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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1892)
h -3KT 3ES We have received a new line of Cheviot and Storm .Serges in brovn and green Col orings. 46 inches vide, which are excellent values, BRO ADHKADS. 25 NEW PIECES of the Jamestown Broadhead goods Justin. Opened this morning, direct from Philadelphia, a new lot of Gimps and Fur Trimmings. T HOLVERSON, 301 Commercial Street. HIE CAPITAL JOUBJUL MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1892 GILBERT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windovglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure. Tea and Big Can Baking Povdcr. CHARLES BEAK, Dealer in Huy, Straw, Grain, Oil Meal, Slock Suit, Flour nnd Barley Chop, and Mill Feed of all kinds. Termasti icily cash. 322 Commer cial tttreet, Salem, Oregon. tiF.o. r. ooodhui:. k. cahill. 1SUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, piuster, hair, fire nnd building brick, flro clay, Baud, gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tail. Ulllce U5 State street. ( & CAIIH.Ii. A Sprained Ankle. A lady resident of South Salem, while warning along in front or the ware house of Kuapp, Bnrrell & Co., on Commercial street, near the Wil lamette .liQtel, this forenoon, acci- dently slipped and spvained one of her ankles. A cub was called to her assistance and she was conveyfd to her home. Later in the day she wimahle to be up nnd around. Bhoan Operation. Mason & Smith, who hold the contract for the street Improvement lately or dered by the council, began work today on Ferry and State streets. The crossings will be torn up and the work will go bravely on on these thoroughfares the llrst tiling. The job will bo finished just na soon ns the large force of men cau do it. Broke In. Some places of busi ness were broken into during fair week. Other business meu broke in new help to accommodate the trade, but Q. W. Johusou & Son always need the best of help to ac commodate their big trade. They say low prices will sell clothing. Sold Indians Fire Water. Marshal Mitito went to Portland today with J. Robinson, who is to appear befoie U. S. Circuit Judge Deady to ansn er to the charge of belling whisky to Indiaus. On Sat urday he took one down also,named Jas. Battoe. Every Pastor And Sunday Bchool superintendent in tho city is requested to meet at the Baptist church this evening at 8 o'clock, to discuss the advisability of holding a county institute. Let there be a full attendance. Opened. Miss O. Ballou's kin dergarten and connecting class opened this morning In Kindergar ten hall with a. good attendance of little folks. This is the third year and the school has grown constant Jy from its beginning. Still Registering. At noon today 1,217 children had registered with School Clerk W. A. Moores, seventy-two having been granted certificates this morning. F. T. Harr, tno merchaut tailor, has as fine a line of goods as were ever brought to the Pnrifio coast, and the workmanship with which he puts up suits Is sure to please. For plats, maps, blue prints, etc. Boo D. W. Townsend,115 State St. 8-20 1 ra Tomatoes only 60 cents per bushel at Harrltt & Mclntire'si. MOKASKA coffee Blue Front. J. Hughes, has not only tho fluest store In tho city, but has tho largest stock. See his new place near tho court house ou State street. Choice peaches at Harrltt & Mc Intire's, ' Storm eerges in the leadiug shade?, just arrived at Tho Palace. CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY. Wo invite the nlteutfou of oloso buyers to the best assorted aud largest tock of DRESS GOODS, TBEMWINGS, JACKETS, WOOLENS, CLOTHING, HATS, EINE SnOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ETC., In Salem. PRICES Ageuta br Royal Tailors. MA HOUSE !?. MM. fflllNER 'yWF S IE 1E& C3h DC 3MC HOC 3C 32" AN OVERDOSE OF OPIUM J. S.Hart Dies from the Effects' of the Poisonous Drug. Ho Was Pound Saturday Night Under the Approach to the Wil lamette Bridge by Officers Lat ouretto and Vanderpool. We, tho undersigned In the nboo en titled inquest, Jrom tho ovldenco pro duced before us, have good reasons to be llovo that the deceased was nnraod J. H. Ifnrt.BgoU about t'yeais; thnt he came t3 his UVm lion Septmber 1Mb., lt92, at Sa lem, Or., caused by an overdose of opium administered by nomo person to tho Jury unknown. F. M. lJttowK, J, B. WooDFonn, .(-,. sonKr.i.nicKO. W.H.AIcOscau, J). L. Gkkkne, A. OLIIOLn. The above is the finding of tho coroner's jury over the body of J. S. Hurt who came to Salem during the early part of last week, appar rently lu good health but, today, lies cold in death. Tho particulars of tho case are about as follews: About 11 o'clock ou Saturday night Officer Latourette noticed a darkoy go into the restau rant or Chas. W. Ilelleubraud and ak for matches at different times and, llnally, after the lust time, he concluded he would look after the fellow and his actions. He called the attention of Oliker J. Vander pool and they iroceeded to follow tho gentleman of color. Ho went to the comer of Center and Commer cial streets and then turned down towards the bridge. The oiliceis watched him and after seeing hiin go under the approach'to the bridge, slipped up to within a few feet of where he was standing. He com menced to strike matches and then the officer stepped up to stop him when he broke nd ran. Oilicer Latourette pursued and caught him near the corner of Front aud Center .streets. He was taken back to the placo from whence he started and there tho body of what was supposed to be a drunken man was found. The negro was taken to the city jail being in a partly drunken con dition, aud, ns the other man was helpless, a cab was sent for him. The fellow wa3 taken to tho jail and placed in a cell aud booked for drunkenness. Nothing more was done with him until morning when Chief Ad. Diliey went into the jail (Sunday morning) and noticed that the fellow was still sleeping as though drunk. He left the jail and returned later when he heard the fellow groaning. He thought he was in a bad condition and car- rledjiim out by the lire and called in a physician. Afterwards ho was taken into tho recorder's olilce, aud an examination given mm. iuo doctor could not tell whether ho was in a drunken condition or something else ailed him. Later on Stevo Mc Fadden learned that he was a mem ber of the Knights of Pythias aud had him removed to his residence ou Court street, and put to bed. Drs. Richardson and, Byrd were called aud worked with him soon finding that he was in some other condition besides being drunk. He was moved about in a lively man ner but only responded by a move of his baud and eyes ouce. About 4 o'clock Sunday bo died. The coroner, Mr. Stott, of Gervais, was telegraphed for but, owing to other matters, could not como up, aud requested Recorder M. E. Good ell to take charge of the body aud hold the inquest. During tho even ing, a jury was gotten together. The Inquest was held in the un dertaking rooms of Ollnger & Rig dou, and tho jury did not fin Mi their business uutll about 10:30 oiclock at night. Several witnesses were called aud their testimony Is about as follews: W. T. Lateurette: ThU colored ALWAYS Rsita to order from f i0.M up. CUT AB LIBERTY 3E1 S .- C3r SB . man passed me at Helleubrund'n restaurant; was catching his heels pretty hard, and Btaggering as though pretty well filled up. I told Oflicer Vanderpool wo would follow him nnd aeo where he wns going, he went ns far as Center street, turned, weutdirectly to approach nf the long bridge; he stopped beside the same, looked all around, atruck u match, pushed under the bridge; we walked to the corner of the fence nnd watch ed for some lime; saw the fellow Htrlke several matches; wo then con ducted we would go and set what they were doing; wo vi-ut on; the darkey started as soon ns he dis covered us within a short dNtuno ; I nfter him; I caught him near the corner of the feuce wtu-ie ve had been standing; took him buck; and soon paw the man was not in con- Jdiiti-i! to trayei; Vanderpcol stayed i Willi tue iiiun; i iook me tuirKey to ttejall. uiiu tnen went liacu to as sh. iiitn with the ujuu; on the way up J met tiuvage, sent him after a hui'l(,to.ilv)iiin lo jail, searching him he spoke a few words; I usked him if he had nuy money, ho said he had u dollar latt night? ho spoke then "I am arrested, am 1," then he dioppeii over and that was all I got out of him in the way of talk; that is about the aumof what I know of it. When uslied ns to his eoiditiou wht-n found Latourette Hniri He wns m what I thought, u diunltvn Mupr, brejlhing hard; on tho wuy I questioned the darkey asking hltu it he went with the man under the hiidge when he went there, he naid hr did, that he was a friend ot his. Latourette said de ceased wns iusenailile;sald helouud a pnper of some klna, his pants pockets were turned inside out; the p'iper was ill his inside coat pocket; litis happened about midnight; might have been 11 o'clock; am not ceiiuin. Q. What did the daikey appear to bo doing?. A. He was standing over him and when he saw us he ran like a scared wolf; the man said "Am I urrested and not been drink ing?" I hud not seeu either one of them before duriug the evening; this Is the same man found lust night (the body being before him.) Oflicer .lolin Vanderpool was next c tiled. He said about the same as Latourette. He said the mau was taken to jail lu a cab. A man came up while we were talking, he went aud got a lamp aud stayed with me; I could smell liquor veiy plainly in tho breath of the deceased. F. P. Talkinglon next called: I met this gentleman Tuesday ove ning, was introduced to him; he said he was hunting employment as an expressman or oar Keeper or sucu work; I told him he might get work ut the lair grounds. I sent him to Mr. I'aulua; he came in most every day und said he didn't succeed in getting anything to do; the last talk I had with him be told me that he thought he would go to Independ ence and If he concluded to go he would come around and borrow a dollar or two; he called at my placo at 7:30 yesterday Saturday evening and said he would go to Independ ence Sunday, then ne asked for $1.50; I gave it to him and bid him good bye; ho was all alone excepting the hrst time l met mm; no saiu ne was from Portland, said ho wanted work badly would do anything; asked him to take a drink; ho said ho wouldn't, he said he hadn't taken a drink for four or eight weeks; I think he had been a drinking man; he did not act as if he bad been drinking Saturday: not as If ho had been drinking at. all. Louis Wright:This is the same man I saw last night. As I wns going to my room I heard some loud talking under the bridge and some peisou breathing very hard; I went over; tho two oillcers were there; had a colored man arrested anu asK ed me to atslst them In getting the drunk man onto his feet; we lifted him up but ho was so entirely help less he couldn't staud; one oflicer took colored man to jail and the oth er naked me to get a lamp; I did ; stayed till oflicer got back with a hack and then assisted them. Q. Did vou hear the colored man say he knew the deceased? A. Yet. The oflicer asked blm If he knew who the mau was and he baid ho wns a friend of his; could not smell whisky on deceasea. A. O. Higclnbetham: He said bo knew tho deceased; he was tending bar in East Portland when ho be came acquainted wltb him; he came to Salem Tuesday of fair week;, he came in and shook bands with me and asked If I knew him; I knew bis face but could not call name; then ho told where be bad worked and I recognized him, bo said he bad lost f"0 at the fair grounds, it was taken out of his pocket and said he bad only 25 cents in tho world and wanted to gel, some piace, a cneap room, whero he could sleep that night: I told him I would take him around to Mr. Sargeant'a lodging heuse: I did so and paid for hla bed that night, a half dollar; then after wards he anu t went into Air. Tain- iugtou's saloon aud I introduced THE LOWEST. Pants to order from f up, STREETS, SALEM, OREGON. hlin; the next day bo wna around twoor times to see me but have not seen hltu ulnce Thursday. In answer toother quest low, Mr. H. said: He rerusetl to Uriuk at Mr. Talklngton's, said be was not feeling very well. Henry Parker wns nextcallcd; (bo is the colored fellow mentioned above) He said: No sir, I never saw him before. Q. Did jou come up from the bridge and go back und strike some ruatchc6? , A. No sir. I didn't strike any mutches. Q. Did nuy oflicer come up whllo you were there? A. Yes, two came aud arrested me. He also said be run, ho did not want to be urrested, bo had been drinking; bo had been rooming close by, ho nan oeen worn Ing for Mr. Wagner just through I ernbly damaged and bad to bo re S,S?'upHeu,d&lSSS38'ri5f -ved. Each car, however, had a matches. He said he didn't tell tho long banner on each side extending officers that the deceased wan the whole length bearing this lu a frieud of bis. Bald be scrlptlen: "Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1( remembered striking a match. .. . . T,,rawpro Sald bH waa from Chicago; 1 "suiuieu iec o, ibo- merewero he Btouned in Portland, did not work there; ho Is a waiter. When asked how he could recognize the man without striking matches he said "I could see It was a man;" and he baid lie didn't think this (body before him) was the man under the bridge; he could see if there was any resemblance. Said be got a couple of drinks after be went up town early in tho evening. O. W. Hellenbrand: Never saw deceased before. He recognized the darkey (H. Parker); thought be was the same; he came into my restau rant lust (Saturday) night nbout 10, or later, two times aud asked for niHtchi-;I didn't thiuk anything strange the first time, but he came in the second time nnd asked for them Justus if he hadn't uiSked for any befere: I thought It strange; theu the polio man came aud asked in i what ho wuuted; he was not druuk; this dead mau (body before him) looks a llttU; familiar to mo but 1 can't place him. Two papers weio found on tho body of the deceaeed one from Van couver, addressed in cure of A, Jones, East Portland, and the other u letter from one "Ada," supposed to be bis niece, living at dan Ardo, Cal. This last letter indicated that he had bepn ill, as she extended him synipnthy und kind wislns. The K. of P. lodge of this city has taken charge of has telegraphed to posed to be his relatives, ns to whut disposition shall be made of the body. It was upon the opinion of Drs. J N. Smith and W. H. Byrd, of Sa lem, l but the jury rendered their verdict ns to the cuuse of Hnrl's death, they deciding that it was from an overdose of opium. ' The darkey is in jail awaiting further developments. He may have been the one to have adminis tered the opium. Hart was of light complexion, five font bix Indies in height, and of about 1:15 pounds weight, SALliM WILL BE CLEAN. Sidewalks Will be Bepaired-Streot . And Alleys Cleaned. Since tho JouuNAi, and other kickers have been uullatlug thf sub ject of cleaning up our filthy alleys aud streets, the spirit of cleanliness has become contagious, nnd even . our city officials, who have been ex-1 tremoly busy with important street work, have become Infected. Salem Is to bo cleaned, nnd when she is cleaned ns she ought to be there is no handsomer city on the Pacific coast us a starter. Street Commissioner Culver has kept a man busy the post two weeks listing all defective, broken and, wornout sidewalks, and notifying I the owners that tho eatr.o must be repaired or rebuilt within ten days, or that it will be done by tho city and taxed up against the property, i This move Is one of the most im-1 portant ones for all classes, and for . the reputation of our city, that has been inaugurated in a long time, When this is thoroughly done it will not only greatly Improve tho looks of our city, but will give the office of fctreot commissioner a dignity and standing that It has riot entoyed in tho puat. But this is of no consideration compared with the safety of people's necks and legs. Mr. Cujver will not wait for fur ther authority from the couucil about cleaulng up the alleys and taking litter oil the street, but with J the co-operation of the street com mittee hrs commenced operations. A crew of meu will go through all the aMeys, picking up and hauling' off everything In tho way of filth. All the streets that are not to be torn up for improvement, are also to be ' cleared and made respectable aud healthful, This la a move in the right direction, and our city officials will be called blessed for their good work. Powoe Court. J. Martin, H, pMorris, Ed. Cunningham,, W. C. Allen, and H. Wilson, are in the city Jail for five days each for vacrau oy. W. Rie,H,WIIon,J.Gleuson, F. Maynard, J. Kennedy, J. Dee, J. White, Mr. GUI, J Svaubeck, and H. Sweeuy, were before the recorder this morning for being drunk. Maynard was discharged, J, Dee got one day in Jail and paid 8.40, in cash, J. White paid (11, Gill paid (11, aud Svanbeck was released af ter giving over $10.40. Motk EH8 Notiok. There will be a mother' meeting af the W. C. T. U. reading room Tueaday, Sept. 20, at 2:30 p. m. All Interacted aa mothers bbould attend. By order of society. County Coukt. CommiaeioBera WaUon and Anderson arrived thia morning and are in lon with Judge Hubbard In. The eblef bul BHtaof the day will be auditing bills. .--at I ,, - , . ., r urx xu ruJUUAXtw. A Large Number of Salem's Three Linkers Attend Grand Lodge. That was a Jolly crowd of Odd Fellows that left Salem this morn ing ou the 7:30 local train for Port- jland. They went to the metropolis for the purposo of attending the meeting of the Sovereigu Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., which meets there beginning today. Tho two cars that bad been left here for the Salem people were nicely decorated on Buuday, but owing to the rain of this morning the bunting and Hanging was cousid several Hags' also that were not i ruined by tho dampness Among the number to leave was John G. Wright Gov. S. F. Chadwick gene Breymari, Win. this morning and wife, ex. and wife, Eu Englnnd and wifo, C. N. Gilbert, J. E. Howard, John Boyce, Thos. King, E. P. Walker, T. F. Walker, Harvey Jor dau, Lewis Savage, J. W. Young, Chas. Simpson, John Stnpletou, Win. Fiedt, H. A. Thomas, Geo. Whittaker, Wm. Waldo, W. H. Scott, C. W. Batr, W. J. Clarke and wife, P. K. Frets, J. D. Jordan, Joe Schludler, Wm. Frost, W- J. Erwtu, J.Stalger, Geo. Goode and daughter, Jasper Mluto, J. Knight, Chas. H Moores, C. M. Parraenter, A. N. Moores, Wm. F. Dugan, Chas. Ford, Geo. Myer, L. A. Davidson, Alex. Clark, Isauo Conkllng, H. Simon, j S. E. Willard, Tilmou Ford, T. T. Geer, Wm. Cluggett, J. Martin, L. E. Pratt, A. McAtee, E. T. Barnes, F. McWhorter, 8. M. Knight, and others, In other cars of the train , were sixteen from Turner, twelve from Jeffersou, aud Woodburn, 611- , vertou, and Scio lodges were to join , the three-linkers at Woodburn, the junction of the Oregouian road the body and Tne gecoud Eegment baud of bix purlies, sup- teen nieces accomnunied the "bovs" nnd will bead their portion of the parade In the metropolis tonight. The train consisted of eight pas senger and ouo baggago car aud was pulled by engine 17. This is the longest morning local train that has left Salem foB several years. The tickets purchased by these ox ourHlnnlBtH are good for ten days and the holders will return ut different times. Several more of tho I. O. O. F.'s went down on tho afternoon train today, also. , A CHURCH DECISION. Tho Eowmanites of the Evangel! I cal Church are Beaten. Rov. J. Bowersox received a tote gram from Portland today, saying that Judo Cattllu, to whom was referred the churph case, -had de cided in their favor. This is ngalust tho "Bowmunies." "Tired All the Time." Is the complaint of many poor mor tals, who know not where to find relief. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses just thoso elements of strength which you so earnestly crave, it will build you up, give you an appetite, strengthen your stomach aud nerves. Try it. Hood's Pills net especially upon the liver, rousing it from torpidity to Its natural duties, cure constipa tion and assist digestion. Pills promote constipation Sim mons Liver Regulator cures constU patlon. Now hats every day at Cbus. Cal vert's. , Umbrellas The Palace. i The rains have come, aud so have ii, .,.,, I,.. no ,.. . ..., ... IUU IIUVV 1I11C Ul USOillUUiS U"U 111UU- lutodhes at the Palace. I Feed of the best nualitv In ovorv lino, and the best flour made, at the lowest prices. Brewster & White's, 01 Court street. See our (1.50 ladles' dongola shoes beats them all at Krauso Rro4. Now things In ladles' oalc writing desks. They will surprise you. Keller & Marsh. Fresh Mokaska coffee, the first in the city at H. M. Branson & Co's. Italians lu Salem, but no cholera, at Brauson & Co's. On Hand. Ou foot, oa wheels, ou horsobuok, on tho go always, to get goods to the people oa time at Clark fc Eppley'x. In Lkatheh. Upholstered rock era, tho newest and richest. Keller & Marsh, Our fall (dock is arriving and we have bargains to offer. KruussoBros. Nobody slighted oo account of the rush at Ilellenljrand'ri. St. Clulrs Persons who know what good lard Is, got S,t. Clair's, at Clurk & Epploy's. flROO I2H Assst-4sssa ( IgaiiiDciivii.s Uti Im Millions of Homw CLOTHING. Q r Largest Assortment Ever Brought to Salem. Best Goods and Lowest Prices ! WOOLEN MILL STORE), 209 Commercial Street, Snlcm, Oregon. LOCAL AfD PERSONAL. Wheat is CO cents and oats 35 at Albany. J. T. Gregg weut to Portland to day. Oysters at C. W. Hellenbrand's res tu rant, J. M. Wallace went to Portland this afternoon. ' Dan Bass, now of Seattle, was in SAlem a short time today. Mrs. Dr. Gelsy, accompanied by her child, returned to Portland to day after a visit with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Murphy. Wm. P. Lord, chief jusllco of tho Oregon supremocourt, Is In Portland. Miss Houston, of Vancouver, Wash , who has been visiting re latives In this city started on her return homo this afternoon. Miss Florence Jennings, who has been the guest of Miss Alice Hayes, left today for Monmouth where she will attend school this winter. Headaches, biliousness, and liver troubles ure promptly cured by the use of Ayre'a Cathartic Pills. Equally safe for young aud old. H. Hlrshberg, of Independence, was a passenger from this city to Portland today. Mrs. A. L. McCully (nee Dear born), went to her homo in Portland today. C. H. Monroe and wife, form erly of Salem, leturned to Portland today. , They have been here at tending the fair. Chas. Cox, accompanied by Mrs. Wm.Boggs, returned to the metrop' oils today. county Treasurer Brown came down from Turner this morning. Couuty Commissioner Watson, of Turner, is in tbls city today assist ing in the adjourned term of the September session of the county c6urt, D. McCully leaves Wednesday for eastern Oregon to be absent all tho full. Ex. speaker T. T. Geer spout Suuduy In the city. Rov. P. S. Knight filled tho pul pit of the Congregational church yesterday, preaching excellent ser mons both morning and ovenlug. Wlnlock Stelwor, of Fossil, who hns been In this city for u few days, started ou his return home today. L. Kuhu was a passenger for Port land today. Miss Hattio Hucklemiui, formorly a resident of Salem, Is sorlously HI at Seattle. Miss June Morris haj returned to Salem to resume her position lu tho public schools f that city. Misses Lena Bicell and Dekma, who have been in the city guests of Werner and Mrs.Broyman, returned nomo today by the afternoon train. Ayre's Sarsaparilla, highly con centrated, is tho most economical blood purifier that can bo used. Hellenbrand'a meals are aa usual the best. Surveys of all kinds, accurately aud qulokly made. D. W. Town- uond, 115 State St. 8-20 Ira Most of our ailments como from a disordered liver which SImmous Liver Regulator cures, Kindergarten chairs--Keller & Marsh. Simmons Liver Regulator, bear in mind, is not an experiment, It is endorsed by thousande. Too Fkesu. Some too fresh, but one la lu always baa fresh meat, furnishes nothing else cold storage. pooplo get luck if bo E. O. Cros3 out of his THE PEUIT PALACE Mrs. A. Jones, who took tho first premium ou canned fruits at the State fair bought her fruits at tho fruit I'aluce. M, T, IUnkman 182 State St. Itucklen's Arnica finlve. , The Heat Balve In the world for Cuts. UruMOH. Horcs, Ulcers, Halt Itlicutu, Fever Hares, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns unit ull Bklu Kruptlous, and post. Uyely cures 1'lles, or no pay required. It Is guarauteod U give perfect wtturootlon or money refunded, Vrloe, 3ft cents ixr box, KormJebyDan' ES Baking o Yr Uw dUkL UllVvfl0 jL LLUUi Carefully compounded dagr er lOO State HOTEL ARRIVALS. WIIiliAMKTTE. M. Abraham aud H. H. Howard Portland. M. W. Rosenblatt, San Francisco. D. W. Bass, Seattle. G. B. Scott, Bouham, Texas. J. P. Meeker, Puyalluy. L. It. Kalnes, Falls City. COOK R. E. L. Ball, Turner. C. H. McCall, Marion. J. G. Mohrwels, Dallas. J. D. Bowman, Umatlllu. Geo. A. Jaokson, Central Point. Specimen Oases, S. H. Clifford, Now Cassol, Wis., waa troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, bla Stomach waa dis ordered, his Liver waa effected toan alarming degree, uppotlte fell away, and be wa terribly reduced in tlesh and strength. Three bottlea of Elec tric Blttera cured blm. Edward Shepherd, Harrlsburg, 111., had a running sore on bis leg of eight year's standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters aud bovou boxes of Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve, and hla leg Is sound and well. John Speakor,Catavba, O., had live large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said bo was incurable. One bottle Eleotrio Bitters and oue box Buch- len's Arnica Salvo cured him entire ly. Sold at Dau'l. J. Fry's drug store, 225 Com'l. St. . Charged With Embezzlement. The Mill City Gazette saya: "Wm. Sullivan waa taken down to Meha ma before Justice Eskow, Tuesday, on a charge of embezzlement, sworn to by Dou. A, SmltU, of OateH. The action grow out of the delivery of tiea to tho railroad company by Sul- livuu, on bis own contract where tx bill of sale had boon given to Smith to secure a mercantile indebtedness! subject to tho work hands pay on tue ion, nut us the condition was left out of the bill of sale unbeknown to Mr. Sulllvuu, Mr. Smith takes ad vantage of It. The lion of workman who wero employed to got the ties out,iiaturullycamolu first. Further more, tho railroad company did not recognize Smith') claim upon the ties, henoe paid tho money for them ovor to Mr. Sullivan, of their' owu freo will. This Is Mr. Sulllvau'H statement of tho case, Ho Is how ever, held under bonds for his ap pearance at the full torm of court. e Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you havo a Cough, Cold, or any other trouble wltb Throat, Chest or Lungs'. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds is guaran teed to give reliof, or money will bo paid back. Sufferers from LaGrippo found it just tho thing and under ita use bad a spcody and perfect recov ery. Try a sample bottlo at our ex pense and learn for yourself Just how good a thing It is, Trlul bottlea tree at Dau'l. J, Fry'H drugstore, 225 Com'l.St. Large size 60c. and Si '00. Uuby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed t Castoriai TOMII, At ber homo In Staytou, Marlon county, Oregon, Wednesday Sept. 14, 1802, Mrs. Delluh Orio'r, uged 01 years, Mra. Grler emigrated from Kan aaa to tills atato In 1801, living a Bhort whllo in Jederson, Albany and Marion respectively, and then located in Btayton 17 years ago und resided here uutll tho tlmo of her death. Staytou Times. A Diabolical Trio. If there lsone ruoro fiendish than the hateful trinity. dvienesiu. bllllftuinutH ItUint together, vre are uuawurii of 1L uuu irregularity 01 mu uowwa usually : ... ." -. :i.- - . . ------ ------ --- - 0x1 'I hose oo-ojx)rttlivo orifun tho stomach, the bowel nnd the I Ivor, are umially thrown out of Rosr together, and tho re storation ol regularity to one Is usually theslauul fur tlie others to Rill Into line. UosUrtter's tttomaou Jilt tors ooutrolt all three beneficently and oompUily, not only regulating but lnvlgomHou them. JtuUoexerua most liaonv Inrtuausu un. oa the kidneys und the blood giving u healthful unwulta and wirlehlmr the se cond. K overcomes iMlsrla and a teudwi ey to ohronlo rheuinavkm And eurahjl, and Improve appetite and statp. T the nervous It a tforatf unspeakable reMW. A vrtBXclastJ ul thrie times Jally will, iiru lu, iuiHirve rrswiw w? v flow ho otuw health wnalurn. The K. M. WftMe l'i4tlg Cumww Wa wivsi (trie Ik vw brlafi, w's ltm,k kJjNAif im TijLgus fllup EIHOTH i mil i H.iJJi m.iW' S9Q99 f lilgllt. Street. CURE Sick ITeiularhe nmtrelSw all the trouble tool ilMit to a tilllnu stato of the system, auoh M DUiiness, Niuiwn. Drowsiness, DistreM aftet catliiB, ruin m the SMe, .to. While their mo nmiarauuo hucccm tins been shown In et ourtnf SBCK " i tloadaeiitt, yet Carter's Tjttlb I.tvnt Pitta stro equally Valuable In Constipation, curinf and preventing this annoying complaint, wblli they niio correct all disorders ot the stomach, timu1ato the liver and regulate the bowels. K en if they only cured 1 J HEAD Aclio they would be almost nricelesa M ( yho suffer from this Ulstresstnr complaint; 'nit fortunitely their goodness does not end CARTER'S lH iif pn i3Hhl HI vert hjhjbbjj pfus. fli :iuro, nnu inoe wno once iry uiem will dm these littlo rills valuable In so many ways that they will not lie willing to do without them.,-' Ujit after all slclc head ' ' . ACHE x tho bane many Uvea that here is where , mc ma,ku our gTait boast. Our trills cure It' while other dont. " " CahtkVs Lnffn Liyan r ilm are very soaU .iml very onsrto talte. One or two pills make a doso. They tiro strictly vegetable and do not tnipo or puree, but by their gentle action hlviiie all who use them, la viala at 96 centu; ftvo for SI . fold evcryn here, or sent by mall. CAET22 US31CIHS CO., Hrr ?Mfc UK MM UPrw. ' "It Happened Yesterday." A business man got obt hi life poll. . oles, on which he bud mado many i, payments, to negotiate a loan -with tho company. He was aur- prised when informod that the polV clesjhad no cash value whatever. TrnTMassachusetta Mutual Lire In surance Co.iendorsea cunh antl paiti- . up values on every 'policy. Keuata no moro to havo this udvantagf. For further information apply to , f G. Colton, general agent, 233 , Stark , street, Portland, Oregon. 0-12-tf ," j $' MaiujiiK aud Gbanixm. i have "f -Just received a ftock or marble and , graulte monuments and grave,' stones which during th nejiU SO " days (sharp) I will soil Rt pricea never . before offered in this State, Call'1" early If you Want a bargain. Second door west of tho State Insurance , building, J. Jasies, , 0.13-lw Mr.liaudcr's HeeowwcndatlaH. Mr. J. A, Lander, a prominent cl-' tlzen of ClarkBburg, Mo., and widely known In that state.saya or Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea ' Itemedy: "I havo seen ita good re sults and can recommend it." For salo by Jlaskett & Van Slype Drue glsta. Dyspepsia- fl,ikci iiinny people mlsorablo, and olut, V.uli to Eulf-detmcUoh. Jjistioss af(ci c.iilnt'. sni'c stomach, sick headache, Mill .built, loss tit appetite, h faint, "alt gone tvcllni,', bad tusto, coated tongue, and Irrctf Distress uiaiuy u tno bowein, nr ina moro common sjmj, turns. Dyspepsia docs ik t ft... ....11 ... Ildl i. J.. Aftor t;alln rjuircs carctui, erslsci.j attention, nml a lomtdy UKo Hood's Birio parllla, MJilcli acta Bi-ntly vot slllticntiy. It toiico the stomach miit iHlicr orgjtm regulates tliu illgcutlun, crcutus a gooa u appetite, mid, by thus ifc orcrcomliig tho local,, Vr . sjmptoms, euros tho Headache hradscho, nna rt'frcshi'g tho tired mine, "1 havo been troubled Vtltli U)jmpUi, I had but littlo appctlto, and what 1 dU. I-lnni-f- at dlstretscd me, or dl . l7nr mo littlo Kd. After eat, uurn nj 1 would wpcrcicp t ,, falntncis, or tired, all-i;ono feeling, ai though 1 had not eaten anything., My trouble, 1 tlilnk, wa aggnivatcd W'? business, paliitliiK, ami from being" mtre w icea vhut tip In nroom w itlt Cn,.,. fresh paint. Last sjulng Mf 1 took Hood's SarsaparllU tomitpf and II did mo an Immcnte amount ot Jooa, ft gave fmi an apretlte, mm! my food, nl ulicdnml satisfied Wto craving I bail pr-, vlauilyvxpcrlciKril." Qkokum A. au, Mas. , N. J). K you decld to taka IfMKfs Rar. sapnrllla 1U1 not be Induce t obuy nf eiW'r- Hood's Sarsaparilla Kolitbritrumtiti. alxforfs. rrf'r P. 1. HOOJt CO.,ij.avrrli,U,U, M (OO Doses On Dollar In tlw County Court oUm Mala of Ot. goa for tb etMMity at MavrKm. m ie iiwhw ut iwe wish us Kecalar. dwMusao. ' "NuTiUKTOp: Ustala of ! W. MotUte la hefsby nlvsu by wimiwnpw H i'W nA uatwMta tuwlaaf SrUifa.SffiS, uUmai 6, U,XMmmt. "V I IBS II, . . ipH,VAUSU-. A Aw taljUttr af Mm sum uf ittM W. MSP sssSTJasga eaiswv v issbn w. iXXXSSSr art TC mXlf WiHi WkWI """""l vv.. ...... A