ttl EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. fjrf. vfl i- - naBnantlfe - VOL. 5. Hp THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALETVT, OBEGlON, MCMSTDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1892. "TO-DAY'S JSTRW8 TO-DAY." NO. 222. V? The MUTUAL CONTINUOUS OPTION POLICY, Offer the greatest protection and. safety to those seeking L4fe Insur ance. Every Policy in trie Massachusetts Mutual guaran tees Cash Paid up Values every year. Send for SAMPLE POLICY. ' J. L. MITCHELL, Salem, Or, mam uitTf mmmg Have just imported a beautiful r Bd. C. O 1 Choice Wliolcssilc and Retail 5ealcr iu Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats or all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prompt delivery to all parts of the city. 98 'Court and 110 State Streets. Sash and Door Factory Front, Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the heat, material used. ARCHIE MASON. ' A. B. SMITH General - Contractors, Street Work, Sewering, Excavating, Concrete and Mason Work, Tiling, Stc. All work promptly done. SALEM, C.N.CHURCHILL . T S. BUfiROUGHS. CHUUCmiiL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated ecouomlc force and lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. Stakm IWlr at IWv An ULU1U1L1 ill! VIA JU JlM JM cm Iron works. Drays and trucks the corner or Htate aua uommerciai streets. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. 1MAILS I LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr it r Petzel "14 & 216 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware. Tin rouflug and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tiiinipg and Plumblug Furnished. FOUND load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back ot Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto, 8. F. DRAKE, Praetor. T. 0. PKKIM, tl Sbt ' SALEM IRON WORKS, Mannfaoture 8TKA.M KKOINtX. Ut rorH or an flit nil f . F- r-r taaeliluery nitui. Massacrmsetts LIFE INSURANCE IN THEIR NEW- H. Cross, OREGON, DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, ' hav. coal and lumber. Of- flea Htate St.. ontiositeSa- may bo found throughout the day at LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. L meats Plumbers and Tinners, Tho place to get n Saddle horae, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, AVood, Hay, Mill feed or good Avell rotted Manure, Outnt, Wntcr, Kratt uud refulwo. G. COLTON, Gen'l Agt., 233 Stark St., Portland, lot of ;et sets In prices to suit your purse. See them. From Terminal or Interior Points tho in yw Is the Hue to take To all Points East ami Smth. It Ir the dining car route. ItruiiR thtoufn vestibule trains every day In llieetr m ST. PADL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.)' CompoRed of dining cars unmirpiuwed, Pullman drawing room hleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In which accommodation!) are both tree and lur nlshcd for holders of first and eeond-cla tickets, and) ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuots line connemnc with all lines, allordluj direct and uninterrupted service. Pullman alter "wervit Ions can bese cuied in advicou !.in,u;li any agent of the load. Through tickets to and from rU points In America, England and Europe can be purchased ut any ticket omce of this com pany. Full Information concerning rates, t'me of tralns.rontesandotherdetalls furnished on spDllcatlon to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, So, 121 Klrst street, cor. Washington; Port land. Oieiron SHAW & DOWNING, Agents. ON TO WASHINGTON ! NATIONAL 2th ENCAMPMENT Grand Army of tho Republic, WASHINGTON, D. C SEPTEMBER 20tn To SOth, 1802. THE Wisconsin Central Lines AND Baltimore & Ohio Railroad have been selected as the "Official Route" between Ht. Paul, Minneapolis and Wash, lngton, I). 0. All uesirouK of taking advastage of the unhersally'MjOW Kates" should see that their tlckLU read via this "Itoute," and secure their sleeping car accomodations In advance. For full particulars address G. F. McNEILL, City P. and T. Agt., IV Nicollet House Block, Minneapolis, Minn C. E. STONE. City P, and T. Agt., l(U Kast Third Ht,, Ht. Paul, Minn. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 215 V Commwcltl St., SaUm, Orgo, (Next door to Klein's.) Hpcclalty ol Bpertaoles, and repairing Clocks. WaidjeM and Jewelry. Wood Saw. Kvfrjbody gets ('horlus Smith' steiiin wid ww, "fto HusUer." Ordtrs ul 'zn Pront street. TV HIS great re medy for the dTwKiB resBlt Uir from weak. nttm enmiBiHi to uom"n, the dUovrry of a physician who nan kmm mk dinOAses the irfttrobUiWe. JwUaa w or- ..,ii imUouiiHtawlliiiiil invMttfntie. , Ctecoover Xe Vok Xuft,rt, Cm Orioa. MTJB(tr COMPANY vJl I t Is WANTKD.-rtecrults fo- tho Artlllerv Service of the United blates Army. ho conditions oi enlistment In the army a.u nnw imitaliullv fnvnrflhlft find n. ftnp' lal recruiting rendezvous has been et-tab-UobPd in this city for th purpose of nllurri lug the young meu of this bectlon an op. mirtiinl (or mllUtlrlKllt Anilllcatltf IllU't pe b( lUfen the uses of 21 and W) yeau iif airo, fthie mated, pnysicatiy sounn, nna iiIiIm In n no nud wrlm the Kul'IIsIi llltl. guue. To any otio Interested a full explu- muiou "in uonuoroeu uy inn retyuiuuit ofBrer, room fi, F.xchango bloclr, Hsilem, Oregon. AI.VIN H. HYDKNHAM, (MO-rty-tf 2d Lieutenant. 6th Artillery. Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W. A.CU-1CK, lies. ;W. W, MARTIN, Vice I'res J. H. A1.UKRT, Cashier. State, Com ty and City Warrants bought ut jrar. uw WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. OAPITAL STOCK, all Snbscribcd, 1200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President WM. EN GLAND Vice Presidcu HUGHMoNAKY Cannier. DIHECTOHS: Geo. WUluuni.wm. Eng land, Dr. J. A. Itlchardson, J. W, Uodson. J, A l laker. Bank In new Exchange- block on Com mercial street. &13-U K. K. HALL,, Paper Hangerand Decorator. .Office at Chas. Calvert's Mllllonery store, Balem, Oregon Only One. Chauco for a colony. 1C00 acres of best bottom land, one-half In cultivation, has small str.iims nnd lakes, has 87UOO crop on now, buildings, etc. Is Ave miles from Biiloni, Oiegon, One-third cash, and bal ance in Ave yearly payments with 4 per cent, interest at SM) per acre. 8-J-tf JOHN M. PAYNE, Agt. NOTICE. I wish tofsay to my customers In the lumber trade that I have resigned my po sition In tuo Inmnn.l'ouUeniS.Co lumber yard here, but still ask the patronage ot the contractors, and I will try to mane It to every ones interest to call on me and get my prices before purchasing elsewhere. I guarantee as good lumber as is in Oregon and will as ever treat you white. N. N. MATIIEWB. For Sale, Cheap. A number of trios oi Ibis springs Fym oulhltock, Iilack Lanpthan, White Lex horn, and Partridge Cochins, all thorough bred stock. IJuy early, save express charge and get the pick ot the season. H to f 5 per trio, boxed for shipment. Address E. H01rEll.j.H!ei! Or. A Good Opening. A store and blacksmith shop are needed at the town ol Ausnny, 10 miles south of ijalem. It Is a good farming country, bas a flouring mill with the second best water power in Oregon, also a sawmill building, Hperlal Inducements ottered. Aildre iWmasler, AnUeoy, Or. 8-V7.U w TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houses and Cottages." Hlse,8xMllBebM. Contains nevriesipnr, new styles, latest Idas ta planning. No. JbssafctiMit-nsaUtriflM frnai VI up to WO), about bair umbtr tWH. No, 6 sou taltsWdVM ot dwefllMS noting ovm llfti, Hoy fraw W up to tma. uey new Bjalauru or reaart My K erf homo In tttM warka. Priee, M i,or the two for H M. T'. S. HOPKINS $m l&j- mwBr M ' SiiiiriHflsQ . a VKOFBSSION'AI, CARDS. K. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, , Murphy Block. J J. Bit AW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW . HUNT, ixUorneyRRi law. Office over Capital Mnitooiil bank, Halem, Oregon. B T.RICHAHDSON, Attorney at law, nlMmunstAlniln front moms Of new uh block, corner Commercial und Court streets, Ualctn, Oregon. JOHN A. CAUSON, Attorney nt law. Itooms 8 and 4, Ladd A Hush's bank building, Balem, Oregon. Sllyr U. V. BONHAM. W. H. HOLMES. Bonhah A Hot.mes, Attorneys at law, Olllcoln Hush's block, uctween State and Court, on Coui'lHt. mlLMON roni), attorney at law. Balem, I Oregon. Oflico upstairs In Pattou's blook. J II. Bit AD3U AW, PHYSICIAN AN O X Burgeon, falem, Oregon, otllce In ush-Brnyman block, upstairs Jtesldenco corner BtateandB. E corner Winter street. TTT H. YOUNG, M. D., Oflico formerly VV . occupied by Dr. llowland, corner Court nnd Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 a. m. to 12, 'i to 4 p. m., and 7 to It p. m. Itesldence 18th street on electric car line. Telephone No. 0. Tll. W. 8. MOTT, physician aud sur Ij goon. Omce iu Eldrldge Blook, Ba lem, Oregon. O 111 eo hours 10 to LI a.m. 2lo4p. m. SR. MINTA M. A. DAVIS. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. m. to 6 p. in. jr or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to diseases of worn en aud children. Office in jNew BankBlk., 805 Oommerelal street. Kesldenco same. D ,. T. C. BMITH, Dentist, 9i Btato street, 1 Halem, Or. Finished dental opera. a rt U..AM.V Hoan.lnl ..... Ihihll.udnrlr'l. tlous a specialty. WD. POOH, Architect, Plans, 8pecl. , flcatlous and Buperlntondence tor all classes or buildings. Office 2X Com merclal ht., up stulrs. c, A. IWHEUT. Architect, room 424. Mar .Ji'quaru building, Portland, Oregon. WUSINKSS CARDS. PJ. 1A.HSKN A 0o Manufacture of all , kt udA of vehicles. Itepalring a special, ty, bhop 45 Mlnte street, ' CAltPET-LAYING. 1 make a specialty ot catpet-sowlng and laying; carpets taken nji nnd relatd wlthgrcutcare. Hlmde and curtain tiolo hanging. Leave orders with J. H. Lunn, Buren Jt Son or Whlto Coiner. J. G.LUUHMA4i. Proposals ior Stationery. OftVoof tho Heori'tary of State. 4ALKU, Oregon, fept 3, litH piDiKftttis will be received at this otllco until noon, riovemb-r 8, lt&2, to fuN nlsh the lollowlu arllclts for the Butte of Oregon. 8 Hi mams legal cap, lJltf,No.7 rullng.whlto laid, cream, charter oak, or Scotch linen. 20 reams nrst-Uoss congress note, 71b Lks , Nn. 7 liillug. white laid. U.m No. kj whlto euvo opes, COlb No. I, rag, XXX. U gioos nillroed steel pens, No. 149. 20 gross UllloU's bteel pens. No 401. 4 gross Olllott's steel pens, No.SOJ. gross KBtetbrook "J" pens lOdoz Pock,tow& Wilt-ox's Inkstands, No. 60S. 4 do. Peck, Stow A Wilcox's inkstands, No. 551. 10d.Peck,Rtow& Wilcox's inkstands, 12 doz. Ivory folders, 0 lncli standard, 4 dot. Ivory foidetx, 10 Inch congresi. 4 doz. luuclluee cups, No, H, Morgan's patent. 10 do. mucllago stands, reservoir, No. 0, Morgan's patent. . ro3ins Pi ker's treasury blotting paper, 11011)8 assorted colors. 2 gro v No. 2 Kaglo Kecorder lead pencils, styfii UW). 1 doz Kuniord's premium fluid, squirts. ' doz, f-UiUord's writing lluld quarts. in doz. gummed stub tiles, No, 21 11x18 inches, 60 pages. 13 aoz. Duplex cttpboaid letter clips. 10 doz, Kaber's rnbber rulers, 14-luch tint. 16 do, htoel erasers, Hogor's No. Id, 149, bone. 8 doz. steel erasers, Roger's No. 18, 148, obo n j . 8) boxos Fnber's No, 800 rubber bands, assorted sizes. 5 gross Caber's led pencils, No. 2, box agon gilt. 13groi3 Caber's lead pencils, No, 2, round gilt. 15 doz. Fabor'B patent ink and pencil rub. bor erusers. mammoth. 8OU0 McQ ill's patent paper fasteners, No. 2, flat hoad. 8000 McQIU's patent paper fasteners, No, 4, llat head. 16 doz. table pads to hold paper, 10x21 lnohes, strong leather tips. 12 Cuji. waste pupcr boskets, cross bar No. 4. SO pounds hemp twine, No. 12 4 doz.Sanford's mucilage quarts. At tho same time separuto bids will bo iccolved for 15 dozen line penknives to bo described by trade numbers, samples to bo exhibited. Bids should be marked "Proposals for Bntalionery." None but the best quality ol couds will bo accepted. The right to reject any or nil bids is re served, Alt the ubovo articles to be dellv. credut Salem on or beforH December 24, IWA UliO. W. McilUIDB. 0-3-2m Becrulary ofbtact MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 3J days on uood farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON. Boom 14, Bash Bank block. G BMW fJAPANTJSIS CURE Anew and Cimpleto Treatment, connliit Ingof Mi(iKnllorl, (ilntineutin capaulei, alio a box aud pill; a )ultlve euro tor ex ternal, Interim!, blind or bleeding, ItUiItig, c brim I e, lecem or hereditary Piles, and many other tllbeit and female weuk neiM; It Im always a i;reat beneilt to the general health. The Unit discovery ot a luedlotl cum rendering an operaUon wllb the knife uiuiHccwiiry hcreulter. This remedy has nuver beou known to fall, fl per box. 0 for f.'.; seritbymall. Why stiller from this ten lulu dUease when u written Kuaranlco Is etven with boxes, to refund tbe money It not cured, Bend stamp Jor free sample. Guarantee Usued by Wooiiauu, 0'i.ahkk & ao., wholesale and; retail drug, gUU, sole agents; Portland, Or, 0 -ly-dw Admiulstruto Notice. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Marlon, In the matter of tbe estate of HlUvs W, Beezley, deeuased. NOl'ICKTO CKKDITOIW, Estate of Silas W. Beezley, deceased. Noticu is hereby given by the uuderslgued udmlnlsUulor of the ustuto of Mllas W. Itwizlty, dtowtuxt, to the creditors ol, und ail pcrOL having otalma against tho said dt-MMoed, to present them with the proimr vouche, wlthlnslxuionthsftom tliedute of thU cotliw V theadmlntstrutor, at the ofllee el C. i. Yout, eity of Uin. stuu ot oreMMi, IMle4 this ayth day of Aug'Mt, 1WS. P.JUHM1111, Administrator of the Utl of I1h W, Jissalsy, atKa.d, tf-tlit-w TiR'TliUnONIiOtKlKMOa.A.O U.W I Me4ialbeif Ij4I hJi.u4eInrttiiK( H, A. MevJAtUtih, H, W. J. A. MlCfi WOOi), Ktwtfdwr. IarnuvjiD uhukk or nnu mj JCamtMUH It Hi So, , HC-W. H(f auimstl Wiry Thiirfday tvn)Rg,ot Jtas, VfTw! ta MaW mhw hail. r V. u, HaH kk. Prepbet. VKAMK 'OU CAPITAL J0I1M1L H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. PlTHlilHUKD DAILYiKXCEPTHDND W. HT THR Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offloo, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building ISntered at the postofnea at Balem, Or., a stiond-clntg matter. SUGOKSTED COJIMENT. Hops nro quoted 17 to 19 cts. at Seattle. The big Salem Scotch mills are runulug day and night. Loo Wunn, Chinese, raised 15,000 pounds hops o(T14 acres. The Josephine county hop crop reaches 60,000 pounds thlsyear. Tho Grant's Pass public schools graduate u class of nineteen this year. A test of the Dallas new water works shows them to be a grand success. The district fair to be held at In dependence this week promises to be a decided success. Miss data Condon, who was an assistant in Miss fiallou's Salem kindergarten last year, has opened a similar soUool at Eugene. Trout fishing in Rogue river Is now at its best and many large fish from six to uiuo pounds are being taken, say h an exchange. The fellow who "thought it was a deer" ought to get after tho fellow who sets the mountain fires. Ho would render society a double service The Salvation Army has "tackled" Tucoma again with a large forco. They have never been able to gain a strong foorhold in that wicked city. The relatives and friends of Rov. Ja3. Kelsay, deceased, qre raising a fund to erect him a monument. Send money to J. W. Craig or It. O. Craven, Dallas. The Eastern oyster is rapidly driv ing the small sweet blue succulent ', bivalve of the Pacific coast out of the trade ultoghcr. Shoalwater bay shellfish will soon be a dellcaoy of the past. Young man, or young woman, get an education by all means. Make almost any sacrifice to do so. You will never be the loser nor regret It and your family and society will bo tho gatuors. I .,..,5 W. T. Elkltis, a Dallas horticul turist, has issued a neat pamphlet on "How to Grow Fruit." He" has had forty years experieuco and gives 8omo good advice. Ho is connected with the Oregon Wholesale nurse ries of Wirt Bros., Salem. Insurance against loss by firo has becumo oue of the modern necessities of the present age. No person en gaged in business In any of the towns on the Puolfia coast can safely conduct business without Insurance. Oregon Observer. Now for a tight between Corbelt aud Jackson. Corbett doesn't draw tho color line, and Jackson's fight with Slavln makes him Cornell's only formidable antagonist. Taco ma News. What's the uso of any more fight ing at all? Nearly everybody has whipped or been whipped. TboBoldiers and Bailors rc-unlou at Ashland Tuesday, Sept. 13, was n great success. A large crowd of veterans, und visitors hud guthered from ull parts of tho otato. Tho W. It. C, was well represented from many parts, and the Ashland corps showed them their hearty apprecia tion of their presence, by giving u banquet, Ip which mora .than two hundred visitors participated. Mrs. Harrison, is a good woman and has mado an excellent mistress of the White house. Tho news that sho Is Improving will bo received with quite as much joy among Dem ocrats as Republicans, for party lfnes cannot wlpo out tho common feel ings of sympathy which bind all men together. The first lady of tho laud we be llovo has many happy days before her. A man by the nameofSalomonsen was brought Into Ht. Mary's hospi tal this morning from South Fork, having n serious wouud In the shoulder caused by tbe accidental firing of a gun. He and a friend had started out huutlng aud got separated. He was slttlug behind some brush watching, when bis friend, suspeotlng hint to be an elk, fired and shot htm lu the shoulder. He I in a rather orltleal oondllloa, but has felt pretty good all afternoon. AftUnrfn ltxinlner. Yamhill JLuer; There aeeme not to be much sympathy for J4ta L, tyulMvatt, B'ir should thee be, tyke ever heard of Jo4r L. Stilll yah having the least sympathy IV Highest of all m Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gnr,tEfil, w& 3&1&J&& ABSOLUTELY PURE any of his defeated and bleeding foes ? They received about as much pity from htm as they would from a stono fence or a hungry man-eating tiger. Compunction or compassion formed no part of his cruel and.rc lentlcss nature. He hated any man that had tho temerity to meet him in the ring. Ho has fallon at the bauds, it Is to be hoped of a better man, if the word is at all applicable to a prko fighter. The annual meeting of the North west Y. M. C. A., will open bcssiou at Tacoma Wednesday of this week. Tho Dally News Bays Arrangements have been nearly completed for the coventlou of tho Young Men's Christian Association of the Pacific Northwest, which will begin In this city on Wednes day next. Representatives of a few associations have already arrived hero and are taking In the city. In vitations have been extended to pas tors of churches, delegates from evangelical churches in towns whero no associations exist, and ladles re presenting Ladles' Auxiliaries: De legates will be met at the depot nnd wharf by members of a reception committee and escorted to the rooms of the association on Pacific avenue. "The coming convention of the Associations of tho Pacific North west will bring to Tacoma a com pany of earnest, conseorated young men whose presence here will bo of great benefit to this community and whose lufluenco will bo for good," says President Orchard. Wo already havo tho assuronco of the presence 6f Mr. C. L. Gates, n secretary of tho International com mittee, and of Mr. John D. Speares, general secretary of tho Sacramento, Col., Association, beside whom there Will be the secretaries of tho associations, pastors and representa tive business men fro ur all parts of the Pacific Northwest. NORTHWEST NEWS. Clippings from Some of the News papers of This Section. Bodavlllo will soon have a news puper. The water in the Wlllametto at Eugene Is at extreme low water murk. ' The mall routo from Crawfords villo to Holly has been extended on to Sweet Home. A fruit grower at Zena, Polk coun cleared seventy-four dollars this soasonon four Royal Ann cherry trees. According to tho survey of tbe 8. P. extonslon from Lebanon to Sodaylllo, which lias boon mado, the extension will miss Bodavlllo 1 miles. Hero is a good idea. Tuesday, Sept. 27tb, will bo Fruit Orowers' Day at the Central Point fair grounds, and will bo a freo day for all, no admission being oharged to any part of tho grounds, Roscburg's recently organized ladles' baud Is making lifo burden somo to tho denizens of that place whllo thoy are Industriously engag ed in learning how to oxtraot music from brass horns. Two loads of wool from Eastorn Oregon passed through Lebanon Sunday, If tho O, sP. was only completed to that part of tho coun try, how easy it would bo to ahlp tho wool by rail, Win. Klncald, of Newberg, Is putting In a hydraulic rum to raise water to his residence. This method Is cheap and in this country, so free from frost, aud a very elfeetlve means of raising water to almost any height. A number of samples of corn from ten to twclvo feet In height, have been brought to town tills week., "bit. Scott brought In somo from his place aCrties the river measuring ten feet that was raised on prairie soil. Eugcno Regestur. It Is very smoky on the upper Sluslaw. I'orest flree are raging In the Coast mouutalHS, and tho trip from Eugene to Floreuce lean Inter eutlng oue. Every few nillee you paw through a burnt dietrlet, or one which Is Just burning, Tbe Sluslaw stage mauages to get through, but Is more or lese delayed eaoh trip by fallen timber eaueed by the Are, The land department haa given notlee that It bopee1 to be able t al low Oregon 9M,0&9 foe Mtrveya of publlo lauiM, and that ctyvUoiM have been sent to the tHtrvyor-f- erul of Orege! to complete the lu specjlou of all surveys net yet In u4el, The Coadoti Globe says tlwi sur vey of the Oroa Faet Ha mUmnmI roeeeit Matte week a few mlba east of Fe41, ruae tlMotigk Omtm aaWl MMMSMMMHSJHI. J J "' Ill fff Powde will Intersect with the Union As citic at Pendleton. Tho directors of the Harriebnrg Dltoh Co., met at Harriebnrg on tb 15lh and let the contract for' build ing the ditch there for 8,500. Tber ditch will bo two miles and 100 feet long, and will be completed In two months. Work will be begun In a few days. Baking A hen pecked husband says: Ott ?M wifo is falling Into the fashion 'of A5 wearing suspenders. .That is right. She has worn the other things so long that we have often Wondered why she had not thought of the J suspenders before. The S. P. Co. has a full yew on making a survey of an extension of their branch from Lebanon to BweeV' 1 Home. The Exprees" says;, "VsHBVi new line will give us cheaper lorn bcr, develop the eartern part of the country, where lies immense (min eral wealth, and bring Lebanon in cloeci,touoh and Btronger mutual ties with alt parts of the country." -This week, Messrs. Sheldon and lirurlHV. civil nirlnirH. nf Fntrtlaiul. 'W wore in Prlneville In the Interest of tho Sluslaw, 'Eugene & Eastern Railroad company. Tbey weru looking over tho country; to gather statistics and ascertain the amount of probable traffic the country would afford a railroad, and also to study tho feasibility of a route acroesthe Caseades.luto Eastern Oregon. Re view. r l o Mr. John Sloan, of Canyon Creek, sent Jo' Mr. Muldrlck, last week curiosity in the fruit line, which tbo Nowb secured and has on exhibition Ho grafted a wild gooseberry into a sarvlce berry bush, andtberries, some of thorn are half 'sarvlce berry ; arid half chestnut; burr, u some of- them pure berries and some of tbem , pure burrs, is the fruit of tbeir'1un lon. That's what Grant county' native' fruits can do towards furaisb v ing exhibits worthy of a place Ut " any world's fair. Grant County News. j'r. fr The Albany Democrat .says': -, Six or, seven old pioneers of. Benton county will go to the world's fair la , the style in which they came to ' Oregon years ago, without the In dlattkto molest them. :f Prior Scott will bo commander of, the squad. An exchauge says: "They f have already raised the funds, necessary for tho trip,'' Instead of the tra dltlonal sign, "To Oregon or bust;" which decorated the wagons of tho pioucer, thoy will replace it ,witb, "From Oregon to tlie world's .fair or bust," It has been suggested that tho latter part of the inscription' be changed to read, "To the world's fate on a bust,"whlch would no doubt b more appropriate to the oooawon. Not a Miracle, Now. '' ' Until recently Consumption was considered incurable, ' but 'now peoplo are beginning to realise' that tho disease is not Incurable., Too euro of Consumption is not. 'a mira cle, now. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure; it, if taken iu time and given a fair trial. This world-reuowned remedy -will not make new lungs, but it will re store diseased ones to a healthy state wheu other means have falhtd, Thousauds gratefully testify to tills. It is the most potent ; tottle, or strength-restorer alterative,' or blood-cleanser, and nutritive, or fleeh-bullder, known to medloal , science For Weak Lunge, SpUting of Wood, "Liver Complaint,", ami Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, It is' an . unequaled remedy. Guard; Mrs Jeanle Higgins, of Eugepe, has been appointed a mem ber of the Advisory Council,- of tb woman's branch of ,tle World's Coiigrees Auxiliary, on behalf of tbo universalis denomlnatioB. , The Northern Paloflo company will extend their from Gu ula to Astoria, a d fifty-seven miles. ' 0 r IYdlUMObiM'sUf. A.N. DilfVtriraugh, York,' uavd! '"Mia Wlua- day I " and found my little boy down cholera morbus, my wife saaMN knowluc what to do. I straightway and got a If osnt of Cbaiuiiarlaiu's eolic aholnsj diarrhoea remedy, aud gnwtll oordlBs; to direatlona. Yoa saw swolth pliansn in a uhllifj Hmbsand Iwdy onM. Il g 4r4aaj 4nnnaw qsmb) tup toMWPi huam. ana aner i ma m Utueoouddoehwwtoi say wis says, "from a danfl was np nbtyln In tbreo swnnj.9 saved mo a doowr UU of i dotiaM, and what la better, my tthiM. I oan with acinar eooseteooa." 9sf k in HMMUU vaneiyp. "8 "vfi . M