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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1892)
--.--l; ,f T. HOLVERSON, SOI Commercial Street. MUSLINS and SHEKTINGS BLEACHED, I1BLECBED -O-ALL WIDTHS-O- fceTPILLOW CASING and LONG CLOTH; TABLE LINENS and NAP KINS (white and colored;) FLANNELS and SHIRTINGS; DRESS-GOODS and JACKETS. oct:e& goods Are open for Inspection. Prices in plain fiquiies. Perfect match" Trimmingsjgfl nrnnftennm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. CM TO Til STATE FAIR TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 1892. JIVIl & Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea arid Big Can Baking Powdery GEO. D. GOODHUE. K. CAIIILL. BUILDING BLV.TE11LYL. Lime, eeuicnt, plaster, bair, Are aud hulldiug brick, Are day, sand, gravel, blacksmith nnd liouse coal, wood, nil kinds, wholesale and re tail. Ollice 95 State street. Goodhue & Cahill. Bids Awaudbd. The bids on fitting interior of the new Y. Jtf- C. A. hall were open Monday night and contracts awarded on plum iug to J. A. Barnard!. James F. Owen received the contract for the iemainder of the work. The other bids were Z. Craveu, $950; Wick strom & Ohaney, $1403; Robert Duane, $1400; I. N. Calilll &Son 51222.50; James F. Owen, $SS0 Welch Bros., $1000; John Irwin, $1595; J. L. Hackett, $1170; Plumb, ing Baker & Strang, $3-30; Barr & Petrel, 354,50; J. A. Barnardl, S3 18,50. The contract will be sigu ed and work commence immediately. Joint Debate. There will be a discussion held at the school house at Aumsville on Saturday evening, Oct. 8th, at 7:30 p. m. on the follow ing subject: "Resolved, that tho Democratic party is preferable to the Republican party." Mpssrs. D. E. Swank, of Aumsville, R. O. Thomas, of Turner, Hon. Wm, H. Holmes, of Salem, will conduct the affirmative and the negative side will be championed by G. V. Bay nard, Hon. T. T. Geer, of Macleay, and Hon. Tilmon Ford, of Salem. Everybody is invited. By order of committee. Brokk Thkough. Four Salem school teachers were almost the vic tims of n rotten plank in one of Sa lem's defective sidewalks Monday evening. They were coming from their labors four abreast and were too much for one diseaed stick whicli gave way and nearly let them through into the coal-hunker's below. Only by jumping out of the dilemma in doublequick time did they, prevent broken limbs. The city should have an ordinance forbidding people to walk over one abreast, on tho old board walks. A Kick. The Capital City Elect ric, attention' Some Chemeketa street people complain that the rail road company is not carrying out its part of the contract to improve the center of tho street. The city assesses the property owners for the sides hut so far has not made tho railroad Co. city do its part. The street committee was been and say the company has agreed to do its part and undoubtedly will at an early day. Bear Hunters Return. Charles and Henry Palmer, Percy Jory and George Elgin have returned from a two weeks' hunt and fish In tho Big .Nestucca country. They brought in elk, venison and fish, aud looked as though they bad a rustic old time. The boys report the bear over there "out of sight". A goodly number of campers are still over there. Foot Injured. Last evening, Mrs. Lizzie Bayre, wbfle engaged In playing with a number of children at their residence on Chemeketa and 14th streets, foil in such a man ner as to break a bone in her right foot. The accident will necessitate the use of crutches for a few weeks. Revolution. Is the name of the oil stove for sale by Charles Smith. 5t Hellenbrand's meals are as usual the best. And Tried to Get Away With Property Caught at Jefferson. Frank Schwauker and wife came to Salem about state fair time. They worked some forE. W.Wilklus, the restaurant man at tho fair grounds and boarded with iii'm. Some time ago he agreed to paint a house and bam for Wllkins for a horse aud cart worth about $70. The work was not finished and Schwauker left Monday for California, with the rig. He carried a tent aud a rifle, which he procured at Forstner's guu store, leaving some security. Ou Wilkin's findiug he was gone he filed complaint, and the sheriff over hauled him with a telegram at Jef ferson, where he was arrested. Con stable Grant Holt returned him to this city on the morning train, and ho was placed in the county juil to await further development. Time set for Schwauker's hearing was 1 p. in. before Justice Batchelor, as the bailee could not come to ex plain his larceny in any way. THE STATE VS. SCHWAUKER. Was called at 2:30 p. m. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Condlt for state and Wm, Kaiser for defense. A number of witnesses were called aud the examination was opened by placing on the stand the prose cuting witness, Mr. Wilkin, who stuted the case as it is outlined above in the Journal and the case is ou trial to the court. Badly Hurt. Chas. Reber? a butcher, whose shop is ou Summer street, was badly hurt Monday by a break in Ills wagon. Ho had start ed to the country and gone hut a short distance wliou a wheel came oft and Mr. Reber fell between the horses aud vehicle. He was partly under the axle and was dragged at least fifty feet before ho was releas ed. His injuries consist of a dislo cated hip, severe contusions on his arms and face. It is hoped he will soon recover and bo about bis business. Thumb Injured. From a letter received in this city, it is learned that Chas A. Beach, who spent last winter in Salem, but is uow in Wabash, Nebraska, had the mis fortune to hurt the thumb of his right hand and, at last accounts, was suffering greatly from it, blood poisoning having set In. His many frieuds in this city sympathize with him in his afiilction and hope that he will recover the use of tho digit. That Poultry Sale. In look ing over tho advertisement of the auction sale of pure bred poultry growers may see ottered five of tho leading varieties and most valuable breeds. The birds are nearly all this spring's and last year's chick ens so (hut buyers will get good breeders and layers. To Be Raised. The fire cistern at the intersection of Commercial aud Court streets will bo somewhat low under the present street grade. Street Commissioner Culver is hav ing the same raised up and put in to shape as ho did the one oa Liber ty and State streets. m Tried to Get Into Office.. This morning a Mongolian pheasant flew against one of the windows of the land ollice at the state house.and struck with such force as to kill it; although (be glass was uot broken. Most candidates for office live to tell the tale. Keep to the Contract. Somo of cur citizens who have opposed the improvement of our streets, are uow inclined to favor the work go ing on if the city will see to It that the Improvements are made accord ing to tho contract. Settled. The parties to tho Starr-Savage assault and battery case before Recorder Goodell, ap peared toduy and withdrew the charges, paylug all costs, and were dlsmlsscj. . None 832 74 2U11 S32 7I 5.17 5'2 832 71 2II89 13837 WORSE THAN FREE TRADE. Taxes paid in the states of Oregon and Washington during the year 1891 by Insurance companies doing a farm business. Taxes pntd In Or. Wiuli. iloth. Amer. FlroJns, Co, Phil Jill 60 821302 $32472 Continental Ins. Co, New Yorlt 40 03 S1016 35919 Farmers &Mcrth'ts, Albany, Or (Not Segregated) 75237 Onnrdlftn AuMirutiue Co, lxmdou None 234 1 1 Home J ns. Co, New YorUl Northwest K fc M Portlund (NotSegregated) Phoenix Ins. Co, Hurtfoid . Nano 83274 Phenlx Ins. Co. Brooklyn, N Y None 221 39 Sun Ins. Co, Nonrton None rS37 Butte Inst Co, bnlem.Or (Not Segregated) 3021 37 The above verifies the statement made by the State Insurance com pany for years, namely: that when mouey is paid to Eastern and foreign Insurauce companies it is practically beyond the reach of the citizens of the Northwest for the purpose of taxation, and money that is sent to the Eust aud to Europe goes where it is of no benefit to our people; while money paid to a reliable Home com pany Is kept in our midst where it is subject to taxation and assists in building up our country. From the above it may readily be seen that it is to the interest of our people to patronize a strong, reliable, honest-dealing Home company liko tho "State" and thereby assist in building up a Home institution of of which we qll feel proud. In this connection we desire to call attention to the tact that New York, Poun&ylvaula, Massachusetts.Mlchi gau, Minnesota aud other states re. quire companies located outside of those states to pay a tax to tho State Department of from two to throe pur cent of the gross premiums received in the state during the- preceding year nnd before they can procure a license to coutinue business in the state. Tills amounts to a very large sum in each of the stotes. In Michi gan, for instance, it is more than sufficient to run the entire State De- Dartment. aud amounts to about $200,000a year. Undor the laws of Oregon, tiut Blde insurance companies are sim ply required to pay a tax of one per cent on the NET premiums received in the state during the proceeding year after deducting return PREMIUMS, RE-INSURANCE, AGENTS' COMMISSIONS, TAXES, EXPFNSES, licenses and losses paid In the state, which practically exempts many of the companies from taxa tion in this state, as is shown by the above figures; while a home com pany having its property located within the state must pay taxes up on it, which makes a discrimination aaainst home companies aud in fa vor of outside companies aud is something that Is not done In the other states named and Is worsathan free trade, nnd tho state of Oregon Is ANNUALLY LOSING about $00,000 thereby. Legal Class. The following named parties have made application for admlsslou to tho bar, at the Oc tober term of tho Oregon supreme ceurt: Otto F, Buse, Baker; J. H. Wilson, Benton; L. R. Janney, Clackamas'; A. G. Hovey, Lane; C. H. Dalrymple.Llnu; J. J. Fitzgerald, A. H, Sydenham, W. J. D'Arcy, J. P. Wetzel, Marlon; Geo. E. Wright, L. A. Ward, Ralph R. Dunlway, Chas. T. Rupel, A. Abraham, Mult- nomah; W. H. Cooper, Tillamook, E. Schultz, Wasco; O. O. Linden, W. T. Vinton, Yamhill; G."N. Mad dock, Morrow. Claiming the Earth. The street committee were out all fore noon trying to eilect a compromise with the contractors, who claim the earth they haul off where cuts are required to be made. The council also claims this earth No ac tion has been had about the shade trees that stand so near the walks as to be within the curb and It is thought they will be allowed to stawa. Try that C cent Sinokett, at Mo Coy A Taliaferro's, 110 State 8t. 10-4-2t CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY. We iuvite the attention of close buyers to the best assorted and largest stock of JACKETfl and CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS aud TRIMMINGS, GOSSAMERS and MACKINTOSHES. WOOLEN HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR, MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, A ruuiBmrtuuuujJttanu waits, i, , FINE HHOESaad RUBBER GOODS, f TRUNKS and VALISES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Ete., In Salem. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST., OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, ear aw Ceart ami Liberty street, Sftlea, Oraoa. AjipbI for Rayal Tallow fiaMit.NtaMKleTHetteef4er, A ijt guamuM. W M for , k U. CowU, U bwt la aIl Tirnirlri Caj Uka wabav HUM). A PBR8.NAli. Buy your pot'to, flour mid feed of all kinds at Chns. Beak's, oppo site State Insurance. Perfectos at Mo Coy & Taliaferro's cigar and tobacco store, 110 Slate street. l4'2t The state officials are Bending out Australian ballot stationery to tho several counties or the state. Sheriff Knight spent the day serv ing notices on solid citizens of the county for the regular panel of the circuit court jury. Court alts next Monday. Frank Wlllman, on Asylum ave nue, is the happy fresco artist of the city. A nlue aud one-half pound son arrived safely at his house last night. His many friends in this city and the East will sharo his Joy aud the local hcribo can only add another boom for our wonderful cllmule. Col. Robt. Miller, of Jacksonville, arrived in tho city on tho morning overland. He will enter the cam paign work soon. When you feel uucomfortable about the stomach, take Simmons Liver Regulator. Mr. Alex M. Davison, of Green ville Miss., is visiting his brother L. A. Davison of this city. Tiios. McCarty, tho San Francisco Insurance detector who so neatly entrapped the R. O. Young boat burners, arnyed in the city this niorutugaud will remain through the trial next week. The work of putting In a new plato front on the building occupied by Joseph Fusee's barber shop ou Commercial street begun this morn ing. Still the fruit and vegetable wop keeps up, and it is a pleasant sight for shoppers aud Eastern visitors to see the stock and variety kept by Furrar fc Co., the Salem grocers. Do not ruin the stomach with chemicals. Simmons Liver Regula tor is purely vegetable and effective. W. T. Bennett, motormunon the Capital City railway, is again able to resume his duties after au illness of several weeks. R. N. Glover, who has been em ployed at the grocery, left today for Spokane Falls. Choice smoked salmon Harritt & Mclntyre. The Tiibune says that a subscrip tion school has been started in 811 vertou until ouch time as the public mouey for school purposes will cou tinue a free school till tho closo of the school year. John Hoofer, the Champoeg capi talist, In in the city ou court busi ness. Hesnys the price talked of for hops iti that part of the cuuuty is 21 and 25 cents. There aro as yet no speculative buyers, but he thinks the crops will soon beglu to move. Ho goes home Wednesday. Senator G. E. Hayes of Oregon City was in the city this forenoon; from here he went to Dallas to at tend to legal business. Tin fruit cans one and two quurt at Steiner & Blosser's, State street. ' 10-1 -tf Mrs. T. S. Burroughs, of North Salem is recovering from un attack of fever. San Francisco dispatches say the demand for hops is fair, aud prices firm at 10 to 20 cents. Good evening! The beautiful weather holds good. Jobu Young, of Minneapolis, who is making a tour of the West, and who has been tho guest of H. V. Matthews aud Thos. King, of this city, left today for San Frauclsco, He will stop at Albany and other points for a few days, on his way. No pills or nauseating potion, but a pleasant tonic and laxltlye is Sim mons Liver Regulator. Hon. II, B. Carter, of Ashland, Is in the capital today. 0 The cltyreoorder today disposed of one druuk, who gets a reward of five days free board for bis misde meanor. H. C. Caldwell, the real estate agent, is Just getting about after all attack ot fever. Frank G, Lenz a representative of "Outing," who Is making a tour of the world ou a byoycle, was in the city today on bis way to 'Frisco, whence he takes a steamer lor Japan. All miserable sufferers with dys pepsia can be cured by Simmons Liver Regulator, A. Bush, the Salem banker, and daughter Miss Sally Bush, arrived home from their Eastern trip to day, Prof. I. Aronsou a graduate opti cian of Chicago la the guest of Laud lord Wuinierof the Hotel Willam ette. He will remain iu our city several days. Ayer'a Barsaparilla, sending the brain pure bjood. makes sound both mind and body. m ii Pbqi;. I. Akonson A highly re commended Optlcan from Chicago, while making a tour through this country Is stopping In our town for one week. He has given universal satisfadtlos la all our seigbborlne towns and the prow speaks of aim as superior In his profession. Many people an Mjoylaff Reed sight with bl prejwly fitting glass. Oftlee at Dh'J J, rry's drug store; ex. atwlnatkm of the eye Uee. Cbargw reasoifaWe. Call soon. Niftfalag like fetiawaas Liver eg- Blaterfor ayiMsaaU aad Ii at laaHV Pa WaW ' UOTBli ARRIVALS. WILLAMETTE. W. B. Gllddeu, F. B. Padlcr, Max Frey, A. G. Stoll, S. F. Delos D. Neer, F. C. Bushko, L. A. Weed, A'brrt Abraham, Ralph R. Dunulway, Geo. E. Wright, Mrs. 8. Rice, O..F. Paxton, B. F. Kelley, O. U. Denny, W. P. Owens, L. L. Woodmansee and wife, Portland. D. C. Webb, Philadelphia. F. G. Leuz, N. Y. J. S. Stackhouse, N. Yacktma. G. Hall, St. Joseph, Mo, H. B. Carter, Ashland. COOK I. Arouson, Chicago. A. Green, New York, Robt. A. Miller, Jacksonville. C. F. Qulmby, Indejien deuce. Mrs. D. Closs, Mrs. S. R'y, Syra cuse, New York. Jos. Seibel, Minneapolis. L. Copsel, Brooks. J. E Etdrldge, Champoeg. M. Sardmeu, Gervais, R. W. Cobb, Auburn, Iud. W. H. Calvert, A. W. Pullen, Chicago. After u sea diet, to prevent bolls and assist ncslamatation, use Ayer's Sarsaparilln. Salem's Day. At. the Portland exposition Wtducsduy Oct. Gth, grand barbecue in tho afternoon, double wedding in oveulng, musio by Rves' American Bund. Fare round trip, including admission to the opposition and stock show $2.05 tr.dtis leave at 7:30 a. in. aud 1:40 p. in. It Should Bo in Every House. J. B. Wllsou, 871 Clay St., Sharps bury, Pu., says ho will not bo with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured hia.wlfe w ho was threat ened with Pneumonia after au at tack of "La Grippe," when various other remedies aud several physl ciaus had done her no good, Robert Barber of Cooksport, Pa.,claimB Dr. King's New Discovery has done hiai more good than anything he ever used for Lung Troubles. Nothing like it. Try It. Freo trial bottles at Dau'l. J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Com'l. St. Large bottles, 60o. $1.00. Tho St. Helens Mist says that the- Columbla world's fair committee has selected 5 yellow fir, 5 hemlock, 5 cedar, 5 Oregon grapo. ! spruce trees and 2 brakes aud 2 terns, each placed in separate boxes. Tho trees are to not less than 6 feet high and nre spe cimens of the timber giowu In that county. The exhibit will bo pre pared this tall, tho trees planted in boxes and cared for during the winter, so that they will have an early and thrifty growth in tho spiing. The stuto committee will attend to tho shipping of them to Chicago next pprlnc. What Stronger roof Is needed of the merit of Hood's Sur saparilla than tho hundreds of let ters continually coming in telling of marvelous cures It has effected after all other remedies had failed? Truly, Hood's Sarsuparllia possesses pecu liar curative power unknown to other medicines. Hood's Pill's cure constipation by restotiug the peristaltic notion of tho alimentary canal. They nre tho best family cathartic. How's This? We offer ouo hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's catarrh cure. F, 3. CHYNNitY a Co., Propi., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned havo knouu l' J. Ohooey tor the last 11 (Veen yearn, nnd ue llevo lilm perfectly honorable in ull dual ness transactions, nnd llnunclally able to carry out any obligation made by tlielr firm. WtstA Truax, Wholesale drtHftjlKts. To ledo, O. Uildlnt, Klnnaii A Marvin, W liolowilo drilKk'Uui, Toledo, O Hull's catarrh cure Is taken Inter nally, uetlng directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot tho system. Testimonials sent fife. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all ihugglHls. Electric Bitters. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so populur as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters slug tho samosong of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and It is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electrlo Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will removo pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood. Will drive malaria from tho system and pro vent as well as cure all malarial fevers. Forcuro of headache, con stipation and Indigestion try Elec tric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60c nnd f 1.00 per bottle at Dan'. J, Fri's drugstore, 225 Com'l. til. Oysters at resturant, O. W, Hollenbraud's llueldrn'M Am lea Salve. The Boat, ftalvo In the wnrld for (Jul. Bruise. Kort. Ulcer, Bait Rlioum, Kever Sore, Tetter, Chupped JUodn, Cuitblulni, rni uad all Bklu Eruption, and txl lively cure 11 1 en, or no pay required. Jt li guaranteed to Ktve t-orfect iatUfaetlnn -.- .-J-. -.... n . or money reiunara, box. Price. 26 conii ier For wle by Dun') J . Kit. 'Hb Com Ht, Nobody slighted on account of the rush at Hellenbrand's. WOOLEN MILL STOREX 2J) Street, J 3alcm, Or. G IS THK PLA Todo three great thinsrs: , M . 1st. To buy your clo tiling and' ail kinds wooleti g'dodai 2d. To build up our borne factory. 3d. To save' money. The 'Best of All. , " , A NATIONAL SONG. Why it Tt Ik Tli at tlte United Stntoi Wltli'mt u National Antlmm. Ouo of tho commonest of pro verbial expressions assumes Uint a song is tho cheapest of all things; yet tho richest Country on enrtli is without n national song. Thirty years ngd it offored $u'00 for ono j but tho song was not forthcom ing, though tho condition of affairs in our country seemed calculated to call forth all tho lyric energy that any poet possessed.. And indeed n few fino poems were produced, hut uo soup that fairly claimed thoprizo. Wo havo tho "Star Spangled Ban ner," nnd sometimes wo sing it and ninkes ourselves think wo aro enthu siastic, hut tho least critical of us feels that it is too clumsy to be n good song or a good pooni, and I sus pect it has u fault even more radical than its uncouth rhythm. It is not good art to mnko a picture of a pic ture or to symbolize a tymbol. To illustrate this hold up sido by side a photograph from an oil pointing aud ono from lifo. Though the American flag is to our eyes tho most beautiful of all one can find in a forest of shipping in any great seaport, and though it represents tho finest country and $ie most progressive peoplo on earth, and though your heart sometimos comes to your throat when you think what lias been nchiovod under it, still it is only a picture and a symbol, No star bpangled rhymes or allegor ical representations of freedom tear ing tho sky into strips of bunting will over niako an effective and en during national song. When the song arrives wo shall find that it Bomehow deals directly with tho na tional power and destiny, not with any conventional symbol or picture of it. "Yankeo Doodle" has its uses as a tune, hut no words that aro uot dog gcrol have ever been sot to it, and it is doubtful if any can ho. Samuel Francis Smith wroto a respectable hyinn, beginning "My Country, 'Tie of Theo." But its candidacy for tho place of national song is killed at tho outset by tho fact that it is sot to the tune of another nation's hymn. Then, too, how should wo ask eomo millions of our citizens to sing "Land where my f atliors died, " when they loft their fathers' bones in various parte of Europo or how expect much accent on "Land of tho pilgrim's prido" from tho throats of those who tako no prido in tho pilgrims? Rossi tc Johnson in St. Nicholas, Men unit Aiilinnla In Water, Tho animal has no advantage in any way in water over man, and yet tho man drowns whilo tho animal "swims." Tho dog, tho horse, tho cow and oven , tho cat all tako to tho water, and aro ablo to walk as thoy do whon out of water. Throw a dog into tho stream, and at onco ho bo gins to walk just as ho does on dry land. Why should n man, woman, or child act differently under liko circumstances? Itseci'is strange that peoplo havo to bo told to do what tho animals do instinctively and instantly. Man's ignornnco of bo simple a thing as treading water is romarkablo; it itf without reason or excuse. Thoro is a popular notion afloat that in somo way tho dog and tho animals havo an ndvantago over man in water. Nothing could bo farther from the truth. Tho ndvantago lies with man, who is provided with a paddlo formed hand and knows enough to float whon tired something tho animal raioly or never does, Harpor'a Young People. Where Meerschaum Ciimot From. Meerschaum is a kind of clay, It is composed of magnesia and flint, with sometimes traces of iron and other minerals. All of it comes from the province of Eskischia, in Asiatic Turkoy, It has boon dug out of tho ground thoro for centuries, and tho mannor of procuring it is to this day extremely primitive The material is found in lumps of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Tho mines extend underground to a depth of thirty feet, and aro aired and kopt dry by windmills. Thero aro ten different qualities distinguished. Tho discovery of tho usefulness of tho procesfl of .boiling in wax was mado by accident. Imitation meer schaum is manufactured from chips loft over from tho carving, They are ground into a pulp, treated chonv ically and finally pressed into the shapes dwirod. Every one knows' that pipes mode out of the couuter fait will not color. -Exchange. , ., . ugMg-gg; IPPRICES art OMi k litittMf rf Hpno Yti 0 tN Mr.linmlrr'n Recommendation. Mr. J. A. Lander, a prominent ci tlzeti of Clarksburg, Mo., and w'ldely known In tlintstiit,siiys of Chamber lulu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy: hI have seen its good re sults uud can recommend it." For sale by Baskett & Van Slype Drug gists. SOMETHING NEW. Tho uew Time Card, which Is now iu eilect, via tho '' Wisconsin Central Lines," In connection with the Northern Pacific R R., ailords the traveling publlo the best facilities from all points west to Chicago aud points cast and south. Toe uusurpassed equipment offered to ilH patrous, combined with speed, comfort and safaty, surpassing all ita competitors. AU through trains are command of Pullman vestlbuled drawing-room sleepers, with dining cars aud d y coaches of latest design. Tho dally through fast train each way, making connection at Chicago with trains In ull directions. For tickets, time tables, etc., ap ply to agout of Northern Pacific R. It., or Jas. O. Pond, j. Gon'l Pass, and Tkt, agutit, Chicago, 111. m A Much-Married Woman. Mrs. Fowler, of this city, wis married last January to her sixth husband, and strange as it m.iy seem, five of them died exactly two years from their marriage day. Her present husband hud been siok for the last four mouths with chronic jaundice, and was given up by four of our best phyulciuus; as a last re sort he began using Sulphur Bitters, and yesterday told our reportor that they had saved his life, smilingly saying ho guessed Mrs. FowlBr would be uuablo to tuko a seventh better half for Bomo time to come. Exchange. CAiti). Mr. uud Mr. John M. Howell wish to thank their frlonds who so kindly oxtended their ser vice and sympathy during their late nflllctlou. - HOKN. On October 3, 1802, to ' the wild f i Frank Wlllman, aicii. 1 ' mat That Dear Old World, .Oood-by, Is n, mighty nut ouo when It 1 tho partlnn Bulutauou between irlenda w I join thou, sands or milts of water nre about to Kopnrute, Mariners, buyers Ui loreliru lnudH for heavy houses, commercial tr&v elore who havo made many trips ncronu the stormy Atlantic, think little of au ocean voyage, but to tho first voyager the Initial trip Is a momentous uilafr. Hen sickness Is to be ox pec tod as a matter of course How to prevent ltT 'lha niu'at reineny ana preventive of the nausea pro voked by the tossing of a vessel, tho J urn mil motion of tho screw of n steamship, or of n locomotive train, Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, pronouucod by sen con tains, ship doctors, tourists, travelers and emigrant tho finest stomachic and best dofonse ngalnst allmontH ot tho bowels, digestive organs and liver lu existence Mulnrtal, rheumatism, kldnoy troublo and debility are remedied by IU Miss Whltner of San Francisco, is tho now trimming artist at Mrs, I). L. Fiester's millinery rooms on Court street. Few are Free pROM Scrofula, which, bolng liorodl- tary, la tho latent cause of Consump tion, Catarrh, Loss ot Bight, Eruptions, and humorous otlior maladies. To ef fect a cure, purify the blood with Ayer's SarsaparlUa. Iicgln early, ami persist till every trace of tbp poison is eradicated. "I can heartily recommend Ayer's SarsaparlUa for all thoso who aro aflllct ed with scrofulous humors. I had suffered for years, and tried various remedies without effect. Finally. Ayer's SarsaparlUa gavo relief and put mo In my present good healthy condition." E. M. Howard, Newport, N. II, "My daughter was greatly' troubled witli scrofula, and, at ono time, it was feared ulio would lose her sight. Ayer's SarsaparlUa has completely rostored her health, aud her eyes aro as well untl strong as ever, with not a trace of irrofula in lior system," Goo, King, Klllingly, Conn. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rniriBED sr Dr, J, c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. I'rlet $tS lx lottltt, 5, Worth t ft boUl. Ml SALE. Absolutely Hafu Investment, $10,000 FOR $6,000 The now two-torv brick store bulldlne and ground occupied by Uto, K, Hmltn, ou Uommerelal street. Korsale for W.ttw. If taken soon. JtmvslO pr cent, oa that uinount, and will bo worth I10.UX) In Ins Ihuti five years. II. W. COTrLK. O-IOII GiUtioH. Iu theOwnty Court of tho Htaet of O gon fur the Oouuly of Marlon. ju tueuuuitroiiuo wum ol r-Citatloil, Kllas W. Meestsycteeased,,) To George W. Utley; ilelr ut-UwofMld dwwttdeut.Jotm i. JUesiey sadallottisr portoes In (wrested Iu 4 Ktat. la the Noma of tbe HUite ofUwoa.yeu are bwvfey eUed aad required la ssmm 1m lUeOouutr Court ol trie tf tote at UntM, tor the CouBMr of Murtwi, at the Court roow tbwof. i the Olty ofHaWtu,) Am Oeunty ofMnrwm. oa the 17th day of O ioor, hi o'utoog, mrstoonIMii any, tuea ana thr to show tuM, Its you have, why an ordor should uot i k-raaiMia r. K.MaUUi. tit AdwiMnur ft Mid MUte. to sail Us Mtowiug ifcaarfind Jrmoa riTit aouBlv.Mutoftf o Audtaatawsy ail this MWttoatttWl! IblMMl In the IuTitaI. Wwki. Jocmu ollaaMlour te(v waafes, HU4CAP1. TAWwUkMAX. Mm a tttfwatwDVf prtrt4 aad MMWbaU M asw awW Vvaa aav Ui jt uf , asMttar 3Vtt?ir, jsaaraiv i f J CARTER'S ITTLE 8VER PIUS. CURE Rick Iteadachnand rellere all the troubles test ireni iu a iimmn stnto of toe systtm, men at J i.iwium, nun-en. uroHntnesa, uigtreas aflat emu,,, uii in um curie, ao. wnitatnair remarkable succnx lui lieen shown la ei ftcadaepd. yet CAttTi-n'a Urttx Lira tro cqtmllv xnlimUa In Constipation. prevciillnR this annoying complaint, iuej- niTO cnnTcmu (lisoraers or we M tlntulAte the liver and regulate ttaa 1 von It they only cured t fVS ' HEAD curaaj !VHMt f bwSf-' P i -o Ac'io they would be almost prtealaai ttMSS viio AulTer from thU dlatresslna; eomplansl; uc (orrunAteiy tneir iroodnass doaa no ana itfre. nna eiioka wha on(w vr thm mm MyB 2 thine little rtls valuable In so many warn tfi :hoy will not be willing to do without Dm Hut of ter all siok head ' ' . r ACHE j. tr Hrm ri mike our great boast. -miaoineiHunnot Dtr.TEn's I.rrrr.E f.ivim Puis are very sra&B iu 11 ery eisy ? o laKe. one or two wns ma drA Tney are trictly Teeetable and do Our pitta owe It 4 em One or two pins make t Knprt or pnmo, but by their ntle actioa iivi-uiiii wuouse cnrin. in Tiaia ta oamat vn tur 3 1 olil every wbe re, or sent by i CAEIES KCSlCUa CO., Hw Tk.v '3Ti?"i Mhi, MKa. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, ratnt,01Ii and Window" Glass,, Wall P per and llordor, 'Artlrt8, Ma terials, lime. Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence iruttLa, xram chhhw, jBiW.j f NEW AD VKHTUjKMmV WANTKD.-Lodglag and Imnl at per week. Aa'tfood'aa any prt hoHso la the olty. , At 17S WlnUr. bet State and Trade, j ts TirM-U XT ANTEDA 'good' iviv t I wanted ror me nest sailing at the war yet published. For ftirtBa tnatlou inquire at Journal otBoa. DW. TOWN8EN1), Civil Knginaor smsJ a HrYe7or- Office with orasoillattlSi uo , Salem; Oregon. - , a LOOT. In Hftlem or oa the" road mr Place, a red covered bill boa contaltilmr bills and. aeaounla. iifind will recelro a liberal reward by, laa.rlua same at the Jouknai. offloe. ' ! 0-tf K.iiSH'AT. PA8TUUB WANTKD-For aeow.'for Uut winter. Inquire at Hlue Front groo; Tf, cHuem. , - iuyt-w. TrANTKD. A Elrl to do eenertU W worlc, ApplyatJouKNALofnea. ROOFING. OUM-KLABTIO KOOFINO FELT only ner 1U0 tmmre feet. UihM good toof for yeurs, und any oue ctn prt UV3 u"'. ....... ' m uum-Kiostio rami eosia only soeents war gal. Jn bbl. lots, or tWO.for 5-b1. MiH. color dnrk red. Will stop leass in Ua or iron roofs that will lnt for year. Try It Head HUimp tot xamplo and ftUl prtlo , OWt EtAJiTJO IIOOFINOCO, SI) A 1 Wfrst Uroitdwoy, . Mew Vorh, Local Auenta Wanted, V-12-dlm-wmu Burton Bros. BTATE BTREET- ' , . BRICK YARD. Large stock of common Mrlek always aa una oruamenwj urtast leuve orders at O.Htclr.M St4 strast. iui hund. 1'rnwed muuo to order. Goodhue A Cablll.Vi Htata street, or at jiiru, opposteBiaui i'rion THE WILLAMETTE,, BALEX, OBJSGOX, , ' t 0 1 ' ,.., &iKI 4 Am , ' . .,'M mnvva, i.uv iu fiv,nt vvr Mn"i$ The beat hotel between rortlaad aaumaat Fraaeiseo. Flrst-elaas in all It araotph meats, its tables, are served wilt umk Cholceut Fruit OrewBla the WUlawaUa Vatlay. A. I. WAGNER. Pros. J. H. HAAS, THE WATO 2l5XCmmrl.l8t., Wm, (Next door to KiatartJ Hpeebilty ot Sfaetaaiaa, ami Cloeks. Wktedaa aud Jwtv. Wood Saw Kfi4y jU Uhartaa HoUUi'a ajsaaa TlHITIM .3 White's No. 60J rULKMw rugtn i r"r' --