Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 19, 1892, Image 4

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,'.: -' tix
1"r t Ion of ft Krmnrkable Campaign.
Nntliht Am ft SIhm th bays at
tvfcllrldil A Xrfmnrt Iih tlio HnrTrW
fct NMlnr kM Hmi Weries f Heaven.
LoiuJon. Jiept. 1ft The olodng week
W Rev. LV. Titiing's ,prschinK tmi
rwimrkd bfifrwnl gatherinjes, which
ill magnitude ami JntliU8iain eclipsed
It that m preceded them. The ltttt
aorvioe in London wai on,8pt. 8, when,
after wldromiiir three Brest mectine
4aHng- the daytime, he spoke to tui iin
mens mnltitntle in Hyde pnrkin the
evening. Some e:tuMtos place th
ntrttber at JIO.UOO, Tlie crowd was bo
4m that many women fainted and had
to be removed,
During the services the anditorn wet
raited to the highest pitch of religion
ferrorj nnd scenes were onncted stich u
tuwre not beon witnessed tsinco tho dnyt
of WUitefieid. On tlio following Wed
needay evening' Dr. Tnlmago nddnsred
great audience nt the Crystnl pulnce,
Sydenham, tho lnrgoit bnlldiug in tho
BQbnrba of London. Prayer Jtiectin ; in
Tolring the divine blewftlntf on tho srr.'vlcej
were lwld in vnrionn clmrcljes tlio pre
ceding' Monday and Turxday ovei-'njs.
afore the sermon Or. T.tlinujfo .m i en
twtaiaed at a banquet in tho Inrpc b.m
wting hall of the Crystal pulncf by n
lihnwdred distinguished clergymen nud
Jajrjuen of every denomination nnrt from
every continent, even including Aus
Avoeof thaTawas moved rehears-
fog Dr. TalmaJMetnineiit scrvii us to
Old 'and humanity i also titut he li
traveled over 12,000 miles nnd pre icltwl
, in eyn-y prominent city in Great B ititln
to, hundreds of thousands of eager audi
tors, collected vast sums tor v. dons
English benevolences, and thton Oiont
-the. entire tour paid hia own oxp men,
not retaining ono farthing. Itor Dr.
Thain Davidson seconded the motion,
" ndj declared that' Dr. Tnl'nago com-
manded tho admiration of (he fiitlru"
11 Christian world for faithfully profiling
' the orthodox Gospel In times of flcrcu
j, Religious dirsoualon. Tho motion wns
.nnanimously carried amid great up-
, ", Dr.lTalmago was. then prenciiW, in
' behalf of his English admirers, .with
a beautiful and; costly gold watch of
unique design;' inscribed "Presented to
Rev, Dr. Talmage ut Crystal p.tlaco, Lon
don, in commemoration of his pleach-
ug our uirouguingniwi in mo su nmer
6 pf xm." Dr. TalmagfTwas thon cx-ort-ed
to, tlie great hall Svhcro tlio vote of
ljunnks was unanimously indorsed and
ratified by tho entire audience.
lie then, preached his furowcll set uiou,
and shook hands with hundreds ,( tho
Setose, This wus tho second Bormon over
' preached in tho Crystal palace, tho Hint
having beon delivered by Pastor !3mr-
Keon, thirty-five yoara ago. on tho Cri-
, mean war. Tho tost solected for today
Is frgm, Proverbs, sx, 88: "Tho Hpider
take'th hold with her hands und is in
kings' palaces',"
Permitted as I was a few days ago to
attend tho meeting of tho British (Jcien
, tillo ttseocintiou at Edinburgh, i found
'' that no.papor read had excited moro in-
' terest.tlinn.that by Itov. Dr. McCoolc, of
Awetifla.,Q the Bubjcct of Bpidors, It
"i'cmB ilyl iitny talented countryman,
, banished, from hia pulpit for a short
tipqo.by fll health, had in tho fields mid
' forgets given himsolf to tho study of in
seote. And, suroly if it is not beneath
tjho dignity of God to mako apldors it is
noli bonoath tliQ dignity of man to study
V7o aro all watching for phenomena.
A aky full of Btara shining from Janu
ary to January calls out not so many ro-
' marks as tho blazing of ono meteor. A
whole flock of roblna tako not bo much
of our attention, as ono blundoring but
darting into tho window on a summer
eve. Things of ordinary sound and
sight and occurrence fall to icaoh us,
uud yet no grasshopper over springs tip
in our path, iiomoth ovor dashes into tho
evening caudle no moto evor Uo.ls in
tho suubeam that pouvs through tho
urapk of tho window shut ttv, no haruaclo
oiship's hulU no, burr on n chestuut, no
limpo clinging to a rook, no rind of uu
urtlchoko but would teach us u lesson if
wo wot'o not so stupid. Uod in his Uihlc
seta, forth for our consideration tho lily,
and, tho suowilako, und tho louust, and
the stork' nest, and tho hiud'a foot, and
tjio-uurorn hnreolis, mul tho nut hills.
One of tho sacred writers bitting nmld
tthtv mountains sees n hind skipping
oven tho rooks. Tho hind boa such u
psculiur shaped foot that it can go over
0u Hteepost plaeos without falling, und
Hj tho prophet looks upon that marking
of- tlio. hiud'u foot on tho rocks uud
thinks of tho divine care over him he
says, "Thou makest my feet like hinds'
foet that 1 may walk on high places,"
And another snored writer sous tlie ou
trich leaving its egg in the Maud of the
dftserti and without any euro of incuba
tion walk off, and tho Scripture Buys
that is like some parents leaving their
children without uuy wiug of protection
or care.
hi my text inspiration opens before
us tho gate of a palace, uud wo aro in
ducted amid tho pomp of tho throne and
the courtier, und whilo wo uro looking
around upon tho magnlllcouco inspira
tion, points u to a spider plying its shut
tle and weaving it not on tho wall, It
does not will us to regard tho graud sur
roundings of the jmhico, but to n solemn
nod earnest consideration of tho fact
'tbt,':Tke spldor taketh hold with her
kmU and is in kings' palaces."
U U not very certain what was the
pftttieahu: species of insect spoken of in
the text, but 1 shall proceed to learn
from it the xquislteuet of the divine
jttttchKuisui, The king's chamberlain
i into the palace and looks around
i the hmder on the wall ami says,
"Away, with that intruder," uud the
Tvowtof Solomon's palace comes, with
hia brawn and dMkea down the lawct,
Mytag, "ht ft loatlurome tiling it is." fa a
It fetor wondrous of constructio than
lh etnliroMf-rlee On th pnlacewall anil
the npholstery about tho windows. ,
All the machinery of the earth could
not make anything m delicate and beau
tifnl as the prehensile with which that
spider clutches its prey, or as uuy of it
eight (-yes. We do not hare to go eo fat
up to e the power of Ood In Iho tapes
try hanging around tlio windows ol
heaven, or in the horse or uharioUt of
Hre with which the dying day departs,
or to look at the, mountain swinging out
Its award ami from under the mantle ol
darkness until it can strike with its
rciiurter of the lightn ng.
oon w t.iTTt 't nuNm.
1 love better to study God in the-hap
of a fly's wing, hi tho formation of a
Psh'ssralo, In the snowy whiteness of a
pond lily. 1 love to track his footstepi
in tho mountain mow, and to hear hit
voice in the k,nm of the rye fields, and
discover tho rustlo of hirt robd of light in
the south wind. Oh. this wonder of di
vine power that can build a habitation
for God in an upplo blowoui, and tune o
bee's voice until it is (It for tho otemal
orchestra, and can say to a tin Ay, "Let
(here bo light:" and from htliing an
ocean in tho hollow of his hi nd. goes
forth to find heights and di-oth nnd
length and breadth of omnipotjiirv in a
dowdrop, and dismounts from tlio char
iot of midnighc hurricano tocrs-ovef
on the suspension bridgoof a spldcr't
You may t.iko your telew po and
sweep It across tho heavonsiD urdir to
behold tho glory of God, bn I rtail!
tako tho leaf "holding the tpide .m- tht
Rpldor's web, and 1 shall brln ' lb .mi
croiropo to my eye, and whi i I Rrizf
and look and study tti'd uni co.r'oTt'idofl
1 will kneel down in t'm frr.um .ud crj'
"Groat and marvelouu ur6 tl: 'v'rkc,
Lord God Almighty!"
Again, my text teaches mo tl at insiif
niflcanco is no eicuso for innoti m. 'Slih
spider that Solomon saw on tlu- wall
might have mid: "1 can't weave a. wol
worthy of this great palace: v.Htiran 1
do amid all this gold oinbroidei ? 1 am
not uhto to make anything l . for sn
graud a place, and m I will not vork my
spluuiug jenny. Xiotsosaui u ispmcr.
"Thu spider takoth hold - ith her
hands." Oh, what a lesson taatifor
yon and me! You say if you led t-oinn
great y ermon to preach, if yon only had
a groat auiiieuco to tall: to, if 3 on had a
great army to marshal, if you only had
a constitution to write, if tl ere wap
bOiuo tremendous thing in tbo vorld tol
you to do then you would faow 113
Yen, you would show usl (
WbcJt if tho Lovite in tlioancnt tem
ple had rofuced to snuff tha c; .idle be
cause ho could not bo a hig'i priest!
What if the humming bird should refuse
10 slug its song into tho ear of tho honey
suckle bocauEo it cannot, like tho oaglo,
dash its wing into tho sun' Wiat if the
rnindrop should rofiiHo to dea o.'id be
came it i.i m. .1 Niagara? Win n if tht
pider of tho toxt should refuw toiaovc
its shuttle beciturn ic cannot a-cj.70 n
fifiloilion's robe? Away with Btch folly I
If you aro lazy with tho ono ta nt. j'ou
Would bo lazy with tho ten talents. II
Alilo cannot lift tho calf ho never will
havo strength to lift tlio ox. In the
Lord's army thero is order Cor promo
tion, hut you cannot lio u genoral until
you havo been a captain, a lieutenant
and iv colonel. It is step by stop, it is
inch by inch, it is stroko oy Btroko that
our Christian character is builded.
Therefore ho content to do what God
commanda yon to do.
God is not anhametlto do small things.
Ho is not nshaiacd to bo found chiseling
n grain of pond, or helping 11 honeybee
to conhtmct its coll vith roathematica!
accuracy, or tiugcing a shell in tho surf,
or hhaplng tho bill of a. clinfllncli. What
God docs, ho does well. "What you do, do
woll, bo it ii great work or amnoU work.
If ten talents, employ all tho ton. If
llvo talonts, employ nil tho flvo. If one
talent, employ tho ono. If on'Jy the
thousandth puvtofn talent, outplay that.
"Do thou faithful unto death, and J will
givo thoo the crown of life." 1 1011" you
if you uro not faithful to Ood in a uinal'
sphoro, you would bo indolent anu in
Bignlllcuut in a largo sphere.
the nnruixivE in man vlaces. .
Again, my text teacnes mo that lro
pulBiveiioBs nnd loathsomeness pill
sometimes climb up into very clova tod
places. You wonld hint) tried to ha we
killed tho spider that Solomon Ba'W.
iou wouiit iiiiw patd: "This is no plane
for it. If that spider is dotormlnod to
weavo web, let it do bo down in tlu?
collar of this palaco. or in somo datk
dungeon." Ah! tho ypidor of tho text i
could not bo discouraged. It clambered
on and climbed up, higher and higher
and higher, until adorawhiloit reaohod
tho klng'a vision,, and ho Bald, "The
spider takoth hold with her bauds, nnd
is.ln kings' palace? ," And so it often ia
now that things U lut nro loathsomo and
ropnlslvo get t into very elevated
Tho church of Christ, for instanco, is
a palaco. Tho If lug of heaven and earth
lives iu it. According to tho Hlblo, her
batum uro of d-odar, anil her raftera of
ilr, and her windows of agate, and
tho fountains of salvation dash a ruin of
light. It Is i g lorious palaco tlio church
of God is, uiv 1 yet sometimes unseemly
and loatliboiu 0 things creep up into it
evil speaklirr uud rancor and slander
and backbit ing und abuse, crawling up
on tho wuIIh,' of the church, spinning a web
from arch to arch, and from tho top of
ouo uoiuur imlou tankard to tho top of
another co .nmuuloii tankard. Glorious
palaco in t vhlch thoro ought only to bo
light uud love and pardon nud graco;
yet n sjuif or in tho palucol
Home 1 ought to bo a custle, It ought
to bo tht residenco of everything royal.
Kiiulucj t, lovo, peaco, patience and for
bearuiK 0 ought to bo the prlucoi resid
ing titer re, and yet Rometimes dlseipatlou
oruwix up into that homo, and tho jeul
oiu cy j comea'up, ami tho scene of peuce
nnd it leuty becomes tho bccuu of domes
tia it rgou and dUonauco, You any,
"Wlujtt is tho mutter with tho home?" 1
will t -oil you what is the matter with it.
A spldur iu the palaco.
A. woll developed Christian character
graud tltlug to look at. You see
Bftt whIw wiwoeoopto inopeotion I Mud Bonus uibb with great intellectual uud
Tf VMi WOli h alotlU liul 'liav, wmolnflifui Anna tin.
,JV ,.r
'a thf antiitwjl trwiot ijikii nw, Uk tixmn to tho
WBWt 1 WMk k doim by wHiM kJr H m the wipsfc
pranpt miimr, OOLQV UT4 Jt DTiMSTJtD.
Spiritual proportions. iouMiy, "riow
useful that man most lie! But you IU:I
amid all IiIk pletidor of faculties there
Is some prejudice, somo whim some e il
habit that a great many people do not
notice, but that yon have happened to
notice, and it is gradually spoiling that
man's character it U gradually going
to Injuro his entire influence Others
may not seo it, but you are anxious in
regard td his welfare, and now you dis
cover it. A dead fly in the ointtnent A
spidor in tho palace.
Again, my text teaches mo that per
severance will mount into the king's
palace. It must have seemed a long
distanco for that spider to climb in Solo
mon's splendid rcsidenco, but it started
at tho very foot of tho wall and went up
over tho panels of Lebanon cedar, higher
and higher, until it stood higher than tho
highest thTOrie in all the nations the
throne of Solomon. And so God has de
creed it that many 6f those who are
down in the dust of sin and dlshonoi
shall gradually attain to tho King's
palaco. Wo seo it in worldly things.
Who is that banker in Philadelphia!
Why, ho used to bo tho boy that held
tho horses of Stephen Girard while the
millionaire went in to 'collect his divi
dends. Arkwright toils on up from a
barber's shop until ho gets into tho pal'
aco of invention. Sextus V toils on up
from tho olflco of a swineherd until ha
gets into tho palaco of Home. Fletcher
toils on up from tho most insignificant
family position until ho getj into the
palaco of Christian eloquence. Hogarth,
engraving pewter pots for a living, toils
on up until ho reaches the palaco of
world renowned art.
And God hath decided ' that though
you may be weak of arm a id slow of
tongue, und bo struck thro, gh with a
great many mental und moral deficits,
by his almighty graco you shall yet ar
rive in tho King's palace not such an
ono as is spoken of in tho te::t not ono
of marblo not ono adorned with pillars
of alabaster and thrones of ivory and
flagons of burnished gold but a palaco
in which God is tho King and tho aagolii
of heaven aro the cupbearers.
The spider crawling up tho wall of
Solomon's palace was not worth looking
after or considering as compared with
the fact that we, who aro worms of tho
dust, may at last ascend into tho palace
of tho King Immortal. By the graco of
God may wo all reach it. Oh, heaven is
not a dull place. It is not a wornout
mansion, with faded curtains and out
landish chairs and cracked waio. Noj
it is as fresh and fair and beautiful as
though it wcro completed but yesterday.
The kings of tho earth ahull bring their
honor nnd glory into it.
A palaco means splendor of apart
ments. Now, 1 do not know where
heaven is, and 1 do not know how it
looks, but if our bodies nro to bo resur
rected in tho last day I think heaven
must havo a material Bplendor as well
an spiritual grandour. Oh, what
grandeur of apartments when that
divine hand whi-h plunges tho tea into
blue, and tho foliago into green, and
sets the Hiuisot on lire, nil. ill gather all
the bruutiful colors ot earth aiound his
throuo, and when that arm which lifted
tho pillars of Alpine rock, and bent the
arch of tho sky, shall raise beforo our
soul tho eternal architecture, uud that
hand which hung with loops of fire tho
curtains of morning shall proparo the
upholstery of our kingly residence!
A palaco also means splendor of asso
ciations. Tho poor man, tho outcast
cannot got into Windsor castle. The
Eontincl of tho queen stands thero und
cries "Haiti" us ho tries to enter. Cut
in tho palaco of which I speak we may
all becomo residents, and wo shall all be
princes and kings. Wo may havo beon
beggars, wo may havo boon outcasts, we
may havo been wandering and lost as
wo all havo been, but thero wo shall take
our regal power. What companionship
in heaven! To wulk sido by sido with
John and Jamoa and Poter and Paul
und Moses nud Joshua and Caleb and
Ezokiel uud Jeremiah and Micah and
Zcchariah and Wilborforco and Oliver
Cromwell and Philip Doddrldgo and Ed
ward Payson mid John Milton and Eliza
both Fry and nonnah Moro uud Char
lotto Elizabeth, and all tho other kings
and queens of heaven. Oh, my soul,
what a companionship!
A palaco means Bplendor of banquet.
Thoro will bo no common waro on that
table. Thero will be no unskilled inn
Kiclaiis at that entertainment. Thoro
will bo no scanty supply of fruit or bov
ijrnge. Thoro havo beon banquots spread
that cost a million of dollars each; but
who can toll tho untold wealth of that
banquet? 1 do not know whether John's
description of it is literal or figurative.
A groat many who peoplo toll mo it is
.figurative: but piovo itl 1 do uot know
lnit that it may bo literal. I do not know
Tout that thero may bo real fruits plucked
tfrotn tho tree of life.
1 do not know but that Christ referred
in tho real juleo of tho giapo when he
mild that we should drink now wino iu
.tr Father's kingdom, but not tho in
l.xxlcating btuff of this world's biowiug.
I do uot say it is bo; but 1 havo as much
aight for thinking it is so as you have
for thinking tho other way. At any rato,
it will bo a glorious bauquet. Harkl
iho chariots rumbling in thodibtance,
I really boliovo tho guests nro coming
now. Tho gates swing opon, tho guests
dismount, tho puluco is filling, and nil
the chalices, flashing with pearl and
nmelliyst and carbuncle, arolifttdtotho
lips of tho myriad banquoters, while
fctandlng iu robes of snowy white they
drink to tho honor of our glorious King.
"Oh," you ay, "that is too gniud a
placo for you and me." No, it ia not.
If n spider, according to tho toxt, could
crawl up on tho wall of Solomon's pal
aco, Bhtill not our poor souls, through
tho blood of Christ, mount up from tho
depths of their sin and Bhumo, and finally
reach tho palaco of tho eternal King?
"Whore sin abounded, graco shall much
moro abound, that whereas sin reigned
unto death, oven bo may graco reign
through righteousness unto etornal life
byJeeua Christ our Lord," One flash
of that coming glory obliterate the
fr;mutgo,vfth lanterns and" torches
tmd a guide, we wont down in tho Main
moth cava of Keutncky. You may
walk fourteen miles and mm no sunlight
It U a stupendous place. Some places
tho roof of the ohvo is a hundred feet
high. The grottoes tilled with weird
oclun-a; ctweiidw falling from invisible
height to invisible depth. Stalagmites
llslujf tip fro the floor of the cave
taUclUoft' tksHHUdlag from the roof ot
thorny, JMng wn otkw and wak
In;; pJUw of the Almighty' aealptur
in?. Tttvpat resettea ef awethykt ia
hKlUiftaiffiutt.' Ah tfee guita earries
UAh 1.-jiimI of yo, the shadows
haw t.a, wwnwrnHoe supernatural aad
tywhaL Tiw darlMt k fearf ah
Two people, getting lort from their
guido Only for ft few hours, years ago,
were demented, nnd for years sat In
their inFamty You feel like holding
your bre.ith us yon walk across tho
bridges that poem to span tho bottom
lexa lib so. Tiie gui-lo throws his cal
ilrt'ii light down iny tho caverns, nnd
;!to light rolls nnd tosi.es from rock to
rock nud from depth to depth, making
at ( very pinngn a new roveianon oi mo
ttwful power that conld have mado
Mich a placo us that. A senso of suf
focation comes upon you us yon think
that you aro two hundred and fifty feet
in n straight lino from tho summit sur
faco of tho earth.
Tlio guldo after awhilo takes yon into
flint is called tho "stnr chamber;" and
then ho says to you, "Sit hero;" und then
ho takes the lantern nnd goes down un
der tho rocks, and it sets darker and
darker until tho night is so thick that
tho t.and an inch from tho eve is unob
3orvablo. And then, by kindling ono of
t ie Untcrnj and placing it in a cleft of
tuc rock there, is a reflection mat On tho
donio of tho cavo, and thero aro stars
coming ont in constellations a brilliant
night heavens and you involuntarily
exclaim, "Beautiful! beautiful!"
Then ho takes tho lantern down in
oilier depths of tho cavern and wanders
ori and wanders off until he corned up
from behind tho rocks gradually, nnd it
srems liko tho dawn of tho morning and
it gets brighter and brighter. Tho guide
is a skilled ventriloquist, and he imitates
tho voices of the morning, aud soon the
gloom is all gono and you stand con
gratulating yourself over tho wonderful
Well, thero aro a gieat many people
who look down into the gravo as a great
cavern. Thy think it i3 a thousand
miles Hubterrtucous, and 1 11 tho echoes
stem to bo tho voire r f de .pair, and the
jcuscadcfl heem to bo iho falling tears
that always full, and tho gloom of earth
stems coming up in rtuhii mite, and the
gloom of tho eternal wot Id seems de
scending in tho stalactite, making pil
1'ira of indescribaUo horror. Tho grave
is no such place, as that to me, thank
Godl Our diviiio gu.vio 1 ikes us down
into tho gieSt caverns. 'and we liavo the
lamp to our feot and the light to our
path., and till tho echoes hi tho rifts of
tho rock aro anthems, and all tho fall
ing waters aro fountains of salvation,
and ufter awhile wo look up, and bo
hold! tho cavern of the, tomb has bo
come a King's star chamber.
And whilo wo oro loekii: ; at the pomp
of it an everlasting morn, lg begins to
rise, and all tho tears of earth crystal
lizo into stalagmite, rising up in a pillar
on tho ouo sido, and all Vio glories of
heaven Bcem to bo descending in n sta
lactite, nial.ing a pillar on tho other side,
and you jiiiFh against tho guto that
swings between tho two pillars, and as
that gate flashea open yon find it as one
of tho twelvo gates which aro twelve
pearls. Blessed bo God that through
this Gospel tho mammoth cavo of the
sopulcher has becomo the illumined etai
chamber of tho King! Oh, tho palaces,!
tho eternal palaces! tho King's palaccsl
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Mirextl OC)Uosos,2Botil,
t'M'itilfM l.-to at ctruiTsista.
' Mllll.Co.,Mlliiit.ll,
gold by t. J. Fry, drjgglst, Bali ml
Oas ml OasoliM
ITnvo ftvror parts, and r
thur. r. tr.k l.i4 llL al v t tmt nut.
afiFlr.lAis tAt MMsft.. . . . . ai- T . i . . . . -.
bJilU Just Haht Uio buruer. turn Hid wheel, and U
Vo double, or false expto-iloni, so frcqucut trUa lb
unreliable si'&rlc.
For Blmplleltjr It llonts tUo VTorW.
, It Oils iuclf Aututunttoally,
K Batterlf or JUootrto Bparlu
II rasa wt'.U aChcaper Ormlj of ouollna Uuta any
biher lysine.
ro BclrvK c-hu.-olus rrww
PALMED & REY, Manufaotursks
!a rrwiiM. Cal lal PsrSwI, Of
LLy mw B!
WtUtsN Wiyt MWu UTsntim MuMlMft
M Mini uUuUu, Jil,. ImuutHW 4iMUy.
km, U.ir, rit.uujia, tiit,IH, 4w4 D.il.,
MtUiu,iait tut, iwuis miGm. runci UttMlIk
i.TM tiMil. bt suuim ifHMWltpmwtf, w
M4M.M4(1im KIIOlUll U M4Mltr I'ltlrUt
HMHHklMIH.nnl, ,UriU M M&' UVll
MMUltlMtW. fliluuiA.h.n.kuMi(iilvU.n.,
v4mw Imuki attor M mih mSIn l". t .
iHm sriiai aijaTUK' rr.
rnoMi iw tr lemt &M,rM trr i.umi
kilM aaA tiniw tma H
-.. w , .".
HaJ, Im. iKfH
O CO.,
n, in ru ., rtftm.vw. c.
for Infants and Children
"Cas'orla It to well adaptofi to chndren that
I recommend itn superior tocny prescription
Known to me." II. A. Aaci. tn, M. D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford BL, Brooklyn, K. T.
"The use of 'Castoria' b wunlrersal and
IU mi-rlts go well knuwn tlut !t seems a wort
ot Bunererogation to endorse It. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Caulos Maiittk, D.D.,
N-'W York City.
Late Pastor Dloomicedalo Itclormod Church.
Caatorla euros Colic, Oomllpatfon,
8our Stomach, Diarrhoea, tructatlon,
Kills Worms, glre sleep, and promotes a
Without injurious medication.
" For seriral years 1 have rocommr&leo
your Cantoris,' and ahnll always continue to
do so as ithaslnTarlably produced beneficial
Enwm F. Paiides. M. D.,
" Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and Tth Ave,
Kew York City,
Tax CiKTaun Compakt, 77 Jlentuv Stoket, New York.
Tlie Doctors ire Coining.
'llie dlstlugiilBhrl pnd eminent
pcclal!st i,
Mr'r iX'ryxsxa'wzjr.vss.'S.rsiV'
Or. Geo. W. Williams,
Formerly of Quf en's fT- p tnl, London,
uni uHsli-lanlH, will calu vlflt
Tliiuwlay, Friday, Saturday,
Sept. 22d, 23d and 24th.
nnd can bo consulkd fixe of charge.
These Illustrious physicians can name
vour disease!, without nuking a qu'itlon.
Oo nnd consult them Jhls day, It will cost
you nothing, nnd may nave vou years ol
sullcrlng nnd perhaps your life.
$1,000 IN ' GOLD
Given for any case thny take nnd
onnnnt curn.
Aud another $1,000 for anv caue you ever
ueuru oi mm mey undertook una
failed to relieve.
Young, Midle-Aged and Old Men,
Who may je suffering from Youthful Fol
lies or tho excesses of matured life should
commit at once, before It is too late; these
veteran prnctloneVs, who have no equnls
in the United States ns they can and will
rriiuro j uu 10 perjeci ueaitu wuen all oth
ers bare failed,
aro rcluvenntftd and munlr vltrAi-rMtnmii
by their now nnd wondorAil methods of
ireniment. jno injurious drugs ued.
Worn out business men, ctill for advice, es-
or falling power, olnny diseases oftho eve,
ear, beail, throat. lmig, heart, stomach,
akin, kidneys, or b'adder.
111.001) DISEASES
cured In tho shnrtrnt time bv vegetable
tlvely cured by their new (Jerman method.
Who mfler from nervousptostrntton, sleep-
ir3un-B, ucBiKiuucncy, lunigeBiion, consll
pntlon, Inssltudo, pains in the buok, or
allrlAU tkllff rilioaenu Hnii,tln n tt.i.
oan ronsul t tbeso phj slclnus lu tho utmost
September 22d, 23d and 24th,
Dr. Williams' Medical and
Surgical Institute.
Oul-Ol-lnwu natlnntatrpntcil will. ,m full.
"JR., Hureess turoiign correspondence.
Medlclnra sent afoly nnd free Irom ohxer
utlon taanv nartnr lhn Ninntrr u-rita
for sytnntoii blank In nil niK? unri tatir
luujr piuiDing your atscate, giving ad
lc. Ac, will be returned free, Addressall
luu era pmini.vm
400, Geary St.,
Sau Prauctfco,
Ctias, Wote,
123 Stata St.
Free delivery. All kinds of m-st and
sausugo. Ijvw prices. Uld patrons brrv
queated to close aiwuuu. aud rcuov busU
Notlco ot FIhrI Settlement.
OTtn-" crfb gtvn toalwlinmlt
ii'.it wng r)l hnt the tinflrmlKiail
dmltiUtmior or tho Ktt rf Henry
Ueto.i's-cw.d. h U y flld . ntisl
cemiut of ld i4'u Jn J tt .mir Court
ouwstatl" t'ruHin tAtcBny,
and that suiavrtt) "chnr mb,ln-i.t 1
n'elcck nfMld day tn Ui Ohiti ri 4
w.t tvturt, tix txii itxt-d n tliMlwwaaH
Mf lor iHrlns tU Mt't wil UJ- .-tiofca
thvKt.i. 'r.i"liA,
.tmtnMro'r rtb X4(a.)fjttrr
U-Il.6, CMf d.
Salem Abstract and Loan Co,
The only Abstract books of Marlon
county. Keal es'nto ciders
filled promptly and
For Locating Mines.
Dr. H. mlthl-tnow ff-'c ftrent In Ore
con for tho Fnle (.1 A'l.rhbnU'M iilfctro Sing-
...,.. ..!.. ..... lA.,tlt rr .. 1.1. c nf tltAt nr
1!CIK JUI1I1 IU1 JVMUfc 1. hit w. x.-.m - .
allfr, 'JIi'h liiiittitrm-nt hia become the
n ONt ?rtli-ent forte in dt-li-itii'g th-i ptet
mtci c,f (rolit nndhllvir dtoi' is whether
tn ihePirmnl hidden cc.ltioi itiaitzrock.
iho inn kcr claims that u cm lul Invcstl-
iriitiori Jf sure H)ica(ion--i" 11 r rjnic- in
ciMtyofthH trtiinre. for f nhur infill
million pieato address
Large stock of common Hi Ids always on
hand. Fifoed uud ornamental brick
iiiiiuu 10 urui'i
lcnve orders at O. fetolz, H Plato street,
tloodbue Cahlll, 95 State sttttl, or at the
j urd, oppositofetate Prison.
Residence 382 Chunh St.
Decorator, Kalsominer and Pa
per Hunger.
Leave ordeis nt . II. Buren & Son's Fur
nltuie store or Broat& Qlle, Uroccrs.
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta Line
j.ix; p. m.
9:18 p. m.
8:15 a.m.
i.v. Portland Ar. 7:Ko 11. m
iiv. Salem iiv. I 5-2iJ a. m
Ar. Ban Iran. Lv. 7.00 p. ni
Above trains stop only ut iollowing sta
110ns norm or i.oscuurB, wist i-ottland
Or-5ifon City, Woodbutn, baltm, Albany
Tnneent, Hhedds, Halhoy, Uar.-lhburu
Junction Clty.lrvlng and Kngene.
6:30 a.m.
11:17 a. m
5:50 p. m.
Lv. Portland Ar. I 4:) p. m,
Lv. Baiem Lv. 1 1:10 p. m,
Ar. Iloseburg Lv, I 7:00 a. m
Albany Local, Dally Except "Sunday,
h.u) p. m.
7:5a p.m.
a.oo p.tn.
Albany Lv, 1 6:30 a. ni
7:3S e. in
Second Class Sleeping Cars'
For accommodation 01 passengers holding
eecuuu cmss iicaets uiuicnea u
express trains.
Ycst Side Division, Between Portland
and Ceryallis:
7:3J a, m. I Lv. Portland Ar7
laiu p. m. 1 Ar. l-orvallls Lv.
fT-lKI p. iii
1Z..15 p. in,
At Albany and C'orvallls connect vrim
naiua oi Oregon fauino luilroad.
1:11! p. m.
7 25 11. m.
"Lv; Portland ATT
h:20 a. in
5:13 a. in
Through Tickets
To all points
Jfor tickets and lull information regard.
L?n?Sffe5Sgf. to Ul" CmPa-
IntheCounty Court oftho State of O-c-gon
for the Oounty of Marlon
In the matter or the Kstate 1
Pllas W. lleeley.decensrd fCUat,on'
ToOcorce W. llM-slnv, n.-.nn.f.-u
decendeut.Johu I. llLUley and all other
ertons intcrektd in .im k-..0iV
In tilt) N'liniA nftlia Qtcfa An
are hereby clid and renunvd to aiipeirln
ue County Court ot the bUte ot" ifregoii!
tor the Cmniv of Marlon, at the Court
jtxnn thereof, at tho t:ltr cf -Mlem tiiiS
Count- Of Marion" on inenm dy of Oc
loner isw.nt 10 oWk. fo!l oon?of ,to
day, then and thero 10 khowrau-.irauy
you hae, why hu onlir should uot be
Bi-anUdtoK. It,hmilh. tie Administrator
rvletalo belonging t-i said dRsa, as
HnhwAu,; Kret fitfuT " fffilSS
nAn5.,u:hnf!),'m "' Italian be pub-
at lesit iMMr r. . ."..r. ' 'tri4 -Vi'"w'
talJouhnal blnvr a neufpapSr Printed
"-'.--"Y , , . " '., '.
"u "" in nay or.Neptember. iSSi
VWvr jt J"rtgoa!deiiirt,
-fe ud Fiity Gmeries,
-w moo vii KB iH mill fee!
il?" " lthilTii0T,,
WeW ; rf your gsln4r
. o i
CD fo Ct
5- s p p w tr.
", en , C3 ,- O
1 P t: rf-ft C3
rn t3 p
w I J
S c
n ic
" B tf--
W " I-5 hL
0 ZZ 1 1 f h
CD CD P pr m
S (3 P
O&og E-
5 . - r
i? P CD 0
5 a o-p c
" o ST
B S Ccr- S3 a
rz B n Cb Ti
w "
2 Q o".!
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p B-"
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f3 1 CD "3
CL. m CD O
i" CD 3
& r'
cd cj- p crc rj
i' S JO
O 5T
03 h
g-al teJ
C O3 rsLpJ
e- -i m P rr
S,ffi S a
rr. . 1 1 m -J 1 1
5 tf
p g3gro og
l2 S m WB
. 2 00 P -3
-3 K 1 S3 UW
CO Cf L, S.
w ff O P
Qn K aj to
p U3 e
1 w ni cd c
P o org p
- c:-
O 23,
r-4 - : i z:"
c 2s 5 2, cV
- p- ro
cd t B a.
m fS P
' x 1
1 o K
D w .
. yt
rn '
3. ET. o O O
F s
S- ml
Uatcs, ..fiO to 5.1,0 iin- jny .
Tho best hotel between rortlabdno
Frauclswi. Klrst-clnsa in al u ia?an '
ineuu. IU tnb.ts are kcryed wlf"''
Choicest I rutin "
Umwnlln tho W'llluiueile U0y.
A. 1. WAGNER, Prop, )
Within nno-linli mile Or two elmrlom..,.
cur Huts und J-lrtnjHudsstntlounnd,i,
oflli-o Uhly two and onp-quarti r iin5
from the..tntH oi haiem. HtitUv S"? .
tlful Ipoattoi. Ko.lextm good, well u'nZSf
nud nth. Price low nud terms un,v 4
MO-tf 11. W.CD'l-rLE. '
Absolutely - Sale - luveslnitut.
$10,000 FOR $6,000
The new two-story brick store bulldln.
and gtuHUd occupied by Oto, F. Bmlth ?
Uouimerclnl street. For bale fr (mm1 S
tascuwHW. IttuvslO per cent, ontlui
aujouut, und will be worth Slo.ouo in uTi
n....... -.. . 1 r. ...a
. vY.corrLK,
than llvo years.
JJci'oro Starting on a Journey
A person UFiiully desires to gain some in
formation ns to the most desitnble routatii
take, and will pmthuse UoKHs via the on.
that will iiiloid hliu the quickest and biii
bervlix-. b;oro starling on u trip to thi
cii4U or any ikjIuI Jiaet.jou should provla
youri-elf wllfi u map anil timetable uf lb
wiicouslii Central i.iuo. Tho tie ins run
on thKioutuie vestibule andiiieeiJuiDrf!i
with I'ulluiauM lutes' Urawlnt ltoiiiin,l,ov
ei..,e:-Kant iiy Couches and i-Muini, (i,
of laleot deslyu, built txjuthslj lor t nU t er.
viw, and uieuiqiilblUtlu luinlbhlneg and
totiveiiient und tonilortable in urran
fnent nnd s toiii)iltte in overy detail tfiat
they have no bupeilorlu rorntori una vie.
gunt-u. The illuluc car service Is ltmonn.
ced by all the liiOtt elejjant cei Itiaucnr
11 ted, und lb o perilled lu the lutneb'. bl 11.
lust trains via the Wlscoubiu Ctntrjl
Lines ltuv e &i luuen)ollK dully at 12 45 u...
and C.iS p in., aud nt. Fuul ut uio n, n,
and 7:15 p. in., umklug laoniblu toaneo.'
llou with all tiulns liora the Vtst and
For tli'Utts, maps, j-umphlets imd full
UH'I IllUIIUJi t'l'ljF l--Vi.,'. 1.IUX1 rlJJ, (J, H
auu T. A , Hilnni-upolli,, Mlnu ,und toJas'
C. 1'ond, (Jtmiul l-i.bbcn(,(ir uud 'tlckti
Auiiit, Chitago, ill,
Sheriff Sale.
OTICBisboieliy given that by virtue
JLl '.1 an excutiou duly lssutd out of the
louuty bourl ol tho btutunl Ou-on for the
Louutv 01 Marmu, on the ath day or Aug.
gut, lbDJ.nnd to mo dlrtctid upon a Jnde.
nitnt duly rendeied, eulcrtd ot rtcoiasnd.
docketed tn und b sld cmutou 1U CiU.
iLiyol Auyiibt ItiO, inucitlam suittbou.
in said cnuit, vending Iiernln U aud E.
Jllrhdi ueiepIalui.fl,Hi d l h irlisvmigha
mis ueleuneut in luor 01 plulntlirn and
ngultibt Uclentlant, by which txecntloa I
uiu c-ommanded that out uf tlie pet
fouul propel ty of mid dffeodant.
or if bunltlcnt caunot bo found tliea
out oi tho real proijeity belonging to
-aid dtlendan Inmlifc unty, on ur uutx
thofiih day August, lbSJ, tobutitiythemm
ol SU 3D, togother with liiterest thereon at
tbo rate ol 10 per eent. por annum, Irom
the ttli nay 01 August IWi and thelurthcr
sum ol 81; 35, together with lulcrcst from
thuClh day of Augubt, lbn'i, und the fll
therbUin of ld-W aud also costs aud ex- ,
peuseB of bald execution, I havelovlcd
upon, nnd will, on
Saturday, the 1st day of October, 1892,
at the hour of 2 o cloi.k p. ni, of raid day at
the est door of the county court house lu
Hulum, Murlou county, Oiegon, tell
ut public auction to the highest
bidder for tush In hand on the day
oi sale, ull the right, title, interest nud en
tate which bald aefendant.Uharlei. Vaughn,
had on or after the (Ith day 01 Aug. lKxt,in,
and to the following descilbed rtal piop-erty.to-wit:
Ueglunlng nt tho liorthwest
cornerof thOEoutheasl quarter ol section
4. T, I) 8 , it. il west; tnente tabt (Alt rods;
thence bouth 1-1 roilt,; thence westtw&rodt:
thence noith 14 rods to the place 01 begin
ning, containing acres more or Jets.and
also all of tbe donation hind claim of bin
Jamlu Vaughn nun Elizabeth Vaughn In
r. U s., U. 2 west, savo and except tbo fol fel fol
eowing: described psi'inlsfs, tow It: .Begin
ning at tho bouthwest coiner of tho south
eabt quarter ol btctton 4, T US, K. 2 west
of Willumetto Aleriiltun: thence north SO
cluilni-; ihenco west 2.10 thulns 10 the
northeast corner of ieaao Cook's donation
land claln; thence along eastern boundary
of saidCook's donation land claim 'M clialut;
thence eubt l.Wi chains to the p ace ot be
glnulng, containing 6 acres, more or less.
Dated attJaleni,thls.sl8tday of Au.'.,',lii!il
Pherlffof Jlarlon County, OitKoti,
By l T. WuiGHTiiAN, Deputy. 7-lMt.
And Oregon Development comrair'1
steambhlp line. 225 miles shorter, 20 boum
lesstimothau by any othei loute. Uni
class thiough passenger and lrclgbt lie
Irom Portland and nil points In theUi
lametlu valley to and ironi ban Jtuuc!o
TIKE SCHEDULE, (Kxtert fcunaays).
LeaveAttiuny l.-Wl'M
Leave Corvallls 1:10 fit
Arrlvo Ynqulna 1.10 I'M
Leave Yaqulnn 0:45 AM
Leave Corvallls IO.&iAM
Airlve Albany 11:10 A K
O. d- C. ti-alns connect at Albuflr and
Thoabovotnilns connect at YAQUINA
with the Oitgon Doeloiimcnt Co's Lin
if Weamshlnh between Yanulna nnd fca
N. . Fasjengers Irom Tortlaud and al
willamttto Valley points can mste c'.ctei
conni-ctlou with the trains of the
VAQUJNA ltOUTKatAlbanj or Corvallls
audli destined to Juu fiunclFCO, ebouid
arraj,,c1ouiTiveot Ynqulna the evtnlH:
buriedateoi tuUtn(.
)wnfti and frdl-Li kitt v,j U6
lovj,t, or lu:ormntTin apply v
ill L.MAN & Co., Ftclghi u "')
A,;ui,2O0.-ud J02 front st icia j ur.l
C l. iiOUlJK AC't UeUl 1"
1'trKAi.U, Oregon J'KCltlfl"!" Jc
Uiv-us,' .
' H A.H'VMa.,Jr..fafn,l Irt, i
uss Art. Greriwi I cif cl JOtn"
Co..!.fl4 Mrctt 1 -ir 4
m& mm
nichnu's doIOVn Dnlsam Ko, t
Cures Chancres, (lrt and second !'&
Sores en tho Legs and Body; Sore t-VJ,
Lyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotch
Syphlllllo Catarrh, illscased Scalp, ard fc'J
primary fortas of the dlteasa known u
Syphlll. Price. Sa 00 per UoMl.
Le Jllchnu's OoTilun Balsam No-S
Curcs-Tertlary. McreurlsiajTihillUo Bin
matltm. pains in tho Bones, rln In tlif
Head, back of the Notlc, Uleerated SM
Xhroat, Byphllltlo Ilasb, Lumiis t. d ouO
tractcd Cords, BtlSnoM o( tho Limbs, ww
tnidlcates all dlteate from th tr''u.
whether camed by iadUrrttlon or abaJ
Mercury, leaving tho blood pure m
healthy. Price 5 OO per I'ottle.
to llithnu's Golden HuanlUi Anil
uoto for the euro ol Goncrrhoia, elect
Irritation Gravel, and alt Urinary or Oenl
tal dlttrranramenU. Prlt64 SO Vet
Lrf Klchkaa Golilea Spanlsb In
jection, forserera noses ot Oouorrh.
lctUanaatoryGIet,Btrieiiuf,&c, I'll"
1 fiu iter Bottle. -'
Klchaa'a tloUT Ointment
(or Uw St!ve he!lx jvphlliHo H J
and erapUoss. lrlrcl eb pr Box
m lllobaa's Uoldett l'llls Xi'
d Bf!a treotBMot,, Urn ot pHysiaJ 1"
V sm or ovcr-ikortr. Hiut.
Pric m m pr ,
!xt.t TrvbvP. tiy
ran mcuwi mm 9ts