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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1892)
i r, EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. v , If" ' U v VOL. 5. m THE PEOPLE'S PAPEE." SAIiEM, OTIEGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1892. ((! TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY." KO. 89. GROWING Observing people say that the trade at DAMON BROS, is growing all the time PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS ADS TIE CAPITAL JOIMAI. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S GoVt Report LK CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, . Murphy Block. CA. ROBEKT, Architect, room 421, Mar , quam building, Portland, Oregon. HOFER BROTHERS, - - Editors. D 1 -, WHAT DOBS IT ? WORTH. CON6IDERING Are trie Look over HOSIERY AND UNDBRWJSAR. r.udloa' Ribbed Vests Wool Vests " Union Suits u Children's Ribbed Wool Union Suits " Cotton Underwear " Wool " Ladles Cotton Hose " Wool Hoso.r Children's Wool Hose We nlso carry Ribbons, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Windsor Ties, Curling Irons, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, 811k and Cotton Thread, Rubber Goods, Umbrellas, etc. etc. , , . E. F. OSBURM, - - 261 Commercial Street. WnVBOMBSnBMKBBBHMnHIBBBOHnHMEHBBnBBMBanSBMDni BvD. C. Choic e Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. NAILS 1 LOCKS BUILDER'S HARDWARE i A.T Barr ft ,i. 5 Petzel 214 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Btoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. Red Front Bazaar! Goods of all Kinds Bought and Sold. New and Second Hand Household Goods sold on Commission. 20 Years' Experience in Auctiot business. City and Country sales a Specialty. Auction at Sales Boom every Saturday. ARCHIE MASON. A. B. SMITH General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, &c. All work promptly done. SALEM, Sash and Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only, the best material used C. N. CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. FOUND The place to rig, Express, Mill ieed or load of Dirt or Gravel'. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt B. F, DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM SAI.BM, ..------ OREGON, Manufactures STEAM ENGINES. Mill OutflU. Water Wheel Governor, Fruit Dry lne Outfits, Traction Engines, Cresting, etc. Karm machinery msda and repaired. General a genu and manufacturers of the celebrated Wahlstroin Patent Middlings Partner and Reels, farm machinery made and repaired. Salem Truck Dray em Iron works. Draya and trucks may be found throughout the dav at the corner of State and Commercial BtreeU. F. T. HART, 217 COMMERCIAL STREET. BROOKS L LEGG, IOO State IX)K8AU. x jnylng drmtaiakiuK and i JairtBaklBebttaUwuiorwla. Apply -rsK.&.XMbnra, 9H OeaKwetat 'rt. All goods are fresh and clean than all others. The this stock and consider prices .-SO to 60 els Gaels, Ojctsandl 25 $1 75 to 1 85 1 10 to 1 60 20to 50cts 40to80ots 13 to 60 cts 25 to 75 cts 23 to 50 cts Cross HINGES 1 meats. Plumbers and Tinners, OREGON. T S. BURROUGHS BURROUGHS, tret a Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, crood well rotted Manure, and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent IRON WORKS, Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber, Of flee State BL. ounoslteBa- LE-ADING MERCHANT TAILOR. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully eeeapeaaded day or at. Stroat I f IllL ' H WAKfiSD To work oa farm Oae who BodtrUa.l4 fersalsf and. band mb. Apply to t. J. Btcvrv. CASH and are sold only for cash and at prices fully 20 lower Blub Prices at B. befpre buying and you will SHOES. Baby Shoes Children's Dongola, patent tip. Jf ebDle uoat Misses' Dongola Shoes Ladies " " " " patent tip- " Fine Dongola Men's Plow Shoes- " Bal or Congress STEM & BLOSSER, 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES,- Crcamcry and Dairy Sup plies, bteel Ranges, larlor Heaters in all Styles cialty. a Spe- CLOTIIES WRINGERS AND WASHERS J85yThe best on earth, call. Give us a 10:3-tf. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meal at All flours ol the Day None but white labor employed In thli establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In first, class style Twenty-flve cents per meal VfBV B-RONT Court trt, between Opera .House and Mlnto'e .Livery Residence 382 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, AND Decorator, Kalsomluer and Pa per Hanger. Leave orders at A. B. ISuren'ifc Bon's Fur niture store or Broat A Qlle, Grocers. HOW TO In GROW Oregon, FRUIT With various remedies for pests and diseases among fruit trees from actual tests W.S. ELK1N8, Horticulturist. Dallas, Oregon. IS page book. Price, 25 cents per copy. Every fruit grower should send for a copy. Addres W. a ELKINB, Horticulturist, 9-3(-4w-dw Box 806. Dallas, Oregon. NOTICE. I wish to say to my customers In the lumber trade that I have restgned my po sition in the Inmnn.Poulsen & Co, lumber yard here, but still ask the patronage oi the contractors, and I will try to mane It toeireryones Interest to call on me and 5et my prices brlore purchasing elsewhere, guarantee as good lumber as Is In Oregon and will as ever treat you white. N. N. MATHEWS. FOR SALE! CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND FRUIT GARDENS, Within one-halt mile of two electric street car lines and lair grounds station and post office. Only two and one-quarter miles from the center of Halem. Healthy, beau tiful location. Soil extra good, well drained and rich. Price low and term easy. 8-10-tf H.W. COTTLE. For Sale. Hlxty-acre tract nearthclty. Allc'eared. Will produce anything tlut grows In Ore gon. Also a good 7 room house, and barn. Pure well water, 2 choice lota. A bargain. Also desirable lots and blocks In Fleas ant Home Addition on easy term. Other Use City Property, Enquire at Wm E Burse's offlee, over Barr Fetters, Eat tide CoramereUl St Saltan, Oregon. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South ofWlllaratHs Hotel, AbEM ... ORXOCN Money Te lean cm CbaUel $&$& I V. S. TIME. Front. F. Osbutrn'3'. save money. 85, 50, 00. 80 cts andjfl 00 $1 15, $1 45 and 2 1 15, 1 35 and 1 1 00 (special) 1 45 and $1 80 1 60, $1 80 and $2 2 15, 2 75 and 3 1 15, 1 45 and 1 1 60to4 00 Proposals lor Stationery. Ofllce of the 8f oretary of State. BAT.KM. Oregon, Sept. 3, 1882. Healed proposals will be received at this office until noon, Novembr8, 1HI2, to" fur nish the following articles for the State of Oregon, 10 reams legal cap, I41b,No.7 rullng.whlte laid, cream, charier oak, or Scotch linen. 20 reamB first-class congress note, 71b pigs.. No. 7 ruling, white laid. 13,000 No. y. white envelopes, 001b No. 1, rag, XXX. 12 gross railroad steel pons, No. 149. 20 gross Glllolt's steel pens. No 401. 4 gross Qillott's steel pens, No. 803. 8 gross Ksterbrook "J" pens. 10 doz 1'eck, stow & Wilcox's Inkstands, No 65S. , 4 doz. Peck, Stow a Wilcox's Inkstands, No. 6M. 10doz.Peck,Btow& Wilcox's Inkstands, No.4i0. VI doz. ivory folders, 9 inch standard. 4 doz. Ivory foldors, 10 Inch congress. 4 doz, mucilage cups, No, 8, Morgan's patent. 10 doz. mucilage stands, reservoir, No. 0, Morgan's patent. . . 8 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, MOlbs assorted colors. 2 sros Io. 'i KMgie llceordtr lead pencils, style WW. 1 doz Sr.nlord's premium fluid, squirts. IV, doz. StartorcVs writing fluid quurts. 10 doz. gummed stub flies, No, iil 11x18 inches, bCTpages. 16 doz. Duplex cupboard letter clips. 10 doz. Kuber'8 rnbber rulers, H-lnchflit. 15 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 18, 149, bone. 8 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. J8, 119, eoony. iy. jt boxes Faber's No, 800 rubber bandar rioH elirAu - au RRanrtAri slvpji 6 grow Faber's led pencils, No, 2, hex agon gilt. 12 gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, round gilt. 16 doz. Faber's patent ink and pencil rub ber erasers, mammoth. i 80U0 McUlll's patent paper fastenerti No. 2, flat head. 000 McQlll's patent paper fasteners. No, 4, flat head. 16 doz. table pads to hold paper, 10x21 inches, stroncr leather Una. 12 doz. waste paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. 20 pounds hemp twine. No. 12 4 doz. Sanford's mucilage quarts. At the same time separate bids will be received for 16 dozen flne penknives to be described by trade numbers, samples to be exhibited. Bids should be marked "Proposals for Batatlonery." None but the best quality of roods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids Is re served. All the above articles to be deliv ered at Salem on or before December 2, 1K92. GEO. W. MOBRIDE, 9-3-2m secretary of btaet" JAPANESE PILE CURE Anew and Complete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, ointment In capsules. aiso a oox ana puis; a posture euro lor ex nesses; It Is always a great beneflt to the general health. The first discovery 61 a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary herealter. This remedy has never been known to fall, f 1 per box, ft for 5; sent by mall, Wbysuffer from this terrible disease when a written guarantee Is given with 8 boxes, to refund the money II not cured. Bend stamp for free sample, uarpntee Issued bv Woodakd. uutniin k ir., wuoicsaie una reutii uruK- .. .;.-. .. a- . - r ..... '. IMKKI gists, solo agents, Portland, Or. Brooks A Legg agents for Balem, 1C0 State street, but ton's block. 6-ly-dw IsU, sole agenU, Portland, Or. Brooks A W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Joliber. CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE- WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY, Leave orders at Tbomaa A Johnson's 2S6 Commercial street. M. T, RINEMAN dxalxs nr Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery,"Glassware, Lamps, Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Aim vcgetablesaadfrulu In their season. "Highest 11100 paid for country produce." Wesollrl ashara of your patronage. mi 1.MHtAttret Only One. Chance for a colony. 1800 acres of best bottom land, one-half In cultivation, lias small streams and lakM, has I7UUJ crop on now, buildings, etc la Jive rnlles from Halem, Oregon, One-third cash, and bal ance In five yearly paymtnU with 4 per cent interest KM per aore, ws-tr joaw m. i'ayne, Agt. MONEY TO LOAN. Hpoetal InaueeeaeBU tot the next 80 days ob ood Carta loaa. FEAR k HAMILTON, ffcXMBl4,8MtaBakMMk. tlMw C. Kit PiA-IyLt Paper Hangar and Decorator. jCJbM. CJwf MHHontryitow, J. DIGGER, Attorney at law, Balern, bank. 2t-tf .. wickuu, uwirauioiijauu u. uusui T J. SHAW, M. W, HUNT. 8 HAW A ". HUNT. attorneys at law. Office over capital National bank, Haleni, Oregon. fe'.l T. RICHARDSON. Attorney at law, omceuDfitaira in Trent rooms of new uh block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Baiem.uregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms 3 and 4, Ladd A Bush's bank building, Balem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr B. K. BONHAM. W. 11. HOLMES. Qonrah &. Uolmks, Attorneys at law. JD Ofllce In Bush's block, between State and Court, onConi'ISU r nlLJlON FORD, attorney at law. Balem, JL Oregon. Ofllce urtalrs in ration's D1C block. ME. POQUB, Stenographer and Type . writlst. Over Ladd & Bush's bank, Daiem, uregon. J H. BRADSHAW, PHYSICIAN AND j. Burgeon, Balem, Oregon, office In ush-Breyman block, upstairs Residence corner Stateand S. K corner inter streot. WH. YOONG, M. D., Office formerly , occupied by Dr. Iloivland, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Ofllce heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 p. m., and 7 to 0 p.m. Residence 18th street on electrlo car line. Telephone Ho. 9, TvR. IV. 8. MOTT, physician and sur J geon. Offloo in Eldrldge Blocfc, Sa loin, Oregon. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. 1! to 4 p. in. R.MINTAH.A.DAV13. Office hours, fiaj 9 a. m. to 11 a. m.: z p. m. to o p. m. ay or night calls promptly attended to. H(eclal attention given to diseases of wom en and children. Office in NowBank Blk., 3U5 Oommeretal street. Residence same. MRS. 8. O. BROOKS, Practical nurse. Many years ol oxperlcncu, Resl aeuce In Yow ParK, one bleck: west of oar Hoe, on HI rues street, I' 19-lm BR. T. O. SMITH, Dentltt, W State street, Salem, Or. Finished dental opera tions of every description. Painless opera tions a specialty. WD.POGH, Architect, Plans, Spool , flcatlons aud superintendence tor alt clashes of buildings. Office 2U0 Upra merclal St., up stairs, PJ. LARBEN & CO,, Manufacture of all , kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special ty. Shop 4 State street. P (ml RiTE0TIONLODOfcO.2.A.O U.W. Meeta in their hall m .-JUite insurance ulldlng, every Weduesday evening, n. a.. aiceAuvns, xu, w. J. A. SELWOOD, Recorder. rilPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN, 1 Kamlakun Tribe No. 8, Halem. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7:80. Wlgwum in btate IUHuraneo hall, F. C. BAKER, Prophet, FRVNIC O. WATjatH. hlef of Hecords EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The place.'lor young ladles and gentle men to secure u thorough education Is the old, but e er new. , ifiLLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. jjong ana sun tue lending insulu ho North West. Better than ever I Mav fvulraa tt Inot riiftlrtn In f) Long and still the leading Institution of New course of instruction In Oratory. Theology and Post-Graduated. HTUDlEH, Normal, Business, Academy, College, and Law courses greatly enlarged and improved. Faculties Increased and Improved. For Catalogue of College of write Dean 8 T. Ulchaidnon, Esq .Halem, Or. For catalogue of Collego of Medical and Pharmacy writo Dean Richmond Kelly,M, D . Portland, Or. For general Catalogue write Rev. Geo, Wultaker, D. D., President, Salem, Or. 7-23-am-dw rvatorv of ) WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, SALEM, OREGON. The course most complete and the high est grade of any muslo school In the Northwest. Best and newest methods of teaching. Enlarged lacllltles and new plan lor Instruction of beglnnors for the coming school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course. Next term begins September 6, 1802. Z. M. PARV1N, Send for catalogue. Muslo Director. 7-29-d2ra-wlm FIUBNDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Sept. 1.1, 1802. Otters the most practical courses of study ol any school in the State, viz: Mechanical Kuglneering, CUU Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Academic and Grammur seiiooi courses Htudents practice dally lu woou siiop, maciuoo snop, ana luuonv lories Tuition and Board per Year, 160, Speolal Inducements to a few young men wuu wmu io worn iur muir uoaru aim tui tion durlllK vacations. Fur prospectus and further Information, address KDW1N MORRISON, M. 8 , Presdent, Balem, Or, Miss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Beptemuer lth, at Kin dergarten Hall, opposite opera bouse. Children received at three years of age and over, A connecting class will be es tabUshed lor advanced Kindergarten pu- 811s and those beginning primary work, nly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's system ol drawing and color work Introduced, Miss Annie Thornton, Graduate ot the Diesden Conservatory ot Muslo (Germany) will open her rooms, a and 7, Bank building, September 1st, Instructions In vocal and Instrumental music, also In German and Vrencb, tf-6-tl WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, ill SilscriM, $200,006 Transact a general banking buslneeM) In all IU branebea. OKO, "WTLUAMH President Wm. KM uLaNU Vie Presides UlKtUUntiAUY rh, , DJKBCT0R8: Geo, Wllltams.Wra. Bag lsnd.Or. J. a, KleaarfeoB, J, W. UoAttm, J, A Maker. mbk in mw Kxetutace Week en Com- Igl1 -Stisi mi w ! tVfJTM AHtborlsd Capital 9600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK kfcUMB,Of. VleftPrtt. J.i.ALVNKT.CMtiUs', ' H, Wuhjui aaafat Tw PUBUBHKDDAILY.KXCKPTSUNDAY, BY THK Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) , Office, Commercial Street, in P. O. Building Kntered at the postofflee at Salem, Or., as fcconO-cluft matter. SUQOESTEU COMMENT. A man may knowing it. boa crank without We don't bear bo much about the billion dollar congress. Clothing la cheaper than It was two years ago. That Is a Eepublican fact. 8omo people are to'rlbly In fear they will go dry ut the World's Fair. No danger! Nothlug hits a city bo hard as a dose of the quiets. Salem has not been hit up to date. The Wekkly Journal has In the past week added nearly a hun dred names to Its list. Mills to grind only American corn into meal for Europeau trade are being put up in Europe. Lady Somerset, in her zeal for the temperance cause, has descended in to mines to address the tollers in the sunless depths. An Iowa farmer reports raising 225 acres of corn that goes 75 to 100 bushels per acre, in 08 days. That is a big yield or a big lie. Democrarto papers do not Joke about "grandpa's hat w they once did. They have learned that there is a good deal of sense under that hat. Lot the good work of street Im provement and alloy cloaniug go on. The people who believe they can get along without either are getting scarce. The Ohio man has Just been mulcted to the extent of $10,000 on account of too positive love letters which a young woman produced against him lu a breach of promise cose. As Rev, Dr. Thomas Dixon has Just forcefully paid lu a sormou, the experloDco of Now Yortwlth the cholera should be a fruitful sugges tion to the people of this country of (lhe evil poteuoy of Tammany. Bell all drinking water for child ren and let It cool In an open vessel In the open nlr over night. Give the little ones all they waut whether they aro sick or well and you will save them great suffering as well as dootor blllB. Mario Corelll, whoso weird stories, aud still more weird English, have made such ii hit that the critics talk of her originality and strength, Is the daughter of Charles Mackay, formerly connected with the Illus trated London News. Mrs, Alico Freeman Palmer is ad visory dean of the woman's depart ment of the Chicago University. She was a student at Michigan Uni versity, and afterwards a teacher there aud at Geneva Lake. For two years she held tho ohatr of his tory at Wellesloy, and for six years was president of the college, whloh ofilco she resigned to marry Prof, Palmer of Harvard. Cleveland aud Steyenson stand for nothing if thoy do not stand for low tariffs. Low tariffs mean great er Importations of manufactured goods and products that competo with American labor in a manner to inevitably close American fact orles and make production of wool and many other articles unprofitable at present wages. To our mind It Is entirely a question affecting the la borer and farmer, They will vote the bread out of their own mouths by adoption of a Democratic revenue tariff, which places tho treasury of the United States above the Interest of American humanity and above the tollers and producers In adjust ing the revenues of our country. DAIKY1NO POK PROFIT, Ltteraturo and correct practical information about dairying should be in great demand In a state like this that Imports most of Its butter and cheese. Newspapers, books and pamphlets on the subject should be circulated as much as possible. This is from purely a commercial stand point. But there Is a higher con sideration; (he education and Im provement of agriculture, and the solid benefits which always aeerue to those who engage In a higher calling. No one will deny that the proper care and handling of dairy cattle and thetr produats require a higher knowledge and more moral culture to gala tueeeea than the growing of grain, or rasebliMf of other kind. To make Am butter takes brains, humanity and ootwUat growth is the literature of the mb- Jeet, To attempt to keep up with the progress 1r dairying mi net read ABSOLUTELY PURE sailing vessel In competition wllh steira. For awhile it may win but in the long run the race and gilt- edged pronto will bo with the man who takes dairy newspapers and any publication that throws light on his delicate calling, He is ex peeled to take crude milk from the cow and manufacture an artlstlo product that goes directly to the human palate at Its most sensltlvo point. Of course, he foundation of dairying rests upon the breed of cattle used, Pasture and feed are secondary to cow, cleanliness and art. The literature of good breeds of dairy cattle and tests of their pro duct Is even more voluminous than that of butter and cheese making. Tue successful dairyist must read. We make those remarks upon receipt of a little pamphlet on the subject of tno heading of this article, and hope some of our readers will buy the book called! "Dalrylnc for Profit." by Mrs. E. M. Jones ,of Urockvllle, Ontario, Canada. It contains 68 pages of solid practical sense. It Is by a woman who has n herd of mag nificent cattle, who has devoted her life to artistic butter-making ftDd study of tho butter-cow. The au thor began 18 years ago with two cows and a small village field, sell ing n few pounds of butler to tfae neighbors, who appreciated Its ex cellence, and so advertised Its mer its that sevon thousand pounds are now annilally sold from the little Btony farm on the shores of the St. Lawrenco river, near tho Thousand Islands. The object of this book Is to offer to hartl-working, practical farmers, some suggestions by which tlfey may increnso their Incomes, multi ply their comforts, nnd better their nvaltlniiB. In no branch of farming is there such deplorable waste aud shortsightedness as in dairying, the result of misapplied labor, going at work in the wjrongway, tolling with methods that do not pay. Here are presented plans, facts and figures that will bear the closest scrutiny, showing how every owner of a cow in America can make much more and better butter, at a less cost for keeping, with less labor on the cattle nnd on tho dairy utensils, and fur thermore how to soil this butter for tho fanoy prices whloh only honest gilt-edged Butter brings. Every difficulty which will meet the beginner Is explained, and the way out is clearly shown. Every essential detail practiced by tho professional dairyman Is described and also adapted to small herds, and oven one-cow dairies. Tho vol umo tells how to choose a good cow; how to keep and feed her to the best advantage, and tho most profitable ways of caring for and marketing her product. Here is a record of a life spent lu dairying, a llfo marked by many mistakes and occasional failures, but these wore corrected and surmounted, and success boyond expectation soon crowned the effort. Sold by tho Oraugo Judd Co., N, Y. Price postpaid, 30 cents. Deafness Oan't bo Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only one way to cure defffupss, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by nu inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo gets lullam ed you huvo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is tho re sult, and unless the Inflamation can be taken out aud this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed ferever: ulne cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh; that wo cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Mend for circular, free. V, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76 cents. Ministers, Lawyers, Teachers, and others whoso occupation gives butllitle exercise, should use Uarter's Little Liver PI1U lor torpid liver and blllloruM, One Is a aose. jTyuiein. Derangement of the liver, with consti pation. Injuries the eoinniexloii. lnduea friinplea, sallow skin. Remove the eause ny using uariers Lime Liver Pills, use fur a done. Try them. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver PHUT They are a positive euru fur slek headaohe, and all the HI produced by dfct ordwed liver. Only oho pill a dose. Makhlh aud Okanite. I have Juet received a atoek of marbto and granite monument and grave Hones whloh durlng-the next SO day(shrp)I will sell at prices sever before Offered la tUa WW. Call early If you waatb4tMaUi. teeoad door west of the 0ti IsMMnuHP building. J, Jamw. " Hwlf- R. R. Ryan t betae from trip up tee uoiumwe ma my Www w gfcui k settling up feet with mmy nc Powder - K A COLORADO DEATD. Old Pioneer of Dchvcc Mar dored. Democrats of Idaho Support Wearer Audience Wltk th Popo Wheeling AroHHd th World P. T. llarmimVOM,., Agent Dead, v r( 1- tt 4. John Colorado, Denver, Col., Oct. Reese, an old pioneer of who was worth f 000,000, 'has "been tntirrlnrarl In nTt Vn ftl muiMVIVHIU alOfl JL, Ut A, ViJ and t- i fcnuvujM robbed of from $3000 toJ4000( which ho was lu the habit of carrying with him because of bis lack, of faith in banks. Reese was 84 iJ years ., of age aud had accumulated' bio' fortune through gaining possession. lu early days of much real estate in; this city, and besides land vainest, ' and reridy cosh he is known to. have invested 120,000 In govern ment bonds, which are now hidden, . in some place selected bythe 'old, man. Reese lived In tho suburb of Denver called Colfax. John Reese, A Jr., went td New Yorka few1 days ago. He found first his father's . hat and valise and then be found the body. Ho also made the die- , covery that tho old man had been murdered and robbed Young, Reese is now on the way from New York to Denver. e The Democrats of, Idaho. a Boise, Idaho Oct, 4.r-Trl Idaho Democrao committee 'has with-i drawn their electoral tloket.and n-' domed the eleetow of HyltViul'r party ticket, This is understood to be In , accordance with, a general plan throughout the West under the advice ( of the national oom mlttee. ., t y An Audience With the Pope, ' Rome, Oct. 4. The pope yesterday gavn audience to Von Bulow, ibe new Prussian minister. - Subse-,-quontly tho pope held a two hours; -private conference with the new minister. Though a subtle diplo matist, It is ntlt believed that lie will bo able to change the pope's policy toward France, which will lead him to oppose the proposed Increase In -tho German army. Wheeling Around the World. Portland, Or., Oct. ,4. Frank- - Q. Lenz left here yesterday after-., noon, at 2 o'clock, southward hound",' for Ban Francisco. He says he will make San Frauoisco In 14 inyit,ad. " will salt on the steamer for' Japan on tho 25th Inst. Election in Florida, Jacksonville, Fa., Oct.4. Spe cial. Tho election is progressing qulotly in all parts of the state as far as heard from this morning. The , indications are that the Democratic tickot will probably be elected and tho constitutional amendment will . undoubtedly meet with defeat.. This latter has reference to the re quests made by testators and aa some mistake has qcourred In the wording, the Democratlo central committee has advised against its . adoption, Nency Hanks to he XeUrad. Boston, Opt,, 4, It k the plan of her owner to retire Nancy Hanks from the track after this season, temporarily at least. Bhe will ,Jb bred tt Arion. This is the ainuifw ment at present, on the authority of the Forbes stable, ,The marek In Doble's hands at present; and the famous driver has full ooutrol of her charge. She returns te Iter owner's care toward the end of the year, and will enter on a well-earned rest afkf years of campaigning, o , Not "Oooney, Ue Fee" Ciiioaoo, Oot. 4. Qhwgbsgan. alias Colesuaa, the supposed Oroaiit oonviot la the Oregoti teoltentiarf, k not "Coooey the Fas," as haa been stated is seme ilkpstahss, hoi k a brother of the aatortais Ym Geogbegoa mw ssrvkkf Mm lift Jollet prteoa. Thkkthai of peUee omeers hew. Oaatpaiem ia Oaercia. Atlawta, Oa., Oet. I Majsakll M T earapasgu waten ejsaas j' u IV . . . " . .T'P altftttaas tha maal aakatad la the bJstorjr elha i Tha aittaaea moveaaeot, H k aaadad, baa developed hm atraugth baa sBUdpaetd. sithoub, UwUlunooaaesdlypaUa Wa vote W-Jtf I 6--K ClMMWa, iMd; pa iMar. T ub mi the uhlaaf ti Wm yutlew at F wise verw vwwirvw as eresewep ejej iatharanddharkej. Jads4 m