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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1892)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. x SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEK." NO. 99ft. NO PETSte Tho neighbor's. Our prices are BED 0-OUE PEICES are WORTH Look over ILOSIBUY theBL. AlfJD UNDERWEAR. l.ndloa) Ribbed Vesta " Wool Vests , " " " Union Suits Children's Ribbed Wool Uuiou Suits " Cotton Underwear fc " Wool ' Ladies Cotton Hose " Wool Hose Children's Wool Hose We also carry Ribbons, Laces, uoous, umoreuus, etc. etc, E. F. Ed. C. Wholesale nud Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. 05 Court and 110 State Streets, NAILS 1 LOCKS BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr i Petzel 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tiuviaie, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. Rod Front BasaarS Goods of all Kinds Bought and Sold. New nd Second Hand Household Goods sold on Commission. 20 Years' Experience in Auctiot business. City and Country sales a Specialty. Auction at Sales S'.i&.'OCIES ARCHIE JIASOX. A. 11. SMITH General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, Sasti and Door Factory Front', Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only ihe best material used , N. CHURCHILL cnunRcnzLii & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Cheraeketa Street. FOUND The place to rig, express, Mill ieed or lnnd nf "Dirt or Gravel. Call on Rvan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt B.F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM SALIZfvf. . - - - Manufactures STEAM ENGINKS. Mill Outfit, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying Outfits, Tructlon Engine. Creatine.eto. Farm machinery made nd ffPfft- General uirenu ami roauufucturerH of the celebrated Wahlatrom Patent Middllugn Purifier and Heels. Karra machinery made a nd repaired. Salem Track & Dray em Iron works. Drayd and trucks may be found tlirougnout me oav ai tho nier f Ptate ami Commerris f 8treU. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. BROOKS & LEGG, lOO Stnt DUK SALE. A pylnj drmaklne and 0 ahUtiaakins buirtBJorMl. Apply to R.U. Malhewi, Wl CtmBieiClalejt, has ROCK, guaranteed 15 to 30 per cent, -oooooooooooooo T 71 CONSIDERING Are trie this stock and consider prices 30 to 50 cts GDCts. 9octa aim $1 l $1 76 to 1 So - 1 10 to 1 50 20 to 50 cts 40to80cts 13 to 60 cts 25 to 76 cts 25 to 50 cts Handkerchiefs, Windsor Ties, Curl'ing Irons, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, OSBURN, - - Cross HINGES 1 Plumbers and Tinners, Room every baturday, OREGON. T S. BURROUGHS BURROUGHS, get a Saddle horse, Livery jurayor xrucK, voou, xiay, good well rotted Manure, and careful work is our motto RYAN & CO. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent IRON WORKS, ..... OREGON. - - - Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orderu. Sell nnd deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of r Htate BL. onnosita Sa- . -. .: . . . . a LEADLXG MERCHANT TAILOR. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded day or nisui. Street iJ WA fKlk To work oa farm Ok.e who unrktand forr.iler and hand Itueateam. Appiyw r. J. m.:i, 5jK Cbsawa, no pets. One man's DOLLAR and cannot be DISCOUNTED for worthless slips of paper called "ENCYCLOPEDIA COUPONS." lower than anytime stort-s. Prices at K. before buying and you will FRONT. m ass w issassM ssBBBBBBBBBsiBsBBainBBBBsaBBBasnsssannssiisti; SHOES. Babv Shoes Children's Dongola, patent tip. " iebble lioat Misses' Dongola Shoes Ladies " " " " patent tip " Fine Dongola Men's Plow Shoes " JBal or Congress 261 Commercial STE1NER i 130 STATE STREIST. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery ami Wairy Sup plies, btcel Stangcs, S'arlor Heaters iu all Styles a Spe cialty. ' CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS IK3yThe best on earth, call. Give us a 10:3-tf. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WaraMeahatAll Hoars oi the Day None but white labor em iloyed In thlt eutabllshment. A good substantial meal ounked lu first class style Twenty-flve cents per meal RED B'RONT nnr street, between Opera .House and Mlnto's Iilvory Residence 382 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AKD HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Kalsomluer and Pa per Hanger. J eave orders ut A. B. Buren & Bon's I'ur nltuiesloreor Broat t Gilo, Grocers. HOW TO GROW FRUIT In Oregon. With various remedies for pests and dlceases among fruit trees Irom actual tests tr U ftl I.-1WU XI. ..!... I. ii.Iu, Dallas, Oregon. ISpnpebook, Price, 23 cents per copy. E ery fruit grower should send for a copy. Addres V. 8. EMUNH, Horticulturist, 0-11-tw-dw Box SOU. Dallas, Oregon. NOTICE. I wish to (ay to my customers In the ml er trade UiaL 1 have reslened tar no- sltlon In the Inman,l'oulren A IV). lumber yard here, but still ask lh patronage oi the contractors, and I will try to maice It toereryones Interest to call on me and pet my prices before purchasing elsewhere. 1 guarantee as good lumber as Is In Oregon and will as ever treat you white. N. N. MATHEWS. FOR SALE! CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND FRUIT GARDENS, Within one-halt mile of two electric street car lines and lair grounds station and post ottlntt Only two and one-quarter miles from the center of Halt in. Healthy, beau tiful location. Bell extra good, well drained and rich, i'rlce low and terms easy. 8-10-tf II. W. OOTTLE. For Sale. Hlxty-arre tract near thn city. Alloleared. Will produce anytb ng that grows in Ore gon. Also a good 7 room house, and barn. Pure well water, 2 choice lots A bargain. AIM! desirable lots and blocks In Pleas ant Home Addition on easy terms. Other line City Property. Enquire at Wm E Burse's office, over I lair reisers, km E4tl side Commercial ML, fiiXttn, Oregon. ELLIS & WHITLEY, UVERYMEN. South ofWUlamstMHotsl, HJi.UKhA ... ORKOON Money To Jean on Chattel Mortmain. Mossy aa land; no detay. THOMAM 4 JOllSSoH. Nasssssssssssssssssssv bsbsm YnnssssssssssssssTvssMM LansBBBBBBBBBBSii 'bbss buys as much as his Spot cash does tho business. K. Osbtirri's. save money. 35, 60, GO, 80 cts andfl 00 $1 15, $1 45 and 2 00 1 15, l 6o ana i eo 1 00 (special) 1 45 and $1 80 1 60, $1 89 and $2 60 2 15, 2 75 and 3 00 1 16, 1 45 and 1 75 1 50to4 00 Silk and Cotton Thread, Rubber btreet. Proposals lor Stationery. Office of the Secretary of Btate. HALEM. Oregon, Hopt. 3, 1892. Healed proposals will be received at this otllco until noon, November 3, 1892, to fur nish tho following articles for the State of Oregon. 10 reams legal cap, lb,No.7 rullng.whlte laid, cream, charter oak, or Scotch linen. 20 reams first-class congress note, 71b 1 lea.. No. 7 ruling, white lam. 13,000 No. 6H white envelopes, 001b- No. 1 rag, XXX. ' iu gross railroad steel pens, No. U9. SO grosB Gllloll's steel pens. No 401. 4 gross Glllott's steel pens, No.acO. 5 gross Eotei brook "J" pens. lOdoz Peck, Htow & Wilcox's Inkstands, No 658. 4 doz. Peck, Htow a Wilcox's inkstands, No. 5.V1. 10 doz. Peck.Stow & Wilcox's Inkstands, No. 4 JO. 12 doz. ivory folders, 9 Inch standard. 4 doz. Ivory fo.ders, 10 Inch congress. 4 doz. mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's pitent. 10 doz. mucllago stands, reservoir, No, C, Morgan's patent. 3 rcamB Parker's treasury blotting paper, i dims assorted cniors. 2 grosb No. 2 luigtu Kecoidir lead pencils, style (). ldoz Hanlord'B premium tlum, squirts, 2i doz. Htatlorci's vt ruing ttuia ;d qu . 21 iiuurts. 10 doz. gummed Btub files, No, 21 11x15 mcues.oupages, .bona 15 doz. Duplex cupboard Utter clips. 10 doz. Ku tier's rnbber-rulersi 14-lneh flat 15 doz. stctl erasers, lloger's .No. 18, HI), bone. 3 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 18, 149, cuony. 30 boxes Faber's No 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes. 5 gross Faber's led pencils, No. 2, hex agon gilt. 12 gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, round 15 doz. Faber's patent Ink and pencil rub- oer erasers, mammoiu. 30U0 McGlU'H patent paper fasteners, No. 2, flat head. WOO McGill's patent paper fasteners. No. 4, flat bead. 15 doz. table pads to hold paper, 10x21 Inches, strong leather tips. 12 doz. waste paper baskets, cross bar No. 4. 20 pounds hemp twine, No. 12 4 doz. Banlord's mucilage quarts. At the same time separate btds will bo received for 15 dozen fine penknives to be described by trade numbers, samples to bo exhibited. BIdsBhould do marked "Proposals for Batatlonery." None but tho best quality of goods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids Is re served. All the above articles to be deliv ered at Balem on or before December 28, 1S92. UEO. V. McBUIDE, C-3-2m Secretary of Htaet1 JAPANESE CURE Anew and Complete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment In capsules, also a box and pills; a positive cure for ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding, itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Plies, and many other diseases and female weak nesses; It Is always a great benefit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary herealter. This remedy has never been known to full, f 1 per box, 6 for $5; sent by mall. Why suffer from this terrible dlseaso when a written guarantee is given with 0 boxes, to refund the money 11 not cured Bend stamp for free sample. Guarantee Issued by WooDAltD, ObAiiKE fe Co., wholesale and retail drug gists, sole agents, Portland, Or. Brooks t Legg agents for Balem, 100 State Btnet, rat ion's block. 6 2-ly-dw W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber. CARI'ET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE. WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's Wl Commercial street. M.T. RINEMAN DEAUUl IK Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery,01assware, Itmpt, Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also vecetablesaad fruits In their season. "Highest Price paid for country produce." lr, iuillf a ih.M AfVjitl nnl ..nnrtt We solid B-H IXIMtAlnatrWit Only One. Chance for a colon. 1600 Aetf or best bottom land, one-half In cultivation, has small streams and lakes, has STUM crop on now, building, etc. Is five miles from Balem, Oregon, OuMhlrd cash, and bal anco In five yearly psymtnu with 4 per reel, interest at Sw per acre. 8-3-tf J O II N M. PA YN E, A gt. MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 90 days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Koom 14. Hash Hank bloek. 8 Haw JED. K. HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. OlBec at Cbas, Calvert's MlUtensry store, riffle kHtll PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ADS ". CONN, Attorney nt law, room 7, , Murphy Block. 0. A. HUBERT, Architect, room 424, Mar quam building, rortlaud, Oregon. HJ. HIGGKll, Attorney nt law, Satem, . Oregon. OtllcooverLndd A Hush's bank. 2t-tr J J.SHAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW A , HUNT, attorney at law. Office over Capital National bank, Balem, Oregon, T. R1CHAHDS0N, Attorney at law, 1tL office ud atalrs in front rooms or now nsh block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. TOHN A. OAIISON. Attorney at law. OHN Iloo t) Booms 3 and 4, Lndd is Bush's bank building, Balem, Oregcn siiyr U. Y. IiONUAM. W. II. HOLMES. Inuir itr Jk lint trtra A tfnrnAtfa a Imit D Ofllco In Bush's block, between State nna uourt, onuonviwu nMLMON FORD, attomoy nt law. Salora, J. Oregon. Cilice upstairs In Patton's block. E. POQUE. Stenographer nud Typf wrltlst. Over Ladd A rush's batik. Balem, Oregon. T H.BRADSHAW, PHYSICIAN AND jD. 8urgeon, balem, Oregon. Olflco In Eusb-Breyman block, itnitulrs Ilealdence corner Btateand 8, C coruir Inter street. WH. YOUNO, M. D.. Ofllce formerly , occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Court nnd Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 n. m, to 12; 2 to 4 p. in., and 7 to 9 p. m. Kesldeuce 18th street on electric car line. Telephone No. 9. TK. W. J gcon lein, orvgi S. MOrr, phjslclan nud sur geon. Onlce In Eldrldgo Block, Sa- oivgon. Offico hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 In 4 p. in, K. M1NTA B. A. DAVIS, Office hours, 9 n. m. to 11 a. in.: 2 V-l 111. to 6 D. ru. Day 'ay or nlcht calls promntly attended to. Hpeclal attention given to discuses of wom en and children. Office, In -Sew Bank 111k., S03 Commercial Btreet. Ilcsldeneo same. Mils. 8. O. 11ROOK.S, Practical nurse. Many years of experience. Resi dence In Yew Pars, one. bl jck v. est of car Hue, on Hlmcs' street. r 19-lm B. T. O. BMITH, Dentlst,9a State street, Balem. Or. Finished dental onero- tion Uons of every description, 1'alulefcs opera t ions a specialty. -V VT 11 UTTritl AnV.tAt lllnn. Onnl. W. flcatlons' and superintendence lor all cfasses of buildings Office 2J0 Com- merciai at., up sutirs, PJ, laAllSEN CO,, ninnufacturo of all . klndsof vehicles. Kopuirlns a special ty. Shop 45 Htnto street. DU'irECTION txiDOh. NO 2. A.O U.W. Meets in thuir hull lu alatu insurance lulidlnz, e ery Wedues day evening. B. A. Mcl'ADDEN, M. W. J. A. BEXiWOOD, ItCLorder. 1 M PROVED OIlDElt OF Ul'D MEN. 1 Kaiulakun Tribe No. 8, Hfllem. Holds council every Thursdj evuiilug, at7.J0. lgwam In btate Insurance hall, F. C. ItAKKll. PropbeU FRNK P. WATI'U.PUIef onieoords EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best, The place'.'lor young ladles nnd' gentle men to secure a thorough education Is ttio old, but e or new. nu Ci Long and still the leading institution of me xsorin west, ueiicr inuu even Now course of Instruction In Oratory, Theology and Post-Gradualed. STUDIES. Normal, Business, Academy, Colle'0, and Law courses greatly enlarged and improved. Faculties Increased aud Improved. For Patulogue of College or Law write Dean B T. Klohardhon. Esq , Balem, Or. For Catalogue of College of Medical and Pharmacy write Dean Richmond Kelly, M. D . Portland, Or. For general Catalogue write Rev. Geo, Whltnker, D. 1)., President, Salem, Or. 7-25-lm-dw Conservatory of Music, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. The course most complete and the high cm grade of any music school In tho Northwest. Best and newest methods or teaching. Enlarged facilities and now plan for Instruction of beginners for the coming school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course. Next term begins September 6, 1B92. Z. M.PAHVIN, Send ror catalogue. JIuslo Director, 7-29-d2m-wlm FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Bept. 13, 1892. Oilers the most mactlcal courses of rftudv ot uny school In the State, viz: Mechanical engineering, civil Kngineoring, Electrical Engineering, Academic ami Grammar school Students practice dally in wood shop, muchlno shop, and labora tories. Tuition und Hoard per Year, (ISO, Special inducements to a few young men who wish to work for their board and tui tion during vacations, Forprospectusand further Information, address JKDWIN MORRISON, M.H . Presdcnt, Balem, Or, Miss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. rillRD YEAR Opens Monday, Bcptcmuer 19th, at Kin dergarten Hull, opposite opera house. Children received at three icars of ace and over. A connecting class will bo e. tablUhed lor advanced Kindergarten pu- 511 aud those bi ginning primary work, nly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employod. Praug's system ot drawing aud color work Introduced. Miss Annie Thornton, Graduate ol the Diesden Conservatory ol Musla (Germany) will open her room. 6 and 7, Rank building, riepternber lt. insiruciions in vocai ana insirumeniai music, also lu German and Krench. 8-Vtl WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. OKO. WILLI A WH President tt'x.KN nt-AMii , ,,y Prestden U UOltMcNAKY . Cashier. DIRKOTOUS: Geo. Williams .Wm, Eng land, Dr. J. A. Klebardsoa, J. W, JJodsoa, J A. UM.rn.tiF Bank In new Kxehange bloak on Cora rr.srntal street. H:H-U Authorized Capital $600,000, CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halwo, Oregon. W.A.CII3ICK, PimT-W, W, MARTIN, Viae Pre. J. II. ALBKRT, Vhr. ' Btate, County and (Nty Warranu IxwgUt av rar. uw THE capital journal HOFER BROTHERS, Editors, PUBLISHED DAlliY.EXCKFTBUNDAY, nr True Capital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) OfDce, Commercial Btreet, In P. O. Building KJiteiod at the postomeo at Salem, Or., ns pciond-clnfe irottrr. A MUCH NKGLKCTED FLOWER. And most spoiled in cook lug of nuy vegetable is tho cabbage. It is plentiful hero the year around In our markets. Our late cabbago lasts until tho early California crop comes In. It is cheap, nnd nn article of most extensive consumption, next to tho potato. Yet notonoin a hun dred knows how to cook It. The objectlou to cooking cabbago In many houses is that the odor thrown oil" permeates the whole house. The Journal hero presents Us readers with a paragraph from "Food," a scientific magazine on coeking: "Almost every ono likes cauliflower if it is properly cooked, while few admit a fondness for cab bage; yet it belongs to tho same family, and can be made to taste much liko cauliflower. It should bu first parboiled for ten minutes, iu a kettle of salted water; then drained aud cooled, and again put in fresh water and cooked until ten der. Served with a cream sauce o the same way that we have cauli flower or asparagus sent to the table, it is delicious. "Wo cannot free ourselves too Boon of tho idea that this vegetable must be boiled with corned beef and eaton with vinegar." This touches Bomo points of merit on tho subject. "Mrs. A. t3. T." of Whltlnsville, Mass., covers the ground thoroughly In the following well written recelpo to "Good Housekeoplng"for Octeber: "Cut tho cabbage, if small, into four pieces, removing tho heart and outer leaves. Have a large sauce pan full of water, boiling furiously; into this plunge your cabbage, with u tablespoouful of salt and a small sultspoonful of soda. Put on tho cover until it bolls rapidly again, then remove it and boll for twenty minutes, uncovered. Turn the cab bage into a colander, while you pre pare in the saucepan a cream sauc of one tablespoouful of butter, ono teaspoonful of flour and a half a cup ful of milk, with pepper and a little salt. Return tho cabbage to tho saucepan, nud lot all bubble up to gether once. Or you can serve the cabbage with a slmplo dressing of buttor, if you prefer. Bemomber the saucepan should bo large, with plenty of boiling wntor. Cooked In this way, tho cabbage loses its strong tuste and becomes delicatonud easily digested." Cut this out and try It. It-is a little moro work, but 11.1b tho only way to boll cabbago and have it possess a fine flavor, bo tender and agreeablo to tho most delicate stomach. It will cook in this way in 20 to 30 minutes. Tho flavor will be much higher, as of any vegetable, if cold water is poured over it as soon as talton out of tho boiler. These instructions about cooking cabbago apply to cauliflower, or any similar vegetable. HOOKS AND MAGAZINES, Good housekeeping for October has, in addition to IU usual variety of matter for the household, a thrill ing short story by Mary Clark Huutington, entitled "Popsey, tho Ilerolno of Roaring Gulch." Tho poetry of tho number Is moro than usually crcdltablo, and thoro aro papers upon a multitude of practical and Interesting topics. No publica tion of llko naluro gives better value for tho subscription prices, or enjoys mote thoroughly tho respect of all Its readers. Clark W. Rryun & Co., publishers, Springfield, Moss. An admirable article on drawing, with careful illustrations of Punslcs, telliug'puplls how aud how not to draw, also contains much valuable advice. Tho Ilousebullder and Ilomo Decorator will And in this Issue beautiful models for tho exter ior and Interior of a low-cost house, with caroful plans, and also sohumes for decoration. -To thoso who enter tain either much or littlo. Tho "Soolal Llfo" department oilers numberless useful suggestions. Price of the October issuo, to gether with threo art supplements, lu color, 35 cents. For sale by nil nowsdeulcrs. Published by tho Art Interchange, New York. The October "Overland Monthly" Isaflnoly llluntrtik-d number of a typical Pacific coast mugizlne. The leading article on California univtr- Hlty Is repleto with facts and history. The Overload's popular nerlwi of out' Ing articles is continued In au elabor ately illustrated article on Lawn Tennis, lu which tho present condi tion of the game on the Pacific coast Is treated with detailed accuracy by James F. J. Archibald, who offi ciates at all the leading tournaments. The Illustrations from Instantaneous photos are very vivid Indeed. With this number the reader receive a valuable addition to the frequent articles deeriptlve of Paelfle ueaat keetiery, Mabel II. Ctawoa de seYlbea au adveuturoua trip to Ceek'a Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Inlet, Alaska. Tho article is well illustrated from photographs and drawings. J3.00 a year, Ban Fran cisco. "Tho Overland Magazine" in an announcement of its policy strikes tit the root of a great evil, that has long existed in American periodicals. The reform la hinted at- in these werds: "No words printed In the Overland, outside of the advertising pages, is ever paid for, or in any way controlled by any outside Inter est." When shall this bo Bald of all magazines? Tho "Kindergarten Magazine," a "Journal of the New Education" in a now cover and double Its former elze, has been published. No. 1, Vol. 5 marks the beginning of anew management for this Journalistic en terprise. Nearly a hundred pages are filled with tho best work along the lino indicated by tho title. Tho leading articles are "Columbus and the Chlld"by Mary H. Hull, of Chi cago; "Practical Psychology" by uoiiBtanco Mackenzie, director of publlcjklndergartens, Philadelphia; "Klndergurteu and Public Schools' by A. H. Helnoman; "What tho Prang Course of Art Btands for in Publlo Education" by Mary Dana Hicks, directors of Prang's National Art Classes, Boston; "Art StudieB in Life Naturo nud Art" Marl Ruof Hofor, Chicago. Tho editorial articles treat the momentum of tho New Education, tho Educational Movement In California, The Kin dergarten at Saratoga (at tho Na tional Educational association.) Tho leading artioles and editorial matter are tho carefully prepared work of America's foremost women in tho new education. Tho entire contents of tho magazine discover a high piano of thought, conolstent with tho ideas of tho new education. It has breadth, ability aud solidity without being heavy. Price $1,50 a year. Address Kindergarten Maga zine, Woman's Temple, Chicago. Deafness Can't be Cured by local applications, as thoy can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only ono way to cure deafness, nnd that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by . an inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tubo gets Inflam ed you have a rumbllug souud or Imperfect hearing, aud whon It Is entirely closod, deafness is tho re sult, aud unless tho luflamatlon can be token out nnd this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed ferever: nine cases out of ton nro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but au inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give ono hundred dollars for any caso of deafness (caused by catarrh) that wo cannot euro by taking Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular, freo. F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo, O, Sold by druggists, 75 cents. Thoro will bo a $30 trio of Plym outh Rock audajlM trio of White Leghorn 4u exhibition at tho poul try auction Saturday. Lecture on Fools, Admit Ono. A gentleman who lectured on fools, printed his tickets us above, Suggestive, certainly, aud ovon sar castic. Wliat fools aro they who sufl'ertlio inroads of dlseaso when they might be cured. Dr. Plorco's Golden Medical Discovery Is sold under nguurauteoof itsbenfltingor curing In every caso of liver, blood and lung dheuso, or monoy paid for it will bo cheerfully refunded. In ull blood taints and irapurtles of whatever iiumo or nature, It Is most positive In It.) curatlvo eflects. Pim ples, blotchPH,cruptloii8, all skin and scalp discuses, are radically cured by this wonderful medicine. Bcofu loua dlseaso may cflcct tho glands, causing swellings or tumors; tho bones, causing "Fever- Bores," "Whlto Swelllugs," "Illp-Joiut Disease"; or the tissue of tho uugs,cuuslngPulmon- ary Consumption. Whatever Its tnuniretitatloriH may be, "Golden Medical Discovery" cures it. MlnUter, lawyer, Teacher. and other Wboae occupation given but little or&rolie. hould una barter1 Little Liver I'lllo lor torpid liver and bllllotuett, One It a uoe, itj mora. Derangement of the llrer, with eonatl pallou, InJurlM the onmpUxlou, luduee Pimple, wllowRktn, Iteiicve the cmum iiy uingutrvw-iJiU6 iavm 1'IIU. Uae iorauou. Try thu. Why don't you try Carter1 f.ltlla l.lvai- 11117 They area ixwitiva euro for tek neaaaene. ana an 11 all tlieUU urodi .lie ilU produced by dU- omenta liver, (July one pill a dote. Mahiii.k aud Okanitk. I have Jutt received a static of marble aud granite monument and grave stoiiwj whleh during the wixt 80 days(sharp)! will sell at prices never before off wed in thle Mate. Call early If you want a bargaiH. e4 door west of the Wtate JitaHMe building. J.Jamim. tt-lwU- Baking Powder THE BANK ROBBERY. Particulars of the ExteraaM of thoDalton Outlaws. Copfeyville, Kans., Oct. 6 The Dalton gang has been extermined and wiped off tho face of the earth. Caught llko rats in a Jrap, they wero shot down, but not un til four citizens of this place yielded up their lives In the work of ex termination. Six of the gang rode into town yesterday and robbed two banks of the place. Their rM' had became known to the officers of the law, and when the baudite at tempted to escape they were it- ' tacked by the marshal's posse. Oae1 escaped, but ho is being hotly pur sued. Of tho attacking party four were killed, one fatally, and two, seriously wounded. ,, , It was rumored a month ago that the Dalton gang contemplated a raid5 upon the banks of this city. Ar rangements wero made to give them a warm reception, but the exoU ment Anally died away and the ntpoal nntiw.1 - !.. ... . , . . - . """" i"nui woo given up, AOOUliU u,v o'clock yesterday morning the gang,-? rode into town. They .came In two' squada of threo each, and passing. turougn unrrequented streets, ren dezvoused lu the alley in the rear of tho First Nntional bank, Robert Dalton, tho notorious leader,' and Emmet, his brother, went to the . First National bank, the other four under tho leadership of "Texas Jaok," or John Moore, going to the private bank of 0. M. Congdoii Co. In the meantime an alarm waa given. City Marshal Connelly was qulokly notified, and began collect ing n posse. While tho marshal, was collecting his forces, the banditsall Ignorant of the trap, were proceed ing deliberately wltU the work of robbing tho batiks. "Texas Jack's" band entarad Congdon's bank and with Win chesters levelled at Cashier Ball and Teller Carpenter, demanded " that the safe be opened. The cash-" ler explalued that the safe door was v controlled by a time lock, and could , not be opened for about twenty minutes, at about 10 o'clook,' "We'll wait," Bald Texas, and he sat down nt tho cashier's desk, first gathering up tho money in tho cash drawers. Bob aud Emmet Dulton In the meauwhllo wero haying better luck -at tho First Nntional bank. When thoy euteicd the bank they found , Cashier Ayres, bis son Albert Ayres, und Teller W. H. Shephard. None of them wore armed, and with levelled revolvers the brother bandits " easily Intimidated them. As Bob'and Emmet Dalton made their appearance at the door'of the -First National Bank Liveryman ' Spears rifle spoke and Bob Dalton, tho leader" of the notorious gang . fell dead.', The other robbers were killed by tho citizens posse In their attempt to escape, and In a few, minutes the wbolo gang was dis patched. Aftor tho battle was oyer, search ' wax mode for the money that the bandits secured from the banks. It was found in the sacks where it had, been placed by the robbers. One sack was found under tho body of Bob Dalton, who had fallen dead , upon it while escaping from tlw First Natioual bank, The other was tightly clutched lu "Texas Jack's" hand. Tho bodies of those of the attack-M't Ing party who worelsllled were re-' moved to their respective homes, while tho bodies of the bandits were allowed to remain where they had fallen uutil tho arrival of the eoro ncr from Independence, who order ed them removed to the court house. There bo held an inquest, the Jury returning a verdict la accordittoe with the facts, Etnmlt Dalton taade a state ment that his gang was the bm that robbed the Paolflo Kxpfees ear on the Missouri, Kansas A Texas railroad at a station in India tt rttory, last July, aud a number of other daring robberies. Tiie Daltoua were a nuuerona family. There were Ave boy and three girls. Of the boys. two. are ; eugaged in farming, one In Oklabo ma, where the mother Uvea, and one uear Cofieevilte, wImm tbstr brothers wet death today. 'Tha Daltons were second ooualns to thf James boys, and through tbesa n lated to the YotMgew, bow aarriag life terms of iwprieoaiuset Is) iks) penitentiary of Minnesota far dec aud bank robbery. Bo a eattle Iklef wbew a mow hay, AMI ', was sooa Joined, by Urn ptmmtvUW tea. " i 1m4ji sUMs1c 8t wmea 14 Hegubtor doss c tfi fV o .fil.h