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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1892)
atf $ aavj&a M Were killed find, Injured Just after tbe eloM of the BalniHcwiiflt revolu tion. FumllieH of Turtibult aud Rlggfti, who were the ouly piem' Jwraoih orew jtlllcr), will have rm targettt fttiare vt the idemalty, thrftwfil be distributed among; the slytiteeti men who were dls- owapy wpunofl anu me uiirty Mfc nfy who were imprisoned, the lUr'will Ret but a Hmall portion. JtEID 3 . AND McKINLEY. - ek of Re-id, Candidate for Vice ,. ' President. Boston, Oct. &.A grand ratifl- ortlon 'meeting Was held in Muslo and Fauetil Hall,1ust night. White- law Re!d( Governor McKlnley anil !- others were present. Reldwas given , flattering reception. Iloeulogized the achievements of the Ilupublican . party, and dwelt oil the change threatened by the declarations of the Democratic platform. It has been said, said he, that Democrats do not intend to do what they say. jf'you take that view, why encour age the party that doesn't Intend to do what it promises, aud if its ' promises are admitted to be worth JfBB, what guarantee have you, if , yon give it power, against its going ' eyen further than it has threatened, is a tiger as amusing and playful a ' creature that it is worth while to turn hlm:ioose out of mere curiosity to ee what he will do? That the -Democratic party demanded these u H". jph&nges everybody kuows, but something has happened. Hincelast Tuesday they have been demoralized. Cleveland's letter of acceptance dis closed a figure which our aboriginal friends of the far West would de ''Boribe as a "big man afraid of his platform," and that a party gazes In perplexity and alarm on a candidate .who accepts his nomination, but who ' 'has not shown either .cundor to aceoopt or courage to repudiate Its principles. Three vital points in the platform are state bank currency, reciprocity, and the tariff. On two of them his u letter Is absolutely silent. While he writes all around and about a third i through his letters without being .able to say In straight forward lan '' guage whether protection is uncon stitutional as his party declares it, ' or right and expedient as Thomas ' ' Jefierson and Andrew Jackson de clared lt;.but ho does tell us that tariff reform is still his purpose, that 'K is to say' the business of the country ' .must have no peace, everything must be onco more unsettled, and ,k the wholo tariff must be turned over again to be tinkered by congress .that party which, at Chicago, de clared by a nearly two-thirds ma jority' for the English as against the American system aud pronounced Hirotectlon unconstitutional. No ' qualifications for omissions, or vogue ' generalities and assurances of barm less Intention, can blind voters to : tho fact that, however much Mr. . Cleveland hniy regret it, aa.un lion ' orable man, he is bound hand and foot to the platform of his party ut Y Chicago, aud all tho world knows ' he Is today bound to, tho car of trl--umphaut Tammany of New York. "; "Wo deny that there has boon an increaao of prosperity since tho Mo 1 Klnley bill, wont into operation," l&ayH Cleveland's platform. Wow fork's commissioner of fabor sta tistics,, bank commlMsioners, aud . board, of equalization, say there haa ' ', beeu, and reports from ollicora hi ' f Other statos couflrm It alt," Hpeaklng1 in dlsousslou of tho oleo ": Wons bill, Mr. Hold said tho qmt- Mon involved Is, shall every Iran 'at the United States lawfully outl- tledto vote bo permitted to voto and v,r fcavehlB vote fairly counted? Ito f, publicaus Bay yes. DuiiuwnUlo : platform politically says ix. Mr, Cleveland In this caso has tho cour age frankly to say ditto to- his plat r form. If this Doniocratlo opposition t.'MMns anything, It means nulllllca r '' Son of tho fourteenth und llfteouth artlclea of the constitution. latulmauxL fcr,''tho World'8 Pair. HAWK.E8WUKY, B. O., Oct. 6. '-The schooner Oullna bus arrived 2 towe-. from Labrador with n colony :it( Esquimaux for the, world's fair. The colony consists, of 15 families, 'reomprislug 67 souls, ranging in age fro-tn 6 months to 60 years. They have all their paraphernalia with them, inelndlut: 21 dogs. Tho yes al will proceed to Bostou. Tbe Kentucky Races. Lkxinciton, Ky.,OoU 6, 8po toilThe groat Kentucky trots wodur the auspices of tho Kentucky Hon Breeders association begins her today, aud will last ten days. The Phoenix hotel is crowded with Mtrf men from all parts of tho couu try,, most of whom have onirics In ttut great event. Tho suites will Mm up to ? 10,000. "T"-'" "' ' , Mrs, Harrison's. Health. WHlJigTo.v, 0U 6. Tho Tost ajgra Utfti Is no longer any doubt tbt President Ilarrlsou will bo com MUwTto abandon his plana for par italpation In the Columbian oxer- la New York next week.aml In ktMV TheooudltlonofMrs. U Ktioh that liu will uot be to leave hw batUlde. WjUKUjowk, D.C., Oct. 6.- vlfB. tfurriuny rMail umnli 1u.iiup tout ulght, but U ho U't- UU rIu)f. MARKETS. ' il.a. Wall Walk. 11.171 yUM VlUJtowbo ChI., Oet. 4, it, Das. tl.SftJ. 0BMU9O Ilk., 0.-i,-WUU Li-m BOLD ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY Several of The Robbers ami Some Citizens Killed. Tho Daiton Gang Slaughtered Snow in Northern Now York Street Car Conductor Held Up Tennyson Dying Mo Made tho Trip. Kansas City, Mo,, Oct. 6. A Special from Cofl'yvillesays Bob and Grant Daiton, Tom Heddy and an unknown member of the Daiton gang Ho dead in this city, (Emmet Dul ton Is. mortally wounded. City Marshal, C. T. Connelly, George Uubluo and Charles Brown, Shoe maker dead. Cashier Thomas G. Ayers, First National bank and Lucius Baldwin, clork in Heed Bros, atore fatally wounded. T. A. Reynolds and Lewis Beitz, slightly injured. All resulting from an at tempt of the Daiton gang to rob hanks of C. M. Condon '& Co, aud First National .of tills city this morning. One man escaped but vill bo caught. Six members of tho gang came in to town ou horseback, leaving their animals in an alley und walked rap Idly across tho square, four entering Condon's and two going to the First National bank. At Condon's bank, Cashier Ball told them the time lock would not open lor flvo or ten inin ites. Tho robbers said they would wait, meantime covering Ball and teller Carpenter with Winchesters, and taking tho money In the draw er. Bob and Emmlt Daiton were visitors to the First National. Hero wero Cashior Ayers, his son Bert and tJllor "W. H. Shopherd. They forced the.m to give up all the mon ey in tho safe. Tho Dalton's then forced them out of tho frout door following them. Alarm in the mount imo had been given, and as they ciune out George Cubin and express ugeut Cox shot and wound ed one of tho robbers badly. !riio robbers returned tho lire, killing Cubin. The robbers in Con don's bank then began shooting out of windows, hitting Ayers and Brown. Both robbers ran back through the bank. They wero mot by Baldwin and killed him. The citizens, thoroughly aroused by this time, pursued tho robbers und suc ceeded In killing tho four men named abovo, and mortally wound iug Emniot, who lies in a room here. If ho survives his injuries, ho will be lynched. Tho man who got away Is supposed to bo Allie Oges. Cashier Ayres nlay recover. All the money was recovered and turned over to tho bunk. ' President Harrison Will Not Go Washinoton, Oct.5. It Is stated that at tho meeting of the cabluot yesterday tho president intimated to his associates that tho condition of Mrs. Harrison was such that t'o would uot leavo her bedside, and that iu conscqueuoe ho would be compelled to abandon his plaus to bo present at tho Columbian celebra tion in Now Yorlj next week and later at Chicago, All tho members of tho cabluot will bo present at both oolobrations. Tho president will bo represented by VIco Presi dent Morton. Work of tho Mafia.. CltiUAfJO, Oct. 6.- In Investi gating into tho death of Ellgero Martruo, tho Italian killed In tho saloon Buuday night, tho police liavo found evidoucelt was tho work of Mada, Bovon Italians who wero present at tho time of tho murder Jiavu been arrested. Episcopal Convention. B.u.TiMOUK, Mil,, Oot. 6,The frotostaut Episcopal General Cou vontiou assembled hero this morn I n If. liycry seat In, Emanuel church Is (Hied aud many arc obliged to stand. Opouiug sermon 'by Bishop Wlluer, of Ababama. I II SI II I ! II II I Mlsuso of Wool Statistics. Doston, Mass., Oot 5. 8. N. D. North, secretary of tho National .'Woclatlon of Wool Men Manufact uring Co., has wrliteu a letter to Hou, Wm. M. Bprlugor, of Illinois, charging him with the misuse of of wool statistics. Tennyson Dying. LoNliON, Oct. 5. At half past three thU afternoon, Teunyaou's nhysialana report him dyliuj, pass ing away quietly, aud slowli'. He may lluger some hours. Plr Mills urd, Uicxmond, lud., Oet. . The Ntxou papw wtlU www bvire4 ihw (worulay. Iaw, fM0,MiJ, ..."&'$X? --. --. i for Infants "Cm tori a Is so well adapted to children that I recommend Una superior to any prescription known to tno." n. A. Archzk, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "Tho use of 'Castoria' fs so universal and Its merits bo well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cinxos JUrtw, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Beformed Church. Tint Ckktaub Street Oar Conductor Held Up. St. Louis, Oct. G. A street car on Cassa Avenue lino was held up in the heart of tha city .about mid night by four negroes; one highway man placed a revolver to the drivers head, others went to the rear with pointed revolvers, and ordered the conductor to turn over what money he had. The car was crowded with passengers, who began screaming and some rushed for the doors. The streets were crowded with persons returning homo after Veiled Propn -eta Parade. Two policemen rushed to the car. The robbers were fright ened away, and only one was cap tured. Tho Wetmore Breaking Up. Makskkikld, Oct. 5.-TheCharles W. Wetmorols breaking up. The house is all gone, also the smoke stack and all tho musts except tho forward one. It is said that the vessel has broken in two. The seu today is running higher than it has sinco the vessel went ashore. The Wetmore is continually settling in tho sands. A number of surf fisher men contemplated going on board aud getting tno loosu jdunder that could bo found, lings, valuables etc., but since tho ship Is in hor present condition, they will probably leavo her alone. Election in Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 6. Georgia today elects Governor, otlior state oQlcers aud a full general assembly. Two full tickets are in the field, StateDemocratio and People's party. The Republicans have simply na tional electoral ticket aud will throw statolvoto to Peoples party. Demo cratic ticket is headed by Hou. W. J. Northen for governor, and the Peoples parly by Hou. W. I. Peek. Bulletins aunouuee the voto the heavelst in mauy years. Tho Demo crats claim the state by thirty to tlfty thousand. Trouble Browing. Nasuvillk, Tenu., Oct. 5 Gen eral James P. Weaver, tho Peoplo's party candldato for president has an appointment to speak on Satur day at Pulaski, whero he was in command during tho war and whore it is charged ho was cruel aud ty rannical. An attempt has been mado to havo him withdraw the ap pointment but failed. A meeting has been held to adopt measures to secure him a respectful hearing, but somo conservative cltlzous fear trouble. Every eftort is belug made to avoid it. South Dakota Republicans. Yankton, So. Dak., Oct. C The Democratic state central committee havo forwarded to the secretary of state as required by law certificates o,f nomination mado by the Dem ocratic state conveutlon. Tills set tles the questlou of fusion in South Dakota; tho state Is believed to bo surely Republican. i w Olovelaud for Buzzard's Bay. Nkw Yomc, Oct. 5. Ex-Presl-dent Cleveland left for iluz-ard'a Bay this afternoon. Snowing in Now York. Kingston, N. Y., Oot. (5. North ern New York experienced a light snow this morning. Prof. I Arousou, the Optlciau, who located at Dan J, Fry 'a drug store, has had many visitors today, aud everyone Is much pleased with tho results, llo Invites mauy more aud guarantees satisfaction. Have your eyoa examined free, Baby cried, Mother frighod; Doctor prvcrili?d t Caetotia ' Headache, billinusnea, and lver (roubles are promptly eurvd ly the u of Ayer'sOattwirtUs Pills. Equal- lv Ju -feJ ! iliuI ft! teWfrMM ---,.&. and Children.' Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Bout Stomach, Diarrbcea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes A Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardzs, M. D., Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Muriut Stout, New York. ENCYCLOPEDIA BltlTANNIOA. It Is surprising to observe what various eminent men have accom plished by a few minutes each day at the study of come science or art. Tne systematic uso of "odd mo ments" is in fact the secret of many a man's eminence in life. The en trance of the Oregoman Edition Encyclopedia Britannlca into so many of our homes, suggests some thoughts for the young in our com munity. When you receive your first Volume, take up the one subject of Biography and read carefully tho lifo of Alexander. In your next volume read the life of Aristotle; in the next Bacon, Beethoven, Byron, Chatham, Columbus, Demosthenes, Edward Everett, Farragut, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Alexander Hamil ton, Homer, The Apostle John, Longfellow, Matthew, Mobatnined, I Napoleon, The Apostle Paul, Pope, Raleigh, Scott, Alexander H. Ste phens, Washington Wellington, Xerxes. A Biography of ono famous character in history for each of the twenty-five volumes. Fifteen minutes each day for ono year will sutllce. Take your meas urmeut now, at the beginning of this self-appointed task; at tho end of the year take your measurement agaiti, and what would you take for your bargain? The knowledge you would have gained of tho great characters of history, statesmen, scholars, poets, musicians, orators, philosophers, would uloue repay .you a hundred fold for your Investment. Aud yet, you havo touched upon but one of the many thousand sub jects contained iu this great work. He Made Tho Trip. OmcAao, Oct. C -Major John Magoon, an Oregon pioneer, nearly 80 years of age, arrived here yester day, having walked from Johu Day county, Oregou, since July 4. Ho started for Chicago that day, aiming to get here iu time to witness the dedicatory exorcises of tho world's fair. Ho goes buck by rullroad after the dedication, so us to get home iu time to voto. Saved a Woman's MIV. Mr. J. E. Thnroughgood, wrltlug from Georgetown, Delaware, says; "Two teaspooufuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Dlarrhcoa Reme dy saved tho life of Mrs. Jane Thomas, of this place." Ho also states that several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Baskett & Van Slypo Druggists. Malarial disorders as oiteu attack residents of largo cities as of the country. Ayre's Ague Cure Is war ranted a safe and certain sptcitlc. Hellenbraud's meals are as usual the best. NO Sl'KCIALTY AKTISTS. One llrm in this city says It is uot in the specialty business, but that It soils all lines as low as tho lowest, and delivers goods more promptly than any other. That llrm Is Clark & Epply, tho family grocers. There will bo a f30 trio of Plym outh Rook and n $20 trio of While Leghorn ou exhibition at tho poul try auction Saturday. is o . ''.'y rvc.'aicil from Sirsarur I .. . A, M,, Dock, 1 1, . ;,k , I .. . i r io''g, and otlivr wcll-Kuun v ..;.. .LIb Htt!..lla leiiiMlIes, 1 y a ci ' r. '. !u .tKi'i, i rjirtloa, nnil proet , . , "tii llood'a S..iaiarllU curatlvo ua. i n t I'tnspwil ly oilier medicine. 1. i bocU rcniurk.itilo cures where others 1...1 E-Jooii's Sarsaparilla Is tin) best I Uhm purifier. It cuvm Scrcf uM, U .'.t Klu'iun, Hulls, tfiuplcs, aH lluimns, PjTpeiisla, lllllmisiicss, Sick lle.ulaeh IiuUfcsiUoii, Ueiicral Dobllity, Cutanrt, lUscumatlsiii, Klilnoy and Liver cmii pt..1uts; overcomes That Tired Feelli ,:, croak un npiwtUe, luiUUs up the tyali'iu. Hood's Sarsaparilla Han met unparaltcd success at home. Such MtaVupiUarlty lit Lowell, Mass., w hero It Is r.iiuU, that Lmvcll iliUfgUti Bill inmo nf IIiors 8anaiarllta Hum all other sarsaiu liiUa or blouj ttcr'fiers. Tho saiuo success is extoliug all over the country. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is in Its fctreusth and economy It Is the only vrepaiaUou ct wliluli can truly lK saM "l lVcs tna IJollar." A twttloi't IIckhVs fJ.inuiMrlU.-i taken aixorU liiS to airevtlons, will last a mouth. Hood's Sarsaparilla ts peulltr la tho coxifl Jence 1 1 trains among allclaMiMotpcoiilo. Where It Is ouee used It bc6Hes a favorite family remo-ly, I)o uot VJ Induced to luy other preparations, ) sure to eet the IVcullar JleJtcluo, Hood's Sarsaparilla 84iltrilruntt. ft UxU'TfX r?vrrltj P-LIKKHt CO,Awfl-arl.LuU,tM4 IOO D One pollar Notice) bf Assessment for Street Improvements. XTOTIOn IB HEnEBT OIVEN THAT TDK i n(inicnt inula bjr orillusnce Xo, 2JO, for the pkvlug, gruUng, curbing, glittering atl draining all that part of Oounurrcial street be twren the north end of the bridge ncrwm Snulll Mill creek and the north Fide of Center atrcet, all that part of Statu and Court atra-U betneeu the nest aide of High rtreet ami tbo east aido of Front etreet, all that part or Ferry street bo tween the wrt aide of Liberty street aud tho eaat side of Front street, all that part of Center street between tho west aide of Commercial street and the treat aide of Frout struct in the manner provided by said ordinance on each of the following described lota and parts of lots and tracts of land as well as those liable for a proportionate share of the cost of Improving the Intersections of stnets included lu tho above boundaries, is duo and payable at the office of the city treasurer. In United States gold and silver colu, and unless paid within fifteen days from the date of this notice, the ssruo will become delinquent and bear Inter est, and tbo common council will order war rants for the collection therof : Harry Staplcton; lot No. Sin block No. GO, Salem, Oregon, 3'H.GL The Oregon Land Co.; lot No. S in block Nc. 61, Salem, Oregon, U24.85. . J. I. Thompson; lot No. 4 In block No. 61, Salem, Oregon, $W2. W. A. Cuslck; lot No. 1 In block No. CO, Salem, Oregon, J103.77. Thomas Johnson; lot No. 2 in block No CO, Bslem, Oregon, $Ht.71. E. F. Parkhurst ; the north 25 feet oil of lot Fo. 3, in block No. 60, Saleui, Oregon, fJH.VO. U. W. Cettle: lot No a and a strlii of land 11.60 feet wide ofT of the north side uf lot No. 4 in block No. 60, Salem, 'Oregen: except a strip of land 23 feet wide on of the north side of lot No. 3, aold to E. F. l'arkhurat, $102.77. State Insurance Company of Half m, Oregon; beginning at the southeast corner of block No. 60, in the city of Baleni, Oregon; thence west erly along the south line of paid block 105 feet to the alley In said block; thence northerly along the alley 71 feet; thence easterly, parallel with tho south line of said block, lb feet to the eat line of said bluck, tlieum aloug the east line of said block, 71 feet to the place of beginning, $113.24. The First National Bank of Bjleui, Oregon; beginning at tho southeast corner of block No. 4'J, Balem, Oregon; thence southerly aloug the block Hue 45 feet; thence witaerly parallel with the nqrth line of tho block IM feet; thence northerly parallel with the east lino of the block 45 feet to the north line of aald block; thenco easterly along the north line of said block 120 feet to the place of bcgluulug, $711.46. Mrs, A. A. Wheeler; beginning at the north west corner of lot No. 1, in block No. 4'J, Balem, Oregon; thence southerly along the alley lu said block C7.68 feet; thence easterly, parallel with Cbemeketa street, 1C5 feet; theme north erly along the east line of block .No 4'J, 2X58 feet; thence westerly parallel to the north hue of said block, 12G feet; theuce northerly 45 feet to the north lino of the block, theuce'westerly 39 feet to the place of beginning, JJ7.41. K. B. Lamport; all that portion of laud In lots No. 1 and '2 lu block No. 4'J, Bjlem, Oregon, described' as follews: Degiuulng at a point 22.68 feet south of the southeast corner of tho building now known us the First Nstional Bank, and running southerly along the east Hue of tho block 22.68 feet; theuce westerly, parallel with the south wall of the banK build ing, 105 feet to tho alley lu auid block; thenco northerly along said alley, '22.58 feet; tlleuce easterly 1C5 feet to the place of begluning. $37.41. W. N. I.adue and J-. lord; all that portion or tract of laud In lot No. 2. in block No. 49. Balem, Oregon, described as follows,, to-wit: Ueginning ut a point 45.1U feet south of the southeast corner of the building kuown as the First National Hank, aud running southerly along the west line of Commercial btreet, 22.68 leet; thence westerly parallel to tho south wall of the bunk building 1C5 feet to the alley lu said block; thenco northerly along the alley 22.68 feet; thence easterly 1C5 feet to the place of beginning, $37.41. E. B. Lamport, W. N. Ladno, T. Ford, John Hughes, A. A. Wheeler aud 1). lorstner; that portion or tract of land, lot No. lu block W, Balem, Oregon, described as bcgluulug at a point 07.68 feet south of the southeast corner of the building known as tho First National Hank Hnd running southerly along Commercial street 7.76 leet, theuce westerly parallel with the south wall of said kink building 1G5 feet to the alley in said block; theuce northerly 7,75 feet aloug the alley, theuce easterly to tno place of beginning, $13.11. .lohu Hughes; beginning at the'southcastror nor of lot No. 2 lu block No, I'J, Balem, Oiegon; thence westerly along the south line of euld lot Hi.") f let to the alley; thenco north along the alley 45.30 feet; thenco easterly purallel with Cheuieketa Btreet ltii feet to tho east liuu of said block; theuce southerly aloug the east Hue of said block 45,30 feet to the place of begin ning, $7C.yi. U. Forstuer; beginning ut the northeast cor nor of lot No. 3 lu block No. IV, Salem, Oregon; thence westerly aloug the north line of said lot 1U5 feet to the alley, theuce southerly along the alley 44.W feet, thence northerly uloug the east Hue of said lot 44.6U feet to the place of beginning, $74.41. J. O. Urown; commencing at a point 13 035 feet north of tbo southeast corner of lot No. 3 in block No. 49, Balem, Oregon; thence north uioug ine east line oi sain uiock 2S.5U leet, thLUce westerly at right ungles with Commer cial street lbs feet to the alley, thence south erly along the alley 28.50 feet, theuce eastorly 105 feet to the place of beginning, $43.04. A. A. Btarkoy; beginning ut a point 11.083J teit south of the uortheast corner of lot No. 4 lu block No. 49, Balem, Oregon; theuce north along the east line of salu block 24.1G feet, theuce westerly at right angles with said said east line 105 feet to the alley, theuce Bouth uloug the alley 24.10 foet; theuce easterly 105 ivei tu.iue place ui uegiuniug, 41,11, K. H. Lamport; being a fractional part of lot 4 in block 49, Balem, Oregou, described as fol lows: Uegiuniug at a point on the east Hue of said block CO feet northerly from the southeast corner of said block 49, thenco along the east line in a northerly direction 21 feet, thence westerly at right angle with said east line of block 49, 105 feet to the alley, thence southerly uloug the alley 21 feet, thence easterly 1G5 feet to the plaoe ot beginning, $30,99. David McCuily and B. O, Adams; beginning at a point 20 leet north of tho southeast corner Of block 49, Balem, Oregou; thence north alonu tho east lluo of said block 21 feet, thence west erly at right angle 1C5 feet to the alley, theuce south aloug said alley 21 feet, theuce easterly loi feet to the place of begiuuing, $10 95. W. It. Anderson; begiunlng at the southeast corner of blook No. 49, Balem, Oregou; thenco north aloug the east line of said block 26 feet, theuce wtst, parallel with Court street 105 feet to the alley, theuce south along the alley 20 leet to the south Hue of suld block, theuce east along said south lino to the place of beginning. Also lot No, 4 lu block No. 49, Balem, Oregou, UI,iil, H. U. Fattou; lot No. 8 iu block No. 48, Salem, Oregon, $.170.21. A. Hush; begiuuing at the northeast corner of block No. 4b, lu Btleui, Oregou; theuce westerly aloug tho uorth Hue of aald block 105 feet to tho alley; thence south along tho alley 27.60 feet, theuce east, parallel Wtli Court street 105 foet, to tho east lino of said block, thence north along said east line 27.60 feet to the place of bcgluulug, $21t.03. M. Hroy; begiuuing at u point ou the esBt lluo of block 48 iu Bslom, Oregon, 27.60 feet south of the northeast corner ot said block, thenco south aloug the block line 27.5 feet, thenco west parallel with Court street 105 feet to the alley, thence uorth along the alley 27.50 feel, theuce east parallel with Court street 105 leet to the place of beginning, $47.40. Anus Dickenson; begluntug at a point 65 feet south of tha northeast corner of block No. 48 Balem, Oregou; thence south sloug the block Hue 22 feet, thence west parallel with Court street 103 feet to tha alley, thenco north alou tho alloy a fett, theueo east 105 feet to the plaro of begiuuing, $45.ti. Anion btroug; begiunlug on tba east Hue of block No. 48, Baltui. Oregon, sola pel ut belug 09 feet south of tho uortheast. corner of said block, tutuoo wist parallel with Court street 105 feet to the ality, thence north aloug the alley 23 feet, theueo east parallel with Court street 105 feet to tho east Hue of said blocK, theuee south along ssld east Hue 22 feet to the place Of bcgluulug, $40.70, A. Hush; begltiuiug at tho southeast corner of lot 2 in uiocs is, baiem, urrgou, theuce north along the east line of said block 00 feet, thencs wuit, parallel with Court street 105 feet to the alley, thenco south aloug the alley 00 feet to the southwest corner of lot 2 lu ssld block, thenco east Sloug the lot Hue 105 feet to the place or uoglliuiug, JiIU 3H, W, Ureymsn and E. llrryman; beginning at a nolut 29.60 foet uorth of the southeast corner of lot No, 3 iu block No. if, balem, Oregou, theuce uorth sloug the block Hue to the uorth east corner of ssld lot 3, thence west st right angle 105 feet to the alley; thence south aloug said alley to a point 9,60 feet uorth ot the southwest corner of Ilia said lot; theuce east iw teet to me place oi uegiuniug, sioi.oj. Capital National Hank; beginning at s point on the cast side ot lot No. 3 tn block No. 48. KaKiu, Oregou, the same being 7.50 feet uorth of the southeast corner of the said lot 3, theueo north uloug tl.e east Hue 21 fiot. theuce wtst parallel wllU btate street 105 feet to the alley, theuce south steut: thu alley 3i tett, theuce eal 10 tue place oi uegiuniug, tta.Tii. Harry Staple tout begiuuing at a point ou tba east Hue of lot No. 3 lu block No. 48, Ualam, Oregon, ine same ieiug icti uottu of th aouinsut corner of said lot 3: theucs south along said east Hue 25 fet, theuce west paral. 11 wltu BUie sirtni i irei to in alle;atbuc north along the alley : feet, thence east 101 test to the place of begiuuing, $48 SO. i-llen ilootes. C. II. Uooree. A. N. iloorea. Herttia Uoorios, Carrie Moors, V I. Moores. tiuyMUlvr; lot No. 4 lu block No. 48, tialsm. Ungoe, f-tcpu ji.awicai ok oi me norm side of seM lot 4 extsudlug lu entire leugth, 4141T. X. V. tateei kit No. S In block No. 4. 6Um, OrsafOii. $.0& S, T, Noithcuttj all of lot 8 la Uoek IT, Saliiu, Ufeaon, except 3 feet CJT of tha est ad, ost4 VyTbosue Jury and til City of S.ktfl.lU.3.3. . j Thomas Jory; beginning tu the north line of block 47, Wieni, greguu, xh (eet xseet of the nuirthse! eonttr of lot Xo,d la sild olock, UtMrC W alone the btocfc ltu 34 tett. theuce KHttfe iwfftlM U tha sJisy lu aaM Wk 14J leet, Uwtiee east e feel tauime berth 74 Jl feet to the Use of bejteutug, UrtfV ftsietttj f4 OeT (4 ebtetetsshl gAmtiTni-ffTTVahttta 0M0! No.B IU bioclc,m,p-.jee,mmop,sce j j Mnrr,h V (1 Mnrnhv. S. W. Church; esat of the uortheaat comer of the went half of J. V Wright block No. 47. ihf the north third of lot No. 2 in 47 Sslem Ore gonTbeing 37.70 feet om'mercSi .Snd pending the ertaihfiektoltoilTeVrfisSJr " i,m.v? 'vl,.. J antral onettlllrd of lot No i in block No. 47. Balem, Oregon, being n; T fnr, rrnnt nti (tnrn til priiill Btreet atld !' trailing tbe same width back to the alley, j' b! Enlgbt, Addle Fiamondon. .1. 1.Piamon don. M. A. rismondonj tbs south one-thlrd of lot No. 1 in block No. 47. Bslem, Oregon, being 27 CO feet front on Commercisl street sud extending the same width bsck to tbo alley, J oi Thompson; beginning st the northeast corner of lot No. 3 in block No. 47, Bslem, Ore gon; thence south slong the blockjine 2J 60 feet, thenco west psrsllel with Ferry street 103 feet to the slley, thence north slong tho alley 23.60 feet, thence east to the place of beginning 103 feet, $42.45. H. O. Small; beginning at a point on the east line of lot No. 3, In block No. 47, Salem, Ore gou.whlch point is 2.1 50 feet south of the north east corner of said lot No 3, thence south along the lot lino 23.60 feet, thence west psrsl lel with Ferry street 105 feet to the slley, thence north along the alley 23.60 ftct. thence east 103 feet to the place of beginning, $43 23. v. Thnmrwnn. hi-olnnlnir at a Dolnt 80.10 feet north of the southesst coruer of block No 47, Sslem, Oregon; thence north slong the block line 22.0833 feet, thenco east parallel with Ferry street 105 feet to the oliey, thence south along tho alley 22 0833 feet, thence oast 105 feet to the plsce or bcglnniug, $39.94. Geo U.Turner; beginning st tbosoulhesBt corner of block No 47 In Sslem, Oregou, thenco north slong the block Hue 80.10 feet, theuce west psrsllel with Ferry street 105 feet to the alley, thenco south slong the alley 80 16 feet to the ennth lino of the bleck: thence east slong ssld south line 105 feet to the plsce or begin nlno. 347.41. S. T. Northcutt; lot No. 6 in block No. 47, Bslem, Oregon, $197.48, Southern Pacific 11. R. Company; lot No. 8 in block No. 40, Bslem, Oregon, 1K8.4B. F. F. Miller: beginning st the northeast cor. ncr of block No. 40, Salem, Oregon; thence west along the north line of tbe block 105 leet to tbe alley, thence south along the alley 00 feet, thenco east 47.50 feet, thence north 43 feet anil 1UH inches, mence eaBi in. n reel 10 me oast line of the block, theucs north 22.125 feet to the nlace of bednulni!. $214.38. S. Jones, begiuuing at a point on tho cast Hue of block No. 40, Salem, Oregon, 22.125 feet h u)u of tbe uortheast corner of said block; tli' lice west parallel with Ferry street 117.6 led, thence south 21 feet parallel with Com m reiki street, theuce east 117.5 feet to the east lino uf tho block, thenco north 21 feet to tbe place of beginning, $41 00. J C. Johnson, S. T. Richardson; beginning at ap hit on tno cast line ot blocs 4i, Balem, Oregou, 43,125 feet south of the northeast cor ner uf said block; thence west parallel to Ferry stieil 117.5 feet, thence south parallel with Commercial street, 23.873 feet thence east 117.5 feet to tbe east line of ssld block, thenco north slong the Said east line 22.875 feet to tbe place of begiuuing, $11.49. Ed. Hlrsch; begiuuing at the southeast cor ner of lot No. 2 in block No. 40, Sslem, Oregon; theuce west parallel with Ferry street to the alley, thence north along the alloy 83 feet; thence east 105 feet to the east line of block 40, tuence south slong the block lluo 83 feet to the place of beginning, $1C4 30, Ed Uhsch; begiunlng at the northeast cor ner of lot No. 3 In block No. 46, Baleni, Oregon; thence west 1C5 feet to the alley, theuce south uloug tho alley 25 feet, thence esst 105 feet to the east Hue of tbo block, theuce north slong said east Hue 25 feet to tho place of beginning, $30 90. W. E. Bnrke; beginning at a polut on the east line of block 40, Salem, Oregon, 10 feet north of the southeast corner of lot No. 3 in said block, thence west parallel with Trude street 115 feet, thenco north parallel with Com mercial street 39.6 feet, thence east 115 feet to the cast line of tbe block, theuce bouth 39.5 leet to tbe place or beginning, $7d.0l. J. Chapman aud D. Simpson; beginning at tho soutneust coruer of lot No. 3 lu block No. 40, Balem, Oregon; thence north aloug the block lluo IU feet, thenco west parallel with Trade street 60 feet, thence south 22.5 feet, theuce east parallel whh the north Hue 50 feet to the east line of the block, thence north 12.5 leet to the place or begiuuing, $47.13. The Southern Pacific It. 11, Company; begin, ning at the southeast corner of block 40, Saleui, OreHon; tbenie north along the block line OS feet, thence west at right angle with Commer cial street 60 leet, theuce north 22.5 feet, thence west 05 feet, thence north 39.5 feet, thence west 60 feet to the alley, theuce south uloug tho alley 124 feet to the south line of the Olock, thence eust along tho south line 105 feet to the placo of begiunlng, $121.76, Sslem Flouring -Mill Company; lots 1 aud 2 in block 45, Salem, Oregon, SJ18.49. The Salem Water Company; all of lot 7 in block 30, Dalcm, Oregon, except u strip 7 foet wide oft of the north side of said lot, $88.08. Ed. Hlrsch; all of lot No. 8 lu block No. 3G, Balem, Oregon, aud a strip of lsud 7 feet wide off the north side of lot No, 7 in said block, $159.51. 8. E. Ford, F.J, Ford, 0. A. Armstrong, J. M. rora, i ju. i ora, it. roru, u. u. Ford, C. 51. ilaker, I. J. Ford, J. II. Ford, R. R. Ford and W A. Ford; lot No. 6 in block No. 35, In Salem, Oregou, $140.61. M. Ellnger and S. Beck- beginning at the southwest corner of lot No. 0 in block No. 35, Salem, Oregon; thenco north along the block line 75 feet, thence east at right angle with Commercial street 105 leet to thu alley, thence south along the alley 75 feet, thence west 105 feet to the place of beginning, $128.04. A. Bush aud W, S. Ludd; lots No. 7 aud 8 In block No. 35, Salem, Oregon, 3485.05. A. Bush aud W. B. Ladd; lot No. 1 In block No. 35, Salem, Oregou, $200.02. J. O. Smith; lot 4 in block No. 31, Salem, Ore gou, $200.02. J. B. Hlrsch; beginning at the southwest cor ner of block No. 34, Baleni, Oregou; theuce east st right angle with Commercial street to the slley, theuce north along the alley 67,5 feet thenco west parallel with Ferry street to the east line of Commercial street, thence bouth slong said line 67.5 feet to the pluce of beglu. ning, $.104.83. B. Adolph; beginning at a point 57K feet uorth of the southwest corner of block 34, Balem, Oregon, and on tbe west line of said block, theuce eaBt at right augle with Commer cial street to tho alley, thence north ulong the 'alley lino 37 feet, thence west to the west Hue oPtbo block, thence south 37,4 feet to tbe place of.begluning, $77.43. A, Bush; begiunlng at a point on the east line of Commercial street 20.75 feet north of tbe southwest corner of lot No. 0, block No. 34, Balem, Oregou; thenco east at right angle with Commercial street 165 feet to the slley, theueo north along the alley 30 V5 feet, thence west to Commercisl street, thence south 30.25 feet to the place of begluntug, $58.01. F. Oberbelm; beginning at tbe southwest corner of lot No. 7, block No. 34, Salem, Ore gon; thence north along the block Hue 31 feet, theuce east st right angle with Commercial street to the alley, thence south along the alley 45 feet, thence west to the west Hue uf tbe block, thenco uorth 21 feet to the place of be ginning, $33,75. T. Burrows; beginning 28 feet 7-5 inches south of the northwest corner of lot No. 7 block No. 34, Salem, Oregou, theuce south 21 feet 5.5 inches, thence east st right sngle with Commercisl street to the alley thenco north along the alley 21 feet 5 6 inches, thence west to the plsce of begiuuing, $53.67, A. Bush; begiuuing at the northwest corner of block No. 34. Salem, Oregon; thence south along tha block line 103 teet, theuce east at right augle with Commercial street 100 feet to tbo alley, thenco noitherly along the alley 28.5 feet to the northeast corner of lot 7, block No. 31, thence west along the lot line 91 feet.theuce north parallel with Commercial street to the north lino of said block, thence wtst along the block Hue 75 feet to the place of beglLuiug, $243.b2. Thus. McF. Fatton; beginning at tho north east corner of lot No, 8, block No. 34, Balem, Oregou, thence south ulong the east liuo of ssld lot to tbe southeast coruer thereof, thence west along tho lot line 91 feet, thence north parallel with Commercial street to tha north line ot tne oiocs, meuce easterly along the norm Jiue uiuca, vi leeito me place or uemu. nlmr. $117 01. O, Paulus; beginulug at tho northwest corner or lot o. i, uiock io. 34, Balem, Oregon; thence south at rhtht ancle with stun atri 149 feet to the south line ot lot 3 In said block, thence west aloug the lot Hue 21.5 feet to the alley, tbeuca uortn aloug the alley 149 feet to me piaco ui uvttiuujug. 9..01. S, Adolph; bcgluulug at a polut on tbe uorth line of block No. 34, Bslem, Oregon, VJ.42 feet west of the northeast corner thereof, thence west along tho block Hue 49X0 feet to a point 24.8 feet east of the alley, thence south st right angle with Stste street 149 feet to the south line ot lot sin satd block; theuce east aloug the lot lino 49.00 feet, thence uorth 149 fett to the place of begiuuing, $62.43. J. C. Thompson, J. Latere, Cbss. Smith and Lena Binltb; beginulug at a point C7 feet and 7 Inches west of the uortheast corner of block No, 31, Balem, Oregon; thence west along tbe north Hue of the block 34 feet and 10 inches, theuce south at right angle 49 feet to the south lineof lot No. 3 lu said block, thence east along the lot Hue 34 leet and 10 inches, thence uorth 149 feet to tbe place of beginulug, $11.08. O. W. Dray; begiunlng at the northeast cor. uerot block No. 31, Balem, Oregon; thence south aloug tbe east Hue of said block 1185 feet to the southeast corner of lot No, 3, thence west slong the lot line 07.5 feet thence uorth 148.S feet to State street, theuce esst 07.3 feet to the plsce of begiunlng, 1101.33. City of Sslemi begmnlog st the northwest coruer of block No. 30 Balun, Oregon,- thence east along the block line SO feet, theuce eouth st right angle 101 feet, theuce went 60 f sett theuce aofth along the block Use 101 feet to the plsce of beginning. $e8.of. Frvd Hurst; beginulug at point 60 feet esst of ths northwest coruer of block No. 30, balem. Oregon; thence east aloug the block Hue 30 ff,,! ?S!h ll rt8'" "" bUte street lit feet, theuce vest 80 feet to the east Use ot Liberty street, theuce north sloug the block line 41 feet, theuce east 60 fMi tueuc north to the place et begiunlng, $44.03. D. Steluer aud A. Muster; WgUnltug at point 100 feet and 0 Inches east of the north west corner of block No. 30. Saleui. Oregon theuee south at right aagie wilh Mate etreet 1 UM ft to tbo aautb Mb at lot 1 1 . ..n Mook, Umom vm4 Uu tba lot Una SB J r MrMwiwHii UUitlHtaimt.tiMM I . -j ..... .....- i ll.l K fell ' right suglo with Slats street to the north line of i Ferry street, thence west 23 feet and 3 Inches to . pofnl 1. fee east of the southesst cornet 'of the west half of lot B In said block, thence I north to the place of beginning. $30.42. , 1 Strong, N. Strong, i A.Strong ji o .ftinuey, ih ....i n.irnf thar-ast nnarterpf lota Nos 7 and81nbloclt No. 20, Balem, Oregou, $J.1 111. Annie M I.McCormack; beginning at a polut 124 feet 1.125 Inches esst of the northwest cur ner of block 20, Sslem, Oregon, thence south st right ingles with Stste street to the south line lot No, 7 lu ssld block, thence easterly along tho lut line 21.27 feet, thence northerly to State street, thence west along State street 21.27 feet to tbe place of beginning, $35.03. F. U. D'Jtrcy; beginning at tho northwest corner of lot No. 1 In block No 20, Salem, Ore gon, thence south slong the slley to the eouth. west torner of lot No. 2 in said block, theuce east 40 feet parallel wilh Ststo streot, thence north to the south line of Stste Btreet, theuce west to the plsce of beginning, $51.57. a. 1. Hughes, J. Hughes; beginning st a polut 40 feet esst of the northwest coruer of lot No. 1 in block No. 30, Bslem, Oregou, thence south at right sngles with Slate street to the" south lino or lot No. 2 in said block, thence east aloug the lot line 42.50 feet, thenco north parallel with the alley to State street, thence west 42.60 feet to the plsce of begin, ning. Also lot No. 3, block 20, Balem, Oregon, am ni Tlios Hubbard; east half of lots Nos. 1 and 2 in block 20, Salem, Oregon, $111.18. Q. W. Gray; lots Nos, 3 sud 4, block 21, Sa lem, Oregon, $225.24. J, J. Murphy, E. O. Murphy; cast half of lot No. 6 lu block 25, Balem, OreCon, $lb8.80. Joseph Vioranl; webt half of lut No. 6 ill block 21, Balem, Oregon, $151 80. O. W. Gray; lot No. 3 and 60 feet off of the east side of lot No. 4 in block No. 33, Salem, Oregon, $08.46. Joseph Fontaine; the esst half of lot No. 4 in block No. 33. Salem, Oregon, except 60 feet off of the east end thereof owned by O. W. Gray, $50.01. Square Farrar, J. F. Farrar, E. E. Farrar, E. Farrar; the west half of lot No. 4 in block 3J, Salem, Oregou, $127.83. John Payne and Oeo. Payne; begiunlng at the southeast coruer of lot No. 5, block No. 33, Sslem, Oregon, theuce uorth sloug tbe west Hue of tho alley 60.60 feet, thence west paral lel with State street 47.33 feet, thence south 60. 60 feet to the north line of State street, thence east 47.33 feet to the place of begtunlug, $88.00 J. J. Murphy, E C. Murphy; begiuuing at a point 94 feet cast of tho southwest corner of block No. 33, Balem, Oregou, theuce north par allel with Commercial street 60 feet; theueo east parallel with State street 23.00 feet, theueo south 60 foet to tbe north Hue of State street, thence west 23.00 feet tu the plsce of begin ning, $38.37. F. J. Freyer, J. J. Murphy, E. E. Murphy, F S. Dearborn, E. F. Bozsrtb,EHs Dtsriiorn.Kate Dearborn It. II. Dearborn, Mrs. H.A.Dearborn; beginning on the south line of block No 33, Salem, Oregon, 80 feet east of the southwest corner of said block, thence nurth parallel with Commercial street 60 feet, theuce east parallel with State street, tba ice south CO feet theuce west 14 feet to the piaje of beginning, $20.79. F, J. Freyer; beginnlug at the southwest corner of lot No, 5, block ."o. 33, Salem, Ore gon, thence east along the lot lluo 80 feet, thence north parallel with Commercial street 25 50 feet, theuce west parallel with btato street feurcet to Commercial street, theueo south 35, 60 feet to the place of brginuing, $138.02. F. S. Dearborn, E. F. Dearborn, Ella Dear born, R. II. Dearborn, Mrs. II. A. Dearborn; ue giuniug at a point 25 60 feet north of thexouth west corner of block No. 33, Salem, Oregou, theuce north along the block line 25 leet, theuce east at right uugto with Commercial street 80 feet, theuce south 25 feet, theuce west 80 feet to the place of beginning, $47.13. J. W. Mluto aud Jennie Chapman; begiunlng ut tbe northwest corner of lot 5 In block 33, Balem, Oregou, theuce uorth ulong the block Hue 21 feet, thenco cast at right nugio with Commercial street to tbe alley, thenco south uloug the alley CJ feet, theuce west toCommer i iul street, thenco north 33 feet to the place of beginulug, $84.13. AdumHosgen sud Adam Bsrre; the south halt of the uorth three-fourths of lut 0 lu block 3J, Balem, Oregon, $19.30. A. Bush; the uorth half of the north three- quarters of lot 0 in block 33, Salem, Oregon, $41.31. E. Eckerlln; a strip of land 22 feet wide oft" of tho south side of lot 7 iu block 33, Sulem, Oregon, $18.10 J. I. Thompson; beginning at a point 21 feet north of tho southwest corner of lot 7 in block 33, Sulem, Oregon, theuce east at right auglo with Commerclol street to the alley, theuce north along the alley 49 50 feet, theuce wtst 105 feet to the esst Hue of Commercial street, thence south 49.50 feet to tbe pluce of begin ulug, $75.83. Warner Bjeyman, Eugene Breyman; lot No. 8 and 11.33 feet off of tho north side of lot No. 7 In block 33, Salem, Oregou, $388.04. Leo. Willis, Eugene Willis, E. P. McCormack; lot No. 1 and the north half or the north half of lot No. 2 in block 33, Salem, Oregon, $317.00. jw iiiitia, ciujr mills; lao HCHl JIBll Ul 101 8 in block 21, Soleni, Oregon, $150.07. I Percy Willis; tho east half of lot 8 in block! 21, Salem, Oregon. $151.49. Cbemeketa Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. r. of Salem, Oregon; lots No. land 2 In block 21, Balem, Oregou, $259.00. D, F. Wagner; beginning at the southeast comer of lot No. 4 in block No. 22, Salem, Ore gou, theuce north along High street 100 feet, theuce west 81 feet, theuce south 100 feet to Court street, thence east 81 feet to the placo of beginulug, $129.07, Ueo. Collins; beginning at a point on the north line or Court street, said potut being 81 leet west of the southeast corner of lot 4 in block 22, Salem, Oregon, thence north 100 feet, thence west 17 feet, thenco south 100 feet, thence east alung Court btreet 17 feet to the place of beginutng, $28.02. Joseph Jlejers; begiuuing st the southwest coruer of lot No. 4 iu block 22, Salem, Oregon, thenco north along the west Hec of the lot 100 feet, theuce eastut rieht angle 07 feet, thenco south 100 feet to the north Hue of Court street, theucei west 07 feet to the placo of begiuuing, P. 8. Knlgbt; the east half of the east hslf of lot No, 6 iu block 23, Sslem, Oregon, $84 58. , J. W. Thomas; beginnlug ut a polut41.25feet west of tho southeast corner of lot 6 in block 22, Salem, Oregon, theuce west ulong the north Hue of Court Btreet 14 feet, thence north 82.60 feet, thenco esst 14 feet, thence south 82.50 feet to the plsce of beginning, $28.41, L. L. Rowland; beginning at the southwest corner of lot No. 5 in block 22, Bslem, Oregon, thence east along the south line of said lot 110. .0 feet, thence north at right angle 82.60 feet, thence west along the north line of said lot 23.70 feet, thence south 25 feet, thence west S3 feet, thenco south along the east line of Lib erty street 67.50 feet to tbe place of beginning, D. F. Wagner; lots No. 3 and 4 in block 32 balem, Oregou, excepting a piece of land off of the west end, bouuded as follows, tu.wit; Be. ginning at tbe southwest coruer of lot 4 in block 32, Salem, Oregon, thence north along tbe alley 100 feet, thence east 60 feet, thence south 100 leet. thenco west 60 feet to tho place of beginning, $319.00. E. M. Croi6an and J. n. McNary; beginnlnn at the southwest coruer of lot 4 In block 32, Salem, Oregon, theuce north aloug tbe alley 100 feet, thence east 50 feet, thence south 100 feet to the north liue of Court street, thence west 50 feet to tho place of begiunlng, $91 bl D, B. SteveB and O, W. Steves; beginning at the southeast corner of lot 5 in block 32, Salem Oregon; thenco west along tbe uorth line of Court street 21 feet, theuce uorth at right uncle .0 feet, theuce east 34 feet, theuce south 70 feet to the place of beginning, $10.00. Wm. England; beginnlug at a point 21 feet west of tho southeast corner of lot 5 iu block 33, balem, Oregon; thenco north parallel with Commercial street 70 feet, theuce west 23 feet thence south 70 feet, thence east 23 foet to the placo of begiuuing, $30.08, 11. AT. Wk.lA. lu...lnnl...L .1 ii . - . : - ; ,uu,ua i me uuumwe8t cor. ner of lot 5 iu block 32, Salem, Oregon; thence east aloug the south lino of said lot 119 feet thence north parallel with Commercial street 1 V?": ,.h.ence e8t 31M fee. 'bence south 4.42 feet, thence west 9.25 feet, thence south 33 feet, theuce west 75 feet to the west line of said lot, theuce south a loop llm u'ni l.i.i u.. ... feet to tho place of begtunlug, $219.60. u England; beginning at the northwest corner of lot 6 in block 32. Salem. Oregon thence east psrsllel to Court street 75 reel theuce Bouth 12.50 feet, thence esst 0 40 feet theuce south 23.33 feet, thence west paralle with Court street 75 feet, theuce north 40 feet to the placo of beginning, $05,45. It. M, Wade; begiuuing at a point 33.75 feet south of the northwest tornerof loto lu block 33, bslem, Oregou, thence esst parallel with Court street 100 feel to the slley, thenco south aloug the alley 49 feet and 9 Inches, thence wtst para Uel with Court street 100 fiet. thence gmuing, $70 M.""1 " ,UCt"' t0 the pl"e of b" W. F, Boothby; beginning at the northwest coruer of lot 0 In biwir ?o b.i.. A " ." thence east aloug the north line of said lot to the nortbeat corner thereof, theuce south aloug the east Hue 33.76 feet thence west Paral. lei to Court street 100 to the west Hue of said lot, thence north along the said west line 33.7C feet to the place of beginning, $30.00, The owners nnkuowu; lot7 aud Slublock 33. lu Salem. Oregou, $307.11. Jn iiM088 M -No' ,n D,ock 3.8sUm. Ore- 8.1euT;SUron.,lif7; ,0, ' 1U W0Ck 3l' gon f'uSi M N0- 8 lD W0Ck 3l' SlIem' 0r- oSEr&s?' ,o1 xo-a ,u uock . ,?, - Crof i ' Vn' ne" 8 Jordan. Mm. i"; lUxm,1,J,' Amelia btraii Si A.E Strang. Anna B. Uuuaaicr. A.O. Scbwatki Qm. WllUaaui lot I lu block l, Saltm, oko Urn. oSSJ.1 & K 8 " ,D "" So- S- oteroST1 ,0U 3 a84 ta Mock " etitta' Bacliil Joa'e; begtanlog at tba nortbwet cornw of lot 5 lu block M, 8al. "Au! Ibenc outa along Ubtrij met a fK,T tbtne tan p,rallcl m, cJ,rt JL. li. Il!I' llSj? W4 ta " . MS. Or, tls.90. ,I.Ltf.,taMhfcfei MTfeUoekH, Salera. Orrenrt. $16.20. h. 8. Skiff; all of lot No. 3 lu block 33, Balem Oregon, except tbo north half of tbo north h.if uf said lot, $15.40. " "" P. U. D'Arcy, Wm. Stalger, Sopblo Monros. lot No. C, iu block 21, Sslem, Orpgnu, $17.93 ' By order of the Common Council, M. E. OOODELL, Recorder Sslem, Oregon, 22d September, 1892, l 1MMI MMMMMMMM., , THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC 1U1LR0AD And Oregon Development ccmpanv'i steamship lino. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours .w time Ihnn by any other touto. First mass through pnssencer and freight line irom 1'ortlnud nud nil points in the W11 lnmette vnllev to nnd lrom Hon Krancisei' TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Bunonys). Leave Albany 1:00 I'M Leave Uorvnllis - 1:40 FM Arrive Yaqulnn ....... 6:30 im Leave Ynqulna - ...... .6:45 AM Leavo Corvullis - - .... 10-35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. A O. traiiiH connect at Albany and Corvallis. Tho abovo trains connect at YAQUINA with tho Oregon Development CcTs Lin yfHtenmshlns between Yanuina and Ha Pran Cisco. N. B. Passengers from Portland and all Wlllnmetto Valley points can make close tounectlon with the trains of th y AQUINA KOUTK at Albany or Uorvallli und if destined to San Francisco, Bhould arrange to arrive at Yaqulna the evenlni before 'dato of sailing. Passenger and Kreleht Kates Always tkt finest. or Information apply to AIessn.1 UULMAN Co., Freight und Ticket Acents 200 and 202 Front t,, Portland, OrJ (J.O. 1IOUUK Ao't Oen'l Frt. & Pass. A;L, Oregon Co. Oorvallls. Or C. II. HASV7KLX.,Jr.Gen'l Frt: k Hs. . Agt. Oregon Development Co., 804 Montgomery Lj EAST' AND SOUTH VTA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALI1TOHNIA EXPRESS TRAIN HUN DAII.T BETWEEN PORTLAND AND 8. IT. South. I -North. ' Lv. Portland Ar. I 7:35 a. m Lv. Balem Lv. I 5:28 a. m Ar. San Frun. Lv.) 7:00 p. m 7:00 p. m. U:18 p. m. 8:15 a.m. Above trains btop only at following nS lions north of Koaeburg, East Portland Oregon City. Woodbum, walem, Albauy Tangent, dliedils, Halsey, Harrlsburi J auction City, Irving nnd Kugeue. llOSEUUKO HALL DAILV, " .i:30 a. m. 11:17 a. m "i:5U p. m. IiV. LV. Ar. Portland Ar. I 4:W p. m. Halein Lv. 1:40 p. m. lloseburg Lv. 7:00 a, m Albany Local, Dully Kxcept Sunday. o.OO p. m. I Lv. 7:52 p.m. Lv: tf.UO p. m. Ar, Portland eiilcm Albany Ar. 110:30 am. Lv. l7:UJum liV, rOLLMAN BCFFJiT SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Kor accommodation ot passengeis holding fcecond class tickets attached to express trains, -Vest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:H0 U. HI. i10 p. in. Xv7 Ar. "Portlund Corvallis oiM p, in. 12:55 p. m. Lv. At Albany nnd Corvallis connect wltli rains of Oregon Pacilio ltallroad. EXPRESS TRAIN (DAILY EXCePtHUNDAY" i:40 p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 8:20 a, m 7:25 p. m. I Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. :l5a.m Through Tickets To all point EAST and SOUTH For tickets and lull information rejard tnr rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa ny's nient Salem, Oregon. ?rt',V9MKli?i -A s,t-u- " and Fais. Ac't K. KOKHLEK, Manager ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH DAILY .. . TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M. " " 7:30 P. M. 3 a. 22 DAYS TO CHICAGO 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN .and TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. Kor rates and ueneral information call on or address, V. II. HUULUUUT, AEst, Genl, Vats. Agt 2t1 Washington 6t., POHT1VANU, OCVGO From leriniDalw Interior Points the Is the line to take To all Points East and Solid.. It is tbe dlnlnir car ronte. Itruns ttinmgu vestibule trains every day In tbo year 10 ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed of dining i aru unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best tbat can na constructed and In whicb uocomuiodaUens are both tree and tur uUbed lor bold of tint and second-dA ticket, and) ELEGAMT PAY COACHES. .. A.ooutlnuoc ltuo consenting with all Uuoa. aUordlut dtrent An4 uninterrupted lurvlce, Pullman sit - " Ions can be se cured tn advinc 4 any ngnt 01 tbe road. , .. TUrougii ticket to and fro all point in Ameoaa, England and Europe eau " paroiiiuedatany ;tckt oatee W thl eaa pany. full luftinualioo concerning rat. n oCintliiv-ouhM andotberdotall rurotobe on w:illcition to any uroat or A. JD. CHARLTON. AMlataat (laM puugr Aseat. rJrv WFlnl KrMi, oat. WahUiMHa; Purt- iMfl.OFMMa t4iyA bag gjTjJiJ 9 BHAW DOWNING, AftMtWf r1