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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1892)
w ftt EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. 0 VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 189 - j "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 8&E WORTH CONSIDERING Are the Look over HOSIERY AX& TJNJjEHWEAR. Ladies' Ribbed Vest -30 to 50 els " " Wool Vests Oocts, Oocls and $1 25 " " " Union Suits $1 75 to 1 85 Children's Ribbed Wool Union Bulls 1 10 to 1 60 " Cotton Underwear. 20 to 60cts " Wool 40to80cts Lndles Cotton Hose 13 to 60 cts " Wool Hose r Children's Wool Hose We also carry Ribbons, Laces, uoocis, umoreiios, etc etc. E. F. Ya! Packed for, Many brands of Well, let SROAT us blend & GILK, g Auction Sale Of about one-hundred thoroughbred fowls PLYMOUTH BOOKS, WHITE LEGliOENS, BLACK LANGSHANS, PAETEIDGE COCHINS, LIGHT BBAHMAS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1892, AT 2' P. 1L The best lot of pure bred poultry ever . offered at Sa lem. Ask those who have bought of my stock. Must be sold. Nearly all stock of 1892 and in prime condition. Every trio put up in a neat coop ready for shipment or to take home. Sale Red Front Bazar auction house. Breed Up Your Stock And come to this sale. E. H0FER, Salem. J. F. GOODE, Auctioneer. Sash and. Fronti Street, The best class of work in our with the lowest. Only , N. CHURCHILL CHTJRCHlLIi & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. Salem Truck 4 Dray em Iron works. Drays and tracts may be found throughout the day at the r-orner of State and Commercial streets. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. KAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES I BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT' Barr t m ? Petzei 5J14 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tiu roofing and plumbing u specialty. Eatimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. FOUND The place to rig, Express, Mill ieed or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Byan & Co., back of "Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. BYAN & CO. . F. DRAKE, Proprietor, SALEM IRON .'SALBM. ........ Alannfectures STEAM ENOINHH, MIU OutHU. Water Wheel Governor, Fruit Drying Outfits, Trauloal.nglues, Creating, etc. Pana maebluery made and repaired. General areata and maaufocturets of I lie celebrated Wahtotroui i'atwit Middling Purifier and Reel. 1'arm machinery made aud repaired. -ARCHIE MASON. General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excvatfug, CoaeMe and Mason Work, TlHog, 4c All work promptly dune. BALEW, OREGON. 'this stock and consider prices before buying and yon will - 25to75cts1 25 to 50 cts Handkerchiefs, Windsor Tics, Curling Irons, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, OSBURN, - - : pA! 100 of our customers will testify that cs R CjSk.FXE" and imported by ourselves is the best value Tea sold for 75 cents 0 O 3F some for you. We Have you seen the brilliant display in our new corner window ? consisting of :es:e&:b Door Factory Salem, Oregon, line at prices to compete the best material used T S. BURROUGHS BTJBROU&HS, Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St..onnositeSa- LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. Plumbers and Tinners, eft a Saddle horse. Livery Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, good well rotted. Manure, T. G. PERKINS, Genen! StiperittwdMC WORKS, - OREOON, A. tl. SMITH Prices at ED. SHOES. Baby Shoes Children's Dongola, patent tip. rennie uoat Misses' Dongola Shoes Ladies " " " " patent tip. " Fine Dongola Meu's Plow Shoes " Bal or Congress 261 Commercial 33 'in and $1.00 do not possess 3E3E3 3E5 I have an enviable 120 XTZGHT At First National SJ " n"ii w r f f r' " BEGINS, MONDAY, OOT. 3, 1892, and clgses April 3, 1893, lastinpr nix montlifl. School in session Ave eveninpH each week, from 7 till. 9 o'clock. STUDENTS REGISTERED NOW, THOROUGH, individual and BooJ&ecpinf, Arithmetic, Grammar, Spellivt, Correspondence ? And other branches, if calls are made for them, jj N0TE:'8horlbdirdlll-trrrt"taagliFutiIe3s-clp's'1'ofHea8t-8W register on the opening night. ratef"tuition. BUSINESS COURSE. 1 calendar month, 7 3 " months, 20 0 " " 30 SHORTHAND COURSE. To make permanent ndvuuce- meat in Nuurtbana requires n number of menths: we make but Quorate; numely,Blxmonil)B,f2V Business Writing Alone. One calendar month, 5 Three " months, 12 Six " " 20 One Two Three EACH STUDENT is allowed to in hand can be thoroughly mastered, any one else. Wo have NO clussea each student is independent of that of others. STUDENTS MAY ARRANGE, at the time of entering, when a full course is uot desired, to take just such studies as they may wish. IF YOU HAVE ANY INTENTION of attending ulght school, and there Is some point you wish explained, come and see us we are always glad to answer questions, and explain our methods, The principal will be found at the college ofllce each evening of this week, from 7 till 8:30 o'clock. OmVv0 0 LCVJIvd Carefully compounded day or ' nfgbt. lOO State Ed. C. Cross, Choice Meats. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Frcsli, Suit and Smoked Heats ot all KindH, Largest display in tho city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. OS Court and 110 State Streets. FOR SALE. Absolutely Safe Investment. $10,000 FOR $6,000 The new twimtory brick ftoro building and ground occupied by lino, F. Commercial street. Kor sale fur tO.OOU, If taken soon. It pars 10 ix-r cent, on that amount, and will be worth flO.OQO In lies V. than rive years. n. V. oorri,K iwu-u NOTICE. I wish to say to my cuttoraeri In the lumber trade that I bave realgned my po sition In the Inrann.l'oulsen & Co. lumber yard here, bat (till ak the patronage oi tnecoDtrucloro, and I will try to mace It toereryonea Interest to call on me and gel my price before purchasing elsewhere. 1 guarantee an good lumber U In Oregon and will Ha ever treat ioa white N. N. MATHKWH. FOR SALE! CHOICE TRACTS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES 'AND FRUIT GARDENS, Within i'ne-ball wile of two eleetrlo street ear lint and iMlrtrouniU rtatlon and U riffle Unly two and ose-quarler ruUea from the ouster of Palem. Ilexltby, bean llful loeatlOB. Moll rztragood, Wkll drained and rteh. Prise low and term susy. i-w-tf n. w.oorrLE, MAN tmly rn Wanted Halary and -rio. IVIBJIH-Sl .a rwrv i Amur now. Italy vrowrra w uurktry UUe m UrtU Aatrlcau aa& (tuutun !! liHMy va. Pi Ostrurn's; save money. 35, 60, CO, 80 eta and $100 1 16, $1 45 and 2 00 l 15, l 3a ana eo 1 00 (special) 1 45 and $1 80 1 GO, $1 89 and $2 60 2 15, 2 75 and 8 00 1 16. 1 45 and 1 76 1 60to4 00 Bilk and Cotton Thread, Rubber Street. TBA- Salem for half the merit, ..." ."" ! reputation ' in this line. State Street SCHOOL the- Bank BuUdlng. class instruction is offered in Jiusiness Penmanship, Commercial Laiv, ShortJiand, Typewriting, ENGLISH COURbE. 1 calendar month, $ 0 3 " months, 15 6 " ' 24 Typewriting Alone. calendar month, one hour rxr day. S 5 " months, " " " 8 ' " " ' " " 12 O i progress just as ranidlv as the work regardleud of the advancement of In bookkeeping, hence the work of Street. Authorized Capital (600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Bulem, Oregon. W.A.CUHICK, Pic. W. W. MAHTIN, Vice V red. J. II. AXllI'ltT, Ouhler. Btate, County and City Warranto bought at l'ar. dw For Sale. Vtlxty-arretract ueartheclty. Alldearod. Will produce anything tlut grow a In Ore gon. AIoa good 7 riom house, And barn. Pure well water, 2 choice Iota. A bargain. Alw dejilrable lot and bloeka lu fleas ant Home Addition on tay terms. Other flne City Property, Enquire at Win K BurLe's oalee, over Ilarr PeUel's, Kat side Comuierelsl lit halem, Oregon. J. H. HAAS, TILE WATOHMAKJjn, 2I5X CciMfell St, SalMil9ffM, (Next doer to KMs'a.) Mpeelally ot SfwetaeiM, aad tvMH i;i4tu. watebM aud Jswilry Wood Saw. BTryb4y jmU Ukrlt Health' ttaan wuod aaw.'Tba JUutUr." itr&H M 'JH PltOFKSSIONAI, CARDS. LY. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, . Murphy Block. H J. niQOKR. Attorney nt law, Salem, . Oregon, omeeovcrLadd A Mush's bunk. HUf T J. SHAW. M. W. HUNT. h'haw & Office over U . HUNT, attorncj-R Hi law. capital National bank, Salem, Oregon. T. 1UCJI1AKD.SON, Attorney at law. Kml office un stairs lu front ronniR nf new ush block, corner commercial and Coirl streets, Salem, Oregon. TOHN A. OARSON, Attorney at law, O llooms 3 aurl 4, Iada A Hush's bank building, Salem, Ort-gen. 8 1 lyr IS. K. BONHAM. W. H. HOLMES. t onham & Hoimem. Attorneys ut law. Jj Olllce In Bash's block, between State and Court, on Ooui'ISt, rnlLMON F011D, attornoy nt law. Salem, I Oregon. Oltice uptaira In Paltou's UIO ilock. ME. POQUK, Stenographer and Type , wrltlst. over I.add& Bush's bank, Hilem, Oregon. BH. KRADSHAW, PHY8IC1AN AND . Surgeon, Nil em, Oregon. Olllce In bush-Hreymaa block, upitalrs Residence corner Btateand H. K corner W Inter street. WIl. YOUNC1, M. O., Ofllce formerly . occupied by Dr. ltowland, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 43. Ofilco heurs: 8 a. in, to 12: '2 to p. in., and 7 to u p. m. Residence lath Btroet on electric car lino. Telephone No. 9, DH. XV. B. MOTT, phjsloian and sur geon. Olllce In Kldrldge Block, 8a- itm, Oregon, Jto4p. m. Offlco hours 10 to 11! a. m. pvR. MINTA H. A. DAVI8. Office hours, XJ , t) a. m. to 11 a. in.; 2 p. m. to S p. m. nay or night calls promptly utteuded to. Hpcclal attention gi en to diseases of wom en and children. Ultlco In New Bank Blk.. SuS Oommerelal street. Residence same. M 118. B. 0. BROOKS, Practical nurse. ueuce in Yew Parte, one block west of car Hue, on Hlines' btrcet. C 10-lm DH. T. U. SMITH, Dentist, M State street, Hiilotn. Or. KlnlHlied dental ouera- uong ot every aencripuon. l'ftiuiess opera tions a specialty. Wl). PUOH, Arrhltcct. Plans, Spool . flcfltlona and superintendence lor all clasBeu of buildings. Olllco 200 Com mercial St., up stairs. CA. HOBEHT, Archlte.-t, room 421, Mar , quam bulklluK, i'ortlnud, Oregon. BUSINESS CAHDS. PJ. IjARSEN A CO,, Mnufacturo oral! , , klndsoi vetilclOB. Uopalrlug a spoulal ly. hbop Stt stioot. CAKPET-LAYING. 1 make a specialty ot uitpet-sewlng and laying; carpets taken up nnd relaid wit U great care. Hbade and curtain pole Imugluy. Iieave orders with J. 11. Lunn, liuieu A Bon or White Corner, J. O. LUHHMAM. Money To loan on Obatlel Mortgages. Money on land; no delay. TUUftl Ab & JOlUiSON Proposals lor Stationery. OOli e of the tieuretary of State. Orc-gon, Hept 3, 181K. Sealed proposals will be recolsed ut tills oUlco until noon, Koeinbr J, lk'Jl, to fur nish tlio following articles for tuo State of Oregon. 10 reams legal cap, lllb.No.7 rulluz.white lata, cream, cnarter oas, or sootcu nuen 20 reams first-class contrress note, 71b pki us.. No. 7 mime, white laid. No. 7 ruling, white 1 18,000 No. u4 white envelopes, 001b No. 1, nur.XXX. U groisa railroad steel pens, No. 140. 20 gross Ulllolt's bteel pens. No 401. 4 gross GUlott'a steel pens, No, $03, a gross nsierurooK "J pens. lOdoz l'oclt, BU)W it Wilcox's Inkstands, N0.65S. 4 doz. Peck, Btow a Wilcox's Inkstands, No. 6M. 10 doz.Peck,8tow t Wilcox's Inkstands, No. 4M. 12 doz. Ivory folders, 9 Inch standard, 4 doz. Ivory folders, 10 Inch congress. 4 doz, mucilage cups, No, 8, Morgan's patent. 10 doi. mucllnge stands, reservoir, No, 0, Morgan'M puttnt. 8 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper, UOlbs assorted colors. '2 gross No. '2 Jbugle ltecorder lead pencils, style tWO. ' 1 doe Manford's premium fluid, squirts. '2 doz. Btatl'ord's writing lluld quurts. 10 doz. gummed stub tiles, No, 1 HxlJ Inches, pipages. IS doz, Duplex cupboard lotter clips. 10 doz. Kitber's rnbber rulers, M-lncli tlut. 15 doz. stetl erasers, ltoger's No, 18, 140, bone, 3 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 18, 149, ebony. 1(0 boxes Fuller's No. 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes. 6 gross Ruber's led pencils, No, 2, hex. agon gilt, 12 gross Kaber's lead pencils, No, 2, round 16 doz. Kaber's patent Ink aud pencil rub ber erasers, mammoth. itouo McO Ill's patent paper fasteners, No. 2, flat head. souo AlcQIU's patent paper fasteners, No. 4, Hat head. 16 doz. table pads to hold paper, 19x21 Inches, stroug leather tips. 12 doz. waste paper baskets, cross bar No. 4. SO pounds hemp twine, No. 12 4 doz.Hulord's mutlluge quarts. At the same tlmo sepurute bids will be received for IS dozen flne penknives to be described by trade numbers, samples to bo exhibited. lllds should he marked "Proposals for Batatlonory," None but the best quality ol roods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids Is re served. All the above articles to be dellv. uredht Ualein on or before December 'it, IWtt. OKI). W. MollUIOK. WJ-rn Beeretary ofeluet' JAPANESE) M. MHWMM CURE A new and Complete Treatment, consist ing of supposlf jries, olntmout In cuptules, alio a box and pllln; a positive cure lor ex ternal) Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching, chronic, recent or hereditary Piles, aud many other disuse and temule weak. uoum; It Is always a great benefit to the general health. The II rut UIhco cry ol u mvdletl cure rendering an operation with tho knife unnecessary heiealter. This remedy has neyet been known to fall, f 1 per box. 0 fort; sent by mall. Whysugsr from this terrible disease when a written guarantee Is given with 1 boxes, to refund the money It not cured, Bend stump for tito sample. Utmrsntee Issued by Woodahp, ULAU1CB & Co.. wholesale and retail drue. cists, sole ageuU. Portland, Or, UrooksA timi agents fortialeu, 111 State street, Put ton's block. 6-i-lyKlw White's No. 60, BALEM'f3 FINE8T TRUCK, Now ready tut bDlneas. Careful work a J, K. WHIT K. fecial t jr. THrTaOTIONIX)Dai6NO.A.O U.W,- L Mew w tneir nan in mate iamrauee UAlBf, every Wtdusday eveslwc. n, n..Merrniut,n, m, w, J. A. WHfWOOD, Recorder. fMPKOVKO QUDKK OP HK1) 1IKN KawtalmuTrHeNo., !. llol . vy Tliuriulay ovmUmc. at lim. I tgOTUH lit SUM Mm lii THE CMTE JOIMAI. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. rOBUmiKDDAILYiKXOKPTSUNDAY. MY THK Capital Journal Publishing Company! (Incorporated.) , Offloe, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building Entered at the postofflce at Balcm,Or.,aa kulcmIui-k ttattu. OtJK SATURDAY NIGHT. The younjt peoplo of todny have no real enjoyments. Hilarious physical pleasure, Into which heart and soul enter, Is almost as extinct in youthful social circles as the dodo or tho great auk that once flourished on Madagascar and the laics of Blip rlng8ea. Our young people lead tame and lifeless lives, devoid of the salutary pleasures aud excite ments that thrilled their elders in the pioneer dys of any portion of our country. It Is true, tho present old folks in their younger days in dulged In plain and homely delights, unknown to the present generation. To hear Oregon pioneer men and women tell of the sports of those days and tho way they enjoyed themselves makes one's blood boll at the stiff conventional lives we are leading. At a social gathering the other eveulng it was a pleasure to them and to others to hear two Salem ladies, still lu their prime, re late the almost unlimited, yet Inno cent pleasures of pioneer days. It was refreshing t6 hear of young men and women going on horseback ten or fifteen miles to meeting on every Sunday. What vigor of con stitution und appetite would not suoh an exercise create 1 Then to eat a simple meal of two, three, or at utmost extruvugauce four kinds of dishes. Why one good woman told us that bIio reared eight stal wart sous all to become rugged six footers and their articles of diet con sisted almost exclusively of wheat bread and "dip gravy." Yo gods 1 What would some of our ema ciated whltellhgs of today say to such a bill of faro I Yet who doubts it would not benefit them much, if they would take the ac companying outdoor exercise nlong with the bread and dip gravy ? Oho of the ladles told of a large party of young people riding llfteeu miles to a good fun-loving aunty's house to have a frolic. It Is quite c,ut of our reaoh to tell how manyhorse races the darlng,aud ofteu lovlng,oouplcs had oyer the Yamhill prairies. Aud, by tho way, where is lovemakiug bo sweet as on horseback, and both good rid ers? Lack of experience alone pro- dudes answer. But those early Ore gon beaux and belles who hare been there maybe could tell. Yes, and everybody had a horse aud they had good saddles in those days, or they managed to get one for such an occusion, But we have quite for gotten auuty. She told them of new house a quarter of a mile away, just enclosed with a plank floor, but It had po stove in it. But, said tho dellolous aunty, "you can take down our kitchen stove and pack it up there If you will return it in time for breakfast." And the stovo went. Fous stalwart Yam hlllers ptfeked it up to tho pew house, set It up and the merry dance proceeded until nearly dawn when, like Palmer Cox's brownies, all was returned in good order, the stove to Its place, nnd the young men nnd maidens scampering oyer the prai ries homo to do a hard day's work on tho morrow already breaking. And it was at gatherings like these, attended by women of great after renown, liko Mrs. Judge Deady of Portland, tljat vlrtuo aud good mor uls prevailed and ilowerod as fair as any today. Limited suaco forbids more than a side glanco or two nt tho heartier lives of tho pioneer generations, or at tho simpler nnd more innocent sports that may still prevail lu some "backwoods" neighborhoods. But we fear thut the contaminating tend encies of city civilization hayo cast their shadows a long ways outward Into evon tho rural precincts, Pres ent generations of young people can only llvo In tho present. They can look back to no haloyon days of real pleasures nor recount such fun-producing enjoyments ti their elders, In short, their lives aro devoid of tradition. There Is no poetic back ground to rest tho picture of selfhood upou, Their development must be less healthful and more and more tend to degeneracy. Physically and morally tho eilects of an elfeto social condition will tell in tho future. To swing In a hammock, attend an oc casional tea, or dress purty; to amble In, phaeton or do water-colors Is de lightful enough but ft takes more to make the red blood iluh the cheek and to produce a physical develop ment that shall endure and bring credit to the race, (it vigorous manly sports our young aiea know next to nothing. It t an age of work aud application to' them. Unles they happen to follow a twtie, this aieans weakening of the nut eular and serve fore, ' An boueet modicuB) of hearty enjoyment hi too largely supplanted by the ejgareite and "Uiree-for'flvW If not by more alarming habit. But all this would xUMt for but Utile If the geW lulnee Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S Gov't RpOf i ABSOLUTELY PURE brought a Wealth of symmetrical development to young men and maidens, could be reopened and "worked" for nil they were worth to humanity. The wrecks, asylums and suicides of today tell a horrible talo of tho Immorality of our dreary and prsslouless manner of taking life, when our faces should shine with joy and our lives bo filled with seasons when we forgot that we were on dress parade. SUflOKSTKD COMMENT. The San Francisco press Is waging war on Chinese Bhca stores. Coyotes make night hideous about Baker City and chickens are corre spondingly scarce. Fall pity saw mill company Is raising the dam and making other improvements preparatory to start ing the mill for a winter's run. Applies to Bttlem: There are young lenows in tula town who expect their father's money to take them through this world and their moth er's prayers to make things smooth for them in the next. On Connecticut, tho state conven tlon'of the Democratic party found it necessary to pronounce against two of tho leading planks lu the Chicago platform the ''tariff revonuo only" and tho seotlou proving the restoration of the wildcat bank system. for n old Tho manager of tlio Portland In dustrial Exposition has given the usual unnuul banquet to newspaper men, with the usual thin attend ance, uelf-respectlnc newsnaner men, are no logger caught with banquets. East Oregonlan. A cable dispatch from Berlin, Germany has this ou the new law restricting Sunday trading: Despite the declared discontent on every sldo ugalnst the new law restricting Sunday trading, tho Government has decided to maintain it, but will authorize communial authorities to relax (ts provisions where they really iuterfero with tho personal comfort of the Inhabitants. The Emperor, speaking to a member of the Berliu corporation, said that tlio working people would soon leuru tho distinctive value of Sun day repose, aud, onco tasting It, they would never consont to re linquish It. A London cablegram on the oriels In Ireland says: Thousands of Irish pestle appear to have been und er the delusion that tho advent of the Liberals would mean the immedi ate reinstatement of nil evicted ten ants. Instead of that tboy seo evictions going on witli greater vigor than before, and tho land lords n&sertlng their rights with a merciless energy qever displayed under tho luto Tory administration. This has a tendency to mako tho people desperate and the Govern ment is liable to any time to And Itsolf face to face with an agrarian war. It Is said that Oflef Secre tary Morloy may muko a tour of tho country in order to pacify by his presence nnd his ussurunco the ris ing passions of the people. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From n letter wrl(tou by Airs. Ada E. Hurd.of Proton, B. D., we quete: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs. Cough set in and finally terminated in Consump tion. Four doctors gave me up,say Ing I could not llvo but a short time, I gavo myself up to my Savior, de termined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my abscut ones above. My hus band was advised toget Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds. Igave It a trial, took In all,elght bottles; It has cured tue,aud thank God I am uow a well aud hearty woman, Trial bottle Una at Dan'). J. Fry's drugstore, 'Mb Com'l. St. Ilegiilar size, 60o. and 91,00. s . Ministers. Uwreri. Teasham. and otha whose oeeupatlou glvas but IliUe exerolse. should use Carter's wttl idver PUfat ler torpid uver and bllllonsueas. Use w a date. Try them. DemMetaeat of the liver, with eoastl puttou, Injurl tbe oomplexloa, biduee p4Kplo, sllowklu. Kemcve tbs eauae bvuslHK Garter's IJU i.lvsr PiUs. Hue for a dose, Try thew. Whydoo't you try Cartas UUIe Liver PI lift They are - positive el tut aielc headache, and ull the ills simHwd by ill. ordeieUllvw. Only cue pTit a sy. Makrlk aud Gkanitjc I have J net received a stock of warble aud granite BionumetiM ana grave stones whleii during the next 80 Jaybrp)i will Mil atprHiea sever before ottered Id title HUtc. Call if yoM waut a uaraalu, HeetMMt 1 D 1 DOIUlftf smm roMfldter GoodLooki. Good looks are more- than skin deep, depending upon the healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the ilver be inactive, .you have a bil ious look, if your stomach be disor dered you have a dyspeptic look and If your kidneys be effected you birto a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. n Elec tric Bitters Is the great alterative and Toulc, acts directly on these vital organs. Cures plniplee.blotobe. bolls aud gives a good complexion Sold at Dan'l. J. Fry's drugstore, Com'l. St., at 60o. per bottle. ' RELIGIOUS KOTXS. ' ' 'H A movement Is on foot,1 fa? U , purchase cf ground near the lisfe ' cus gate, Jerusalem, which 'General Gordon and otheA identified' a the actual site of the sepulchre of Christ i no proposition use resulted ,in or fers of money covering the whole sum required 00,000. It will buy tbe free hold of tbe ground, main tain the tomb, and" protect it from sacrilege aud decay. - h The dedicatory services of the new Methodist church lu ' Amity have bcon postponed one week on account of inability to secure the services of the minister wanted to conduct them ' on the day previously set. ltey. G. W. Quo, of the Grace church', Port land will conduct tho services on' Sunday, October 10. Rev. Richardson has delivered kia farewell sermon at Falls City, ,Polk Co., and goes to Drain. v Boy. Father Demarlas Informs ue thnt a convent will be built at Ban don within a year or bo coetlug f 10 -000. Judge Dyer has offered to do nate fSOO in cash, aud'further offers to raise $2000 of tho required amount. Itev. B. H. Batemau, evangellet for the Christian missionary conven tion of Oregon is doing goodwork Ml Eugene. ' i Bey, S. F. Noelof Roseburg, be been called, to1" Portland by th Archbishop for an indefinite Itlme. During his absence, all sick calk) will be attended either from Eugene or Portland. " ltey. W.S. Short, of Astoria', In on hla way to Baltimore, to attend the Episcopal general ponventtoo, to which bo is a delegate. Rev. L. I. Mercer, formerly of Cof vallls has entc.ed Hiram college, Ohio, and will take a year's course, in that Institution. ' ' "Despise not tbe day of, small things," as the tiny pill (takqn from a vial of Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pur gatlve Pellets) said to the SOOpound , man, suffering from Indlgeellon, As a gentle, thorough laxative, theso Pellets resemble Nature mora closely in their acilon han 'anjr thing before discovered, BuaioeM and professional men, whose habits are sedentary, need something of this klqtl to ward oft sick headache, biliousness aud dyspepsia, but which will uot strain and rack tbe, diges tive orgaua aa did the old-faehion pills. 25 cents per vial, at all drug- Before Going last Enquire About The limited express trains of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railway between St. Paul and Chi cago aud Omaha and Chicago. These trains are veetlbuled, eleo trlo lighted aud steam heated, with the fluent dluing and sleeping oar service in the world, , '' . The electric reading light in eesh berth is the successful novelty of this progressive age, and to highly appreciated by all regular patron of this line, We wish other to ktvv Its merits, us tbe Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul railway V tbe only line In the west enjoying tbe exclu sive use of this patent. For further Information apply to nearest coupon ticket .agent, or ad dress U. J. Eddy, General Agent. J. W. Casey, Trav. Faea. Agt, M6 BLark St., Portland, Or. 8l ' ii , 8ALKM JKARKilTS -. Wheat-64c per buehel. Gate 88(a8e per buebel,. Potatoes 50 per buebel. -Flour-fiuO per bbl. Bran-(Sftaked) m.00't ton 8hor(s-(ttel, HIM per tan. JciTHH SOfiania nar nnnaUL Jj'gW r cvFar- p vVr'Vaw Cblokeae Rooitnw," v par bene, 8e per H,7 hNllgrn fryWa. 10e per lb. ' Iueiii lOe per lb. ' Geeae 10e per lb.) IU-ll4.14pslb. U utter WmIOu ner iMHin4, VetU-liHolSie, trmntl. Wool-lifcpwIU Hope-lieT MMkta'lAtalM lkuws7Hifei1JpLtm.s3l isszff'S,: fCTBip I Vriaaw ejHunJat(ll. ,' AW0W mtIKhhM Me0rMiMUH4r. JMtUW HKOri.CO -WH-Jt NtHMryMMj CblMca. ur. S3&j2i4f7 w ute mm imummm 3, Jamjn, tUwl JTRMK U. W of itwaHy etrleiTHMHiti tk4 w lunaaii. aMkyvenij r? fffn