Vk EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. ," . i. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. NEW When you want to save money on your purchases of and racket goods in HEADQUARTERS E. T. BARNES, fBAi . C Packed for, Many brands of Well, let us blend ROAT & GrILK, - - - - 12 O State treetj . s-Have you soon tho brilliant display in our now corner window 1 tivD. C. Choice Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. i)5 Court and 110 State Streets. NAILS I LOCKS ! HINGES I BUILDER'S HARDWARE t AT Barr A Petzel, Plumbers and Tinners' ? 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stovea and Tlnwaie, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. Red Front Bazaar! Goods of all Kinds Bought and Sold. New nd Second Hand Household Goods sold on Commission. 20 Years' Experience in Auctiot business. City and Country sales a Specialty. Auction at Sales Boom every Saturday. ARCHIE MASON. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Masou Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our lino at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best, material used C.N. CHURCHILL cmmcmLL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. FOUND The place to rig, Express, Mill feed or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of "Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, SJVLKM. OREGON. Manufactures STEAM ENOINK3. Mill Outfit. Wnter Wheel Governor, Fruit urrineOutSu Tnwttou EnEiuea.Llng. etc. Parro machinery made aud repaired. GenelaenndmanufSure Wahlstroro Patent Middling Purifier and Keels. Panu machinery made and repaired. Salem Truck & Dray Co. em Iron works. Drays and tracKs tua corner i etatp ami voiuoinrrwi f. t; hart, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. DnUUlXU QL LLUUJ Carefully ? " lOO State TOtti&i2Hffil -' . i ?' ' - ,fc&)Ulhe. m Otaaueerelal bum. w u GO TO YORK - - - : - "fBA! -:- 100 of our customers xt:k,. oapit and imported by ourselves Tea sold for 75 cents and $1.00 do not possess half the ''merit. o OPPBH I some for you. We have an enviable reputation in this line. Cross A. 15. SMITH OREGON. T S. BURROUGHS bttruoughs, get a Saddle horse, Livery JJray or Truck, wood, .nay, crood well rotted Manure, "DRAYS AND TRUCKS alwayH ready for orders, Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal und lumber. Of- fln HtatA Wt nnimaHnHa. may be found throughout the dav at wwi LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. Strttat - . m - l iiiiVi'i1! I 1T. . umnfc nt ffti mi ft t A wimib ?rT . - SSSiaSi e-JWt CbWMira. THE RACKET Boots and Shoos, Rubbers, Hosiery, Underwear, general. We are FOR BARGAINS. 333 Com'l St., Cottle Block. will testify that 99 is the best value in TEINER I 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Wairy Sup plies, htcel Ranges, Parlor Ucutcrs in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WAFERS SfiyTlie best on earth, call. Give us a 10-tf. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warn Meal? at All Hours oi the Day None but white labor employed In thU establishment. , A good substantial meal cooked in first, class style Twenty-five cents por meal RBD B" R O N T Cnnrt street, between Opora .House and Mlnto's Livery Residence 882 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AKD HOUSE PAINTER, Decorator, Kalsomluer and Pa per Hanger. leove orders at A. B. Huren A Bon's Fur nlturo store or Bront & QUc, Grocers. HOW TO GROW FRUIT In Oregon. Willi various remedies for pesM and diseases among fruit rem from actual tests W. H. KUC1NS, Horticulturist. Dallas, Oregon. 15 pajjo book, Price. 25 cents per copy. Every fruit grower should send for a copy, Addres W. B. ELKINB, Horticulturist, B-SMw-dw Box 300, Dallas, Oregon. NOTICE. I wish to say to my customers In thd lnmher trade thai. I have resigned my Do- stlnn In the Inroan, Poulen 4 Co, lumber yard here, but still ask the patronage or the contractors, and I will try to muxe It to every ones Interest to tall on me and get my prices belore purchasing elsewhere. 1 guarantee as good lumber as Is In Oregon and will as ever treat you white. . JN. MA'lUKWfl, FOR SALE! CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND FRUIT GARDENS, Within one-half mile of two electric street car lines and fairgrounds stutlon and post- omee. uaiy iwo ana ODe-quarwr mile from tbe center or saiem. Jicxitiir. beau tiful location. Bell extra good, well drained and ricn. rnee jow ana terms easy. 8-io-tr it. w. vuriuK. For Sale. Hlrtv-arre tract neartbeeltr. Alto'eared, Will produce anything that grows In Ore gon. Alto a good 7 room bouse, and barn. Pure well water, 2 choice lots. A bargain, Also desirable lots and blocks In Pleas ant Home Addition on easy terms. Other one Lttv Property. Enquire at Wra E Burke's OHIoe, over Uarr PeUel's, gait side Uommaroial HI., Maiem, uregon. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South. efWIUiMtltf Hotl, MJi.i.H.tJt ... okkoom Money tTt$&r,m& ""pA.!! Salem for" Proposals lor Stationery. Olllce of tho Secretary of State. HALKM. Oregon. Sept. 3, 181)4 Honlnrl nmtm.nK will bo TPCeU Pd at this office until noon, November 3, 1NW, to fur nish tho following articles for the Bute of lucams legal cap, Ulb,No.7 rullnir.whlto laid, cream, ckarter oak, or scotch linen.) iu reams nrsi-i-iHa wukibm uuw, .w pkgs., No. 7 ruling, white laid. 13.a No. W, white envelopes, 601b No. 1 XXX. ... . . ljn ii gross raiiroaa bwci ijwu, iu. . 20 gross Oillott's steel pens. No 101. 4 gross anion's steel pens, No. liOJ. t 3 gross Ksterbrook "J" pens. 10 doz Peck, rttow & Wilcox's Inkstands, 1 4 doz.' Peck, Stow A Wilcox's InkBtands, 10 doz. Peck.Stow & Wilcox's Inkstands, No 420. .... 12 doz. Ivory folders, u lut n sianaara. . 4 dor. Ivory folders, 10 Inch congress. 4do. mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's patent. . ) 10 doz. mucilage Btands, reservoir, No, 0, Morgan's patent. a reams rarser a irtuuiury uiuiuug impci, KOIlii assorted co ore. i 2 giosb :o. U JLuglo itccordt r lead pencils, StVlB UJ0. 1 doz Hanlord'B premium fluid, squirts. 21.1 ilnK. HLntturd'a writing fluid OUurt 10 doz. gummed stub files. No, lil llxli Inches, bOpaes. " 15 doz. Duplex cupboard letter clips. 10 doz. Kaber'8 rnbber ruler. 14-luch flat 15 doz. steel erasers, lionet's No. 18, 149, bone. 3 doz. sleol erasers, Roger's No. IS, HO, ebony. 31 boxes Fuber'B No 300 rubber bands, assorted Blzcs. 5 gross Kaber'a led pencils, No. 2, hex agon gilt. 12 gross Faber's lead pouclls, No. 2, round flit. 5 doz. Faber's patent Ink and pencil rub ber erasers, mammoth. 8000 McGIII'b patent paper fasteners, No. 2, flat head. 000 McC) Ill's putent paper fasteners. No. 4, Hat head. 16 doz. table pads to hold paper, 1Ux2J Inches, strong feather tips. 12 doz. waste paper boskets, cross-bar No. 4. 20 pounds hemp twine, No. 12 4 doz. Banlord's mucilage quarts. At the same time separate bids will be received for 15 dozen fine ponknlvea to be described by trade numbers, samples to be exhibited. Bids should be marked "Proposals for Satationery.", None but tho best quality of goods will be accepUd. The right to reject any orallDlds is re served. AH the above articles to bo deliv ered at Salem on or before December 'it, 18U1 UKO. W. MOHHIDE, 94Km Secretary of Btaet' JAPANESE CURE A new and Complete Treutmenl, consist ing of suppositories, ointment In capsules, also a box and pills; a positive cure for ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary piles, and many other diseases and female weak nesses; It Is always u great benefit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with thn ItnlfB iinnwfiBKRrv hereafter. This Temedy has never been known to fall. II per oox,uiorjo; senioy man, nujiunw from this terrible disease when a written fuarantee in given with 0 boxes, to refund be money If not cured Bend stamp for free sample. Uuarrnteo Issued by Woodard, Clahkk A Co., wholesale and retail drug. gUU, sole agents. Portland. Or. DrooksA Legg agents for Salem, 100 titute street, Pat ton's block. 6-i-ly-dW W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jolber. CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE- WAhHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas A Johnson's 280 Commercial street. M.T. RINEMAN DKAUtB IK Staple anil Fancy Groceries, Crockery, (Jlassware, lamps, Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. AlMeeeUbleand fruits in their season. "Highest Prlie paid for country produce." We solid ashareoryour patronage. u-B lWHitntnt Only One. Chance for a colony. 1000 Acres of best bottom land, ouhalf In cultivation, has small streams and lakM, has I7UW crop on now. buildings, etc. Is Ave miles from Salem, Oregon, Orv-thtrd cash, and bal anee lu five yearly payminu with 4 per ent inUresl at f per acre. .,.. W.tf Joifif M, PAYNK.Agt. MONEY TO LOAN. SpeeUl lodueeenU for tbe next 30 days on ae4 faraa leas. FEAR k HAMILTON, oom 14. Mfa MHk Me4c t H4 B. KHALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINB3S ADS K. CONN, Attorney at law, rooru 7, , Murphy Block. 0. A. ROBERT, Architect, room 424, Mar quani building, Portland, Oregon. HJ. BldOKR, Attorney at law, Salem, . Oregon, OrtlcoovcrLadd & Bush's bank. Zt-tf J J.SHAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW A . HUNT, attorneys at law. Office over Capital National bank, Salem, Oregon. ri T.RICHARDSON, Attorney at law, 3. office up stairs In front rooms of new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms 8 and 4, Ladd A Bush's bank building, Balem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr B. F. BONHAMi W. H. H0L.MK8. Bonham & Holmes. Attorneys at law. Offlco In Bush's block, betneen State and Court, on Oom'ISt. rilll-MON FORD, attorney at law, Salem, JL Oregon. Olllee up-stulm lu X'alton'a block, ME. POOUE. Btenographcr und Type , wrltlst. Over IjulilA Bush's bank, tulein, Oregon. J H. BRAD8UAW, PHYSICIAN AND ). Burgeon, Bnlem, Ortgon. Olfice In ush-Breyman block, upitiilra Resldenco corner UUtteandH 1J corner tt Inter street. WH. YOUNU, JI. D.. Office formerly , occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Court and l.lbei ty streets. Telephone No. 45. Ofllco heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m Residence pith street on electric car lino. Telephone No. 9, Tvlt. W, S. MOTTf phjslclan and sur. J geou. Ofllce In Kldrldge Block, Sa lem, Oregon. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m, urn 4 p. in. rK. MINTA S. A. DAVIS. Office hours, . to 6 o. m. XJ U a. m. to 11 a, m.; Z p. m. to 5 p. uuy or night calls promptly attended to. special attention given to diseases of worn. cu and children. Office In New Bank Blk., 8J5 Commercial street. Hetldenco same. MRS. S. O. BROOKS, Practical nurse. Many years of experience. Resi dence in Yew Pane, one Uuoc west of car line, on Hlmes' street. U-19-lm rR.T. O. SMITH, Dentlit,2 State Btreet, IJ Sulom, Or. Finished dental opera tions of every description. Palnlcsa opera tions a speclulty. T D. PUUH, Areultett. Plans, Speol VV . llcatlons and superintendence tor all ofaHses or buildings. Office 290 Com mercial ht., up Htulrs, p J, LAR8EN A CO aianufocture ofnll tv. Shop 41; State street. I. i Kiuasoivenictea. iteituiriUKUspecmi' T)ltJ'rKOTIONIJODafc;02,A.o u.w. XT Meets In their hall In State Insurance building, every Weduosday evening. H. A. MoFADDEN, i. W. J. A. SEfiWQOD, Reoorder. rMPKoVHD ORDER OF RED MEN. 1 Kumlukun Tribe No. 8, Salem. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7.80. Igwum in hbite Insuranco hall, F. C. BAftKK. Prophet. FHANIC ATKRS.Ohler of Records EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The place"Ior young ladles and gentle men to secure a thorough education Is the old, but over ntw. Long and still the leading Institution of tne iMoriu west, ueuor innn even New course of instruction in Oratory, Theology and Post-Grudunted, STUDIES. Nnrrnnt,Ru?lneBK, Academy. College, and Law courses greatly enlarged und Improved. Faculties Increased and Improved. For Catalogue of College of Law write Dean S T. Richardson, Esq . Salem, Or. For Catalogue or College of Medical and Pharmacy write Dean Richmond Kelly.M. D.Portland. Or. For goneral Catalogue write Rev. Goo. Whltaker, D. D., President, Salem, Or. 7-2C-3m-dw Conservatory of Music, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. Tbo course most complete and tho hlgb- grade nf nnv munis Hchool In Northwest. inu Best und newest methods or teaching. Enlarged facilities and new plan for Instruction of beginners for tbe coming school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course. Next term begins Boptcmber 6, 1892. '.. M. PARVIN, Bend for catalogue. Mtmlo Director. 7-2J-d2m-wlm FKIBND8 POLYTECHNIC INS11TUTE Will be opened to students Sept. 13, 1892. Oilers tliH most practical courses of study ot uny school In tbe Btnto, viz: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Academic und Urammur school courses Students practice dally In wood shop, machine shop, und labora tories. Tuition ami Board per Year, tlOO, Special Inducements to a few young men who wish to work for their board and till Hon during vacations, For prospectus and further lniormutlon.uddn.ss EDWIN MOUKIHON. M.H . Presdent, Salem, Or, lVLiss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Hcptemuer 19tb, at Kin dergarteu Hull, opposite opera house. Children received at three years of oge and over. A connecting class will be es tablished for advanced Kindergarten pu Slls and those beginning primary work, nly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's system ot drawing und color work Introduced. Miss Annie Thornton, Graduate ol theDtesden Conservatory of Muslo(Gennauy) will open her rooms. 0 and 7, Bank building, rept-nibur 1st, instructions in vocai ana instrumental music, ulho In German aud French, 8-M1 WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Satscribed, $200,00 Transact a general banking business) In all Its branches, GEO. WILLIAMH Prwldent Wm.EN GLAND,,. Vice Presides HUOHMuNAItY - Cashier, DIKBCTOR8: Geo. WIIUro,Wm. Ra. UiBd.Dr. J, A. Klehonlsos, J, W. Hodaoo. J a Maker, 'ktaak ts new Kzohurge bloek en Com raarelal streat, &I3-U Authorized CpiUl J600.000, CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Kl,Orrwe- 8U(, OMWtr Mid 0r Wawwrt 'VewtK TflE CAPITil JOURM. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. PUBLISHED DA1LY.EXOEPTHUNDAY, BY TBI Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Omce, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building Entered at the postoffico at Salem, Or., as (ecnc-ltitt natter. TIMELY RESOLUTIONS. Sioux City, Iowa, Journal.) Tbo resolutions adopted by tbo People's party convention of Potta wattamie oounty, Iowa, denounc ing tbo suppression of free speech In tbo south and tbe violence by which it has been sought to drive Gen. Weaver and other populist leaders from n bearing, aro timely and proper. It Is worth while to uoto that the People's patj has no complaint to oiler in thlsWespcot regarding Re publican states or iooillties where the Republican party is strongest nud brs been longest in power. The spirit of Republicanism is liber al, geuerous, catholic. Wherever the goyerument reflects the spirit aud doctrine of Republicanism one citizen Is as frte as another, what ever his party, to express his views publicly, to vote and to have his ballot counted precisely as cast. The People's party does not dony this. But it Is dhTereut where the Democi title party hM best oppor tunity to display its spirit and purpose, as for example in Alabama and Georgia. There tho People's party encounters vlolonco, intoler ance, rotten eggs, malicious annoy nnce, and all manner of outrage. The People's party llnds that it must halt in thu prosecution of its proposed specific reforms and give attention to the establishment of free speech aud fro ballot, "tho right preservative of all rights," to ubu Gon. Weaver's own language. Let us suppose a caso. Take Monona, in Iowa, county, for ex ample, since It una been the strong hold of the People's party in Iowa, and that party Is commonly sup posed to bo uu btrong as tho Demo cratic party in a Georgia or an Ala bama county. Suppose that Grover Cleveland, tbo cnndldato of the Democratic party for president of tho United States, should bo udvertlsed to make u political speech at Maple ton, Suppose that thereupon the People's party newspaper there should begin furiously to excite the People's party to riot and outrage,to vilify and calumiuate Cleveland, and to prevent blm from a hearing. Suppose that when bo attempted to speak be should bo actually outrag ed, showeied with rotten eggs and other mlssllei, continuously Insult ed and driven from tho platform Suppose such a situation, if it bo possible to conceive of such a thing In a state like Iowa, which has been Republican for moro than a third of a century would not tbo whole land ring with Democratic denunci ation of such an outrage committed by tho People's party? Well, now, this is such an outrage as tho Democratic party, in pursu ance of its polloy of suppressing free specoh, perpetrates uponGen.Weav er, tho candidato of tho People's party for president of tho United States. Tho outrage is perpetrated not only upon Gen. Weaver, but also upon Congressman Watson and all other representatives and leaders of the People's party who attompt to exercise their rights m citizens of tho United States, It is systematic,, delibcrato and elaborat) subversion of constitutional free government. There Is nothing new about it. For a quarter of a contury tho Republi can nartv In the south has been tho victim of Democratic" Intolerance and outruge. Nov tho People's party, which Is gathering in the south, is tbe victim of the same In tolerance and violence. If tho People's party la to have a future In tho south It must, as tho first couditlou, establish there some thing of tho toleranco aud freedom which are eujoyed under tbe control of the Republican party. If the People's party Is not to como to a dead stand in tho south, tbo Democratic party must be over thrown. There U no other al tenia. tivo. As long as tho Democratic party can hold tho state and locul government In the ooutli.lt Is utterly uselewj for the People's party to agi tate for any of the reforms enumer ated I u its platform, It is utterly aseleei) because tho Democratic party does not permit free speech; aud oven free sneech is useless, If Peo ple's party majorltes are to be counted out as they have been In Alabama and Arkansas, and- as Republican majorities have been so long in manv rarU vt tbe south, There Is no escape from this proposition, and the People's party will llnd It star ing It In the facj until free speech and frte elections are eUbllsbed in tbe south through the overthrow of tbe Dwioatl party. And here U aBotner proposition whleu eaudld supporter of tbe Fee plV Pr(y will not dtopwte; Wbt ever tends to atreuKthen the Demo eratto party m a national orgU ilea tettdf.'te preoively tbat ex twit t thwart to Mtigbt Um Highest of all in Leavening Power.- RoYa! .223 ABSOLUTELY PURE Peoplo's party. Glvo tho Demo cratic party control of tbe national uorcrnment, givo it the president and both branches of congress, and you have helped to sharpen a knlfo to cut tho throat of tho Peoplo's par ty In tbo Southern states and every where. For the People's party to help the Democratic party Into pow er, to fuso with it or to encourage it In any way is to mako more effectu al the Democratic supreBsIon of the Peoplo's party, of free speech and free election. It is to help build an engine for tho utter annihilation of tho reforms wbioh tbe People's party proposes, but which It cannot se cure until free speech aud free elec tion are restored. If fusion is ever justifiable it would be between the Republicans aud the populists, for the restora tion of free speech and free election, those fuudumental rights beside wuieh,all other political reforms are dwarfed. Butallianco between tbo oppressor and tho oppressed, Is un natural and will never come to any thing but ovil. A 8AVKPLAOK. If Thomas Coleman, tho convict in tho state prison of Oregon, id the man who killed Dr. Cronlu It la not to bo wondered at that he does not want to go back to Chicago. It Is dobbtful If ho could be protected from mob violence, If there were any certainty of his having com mitted that crime. Thos. Cofomau alais Thos. Geog hegan Is In the safest place in the world in that prison whero he is. If he Is tbe mau, he will take great care to remain there, as it is a place much harder to broak into than to gut out of. If ho Is the man he will more than likely commit some overt act that will compel his detention lu tbo Oregon pern Ho will not go to tbo world's fair. . .Deafnesa Can't be Cured by local applications, as they cau not reach tho diseased portion of tbe ear, Tbero is ouly ono way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafnoss Is caused by an inflamed condition of tbe mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tubo gets Inflam ed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, aud when it Is entirely closed, deafness is' tho re sult, anil unless tbe inflamation can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wtll bo destroyed ferever: uine cases out of ten tire caused by catarrh, which is uotblug but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will glvo ono hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Ilull'a Catarrh Cure, Send for circular, frte. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76 com u. Mrs.Dr.8awtelto'8 book '-'allooriue of MO," hps reached a second edition. It Is oho of tho most rcadablo books over printed on tbe coast. Locturo on Foolu. Admit One. A gentleman who lectured on fools, printed bin tickets as above, Suggestive, certainly, and evon sar castic. What fools aro they who suiler the Inroads of dtseaso when they might bo cured. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is sold under a guarantee of Its beufltlngor curing in every caso of liver, blood and lung dUeaue, or nionoy paid for It will bo cheerfully refunded. In all blood taints and unpurtles of whatever name or nature, It Is most positive in Its curative eflccU. Pim ples, blotchfsruptions, all skill and scalp diseases, are radically oured by this wonderful medlcluo, Scofu Iouh disease may eilect the glands, causing swellings or tumors; tho bone?, causing "Fever sores," White Swellings," "IIIj-Joliit Disease"; or the tissue of the Iung9,cau8lng Pulmon ary Consumption. Whatever its munlfestatlonst may be, "Golden Medical Discovery" curea it. ' Mluliters, Lawyer, Teachers, and others whose occupation given but little tnfle. should use carter's Little Liver Pllu lor torpid uvr ana Cote. TrythtiKi. bllHoRuM, Ose I a Derangement of the liver, with ooustl patloa, Injuries tha eompiexlos, Induce pimples, MllowsklM. Roincve the hih by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, Oue for a itos. Try thew). Why4on'tyott try Carter's UtUe Uvr PllUf They ar a positive euro ibr siek beadaefee, aod all tbe ills Pfo4u4 bf dU ordered llrer. Ouly oe p)l a dose, Mabklh aud Ghanitk. I have Jwt received a eioek of Barbie aad UfitHl wonumeHte mmI gwve ttotuw whleb during tbe next M lay4tHry)I wilt sell at nrtoe never iwftsre offered lu thin Hlmto, Call early if you want a kwrjuliL imad aoor we w uw mmc imomumm bttlkttiig. J.JAKJW, fclwlfr fci"iiiii 1 1 ill a i -Latest U.S GoVt! DA Powdei TBE NATIONAL WA Money Fram Ckili lVr Crew of tho Baltimore. Boston Mechanics' Fair 1 Kentucky Races -' Acting Governor - Ai saryorst. SergiHg of WhitclaW Itcld. nkwYork, Oct. s. rs Tho National League of the cratto clubs will close lta"i hero today with the'eleotlom cere. The indications, are tt changes of importance will bei Tonight, there will be another of tremeudoua nronortlone in . all the leaders of theparty ,Wbo hero will nartlcinate. an'il anostli wilt address overflow gatherioge Tammany Hall; Nllison Hall, Amberg Theatre," all of, which urai iu xiuauuiuy ui xuusic. Bostoa Mechanc'a Fair.0 BosTON,Mass.,Oot. 6,--Speclal Mechanic's Fair, tbe eighteen! triennial exhibition of the ohusctts Mecbauic Association.! In tho Exposition building'bn Hat ingtonAve. here today, and continue until Dec. Srd Every ii or exhibition space is taken many of the exhibits are of aueb i oeiieuceuiiat tney will be . z red bodily to the MaaMushc blllldlnoron tha World's fair i at tbe close of the fair here.' Death of Actio Gkra SantaFr. KM., bei. I M. Thomas, territorial aeoreUr der Appointment bylPreekteat uauu, uiuu veaieruay after m illness of neuralgia of the m Deceased was a native of Wl port, Ind,, 40 years of age," and resided In the territory for SO ; At the time of hla daatli hJUi lng governor In the absence of i em or i'rinco. Anniversary of 8t. SeritSavs MoscovV ,Oot. 5. Thirty tbo pilgrims have started for the to celebrate tbe 60th annlyer tno ueatu or ut, uergtue, aeooai led by 1000 clergymen bearing i symbols aud Images, They i me open air anu present a wretched appearance It ia ea lou.wo m air will Meenat Troltsa monastery. St. a leader of the llth eenturf struggle to throw, oft the yoke. , ' Episcopal OonveBiton in Bat Baltimoke, Oct.1 67 8b Tho general convention of tbe testant Episcopal church eon here today, tbe laity meet, Manual church and tbe Bishops lu the parish bouee, lng the churcji. This l pert most important reltgloue gatti of 1802, as it has authority to I vital changes In the policy church It represents. Tbe .laet i eral convention waa held in York city In 1880. Dedication of MaeeaU , Utica.N. Y.r Oet. 6,-tl The State Masonic aaylum dedicated today wltb In ceremony, in which tbe national Mrsoulo official part. A parade two mile in 1 is to bo a leading feature of service. The Case ot the It. Han FKANfiisco,Oet.r4.- ofthe United State steamship IUta, to casea of rifle HinmuniUon, ! set over for the January the circuit court of appeal. ported that tbe at deeming tula a ose of will request that it be the wijirwne eourt of hpl States, A deeMi agalaettha govern mt n1 wilt court of tbe Lower California. ' '' Teeter Will Deliver the. Waxhimowk, OtLX- Cbaflee JrVwtet bw wake the Mnm at thn f4l viifc la Xe Yark, Nnw Yens, Oat 4.- MlaWtAr Patriek Igwi, rivedlnlbeoity tody Onlii'e aaotiey.- U eMrlbtiMi U mm Mm tbe erew of Ute Ualt i: