Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 08, 1892, Image 2

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Bvalhru Pacific. This time the
ntUNUpltow made uunrAVolf Creek,
Vbre rooks Were ItihUu ))tlcfloti
ttMkaek. Tbe, obstructlous were
dteeovered and removed in tlnio lo
prevent any.accldent.
i m !. i i i i
Bard Times in England.
(Ij6ni)0K, Oct. 8.Iti iron and
steel trades id the' north of Eugluiid
tifere is a fall of 2i 4d per ton In the
price of bar and plates, and tbo
growing scarcity of orders baa com
pelleH a reduction of wages of 12)
per cent.
Mineral oil companies have given
their workmen a notice of a reduc
tion of 10 iier cent. In the cotton
trade federation the muster spinners
have decided on u fi per cent.- reduc
tion the first of November. Opera
tives make a counter proposal for
short time and challenge the mus
ters to a strike which involves 15,
000,000 spindles.
.Regarding tho agricultural posi
tion, farm laborers In tbo midland
countries will Illustrate the situa
tion in all the countries. Farmers
there have reduced wagen six pence
per day. The men are now getting
twelve shillings weekly. Muuy
furuiera have laid of! their laborer
for the winter. Tho low prices of
wheat, reducing cultivators to beg
gary and the agricultural deprts.
sioiis are likely to create a greater
public clamor, as the various Inter
ests of landlords, farmers, andy la
borers each have power to sound Un
political trumpet. Tho farmers pro
ject a national agricultural confer
ence, at which reduced rents and
the creation of a land court for Ax
ing rents will bo advocated.
U'lie ship building trade Is the
worst eilected. Next comes cotton,
iron and steel industries. No signs
of improvement In tho ship build
ing trade are likely to be seen in the
near future. It seems possible that
not less than tweuty-flvo per cent,
of the workmen -will soon be idle.
On tho CJyde the wages of engineers
aud Iron founders audali;shlp build
ers will bo reduced ten'per cent, on
Monday. Among Welsh tin-plate
makers 5000 men aro idlo and work
generally proceeds on day contracts
, Supposed Oases of Cholera.
Tona WANDA, N.Y., Oct. 8. Two
new cases of cholera are reported in
tho house at Iron ton where tho
Kalmas, father and son died, uni'.
the excitement hero is intense. In
a Httl6four-room house there live
nine pcoplo who came to this coun
try three months ago, and were em
ployed at the iron works liere,
Frank Kalmas died uino bourn after
he was attacked, and his son died of
samodlsoaso after au illness even
shorter. This morning lb is report
ed Kalmas' wife and au Austrian
named FuIIbcu are down, with the
disease, but In a milder form. Tho
health authorities are, greatly dis
turbed and have asked for instruc
tions from the stato board of health.
The house Is quarantined, and tho
bedding and furniture iu tho rooms
occupied by tho Kahuna burned. A
lot of mall from Europe was found
in tho hoUBO and it wasulso destroy
ed. Dr. Jayufj said today that tho
disease had. every appearancoof
gonulno cholera. Tho people in tho
house, ho said, had been eating
tainted moats and rotten vegetables,
Tho surroundlugs aro generally of
au uncleanly character.
Columbus Landing Celebration.
NKWYouic,.Oot. 8,Week of col
ebratlon in honor of tho -100th anni
versary of tho discovery of America
by Columbus, begins hero today
Serylcos today aud tomorrow; re
ligious exercises hold iu commemor
ation of the event In all Jewish
oliurolta Tomorrow Christaln
churches will coinnioiuoruto tho
eyont. Tuesday there will he naval
parade with warshlpa from nil great
naval powers. In tho oveujug there
will bo stupendous display of 11 re
works from Urooklyu bridge. "Wed
nesday anniversary day will bo In
augurated with booinluir of cannon,
followed by a military aud oivlo pa
rade, In whlolt It Is expected 100-,
000 porsous will take part. Tho
Columbus monument will then bo
dedicated. In tho evenlug there
will bo a gorgoons pageant.
Advance In Paper.
Chkiacio, Oct. 8.Acoordlug to
the local manufacturers, tho stock of
paper Is running short, and prices
havo advanced 10 per cont, and the
end Is not yet. Till!) Is duo to stop,
pairo of supply of rags from abroad,
and Increased demand caused by
campaign. Another reason Is found
In the fact that blenching powder
has risen greatly, owing to tho dis
infectant qualities.
Charged. With Malfeasance.
' Washington, D. C.( Oct, 8.-Cal
vln Chase, a well Known negro
politician, who twice successfully
mttliMted lurry Carbon's title to
.Wat la lU'publloan national cotivcu
w tlon, bwu oharged with uialfesanoe
iHorWoe, as food Inspector. It is
aUwMtl tlwit ha demanded aud m
tvwd oompeuMtlou for securing
fhm for kU eoutitryiiittH.
Frtr-La la Man.
VAU'AKAjw, Oot 7. Prof, Pick
Hug, of th Harvard brunch oWr
Vfttary at Awjuljm, wy that Iwhatt
knmaA forty juwall lahw In Maw.
lb aio otwtlriM Vrofmm llaidi'
ptmeimKUm w Umi liwlu mi4 moth
mgi kUHjuIm nf Ikiit '"
The Train Wreckers CaM.it !
Rewards Paid for Dead Bullous
Two Men Caught at Cottage Grove
in Lane County.
Cottage GnovE,Or.Oct. 8. Spe
cial. 6. F. Catncart, agent of the
Southern Pacific railroad company.
at Drain, with others, arrested two
men, named Wright and McCord
last night at the divide, who tbey
charge with attempting to wreck
tho California express at this place
on September 20. They have had
no hearing yet.
Money for the Capture.
Han Fkancibco, Oct. 8. Wells,
Karo & Co., today wired to the
olilcials at Coileyyllle, to the ofltct
that as soon as the identity of the
dead Dal tons was established, re
gards amounting to $6000 would be
forwarded. These rewards are made
up Jointly by the Houthern Pacific
uud, Wells, Fargo. They were of
fered after tho Allla robbery, Febru
ary 0, 1801, and the subsequent es
cape of Grat Dalton from the Visa
lia jail. For Bob and Emmet Dal
ion, ?J00 apiece was offered, aud
$.1000 was the price for GratDalton's
Very Appropriate Distribution.
an Fkancibco, Oct. 8. The to
tal reward of twenty-seven thousand
dollars on tho head of Dalton will be
divided among the widows and rela
tives of the cltlzous who were allied
at Coiley ville, Kansas.
Qtmoral Weaver in Tennessee.
Pulaski, Tenn., Oct. 8. General
Weaver and Mrs. Lease arrived this
morning, and were met at the depot
by 200 farmers, mostly In wagons
aud on horseback, who escorted
them into town, People hero suy if
Weaver attempts to deny the truth
of tho afiidavlts denouncing his ac
tions here during tho war, there
will be trouble. If he omits all re
ference to his conduct whllo here,
he will not be molosted. He speaks
this afternoon. Tho Democrats
have 35 deputies who -will attend
the meeting for the purpose of pre
serving order.
Weaver spoke this afternoon to a
large crowd on the public square,
the address lasting SO minutes.
Summing up answers to charges
made against him, General Weaver
said: "As God Is my judge, I never
did In Pulaski one single thing that
is charged except loyoylng money,
and I pronounce tho charges
aa unqualified falsehoods. War
is ovor. I came hero on n mis
sion of fraternity. They said I
daro not come, I know I dared
come, aud I would havo como had
tho threats been a thousand times
stronger." The speaker was wildly
cheered, Mrs. Lease then spoke.
L. Q. OarpenterDiBcharged.
Ban FitANCistJO, Calif., Oct. 8.
Tho caBoof L. G. Carpenter, a
nowspapor reportor, ou habeas cor
pus was doolded by Judge Uebbard
today. Ho discharged tho prisoner.
Carpenter was thou arrestad on re
quisition from Astoria, Oregon, ou
a chargo having incited a person
to loavo that stato against his will.
It is assorted by Carpenter that
his arrest is tho result of splto
work. Judgo Hebbard discharged
Carponter because tho warrant Is
sued by tho governor was defect
ive In that it did not sot forth a
sworn statement In regard to tho
alleged ofl'once for whioh Carponter
was. wanted In Oregou.
Decision in an Election Case.
Poutland, Oct, 8. Judgo Bhat
tuck today rendered a decision Iu
tho Hughos-Holman contested eleo
tlou cmo. He tluds that Joseph
Hughes, candidate ou the Citizens'
ticket for coroner at the Juno elec
tion, Is entitled to tho olllco. The
olllclal count declared Hohuau
elected. Hughes demanded a re
oouut which resulted iu a majority
of about ono hundred for Hughes
being found. A certtllcato ofoleo
tlou, ponding u recount, was issued
toHolmau who hasslurodlscharged
the functions of tho otllco. Hohuau
based Ills claim to the otllco ou the
grouud that tho vote waa tampered
with between the olllclal count and
recount, aud also that defective bal
lots were couuted for Hughe.
Judge Suattuok decida that no
fraud waa committed) aud that d
feetlve ballot iu whioh no error was
matte with rvgaril to the olnae of
uurouer, should be collated, ItW
uu4rUxHl that Holwau will appeal
lf ka UlUttt tiAfia
Opposed to Sanitary Measures.
BudaPhbth, Oct. 8. Ignorant
classes still resist tbeeilortsof tho
authorities to enforce sanitary meas
ures for tho extirpation of cholera.
Today, sanitary officers engaged dis
infection were set upon, first by
women with boiling water,aud then
by men and boys with stones. They
were il ersed by police. "
Bicycle Eecord Bfoken.
Sphinovikld, Mass., Oct., 8.
Wlndle today beat the mile bicycle
record, standing Btart, coyerlng the
distance 2:00 3-6.
Will Not Fuse.
HtJRONB, 8. D. Oct. 8. The Dem
ocrat's state committee today formal
ly decided not to fuse with the Peo
ple's party.
The Earth Shakes in Dakota.
Hot BriUNGB, S. D., Oct. 7. A
shock of earthquake was felt here
last evening, lasting but a second.
No serious damage was done.
Portland, Oct. 8. Wheat
vralley, 4.1.22J. Walla Walla, J1.17J
San Fkancibco Cal., Oct. 8.
vVheat, Dec. $1.37f .
Chicago Ills., Oct.8 Wheit
Lecture on Fools. Admit One.
A gentleman who lectured on
fools, printed bis tickets as above.
Suggestive, certainly, and even sar
castic. What fools are they who
-tufi'er the Inroads of disease when
ttiey might be cured. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery is sold
under a guarantee of its beufiting or
curing In every case of liver, blood
and lung disease, or money paid for
It will bo cheerfully refunded. In
all blood taints and impurties of
whatever name or nature, it is most
positive in its curative eilects. Pim
ples, blotches,eruptioiis, all skin aud
scalp diseases, are radically cured
by this wonderful medicine. Bcofu
lous disease may eflect the glands,
causing swellings or tumors;
the bones, causing "Fever
sores," "White Swellings,"
"Hip-joint Disease"; or the
tissue-) of the lungs,causlng Pulmon
ary Consumption. Whateyer its
manifestations may be, "Golden
Medical Discovery" cures it.
Saved His ChiUd's Life.
A. N. Dllferbough, York, Neb.,
says: "The other day I came home
and found my little boy down with
cholera morbus, my wife scared, not
Knowing what to do. I went
straightway and got n 25 cent bottle
of Chamberlaiu'B colic, cholera aud
diarrhoea remedy, and gave it ac
cording to directions. You never
saw suohja change in a child. His
limbs and hody were cold. I rub
bed his limbs and body 'with my
hands, and after I had idveu'.hlm
the second dose he went to sleep, as
my wife says, "from a death bed ho
was up playing In three hours." It
saved me a doctor bill of about three
dollars, aud what Is better, It saved
ray child., I can recommend" it
with a clear conscience." For sale
by Baskett & VauSlype.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy Is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing tho same pong
of praise. A purer medicine docs
uot exist nnd It is guaranteed to do
all that 1b claimed. Electrlo Bitters
will cure all diseases of the liver and
klduoys, Mill remove pimples, bolls,
salt rheum aud other atlectlous
caused by impure blood.- Will drlyn
malaria from tho system aim pre-
vont as well as euro all malarial
fevers. For euro of headache, con
stipation ami indlgestiou try Elec
tric Bitters Entire satlnfuctlon
guaranteed, or money refunded.
Price 60o. and $ 1.00 per bottle at
Dan'l, J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Com'!.
It Should Be in Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
bury, Pa., Bays he will uot bo with
out Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that it cured his wife who was threat
ened with Pneumonia after au at
tack of "La Grippe," when various
other remedies and several physi
cians had done her no good, llobert
Barber of Cooksport, Pa,,clalms Dr.
King's New Discovery has done him
more good thau anything ho over
used for Luug Troubles. Nothing
like it. Try It. Freo trial bottles at
Dan'l. J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Coiu'l.
St. Large bottles, 60o, $1.00.
Saved a Woman's Lift,
Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writlug
from Georgetown, Delaware, says:
"Two teaspooufuls of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilcme
dy saved tho life of Mrs. Jane
Thomas, of this place," Ho also
state that several other very bad
casea of bowel complaint there havo
beeu cured by this remedy. For sale
by Baskett & Vau Slype Druggists.
D. P. WUHams, Boston,
M, O, Maple, G. U, Powell B .P.
Chaa. Llnsey, Seattle,
K. Doaavou, AY, J. Hammer, C.
V. Syrew, Portland.
Geo, H. Wbeeler, Boston,
Wta. K. Burke, Palem.
K, A. WeloK Hoauoke, Va.
J, It, StevetiK, New York.
i '
NetWu like .SiHiimwn Liver Keg-
utotorfwreVyepepeUaua Itrai
Baby cried,
Doctor prescribed :' Castorla
HoocTs SarsapariHr.
h c r-'i.:ly lrciorcd from 8arsap3rllu-!,
j..iii:cr.o.:, M-mlrakc, Dock, rJiiS!..8cra,
Imill-tr HcrrlM, and oilier wcll-kiitiun ami
a!ii:it.l vc-gcUMo remedies, by a jicciillar
'iniMnntloii, l roiiortlon, ami process, cU
gto Hood's $.ire.-tparuia curative power
.i-t possessed by other medicines. It
.lects remarkable cures whero others fall,
Koou's Sarsaparilla
Is lite best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula,
jSJt Itlicum, Bolls, rimples, aM Humors,
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, BIck Headache,
Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh,
Rheumatism, Kidney and I.lver com
pl.iintsj overcomes That Tired Feeling,
creates an appetite, builds up the system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has met unparalled success at homo. Such
Is Us popularity In Lowell, Mass., whero It
Is made, that Lowell druggists sell moro of
Hood's Sarsapai Ilia than all other sarsapa
rlllas or blood purifiers. The same success
is extending all over tho country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar In Its strength and economy.
It Is tho only preparation of which can
truly be said " 100 Doses Ono Dollar." A
hottloof Hood's Sarsaparilla taken accord
ing to directions, will last a mouth.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar in the confidence it gains among
all elates of people. "Where it Is once used
It becomes a favorite family remedy. 13o
not bo Induced to buy other preparations.
Ho sure to get tho Peculiar Medicine,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
,Soldliylnigslti, gl;1xforf. lTeparedbj
O-1. 11001) A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa
IOO Doses One Dollnr
"ITTANTED. Situation at anything, by
V T responsiDie young man stranger in
ine cny capiiuie 01 nuing any pmioa
f"-om bookkeeper down Address w. T. B
10 8-ttt In care ot Cai-itai. Journal.
For 5o Cents.
Hchool Children Half Price.
OCTOBER 12th, 20th, andjNOV. 9.
Proceeds will be used for procuring
periodicals and dictionaries for the
Tickets on sale at the Bookstores.
10-8-3 1
111 LIE
A now and Complete Treatment, consist
ing of suppositories, ointment In capsules,
also a box nnd pills; a posltlTO cure for ex.
ternal. internnl. blind or bleeding. Itching,
chronic, recent, or hereditary Piles, and
many other diseases and female weak
nesses; It Is always a great benefit to the
general health. The first discovery of a
medical euro rendeitng an operation with
the Icnlfe unnecessary herentxer. Thl
remedy has never beeu known to fall. $1
per box, 0 for S5; sent by mall, Whysulfer
from this terrible dlvB when a written
guarantee Is ttlven with 6 boxes, to refund
tho money if not cuied Hend stump for free
sample. Uunrt'.uu lwued by Woodakd,
ULAHKKd: uu., wiuiieinieniin rcwiu arug
ulsts. soleneeiitK. Portland. Or. Brooks t
LcggHgents forPulem, lWJHtateptrret, Pat
ton's blook. 5.2-ly-dw
only i'i.W per 100 i-qimro feot. Makes a
good roof for years, uud any ono can put It
Oum-Elasllo Paint posts only fiO cents per
gal, in bbl. lots, or si.u tor 5-gtii, tuns.
Color daik red. Will Htop leahti In tin or
Iron roofs that will 1hH for years. Try It.
bend slump lot ftamplo and full particu
lars. Ohm Ei-astio Hoefing: Co ,
S'J A il West Bmudwuy, New York.
IxKxU Agents Wanted. 0-12-dlm-w3m
Wood Saw.
Everybody gets (Ihnrlen Smith's si com
wood kaw, "Tho Itubtler." Orders at 278
Front street.
Tho E. M. Walto Printing Company has
removed Into tbo new brick, llusli's bank
block, up stairs. dw
2I5X Commercial St., - Stlem, Oregon,
(Next door to Kloln's.)
Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing
CloolcH. WKioluiHiinii .iHwelrv.
White's No. 60,
Now ready for business, direful work n
specialty, J, F. WHITE.
Authorized Capital $500,000.
Bulew. O reborn
W, ATCIWICK. I'rt-s. "W. V, MAItTIN,
VlMlTfrt. J. H.ALUKHT.CaHUler,
Htate, amnty and City WurruuU bought
ut Pur. dw
K. K. HALL,,
Paper Hangerand Decorator.
Oflloe t CUsa. Culvert's MUllouery store,
Halem, Orfon.
LOST. In HuU'iu nr on the road to
my pWief, a red-covtred bill book,
eoutatulnir bills uud account. Kinder
will rot'4o a llberul reward by leaving
sMine at the Jounv.u. oiIIcd,
(WM-lf H.L.aWART2i,
WANTKD. A. BOd Uvtt eatmuwc
ruid for the btt tellltu; irtAry ot
the war y publUhtd. For fUrtMr lafer
Hwttoa taqulie ui Journal, omo.
lUANTKU.-Lodglns aud bOM4 at WW
W (MH-vtii'k. a Lf-od any wivM)
UmtMlHlhcvlly, A
H4 n iuiw, immwi
I. wtotiwr.
latpmv ih ww rrowjiy
J .r f. ft '
Notice of -Assessment fur
XTflTinH IH tfKIIEIIV illVL'V n-lli-n fp'm-
:V .. U,., AMn M.AMJ
i. useHsuulit lunUb bjr uldluui;u Do. ibu. lui
lue paviug, gnuliug, miuiug, uuueriug uu
untuing ri llm. pan or cuuimen.iki trtct be
iwecu tuu north euu ol Uio Undue mrvwi Houtii
Mill rrovk and tli imrtli tau ui cuter slrt-el,
It tual part ui bUla aud Uuurl lri cW Ociwctrii
IUU Wtl Hide of lilull atreet aud thu taut aide
Of J'ront alrttt, all tuat part 01 l-tlcj blreet bo
t eeu tbo west aiilu vt l.iutrlj atiett auu thu
east ldo ul jr lout mreet, all tiiat purt ot Oentir
atreel between tuu Hint fciue '01 Odinuuerclal
elreet and IU vreat side ut i-i-uut blteel In Uio
mauuer liruMUeU or aaluuuluaucOj each of
the lolluwiug Ucainbuu ut and parts of luts
auu iracia ui lauu aa well aa luune iiauie lor a
uruiwrtlunite auaru of thu ouat vt luiuruviu
tut lultracctluiis ut atrvvta 'Included in tuu
ahovo UiUhuariLs, la due ahU payable at tut:
utntuuf utt uty truaaurer, in l-uiled Mlatob
gold aud allvtr culu, aud ulilu- i-hld wnuiu
ultueli days trom the data ul turn hutieu. tue
aaiue will uvcuuio aelluiuut uua buar lutt-r-
et, auu the couunou muucu Will older war-
rauta lor tuu coliectiuu tlierui
Harry tttaplctun; lot .No. B lu blot,k Hu. CO,
oaieiu, ureuoit, jzi.bl,
Thu Oregon Laud Do.; lot tio. 5 lu block No
SI, balciu, Uiegou, tJl.bJ.
3. l.TnoiupaoL; lot No. lu block No. CI,
Salem, Oregon, in. '
V. A. Cuslck; lot No. 1 lu block Ne: SO, Salem,
Oregou, WVU.'i'i.
Thomas Jobuaou; lot No. '1 In block No. 60,
Baleiu. Ureeou. illy. "i I.
K. i'. Parahurat; thu north ii feet oil of lot
to. J, lu Uloux Au. oo, Baleiu, inrgon, J.id.'JU.
U. W. Cotthj; lot No. jmuju aiiiji ut land
11.0U feet wide ou" uf the liurtu aluu ui lot No. i
lu block No. 60, Ualeui, Oregou; exiepi a atrip
of laud 'io leet wide elf of the uorth aide uf lot
No. 3, sold to E. V, l'arkuurat, tlUi.77
Btatu luuuraiico Coniptuy of Salem, Oregon;
beglnului; at the aoutlleast coruer of block No.
60, lu the city of Salem, Oregou ; theuce west
erly aloug the south Hue of said blook 105 feet
to the alley lu bald block; theuie northerly
alonu the alley 71 feet: theucf) eauterlv. parallel
with the aoutu line ui aaid blucu, too leet tu
thu eat Hue or said Ittock, tutuie aloutj the
east Hue ut aald uloc&,,i ttet to tue piaie oi
betilunlni.'. f lia.-Ji.
'Ihu First National Batik uf baleiu, Oregou;
Degluutu at thu sonthurffet currier ut biocK No.
I'J. Saleiu. UrcKen: theuco Huutherly aluuit tue
block lino 4b feet;, tlieuco Maierly paialiel
with the north Huh Of the block Uu leet; thence
northerly parallel with the uabt Hue uf the
blook 46 feet to the north Hue ui aaid block;
theuco easterly uioug the north Hue uf said
Oloclt f.'U leet tu tue place 01 nc-gluulUK, iVJAo.
Mrs. A. A. Wheeler: beRitiiiiUtt at thu north-
west coruer of Jot No. l,m block No. i'J, Saleui,
Oregon; theuco southerly aloug tuu alley lu
gala block 07 ,6b feet; theuce e&bteriy, parallel
With Clieoieketa etreet, 10 J feet; tuence- uottb
erly aloug the eaat Hue uf bluo Nu I'J, li.ib
fett; theuce westerly parallel to thu uuitu line
of aaid block, 1'ili leet; theuce uuitlieriy 15 leet
to the north Hue of the block, tucuee winterly
i'J feet to tho place uf beginning, o7.41.
E. S. Lamport; all that portlou uf laud lu lota
Nu. 1 aud 2 lu block No. t), Salem, Oregou,
deacribtd us follewa: lljugiuuluj at a poluc
'12.M feet south of the boutheubt coiner ot the
building now known au Hie i'lrtt National
JJauk, aud ruuulug aoutherly along the eaat
line of the. block 22.60 leet: theuce westerly.
parallel with the bouth wall of tue bant, uuild-
lug. 106 feet to thu alley lu buld block; theuce
northerly along aa.d alley, 'J-J.6M leet; theuce
easterly 1G6 feet to thu place of begiuulug,
W. N. Ladue and T. Ford; all that portion or
tract 01 lauu in lot no. a, lu Olock No. I'J,
Salem, Oregou, described us follows, to-wit:
HeL'inulug at a polut 16.1(1 leet south of the
southeast coruer ut thu building kuuwn aa the
First National Iiauk, and ruuulug southerly
along the west Hue of Commercial btrcot, -J'2.6o
leet thence westerly parallel to the south wall
u(" the bauk bulluiug- luVJ feet to the alley lu
said block; theuco northerly aloug the alley
22.5U feet; theuce easterly IU feet to the place
uf begluuing, $37.41.
E. S. Lutuport, W. N. Ladue, T. Ford, John
Hughes, A. A. Wheeler uud 11. Jborstuer; that
portion or tract or land, lot no. '2, lu block 4'J,
Balom, Oregou, described as beulnulut! at a
puiut U7.63 leet south ot the southuubt corner of
the butldlug kuowu us tbo First National Dank
uud ruuniug southerly aloug Commercial street
7.7S feet, theuce westerly parallel with the
buutn wall or said bang bulKllug 106 feet to the
alley In said block; thouce northerly 7.78 leet
along tue auey, tueuco easterly tu tuo place oi
beginning, $13.11.
luhn liuuhes; beulnuinc at the southeast cor-
nor of lot No. 2 lu block No, i'J, Salem, Oregou;
thenco westerly aloug the south line of said
lut lt5 feet to the alley; theuce uorth aloug the
alley -15. 30 feet; theuce easterly parallel with
Cliotuekcta street 106 feot tu the east Hue of
aaid block; thence southerly along tbe east Hue
uf said block 49.bO leet to the place ut begin
ning, $70.00.
11. Jorbtuer; beginning at the northeast cor.
nor of lut Nu. J lu block No, I'J, Salem, Oicgoii;
thence westerly aloug the north hue of bald
lot 103 feet to the alley, thenco southerly alous
the alloy 41.C0 feet, thenco uortherly aloug the
east Hue of said lot 44.60 feet to the place of
begluuiug, $74.41.
J. G. brown; commencing at a point 13 083
feet noi Hi of tbo southeast corner of lot No. 3
In block No. i'J, Salem, Oregon; thenco north
aloug tho east Hue oi 6ald block -.18.50 feet,
theuce westerly at right angles with tlommer.
cial street 106 leet to the alloy, theuce south'
erly aloug the alley 23.60 feet, thence easterly
loo icci to tue piacu ui uegiuning, 14J.U4.
A. A. Starkey; beglnulug at a point 11.03JJ
foot south of tho uortheast corner uf lut No, 4
In block No. 4'J, balem, Oregou; thence nortb
along the east line of said block 24.10 feet,
theuco westerly at right augles with said said
east line 105 feet to the alley, thence south
along the alley 21.10 feet; theuce easterly 103
feet to the place of beginning, $41.17.
K S. Lamport; being a fractional part of lot
4 lu block 40, Salem, Oregou, described us fol fel fol
eows: llegiuulug at a polut on the east line of
said block 60 feet northerly from the southeast
coruer uf said blook 40, thence along the east
Hue In a northerly direction 21 feel, theuce
westerly at right angle with said eaat line of
bluck 40, 105 feot to the alley, thence southerly
along the alley 21 feet, theuco easterly 105 feet
to the place of beginning, JC.00.
David McOully aud S. O. Adams; beglnnluft
at a point 2(1 leet north of thu southeast coruer
uf block 40, Salem, Oregon; thence uorth alonu
tho east lluu uf said block 21 feet, theuce west,
eily at right angle 105 feet to the alley, thence
south along said ulley 21 feet, thence easterly
103 leet to the place uf beginning, $40.95.
W. It. Anderson; begluuiug at the southeast
corner uf block No, 40, Salem, Oregon; theuce
north along the east Hue of bald block 2ii feet,
theuce wist, parallel with Court street 1G5 leet
tu tho alley, theuce auuth aloug the alley 20
leet to the south Hue of said bluck, theuce east
aloug said suuth hue to the place ut beginning.
Also lot Nu. 4 iu block Nu. 40, Salem, Oregou,
i;. O, I'atlon; lot No. 8 iu block No, IS, Salem,
Ongou, $J70.2l.
A. Husk; begluuiug at tbe nortbeatt corner of
block No, 48, iu Silem, Oruguu; theuie westerly
aloug the umth Hue of aaid block 105 feet to
tbo ulley; thence south along the alley 27.50
feet, theuce east, parallel with Court street 103
feet, to the east Hue of said block, theuce north
aloug said east Hue 27.60 feet to tho place Of
btgluulng, I'JU.CJ.
il. Urey; beginning at a point on the east
lluo of block 48 lu Salem, Oregon, 27.50 feet
south of the northeast corner of said block,
theuce south aloug the block Hue 27,5 feet,
theuce Meat parallel with Court stteet 105 feet
to the alley, tueneu north along the alley 27.50
fiat, theuco east parallel with Court atreet 106
Ket to the place ut beginning, $17.40,
Anna Dickenson; begluuing at a point S3 foct
south of thu northeast comer of block No. 48
Salem, Oregun; theuce south along the block
Hue '22 feet, theuce west parallel with Court
street 10.1 feet to the alley, thence north alon
tho alley '."2 feet, theuce east 103 feet to thu
plat o of begluuing, $15.82.
Aiuo.s Strouj; begluuiug on tbe east line of
block No, 48, Salem, Oregon, said polut being
00 feet south of the northeast corner of said
block, thenco west parallel with Court street
103 tt-ot to Hie alley, thence north along tbe
alley 22 fcit.tutucrt eaat parallel with Court
street H'3 luet to the east Hue of said blocg,
theuce south along said east Hue 22 feot to tho
ulace of begluuiug, $10.70,
A. Iluahj liegtuuiug at tho southeast corner of
lot 2 in block 13, BMiciu, ungou, theuce uortli
along the east line of said block CO feet, theuce
west, parallel with Court street 103 feet to the
alloy, t bene u south aloug the alley 68 feot to
the southwest comer of lut 2 iu stid block,
thence east aloug tba lot line 163 feet to the
Dlace of iH-sluulug, SilO.30
W, Dreyiuait aud K. Ureyiuin; beginning at a
nolut 29.60 leit north of the southeast corner
of lot no. j iu uiock r,o. H, balem, Oregon,
theuce north along the bkck lino to tbo north.
east coruer of aaid lot J. thence west at rlcht
auglu 103 Ket to tho alley; thence auuth aloug
aid auey to a jmjuii zu.ou J eel norm of the
soulhwral coruer of the said lot; thence eaat
1(13 (oet to the plac-o of begluuiug, $101.0M
Capital National llauk; beginning at a point
on the i-aat aide of lut No. 3 lu block No, 48,
Salem, Oregon, the same being 7.60 feet north
of the southeast corner of the aaid lot 3, theuce
north along tl.u cast Hue 22 feet, theuce wen
parallel with Stato street IU feet lo the alley,
theuce, south aloug the. alley 22 feet, theuce
nut to the place of begluuiug, $13,73,
Harry Staple ton; beglnulug at a point on the
east Hue of lot No. 3 lu block No. 48, Bakm,
Oregon, t(i same being T.CO feet notth of tin
southeast corner of aaid- lot 3; thence south
long said vast line 24 feet, thence west naral.
let with State street 103 feet to the alley.tLcuce
north aloug the alley 23 feet. Ihenoe east 1C3
feet to the place of beginning, $18 68.
Kllim Moore. O- 11. Moorea, A, N. Uoorra,
lktiha MoorlM, Carrie Moor. V, L. Moorea,
Ouy Miller; lot No. i la blwck No, 48. bUm,
Orgufl, erceptlug 17.60 fet off of the north
alia of Mi-t lot i xJ4Bg Its entire length.
WW.". . ,, . .
X, l noise; lot io. oiu wives aa, , oaiea),
8?X Wbcu'vt! all of W 8 lu block ,
frtlwu, OteaoH, wcept feet oaf of t east
a, owuai by TUouiaa Jonr aud tba CUT of
Tkojcu jorrt awtawsft vu ta wren mi ot
Mock T.lta, Oregon, ft of tba
irtkaut lwbk of Ivtj Xo. i ta IJ Block.
lW W " "VL-V.TTV.rVri.
flSiTtohW Wfi H laaH
MWM4 " " V"?7,5. iu u 11 to aha aduahUtta aflallauU k. V vJ,UlbU (Ulu.
hMMummmh rMV2T""",',-i"w.jZi-i k.kiiui7T iTi '
.-. hl,L sM 2u. m w-ww 1 m -- (r www n
WtSmSmfmtk it mMm4 mp MMilii4, , t,X.Ub,hlliitiMi:MTIl
of lot No. 8 In block No, 47, Salem, Oregon.
Sifi'. Murphy. E. C. Murphy. S.W.Ch.iah;
lot No. 1 in block No. 47, Salem, Oregou,
J?'"' Wright! tbe north third of lot No. 2 In
block No. 47, Salem, Oregou, being 27.70 feet
front on Commercial afreet and extending tbe
same width back to the alley, 143.27
John Newsome; the central one-third uf lot
No. -2 in block No. 47, Salem, Oregon, lwiug
27.7 feet front ou Commercial street and ex
landing the same width back tu tho alley,
j' a. Knight, Addle l'lamondon, J, I, Plamon
don, M. A, plamondon; (be south one-third of
lot No. 2 In block No. 47, Balem, Oregon, being
27 60 feet front on Commercial atreet and
extending the same width back to tbe alley,
J, C, Thompson beginning at tbe northeast
corner or lot No. 3 In block No. 47, Salem, Ore
gon; thence south along the block,llue 23.50 feet,
thence west parallel with Ferry slreet 103 feet
to the alley, thence north aloug the alley 2J.S0
feet, theuce east to tho place of beginning 105
feet, $42.16, , .....
E. C. Small! beginning at a point on tho eaBt
line of lot No. 3, In block No. 47, Salem, Ore
gou.whlch point Is 23.50 f eit south of the uorth.
eaat comer of said lot No, 3, thence south
along tho lot lino 2J.60 feet, thence west para!
lei with Ferry street 105 feet to the alley,
thence north along the alley 23.50 feet, thenco
east 105 feet to tbe place of beginning, $42 23.
K. Thompson! beginning at a point 80.10 feet
north of the southeast corner of block No -47,
Salem, Oregon; thence north along tbe block
line 22.0833 feet, thence east parallel with
Terry street 105 feet to the alley, thence south
along tho alley 22 08J3 feet, theuce east 105 feet
to the place of beginning, $19.94.
Oeo U. Turner; beginning at tho southeast
corner of block No 47 lu Salem, Oregon, fhence
north along the block line 80.10 leet, thence
west parallel with Ferry street 105 feet to tbe
alley, theuco south sloug the alley 80 16 feet to
the south Hue of the block; theuce east along
said south line 105 feet to the plsco of begin
ning, $347.41.
S.T. Northcutt; lot No. 5 lu block No. 47,
Salem, Oregon, $197.40.
Southern Pacifio It. It. Company; lot No. 8 In
block No. 40, Salera, Oregon, 198.48.
F. F. Miller; begluuiug at tho northeast cor
uer of block No. 4G, Salem, Oregon; theuce
west aloug the north lluo of the block 105 leet
to the alley, thence south aloug the alley CO
feet, thence east 47.60 feet, thence north 43 feet
ami 10)4 Inches, theuce east 117.6 foet to the
ciKt line of the block, (hence north 22,125 feet
to tbe place of beginning, $214.30.
H. Jones, beglnulug at a point on tho east
Hue of block No. 40, Salem, Oregon, 22.125 feet
uth of the northeast coruer of said block;
tlieuc-e west parallel with IVrry street 117.5
f,-tt. thence south 21 leet parallel with Com.
mercial street, thence cast 117.5 feet to tho eat t
line uf the block, theuce north 21 feot to the
pluo uf beginning, $11 00.
J. C. Johnsou.s. T. nichardson; beginning at
a p.iiut on tbe east Hue uf block 46, Salem,
Oregon, 43,123 feet south of the northeast cor
ner of said block1, thence west parallel to Ferry
sticel 117.5 feet, theuce south parallel with
Commercial street, 22.875 feet thence east
117.5 feet to the east line of said block, thence
north along tho said csnt Hue 22.875 feet to the
pUce of beginning, Ml. I'J.
Ed. Hlrsch: beginning at the southeast cor
uer of lot No. 2 lu bluck No. 46, Salem, Oregon;
theuce west parallel with Ferry street to the
alley, thence north along tbe alley 83 feet;
theuce east 165 feet to tbo cast line of block 40,
theuce south along the block Hue 83 feet to the
place or beginning, sih.ud.
Ed Hlrsch: beulmitng at the northeast cor.
n ur of lot No. 3 iu block No. 40, Salem, Oregon
thence west left feet to the alley, theuce south
along the alley 25 feet, theuce east 105 feet tu
the east Hue uf the block, thence north along
said east line 25 feet to the place of beginning,
50 96.
W. E. Burke; beginning at a point on the
east lino of block 40, Salem, Oregon, 10 feet
.lorth of the southeast coruer of lot No. 3 in
said block, thence west parallel with Trade
street 115 leet,atbence north parallel with Com
mercial street'39.5 feet, tbento east 115 feet to
the east line of the block, theuce south 39.C
feet to the place of beginning, $73.61.
J, Chapman and D. Simpson; begiuning at
the soutueast coruer of lot No, 3 lu block No.
46, Salem, Oregon; thence north along the
block Hue 10 feet, thence west parallel with
Trade street 60 fcit, thence south 22.5 feet,
thenco oast parallel with the uorth Hue 50 foet
to tbe east Hue of the bluck, thence north 12.5
feet to the place of beglnulug, $47.16.
The Southern Pacini' It. It. Company; begin,
uiug at tho southeast corner uf block 40, Salem,
Oregon; theuce north along the block Hue 02
feet, thence west at right augle with Commer
cial street 50 feet, thenco north 22.6 feet,
thence west 05 feet, thence uorth 39.5 feet,
thence west 60 feet to tho alley, thence south
along the alley 124 feet to the south lluo of the
block, thence east along the south lino 105 feet
to the placo of begluuiug, $121,75,
Salem Fluuriug Mill Company; lots 1 and 2
In block 45, Salem, Oregon, $218.19.
The Salem Wuter Company; ail of lot 7 In
block 30, Dalem, Oregou, except a strip 7 feet
wide oil of the north side of said lot, $83 08.
Ed. Hlrsch; all of lot No. 8 In block No. 36,
Salem, Oregon, and a strip of land 7 feet wide
off the north side of lot No. 7 in said block,
S. E. Ford, F.J. Ford, O. A. Armstrong, J. M.
Ford, F. M. Ford, L. Ford, G. L. Ford, O. M.
Ilaker, I. J. Ford, J. H. Ford, R. R. Ford and
W. A. Ford; lot No. 6 in block No. 35, lu Balem,
Oregon, $146.51.
M. Klluger aud S. Beck; begluuing at the
bouthwest corner of lot No. 6 in block No. 35,
Salem, Oregon; thence north along tbe block
Hue 75 feet, theuco east at right augle with
Commeicial bttcet 163 leet to the alley, thence
south aloug the alley 73 feet, theuce webt 105
feet to the place of begtnnlug, $128.04.
Ai Rush aud W. S. Ladd; lota No. 7 and 8 in
block No. 35, Salem, Oregon, $135.05.
A. Bush uud W. 8. Ladd; lot No. 1 in block
No. 33, Salem, Oregon, $200.02.
J. C. Smith; lot 4 lu block No. 34, Salem, Ore
gon, $200.02.
J. li. Hlrsch; beginning at the southwest cor
ner of block No, 31, Salem, Oregou; theuce east
at right angle with Commercial street to the
alley, thenco north aloug the alley 57.6 feet
theuce west parallel with Ferry street to the
east line of Commercial street, theuce south
along said Hue 67,6 feet to the place of beglu
uiug, $304.83.
S. Adolph; beginning at a point 57 feet
north of tho southwest corner of bluck 34,
Salem, Oregon, and on the west Hue of Bald
block, thence east at right angle with Commer
cial street to tbe alley, theuce north along the
alley line S1H feet, thence west to the west line
oftho block, thence south 37 feet to the place
of.begiunlug, $77.43.
A. Hush; beginning at a point on the east
Hue of Commercial street 20,75 feet north of
the southwest corner of lot No. 0, block No. 34,
Salem, Oregou; thence east at right angle with
Commercial street 165 feet to the alley, thence
north along the alley 30 25 feet, thenco west to
Commercial street, theuce south 30.23 feet to
the place of begluuiug, $18.01.
P. Oberheim; beglnulug at the southwest
coruer or lot no. 7, block 1,0. 34, Salem, Ore.
cen: thence north aloug the block line 21 feet
theuce east at right augle with Commercial
street to the alley, thence south along the alley
45 feet, thence webt to the west Hue of the
block, theuce uorth 21 feet to the place of be
gluuing. $32.73.
T. Burrows; beglnulug 28 feet 7-5 Inches
south of the nortnwest coruer of lot No. 7
block No. 34, Salem, Oregon, thence south 21
feet 6.5 inches, thence east at right angle with
Commercial street to the alley thence notth
along the alley 24 feet 6 6 Inches, theuco west
to the place of beginning, $53.67.
A. Bush; beginning at the northwest corner
of block No. 34, Balem, Oregon; thence south
along tho block line 103 leet, thenco east at
right angle wilh Commercial street 1C6 feet to
the alley, theuce noitherly aloug the alley 28.6
feet to the northeast corntr of lot 7, block No.
31. theuco west along the lot line 91 feet.thencc
north parallel with Commercial street to the
norm lluo ui saiu uiock, tuence west along the
block Hue 75 feet to the place of begluuing.
Thos. McF. Patton; beginning at tbe north
east corner of lot No. 8, block No, 34, Salem,
Oregon, thenco south along tbe east line of
said lot to the southeast coruer thereof, theuce
west along the lot Hue 91 feet, theuce north
parallel with Commercial street to the north
Hue of the block, theuce easterly along the
north line block 91 feet to tho place of begin,
uiug, $117.91.
a. Panlus: beginning at the northwest coruer
of lot No, 1, block No. 34, Salem, Oregon)
lueiico easi aiuuK mo uiuca nue .-i.a icet,
theuce south at right angle Mlth State street
110 feet to tho south line of. lot 2 In said block,
thence west along the lot line 24.5 feet to tbe
alley, theuce uorth along the alley 149 feet to
the place of beginning, $12.37,
B, Adolpb; beglnulug at a point on the nortb
line of block Nu, 34, Salem, Oregon, 92.42 feet
west of the northeast corner thereof, theuce
west alonu the block line 49.66 feVt to a Dolut
24.6 feet east of the alley, thence south at right
angle wilh State street HO feet to tbe south Hue
of lot 2 in said block; tbenoe east along the lot
Hue 49.66 feet, thence uorth 119 feet to the
place of begtnnlug, 1'2 13.
J. O. Thompbou, J. Lafore, Gbas. Smith aud
Lena Smith; beginning at a point 67 feet and 7
Inches west ot the nortneakt corner of block
No. 34, Salem, Oregon; thence west aloug tbe
north lino or the block 21 feet aud 10 Inches,
thence south at light angle 49 feet to tbe south
llneuf lot No. 2 In said block, thence east along
the lot Hue 11 leet and 10 Inches, thence north
149 feet to the place of beginning, $11.08.
Q, W. Gray; beginning at the northeast cor
ner ot block No, 34, Salem, Oregon; thence
south along the eaat Hue of laid block 1183.
feet to the southeast corner of lot No, 2, thence
west along the lot Hue. 07.3 feet thence north
148.6 feet to State atrett, thence east C7.3 feet lo
tbe place ot beginning, $101.32.
City of Salem; beglnulug at the northweat
coruer of block No. 20 Salem, Oregon; tbeace
east along the block line 60 feet, theuce south
at right angle. 101 feet, tbeuc weal 40 feet;
theuce north along the block line 101 feet
to tbe place, if beginning, tfta.tr?.
Fred Hunt; bagtenlag at point 50 feet east
of the northwest corner of block No. 20. Salem,
Oregon) IBHtc east along the bloek 11b ad
fet, thence south at right angle with (Mate
atrett 111 feet, thence west 60 feet to the east
llMOf Llbeily atret. tease north alou lie
block Hm 41 fet. thence east SO feot, tkeee
uorth to tba plac or beginning, f w.9.
11. liUllwr aud A. li! iMKlusitu. at a
rl V ' imh mm o la um. I
.lium uulli ,1 itobt aula with aulauu
ftwmfrort KMNtWiM,tUaai
rust 20.50 fett to tbo plaro of bt-giniil . M3.B-.1.
M. 1'. lllnomau; beginning ai a po ih leei
oast uf Ibe noltheast coruer of tho weal Half uf
i.. i N.i h lil. -k No. 20. Baleiu. Olpfiuu: thence
cai-terly 23 leet and 3 inches, theuco south at
light angle with State etteot tu the uorth line of
irry street, uieuc-u wr .jimi mu ., jccui-h iu
a point 18 leet last of tbo southeast corner of
the west half of lot 5 In said block, thence
uorth to the plaee of beginning, $30,42.
P. S'roug, N. Htroug, A.btroug, M. B.KInney ;
tho east half of the eaat jnsrtrrof lots Nun. 7
and 8 lu block No. 20, Salem, Oregun, $33 40,
Annie 31, 1 McComiack) begluuiug at a polut
121 leet 1.121 Inches east of thu northwest cor
ner of block 20, Salem, Oregou, thence Bouth
at right angles with Statu street to tbe south
line lot No, 7 lu said block, thence easterly
along tbe lot Hue 21.27 feet, thence northerly
to Stato street, (hence west aloug Stato street
21.27 feet to the place of beginning, $33.63.
P. 11. D'Arcyi beginnlug at the northwest
corner of lot No. 1 In block No 20, Salem, Ore
gon, theuce south along tho alley to the south.
west corner of lot No. 2 iu said block, thence
east 40 feet parallel with State street, thence
north to the south Hue uf State street, theuce
west tu the plsce of beglnulug, $31.37,
O. 1. Hughes, J. Ilughcs; beginning at a
point 40 feet east of the northwest corner of
lut No. 1 In bluck No, 20, Salem, Oregon.
tbenoe south at right augles with Stato street
to tho south lluo of lot No. 2 iu said block,
thence east aloug tho lot Hue 42.50 feet, thence
uurth parallel with the alley to Stato atreot,
thence west 42.60 feet to tbe plsco of begin,
iiing. Also lot No. 3, block 20, Malem, Oregon
$61.01. Thus. Hubbard; east half of lots Nos. 1 and 2
id block 20. Saleui. Oregon. $111.18.
O.W.Gray; lots Nos, 3 and 4, block 21, Sa
lem, Oregon, $225 24.
J, J. Murphy, E. O. Murphy; eaBt half of lot
No. Sill block 25, Salem, Orelion, $ I SB. 80.
Joseph Vierunl; west half of lot No. 6 lu
block -21; Salem. Oregon. $161 80.
U. W, Gray; lot Nu. 3 and 50 feet off of the
east side of lot No, 4 lu block No. 33, Salem,
Oregon, $08 46.
Joseph Fontaine; the east half of lot No. i In
block No. 33. Salem, Oregon, except 50 feet off
of tbe eabt end thereof owned by u, w. Gray,
Square Forrar, J, F. Farrar, E. E. Farrar, E.
Farrar; the west half of lot No. 4 In block 33,
Salem. Oregon. $127.82.
John Payne aud Geo. Payno; begluuing at
the southeast coruer ut lut No. 6, blook No. 33,
Salem, Oregon, theuco north alung the west
line of tno alley ou.ou leet, tueuco west parai.
lei with State street 47.33 feet, theuco south CO.
60 feet to the north line of State street, thence
east 47.33 feet to tho place of begiunlug. $88.60
J. J. Murphy, E C. Murphy, begluuiug at a
point 94 feet east .uf thu southwest corner uf
uiock .no. 3J, oaiem, uregou, xueuce uuriu par
allel with Commercial stteet 60 feet: thence
cast parallel wltb State street 23.66 feet, theuce
south ou leet to tue uortn lino oi btute stroet,
thence west 23.06 fett tu the place of begin,
nlng, $38.37.
F. J. Freyer, J. J. Murphy, E. E. Murphy, F
S. Dearborn, E. F. Bozarth,EHa Dcariioru.Kute
Dearborn U. H. Dearborn, Mrs. II. A. Dearborn;
begluuing on tho south line of block No 33,
Salem, Oregon, 80 feet east of (he southwest
coruer of Bold block, theuce north parallel
with Commercial street 50 feet, theuce east
parallel with Stato street, th uce Routh' 60 feet
theuce west 14 net to the place oi beglnulug,
F. J. Froyer; beginnlug at the Bouthwest
corner of lot No. 3, block No. 33, Salem, Ore
gou. thence eabt along the lot line 80 feet,
theuce north parallel with Commercial street
25.30 feet, thence west paialiel with Stato street
b0 ftet to Commercial street, theuce south 25.
50 feet to the place of beginning, $138.62.
F. S. Dearborn, E, F. Dearborn, Ella Dear,
born, R. II. Dearborn, Mrs. H. A. Dearborn; bo.
gluulugat a point 25 50 feet north of the south
west corner of block No. 33, Balem, Oregon,
thence north along the block line 25 leet
thcucu east ut right anglj with Commercial
street 80 felt, thence Bouth 25 feet, theuce west
80 feet to the place of begluuing, $47.13.
J. W. Mluto uud Jennie Chapman; beginning
at tbe northwest coruer of lot 5 lu block 33,
Salem, Oregon, theuce. north along tho block
liuu 21 feet, theucu east at right angle with
Commercial street to the alley, theuie south
along thu alley 53 feet, theuce west toCommer.
rial stroet, theucu north ii leet to the place of
begluuiug, $84.13.
Adainltosgeu aud Adam Carre; tho south
half of the uorth three-fourths uf lot 0 iu bluck
33, Salem, Oregun, $19.30.
A. Bush; the north half of the north three
quarters of lot 6 In block 33, Salem, Oregou,
E. Eckerlin; a strip of laud 22 feet wide off
of tno south side of lot 7 In block 33, Salem,
Oregon, $16.10
J. I.Thompson; beginning at a point 21 foet
north of the southwest corner of lot 7 lu block
33, Balem, 'Oregon, thence east at right angle
with Commercial street to the alley, theuce
uorth along the alley 40 60 feet, thence west 105
leet to tho east Hue of Commercial street,
tueuce souiu au.ou icet to tno place or begin
uiug, $75.83.
Warner lijeyman, Eugeue Breyman: lot No,
8 and 11.33 feet off of the north side of lot No.
7 in block 33, Salem, Oregon, $388.04.
Leo. Willis. Eugene Willis-E. P. McCormack
lot No. 1 and the north half of the north half
of lot No. 2 in block 33, Salem, Oregon, $317.06.
Leo Willis, Percy Willis; tho west half of lot
8 In block 21, Salem, Oregon, $150.07,
Percy Willis; thu east half of lot 8 In block
2i, eaieni, uregon, $261.49.
Chemekcta Lodge No. 1. I. O. O. r. of Balem
Oregon; lots No. land 2 in block 21, Salem,
eregou, 7j-j.oo.
D. F. Waguer; beginnlug at the southeast
corner ot lot No. 4 in block No. 22, Salem, Ore
gnu, theuce uurth along High street 100 feet,
theuce west 81 feet, thenco south 100 feet to
Court street, thence eabt 81 feet to thu place of
uegiuumg, siz-j.u t .
Geo. Collins; beginning at a point on tho
north line of Court street, said point being 81
leet west of the southeast corner of lut 4 In
block 22, Salem, Oregon, thence north 100 feet,
theuce west 17 feet, theuce south 100 feet,
thence east along Court btreet 17 foet to the
place of begluuiug, $28.62.
Joseph Moj ers; begluuiug at the southwest
comer of lot No. 4 iu block 22, Salem, Oregon,
thenco north along tho west like of the lot 100
feet, theuce east ut right angle 07 feot, theuce
south 100 feet to tbe north line of Court street,
theuco west 07 feet to tho placo of beginning,
P. S. Kuight; the east half of the east half of
lot No. 5 in block 22, Salem, Oregon, $84 68.
J. W. Thomas;beginningatapoint41.25feet
west of the southeast corner of lot 6 In block
22, Salem, Oregou, thence west along the north
line of Court street 14 feet, thence north 85.50
feet, theuce east 14 leet, thence Bouth 82.50
feet tu the place of beginning, $28.41,
L. L. Rowland; begluuiug at the southwest
corner of lot No. 5 In block 22, Salem, Oregon,
thence east along the Bouth line of said lot 110.
70 feet, thence north at right angle 82.50 feet,
theuco west along tho north line of said lot
28.70 feet, theuce south 25 feet, theuce west 82
feet, theuce south aloug the east line of Lib.
erty street 57.60 feet to tho placo of beginning,
D, F. Wagner; lots No. 3 and i in block 32,
Salem, Oregou, excepting a piece of laud off of
me wist end, bounded as follows, to-wit: Be
ginning at the southwest corner of lot 4 In
bluck 33, Salem, Oregon, thence north along
the alloy 100 foet, theuco east 50 feet, theuco
suuthlOo feet, thence west 60 feet to the place
of beginning, $219.60.
E. M. Croisan aud J. H. McNary; beginning
at the Bouthwest coruer of lot 4 in bloci 32,
Salem, Oregon, thence north aloug tho alley
100 feet, theuce east 60 feet, thence south 100
feet to (ho uor(h line of Court slreet, theuce
WCBtoO feot to tho place of beginnlug, $91.81.
D. B, bteves and O. W, Steves; beginning at
the southeast comerof lot 6 In block 32, Salem,
Oregou; thence west along tbe north line of
Court Btreet 21 feet, theuce north at right angle
70 feet, thence east 21 feet, theuco south 70 feet
to tho place of beginning, $40.00.
Win. England; beginning at a point 24 feet
west of the southeast corner of lot 5 lu block
32, Ualem, Oregon; theuce north parallel with
Commercial street 70 feet, theuco west 22 feet
theuce south 70 feet, thonce east 22 fett to the
place of beginning, $36.68.
It. M. Wade; beginning at the southwest cor.
nor of lot 5 iu block 32, Salem, Oregon; thence
east along the south lino of said lot 119 feet,
thence north parallel with Commercial street
70 feet, thence west 34.58 feet, theuce south
4.42 feet, thenco wct 9.25 feet, thence south 23
feet, thence west 75 feet to the west line of said
lot, thenco sonth along tho west said line 42
ftet to tho place of begiunlug, $219.66.
Wm Euglaud; beginuing at the northwest
corner of lot 5 in block 32, Salem, Oregon
thence east parallel to Court Btreet 75 feet
thence south 1-2.50 feet, thence eaat 9.40 feet
thence south 23013 feet, thence west parallel
with Court street 75 feet, thence north 40 feet
to the place uf beginning, $63.45.
It. M. Wade; beginning at a point 32.75 feet
south of the uorthweat corner of lot 6 In block
32, Salem, Oregou, thence eaat parallel with
Court street 106 feet to the alley, thsnr.n smith
aloug the alley 49 feet aud 9 Inches, thence west
parallel with Court btreet 166 feet, thence
north 49 feet and 9 Inches to the place or be
ginning, $76,82.
W. r, Uuothby; beginning at the northwest
corner of lot 6 In block 32. Salem. Ore,.,.
theuce east aloug the north Hue of said lot to
the northeat oornur thereof, thence south
along the east line 32.73 feet thence west paral
lel tu Court street 160 to tbe west line of said
lot, theuce north along the said weat Hut 32 75
feet to the place of beginning, $30.00,
The owuers unknown; loU7 and 8 lu block 32.
lu Saleui, Oregou. $207.11. '
It. P. Uolse; lut No. 6 In block 31, Salem. Ore.
gon, $152.13.
I Degulro. O. Degulre; lot No, 6 In block 31.
Salem, Oregon, $143.47. '
J.W, Crawford) lot T in block No. 31, Salem.
Oregon, $138.12. '
E.l)jbee;'lot No. 8 lu block SI, Balem. Ore,
gon, $110.63.
Carri M. Ogle; lot No, 3 lu bluck 01, Salem.
Oregon, $37.b0.
Mrs- O. at, Croat. Mrs. Ucllen S. Jordan, Mrs,
Josphtne Reynolds, Mrs. Amelia Strang by A.E,
Strang, Auna B. Unnsaker. A.O. Bchwatka, Oeo.
Williams: lot 1 In blook 61, Salem, Oregon.
MT.80. '
S, Brum; lots No. S and 6 iu block No, 30, S.
leal, Oregon, $ 37.
Joseph Myers; lot 3 aud I to block M, Sales.
Oregou, $..
Kaefcel Josea; bejtBlug at tbe aortfawwt
cn.r m m wocx jli, saiem, urtwon,
Ihwc aouUt atosg Liberty street M lW,
meoo mm pwaiw wihi Uo anl W (M,
nlu if luluiiu U m
LX.)J,iib4; toMtaWMklf,
Salem, Oregon. $f s.an
h. S. Slifii all of ll No, 1 1n l,wc
Oregon, except the horth hilr n k.SaJ
of sa!4 lot, $16.40 ",U of " wW
r. II. D'Arcy, Wnt. Htatgcr Ki.i 7
lot No. 0, III block 21, Baletn JiS?"" "Ssl
By order of the UoLA.. inS
0 M. k"S7'.'. ' 1
Balem, Oregon, 22d September. 18m!H
;.r?" r. Y."". j'"ouuKer and vrt.1
romi-oruana ana ,all point. iZ'Wn
lamette vallev.to arid Iran ,1
TIME SCHLDULE. (Kxccptaunoay,?
Arrive Yuqulna . . . ."." " 'toOf!
Leave Yaquliia " " f 1
i,eave uorvaius . . ... ,xi
Arrive Albany mA
O. & C. train ennnoo, .. !..ua'il
Oorvallls. " A'MBr,
The above trains connect at vm
with the Oregon l)eveIoFmentYB
ji Dieaiinunis uoiween Yaouina ..."
tcranclsco. "'uinaay,
N. li. Passengers lrom Pnnlor.
Willamette ValfeyoTnu crT !?
connection with the train..
i-AnUINAKOUTEatAlbanrSrV0' '
andlf destined to San fS?8
arrange to arrive ut Yaqmna thVU09
before date of sailing. H a lh
, iaaeager and Freight Emm ii
Iiowest. Tor lnlormailon apnlv tH1
rtULMAN & Co.. Fr,.iJ(V.y '?
Agents 200 and 2d2 ih-onl ru" PorMS
C. C. HOGUK Ao't Oen'l Km .
x-ass. ari., uregnn PaclfloK,iC (J I
0. 11. HASWKLL. Jr. GenM0!
PRss..Agt. oreson Deveidjai.
o SOI Montgomery.
Southern Pacific Route;
Shasta Line
. nnjiji i-UM'X'iAHll ANDBtJ
South. "
,7:0C p. m. I L,v. Portland Ar. I VisTd
: p. m. l,v. .. Balem Lv! &3
8:15 u. Ar. Knn r.Vnv, li.'liS'-H
.tr ejv.-
"" " JMDs
Aoove trains Btop only at followST
tions north of Knanlmnr wi..SW
(lrt.irr.il nlMr Vtr,rtK,.' ,;Ln!
5.WJ a. m.
L,v. roniaud Ar.l jOi
Lv. Salem l.v.l itt!
11:17 a. m
5:50 p. ro.
Ar. ltoseburg Lv. ijtffi
Albany Local, Dally Kicept Sanfe,!
u:UU p. in.
IiV. Pottlaud Ar. IMin
7:52 p.m.
lv: euieni Lv. 723! t,i
Ar. Albany Lv. tun
Second Class Sleeping Can!
t or accommodation oi passengeni htf.il:
ovvuiiu viooo tiuacia UlLUCilculO
express i ruin 3.
-Vest Side Division, Between Pi
and Cervallis:
"7:30 a, m.
i'2:10 p. m.
Portland ArT
Corvallis Lv.
At Albany and Corvallis connect i
trains oi uregon x'acmo iiauroaa.
1:40 p. m. I .Lv. Portland Ar. I
7:25 p. m. Ar.MoMlnnvUIeLv.
8:21) a. li
Through Tickets!
To all points
for tlokets and lull-information regn.ill
luij nues maps, etc., apply 10 IU8 UOIUPH
hi. P. HOUKHS, Asst. G. P. and Pass. At
K. KOpiiUHt. Manawl
Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M,
7:30 P.M.
72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul,
23 Hours Quicker to Chicago,
40 Hours Quicker to Umaiia m
Kansas City.
For rates and general lnfonuatloo (
mi nr nrlflr&RH.
' . .. ,9
W. H. HUIU.BUIIT, Asst, Oenl. .
2.M Washington St., ; I
Portland, ok"!
From Terminal or interior Foints Ik'il
Is the lino to take
To all Points East and Soi.
. ... -.-. -n i, vnnR thrtnW
ins ineaining car ruuic .."--".
vestibule trains every day lutlioy"i
wa .hantrfl nf cars.)
Composed of dlninscars un8"'
Ot latest eo,ulr""
Sleeping Cars)
Bent thRt rain be constructed and In jrt
nlsued for holders of first and secofl
A continuous time eoiuwrtlBf ,'?3JM
llu. atlortflnf 'dire. l unlnl-
service. . -m u.M
nnNil In kiiliri T.a- dnlk HUJ "
the r&d ti '
T-hmnnV. flalrald In and froRl a
la America, Inland wdfJiffiii
nunhujiiliilaav ticket Oln0W "
".?& .-,. .. .miu ..'
ofirHlBa,roulri ttBdotlwirdetnibMnrP-ou..Ii-U.utor
lilt 0NL'
n thro 1 au
Pacific Railpoal
' .iWV-w. - wW ,