Increased and Improved. For Catalogue of College of Law write Dean B T. Richardson, Esq.. Balem, Or. For Catalogue or College of Medical and Pharmacy write Dean Richmond Kelly.M. D., Portland. Or. For general Catalogue wrtto Rev. Geo. Whltaker, D. D., President, Balem, Or. 7-25-3m-dw of WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. The course most complete and the high est grade of any music school in the Northwest. Best and newest methoda of teaching. Enlarged facilities and now plan for Instruction of beginners for the coming school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course. Next term begins September 6, 18DA -. M. PAR VIN, Send for catalogue. llusla Director, 7-!tu-d2ra-wlm FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will bo ODenod to students Bent. 13. 1802. Oilers the most practical courses of study ot any school In the State, viz: Mechanical engineering, civil engineering, Kiectricai Euulneerlnir. Academic and Grammar school courses Students practice dally In wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition and llosrd per Year, JIBO. Special inducements to a few young men who wish 10 worn jor ineir noara ana tui tion during vacations. For prospectus and further Information, address EDWIN MORltlBON.M.N.. Presdent, Balem, Or, Miss Balloti's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Beptemuer 19th, at Kin dergarten Halt, opposite opera bouse. Children received at three vears of age and over. A connecting class will bo es tablished lor advanced Kindergarten pu Slls and those beginning primary work, nly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's system ol drawing and color work Introduced. JAPANESE CURB Anew and Complete Treatment, consist lneof sun cos 1 tones, ointment in camules. also a bos and pills; a positive cure for ex ternal, miernai, uuuuor uieeaing. hcijibx, chronic, recent or hereditary riles, and many other diseases and female weak nesses; It Is always a great benefit to the general health. The first discovery ot a medioal cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary herealter. This remedy has never been known to fall, tl per box. 0 for M; sent by tnall. Why suffer from this trrlW disease when a writ tea fuamntea is gives wllb t boxes, to refund bs mosey II aot eared. Bend stamp tor tree sample. Uiuhbim bssed by woopajid, Clauxb Oo wbelesale ana retail drug gtstsi, set atU. Portland. Or, Brooks A Lag wwlt far kWeui, Iss skate ttnrav J. H. HAAS, TUB WATCHHAUB, . (Nt oor to KMst't.) Conservatory THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. PUBLISHED DAILY.KXOEPTBUNDAY j BT TUB Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Offlco, Commercial Btreet, In P. O. Building (Ottered at the postofnee at Balem, Or., as se0Dc-rl matter. ... THE TRUX11 ON TUB TARIFF. In order to understand' tho Demo cratic tarlfTplank It Is only necessary to keen In mind tbe provisions of tbo plank which was originally re ported to tho convention by the committee on resolutions. This re port was adopted by tbe committee and read before tho convention, but rejected under tho leadership of the cheap labor advocates of the South. Here is tho origlual plank: Wo reiterate the oft-repeated doc trines of tho Democratic party that the necessity of the government is tbe only justification for taxation, and whenever a tax is unnecessary It is unjustifiable; that when custom bouse taxation Is levied upon articles of any kind produced in this coun try, the difference between the cost of labor hero and abroad when such a difference exists, fully measures any possible benefits to labor, and tbe enormous additional imposition of the existing tariff falls with crush ing force upon our farmers and work lngmen, and for the mero advanta ges of tho few, whom it enrlonei, exact from labor a grossly udJubI ehnro of tbo expenses of tbe govern ment, and we demand Buch a rvla lon of tho tarlfTlaws as will remove their iniquitous Inequalities, remove their oppressions, and put ihem on a constutitioual and equitable basis. But in making reduction in taxes it Is not proposed to Injure any domes tic industries, but rather to promote their healthy growth. From tbe foundation of this Government taxes collected at tbe Custom House havo been tbo chief source of Federal reve nue. Buch tbey must coutinuo to bo. Moreover, mauy industries have ontno to rely upon legislation for successful continuance, so that any change of law must bo ut every step regardful of tho labor and capi tal thus involved. Tho process of reform must be subject in tho execu tion to this plain dictate of justice. This was rejected with scorn, and under the leadership of Honry Vat terson, by a vote of 5Q4 to 842, tho 'following was'substltuted: Wo denounce the Republican pro tection as a fraud, a robbery of tbe great majority of the American peo ple for tbe benefit of the few. We declare it to. be a fundamental prin ciple of tho Democratic party that the Federal government has no cou stutional power to Impose and col lect tariff duties, except for tho pur pose of revenue only, and we de mand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to tho necessi ties of tbe government when honest ly and economically administered. The original plank bad some re gard for wages, but the one which was adopted none whatever. HIIOULU OO TO TUB BOTTOM. There Is to be another hearlug of tho troubles of Rov. O. L. Corwin before tbe trustees. Either Mr. Corwin is a terribly slandered and persecuted man or his days of usefulness in tbo pulpit of tho First Cougregatlonal churoh are ended. He bos done a grand worl; for tbo church here and that will always stand to his credit. Tbo trustees should not allow tbe persecutors of Mr. Corwin to kcop up their work unless tbey have facts aud truth to present. If they have, tbey should be given a chance to present them fully. If they have not, Mr. Corwin should bo vindicat ed and the peace of this prosperous society and tho wholo city bo again established. Thk Journal looks at tho matter from the publlo and the people's standpoint that of an outside party. But matters cannot rest where they are. TUB UN1VKU.WTV. A few weeks ago a committee was appointed to assist In raising tweuty thousand dollars for a new building for the needs of tbo Willamette uni versity. No doubt such a building would l desirable ou the part of tho city and university aa well. The committee has not dono much towards tbe completion of thu task assigned them, Twenty thousand dollars Is a big sum to raise In a presidential election year. This should have beeu considered before they were appointed. No such large undertaking should be started In a publio way unless It is otrrld through to MieeesH. A; failure hurts tbe GiMe, tbe good name of tbe city, the Bewapafww that advoeale It.and doea not help anyone. ThbJouknal would like, to bm any ' educational eNterprhe re4ve b4f to good werk, but dee set be lieve eBterprleea begua ih Hot car ried Ml kelp asy. jj J a ma sii, Tbe balf pege sMlYMMtteat of Mm Oregew Lad Co. la tfeie. parser Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Crov't Report RoYal SH Mt SffffT' xsm& ABSOLUTELY PURE should Interest a large number of ourcltizenB. That Co. offers one of tho largest lists and greatest variety of lands over sold and it Is to be sold at auction without reservation. These lands are divided up bo that they will come within the reach of men of moderate means, 5, 10 and 20 acre lots, enough for a home, and with good work enough land to support a family, economical and aud inclined to be industrious. The terms are very easy and will enable mauy a man to become a land owner, who would neyer other wise own a foot of soil or any sort of home. The sooner more of our working people get a small tract of land and become producers tbe. bettor will It be for them andfor the development of the state. Iload the ad, caro fully. NORTHWEST NEWS. Tbo saw mill at Mills City, Is cut ting about 25,000 foet of lumber per day. Quito a number of men have coirto up from Portland to Iloseburg, to work on tbo Coos Bay railroad. Men digging a woll on tho North Umpqua strusK a yellow dirt, and In washing it succeeded in getting (2 In gold to tbo pau. Tobacco with leayes tblrty-thrco luches long aud seventeen wide bos been grown this year In Grant coun ty along tho John Day river. Frantz Bros. In Kings Valley, Benten county, havo mado an as signment. Liabilities, $18,000; as- sots, $30,000. Hon. A. Bush of Balem, contri buted 160 to the Western Demo cratic Campaign Fund, which Is acknowledged in tho New York World. LETTER LIST. Following are tho letters remain ing uncalled for In tho postofflce, at Salem, Oct. .12, 1802. Persons call ing for samo please say "advertis ed." Bowden Mable Borohens Jas, Banker Mrs M A Buvell Win BecketJ W Baker ChnB Curry A O Colo Jos Carson J C Cbarman Thos Eaton Wm Goohol F A Hogan Jas F Hoi comb Henry Huiuurt H F Hearn Edw HIlKers Win Joues M L Johnson&MorcomJohnson Frank o xrvin Arcu jonson a u Garvls LooiuIb Geo Laman Miss B 2 Langhnnk Joo Cabadle A O Law Thos Myres G L Myrea Mrs L A Meyer Fraut Messing J A McUttiiiBlcr jy u MuDewy E B Man Heury Powers Jas M PenrosoLow Polvost Maggie Paco O H Parr Howev Robertson J IX Itocard A ftccd Emma Hmlth Dr Leon Banders W E Woods Mrs C F West L E A. N. GlLUEHT, P. M. SALGM MARKKTH. Wheat 03o per bushel. Oats 3388o per bushel. Potatoes 00o per bushel. Flour-$4.00 por bbl. B rap (Backed) f 20,00 por ton Shorts (Sacked) $18,00 per ton. Eggs 25o per dozon. Chickens Boosters. 7 ner lb.: lions fin nnr Hi . lirnllnra nml fryers, 10a per lb. juoks ao per iu, Geese 10o per lb. Lard 12JlCoperlb. Butter 2030o per pound. Beef 712Jo dressed, Vcal-10 to 12Jo, dressed. Pork 712Jo dressed .. Wool 1620o per lb. Hops- -1022 I.. A Little Girl's Experience In Llgkthoaee. Mr. and Mrs, Lorun Treecott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Baud Beach, Mluh, and are blessed with a daughter, four years old, Last April she was taken down with measles, followed with a dreadful cough And turning Into a feyer. Doctors at home and at De troit treated her, she grew worse rapidly. Then she tried Vr, King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottkw.was complete ly cured. Tbey my Dr. Klng'e New Discovery ie worth lu weight in gold, yet you way get a trial bottle (t69 at Dan'l. J. Fry's drugstore, 235 Com'l. Mt. ' Minister, Lay-yew, Teaatian.Mut oibsn Whom ossunaUoa vivas but HtUa xmmalm WwWu-eUrtw-sLtMle Liver HlU Utt torpM Hver and Mllkw sesss. 0 is) a o. Try tttesa, Drsiuinnt of lbs liver, witk wiasrt. vaUea, Injur! Um sniaalaMiasL, isvsWe Why4o,tyolorCrUr,s UUto 14r Hllsf Thajr ara uoslilve eyfwTur stek I" eTit T'"T W m " ' ZXSSSSSSSm J" 'M . Powder LHMU1JM The Grand Oolumkus Celebration. New York, Oct. 12. SpeoiaJ. Cannonades 'have ushered in the tho great day. The chimes of Tren lty and Grace, tbe belli of every church from the Battery to Harlem havo rung out the great tidings that on an October 12th, four hun dred years ago the No w. World wae discovered. At Forte Wads worth, at Fort Hamilton, at Riverside Park from the great guns at West, 'Point to tbo rifle pits on Bandy Hook there have belched forth great vol umes of sounds. Flags flew to the topnfasts of every ship, of tbe public ' buildings, at every point 'when the military has encamped. The city is now fairly massed with' strangen and the prices that are being" aeked , and paid for available' windows are almost beyond belief. Fifth' Ave nue windows are in some instance commanding $600 for the day and night parades. The mill tnry par ade is already forming arid Major General O. O. Howard will lead with his regulars. These comprise Engeneer corps 'frdtn Wlllett! Point and West Polufy ;6orpajbf Cadets, available companies of in struction command from David's.. ,, Island Recrutlng department; the First aud Second brigades of New, York militia, regular United States'' troops from the Atlantic coast and Lake stations, "cavalry from YL ' Myer, near Washington;' the garri son from Ft Mo Henry, Baltimore; tho garrison from Ft. Warren, Boston; the engineer batalllon, 2C3, West-Point Cadets; troop-jln New ; York harbor about one thousand from Ft. Hamil in, Ft. Wadaworth and Ft. v Columbus; 1,000' 'marines from tbe war ships MlautonoBaoab, Philadelphia .Vesuvius, Atlanta and Dolphin'; the Provisional brigade ot New 'Jersey militia, about two thou sand strong; Gov. Abbett and ttaff, escorted by the Essex troopjlmount ed: Pennsylvania mlllUaarid'Gov, Patterson atid etaflf, escorted by the Philadelphia City troop:" Connecti cut brigade, 2,000 ''strong; Rhode Is- land militia, 1,6000 strong; the Are department, New York; composed of seventy companies, 'under Chief Bonner; visiting fireman ' from , Brooklyn' and other placeej'tbe vok onteera Exempt Vterans; ' Grand "' Army posts of Now York and Brook-, lyu, 7,000 strong; Italian, Spanish, Sweedlah, Gorman, Polish, Bohe mian, French, Irish, Danish, and other uniformed foreign societies. General MoMabon will, be In com mand, with Lleuts, R. H. Patterson; and David Price and. aids mounted. The lines are forming - along Bowk. , lug Green where once stood the statue of King George, along Stab and Whitehall streets and en all streets south of tho City Hall.., The' great free stand at City .Hall baa" been jammed since the dawn of day with a vast'mase of humanity, and all along the route, which Is the same for afternoon and evening : parades, tbe surging crowd Is watt ing the coming of the malltia, All along Broadway to.Fourtli "" streot, West and W&ahlugton square, to Fifth ave, and past the great reviewing stand where the national authorities await to review, there is a black mass of humanity visible. Early this afternoon the Columbus monument at Fifty-ninth street, and Eighth ave., will be un- ' veiled, aud tonight, through, brilliantly Illuminated street the'1 great civic pageant will take plaee. The order of parade Is Platoon of Pollcc-Bloyollng clubs carrying lanterns.Mounted Cavalier announc ing the triumph of Amerloa.Twelve Mounted Heraids,Cappa'sr Seventh Regiment Band,Grand Marshal OoL John J. Garnett arid staff-Fit. The Car of Fame Groups of rIn dlans showing costumes of different . tribes-Float, "Car of Prehistoric ' American" Group of Tolteos Float, "Homa'get to Columbus" Group representing members of the Court of Ferdinand and Isabelbv- TOInat lirirmina nTVii!ol uaJ'Bml. .v., .r u. ,vh " MI- JJ tan coionwts..ueorge WblntlOf) and his staff-.The G. A. R.-Nval . uauats x loat. "rue i'res"..Fiqar k: "Poetry and Rowoee"-Jrlo "Musie'L.Fioat "The. Car a Seieooe"., Fleet "ctapfemaey otht Amerioan Wcma'..ColuBublsr CarofBtate..Tbe Car of, Kkwtm- Tbe Red Men.. Many v groups wlUfcltow, " Matieaml . Oeagyefatieaal Ommf MlMNK-VtHMJa, OeClx I Tke eighth MtUotsStl aoMMfl of I OftWgfegathHiai sjIhsmIns e umimh eiwiw wmm m rtwmomm.m Ohucoh la thw eity twtlay. bedy, whioh masts jst in yepresettts a eolsssstosi ssT i laast CoogregahonaHsm, a gr ' ajurhodyesMi retreseot a or idapnde4 4